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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/18/2013 11:28:09 PM

Valerie Donner: Straight from the Heart

Valerie DonnerStraight from the Heart

By Valerie Donner – March 13, 2013

Dear Ground Crew,

How are you doing? Has your life been a little intense lately? We have been dealing with some challenging energies with Mercury Retrograde in Pisces that is bringing up a lot of emotions. It looks like after Mercury goes direct on the 18th of March things should start heating up. Have any of you felt like it has been challenging to focus and get much accomplished? We are also coming out of three days of the Dark Moon energies.

It has felt “funky” as one of my friends described it. Did any of you feel sadness in your heart around the end of last week March 6-8th? I have talked with other Lightworkers who felt similarly. It might have been something happening with the Earth that we don’t know about. As Lightworkers we are not only sensitive to the Earth but we are clearing energies for the entire planet. Don’t you agree that Mother Earth needs it?

Our Earth needs our love, support and healing. There are some hot spots that require intense focus. These include Syria, Egypt, Israel, Palestine and North and South Korea and any other place where you feel called to focus. Prayers, Love and Light are necessary for us to create the peace that we believe is our future. The future is now so let’s get with it, Ground Crew.

Relationships that are out of alignment or out of integrity are being transparently brought to the Light for new choices. One enlightened friend said “The person with the highest consciousness in a situation is responsible for the resolution.” Think about what a responsibility we have as Lightworkers to clean up a lot of injustices and to right some wrongs.

The media continue to drive home guns, violence, fear, and upheaval, as their fear about losing control rises. Some of us have observed an influx of chemtrails. Mira said “They are doing this all around the world to keep humanity under control.” Who knows exactly what their nefarious intentions are but they are making their statements. They live in fear of the Light and it is our job to keep anchoring in the Light.

There are also some strange new diseases that spread rapidly and can keep people sick for several weeks. We must keep up our immune systems.

Have you noticed your increased empathy levels this year? It can be uncomfortable to feel as much as we do now, however it is necessary for our increased awareness and the expansion of our gifts. It might seem like we are making sacrifices but the rewards are plenty.

Victim consciousness is endemic. It is our opportunity to make empowered choices for ourselves. This gets us out of the blame game and into knowing that we always have a choice. It is up to us to make choices that make us feel good about ourselves.

How are you doing with polarity since 12/21/12? Does is still fit in your consciousness? Someone said to me today that they think that “Obama is the anti-Christ.” My response to her was that I believe anyone who does not believe in Love is the anti-Christ because what Christ taught was Love. He represents Unconditional Love and Truth.

Most of you know that great souls such as Christ, Buddha, Mother Mary and others, are composite souls. Their energy is so massive that it cannot fit into a single soul for the work they came to the planet to do. They are comprised of aspects of perhaps millions of souls. It has been said that Jesus’ aura was so large it was 30 miles around. If one touched his aura they could be healed. The upshot of this is that if someone tells you they are channeling one of these Beings they are only speaking for maybe an aspect of that great Being not the entire Being. They can only bring in some of the energies of these powerfully gifted Beings from our Creator.

It took a huge amount of energy and focus in the Light Realms to set the energies for Jeshua Bin Joseph to incarnate on the Earth 2000 years ago. Since his incarnation the Christed Family of Light continue to incarnate and anchor in these Christed energies. This is part of the work that the Lightworkers are doing. That is why we must stay focused on the Light and not get caught up in the dark. Polarity does not belong in the fourth dimension, which is what we are in now, even though we still have to be a part of 3D.

If you notice the subtle shifts in consciousness, the timelessness and almost nothingness of linear time, the need to be in the Now moment, the ability for instantaneous manifestation, the closeness of the Light Realms, our guides, Masters, our Creator, you will begin to honor that we shifted since 12/21/12 and that we are creating Heaven on Earth.

We are the Ground Crew and we are doing our work. For this work there will be many rewards most especially our ability to create our Heaven on Earth. Let’s work together towards this end.

