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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/14/2013 5:47:36 PM

Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 282

As channeled by Aisha North – March 14, 2013

As so many of you have already ascertained, the speed and the intensity of this clearing process is indeed like nothing you have ever come across before. You are literally being emptied out of anything that might be a hindrance to you in the time ahead, for only those that travel light, will be able to reach that destination they so long for.

You see, this is not a sort of trial and error project, this is something that is indeed a very serious endeavor, and as such, nothing is left to chance here. So whatever you will experience in the hours and days ahead, know that this is all a carefully planned part of this process, and not something done on a whim.

We say this in order to remind you all that you are indeed carefully monitored by us throughout it all, and we have the full scope on what is indeed needed in order to prepare you all in the best possible way for the next stage of this journey. For you are all so very close now dear ones, and what you have in front of you may seem to be very daunting for you all. But know that even if you feel the pull from this gaping maw of expectations starting to pull you all in, know that you will not be allowed to enter until we deem you ready to do so.

So yes, this is all perfectly orchestrated, and it will be given each and every one of you when the time is right. For this is indeed a series of injections of light, to call them that, and they will have some rather intense effects as they each home in on their intended ”targets”. For this is indeed like those heat-seeking missiles you see on your video screens, that seem to uncannily circle in on their target and the hit right in the middle of the bull’s eye.

So too it is with all of this, and even if the words we use may seem rather cold or even frightening, know that what we refer to are actually missiles of light of the most pure and profound kind, and what they will do to you all is nothing short of magical.

For they will all penetrate to the very core of your being, and when they do, they will set off a sort of a chain reaction that is almost like the countdown process to a launch of your spaceships. For we are all gathered at the control center now, ready and eager to start this, the last in a very, very long series of fusillades of energy that will engender such a positive response in you all, you have no idea.

But on the outside, you might not feel the impact from all of these ”missiles” as strongly as you mayhaps envisage at the moment, but do not think that they have no effect if you yourself have no sense of them entering your system. For make no mistake, you will all be hit by these ”love bombs”, and they will have a devastating effect on everything that has been implanted into you in order to hinder your evolvement into a true lighted being.

For nothing of the old will be left standing after this barrage of light, and as such, the charred ruins of the old and obsolete will soon become apparent to you all. But, as we have talked about earlier, it is indeed from these ashes that the new you, and through that, the new world will arise. So prepare to be hit hard but lovingly by something that will literally change you into something that is profoundly different from the person you still see yourself as today.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/14/2013 5:48:50 PM

Galactic Federation of Light and Kryon on Coming on Board the Ships En Masse

UFO mothership 333Here’s an interesting message on the subject of a mass exodus to the ships and Ascension from there. It does fit with what Archangel Michael said on An Hour with an Angel, March 11, 2013. I’ve corrected spelling and grammar.

GFL & Kryon on coming aboard the ships en masse – 3.12.13

Anna Merkaba at, March 13, 2013.

(Channelers Note:) There are rumors going around the internet that supposedly our Intergalactic Brothers & Sisters will swoop down and bring all the humans en mass onto the ships, take off, and while we are all in space, clean up the mess that was done to the earth by the humans. Then they would bring all of us back to a new beautiful planet. I have decided to ask Kryon & GFL for clarification of such a statement. Here is what I have received.

We are connected indeed, dear child, and so what question do you come with to us today? Well, dear child, let us answer this question for you in such a way that everyone would understand.

It is not that we do not wish to swoop down and pick all of you up and carry you onto our ships. Believe us, dear children of the light, it would be our utmost joy and pleasure to have you aboard our ships, and trust us when we say that it would indeed make our life that much easier. This mission would have already been completed and we would all go home to our respective planets and live happily, having met all of you, having you finally engage with your brothers and sisters and opening up the gateway to see you as often and as much as we wish.

It would be of our utmost joy to have the Earthlings finally ascend and join us in the Galactic Federation of Light, to show you the real life, to show you how to create your realities, how to create different universes, how to see things for what they are, how to live in peace and harmony with each other, how to live with respect and abundance, dear ones.

