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4/16/2013 5:48:04 PM

Common Questions on These Times

Seraphim 2I wanted to look at a few matters that I’m commonly being asked about that Archangel Michael has answered recently. The first is that we’ve been saying that masters are here and they are us. People are asking for more details. Archangel Michael did address the subject on the last Hour with an Angel. For those who may have missed the program, here is what he said about … well, us. And what he said about why he’s only mentioning it now.

“Whether you consciously are realizing it or not, unconsciously, sub-consciously, soul-level, you are realizing, this … is the circle of 6 billion-plus that I chose to do [Ascension] with.

“So, yes. You have gathered from far and wide, seraphs, archangels, those from the Outer Forces, the Inner Forces. It is a gathering the magnitude of which you [Steve] are just glimpsing.

“And what does this mean in practical terms to you and to us? Often we have said to you, in this life, and this incarnation, you have brought with you all talents, all abilities. Your complete soul design is anchored and you are ready to go forward.

“If that does not imply and directly speak to mastery, then I do not know what does.

“So then you say to me, ‘Well, Lord, why have you not spoken of this before?’ Because you weren’t ready. Period. Within that sense of lack of self-worth and the ego out of control, you weren’t ready to have this conversation. You weren’t ready to be in that place of the balance, which is the place that you create from.” (1)

A second question that recurs quite frequently is why do many predictions not materialize? Archangel Michael answered that for us also in the last Hour with an Angel:

He explained that the celestials can give probabilities but we have to realize that the operation is huge, there are many variables and the situation today is not the same as, say, in Biblical times. As humankind progresses, and here we’re speaking of the progress of ascending from the Third to the Fifth Dimension of reality, the celestials can interfere less and less in human affairs.

Our knowledge of the celestials is based on scripture where they performed many miracles. But as humanity comes of age, so to speak, they must stand back more and interfere less. Matters become more and more a co-creation. He says:

“You say to us, and particularly to me, ‘Michael, my dearest brother, why is it that you cannot tell us with pinpoint accuracy the when and where and how of these events that the humans are interested in? Why can you not be clear with us?’

“And there are some of you who are disappointed with all of us, with the Company of Heaven. And some of you turn away. And some of you are persistent. And some of you listen with your hearts and receive the true import of what we say.

“But when we speak of events, seldom do we speak of an event that has not already begun in its unfoldment. And whether that unfoldment is a million years or 10 minutes in your time, it is still an unfoldment. So, first, we say that. …

“We deal in the millions, millions and millions, of scenarios of unfoldment, and what we speak to thee about is the most likely. …

“So we give you a little hint. We give you a little nudge. Sometimes we give you a very big nudge. But when it comes down to your decisions, the collective and the individual, we do not interfere.

“There were times, particularly in the density of the very dark times, when the illusions of humanity were so dark and so enmeshed that we were permitted more what you would think of as interference and what we would think of as protection and intervention.

“But those paradigms, those false grids, those false belief systems are disintegrating even as we speak, as you begin — and you are already underway in your Ascension process.

“So are we in greater partnership? Yes. Are we in less what you would think of as interference or intervention? Yes.

“[Ours is a] co-creation, not only of Ascension — that is well underway — but the co-creation of Nova Earth, Nova Gaia, Nova Being.” (2)

And I’m frequently asked if lightworkers have left out of disappointment after 21/12/12. He answered that for me in a personal reading on March 29, 2013:

“There are many that have turned their back or believe that they have turned their back on the spiritual path. And this is not simply unique to our platform [the blog].

“It is the feeling by many that their spiritual life or their commitment has not paid off, has not given them the immediate fulfilment that they have been seeking.

“Now as you well know, the journey of spirit and the unfoldment of the journey is long and sometimes [involves] taking detours and a detour is simply that. It is to move to a place of denial or setting aside.

“Particularly during this time of transition, it is not a permanent detour. It is not a permanent setting aside. They have come too far, worked too hard, embraced too deeply, for them to simply stay permanently at bay.

“So they are taking a break, they are embracing the remainder of what is left of the old third Dimension. They think they are paying attention to their real lives. And what is happening is that it is gently, like the waves on a small lake, simply bringing them back to shore. So it is not like it is an ocean or a tidal wave or even a strong tide. It is just very gently bringing them back.” (1)

It’s difficult to understand so many things that are happening in this time of transition from duality to unity, from the Third to the Fifth Dimension. And many of the explanations would probably never be accepted by the general population – not yet. But at least we can know them and understand the dynamics of the effort that’s underway to bring us gradually up the ladder of consciousness.


