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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/17/2013 10:28:19 PM

David Wilcock: Russian TV Exposes Financial Tyranny Part 1 – English Subtitles

David Wilcock: Russian TV Exposes Financial Tyranny Part 1 – English Subtitles

Stephen: This is the first part of a ground-breaking Russian documentary series which screened on Russian TV two months ago. It features dozens of interviews with whistleblowers, insiders and experts – including David, whose Financial Tyranny articles were an eye-opener for many. You can now view it with English Subtitles via David’s YouTube page.

By David Wilcock, Divine Cosmos – March 15, 2013

Russian national television blasted Financial Tyranny in a three-hour tour-de-force on January 16, 2013 — featuring David Wilcock. Now, the long-awaited English-subtitled version of the video has been released!

Note: Click the “CC” button at the bottom of the video window to enable the English subtitles.

Transforming Our Planet

Changes are happening faster and faster — and the signs are growing more and more obvious that the Federal Reserve is on the verge of a complete collapse of its power.

These changes are not to be feared. They are to be embraced. We may go through a period of frightening difficulty, but I honestly do not expect it will last very long.

Russia stepped up in a very bold manner to fight Financial Tyranny — by creating two full-length, three-hour TV documentaries around the content in our epic work, Financial Tyranny.

Now, at last, the first of these two documentaries is available with English subtitles — so the rest of the world can see it. Those who do not speak English can use the subtitles to convert into their own native language.

Stunningly, Germany asked for 300 metric tons of their gold back from the Federal Reserve, and all 376 metric tons from France — on the very same day this documentary aired on Russian national television.

Please Note (this is from David’s site) : We did not have any involvement in the production of this show. David Wilcock simply answered 11 questions on camera, which were based on his book Financial Tyranny — and waited to see the finished product. We do not support mocking and blaming of anyone, even those of the negative path — but we do understand the anger and frustration this knowledge causes. We DO support the full disclosure of the truth. Stunning advances in our society will occur once we restore justice and equanimity to the financial system.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/17/2013 10:30:23 PM

Saul: A Major Breakthrough in Awareness is Occurring Right Across the Planet

SaulSaul: A Major Breakthrough in Awareness is Occurring Right Across the Planet

As channelled by John Smallman – March 17, 2013

You can listen to John’s reading of today’s post here:

Humanity is on the verge of a major breakthrough in its awareness of energy. Apart from the relatively small percentage of the Earth’s population that is spiritually focused, humanity as a whole has remained unaware of the individual energy fields that have always enveloped and surrounded each human being. This is about to change.

The new intense field of divine energy into which planet Earth moved on December 22nd 2012 has been touching and influencing every human since that date.

The effect of this is becoming apparent as people, who before now were always dismissive of anything that suggested that there was more to existence than could be known through the body’s senses and intelligent intellectual reasoning, suddenly start taking an interest in the possibility that there is more to life than they had believed, that maybe there is life after death, and that life could exist without a physical form.

It is very difficult for anyone with firmly grounded beliefs on the subject, supposedly confirmed by scholarly scientific research, to accept the possibility that those beliefs were wrong, unfounded, and are in fact being disproved. Their opening to the possibility that a spiritual reality, of which they were unaware, could actually exist is shocking and amazing them. And yet, they are now finding themselves taking a keen interest in the idea.

Previously, they would have dismissed it out of hand – denial is the best form of defense! Now, however, the new energies are having a tremendous influence on their individual energy fields — energy fields of which they either had no knowledge, chose not to acknowledge, or to which they gave only reluctant acceptance, considering them merely adjuncts of the general chemical activities occurring in the body and that cease at the moment of physical death.

The result of this growing interest in exploring the field of spirituality is an explosion of awareness that humanity is responsible for its attitudes and behaviors because they affect everyone else on the planet. The awareness that it is humanity’s responsibility to be guardians, not desecrators, of the planet has been growing for the last fifty or sixty years, but that growth has now accelerated as the children and grandchildren of those earlier appreciators of your responsibilities take action commensurate with those responsibilities. It is wonderful to see this enormous change occurring as awareness grows.