Oh, it would be such a joy for us to do so as soon as possible. Believe us when we say that we would love nothing more than to finally hold your hands in ours, and embrace you with physical contact of love and affection, with what you call hugs, and such. Trust us when we say that we are waiting for this sacred reunion to happen and are just as impatient as you are!

However, according to the creation of the universe and according to the rules and laws of Planet Earth, what you are currently going through is an experiment. Yes, dear children of the light, you have decided to come here voluntarily and be a part of this incredible experience. It is an experiment and hence we cannot interfere as much as we would so love to. We can only guide you through a variety of ways. It is enough that we stepped into the dark and removed most of your dark entities that have been controlling the Earth for eons.

For what we are trying to say is that it is not advisable for us to take you up on our ships at the present moment. And I will repeat this, again and again and again

And again, for many of you are struggling to understand …. we cannot do all the work for you!!! Nor do you wish us to take away this experience from you. What would then be the point of you residing presently on your planet if we come by and take that experience away from you?

Trust us when we say that it would make everyone’s job that much easier, were we able to just swoop in and destroy everything that no longer serves the light, and restore everything back to its original form without having the need for baby steps to occur over and over again.

But it is not so, for we are not in a position to do so. We are not going to take you upon our ships, as many of you are waiting for, en masse because your vibration has to be high before we can meet face to face.

Even if we had clearance from the universal energies, from the council, from the Source of all that is, we would still not be able to do so, because your vehicles would be destroyed. And so just like you, we wait…. We wait patiently for you to raise your vibrations according to the plans set in motions eons ago. The only thing we can do is to help you raise your vibrations faster. But we cannot do the work for you.

Trust us when we say that it would be much easier to just change all of your codes over night. Unfortunately for us and fortunately for those that are in this experiment we cannot do so, for what would be the point for us to rob you of this incredible experience that you call Earth.

Dear children of the light, what you fail to realize is that you are incredibly strong and have decided to come and witness this experiment of one race going from complete darkness to complete light in an instant of universal time, what seems to you to be ages, and to us at times as well, is not ages for the universe but merely a speck in time. However, if you do not realize how important you are to this experiment let us draw you a picture.

You are so fascinating to us, and we are in such awe of all of you. There are galaxies upon galaxies upon galaxies who are watching the Earth closely, for the event that is occurring on your planet has never been done before! This is the first time in the history of this Universe that such an experiment is coming to fruition and humanity will finally be able to move beyond the veil.

We wish to state that however, that many of you who are ascending quickly will come aboard our ships. When your body, your vehicle is ready to meet with our vehicles of high vibration, when your vibration is raised high enough, we will show up at your door, and take you to meet with your galactic families. We promise you this is going to happen!

We cannot wait just as you cannot, so we too are eager and excited to meet you on the other side of the veil, but it can only occur once you have lifted the veil once you have found that door, and actually decided to walk through it on your own.

And so we will end this discussion with reiterating that we are ready to meet you and are waiting for you to be ready to meet us! WE love you. We are with you. And we are waiting for you on the other side of the veil.

Goodbye for now.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/14/2013 5:50:07 PM

Angelic Guides via Taryn Crimi: You Are What You Eat

AngelsAs channeled by Taryn Crimi – March 13, 2013

Today we would like to focus your attention on the topic of nutrition and how it relates to your overall vibration. This of course directly affects every being on this planet, as every physical being requires food to sustain themselves. There are very many on your world who are now becoming much more conscious than ever before of just how intertwined their health and the quality of the food which they consume are.

Many have heard the saying “you are what you eat.” However very few have actually contemplated its meaning. If you eat chicken does this mean that you are now a chicken? Certainly not, however it is our intention today to share with you our perspective on how the relationship of the food that you consume and the vibration which you maintain are so closely connected.

Let us begin by reminding you that everything is made up of energy, everything therefore vibrates at its own rate of frequency. Some may wonder how can the food which you consume have a direct effect on the vibration which you are able to maintain. This is what we would now like to further explain.

