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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/13/2013 10:58:59 PM

Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 281

As channeled by Aisha North – March 12, 2013

For many of you, the upheavals you have been experiencing lately, indeed are maybe still in the midst of, will signal an important departure from much of what you have looked upon as an integral part of your life. For now, everything that does not serve you anymore will be slowly but surely extracted from your life, but as most of these things have very deep roots indeed, it will not be a very swift process.

You see, much of this are issues that have been allowed to bury themselves deep, deep within your psyche in some way, and as such, this extraction process will not be without its challenges. For, as we have talked about so many times earlier, your whole human set up has been designed in such a way it craves stability more than anything, and now, that is the last thing you can expect.

So these bouts of energetic cleanups coming in now will have you all tossing and turning from all of this intense removal, so the very ground beneath your feet will seem to be less than stable at times too.

Let us explain. As it always is with these energetic immersions you are once again in the middle of, they will seem to disturb so much, and your equilibrium will be almost guaranteed to be lost for longer or shorter periods during all of this. We speak both of the more emtional processes, but also of purely physical ones.

So you will feel yourself stumbling more than once during the next few days, as everything you have on the inside, and indeed also on the outside, will seem to be endlessly shifting around, and in addition it will do so seemingly out of synch with everything else. So expect to lose your footing in more ways than one, but know also that if, or rather when, you find yourself falling to your knees in some ways, you will always be able to get back up on your feet.

We tell you this as a reminder that this is not about breaking you down, it is in fact all about rebuilding you, but this process can easily be misconstrued as the other way around. For you will all in some ways suffer the consequences from this, in many ways brutal, process. But again we say, this is not to make you suffer, this is only to ensure that you will emerge victorious at the other end of this journey.

So try to stay calm, even if the storms you will face up ahead will have you seriously considering if you will be able to weather them at all. And please know that there is no shame in holding on to something in order to help you stay on your feet throughout all of this. And when we say something, we might as well rephrase that to someone. But please choose well in whom you turn to in all of this, for a wise soul will know to choose another wise soul for comfort, whether it be one of your fellow men, or one of us.

For if you choose to cling onto someone that has already succumbed to their own fear, they will not help to keep you standing, they will only ensure that you will not be able to stand up ever again after immersing yourself in this sea of fear they are apt to create. So again we say be sure to connect with your true brothers and sisters in this, lest you should accidentally pick someone much less buoyant in order to help you to stay afloat in these days ahead. For you will all need support in some way through all of this, so it will do no good if you choose to latch onto someone already going under in their own sea of despair.

Again, we come to give you encouragement, not to take away any last vestiges of hope that you might have. For this is not an easy ride, not in any way, but never forget you are more than able to complete it. For that powerhouse you all harbour inside has only just started to come alive, but it will gain momentum for each day now. So do not think you have taken your last breath, even if you may at some point get the wind knocked out of you, for you have just begun to breathe freely, without the restrictions that have been holding you down for eons.

So again we say, focus on that breath, for it is indeed more important than you can understand now, and it will help you through even the worst of these squalls that are currently hovering on the horizon. For you are indeed build of strong stuff dear ones, they very stuff the stars are made of, and you cannot be snuffed out as easily as you mayhaps think at the moment.

You will continue to shine brightly, even through the darkest hour of the storm, and as such, you will also help others. And by your light, others will also find their way to a safe harbour, and by your grace, you will do the same too. For you have not lost yourself yet, and you will not do so either, as long as you keep your gaze averted from all of those trying to lure you into their deep pool of fear.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/13/2013 11:00:01 PM

Ben Arion: You’re Not a Wave, You’re Part of the Ocean

You’re Not a Wave, You’re Part Of the Ocean

By BenArion, Ashtar Command Crew, March 12, 2013

We often talk about the fifth dimension, we talk about a shift, that we will shift into these higher frequencies, but the thing is that we are there right now. It is 2013 and we are living the fifth dimensional frequencies right now.

Of course, we still try to live a three dimensional life within patterns that have been here for hundreds of years, even thousands of years.

I’m starting to live in the fifth dimensional energy, but the mind has these patterns that come back and I have too look for them. For example, the question ”what will I do in the future?”

I don’t think it is necessary to think that thought, but to ask myself ”how do I feel right now? Do I feel good?” I attune myself to myself. Ask yourself and know whether or not you need to eat, sleep or change anything right now. You know everything right now.


Worldwide, people are getting more and more confused. This is like two sides of a coin, since people are also getting more and more clear. But it’s nothing strange. People are holding on to their 3D energies and don’t realise that they are in another dimension with higher frequencies. We have to integrate the living patterns of the higher energies and it’s about the feeling of freedom, that you are your own source of power.

