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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/18/2013 11:09:01 AM

Argentina blends devotion and marketing with pope

Associated Press/Natacha Pisarenko - Blanca Franco cries as she attends Mass in the Villa 21-24 slum in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Sunday, March 17, 2013. Villa 21-24 is a slum so dangerous that most outsiders don't dare enter, but residents say Jorge Mario Bergoglio often showed up unannounced to share laughs and sips of mate, the traditional Argentine herbal tea shared by groups using a common straw. Bergoglio was chosen as leader of the Catholic Church on March 13, 2013, and chose the name Francis. (AP Photo/Natacha Pisarenko)

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) — From slum chapels to Buenos Aires' imposing cathedral, Argentines celebrated their pope in Sunday Masses.

While the faithful prayed, vendors sold papal memorabilia and workers installed huge screens in the capital's central Plaza de Mayo in preparation for an all-night vigil ahead of Francis' formal installation ceremony, which will begin before dawn TuesdayArgentina time.

Mass in the slums began earlier and seemed more intimate. At the Villa 21-24, one of the capital city's most dangerous slums, many recalled how as an archbishop, Jorge Mario Bergoglio blessed their tiny Caacupe Virgin of the Miracles chapel.

Not everyone could fit inside its yellow walls with painted saints and many stood outside. Blanca Franco, a 58-year-old housewife, listened and shed some tears.

"I have feelings in my heart that only God knows," Franco said. "I'm happy about the appointment of our archbishop."

Nearby, Marcos Manuel Solar, a 28-year-old former drug addict, smiled widely as he told passers-by that he had received the rite of confirmation from the pope himself. Solar, who works at a soup kitchen, said he kicked the habit through a rehab program funded by the church.

In the heart of Buenos Aires, the mood was festive.

Vendors outside the Cathedral sold pins, calendars and posters with the image of Francis. The flag of the Vatican City seemed to be the most popular sales item.

Uma Eiras, a 10-year-old student, waved a tiny one with its two white-and-gold vertical bands and said she would hang it in her room.

There seemed not to be a single pew empty inside the giant national Cathedral and many followed the Mass on large screens across the street.

Sabina Podrez, a 39-year-old scrivener, said she attended the Mass out of hope that Argentina and the world will change under a new pope.

"We were going to work disheartened, with insecurity," Podrez said. "This is a breath of fresh air."

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/18/2013 11:10:34 AM

Myanmar president welcomes closer Australia ties

Myanmar leader hails closer Australia ties, says nation's challenges have no modern parallel

Associated Press -

President of Myanmar Thein Sein, right, meets with Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard at Parliament House in Canberra, Australia, Monday, March 18, 2013. Thein is on a three day visit to Australia. (AP Photo/Alan Porritt, Pool)

CANBERRA, Australia (AP) -- Myanmar President Thein Sein welcomed closer ties with Australia on Monday as he asked for continued support through his country's transition to "peace, democracy and prosperity," a mission that he said "has no parallel in modern times."

The first Myanmar leader to visit Australia since 1974, Thein Sein joined Australian Prime MinisterJulia Gillard for a news conference where she announced it will restore limited military cooperation and increase business ties with the Southeast Asian country, which ended five decades of military rule in 2011.

Thein Sein asked for Australian understanding about the political challenges facing his resource-rich but impoverished country.

"I hope you will appreciate that what we are undertaking has no parallel in modern times," Thein Sein said through an interpreter at Australia's Parliament House.

"It is not just a single transition, but three together. It's a transition from military rule to democratic rule, from 60 years of armed conflict to peace and from a centrally controlled and isolated economy to one that can end poverty and create real opportunities for all our people."

Thein Sein's government replaced the military junta after 2010 elections that were widely regarded as neither free nor fair, but he has surprised much of the world with broad reforms that include freeing political prisoners and lifting restrictions on freedom of speech. Australia, the United States and many other countries have lifted sanctions in light of the continuing changes.

Gillard said in recognition of Myanmar's moves toward democracy, Australia will soon post a defense attache to the Australian Embassy in Myanmar's commercial center of Yangon. But Australia's arms embargo against Myanmar will remain. Australia will also post a trade commissioner to Yangon to increase trade and investment links with Myanmar.