As you ingest any substance it instantly becomes a part of you. It integrates with your very being. The very vibration of the food then becomes a part of your being. Food that has been eaten in haste with very little gratitude for the nutrition that it provides will not serve your body in the same way that food that has been carefully prepared with love and given gratitude for the nutrition it will provide your body. Food does in fact hold a much higher nutritional content, which is then absorbed much easier by your body, when gratitude and love are shared.

The gathering and production of the food impacts the overall vibration of the food greatly. Food that has been harvested with love and compassion is far more nutritious than food which has been plundered and gathered in haste for the profits that it will produce. Just as each and every one of you are sensitive to the energy around you, so too is the food which you consume.

Also know that the life and death of the animals which you consume greatly impact the vibration of the animal products you ingest. An animal who has been well cared for and lived a life of peace will produce products that have a much higher vibration and therefore have a much higher nutritional content than those who have been abused and simply seen as a possession for profit.

The cells of the plants, animals and animal products which you consume, absorb the energy, frequency, and emotions of the plant or animal. The nutrients and cells then become integrated with your being once they are consumed. The fears and emotions of the animals are part of the animal’s being. This in turn does have an effect on your overall health, mood, and vibration.

We are all connected, the fears or peace that an animal feels do not die with the animal. They are carried in the very cells of their physical being. This is why we implore you to be conscious of the food you eat. You cannot expect to ingest food which has been discarded, mistreated or abused not to affect your being, just as food which has been tended to with love and care will also integrate with your cells and become part of your being. This is why we say “you are what you eat”.

Much of the food that is available for human consumption has been “tampered with”. The food which you could grow in your own backyard is very different from the food that is sold in your stores around the world. The suppliers are often motivated by profit rather than the health of the consumers. Most are not aware of the impurities and toxins which are added to your food; as a result many suffer from low energy levels and sluggish digestive systems.

There are many who are developing food allergies to a wide range of ingredients. This is not necessarily because of the actual product that they are consuming. Rather it is in direct connection with the contaminants and preservatives that are regularly found in the food. More and more will find that they are no longer able to consume the foods which they have previously enjoyed.

As your bodies continue to “shed” the density by increasing your overall vibration, foods that you once easily digested will now become increasingly difficult for your body to process. Simply put, the over-processed food holds a much lower vibration than you now are able to maintain. As a result it is no longer compatible with your high vibration.

Much of this is the result of the toxic preservatives and modification of the genetic integrity of the food. A very common allergy which is now being reported in many is the allergy to gluten. However in most cases it is not the actual gluten which their body is rejecting; rather it is the modification which has been made to the wheat that is causing the problem. The molecular structure has been artificially altered.

Many years ago scientists realized that they could manipulate the genetic structures of plants in order to produce more crops. This of course allowed the food industry to produce a larger quantity of food without having to obtain more land. The intention was simply to produce large quantities of crops for a large profit; however unknowingly at the time, these scientists began to genetically alter the molecules so drastically that the nutrients germane to the plant were removed.

Many years later, there is now no wheat product that is mass-produced for human consumption which has not been genetically altered from its original state. The seeds which are available to grow new crops have come from the genetically altered grain.

Right now, we see a disconnection between your medical field and your food industry. You see, the food industry pays very little attention to the importance of health and the medical industry pays very little attention to the food that you consume. One day these industries will unite for the common good of all. As the demand for purer food increases, the food industry will evolve to meet those demands. You can see the beginnings of these changes in your world already; your demand is now for food which is organically grown, and harvested with care.

Many wonder what foods are best for the overall health of their body. To this we say, what is suitable for one, is not necessarily suitable for others. Each body is different, and therefore requires different nutrients to achieve optimal health. Your body is always communicating with you through the cravings that you have and the feelings that you experience. However, all will benefit from eating purer foods which have not been heavily processed, altered, or contaminated.

