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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/18/2013 11:14:21 PM

Poof: March 17, 2013 – Finito!

poof 1Stephen: We’ve been down this ‘promising’ path already, but the title and much of the content of today’s “Finito”post by Poof, does sound incredibly positive… (We are in the week of the spring/autumn equinox, said to be the end of what some are calling “The First Trimester,” after all…).

Leading with a link to a story about China’s new government that’s very similar to the article I posted earlier today, immediately below, Poof goes on to state: ” The RVs (Stephen: revaluations of currencies) are on the move thru the world. The currency people are celebrating already. I hear they have already put some folks under house arrest so there will be no interruptions or delays, with the fulfillment of things the world has awaited.”

And he summarises towards the end with: “It had to end sometime. By all that I have, the end has come with new beginnings in the same moment.”

Poof: March 17, 2013 – Finito!

Greetings and Salutations;

Today in China;

No mention of Jack Lew or Christine Lagarde’s presence there but, they are. It’s stacking up to be kick off party. Raise some plum wine glasses up and shove this world into the 21st century.

The RVs are on the move thru the world. The currency people are celebrating already. I hear they have already put some folks under house arrest so there will be no interruptions or delays, with the fulfillment of things the world has awaited. Hint: same bunch that was held at Camp David during the 2008 elections, cell phones removed and held. Right down to the last moment and still they fight for survival. Like cock roaches, yank their legs off, they’ll still keep it up.

No matter the chatter on the web, the Reagan/Mitterand protocols are very much alive, despite attempts to kill the chief people behind them. No such thing as the money has disappeared. Even coyotes can outtrick themselves and end up in a trap.

The 4th Reich will not get the funding to start up again. There is enforcement but no need for martial law so, some of you put the fire out you got on top of your head. Don’t believe everything you hear and only half of what you see. Illusion is how they worked the masses for years.

One of the biggest changes that happened out here was they made the Vatican Bank Basel 3 compliant after the big hose out. One of the reasons some folks are lying in hospitals right now feeling ‘peakish’.

The new Pope signed off when things were explained to him. When your self worth is totally wrapped up in money, when it’s taken away you might get stomach problems…belly aches. The colon gets tied in knots. Don’t know if you want to puke or have explosive diarrhea. But you can be sure that diaper makers are having max profits right now.

Jeeze…even Jamie Dimon of JP Morgan/Chase is under a microscope right now, lolol. I have to laugh, he was the guy who said Basel 3 was un-American. Why? Because you can’t steal anymore with impunity? He doesn’t even own that bank so I’m sure the owners have something planned for his ‘vacation’.

Dealing with every little thing done in 100+ years to correct it all and move forward…equally, across the globe, was an ordeal, no one wants to do again. Do it right, now, so you don’t have to repeat it any time soon.

Ok, I’ll see you all later, got bigger fish to fry out in this big world. It had to end sometime. By all that I have, the end has come with new beginnings in the same moment. Like dominoes, one thing leads to another. Do take a moment and observe. I know it’s all new so engage the common sense muscle and put it to good use.

You ain’t seen nothin’ yet! If you need me, I’ll be available until the door bell pulls me away.

Love and Kisses,

‘There Will be Peace in the Valley’


Today’s accompanying song: China Girl by David Bowie

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/18/2013 11:16:43 PM

St. Germaine on Healing Ourselves and Working from the Fifth

sg3St. Germaine talks to us about healing ourselves and millions and working from the 5th…

Through Linda Dillon, Council of Love, March 17, 2013

Long ago I have asked you, decades ago I have asked you to come and to join my armada. No, we are not simply sailing to the new world this time, we are sailing to a new reality; to Nova World and Nova You and to the truth, not only of who you are but who we are together.

Greetings, I AM St. Germaine. So much fuss over a name. I am pleased to introduce myself, but you have known me by so many names and yes, I have chosen this one as Comte de St. Germaine, but you may also call me William, Wilheim, Geome, you may call me Willy if you wish! (1)

I come this day to speak to you yet again, my beloved healers. Yes, it is a theme that I am picking up and drumming throughout every potential opening. Long ago I have asked you, decades ago I have asked you to come and to join my armada. No, we are not simply sailing to the new world this time, we are sailing to a new reality; to Nova World and Nova You and to the truth, not only of who you are but who we are together.