"Australia wants to encourage the development of a modern, professional defense force in Myanmar which continues to support democratization and reform," Gillard said.

"It will take time to move to a full normal defense relationship and we will do so carefully on a step-by-step basis," she added.

She said restrictions would be lifted on defense interactions in areas including humanitarian and disaster relief as well as peacekeeping. There could be joint training exercises between the two nations' militaries, she said.

"It is not fully normalizing defense relationships, but it is opening the door and it is a vital first step so that we can then consider further proposals in the future, including proposals about training," she said.

Australia's arms embargo prohibits the supply, sale or transfer to Myanmar of arms and related materiel. It also prohibits the provision of technical advice, assistance or training to Myanmar related to military activities.

Australia in July last year lifted targeted travel and financial sanctions against Myanmar's rulers in response to the country's democratic reforms.

Many of Myanmar's most pressing challenges involve strife among its many ethnic groups, and that was reflected in Thein Sein's visit. About 50 members of the Rohingya ethnic community traveled 300 kilometers (180 miles) from their homes in Sydney to protest peacefully outside Parliament House.

About 200 people, mostly Muslim Rohingya, have died since June in violence with ethnic Rakhine Buddhists in Myanmar's western Rakhine state. Other Rohingya have died trying to escape Myanmar in rickety boats.

Protest organizer Mohammed Anwar said the violent persecution of his people must end before Australia rebuilds military and other ties.

"The president could stop the persecution if he wants," Anwar said. "But currently, he isn't doing anything."

The United Nations estimates the Rohingya population in Myanmar at 800,000. Most are denied citizenship and have no passports, and they are not among the 135 ethnic groups recognized by theMyanmar government. The government considers the Rohingya to be illegal immigrants from Bangladesh, though many of their families have lived in the country for generations.

Thein Sein said in a November letter to the United Nations that Myanmar will consider new rights for the Rohingya, though he gave no timetable and promised no changes.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Sam Sunday

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3/18/2013 11:20:14 AM
Hi dear Miguel,
I just love the new Pope!
I love his ordinariness, his simplicity, his commonness, his humility.....
I think he's a role model to emulate by other leaders

Thanks a million for sharing this..


Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/18/2013 4:37:52 PM

You are very welcome, Sam; I am so glad you like the new Pope. I am an admirer, too and I love his simplicity and humility, though I would love to see him take a firm stance against the suffering of innocent animals - mainly cows - in Argentina, his country of origin, where they are cruelly mistreated in slaughterhouses before they are killed to eat their meat. But I hope I am not placing unreasonable hopes on his shoulders. :)

Blessings too,


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/18/2013 11:01:13 PM
From Wes Annac's personal blog:

Releasing Myself to Spirit


125I’ve just been able to hit what I think to be one of the most important and profound epiphanies for my spiritual and emotional growth, but I am still processing it and letting it set in. To provide a bit of backstory on this matter; we have been trying to get out on our own (we’ve Lived with other people for years) and find ourselves limited financially, and are looking at a small house that could be perfect for us, were we to have a way to buy it.

This is not a call for pity, nor am I trying to make my Life seem harder than it is because in reality, we have been blessed with abundance many times in the past and continue to be able to get by because of many factors, one being the Newsletter, that see us able to have an income and survive. Perhaps fully realizing how blessed my family and I have been is also crucial for this epiphany to have a greater impact.

We’ve considered many things; one of which being a donation run on the website which I’m not going to do, because you viewers have assisted us so very much in the past. Especially because of the facets of my work set up for subscribers, I just don’t feel comfortable asking for any more. This is a give and take, and I intend to give much, much more to you all than I ever wish to receive from you.

I’m only mentioning the current “struggle” we are in to provide backstory for why I found myself in the funk that led to this epiphany. We are looking at a couple of different options to be able to buy this house, which is itself quite cheap for a house, but I’ve noticed and tried to fend off the ever-present fears and apprehensions that we just won’t be able to do it.

It’s not as if some of them are unwarranted; the difficult financial situation of us and everyone around us has accounted for little financial assistance in the avenue of buying the house, and we are looking at a scarce few options at present.

That’s not to say that something wonderful won’t open up or the Universe won’t find a way to use one of our scarce options as a conduit to financially assist us with doing this, but the flattened and saddened perspective I found gloomily hanging over me on this day was being driven by the hyped-up fear that this is not going to work out and that the immense manifestation power I’ve poured into it just won’t pay off.

