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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/18/2013 11:21:18 PM

Hilarion: You are Making a Difference and it is Now Outwardly Visible in the World

HilarionAs channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana – March 17, 2013

Beloved Ones,

As you go about your daily lives, realize that what you are doing is experiencing life, all the myriad ways in which your Soul can know what it is to walk this Planet in human form. It is a tremendous opportunity to be here at this current juncture when so many changes and transformations are taking place.

This, too, is a part that you chose to play before you even incarnated here on Earth. It is all of you who are physically incarnate in these times that hold the power and authority to create a new way, a new reality. Those who inhabit the spirit realms cannot effect positive changes unless it is through your permission and cooperation.

This is why we strive to help you remember how powerful you are. It is the choices you make and the actions you take that make the difference. In the higher dimensions, all are working for the evolvement of humanity and the evolvement of your Planet.

All is connected and we all work together with you to accomplish the raising of consciousness within the minds and the hearts of all of her inhabitants. The waves of energy that are now permeating your atmosphere are helping to do this as each person takes in the higher frequencies and assimilates these energies within their own human operating systems.

This process can be very empowering to each individual who chooses to embody their higher aspects. Much that was hitherto unknown to humankind in recent times is now being brought into conscious awareness. This helps to put more pieces of the puzzle of your purpose here into more understanding and will be instrumental in moving the process of ascension forward to its next step. The transformations occurring within your bodies are taking place at a more rapid pace and you are now realizing that it is perfectly acceptable to take the time to enjoy the process, to bring joy into it.

The signs of awakening consciousness are everywhere. More people are waking up to see that the practices of those who have not taken the well being of the Earth and humankind into their quest for profits and power must change and they are speaking up and coming together to insist on a different way. Through these actions, more of humankind is beginning to see that in unity of the souls inhabiting the physical form is the answer to the restoration of the Earth and all of her inhabitants. When the majority of humanity says enough is enough, we want a different way, it is then the next step forward will take place.

You are working more from the heart than ever before and by following its promptings, you change the course of your own lives and the lives of all upon the Earth. Observe yourselves as the powerful creators you are in truth and move beyond the seeming limitations that are currently before you. You are making a difference and it is now outwardly visible in the world around you.

The Light and the Love that you carry and radiate enables others around you to be empowered to remember their divine origin and to seek a better way. Know that you are not alone in this work and that you have many helpers to assist you, so when the way seems long, just ask us for assistance. It is our honor and our pleasure to be of service to you.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2012 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and website is included.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/18/2013 11:22:32 PM
Valerie Donner: A Message from Mira of the Pleiadian High Council

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/18/2013 11:24:42 PM

Exciting Time to Be Alive

Contact 33Usually I write posts that are organized around a topic or theme, but today I simply feel the need to share. And it may come out a bit randomly.

What I’m noticing behind the scenes is somewhat different to what’s been going on so far among lightworker teams. To date, we’ve been building teams, ironing out the wrinkles, and doing the work. But I ‘m now seeing the first contacts being made among teams and individuals representing teams.

An interesting aspect of this is that some of these contacts were made months ago but did not bear fruit, but all of a sudden these seeds planted in the ground are rising up as tender shoots.

We’ve had or will be having two sets of exchanges in which other team leaders or teams present their work and we mirror back what we’re up to.

You’ve already seen the results of some of this “collaboration.” I use the word carefully and will explain why below.

You’ve seen some of it over the issue of ending gender persecution on the planet. We worked with some teams that are actually in the United Nations and we supported Eve Ensler in her campaign.

You’ve been hearing from Laurie McCammon out of her own collaboration with UN people and her work with them is an instance of this blossoming collaboration.

You can also see that Eve Ensler’s efforts have ignited support from among many well-known individuals, like Sir Patrick Stewart for instance (Jean-Luc Picard on Star Trek) who made a recent appeal to men to stop their violence towards women, who are carrying on past V-Day. That certainly is another instance of this collaboration.

I may not be aware of other instances because life is so busy at the moment and I’m still trying to do as much writing as I have been. It isn’t easy to remain in touch with “all” that’s happening in the wider world when the more local world is ten times more interesting and very busy. And I’m led to believe that, for members of our teams at least, we’ll be taking up more and new responsibilities and have even less time in the future.