Often I have said to thee that I will not incarnate yet again, that that time and that portion of my journey has come to an end. But as I watch thee in your enthusiasm and in your creations and your anchoring of the new, of the higher dimensional reality, I must tell you, “I am tempted to come and walk with you again, to break bread with you again, to breathe the sweetness of spring air yet again.”

What is the difference between healing and creation and the fulfillment and peace? There is nothing, for all these are interconnected and I do not mean in the sense of the same tapestry but of the same fine silk thread. And you do not take a piece of thread, a line of thread so fine and beautiful, violet of course, and try to separate it. This is what occurs too often and this is the paradigm that you are breaking down my beloved friends.

You do not say and segment your thread, say ‘now I am healing, now I am creating, now I am experiencing love, now I am at peace’, for all these are part of one. You do not clear or clear for the collective without healing. You do not heal without creating and allowing the new to emerge, because as that vacuum occurs it is always, immediately filled with the new and the new is what you are choosing, each of you in your magnificent selves choosing to allow, to enter within you.

That is why the conscious awareness of what you are bringing forth, not just what you are getting rid of, but what you are bringing forth is so important. And this isn’t dictated to you in any way, shape, or form. The only guideline that is ever given to you is “Is it of love? Is it a reflection of above? Is it in alignment with who you are?”

But as you begin and you are healing for your sacred self and for millions of others, be very cognizant, conscious, not just subconscious or unconscious but conscious about what you are bringing in. As the tide comes in it deposits crystals, sand, flotsam, jetsam, treasures, gold, shells, pearlescent, silver, and as it recedes it takes away that which is no longer needed. So I come this day of healing to speak of this and to ask of thee, collectively and individually, to be very conscious.

Your healing work is tremendous and I thank you, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being part of this healing armada. But I also ask of you, as you remove, for example, the wounds of war and the wounds of war are not simply what occurs on the various battlefields, there is war and battlefields in many households, in many neighborhoods. So, heal the wounds of war, but apply the suave of peace, of joy, of fulfillment so that those wounds do not fester, become gangrenous.

Tend to the patient whether they are in Iraq, Iran, or the slums of LA and embrace yourselves. You reach into the old 3rd to do the healing work, but when you are inserting the creation of the healing, of the peace, of the love, what you are also doing at exactly the same time is you are magnetizing and pulling those people, gently, lovingly, caringly, into the 5th. So the same way that the medic goes and removes the child who has been shot in the neighborhood of violence and removes him to a safer environment, so as you are applying your healing, you are also moving them to a higher realm.

I have not spoken of this before to any of you, but now it is time, and my beloved ones, no one is more capable of this undertaking than you. My faith in you, my trust and my gratitude knows no bounds and I am with you. I am with you with the Violet Flame and the legions of angels, the rainbow ray, the I AM Presence, and so as I am with you, if you have aches and pains, physical or within your heart or soul, then turn to me and turn to me also to help for the creation for you, for your family, for your loved ones, for your community. Because it is not just the battlefields that we heal, it is to raise the vibration so that all are present and joyous in the Cities of Light, in the forests of love, on the oceans of peace, and the puddles of play.

Thank you. I love you. Go in peace. Farewell.

Channeled by Linda Dillon 03-16-13

(1) Before the channeling there was much discussion regarding the name ‘St. Germaine’ and a question as to his first name…

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/18/2013 11:17:49 PM

Yeshua: You Are Endowed With Everything That Is of Creator

yeshua4Yeshua: You Are Endowed With Everything That Is of Creator

As Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ March 17, 2013

Hello my dear friends, fellow Lightworkers and Love-gifters. I greet you with much Love and appreciation for all you are doing. You are stepping up to this monumental task of building your New Earth with ease and grace and gratitude, and for this I give you my immense gratitude.

You may wonder why I say “with ease”. Well, dear ones, this journey has certainly not been easy for you, I grant you that, but the ease I speak about is the fluidity you impart to your mission and purpose, and the generosity with which you give of your Love, your Divine Unconditional Love.

Have you noticed that the more Love you give, the more Love you can hold for yourself and others? Have you noticed that you are able to tap more resources and abilities as you commit yourself to the task of imparting Love and creating a world full of it and all the gifts endowed by Creator?

You are endowed with everything that is of Creator of All-That-Is. You are gifted with everything that is Creator. You are uncovering all that you already are, and what a journey it has been.