Foods which have not been cooked such as fruits and vegetables which are eaten in their natural raw state maintain a higher vibration and therefore are more nutritious for your body. We are not saying that you cannot or should not eat cooked food, although know that the more food that you can consume safely without heating above 100 degrees Fahrenheit maintains nearly double the nutrients that you would find in food that is cooked. A practical recommendation would be to add several helpings of fresh fruits or vegetables to your daily diet.

You will find an increase in those who choose to grow their own food, instead of relying so heavily on supermarkets to provide all of their produce. Many will begin to look for local ingredients which have been properly cared for and maintained. This will include vegetables, and fruits as well as animal products such as eggs, and milk. How a product was grown and cared for has a direct connection to the nutrition, and vibration the product will have. Many are slowly learning the crucial role that food plays in your overall state of mind, and therefore the reality which you experience.

So how are you to know how the food that you are consuming has been “treated” and collected? In some cases you simply would not know, yet as the demand for better quality food which has not been mass-produced and heavily treated grows, so to will the supply. There are many who cannot afford to purchase the high costs of “organically grown” food.

Know that even if you are met with situations which high vibrational food is not available, you can raise the vibration of the food with your intention before you ingest it. You do not have to remember how to consciously increase the vibration of your food, your intention and light is all that is needed. You may also call on us at any time to assist you in increasing the overall vibration of the food that you consume to ensure that it will serve your highest good.

Your body will always keep an accurate record of all that you have eaten. What you put in is what you will get out, without exception. To focus so intently on your spiritual evolution with no regard for your physical well-being is counter-productive. Your spiritual body and physical body are intricately connected; therefore you cannot elevate one without the other. Be kind to your physical body as it is just as important as your spiritual body. Your physical body is what allows you to participate in this extraordinary experience; without it, your journey as a physical being in this reality cannot continue.

We hope that we have in some way served you.

In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides.

Copyright © 2012 by Taryn Crimi. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/14/2013 10:09:03 PM

Sheldan Nidle Update 3-12-13…”A Great Change is Manifesting Above and Around You”

paoweb_globegrid32This Nidle update, as always, contains some uplifting phrases. I will only add this… Sheldan’s messages often contain the statement or implication that we need to be “taught” to be a Galactic, or taught about our Galactic heritage, and how to communicate with “them”. However, I am quite sure many who read these posts already know well how to communicate with them. And have been, for months, years, decades.

The other “misconception” is that somehow we have to “wait until the Galactics appear before us and start to teach us their ways” in order to have a relationship with them.

I disagree.

I know for a fact that this teaching is going on now. Individually, in groups, from one to another, from “the Galactics” to another human. I like to remember WE ARE THE GALACTICS. Yes, they are our family. We are one of “them”. So we naturally have within us the ability to communicate with “them”. Whatever “them” is for you… and for me.

(Some of you may wish to read this post, “Putting on our ‘Galactic Garments’”)

“We come with more news! At present, certain events in the heavens are in process. These, when completed, will indicate to all concerned that the moment for a grand transformation of your reality has arrived! At this juncture, the Galactic Federation is to oversee the legal transference of your governance to our sacred secret allies. We look forward in joy to what will be a special moment for you all. The dark cabal and its seemingly endless and ubiquitous adherents will then be gone. In their wake come a series of announcements and the global delivery of a vast prosperity. It is this prosperity, when combined with a new and equitable monetary and financial system that changes your world forever!”