In regards to the “collaboration,” the reason I put it in quotes is that it’s new-paradigm collaboration. There isn’t a view on anyone’s part of one group trying to swallow the other – or “eat the other’s lunch,” as predatory business types might have phrased it in the 1990s. It is genuine collaboration based on wanting to know how one group can serve the other and simply wanting to advance the whole – or the Plan.

You may be seeing some of the fruits of that on this blog in the near future. But of more importance, I think you’ll be seeing many lightworker teams connect and begin working with each other. It just seems to be happening naturally and easily, as if the time has arrived.

The other interesting development is instances of contact from extraterrestrial … well, I guess the right and only word is “mentors.” I’ve just had two sessions with the Arcturians through Suzanne Lie. Contact with Suzanne is itself an instance of the collaboration I was mentioning. And perhaps I could digress on that a moment.

Suzanne and I are both Arcturians and talking with her was like talking to myself. Our energies were the same. The way we talked was the same. It just felt like I had come home and was the easiest thing in the world. Suzanne is so natural, genuine, and sincere. I feel so blessed to know her better.

Interestingly many members of our teams are also Arcturians. And the Arcturians through Suzanne (or “Suzille” as they know her) drew our attention to the many channels who are also the same. I’m not saying that Pleiadians and Sirians and Andromedan starseeds are not also doing yeoman’s work. I’m not trying to be chauvinistic.

I’m simply pointing out how the various groups of Starseeds are becoming aware of each other, just as lightworkers in general were becoming more aware of each other, say, two years ago. The clarity that’s emerging is itself growing. Or you could say that the awakening process is entering a new phase.

In addition to that, Suzanne reported that the Arcturians wanted to make contact because it was time for me (since it was my reading) to wake up. I get that. I’m ready for it. I’ve been feeling the inner urge as well. So again, everything was in right timing.

And throughout the next night, I felt like a balloon that someone was slowly blowing up. I feel even more detached than I did before. Things that would have rankled me roll off my back these days. I definitely feel something occurring, not like I can nail down what it is. Perhaps “hydration” might be the right word. I was spiritually and emotionally dehydrated before, like a flash-dried vegetable.

Other members of the team were also very interested – I might even say “moved” – to chat with Suzanne and many new friendships were made. And … and this is a difficult thing to convey … there was a synergy that occurred. The whole was greater than its parts. We all felt energized from what we learned, the bonds that were made, and what we contributed to each other. We emerged a bit more, and felt a bit more, confident and committed, simply from the contact.

In the readings with the Arcturians, and I’ve given Suzanne permission to share from them, they gave a lot of advice on difficult aspects of lightwork that I’ve benefitted greatly from. I’ll probably be sharing some of that as well in the future.

You saw Archangel Michael coaching our teams on abundance issues. I’ve now had two enlightening chats with the Arcturians. These are examples of the mentoring that channels have been discussing recently.

Suzanne says teams are on the ground who will be moving closer and closer to lightworkers who are open to being involved in the work that lies ahead. Our teams are definitely on the move in ways that’ll become clearer over time. What I’m left with is that I cannot think of a more exciting time to be alive.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/18/2013 11:26:03 PM

Ahlowen: The Portal is Open and Cannot be Closed

Amaya MarAmaya Mar is the pseudonym of a new channeler who wishes to remain anonymous. She channels Ahlowen, from the Council of Ninety.

Hilarion through Marilyn Swetlishoff said in 2009: “There is already, as you have noticed, many new channelers who are bringing forth messages from the Higher Planes of existence and this shall continue in the days ahead.” (Hilarion, through Marlene Swetlishoff, May 3-9, 2009, at As always use your discernment with a new source.

Dear Ones, those who urgently wish for peace and for all violence against women and the oppressed to end: On March 5th, 2013, at the United Nations, a portal was opened and cannot be closed.

What you have done on this day is create an avenue for the rising energies of love and peace to enter and be grounded in the most hallowed ground upon which world affairs are to be led and decided.

