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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/17/2013 10:16:29 PM
Hi Myrna,

The Hindus have it right there and in so many other things regarding cows. Cow dung is a natural fuel for millions in India, perhaps the best there is (also in the mountain ranges in my country) and as to the cows' urine, it is believed to be such a great purifier that they even now bathe their children in it right after birth.

Cows used to be so sacred for Hindus that the same word for riches, 'go', was used for cows. They give the Hindus their milk everyday as long as they live and when dead, every part of the cow's body can be used by people.



What a cleaver idea. Fermented Cow Dung Air FreshenerI would love to try this one. It is natural. Good stuff.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/17/2013 10:18:23 PM

Pope Francis Delivers Message of Mercy to Crowd of 300,000

By MATTHEW JAFFE | ABC News4 hours ago

ABC News - Pope Francis Delivers Message of Mercy to Crowd of 300,000 (ABC News)

Before an astounding crowd of some 300,000 in and around St. Peter's Square, Pope Francis today delivered his first angelus as pontiff, urging the faithful to be merciful and forgiving.

Hours earlier, the humility and spontaneity of the 76-year-old Argentine was on display when he greeted onlookers near the edge of Vatican City.

As the pope was entering a mass in St. Anna Parish, he decided to stop and greet a crowd of people awaiting his arrival. Walking up to the crowd, Francis shook hands, held a baby, and even motioned for two priests he recognized in the crowd to bypass the barricades and approach him.

It was the latest sign of the informality of the new pontiff. In the days since he was selected by his fellow cardinals to lead the Roman Catholic Church, Francis has shunned the fancy red shoes of his predecessor Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI in favor of simple black shoes, declined a ride in a limousine in favor of a mini-van, and donned simple white robes and a wooden cross. The new informal style has been welcomed by followers and colleagues worldwide.

Pope Francis Through the Years

"I think just the way he is behaving is very discreet. It is very ordinary," Cardinal Wilfrid Napier of South Africa said. "It's very much like, 'I am the pope, but I can still sit down at any table with anybody. I can share my stories. I can talk about my life. I can share about my ministry.'"

In St. Peter's Square today, Americans in the crowd marveled at the pope's humility.

"He just seems very humble in the way that he presents himself," said Christina Senour, who now lives in Rome.

"It has really struck me that he is so without frills," added her brother-in-law, David Uebbing.

Uebbing's wife Jennifer predicted that the pope's displays of modestly will help the church grow.

"I think he's working very honestly and simply to transmit his humility to the world and to set an example, to say here is the church, it's not rich and grand and aloof, but it is down with the people and for the people," she said.

On Tuesday morning, Francis will return to the square for his papacy's inaugural mass.

Later today, Vice President Joe Biden is set to arrive in Rome to attend the mass. On Monday, Francis is scheduled to meet the president of his homeland, Christina Kirchner, whom he has criticized in the past.

Then next weekend Francis will meet with his predecessor, in a unique, historic meeting between the current pope and a fellow living pope.

Cardinal Justin Rigali of Philadelphia told reporters today that Francis is delivering a similar message to that delivered by Benedict, who earlier this year became the first pope in nearly six centuries to resign.

"He's pronouncing the same message of God's mercy. That is what is so important," Rigali said of Francis. "But he is doing it in his way, just as Benedict did it in his way.

"We all have our gifts," he added.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/17/2013 10:24:03 PM

How Many Times Have Extraterrestrials Saved the Earth? – Part 6

DU WeaponsStar Beings have Eliminated Depleted-Uranium Radioactivity

Not all radioactivity is nuclear. In fact the radiation that could have caused what one scientist called “omnicide,” while it comes from weapons, can be associated with as small a device as a bullet. And yet its spread across the globe threatened this planet – before star beings got to work on it.

That source of radiation is called “depleted uranium.” It’s a toxic heavy metal and a by-product of the nuclear fuel and weapons industries. According to journalist Alok Jha, naturally-occurring uranium is a mixture of two different kinds – uranium 235 and uranium 238.

Uranium 235 is by far the most radioactive kind. Unsurprisingly, this is the one that the nuclear fuel and weapons industries try to extract from the naturally-occurring metal. When extracted it’s called ‘enriched uranium.’ This is used in fuel rods and nuclear weapons.