Blessings, Love and Light,

Valerie Donner

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Patricia Bartch

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3/19/2013 5:58:43 AM

**THE IRAQI WAR WAS ALL ABOUT MONEY & OIL. BUSH & CHENEY LIED ** A special BBC Panorama programme tonight will reveal how British and US intelligence agencies were informed by top sources months before the invasion that Iraq had no active WMD programme, and that the information was not passed to subsequent inquiries.
..... It describes how Naji Sabri, Saddam’s foreign minister, told the CIA’s station chief in Paris at the time, Bill Murray, through an intermediary that Iraq had “virtually nothing” in terms of WMD.
.... Sabri said in a statement that the Panorama story was “totally fabricated”.

thanks for your interest,


Iraq War Cost $800 Billion, And What Do We Have To Show For It?

For the past few months, a strange thing has been happening in the central Iraq town of Fallujah. Thousands of citizens, virtually all of them Sunni Muslims, have been gathering in public squares to protest the oppressive Shiite-led government in Baghdad. Sleeping in tents and wielding Twitter feeds and YouTube accounts, the young Sunnis have attempted to take democracy, and a certain sectarian disaffection, into their own hands.

It's not quite the Iraqi Arab Spring -- although that's what it's been tentatively called by some -- but it is a reminder of the stark failure of nearly a decade of American-led warfare in that country.

When President George W. Bush announced the invasion into Iraq in March 2003, the goal was to remove a dangerous dictator and his supposed stocks of weapons of mass destruction. It was also to create a functioning democracy and thereby inspire what Bush called a "global democracy revolution."

The effort was supposed to be cheap -- to require few troops and even less time. Instead, it cost the United States $800 billion at least, thousands of lives and nearly nine grueling years (see the graphic below for a further breakdown of various costs).

The toll on the people of Iraq were even greater. A decade of war left chaos and impoverishment, hundreds of thousands of citizens dead and millions more displaced, and a vicious sectarianism that still threatens to rip the country apart at the seams. The government of Nouri al-Maliki, which has reportedly interfered with independent government bureaucracies and ordered the arrest of his Sunni vice president on trumped-up terrorism charges, often rules in a manner more befitting the autocrat the U.S. invaded to remove.

"Here is a country that's being liberated," proclaimed Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld a few days into the invasion, even as the first signs of the chaos to come began to stir. "Here are people that are going from being repressed and held under the thumb of a vicious dictator, and they're free."

Instead, today in Fallujah, the site of two of the war's largest and most devastating military campaigns, the very best that can be said is that two years late to the party -- not 10 years early -- the Arab Spring has arrived. But the government the people are rising up against is the very one the U.S. installed.

What does it mean to say that the war in Iraq was a wasted effort? Last month, the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction filed a final report that found $8 billion of U.S. development aid had been "wasted outright," in the words of Wired magazine.

But nearly eight times as much money -- $60 billion -- was spent rebuilding the country on the whole, with very little to show for it.

And more than 10 times that amount -- $800 billion -- was spent on the mission overall, a boondoggle that left more than 4,000 American service members dead, 32,000 more wounded, and an authoritarian government in place that is little better -- and possibly, owing to its closer ties to Iran, worse -- than the one that was taken out.

Was any of that money wasted? Was any of it not?

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/19/2013 10:40:46 AM

There were no winners in those two wars, Pat, save for Bush and Cheney and associates who earned from their interests in the big oil and arms corporations and other business operations. The soldiers lost their lives and health and their future and the common people lost their lives and health and also their relatives and their lands and properties. They are always losers.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/19/2013 10:46:05 AM

As odds grow long, opponents move to stop pipeline

As odds grow longer, unusual coalition prepares for final battle to stop Keystone pipeline

Associated Press -

In this photo taken on March 11, 2013, sisters Jenni Harrington, left, and Abbi Kleinschmidt stand next to the proposed route of the Keystone XL pipeline on the property of Jenni Harrington near Bradshaw, Neb. An unusual coalition of environmentalists, property rights advocates and ranchers is attempting to find new ways to derail the Keystone XL pipeline project that, more than ever, seems to be headed for approval in a nation eager for jobs and energy development. (AP Photo/Nati Harnik)

MARTELL, Neb. (AP) -- With a sense of grim determination, a group of unlikely allies has begun gathering at kitchen tables, in churches and along fence rows here to plot what could be the final battle in the four-year conflict over the Keystone XL pipeline.

After months of quiet, a recent State Department report dismissing the ecological impact of the pipeline has cleared the way for a final decision on the plan for transporting oil extracted from the Alberta tar sands more than 1,700 miles to refineries on the Texas Gulf Coast.