(1) “Archangel Michael: You’re Now Ready to Know Who is Here,” April 10, 2013, at

(2) Archangel Michael in a person reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, March 29, 2013.

(2) “Archangel Michael: You’re Now Ready to Know Who is Here,” April 10, 2013, at

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4/17/2013 12:23:38 AM
From Wes Annac's personal blog:

Giving Ourselves to the Restoration of the Earth


I’m posting this today despite the tragic Boston attack, as it increasingly seems to be cabal-caused and when things like this happen, the work being done to rebuild our Earth tends to fall by the wayside in favor of continual coverage of the event. The attack is discussed more toward the end of this writing and there are as well, fruitful places you can now go to understand the truth of what has happened.

Despite what has happened, we have a movement to strengthen and along with continuing in our goals as valiantly as ever, I would recommend sending those affected by this bombing the purest Love and compassion we can muster up.

A balance of understanding the higher realms and understanding the injustice that has been wrought upon our world will aid us tremendously as we greet the future we have been Creating. We will all be playing specific roles that will likely require specific understandings in this future but at this very moment, it is important for us to have the understanding of realms beyond our conscious perception, as well as the injustice that continues to take place in every moment.

We can spread knowledge and Light in this time, and we can help to bring about justice as we restore this planet to the sovereign one it once was. We are going to be rebuilding every aspect of our current societies that have been based in injustice and corruption and at the same time, we will be responsible for understanding the evolutionary event taking place on our world at present.

Our collective and individual plates are going to be awfully full in the time ahead and already, plenty of people are doing everything they can to restore this planet and help our entire collective to find peace and prosperity. The various facets of the missions of each of us are going to require our full ability and attention, which is why the “emergence” that has been spoken of lately is actually incredibly important for each one of us.

What I’m about to say has been said plenty of times, and I almost don’t feel the need to say it: no matter how insignificant we feel we will be in the restoration of the Earth, the pieces of the puzzle we will fill will be large indeed and will require every bit of ourselves.

It’s easy to say this and even to agree with it, but consider the implications of fully and truly devoting every last bit of yourself to the establishment of Nova Earth. Beyond pondering it or thinking about it, feel what it is going to be like to be a part of the single largest movement that has taken place on this planet in a long time.

Consider the possibility and likelihood of meeting people you had not perhaps expected yourself to meet in this Lifetime. You say you like a certain musical artist because of the truth and Light they are spreading? Ponder meeting that soul, thanking them for what they have done up to this point, and working with them and every other soul to bring forth the grandest of change on this Earth.

When seeing how active we are going to be and how much work we are going to do amongst ourselves and with the rest of humanity, does the actual need for emergence become clear? Of course, I’m not suggesting anybody force themselves out of their shells; it is a process that takes time and effort but I would absolutely recommend continuing along that process rather than hiding away from it, despite it’s perceived pace.

We have a world to rebuild, and it is we who will play the fundamental roles required for such a massive undertaking. The implications of this continue to reach me in every moment, and I look upon the Masters and the awakened souls of the past who generated large, Lighted movements that seemed to accelerate the collective evolution, even if only a little, and I see that every one of them faced some of the most incredible challenges.

The challenges these souls experienced seemed at times to be unrelenting and yet, they pushed on with the agenda our Heavenly Father had set out for them to fulfill. The odds seemed stacked against these souls in so many cases but nevertheless, they emerged gloriously and helped to liberate the minds and hearts of so many Earthly souls who were previously stuck in the mucky waters of unawareness.

These souls faced great and numerous challenges to overcome, all in the name of anchoring and spreading truth and Light.

I’d like to offer an example if I could. Bob Marley, who arose from within a poverty-stricken situation and actually put a third world country on the map while attempting to change the world and bring forth awareness of the plight of his people through his music, was shot in 1976 because he was to play a concert in Jamaica intended to unite the bitterly-rivaling political parties of the island (1).

Likely cabal-instated political violence seemed to rule the island in the late 70s, and Bob was there to act as a force of peace and truth for the citizens of his country and the world to unite because of.

It’s reported that Marley had no political agenda himself in doing the concert; it seems that he supported Michael Manley’s democratic People’s National Party to an extent at the time (if I’m wrong about that please correct me) but the only purpose of the “Smile Jamaica” concert was to unite the two parties and bring about peace in an area plagued with violence, conflict and political turmoil.

Just as plenty of people have said, somebody seemed not to want the concert to go on as just days before it was set to happen, the shooting of Marley, his wife and his manager took place at his home in Jamaica. Marley was injured but was ultimately alright, and still went on to play the show and in a snap decision, even brought the two leaders of the respective political parties on stage during a song to unite them. That is pure courage, plain and simple.