You will most likely start to notice in the coming days that it is much easier for you to connect with that part of yourself that is the Divine, that is the impartial Reality that is expansive abundance and clarity. You will find thus that the trigger for manifestation is much more accessible, and it will be due to the release of your True Essence illuminated by all the Light and Love you are allowing into your Being.

Yes, dear ones, the clearing you have been so rigorously participating in is beginning to show in the increased glimmer and shine of your Light Bodies. Your soul is becoming integrated and enhanced and much more expanded and present.

My dear ones, you have now a chance to explore such a beautiful world of your making as you activate the creative powers you are inherently endowed with, have always been inherently endowed with. You are consenting to welcome them now, and the speed at which you progress will be heightened because of this consent and openness.

You have my complete and adoring admiration for the willingness and courage with which you have embarked on this task of becoming once again acquainted with the spiritual bounty that is your birthright, something that a short while ago, if you look back, you were only vaguely aware of, if at all.

I watch you as you consciously throw your whole Heart and Soul into your awakening, always with the thought in mind to allow it not only for the sake of yourself, but for others, no matter how daunting it can seem at times. For this sets you apart from all other beings who were not of the privilege to incarnate at this very time and space on this Earth.

What a wondrous journey you have already been on, full of surprises, and yes, consternation at times, and yes, struggle at times. But these are the very things that set you apart, because as you struggle, you also reach deeper and find the courage and wherewithal to continue your journey and mission, and with complete success.

So, in the coming days of increased activity with the approaching Equinox, just as it has always been as you make your way along this path of awakening and ascension, hold true to your sacred intentions to begin a new chapter and then another and another as you make your way up the spiral of achievement of many increments of heightened frequency and dimension, and dear ones, settle into it with Peace in your Heart, for you are the “movers and the shakers “of a Whole New World, and you can be assured of a glorious and momentous outcome.

You always have my Blessing and my Love and my understanding of what you are going through, but focus instead on the wonder and honor that you are of privilege to be a driving force in this mission of renewal of your World and of your lives. Have immense gratitude; this trumps any card of weariness and struggle that naturally occurs in your process.

Please continue to take care of your physical bodies as they undergo this immense transformation as the Light is introduced at greater and greater quantities, as you become the Enlightened Beings that is your destiny and birthright. Breathe in the Light and Love constantly now with the goal of transforming yourselves to ultimate and exquisite Light Beings of Creator as you experience the magnificence of the Higher Realms.

You are farther along than your current perceptions may allow you to know, but before long you will be able to catch up with the true Reality you are uncovering with each breath you take and each willing step you take towards the unknown, away from your created illusion and into your True Selves and your True Essence and existence as One with Creator of All-That-Is.

Take each breath in stride now and surrender to the Truth of your Being, dear ones. I am always at your side and with your Heart in this your Illustrious Awakening.

All my Love is yours,

Your loving brother, Yeshua.

As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included. (Blog) (Website)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/18/2013 11:18:51 PM

How Many Times Have Extraterrestrials Saved the Earth? – Part 7

Russian Meteor 22(Continued from Part 6.)

The Star Beings Destroy a Meteor on Collision Course with Earth

Our final chapter in this series concerns an event visible to the naked eye, so to speak, in which the star beings actually did save the world.

Hollywood has depicted the world facing cataclysm in many movies like 2012, Deep Impact, Armageddon, and The Day After Tomorrow.

Hollywood has also depicted extraterrestrials as merciless predators out to destroy us and the world in movies like Alien, Predator, Alien vs. Predator, Independence Day, and The Arrival.

Recently we did face a cataclysm. The star beings could have sat back and allowed the recent meteor that went down over Russia to destroy a huge area in Russia and bring drastic consequences to the rest of the world topographically and climactically but they did not.

Nor did they use dramatic weapons to destroy the meteor lest that raise fear in us. Instead they risked their lives to put their shields up and fly right through the middle of the meteor and eliminate its potential to do extensive damage.

And without a thank you or a mention of their heroic deed.

Geoff West first uncovered the story when he interviewed Ashira, Commander of a galactic mothership, on An Hour with an Angel. Let’s listen to their conversation.

Geoff West: Ashira, an asteroid recently passed by Gaia and we are now seeing reports of meteor shower events taking place around the world, most notably the one in Russia, where, first of all, one actually crashed, but there is a video showing what appears to be ships interacting with whatever it was that entered the atmosphere over Russia.