I see a lot of people becoming lost in the dramas around them, seeing things as right or wrong, light or dark, this or that, putting labels on everything. I feel that I can’t go into these discussions anymore, taking sides saying this is right and that is wrong, or even advise anyone to do this or that. It’s simply not necessary. People have their own issues and want to claim their truth.

This might sound strange, but everyone chooses for themselves to engage in dramas. No one else can do that for you. If you feel that you’re in a drama, if you feel drained or that you have to convince anyone, then it’s your own problem, and you can get help with your issues.

I’ve asked a lot from my heart to transmute these densities of polarity in my being and I’ve received so much help. I know I’m the only one responsible for my actions and my feelings and there is no one to judge, no one at all, not even myself. We are all on a journey to create our own beings.


The illusion is that everything is, and this may sound philosophical that everything just is, but from this is-ness you choose who you want to be and you’re not a victim. In these high energies you cannot engage in third dimensional energy games anymore. You see them and you bless them and you see everyone as divine.

When I look at people I see that they are masters of their reality. I see love within them. If I see a person sitting on the street begging for money, I see that it’s his or her version of the reality, to have to bow down in order to receive help, to believe that he or she is a victim of random circumstances.

Instead of giving this person money I usually look at them and say hello, recognizing that they are beings of great strength beyond words, that they are creators, that they are love, but that they aren’t totally aware of it yet. A lot of people aren’t aware of who they truly are.

All of this, what I call the spirituality game – the new age, the religions – are just different groups with different agendas. Spirit has no agenda. Spirit isn’t in new age or religion. These are just concepts and you are truth, but you have all these layers of belief, illusion and fears on top of that. If you would remove all these layers at once, the ego would just think it became insane, because most people can’t handle this is-ness, this stillness where everything comes from.

So we take them off layer by layer, and please try to enjoy it as much as you can.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/13/2013 11:01:03 PM

Jesus: Any Personal Lack of Self-Esteem is Totally Inappropriate

jesus-4-258x3001-150x150Jesus: Any Personal Lack of Self-Esteem is Totally Inappropriate

As channelled by John Smallman – March 13, 2013

John’s reading of today’s post is here:

Humanity is advancing rapidly towards awakening into its natural state of being fully conscious at all times. Your awareness of your spiritual essence is growing, and as a direct result you are doing less and less from an unconscious state, from a state of unawareness, and so you are observing and questioning your thoughts, words, and actions quite rigorously in contrast to what you were doing as recently as last year, 2012.

And this is very good news. It demonstrates that your spiritual evolution is progressing extremely well in response to the new energies that have enveloped you.

Of course, this new awareness can be unsettling because you find yourselves observing and questioning attitudes and behaviors of which you were previously almost wholly unconscious, or, if somewhat aware, which you thought were perfectly normal and appropriate. Now you are often not so sure.

To be unsure and questioning is the start of the release from fear, because fear generally leads to denial and suppression. It takes courage to question your assumptions, to recognize that some – or even most – of your habitual patterns of behavior are not something to be proud of, and then to take appropriate action to change them. By changing them, you change yourselves – the selves that you present to the world. And then, on top of that, other people notice the changes in you, which can also be unsettling.

Remember, it is not you that is changing – you are a perfect, divine being; you always have been, and you always will be. It is your perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors that are changing as you bring them steadily into alignment with your divine and loving nature. You are allowing yourselves to be yourselves, and you are discarding the masks and disguises that you have been wearing and hiding behind fearfully for eons. You are rediscovering yourselves, and that is uplifting, inspiring, and very life-affirming for you. It is demonstrating very positively for you that any personal lack of self-esteem, sense of unworthiness, or even worthlessness is totally inappropriate. To rediscover yourselves is a most joyful experience; in fact it can be quite ecstatic as you realize that not only do you deserve honor and respect, but that it is literally your God-given right to receive it.

As that realization forcefully penetrates your consciousness it becomes impossible for you to continue wearing your masks and disguises for a moment longer. You have a right to be you. You have a responsibility to be you. You have the honor of being you. And there is absolutely no one else that you could be. And that realization is wholly liberating and exhilarating for you.

And it is not just you that is experiencing this change of perception: all of humanity is undergoing this process, and it is very startling for most of them. They are wondering what on earth is happening to them! And they need reassurance that no, they are not going insane. So shine your Light on high, let the loving and gentle breeze of the all-encompassing divine energy field breathe on It so that It expands into a brilliant flaming beacon of love and compassion helping to guide home those who feel lost and confused by the new waves of energy that are flowing through them and suffusing them. That is your task, and it is a delightful one that will bring you much happiness because you are perfectly qualified to carry it out.

Settle comfortably into your place of peace, that inner space that you have been creating with love and which has become increasingly accessible the more you use it — to pray, meditate, or commune with your angels and guides. Now open your hearts and intend to send love, compassion, acceptance, forgiveness, kindness, and healing to all who come to mind, and to all of humanity.