Marley would later go on to put the lyric “no bullet can stop us now” in his song “Jamming”.

I think it’s safe to say that most of us have never met such a great challenge and arisen so wonderfully, and it’s safe to say as well that that would be one of the hardest things to undergo in the name of stabilizing violence and spreading truth and Light in one’s homeland.

What a lot of people tend not to realize or ponder is that we are building upon what has been started by others such as Marley, Lennon, Hendrix, MLK, Jesus, Gandhi, Buddha and so many others. They have started the spreading of peace, truth and Light and we are tasked not with letting their sacred work fall by the wayside or be in vein, but to show the same vigor and readiness to throw all of ourselves in the restoration of this world that they have.

We are ready, and there is no doubt about it. We may have thought we’d reach higher states of consciousness by this point but instead, we’re allowing ourselves to stall the collective evolution a bit in the name of spreading and realizing real truth and change on this world.

Those before us have sacrificed greatly in the name of doing just that, and it’s time for us to put our share of the work in while at the same time, knowing and understanding that we are constantly backed and guided by the higher realms we have come to this world to do this work from.

The proof of our actions has already been made known in so many ways. The sheer awakening that has and continues to take place on this world is motivating more and more people to stand up for their rights, and to understand the truth of their existence as sentient spiritual beings leading a temporary human existence.

The entire framework of our societies as it stands today will likely crumble when we understand the reality of our existence, as this framework has been driven by and established around illusory, money-based and often materialistic things that have kept us in states of distraction and resulting subservience.

This is another reason our future seems to be taking so long to come about; the souls who have established this grand illusion as it is today have rebelled as hard against the establishment of our future as we have rebelled against their false and hollow societies. Don’t think the cabals wont’ and haven’t already been flaunting their actions now that they see that people are awakening to them, as they are on their last legs and seem now to see it proper to begin bragging about what they have done and hidden right out in the open.

They also seem to be taking bold yet considerably-smaller measures (compared to what has been done before) to distract and pacify the public with heart-wrenching tragedies. The recent attack in the city of Boston could likely be offered up as evidence (2), (3) as we are being told it was a “terrorist attack” and it just so happens that drills were being run in Boston the day it happened, for that very same type of attack.

It is the same thing that happened with the London Bombings and with the September 11 attacks and just as Occupy Wall Street put up on their Facebook page yesterday, it is the CIA’s cover story for an attack that could very well have been planned by the cabals (let’s keep in mind as well that a Facebook memorial page for the attack was created, hours before it happened. See link below).

Part of the reason they would do this is again, to distract and pacify humanity and keep us only worried about the latest tragedy that has happened rather than continuing to work to spread awareness of what has been going on right under our noses for decades.

It is tragic indeed, and we should of course send our Light to the souls who have been affected by the latest cabal attempt at instilling fear into the populace. However, we cannot let them be successful in their aims to stop what is currently happening and in fact, with each cabal-instated attack that comes about we must be ever-more vigilant and devoted to our cause of exposing them and what they have done.

If we let our perspectives dampen because of this latest attack and because of all of the bad that continues to be manifested on this Earth, than we are allowing the cabals to succeed in their agenda whereas a continual devotion to spreading truth and Light and exposing their twisted actions will accelerate our evolution and help the rest of the public to wake up.

The next time you see a soul with a clearly-negative perspective on the internet ranting about everything awful in this world in the context of happiness and Love being impossible to establish in a widespread manner, remind them that what we feed with our thoughts and energy grows in influence and while it is not proper to hide ourselves away from all the bad that has been done, the bad does not need to change our perspective or make us think as if the concepts driving the higher realms are somehow impossible to establish because of the always-temporary rein of the cabals on this world.

Developing a higher dimensional perspective and understanding while becoming aware of what has been done to our dear collective won’t see us tipping out of balance and at the same time, a powerful embrace of the roles we are about to be playing is essential. It is quite a balance indeed, but we have always proven up to the task and will only continue to do what we do best; Create movements, inform the public and bring the Light back to the surface of a lost planet.

Bob Marley unite two warring factions JLP and PNP at his 1978 One Love Peace Concert. This is after they tried to kill him. Symbolic of uniting communism and capitalism.

Bob Marley unites two warring factions, JLP and PNP (…) This is after they tried to kill him. Symbolic of uniting communism and capitalism.

Wes Annac – Feeling just as energized as you and ready to build our New Earth

(1)-Some of the specifics of this article about the shooting may not be entirely correct but overall, it gives a decent view of what happened. It is also written under the assumption that the CIA was behind the shooting (I couldn’t tell you if it’s true but it seems likely).