What’s left over after the extraction process is called ‘depleted uranium.’ It’s still a mixture of the two kinds (or isotopes) of uranium, but it’s mainly made up uranium 238. (1)

DU Tank

DU is used because its shells can slice through tanks

There’s no reason to call it “depleted” because it’s anything but. I believe the cabal named it that to lull people to sleep. Let’s review how it works and what it does to people and the planet:

  • Depleted-uranium (DU) weapons, when fired, create a DU aerosol of ceramic nanoparticles.
  • Ingestion of DU or contact with it debilitates or kills.
  • Simple exposure to unfired DU weapons can contaminate.
  • There’s no safe exposure limit to DU.
  • Protective gear does not protect.
  • DU infects spouses/mothers through semen transfer and family members through contact with contaminated objects.
  • DU leads to horrible birth defects in babies (Google “depleted-uranium babies”).
  • Women and children are most susceptible
  • DU has a half life of 4.5 billion years.
  • DU travels globally on the winds.
  • DU cannot be cleaned up.
  • There is no known treatment for DU contamination. (2)

An internationally renowned expert on radioactive contamination, Dr. Rosalie Bertell, said that depleted uranium would cause “omnicide,” which she defined thus:

“The concept of species annihilation means a relatively swift, deliberately-induced end to history, culture, science, biological reproduction and memory. It is the ultimate human rejection of the gift of life, an act which requires a new word to describe it: omnicide.”(3)

DU PortestsDr. Leuren Moret, a scientist and activist, describes the risk this way:

“Our collective gene pool of life, evolving for hundreds of millions of years has been seriously damaged in less than the past fifty. The time remaining to reverse this culture of ‘lemming death’ is on the wane.

“In the future, what will you tell our grandchildren about what you did in the prime of your life to turn around this death process?” (4)

In Dr. Moret’s opinion, “there are just a few generations left before the collapse of our environment.” (5)

Who is it that’s using DU weapons? Matthew tells us that “the US government is exploding materials that produce DU radioactivity.” (6) The U.S. government developed DU weapons because their projectiles could go through the heavy metallic skin of a tank like a knife through butter.

Dr. Moret tells us that DU weapons were first given by the US to Israel for use under US supervision in the 1973 Sinai war against the Arabs. Since then the US has tested, manufactured, and sold depleted-uranium weapons systems to 29 countries. (7)

How do we know the star beings are working on it? Matthew Ward told us in 2011: “The elimination of pollutants in your soil, water and atmosphere will include depleted uranium and radioactive nuclear waste.” (8) The job of removing it from the atmosphere is not entirely done, Matthew says.DU Kills 321

“The toxicity is greater than can be totally neutralized by off-planet technology. However, the sickness and birth defects due to the radiation would be far greater without that technology’s ameliorating effects.

“When your space brothers and sisters can work openly on the planet, all pollution, including radioactivity, will be eliminated.” (9)

“The technology of your space brothers and sisters is ameliorating the effects of all pollutants, including radioactivity, to the greatest possible extent, and when it is safe for them to join forces with your environmentalists and scientists, they will completely eradicate all poisons in air, water and earth.” (10)

SaLuSa also tells us that the star beings are working on it and that their technology will reverse the problem.

“We have for many years, going far back into the last century, dealt with many problems arising from pollution and nuclear fall-out. We have limited contamination [for instance, from depleted-uranium weapons] to avoid as far as possible genetic damage to future generations. … Our technologies will deal with these problems.” (11)

On another occasion, he said:

“Have no fear, Dear Ones, although you have serious troubles to contend with and they are destroying your environment, we can reverse the damage and clear any pollution that has been caused.

“Much of [this] can be achieved from our craft without needing to land on your Earth’s surface. It is the type of work we have carried out for you on many occasions over the years.” (12)

DU Poisoning

No protective gear keeps DU out of the system

“This is something we have been involved in ever since [your] first experiments with nuclear devices. A considerable amount of our time has been [given to] cleansing your atmosphere of radioactive fallout and in more recent times the chemtrails. (13)

“We have always kept watch on Mother Earth and her human population,” he assures us. (14)

There’s a second reason we need not worry over the matter, Matthew says. That is that its effects cannot last in the higher dimensions. Please remember that it’s the galactics who are assisting us with Ascension to those higher dimensions.