It does not matter whether or not you get any sense of the energy that you are sharing, that is flowing out through you. Rest assured that it most definitely is flowing, and most effectively. It is your intent that drives the flow of energy, and your ability to sense it is not important. That intent is also God’s Will for all humanity, so when you intend it, your intent aligns with His, and you are then doing most effectively what you incarnated to do, and for which you are divinely honored.

In that holy space Love embraces you, and your strength and conviction in God’s eternal Love for you intensifies, so do not forget to go there daily. Each time you do so, set the intent to return, and then the distractions of daily life are far less likely to engage you to the extent that you forget. Take time out there daily. You know you need to, and you know it works wonders for you. That daily period of quietness in the center of the storm that is daily life for so many is absolutely essential for your health and well-being – and for the health and well-being of all of humanity.

In the spiritual realms we are very well aware of the difficulties, the anxieties, and the suffering that so many of you are undergoing, and that is why we constantly encourage you to enter your place of inner peace and hold that loving intent. It heals you and brings you peace, and it helps humanity to heal and find peace, and it leads all towards awakening.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/13/2013 11:02:16 PM

Yeshua and the Company of Heaven: You Are The Guiding Force of A Whole New World

Yeshua and the Company of Heaven: You Are The Guiding Force of A Whole New World

As channelled through Fran Zepeda – March 12, 2013

Hello dear ones of the Light, as you are and always have been. We speak to you today of what is on your minds and in your hearts, at least for many of you. You see, we observe you and are with you constantly, monitoring your progress and we often see you struggling with trying to figure everything out, with trying to make sense of things.

You see, not everything can be figured out and put in a nice order. Things are constantly changing as you go from moment to moment and it is where you put your focus as to what will prevail. This may sound simplistic, but it is the art of creation, the rules of manifestation.

Constantly second-guessing oneself puts a monkey wrench in the process, to use a common phrase. It scatters and changes and dilutes the results, and of course can bring your fears into focus and at the forefront of the manifestation process.

We are here to remind you to pay attention to your thoughts at all times, and to observe your fears and let them dissipate in your Loving Light. It does no good to second-guess yourself either, my dear friends. Move forward with trust and faith in your worth and your abilities.

We are always here to guide you, as you know, and we do see your struggles and dilemmas, but we also have complete trust and faith in your ability to move through them by tuning into your Higher Selves and Creator, and with us as your guides as well you will come out the other end with much more understanding and assurances.

We love you and cherish your beautiful hearts and we know that the energies of late are bringing some confusion as you are presented with situations requiring you to acknowledge and let go of even more negative thoughts, experiences and old memories and as you filter them for others as well.

Take heart in the knowledge that you are up against a “wall” of sorts, created by all the leaving of the old and the introduction of the new, but that “wall” is penetrable and moveable and is shifting as we speak. In many ways, it just takes complete surrender and also belief in your abilities to clear the way for yourselves.

Yes, you have come such a long way and what you are experiencing now is a culmination and result of all that hard work. You are formidable Beings, designed to and capable of unscrambling this new frequency into many new possibilities, at your fingertips now.

Please take a moment now, dear ones, to assess your status right now. Are you filled with hope or are you getting discouraged? The energies of late have been daunting, to say the least, but you were made and endowed with the capability to transform them into a living example of courage and hope, into being a part of something so sustainable and wondrous, destined to be the guiding force of a Whole New World in this New Paradigm.

You are etching the form, and filling in the details with colors of the rainbow vibrating at a speed of unequaled proportions. We take it all in with wonder and yearning to see what you will create next. It is something of great proportions, banking on the progress you have made thus far.

You may not see it all clearly right now, but rest assured that what you are creating is monstrous and incredible and we support you every step of the way, as always.

Take in these coming energies of the Equinox with confidence that you will be witnessing more changes as you roll along through this year of significant transformation. It was foretold and it is so.

Your loving brother Yeshua and the Company of Heaven

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/13/2013 11:03:52 PM

Pleiadian Council via Goldenlight: Reconnecting with Your Galactic Family of Origin and Merging with 5th Dimensional New Earth

Pleiades-Star-SystemChanneled by Goldenlight, March 10, 2013

I connected in with my Higher Self, Council of Angels and Pleiadian Council last night and this message came through. This is partially a personal message; I have omitted some of the personal references, but left others for continuity. -Goldenlight

Pleiadian Council: We are glad you have connected in with us as there are some messages we wish to relay to you… You have been coasting along between dimensions in the between times and between area; the old 3d system is collapsing.