The image above was taken from this link as well:

(2)-See “Geoffrey West: Boston, A Potential False Flag?” at:

(3) See also “Steve Beckow: Two Dead in Questionable Bombings in Boston” at:

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/17/2013 6:07:02 PM

Suzanne Lie: Message from Suzanne & Pleiadian/Arcturian Alliance – The Landing Party, Part 7

Sue-Face-PicBy Suzanne Lie – April 16, 2013

Dear wonderful readers,

I have not written anything in my blog for a while, as I had to take some time out to just BE. I love that saying, “take some time out.” Can we actually “take out time?” Perhaps, we can, for when we live in the fifth dimension and beyond, we are “out of time.” In fact, I have been feeling very “out of time.” I have been extremely fatigued while being active in 3D time. Then when I close my eyes, just for a moment, I leave time and step into a NOW in which there is NO fatigue.

In fact, the feeling of fatigue that I experience while in “time” becomes a NOW of bliss when I close my eyes, take a few deep breaths and allow my consciousness to return to its true resonance of the fifth dimension and beyond. Within the ONE moment, all my cares and stressors are GONE. They are gone from my mind, gone from my heart and gone from my life. Then when I open my eyes to perceive my 3D life, the fatigue returns like a huge wave.

The interesting part of this experience is that my 3D life is actually very happy. In fact, I love my 3D life. I love my home, I love my family and my friends, I love my job, I love my new office, I love every part of my life. In fact, right now I am on vacation sitting comfortably in a cozy chair. Looking out the sliding doors I can see the ocean breaking on the shore, while is also expanding out into the horizon of the unknown.

Of course, I don’t love every part of my life. In fact, I do not love the mundanities of paying bills, keeping track of money and driving in traffic. However, those things only take up a small part of my life now. But there were many years when they dominated my thinking. Therefore, I have great empathy for those of you who are still in that situation.

In fact, that situation of trying to make it on not enough resources is the greatest illusion of the third dimension and the trap that locks us in fear and want. The Kali Yuga, which we have just finished surviving was based on fear and want. It was the final trap of the third dimensional reality that is now becoming extinct.

Yes, I hear you all crying, “When, when, are these 3D illusions ending?” I know you will be upset when I answer, “NOW!” But, please remember that NOW is not a statement of time. In fact, NOW is the leaving of time. “Where do I leave this time?” I hear you asking. Again, you will not like my answer when I say, “Inside.”

“But I want to leave now.” I hear the collective call.

You will not like my next response either. But YOU are the Angel, YOU are the Galactic, YOU are the Ascended Master, EVERY one of you is wearing an Earth costume, which surrounds your multidimensional form. The ONE who will take you up is YOU. As long as you place your Ascension in the power of some “other” Higher Being, you have closed the door to your own, personal stairway of Ascension. You stairway to Ascension is your own Multidimensional nature.

Many people became very hurt and angry because they felt they were lied to when they were NOT lifted up and taken Home. However, how can we abandon our planet? Those of us who would be “taken Home” are the very ones who would love Gaia enough to assist Her to come Home with us.

Remember our true Home is not a place. New Earth, New Home, is a frequency. We are living in the dark while the Light switch is inside of our heart. Oh, but we are so very fatigued. Yes, me too. The higher Light has come into our world, just as was promised. However, it did not provide a free ride to a better world. Look around at the world we have created.

Yes, we created this world by believing the lies that were fed to us and by becoming so involved in our personal struggles that we forgot that WE were not the Earthen bodies that we are wearing. WE forgot that we are Multidimensional Beings who are temporarily wearing our form of density because we volunteered, yes volunteered, to take a body made of Gaia’s form, so that She too could return Home to Her higher expression of SELF.

I say “we” as I also spent many years of struggle, sorrow, anger and desperation. I too became addicted to the third dimension and believed that it was the only life I could live. I spent many years living the darkest of the dark of the End Times of Gaia. In fact, Gaia nearly ended several times since the beginnings of the nuclear testing and the myriad wars that resulted.

However, Gaia did not die and neither did we. We are strong survivors. In fact, we are strong Ascenders. However, Ascension was not the free ride we had hoped for. We have left a very big mess on our beloved planet. I remember three times (oh, make that four times) when I moved from one house to another and left the old house a mess. I did so because I was angry with my landlord.

However, when I moved from the house that I owned I had to clean it immaculately and clear everything out of the house. This metaphor is a truth in that when we fully own our life, we are responsible for everything in it. Therefore, we must clean everything up before we can move to our new Home.