Chelyabinsk Meteor Site

Chelyabinsk site where meteor hit ground

Was this an actual meteorite, or possibly something else, as some others have claimed? And are there, or is there a special significance, energetically or conscious — at a consciousness level, related to this particular meteor shower?

A: This is a cosmic event, and it is one that has been interfered with, and I mean this in a positive way. The meteor shower, the meteorite and all the activity that is taking place, inside and outside what you think of as your atmosphere, is a very blatant appeal to the human race to look up and pay attention. But it is also linked, as we say, to Russia and their desire to be on the forefront.

So it is to look up and pay attention, and yes, there was… many of the ships of the various fleets ran interference so that there would not be massive damage to human life, what you think of as your cities and even the rural areas, and to Gaia.

Now, Gaia is fully aware that these events transpire from time to time. She is an ancient being, and she is, shall we say, used to it. It is the humans that are not used; to it. But what happened was that there was visible help from the ships, from the fleets, diverting a great deal of the meteorites, or what would become meteorites within your atmosphere, and diverting them and destroying them, what you would think of as exploding them, or simply sending them to the outer limits. So that is what has taken place. (1)

The next mention of it came from Archangel Michael in the course of a personal reading I had with him on March 8, 2013. Geoff asked me to ask AAM for confirmation of this news that Ashira had broken.

“It could have triggered what you would think of as … the only comparison you would have would be… another Ice Age.”

“Wow. You’re kidding,” I responded.

“No,” he said.

Galactic ships intercept meteor

Steve: So the galactics prevented another Ice Age. That’s what you’re saying, right?

AAM: That is what I’m saying. … Your star brothers and sisters intervened. That is why it was not more dramatic and damaging. And they intervened not only on behalf of the people of Earth and of Russia, but on behalf of Gaia herself.

S: And was this heavenly body, so to speak, sent here by the dark forces?

AAM: No. It is just what is moving about. It is part of the movement of energy, of debris, throughout the universe. So no, there was no negative force behind it, not the way you think of it.

S: Alright, if the galactics had not been around at this time, for the purposes of Ascension, would they still have provided this service?
AAM: Yes. (2)

I had no idea that what would have occurred would have been an event of such magnitude. Not perhaps extinction level (ELE), but it would have cancelled a few plans for summer vacation! And it would have turned the planet into an icebox.

The next discussion came on An Hour with an Angel again in which I asked AAM to corroborate for listeners what he had said to me privately.

According to him, the galactics destroyed the meteor by flying through the middle of it with their shields up; and they risked their lives to do so. Here’s a second version of the same video with a little bit more analysis.

I was mistaken in saying in an article I wrote on the subject that the meteor’s collision with Earth would have caused an Ice Age. Archangel corrected me by reminding that he actually said that the only reference point that would reflect the range of damage was an Ice Age. Let’s listen to how he described these events. Because the subject is so important, I quote the discussion at length.

Steve: May I ask you to comment on the meteor that hit Russia? You said to me in a private reading on March 8th that it would have caused a new Ice Age. Can you confirm that for our listeners and comment on the process by which a new Ice Age would have resulted and how it was prevented?

Archangel Michael: No, what I said to you was that the only reference point that you would have for the catastrophe and damage that this meteorite would have caused was the occurrence of a new Ice Age. Now this occurrence of the meteor was very close to Earth, obviously, and it was through the generosity and intervention, the ever-present vigilance of your star brothers and sisters that this occurrence has not taken place in the fulness of its potential.

So while there was some damage and some injury, it certainly was not of the level that was possible. It was also the opportunity to look up and to see very clearly the intervention and the protection in so many ways. But you are always asking for visible signs and this was one of the more visible signs of intervention by your star brothers and sisters, It is an element of Disclosure. Whether you choose to think of it that way or not, it certainly is.

What would have happened if there had been a full impact upon the planet, the damage would have caused catastrophic changes and climatic changes. So that is what I’m referring to. And, yes, it would have been similar to the shift and the wobble of the axis of the planet. It would have changed the center point of Gaia and the climate changes would have been very, very dramatic and destructive to the populace of the human race, which is already in the process of change. So it truly would have altered the progression of what you are already in the middle of.