We are here as your galactic family of origin, Goldenlight, for you came here first from the angelic realm and spent many lifetimes here with us in the higher dimensional realms. At the end of each lifetime you would simply dematerialize; that is why you have always known that you will do that at the end of your current earthen existence, and also why you have never been afraid of death; and so when you transition to the new earth you will be going into a dimension that is much more familiar to you as it will be similar to the higher dimensional realms of the Pleiadian star systems where you spent many millennia growing and thriving and experiencing much joy.

This is one of only a few lifetimes you, Goldenlight, have had on Earth and the others were in ancient higher dimensional cultures of Egypt and Lemuria. Yes you will be returning to a higher dimensional realm that is much more comfortable and familiar to you when you are fully in the new 5d higher dimensional earthen environment.

You, Goldenlight, and many others have a pre-birth contract to assist in the awakening of humanity during this great shift to the higher dimensions; many more are waking up now… it becomes like the domino effect as each awakened being triggers others and begins to grow exponentially as a wave of light now washes over your earth and the old collapses.

The shadows are extinguished by the light as this wave of light floods over your new earth which is being born as a higher dimensional creation that those who are beginning to match this higher dimensional frequency are merging into. A process of death, rebirth, and renewal is happening energetically so that the old is being transmuted into the new and the higher dimensional energies combined with the ascending spirit of Gaia and masses of awakened humanity are all creating a coalescence of energies which are birthing and existing in the new higher dimensional frequencies and higher dimensional reality… we say “reality” as a concept to mean a “realm”, as the truth is that all reality is an illusion.

Your new earth of abundance prosperity peace harmony everlasting beauty love brotherhood and sisterhood and all beings living in harmony with each other already exists in the NOW moment… The “new human” lives in harmony with all other emanations of source including most importantly with the newly awakened and ascended Gaia, and with all plants, animals, elements, other beings – inner earth beings and outside of earth beings which includes us in the Pleiades and many from other star systems such as Sirius, Orion, Arcturus, Andromeda and others.

Your planetary system is becoming a “grown up” in the galaxy and entering back into the fold of intergalactic relations. In the Now time of the higher dimensions you of the awakened and newly awakened are existing and joyfully thriving in this new harmonious atmosphere of your newly created higher dimensional reality.

Remember everything is always occurring simultaneously in the higher dimensions, so what you would think of as your “past” “present, and “future” are actually all occurring simultaneously..a difficult concept to grasp from a 3rd dimensional perspective but from our perspective, and soon to be yours, we will tell you that this newly created higher dimensional reality already exists and with the collapsing of timelines occurring in your current reality you will be able to merge into this new Now moment.

Advanced concepts for the current human mind to grasp but if you become still within, and feel this with your inner vision, you will see it. For those who wish to be a part of this reality, visualizing it with your feelings and heart (instead of your brain), will assist you with merging into it.

What else do I need to know personally at this time?

That we, your Pleiadian family, are proud of you. We know that you became sad that your family of origin on earth has disintegrated and want you to know that we have known you for many lifetimes… indeed we love you very much and want you to know this and this is why it feels ok to separate from your earth family as we are your true family of origin.

I would like to meet you… can I meet you or, I guess you would say, have a reunion with you?

Yes, it is time now for that; you are ready.. We will plan a dreamtime meeting first, as that will be easier to start with.. Eventually when the new human begins to foster harmonious relationships with beings from other star systems we will all have open and harmonious relationships and you will be able to freely visit with us in your new earthen home and society.. We can all visit with and harmoniously benefit from our inter-relations together.

Others too will begin to reunite with their families of origin from other star systems as all beings on earth originally came from other star systems and volunteered to become a part of the earth experiment. The human race is now quickly shifting, evolving, and transitioning into a new type of human that can withstand and exist in the higher realms. The old third dimensional earth is no longer. All is transitioning from that now.

Taking time each day, as you are now, to rest quietly and go within will help to assist you with the smooth transition to the new higher dimensional reality. Always connect in with your higher self and, for you, Goldenlight, with your Council of Angels but for others it may be with their guides, angels, ascended masters, or other higher dimensional assistance teams. Each person has their own unique guides, masters, and angels who are assisting with this transitional process of all beings on earth.

Connect in with your own personal team who you feel comfortable with each day as you set aside some quiet time to go within and tune into this higher frequency that is now settling about you as your new reality. Bring it forth in your minds, hearts, and meditations and begin to feel and enjoy the uplifting energies of this beautiful new paradigm. Imagine yourself in this beautiful new world, this new loving home; imagine what your life is like there, and enjoy the feeling of basking in the higher energy harmonics existing for you all. You are each an integral and loving part of this new higher dimensional and higher frequency creation.

Thank you for allowing us to send this uplifting transmission of energy to you and we send to you our caring energies as you birth this new existence into creation.

Namaste…the spirit in us honors the spirit in you.

© The Golden Light Channel, Please include this copyright when reposting this message.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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