No wonder we are so tired. We have to clean up everything. We have to release everything that we cannot, or choose not, to take with us. How can we possibly clear every life (which is every home for our Soul) we have ever taken on Gaia? No wonder we are tired, and frightened and angry. Fortunately, “we” are not confined to the 3D body that created this mess. WE have many frequencies of our SELF.

Fortunately, once we remember and become the Higher Expressions of our SELF who resonate within our form, we can choose to perceive their higher frequencies of reality. And since the reality we perceive is the reality we live, we gradually, return Home.

Meanwhile, we will, also, maintain our physical presence on the physical body of Gaia for as long as She needs us. I have chosen this task. If you are reading this, likely you have chosen this task as well. If we can band together into the ONE of the Ascending Ones, we can better assist each other, as well as our beloved planet.

I return now to Mytria, who is just beginning to remember her SELF. I am leaving the date that I wrote it, as the time in-between then and now has vanished.

MytriaOnEarthPleiadian/Arcturian Alliance: The Landing Party, Part 7 – April 11, 2013

Mytria Continues:

Last night I dreamt that I was inducted into the military. I even woke up and fell back asleep to the same dream. Are these really dreams, or are they messages from a higher part of myself that I cannot remember?

I have started to meditate regularly and I have been keeping a journal. In fact, I am thinking about starting a Blog. It makes me nervous to “come out” in this fashion, but I find that when I am honest about what is happening inside of me I feel much better.

Before these dream experiences began I was quite depressed. I was getting up in the morning, going to a job that robed my limited energy, and coming home to watch the TV made me feel dead inside. Of course, I still have the same job because I need money. However, now when I come home the TV stays off because I have been searching the Internet to try to understand what is happening with me.

In fact, I have found that many people are having similar experiences as me. They are not sure about who they really are. However, they are sure that the person they are acting like is not the truest expression of his or her self. It appears that many people are having dreams similar to mine. They may not be going to a Starship, but they are doing something that is far more important than their daily lives.

Therefore, I have decided to start my Blog. I am just a regular person with a non-significant job. I am not married. I am not in a relationship, and I do not have children. In fact, I do not have much that brings me happiness in this world, and I was very depressed before my dreams began. Maybe I have advanced from depression to psychosis, but at least I am happy. Well, at least, I am happier.

I wonder if I should talk about my dreams in my Blog. I imagine that will be proof of my craziness. However, right now I would rather find purpose than be who I was before the dreams. The tall blond man with the blue eyes, who I now know as Mytre, still follows me around – in my imagination that is. What I mean is that Mytre seems to be with me at random points of my day.

No actually, these are not random points. Mytre seems to come into my awareness when I am feeling sad or lonely. Maybe I am crazy and just have created an imaginary lover, but it is better than living in constant sorrow and loneliness. In fact, Mytre tells me about another reality that he says I also live in. I don’t think I should talk about that in my Blog or everyone will know for sure that I am psycho.

I wonder if my military dream has anything to do with Mytre. I remember that he was wearing what looked like a military uniform in my dream. I also remember the tall blue person and the person with the third eye. In fact, whenever I think about that dream I remember more and more of it. I wish that I could have another one of those dreams. Maybe last night was a failed attempt to create another dream like before.

Do we create our dreams, or are they just something that comes up from our unconscious while our conscious mind is sleeping? Can it be possible that our unconscious life can be real? I think I should leave that kind of stuff out of my Blog – at least at first. OK, rather than just talking to myself, I am going write a little bit of my Blog right now – before I lose my nerve…


Dear Readers,

I thought about whether or not I should have a special name for my Blog, but I realized that I am not a special person. I am just a regular person who has a regular job and a regular life. If that sounds boring to you, you are right. That life was very boring. However, some pretty weird things have been happening to me, which has, at the very least, diminished my boredom and the resulting depression.

I do not know how much nerve I have to talk about the details of my dreams yet, but I do have enough courage to promise you that I will be totally honest in everything that I say to you. “You,” being those who read this Blog, if anyone does read it? I know that I am only one of the thousands of people who have Blogs on the Internet. Therefore, my Blog is not a special thing. But, as I have said, I am not a special person. I am just a regular person who is living a regular, usually boring life.

Now that is all the complaining I will do – I promise. I am sure you have heard plenty of complaining; I know I have. Therefore, I will cease and desist all complaints and move on to why I have started this Blog. When I searched the Internet to find more about my experiences, I found that many others were having experiences similar to mine.