“Fear also arises about situations you don’t have any control over, such as the long-term effects on bodies of nuclear radiation, chemtrails, vaccines and depleted uranium. That is why we have stated in previous messages that concerns about those are unnecessary because their harmful effects, which exist only at low vibratory levels, will be eradicated along with everything else of low vibrations that cannot co-exist with fourth density’s high vibrations.

“All persons who accompany Earth into fourth density will be healed of the effects of those toxins and whatever other diseases and infirmities they may have.” (15)

In the case of depleted uranium, then, we have a deadly substance which the galactics have gotten rid of or are in the process of getting rid of which most of the population has no idea even exists. The cabal hid its use from us or convinced the public that the substance had no ill effects. Yet it would have caused the death of everything on the planet had the galactics not intervened.

Here again then, the star beings have saved the planet and everything on it from total annihilation.


(1) Alok Jha, “Depleted Uranium,” Guardian, 25 Apr. 2003, downloaded from,,943633,00.html, 12 Sept. 2007.

(2) “Depleted Uranium: Why We Must Not Go to War with Iran,” at

(3) Internationally-renowned radiation expert Dr. Rosalie Bertell, quoted in judgement of Professor Ms Niloufer Bhagwat J, International Criminal Tribunal For Afghanistan at Tokyo, 13 March 2004, downloaded from, 30 Aug. 2007

(4) Dr. Leuren Moret, “Depleted Uranium: the Trojan Horse of Nuclear War,” World Affairs: The Journal of International Issues, 1 July 2004, downloaded from, 26 Aug. 2007

(5) Loc. cit.

(6) Matthew’s Message, Aug. 11, 2011, at

(7) Dr. Leuren Moret, “Depleted Uranium: The Trojan Horse,” ibid.

(8) Matthew’s Message, Aug. 11, 2011.

(9) Matthew’s Message, Apr. 28, 2006.

(10) Matthew’s Message, Feb. 3, 2007.

(11) SaLuSa, May 12, 2010, at

(12) SaLuSa, May 12, 2010.

(13) SaLuSa, March 19, 2010.

(14) Loc. cit.

(15) Matthew’s Message, Feb. 1, 2012.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/17/2013 10:25:04 PM

Jesus: God Does Not Require Anyone to Take Up Arms of His Behalf

jesus-4-258x3001-150x150Jesus: God Does Not Require Anyone to Take Up Arms of His Behalf

As channelled by John Smallman – March 17, 2013

John’s reading of this post is here:

Humanity’s long and arduous journey, since the apparent but illusory separation from Reality occurred, is coming to an end.You have endured much suffering, anxiety, and fear as you wandered, often aimlessly, through the strange environment that you constructed in which to play your games — games that have, over the eons, brought you much confusion and despondency.

Reality is clear, bright, and uplifting, and you chose to depart from It into chaos and confusion. Initially it was intriguing and exciting because it was different, and in a way you felt freer as you explored it, but your sense of freedom quickly evaporated as you found yourselves dealing with limits; something not found in Reality.Your needs are your limits, and as embodied humans you always have needs – clean air, food and water, warmth, shelter, protection – so much so, that you have great difficulty imagining or conceiving of living without needs.

Some of you meditate, and as you do so you remind yourselves that in this moment you have no needs, and that is good. But those basic human needs do have to be regularly replenished while you remain committed to and attached to your bodies. Ensuring their regular replenishment is very demanding for you energetically and creates stress and anxiety. Some of you believe that stress and anxiety are good for you, because you believe if you were not motivated by those needs nothing would get done. But, of course, if you had no needs, nothing would need to get done, and you could just be.

What you experience with your bodily senses as reality is in fact a series of experiences which your mind creates within you. There is nothing outside of you except what you project with your collective intent. That intent is very powerful and presents numerous “exterior” pictures for you to engage with, but your experience is always an interior one, an individual one, because you chose to engage with separation, effectively abandoning oneness — your real and eternal state. To awaken is to know that you are one, not just to believe it is so.

Over the last few decades many have become aware of the reality of your oneness, and of the insanity of thinking that you are separate, individual beings, unaffected by others unless physically engaging with them. As this awareness has grown, groups have formed to teach and spread this knowledge, and to encourage others to do likewise, and an increasingly powerful thoughtform or energy field has developed that is changing the way everyone on Earth thinks and behaves.