An unusual coalition of environmentalists, property rights advocates and ranchers is now attempting to find new ways to derail a project that, more than ever, seems to be headed for approval in a nation eager for jobs and energy development.

"It's been four very long, very difficult years," said one of the opposition's chief organizers, Jane Kleeb of Hastings.

But the group is buoyed by its success so far in stalling the project and in bringing so many disparate interests into the fight.

"I'm associated with people I never dreamed I would have been associated with," said Randy Thompson, a Nebraska rancher and self-described conservative Republican, at a meeting of activists at his rural home south of Lincoln. "There's a stigma on people considered environmentalists. I had that concept."

The opposition effort is now focused on the new Secretary of State, John Kerry, who will make a recommendation to President Barack Obama on whether to green-light the project. The previous Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, was believed to favor the plan before it was stalled by objections over the route.

Opponents and supporters will face off at public hearing in Nebraska, expected to be held in the spring.

Company officials with TransCanada, the pipeline builder, said they are confident they have enough public support along the pipeline's seven-state route, further bolstered by the favorable environmental impact report, to get clearance to begin.

"The sooner we get clarity on schedule, the sooner we can put these people to work," said TransCanada spokesman James Miller.

The politics surrounding the pipeline have changed since last spring when the administration slowed the approval process because of the local protests. At the time, Nebraska's Republican Gov. Dave Heineman objected to the pipeline's route through the ecological sensitive Sand Hills area.

But Heineman was mollified after the company moved the pipeline's route further east. Both Democratic and Republican officials in the affected states, plus business and labor interests, now largely support the project because of the estimated 13,000 construction jobs it will create during the two years of construction.

"It creates jobs and increases our nation's energy supply," said Nebraska Sen. Mike Johanns. "There is no reason for President Obama or the State Department to delay a project that is so clearly in the nation's best interest."

The pipeline would transport up to 800,000 barrels of oil per day to Gulf Coast and Midwest refineries, much of it for export. Advocates contend the pipeline would be more energy efficient than transporting the oil by truck or rail.

But the opponents, especially those in Nebraska, are organized and politically diverse. Hundreds of ranchers and landowners have challenged the idea of a foreign-based corporation seizing land in the United States.

"No foreign corporation should ever be able to come through and take your property without a permit," said Susan Dunavan, who owns 80 acres of native prairie in southeast Nebraska and is a conservative Republican.

Meanwhile, Abbi Kleinschmidt and Jenni Harrington, who are liberal Democrats with a family farm on the pipeline route near Benedict, complain that a pipeline would undercut the fight against global warming.

"It's about awareness and acceptance of climate change," Sierra Club lawyer Ken Winston, of Lincoln.

Other landowners also worry about risks to the Ogalala aquifer, the vast underground shallow water table that is the state's primary water source.

Opponents have been approaching landowners to persuade them not to accept TransCanada's money to allow access. They are also holding meetings in towns along the route, airing television ads, mailing letters to the White House and trying to meet with members of Congress.

Last week, opponents who met at Thompson's house discussed the possibility of protesting the new route because it crosses land thought to contain Ponca Indian artifacts.

The variety of people in the group helps in brainstorming the campaign, they said.

"Being brought together really opened people's eyes. We're all more similar than we may have thought," said Zack Hamilton, a thick-bearded organic farmer.

But the obstacles to success have grown since the State Department's draft report on March 1 finding no evidence the pipeline would have significant environmental impact along its 1,700-mile run.

"We're going to fight this, to the very end if we have to," Thompson said.


Matthew Daly contributed from Washington.

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/19/2013 10:48:27 AM

China will save the electric car, predicts Renault chief

Reuters - Carlos Ghosn, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of French carmaker Renault, speaks next to a Renault Zoe preview electric car during a news conference to present the company's 2010 annual results and their business plan "Drive the change" in Boulogne-Billancourt near Paris February 10, 2011. REUTERS/Benoit Tessier/Files

By Laurence Frost and Norihiko Shirouzu

PARIS/BEIJING (Reuters) - China will save the electric car, Renault-Nissan boss Carlos Ghosnpredicts - and with it the vision of battery-powered motoring on which he has staked his credibility.