In fact, I have seen many other people that look just like me, a regular person, when I have entered my dream world. Therefore, I was thinking that it would be wonderful if any of you would like to connect with me via my Blog. But I guess it is too soon for that. First I must tell you what has been happening to me. Then if you are having similar experiences, and I assume that others are, maybe we can help each other by sharing our stories.

Therefore, I am writing this Blog to offer a free, anonymous place where you can share any unusual dreams or weird experiences. As I said, I am just a regular person. In fact, I don’t remember being weird when I was young. In fact, now I that I say that, I can’t really remember too much about being young or a child. I have images in my brain, almost like they were put there, but I have little attachment to them.

It appears that recently something happened in my life, my dreams or just my imagination that has created a whole new manner of my self-image. I mean, I think I finally have a self-image. Before, I was a member of a very large crowd, like one of the many birds in a large flock. However, I was not flying in the sky and I was not a member of a flock. In fact, I had few friends. I was alone.

I was alone in at work, alone at home and alone in a crowd. I might have been having a conversation with someone right next to me or on the phone, but still, I always felt alone. This feeling of being alone felt unnatural, but that made no sense. I could not remember not being alone, but I could not remember very much at all. It was like my life was so insignificant that it was not worth remembering.

However, I started having dreams in which I was a member of a group of very different Beings. I say “Beings” because some did not appear to be human. OOPS, I told myself that I would not divulge too much about what is happening. Oh well, now that the “cat is out of the bag” I actually feel better. These nightly meetings have been going on for several months now, and they have completely changed my life.

Well, actually, my life is the same, but these meetings/experiences/fantasies have brought me a sense of belonging. Even if these occurrences are not real, they feel as real as my waking life. In fact, I feel more awake in these dreams than I do when I am walking through my boring physical reality like some kind of zombie.

Actually, I have complained too much about my life. It is a good life in that I have a job, I have friends and I have things that I do with my friends. However, I can’t date too much because it feels like I am cheating on some one that I do not even know. I wonder is that person is Mytre? That is, I wish it was Mytre.

Well, I have rambled on enough for now. What I really want to say is that if any of you are also having any “weird” experiences, this is a safe place where you can talk about them. In fact, if you want me to anonymously post your experience, I will happily do so. I know how wonderful it is to have another life that is fulfilling and fun, even though it is just our imagination.

So, maybe together we can all create an imaginary world in which we can freely talk about all the experiences we are having but can’t share with the other people we know. We are all anonymous here, except for me. I have been anonymous my entire life and it is far too lonely. I am thinking that being judged as being crazy may be better than never being noticed.

Now, I am going to meditate on my dream of being inducted in the military. Oh, by the way, I do not think it was this military, at least I hope not. If I am to be inducted in the military, I want it to be one that explores the Universe and spreads peace, not one that searches the Earth to start a war.

Note: See part 6 in page 490 of this thread.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/17/2013 6:08:09 PM

Blossom Goodchild: April 17, 2013

Blossom Goodchild new

The Galactc Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild – April 17, 2013

Blossom: Good morning! Well I have certainly found my mind to be in some miserable places lately … yet today FEELS so much better , so I thought it best to pop in for a chat whilst the going’s good.

Someone asked if we would have integration with you within our life time … (don’t know if they were 75 or 15 … guess that could make a difference) yet you surely get the gist ?

Galactic Federation: Welcome to you and your more chirpy persona. We would answer your question with a definite ‘yes’. Over these next few years the changes that you are all to encounter will be widespread and phenomenal. The more the soul merges with the Higher vibrations the more quickly ‘plans’ can come about.

Yet … do we not have to wait for a certain percentage of ‘man’ to wake up? So many feel that they are being held back because of this.Yet as the energies rise and remain … so many more WILL wake up. There are many more now that have chosen to. Especially since the month of Dec last year. They FEEL an urge to express themselves differently and matters that were once ‘off the radar’ are beginning to interest them and each in their own time shall ‘come around’.

What one must accept is the duality pull. It is in its heightened position at this stage and hence many are feeling so ‘pulled apart’ … so out of sorts. We would suggest ‘going with the flow’.

Neither fight it or deny it … just accept it. Keep within your soulself the Knowledge that this is part of the plan. We would also suggest that there are matters that concern all regarding the cementing of certain ways into their BEING.

What ways do you speak of?

Ways of mastery. Ways of diligence. Ways of taking back control. The more you assist yourselves in harbouring within your Being the ways that are of LIGHT … the ways of TRUTH … the ways that MAKE YOU FEEL GOOD … the ways THAT MAKE YOU KNOW YOU ARE ON TRACK … then the stronger your SELF becomes and in these NEW TIMES … these NEW ENERGIES … you will find by doing so … that you are reaching stars that felt so out of reach.