This has been a two way portal, for the release of great negative energies that had been trapped through decades of rigidity and for the collective love and light available now on your earth to take their place. A major changing of the guard, if you will.

Dear souls, few of you knew the greater significance of what you had been doing on that day. It was the purity of your intentions and the earnestness of your desire for peace which flung the doors open wide. Had you known the significance of the task at the time, you might have shrunk back, giving up some aspect of your sincere earnestness, defaulting to a belief that such a significant task could not possibly be accomplished by ordinary citizens doing something seemingly as ordinary as sitting silently together in a room.

But dear ones, you followed your innermost promptings to show up fully for this task, whether physically that day or through intention from wherever you were at the time. It was a divine assignment indeed, and you showed up. You succeeded! Congratulations!

The significance of this is far reaching, with ripples beyond your imaginings. What on the multidimensional realms is powerful and obvious to us, to the five human senses is often barely discernible. But what you have done, (and I am smiling ear to ear with delight) is to change the underlying structure, the climate which supports or does not support particular actions and beliefs.

Those whose task it is to hold world affairs in their hearts and minds will literally find certain thoughts, certain feelings arising in them that they had not quite experienced before. Certain old, stuck beliefs and feelings will start to effervesce, actually loosen and dissipate.

This is ever so gradual but it has begun. What had been stuck, almost set in stone, is no longer solid, but on the move. Like a stone returning to its original form as fine crystalline sand, it cannot be held onto, but sifts through the fingers. What is left is freedom, movement, space, flexibility. One cannot build empires on sand. The form is that of shining, crystalline individuality which like a beach invites a collective of flexibility and flow.

Oh, and you will be ever so delighted with the next piece of news I have for you, dear souls of the light! Since this portal is now open, you can place your love and light into it at any time. Place your visions of peace on earth into the portal. Place your prayers for the violence against women to end into the portal.

Place your desires for cooperation and fellowship to be the rule of the day in the portal! Place your visions of a cleansed and healthy Gaia into the portal. No wish, no vision is too great if it is of the light and animated with your love for your fellow humanity and earth home.

You have done it, dear souls. The bells are ringing with celebration. The legions of light are overcome with jubilance and love for you!


From the Council of Ninety

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/18/2013 11:27:06 PM

Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 285

As channeled by Aisha North – March 18, 2013

As many of you have already ascertained, emerging from your cocoon may not always feel as pleasant as you had hoped for. For the process in itself can also be painful, as you wrestle your body free from the constraints that have been holding it in for so long. But you are free, even if your body and soul might feel more than a little pummeled by the proceedings.

We say this in order to ensure that no one feels left out of this, for we do know that today, many of you will feel slightly, or in some cases, even worse for the wear. This is nothing strange, as not only you, but also the heavenly mother has been battling with the forces within these last 24 hours, and as such, you have been beaten with the rays of change coming in from above as well as battling with those inner demons still set on rambling through you.

So even if this process is nearing completion, and we can see your shapes and colours already, you yourselves may still feel more than a battling ground than a finished piece. So here you are, still swaying with the punches coming in from above, whilst at the same time trying to come to terms with inhabiting something that is very, very different from the old thing you were ensconced in before you entered this womblike state within your cocoon.

So again we say, use your breath to quell any fear or anger that may arise, as you will still feel more than a little unsteady on your feet in these upcoming days. For this is a period of major upheavals, both on the physical but also on the more esoteric plane. But know that you have been through the worst, and as such, what you will be feeling now can be likened to the creaks and groans in something new that needs a little time to settle into its new form.

So do not think that there is anything wrong, even if you have a hard time of it. For the sun is already up, even if you still have not had the chance to rub the sleep completely out of your eyes yet. For remember, you have been asleep for a very, very long time, and just as those animals going into hibernation for a long time, coming out of that state is not done in a jiffy. So take it slow, and breathe, and do not try to exert yourself in any way.

That way, you will ease into this brand new you in a slightly less stressful manner. And so we say, a new dawn has begun, and you can mayhaps feel the warmth of the sun’s rays on your face. But do not feel any pressure to get up and go immediately, for this time, the sun has come to stay for good.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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