Look around the world and observe the myriad social movements that have sprung up with the intent for people to take back their sovereignty, their God-given power which, when used along with the understanding and awareness that all are indeed one, is bringing about enormous changes for the better in the ways that people relate to one another. Citizens of the world are being heard, and their right to be heard and respected is being accepted, as more and more governments find that they have to respond appropriately, honestly, and with integrity to their just demands.

As the intensity of this energy wave grows, people will also start to see that, because all are one, combining into opposing groups that seek to achieve their aims by denying the goals of others makes absolutely no sense at all, because at the deepest level of your being you all have the same aims. They have just been presented differently and in different languages and cultural, ethnic, political, and religious forms that, on the surface, appear to be mutually exclusive. They are not. All desire to be loved, honored and respected.

What has happened over the eons is that your different races and cultures have developed different ways to show those graces, and then they have been codified and recast as unbreakable laws. With the passage of time the integrity and the deeper meaning underlying them has been forgotten or mislaid, and instead of respecting and honoring one another people now honor laws that have been interpreted extremely narrowly. To solve this, more and more laws have been formed, restrictions have grown, and now confusion reigns, and individuals have lost their God-given rights to live as they choose.

The only valid law is to love one another and do no harm to anyone, and it is to that law that humanity will return. When it does so, peace will prevail. The first step on the path to this is to cease judging one another. When you respect and honor each individual’s rights as a human to exist in peace, and cease to judge others as wrong and deserving punishment for not holding the same beliefs as you do, every reason for conflict evaporates.

God does not require — let alone desire or will — anyone to take up arms on His behalf. He created all perfect, equal, and sovereign, and He loves all, without exception! He has no need of protection or defense. He is infinitely powerful. How could any human even imagine that they could defend or protect Him? And yet so many of your conflicts are based on differences of religious belief, in which you take it upon yourselves to judge for God. What extreme arrogance!

Religions are just culturally different and diverse ways of trying to honor God, the supreme Being. God loves it when you honor Him in your own individual way, which is just another of the many creative aspects of honoring that you can use to delight Him. When you judge others, supposedly on His behalf, you are attempting to stand in for God as your ego runs amok, and no one can stand in for God.

So, open your hearts in love, constantly, every one of you, and watch the miracles that will then occur.

Your loving brother, Jesus

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/17/2013 10:26:10 PM

Archangel Michael via Ron Head: Much Has Been Learned and Nothing Should Be Regretted

imageArchangel Michael via Ron Head: Much Has Been Learned and Nothing Should Be Regretted

As Channeled by Ron Head – March 16, 2013

Today let us consider your current situation and help you to feel a bit better about it.

Remember that your current situation is the moment or moments prior to your next situation. It is the time in which causes have been made, and are being made, which will yield later results. It is also the time in which your thoughts, decisions, and intentions are the real power of which you have been so often apprised, and which you find so hard to understand.

This moment, this moment, is one in which you could actually be celebrating what you have done if you could see what it truly contains. That is because, unless you change your minds, the work to produce the next moment has been done.

And why can we see that and you cannot? Well, you see, you have invented a really wonderful way keep yourselves from making instant and possibly painful mistakes by not being able to see the results of your actions and intentions, thus giving yourselves a chance to reconsider and learn. It was a good and useful idea which you are about to find you have outgrown.

You created a focus so minute that you could see only a very limited field of what you formerly could perceive. You call it time. You see cause, pause, and then effect. For those who do not so limit themselves, the effect is inherent in the cause. It is already.

But very soon, when you have sufficiently allowed your consciousness to expand, you will begin to see the inherent effects of the causes and not need this linear time illusion any longer. Except that you had decided to create this separation game, you never did need it to begin with, but much has been learned and nothing should be regretted. Others are still lost in the game and you are to have the opportunity to use the wisdom you have gained to help them as you have been helped.

Some are now feeling a very sharp rise in the energies you are entering. They are correct. Smile, breathe, and enjoy the ride. In keeping with our penchant for injecting a bit of humor into these messages, please keep your arms and legs within the earth vehicle until we have arrived at our destination.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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