As you learn and accept the integration of the Higher energies of yourself ‘moving in’ … you will certainly be astounded at ‘WHO YOU HAVE BECOME’.

I understand what you are saying. At the moment I am very aware that what I am ‘putting myself through’ is all for a reason and that when I come out the other side … I will have become the soul that I am creating through these experiences. There is such a KNOWING that we are moving up … yet the signs seem to be pointing in the other direction … on the surface.

And that is exactly right Blossom. All that you are experiencing … all that many of you are experiencing … is TRULY only surface stuff.

Really? … Try telling my face that! For that which I have been experiencing of late seems really deep … some ‘dark night of the soul’ stuff going on … it doesn’t FEEL at all like it is surface.

We would suggest that it has ‘come’ from deep within and is having its final display of ‘holding on’.

Yet it has a pretty deep grasp!

Not at all. Because of where it comes from … your mindset FEELS as if it is of the deepest networking.

Networking? Not sure I get the use of that word.

Because dearest soul …

THIS IS A TIME WHEN YOU ARE RELEASING ALL THAT NO LONGER SERVES. Is it not so that much has accumulated over time regarding issues and feelings and put downs that have deeply scarred?

I guess so. Yet I feel, as do many … that we have dealt with much of these ‘traumas’…for want of a better word.

And you have! Let us put it this way. You may have dealt with them on a deep level and they removed themselves from the deepest place within … to the outer rim if you like . They ‘play around’ now and then … and it can take you by surprise … for you thought you had let them go.

This is what we mean by networking. For it is as if each of ones ‘misdemeanours’ … each ‘trait’ or experience that left a scar to be dealt with … is now on the surface and hanging on for dear life. It is as if they are ‘networking’ amongst themselves in order to ‘gather strength’ for they know they are on their way out … for good.

This is why so many of you are FEELING as you do. The Higher energies that are entering your atmosphere and indeed your BEINGS is STRICTLY making it quite clear they have ‘served their purpose’ and that it is now time to leave. It is up to the individual as to how long they desire the ‘splitting of ways’ to prolong.

What suggestions do you have to speed the process up?

As we stated earlier.


You not only came to this planet to be of service to the planet … but to be of service to yourselves


You can FEEL inside of you THE CHANGE … and as with ALL CHANGE … there is an interim period. It is full of swirling whirlwinds and one knows not … once caught up in it … where one is going to be put down.

All we ask is that you hang on to the KNOWING that lies within you. That KNOWING … that although can sometimes confuse ‘the surface stuff’ … on the other hand … fits like a glove!

As time passes … you will ‘see for yourselves’ the changes. They will become apparent/transparent. It will not be as it is now.


Understand what?

Where you are. Where you are going. Where you have come from.

Dearest souls you have come so very far already. If you could only have the means as humans to ‘look back’ and see how far you have come.

Yet I wonder if we could … would we … as a consciousness … not be totally ashamed

No. For you would UNDERSTAND the why’s.

The whys of war and famine and hatred? Only today a bomb exploded in America … one could think ‘Ascension … yeah right!’

Yes … you would understand the ‘why’s’ of these things. You would see the journey you have travelled (and you shall ) … as the bigger picture. There is nothing that takes place that does not have a purpose.

That’s a bit hard to comprehend.

And yet it is so … one season following another. Each action has consequence which leads onto another action. Where that takes you … as each action adds on to each consequence … is how you learn to BECOME WHO YOU ARE.

We speak again … that ‘ALL IS AS SHOULD BE ‘ … and ‘ALL IS NOT AS IT SEEMS.’

I accept this … yet could you … in order to assist … give us a prime example?

We are showing you a spinning top. When it is motionless … it ‘appears’ to you to be ‘one thing’. Yet set that same top into motion and it ‘appears to be’ another. It’s the same thing , yet appearing as two totally different things depending on its action .

How would one KNOW which is the TRUTH of it . Which ‘appearance’ is the one it is not ?

Neither .

Here we go! Where’s the valium??

You see … it is appearing to be both … for it is both … the issue is … which ‘action’ is the one that takes precedence. A spinning top is KNOWN to spin … that is its function … yet when motionless it is still KNOWN as a spinning top.

Sorry … but I have no idea what you are talking about . It doesn’t really make a ‘good example’ of the question I asked.

Oh yes it does.

Then please can you explain to me … for I can’t see it.

Precisely. You can’t see it … all is not as it ‘see- ms’.