Ghosn, who has ploughed a bigger share of his companies' cash into the technology than any other mass-market carmaker, struck a determinedly optimistic note as he released Renault's (RENA.PA) Zoe into a European market notable for its scarcity of electric car chargers and customers.

Industry investments will be sustained by Chinese plans to build production capacity for two million electric cars and plug-in hybrids by 2020, Ghosn said in an interview coinciding with the first Zoe deliveries to European consumers last week.

"This isn't speculation," Ghosn insisted. "China's decisions are among the most audacious that have been taken by any government."

Despite generous subsidies, U.S. and European sales of electric cars remain far below expectations three years since the introduction of the Nissan Leaf. That leaves China as a last redoubt for many believers, despite mounting scepticism about Beijing's target.

The installation of charging networks is also flagging. Many of Europe's estimated 20,000 public chargers are concentrated in Germany. This forced Renault to resort to giving away costly equipment in France, which still has only about 4,000 public chargers.

Renault has introduced three electric models since 2011 and sold 16,000 of the vehicles last year.Nissan, its 43.4 percent-owned Japanese affiliate, sold 26,973 Leafs - 20 percent below target.


Speaking at a Zoe test-drive event in Cascais, Portugal, Ghosn gave no objectives for sales or production in Flins, west of Paris, where the French carmaker has invested in capacity to assemble 150,000 of the vehicles annually.

"We don't share them," Ghosn said. "We don't want to give the impression if these targets are not (met) that there is something wrong with our strategy."

The Renault-Nissan chief has also backed down from an earlier forecast of a 10 percent market share for electric cars by 2020. He now says the goal is to beat the adoption rate of hybrids such as Toyota's Prius, which have taken 15 years to claim about 2 percent of global sales.

But electric cars must catch on much faster, some industry-watchers say, or risk failing completely.

"The electric vehicle experiment is at a critical point," said Barclays Capital analyst Michael Tyndall.

"It needs so many things to align - manufacturers developing vehicles, companies providing charging infrastructure, battery makers investing and consumers accepting the cars at such a rate that everyone in the food chain can make a return."

That's where China comes in, Ghosn says.

Nissan plans to introduce an electric car with Chinese partner Dongfeng in 2015 and Renault aims to start local production of a battery model at about the same time.

"China has 16 of the 20 most polluted cities in the world," Ghosn said. "They will set the rules so that the consumer buys - that's how it's going to happen."

China and its state-controlled companies are still showing strong interest in electric cars. Dongfeng is bidding for a stake in Fisker, a troubled electric supercar maker. Wanxiang Group is paying up to $465 million (360 million euros) for bankrupt battery maker A123 Systems, while BYD is launching an electric car with Daimler (DAIGn.DE) this year.


Forecasting house IHS Automotive, however, sees Chinese output of only 234,000 pure-electric cars in 2020.

Meanwhile, influential critics "want the industry to shift towards more realistic solutions", said Yale Zhang, of Shanghai consultant Automotive Foresight.

The authorities appear to be heeding that message. Ordinary Chinese-made hybrids achieve 20 percent fuel savings and are "ready for nationwide promotion", Industry Minister Miao Wei told a March 8 session of the National People's Congress.

General Motors (GM.N), BMW (BMWG.DE), Volkswagen (VOWG_p.DE) and Ford (F.N) are among others to have launched electric cars with an eye on China and tightening emissions rules in Europe and the United States, though automakers are increasingly scaling back plans for pure electric vehicles.

More than 2 billion euros of Renault-Nissan's 4 billion euro investment in electric cars has been accounted for in previous years' accounts, Ghosn said.

"The important point is that more than half of the electric-car entry ticket has already been paid," he told Reuters.

The problem is that sales volumes are still lagging far behind conventional vehicles.

The zippy Zoe is priced at 20,700 euros, before a 7,000 euro French subsidy that brings it into line with its petrol equivalent, the Renault Clio. But that does not include the battery - rented for 79 euros a month - and a wall-mounted home charger at 850 euros or more.

Renault has taken about 2,000 orders in six months leading up to the Zoe's first deliveries, but Ghosn remains sanguine about its medium-term sales potential.

"I don't think we're ever going to find ourselves in a situation where we can't respond to demand," he said.

(Additional reporting by Hui Li in Beijing; Editing by David Goodman)

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