Let me also say this. The physical impact of this meteorite, of this matter, would have been geologically and physically what you would think of as disaster and catastrophe. But the bigger catastrophe, the bigger setback, would most definitely have been that it would have caused the greater portion of humanity, of the collective, to go not only into a place of fear and survival but to bring their attention back to matters of migration, of change and geological topography.

And it would have taken away the attention from what they are currently undergoing and also the shift in the consciousness of humanity would have been sidetracked and form our perspective that would have been an even greater catastrophe. So it happened. The intervention that has taken place by your star brothers and sisters has prevented catastrophe on many, many levels.

And there are not very many upon the planet that we have observed that have said thank you or have expressed gratitude to the forces that have intervened, which is curious, is it not?

S: Yes, Lord. Let me say thank you for them. And we’re becoming familiar enough with the galactics that perhaps we can know now which ships did what. Was it Pleiaidan, Sirian, Arcturian? How did they do what they did? It looks like they went right through the middle of the meteor. Is that correct?

AAM: Yes, that is accurate. You know that it was primarily a Pleiadian effort but there was certainly support from the Arcturians as well. And the – what you think of as – technology … you know that the ships are very organic. They are living. They are sentient, cooperative beings. But they also have the ability to create force fields, what you would think of as shields, that can withstand not only pressure, but also temperature, fire, anything you can think of. And the only way to dispel this [threat] was to go right through the meteor itself.

Well, it was the most effective measure because one of the things that they did not want to be seen doing was using their laser, what you would think of as their laser technology to explode/implode the meteor because it would look and be trackable as a beam of energy and that could be construed as a weapon. So that would not do in terms of a strategy at all. Because whether you say that humans are ready or not, there are still powers that be and individuals that would think that this would put them in a danger zone. So that is why this strategy was used.

It also gives a very clear message to human beings because from their point [of view], their perspective of understanding, to witness or to see a video of a ship going through a meteor, to them on the subconscious level translates as our star brothers and sisters are willing to sacrifice themselves and die for us if necessary in order to protect us and that is a powerful message and a very true one, by the way.

S: Well, it certainly deserves our thanks and I can’t help remarking on the irony of it. We’ve seen movies like Deep Impact which have tried to get us afraid of this end-of-cycle period and in that spaceships bring down the meteor. And here we have an event that could have been a catastrophe at the end of the cycle and the star brothers and sisters have protected us from that catastrophe so it’s deeply ironic.

AAM: There is no irony in this, dear heart. Do you not think that many of these ideas that your various forms of media or entertainment, so called, comes up with … they are often planted.
S: Yes, and in them often the extraterrestrial beings are represented as predators and here they have in fact saved the Earth in a very real way.

AAM: Yes, the star beings of all the various stripes, colors, nationalities, lineages, forms are not predatory. That desire to create the external enemy, still, as you well know, is done continually in a very real and terrible offense, upon the planet, between nations and belief systems. There is this human desire, which is being worked on and shifted, both by you and by us, to feel that you have need to have an external enemy to prove that you are the king or the queen, that you are victorious, that somehow that is a measure, and somehow a valued measure, of power. It’s very sad. (3)

So a very full and heartfelt thank you to the star beings who risked their lives to destroy the meteor. Certainly not predatory, but an undeniable act of courage and potential self-sacrifice which gives the lie to Hollywood’s portrayal of them and should reassure us of their peaceful and benevolent intentions towards the human collective which, at this time, they are here to serve.

* * *

So here we have a series of reports on situations in which our star brothers and sisters have saved the world. If they had wanted to destroy humanity and Gaia, they could have sat back and allowed the Illuminati to do so. The cabal was doing a very fine job of decimating the planet with radioactivity, pollution, pandemics, severe weather, induced geological events, while nature would have contributed the coup de grace with an errant meteor.

Did the galactics stand by and allow the cabal to destroy the Earth? They did not. They intervened and saved the human race from extinction on Gaia and the planet itself from dying from so many stresses, pressures, and depletions.

Next time you see a movie which depicts extraterrestrials as merciless predators, please realize that you’re being played by a planetary cabal that wishes to hold onto its power over the human race and to garner all the wealth of the planet to themselves. And if they can’t have it, then they won’t allow anyone else to have it. They had intended, in that circumstance, to blow the world up with nuclear bombs and escape via Solar Warden, their secret space fleet, to their colonies on Mars.

But none of that will happen now because of the very humans from other star systems who seeded this planet in the first place and who have stood guard over us since the beginning of our history. It’s my fervent hope that these articles set the record straight on this matter.