  • …certain events in the heavens are in process… when completed, will indicate to all concerned that the moment for a grand transformation of your reality has arrived!
  • At this juncture, the Galactic Federation is to oversee the legal transference of your governance to our sacred secret allies.
  • …the Agarthans and our other allies can work with Mother Earth to reunite her surface and inner realms, thus creating the unified world that is to be your true, future reality.
  • In this new world you will be free to learn a great many Truths that were either adulterated or totally denied to you over the eons.
  • You will begin to learn about your true off-world origins and start to reconnect with your space and spiritual families.
  • The prospect of this immense coming transformation has dismayed the dark for decades, and yet this upwelling of consciousness was never to be denied!
  • One of the purposes of these various changes is to help you to reestablish your relationship with your Inner Earth family, and give you the means to welcome your spiritual and space families.
  • …our original title for first contact with you was the ‘welcome home’ mission, and we look forward to the moment when we truly welcome you back as a full-fledged member of this Galactic Federation.
  • [Ascended Masters] Your world is moving swiftly to the point for new governance and its accompanying prosperity to manifest. Events in the heavens are shortly to come to completion, at which time the edict to transform your globe is to be issued.
  • Each of us has used our good offices to limit the global effects of the dark’s malicious edicts, and at last these horrendous proclamations are to become null and void.
  • One of the first items we wish to address is that death’s ever-lurking shadow can now begin to fade from your reality. Death is no more than a by-product of limited consciousness.
  • Ascension leads to its expulsion from the physical body, lightens physical density, and reunites the body with its spiritual essences.
  • Heaven now offers you is a living technology to bypass this struggle and morph you back into your natural state in only three days!
  • The living machine literally ‘reboots’ your RNA/DNA, allowing you to attain that ineffable moment of Enlightenment when you become ‘turned on’ to Reality!
  • A great change is manifesting above and around you, which is to push the dark and its myriad minions from their ill-gotten perches.


Sheldan Nidle Update 3-12-13
4 Imix, 9 Ceh, 9 Eb

Selamat Jarin! We come with more news! At present, certain events in the heavens are in process. These, when completed, will indicate to all concerned that the moment for a grand transformation of your reality has arrived! At this juncture, the Galactic Federation is to oversee the legal transference of your governance to our sacred secret allies. We look forward in joy to what will be a special moment for you all. The dark cabal and its seemingly endless and ubiquitous adherents will then be gone. In their wake come a series of announcements and the global delivery of a vast prosperity. It is this prosperity, when combined with a new and equitable monetary and financial system that changes your world forever! These changes will enable more-open policies to be enacted which will allow for a formal disclosure of our presence, and it is this that sets the stage for the final leg of your journey back to full consciousness. At this point the Agarthans and our other allies can work with Mother Earth to reunite her surface and inner realms, thus creating the unified world that is to be your true, future reality.

In this new world you will be free to learn a great many Truths that were either adulterated or totally denied to you over the eons. These facts will become the foundation of your new transitional society. You will begin to learn about your true off-world origins and start to reconnect with your space and spiritual families. Bear in mind that you represent both a home world community in the stars as well as a sacred heavenly lineage. Every part of Heaven comprises Administrations which include these lineages. All of you have ancestral ties to these lineages, and Heaven and we are here to help you remember who you really are. The exact meaning of the term ‘who you really are’ will be revealed once you are back in full consciousness again. The mentors, who are already assigned to each of you, are considering carefully how best to bring you to an understanding of the implications of this. At this time you are still unaware of the extent to which each one of you is studied in loving review by your heavenly guardians. All these things await your attention once you return to full consciousness.

As the truth of who you are begins to take hold, you become better able to comprehend how to resolve some of Mother Earth’s difficulties. You are beginning to see clearly how vital it is to transform the very nature of the societies you live in, and thus the need to drastically reform the depredation of the environment becomes much more urgent. This throws you into a struggle to support the Earth’s ecosystems while also vastly revising the basic principles of your sciences and the supposed timelines of your known history. This requires a clear-eyed scrutiny of how your principles of science and the accepted provenance of your history came into being. The results of your ‘revisionist’ pursuits will establish a very different basis indeed for your new societies! The prospect of this immense coming transformation has dismayed the dark for decades, and yet this upwelling of consciousness was never to be denied! The consciousness movement has forged alliances that are too powerful to be easily destroyed by the dark’s highest power structures. And this is not for lack of trying!