To be honest … I might have to leave that there … maybe other people reading may get your analogy … but the more I pursue it the more I am losing the link … as my confusion is blurring the lines. I have learned to do this over the years … otherwise nothing comes through and then I get frustrated.

We shall leave that ‘article’ there then as you suggest … yet we KNOW it makes sense.

Jolly good . May be the penny will drop for me later.

Dearest souls … do not lose sight of your goals. There is despondency in the air … yet it is you that can dissipate it . You that can release yourselves from it.





For when you do … as you do … your strength, knowledge and understanding returns.


We offer you encouragement …

Speak to us in your hours of all moods. Connect with us. In years gone by on your planet … one could not have conceived of communication by a telephone … look how far that has advanced for you can now speak face to face via a screen.

So … KNOW that it is not long now before we can connect in whichever way is most suitable to start with … and we would say this is by telepathy … for now .

Many are so keen to speak with us and receive information … do not get despondent … Again we say ALL IS AS SHOULD BE … and ALL IS NOT AS IT SEEMS.

Best not pick that little puppy up again today!



End of session I feel. Thanks guys. It’s good to keep in touch through these times … however bumpy


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4/17/2013 6:09:22 PM

Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 300

Aisha North Manuscript of SurvivalAs channeled by Aisha North – April 16, 2013

As you see the light approaching on the horizon, you will hear the clarion call from all of those souls starting to wake up to this new dawn. For now, it is not only you who will be singing the praise of this dawn.

As we have said earlier, this heavenly choir you have been putting together on this little blue planet will start to amass so many new voices. And so day by day, the volume and the complexity of your song will increase in so many ways. For you were the first ones, and in the beginning, your voices where few and far between, and they were easily lost in the ongoing drone of noise being emitted from all sorts of sources around you.

For if you were not listening intently, this heavenly song was easy to overlook amongst all of the clamoring of fear, voices of discontent and the hubbub of downright deafening proportions. For you were not easy to spot in this veritable mass of wall to wall noise, and as such, you yourselves felt how your sound was drowning in a sea of emotional turmoil.

But now, it is like your choir is parting the waves of this at times overwhelming background noise, and as it does, more and more will find themselves humming along to the tune that you are calling out.

And at first, they might not even be aware of it, just like many go around their daily lives humming inaudibly even to themselves, without being conscious of doing so. But bit by bit, this low humming that emanates from their heart will start to gather momentum and indeed strength, and soon they too will start to hear this song originating from their own soul.

And when they start to pick up these sounds, their whole being will be alerted to it, and they will find themselves walking away from what held their interest up until a very short time ago. For they will become as if transformed by this simple, but oh so beautiful tune that is talking not only to their ears, but also to their hearts. And just like you, they will understand that the time has come to leave the old behind, and start to open up the door behind which they just know that this heartening tune is coming from.

We know this will not be news to any of you, for you will all in some way have encountered these newly awakened souls in one form or the other, but what will be news to you all, will be the sheer number of them that you will meet on your way now. For you have in many ways been in hiding, as you have felt the need to protect yourselves.

Just like newly hatched little birds, you have seeked shelter under the bushes, in order to make it through that first stage, where you felt as if surrounded by negativity and dangers on all sides. But now, your plumage has grown, and with it your confidence, and so now, you will feel ready to start to show yourself in full daylight, singing your beautiful song loud and clear, having no fear as to just who will see you or hear your song.

For the time has come to take your wonders out into the world, show you true colors and sing your song of freedom. And we promise you will all be amazed by the response you will get. Oh yes, some will be more than a little frightened, and even jealous of your light, and they will not hesitate to show their displeasure, but that will not be news to any of you either.

But what you will encounter more and more, are those who will be in awe of your true beauty, and who will want to know what has made you into this radiant bird, fluttering above the disheartening reality they themselves feel surrounded by. And when you look into their eyes, they will see it, and you will see it in them, and that is all it takes. For it will be as if the mere sight of your soul will set them free. And they will all start to feel the itching from their own feathers, waiting to emerge.

So fear not, dear ones, you have the wings and the voices that will carry you as long and as high as you want, so do not stay cooped up in your hiding place forever. For if you do, your light will almost be lost to this world, as you will only be able to light up a small circle around you.

But if you dare to take to the air and sing your jubilant song, your light will be cascading down upon this whole planet in a way that will speed up the process considerably for everyone. So take heart, and take to your wings. You will find it a very enjoyable task indeed, for your eyes and your heart will find light in so many places, and you will feel the deep connection that you share grow stronger and deeper for every soul your song will touch.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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