Soon those same star brothers and sisters will make their presence known to us. They bestow abundance on us, similar to the abundance they enjoy on their planets. They’ll give us their technologies as gifts. And it’s their fervent hope that we’ll accept their invitation to join their galactic councils and family in a Golden Age for Gaia.


(1) “Ashira: We Can’t Wait to Shower You with True Abundance,” at

(2) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, March 8, 2013.

(3) “Archangel Michael: Ascension is Not Distant But Very Current and Underway,” at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/18/2013 11:20:18 PM

Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 284

As channeled by Aisha North – March 17, 2013

(Note from Aisha: I got a short personal message from The CCs this morning, and was asked to sit down later today for another message. That is what I did, and that is why this message starts in this way.)

I am back, is there more. Oh yes, sweet child, there will always be more, more than you can even begin to understand. We stand beside you now, in our splendor, admiring how you are all starting to unfold those beautiful butterfly wings of yours.

For you have managed to tap into that reservoir of truth you have so longed to access, not only in this life, but for eternity. And here you all are, poised on the brink of greatness. For you have seen the wisdom in connecting, and through that, you have given your greatness on the altar for us all, and for this, you will be made into the true gods you really are. For you see that you are strong alone, but that is nothing compared to the mighty force you will wield as you have come together as a band of brothers.

For you are indeed the brothers and sisters of the light, as you compose the whole spectrum of colours cast forth from this one single ray of white light as it enters and exists through this prism of mankind. Oh you are brilliant, sweet ones, yet, you have yet to see it clearly yourselves, for you are still encased in the last remnants of this chrysalis that made you.

For just as the butterfly, you entered this chrysalis as a humble caterpillar, and you did so with full faith. For you did not know what to expect, you just knew you had to give yourself fully away to this process. And this process is nothing short of miraculous, but it is also a terrifying one.

Because just like that caterpillar, you need to completely dissolve the old being, and let yourself be turned into a sort of primordial sludge, looking like nothing at all, before you are literally reprogrammed and then turned back on again and turned into a completely new being. So from those same cells that constituted the humble caterpillar springs the wondrous, shimmering butterfly. But they are identical, even if they are also a whole world apart. For what made them is the same heavenly dust. And what separates them is the programming that is putting it together.

So too it is with you dear ones, as you have allowed youselves to be transformed within this chrysalis you all entered at one stage in your life. And you have gone through this dissolving process, and now you emerge, as if brand new, but still composed of the same particles that once made you up.

To others, you may still look like that old caterpillar, except they might see a slight shimmer around you, a sort of haze of light, but to us, we see you in your full regalia. So we salute you today dear ones, as you stand before us, tall, and shimmering and brightly lit from within. And know that you are not alone, for there are indeed thousands upon thousands of other butterflies emerging at this time, all over your globe.

So rejoice we say, for you have once again emerged from that hidey hole where you once were forced to take cover, and now you will all be able to take to your wings and soar high above this beautiful planet, as you once again spread your gossamer wings in unity with all of those other butterflies on the same mission as you. Namely to bring down heaven to earth once again.

And now, it has started to rain down on you all, and your emergence will be the first sign of this new spring. For you herald the beginning of the end of the old, but you also herald the end of the beginning of the new. For you have transformed yourself in such a way that you have already made that rift between the two grow infinitely wider already.

So be sad no more cherished ones, as you start your flight. For you have anchored the light, and through your long and painful sojourn inside your cocoon, you effectively separated the strands holding back this planet in the dark ages. For that was the strands you utilized to spin this cocoon in the first place.

So now you see how the light can come forth from the darkness, but now, the overwhelming force of this darkness is no longer oppressive, for it will fall away as you shed those last remains of this cocoon. So now, the light has sprung forth with all of its might, and it is you, by your long and painstaking process who have made it so. So again we say thank you, and we do so with admiration, not only from us, but from All of creation.

So rest now, dear ones, and take it slowly at first. For your wings have yet to attain their full strength, as they need some time to solidify and become fully capable of bearing your weight. So do not get impatient, for you will be able to do all that you have longed for and more, but you will be allowed to do it all as soon as the time is right. As always, timing is everything, and you will be closely guided through it all indeed. So thank you again, we will leave it at that for now, but we will return with more in a few short hours.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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