You are the Golden Age for which you have been waiting! And you are beginning to acknowledge and accept that fact. The awareness that this entails is leading you forwards to establish institutions and organizations whose purpose is to promote and honor those responsibilities. Because so many are now involved, not only is this movement unstoppable, but also those involved are finding that they are not alone, as frequently they seemed to be, as they seek ways to repair the damage that has been done and to prevent further damage from occurring.

As the intent to be responsible, loving guardians replaces the urge to be powerful abusers of the environment, the whole collective consciousness of humanity is changing and adapting, and this is enabling the essential changes to your lifestyles to be acknowledged, discussed and acted upon, willingly and enthusiastically. The desire to be loving, caring, responsible partners with, and residents of, planet Earth is now the collective intent of humanity, and so it will be achieved.

Yes, a major breakthrough in awareness is occurring right across the planet, which will engage most fruitfully with the divine energies enveloping you and bring into effect the changes necessary to ensure an abundant, safe, and peaceful earthly environment which future generations of humans can enjoy and in which they can flourish. It is an illusion, but it is becoming one in which you will be able to delight and enjoy yourselves until you are ready to release it and return to your original state of oneness with God.

With so very much love, Saul

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/18/2013 11:05:42 AM
Thank you, Michael, I will take a look at this as soon as possible. Of course it looks pretty exciting, to say the least. :)


Michael Tellinger – Ancient Breakthrough Energy Technology
Breakthrough Energy Conference 2012
If link no longer works see paid to view version

Michael Tellinger: Slave Species Of The Gods: The Secret History Of The Anunnaki

The Secret Numbers Of God

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/18/2013 11:07:13 AM

Pope Francis Delivers Message of Mercy to Crowd of 300,000

ABC News - Pope Francis Delivers Message of Mercy to Crowd of 300,000 (ABC News)

Before an astounding crowd of some 300,000 in and around St. Peter's Square, Pope Francis today delivered his first angelus as pontiff, urging the faithful to be merciful and forgiving.

Hours earlier, the humility and spontaneity of the 76-year-old Argentine was on display when he greeted onlookers near the edge of Vatican City.

As the pope was entering a mass in St. Anna Parish, he decided to stop and greet a crowd of people awaiting his arrival. Walking up to the crowd, Francis shook hands, held a baby, and even motioned for two priests he recognized in the crowd to bypass the barricades and approach him.

It was the latest sign of the informality of the new pontiff. In the days since he was selected by his fellow cardinals to lead the Roman Catholic Church, Francis has shunned the fancy red shoes of his predecessor Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI in favor of simple black shoes, declined a ride in a limousine in favor of a mini-van, and donned simple white robes and a wooden cross. The new informal style has been welcomed by followers and colleagues worldwide.

Pope Francis Through the Years

"I think just the way he is behaving is very discreet. It is very ordinary," Cardinal Wilfrid Napier of South Africa said. "It's very much like, 'I am the pope, but I can still sit down at any table with anybody. I can share my stories. I can talk about my life. I can share about my ministry.'"

In St. Peter's Square today, Americans in the crowd marveled at the pope's humility.

"He just seems very humble in the way that he presents himself," said Christina Senour, who now lives in Rome.

"It has really struck me that he is so without frills," added her brother-in-law, David Uebbing.

Uebbing's wife Jennifer predicted that the pope's displays of modestly will help the church grow.

"I think he's working very honestly and simply to transmit his humility to the world and to set an example, to say here is the church, it's not rich and grand and aloof, but it is down with the people and for the people," she said.

On Tuesday morning, Francis will return to the square for his papacy's inaugural mass.

Later today, Vice President Joe Biden is set to arrive in Rome to attend the mass. On Monday, Francis is scheduled to meet the president of his homeland, Christina Kirchner, whom he has criticized in the past.

Then next weekend Francis will meet with his predecessor, in a unique, historic meeting between the current pope and a fellow living pope.

Cardinal Justin Rigali of Philadelphia told reporters today that Francis is delivering a similar message to that delivered by Benedict, who earlier this year became the first pope in nearly six centuries to resign.

"He's pronouncing the same message of God's mercy. That is what is so important," Rigali said of Francis. "But he is doing it in his way, just as Benedict did it in his way.

"We all have our gifts," he added.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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