Prior to today, I have been letting little or no negativity in concerning this entire matter. I have kept on with the work I’ve been blessed with being able to do, and kept faith that all would work out accordingly even on the days it has just seemed like a lost cause. I now recognize that I was pushing fears and apprehensions under the surface, under the guise of remaining positive and putting faith in the Universe. My real faith in the Universe was displayed to me today, when I once again allowed my confidence in everything, including my own ability, to take a dive.

I allowed myself to think “if this doesn’t work, I just don’t know what I’m going to do. I will have to wallow in sadness, confusion or despair….” , and I allowed those thoughts and feelings to rule my perspective and drain my confidence, not just in whether we are to get the house, but in my own manifestation abilities.

I fell into the rungs of depression, and one thing I noticed being in this state was that concern for myself was turned up much higher than it usually is or has ever been. I think it’s safe to say that in general, negative or lower states of consciousness breed a service-to-self based mindset. I found myself in much more of a concern over how I felt; how things were happening for me; what would make me happy or sad; all of these types of thoughts poured through and attached themselves to me.

Almost in an instant, I realized that the contents of all of those thoughts were aimed at or meant for an illusory ego me who I was giving all of my power and perspective to. I re-examined the entirety of my existence and my purpose on this world, and paired it with everything I have learned about our true nature as spiritual beings undergoing a human experience, and it became crystal clear why I was receiving so many sixes in the synchronicities I was being given concerning the house. (1)

Concerning this whole matter, I haven’t been worried about my fate as a soul, which I know is to travel back to the blissful realms of our Creator wherein worry or concern are things of the past; I’ve been concerned over my fate as a physical, human being who needs the proper housing every human being deserves. Realizing that, I then see that when that initial distortion was employed, the slew of negative and fear-based thoughts and feelings came flowing right in, as if the door had been kicked open for them. In a sense, it had been and I did not even realize it.

Now, I analyze myself as an ascending soul working to assist in the ascension of Gaia. My primary role is not to worry about or be in concern over whether something physical yet of a strong importance in my Life plays out; my job is to neutrally act as a conduit for the higher realms to come forth via writings, direct channelings, music and other things and to know, and I mean really know, on a deeper and more assured level than I have ever achieved before throughout the entirety of my Earthly existence, that no matter what happens I am always looked after by the Universe physically; if for no other reason, than for the sacred role I and you all are here to fill at this time.

Suddenly, all of my concerns about myself as a physical human being vanished. All of the stressful physicality of the human existence; taxes, buying a house, getting loans, letting fear into oneself because of the difficulty of the physical existence in general; this all faded away when I realized completely that they are all aspects of a fading illusory reality that we are transmuting, as we realize the spiritual nature of our existence.

Seeing and fully understanding my role as a soul from the higher realms who is both traveling back to those realms and holding the doorway open for as many as possible to do so, fears and concerns surrounding my physical existence have no effect upon me. My dip in faith and my allowance of negativity and fear to enter into my perspective and change how I feel about myself and my experience, formed a catalyst for me to find even deeper and incredibly-solidified faith in my Creation abilities and in the fact that I am looked after by Source. You are looked after as well.

Again, this epiphany will settle upon me gradually and its arrival doesn’t quite mean negativity won’t still creep up; it is simply that I’m now better equipped to handle it and in my arsenal, I have the understanding of my Divinity, ability and neutrality.

When you open up to your spiritual nature, the sense of “me” will fade away and will be replaced with a sense of spirit and a sense of the “all”, accompanied with a vanishing of any worries concerning your physical existence. Truly, it’s a liberating feeling and I invite any of you with similar concerns and struggles as me, to feel it.

Wes Annac – Simply Is, and it feels great.

(1)-According to Doreen Virtue, the 6 when given in synchronicities is significant not of the devil or hell, but of an imbalance mentally or emotionally toward the physical experience.

“666 — Your thoughts are out of balance right now, focused too much on the material world. This number sequence asks you to balance your thoughts between heaven and earth. Like the famous “Sermon on the Mount,” the angels ask you to focus on spirit and service, and know your material and emotional needs will automatically be met as a result.”

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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