One of the purposes of these various changes is to help you to reestablish your relationship with your Inner Earth family, and give you the means to welcome your spiritual and space families. Each tradition that exists throughout this galaxy requires a special greeting ceremony to welcome you ‘back into the fold.’ Some of these can be elaborate, and it is our task to assist you in these protocols. Each of you is to participate in one way or another in this complex and inclusive ceremony. This is why our original title for first contact with you was the ‘welcome home’ mission, and we look forward to the moment when we truly welcome you back as a full-fledged member of this Galactic Federation. It is a divine moment that we joyously anticipate! And as we approach the time for disclosure, we are filled with glee, for we know that we are shortly to land and start the final stretch of your sacred journey to full consciousness, with us at your side as your ever-loving mentors.

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We come again with more Good News! Your world is moving swiftly to the point for new governance and its accompanying prosperity to manifest. Events in the heavens are shortly to come to completion, at which time the edict to transform your globe is to be issued. We look upon this with great joy. You are to receive a most welcome bounty and will be given your freedom from the debt slavery that has ruled your lives for generations. Each of us has used our good offices to limit the global effects of the dark’s malicious edicts, and at last these horrendous proclamations are to become null and void. We can then use our growing wisdom to guide you into a better understanding of the ways of Heaven and its blessed rewards for each one of you. The moment has come for us to teach and explain many things to you that have long been denied you by your former sinister masters.

One of the first items we wish to address is that death’s ever-lurking shadow can now begin to fade from your reality. Death is no more than a by-product of limited consciousness. It has kept you in fear from the first and leads to severe emotional and mental grieving. It has been an exceptionally powerful tool for the dark ones and they have ‘milked’ this situation to the hilt! Ascension leads to its expulsion from the physical body, lightens physical density, and reunites the body with its spiritual essences. The process of final ascension is one of the most arduous and complex processes that you can take on, and usually takes generations of deep concentration and prodigious amounts of memory. And yet we are living proof that it can be done! However, what Heaven now offers you is a living technology to bypass this struggle and morph you back into your natural state in only three days!

The technique involves a special living machine, calibrated to each person and monitored by your spiritual and space family mentors. Your body’s RNA/DNA is presently booby-trapped with ‘markers’ that deny you an easy conversion to full consciousness, and this living machine is designed to rectify this, and to undo the damage to your original gene-base which plunged you into limited consciousness. We will supply you with specific spiritual teachings that equip you with the insights to raise your body’s base vibrational patterns and which convert your deep-seated fears into the state of joy required to realign your mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies. The living machine literally ‘reboots’ your RNA/DNA, allowing you to attain that ineffable moment of Enlightenment when you become ‘turned on’ to Reality! You are changed forever as joy and comprehension flood your Being! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Today we continued to inform you of what joyously awaits you. A great change is manifesting above and around you, which is to push the dark and its myriad minions from their ill-gotten perches. You are about to witness a truly wondrous event: the rise of a new reality founded on Truth, Liberty, and Prosperity! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One and Be in Joy!)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/15/2013 1:35:50 AM
From Wes Annac's personal blog:

(Part 2) The Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes: Releasing Preconceptions, the March Intensification and the Collective Lightworker Consciousness

010-Channeled through Wes Annac-

Concluded from Part 1

Darkness has, for the most part, been lifted and its only fading influence is the one that’s being fed by humanity which, as has been said, is feeding into a disintegrating illusory hologram. The original negative astral beings who have manipulated the minds and hearts of humanity and of the cabals who have themselves manipulated humanity, are no longer working from a position of negativity and are instead experiencing a self-instated pure form of containment that goes far beyond what many of the cabal heads are experiencing at present.

The containment we speak of is on a level so massive that these souls are becoming completely cleansed and purified and again, a hologram has been built for humanity to feed your negativity into before the initial happenings on your world (are brought forth).

The formerly-negative race that is the Annunaki experienced a similar form of containment, and are now working to diffuse the dark souls more than they have already been diffused. Upon exiting and successfully coming out of their own forms of containment, the aforementioned lower astral beings will also be working for the Light and with you all in a way that will let you know they are genuine and positive, rather than misleading.

This is because every motive, intent and thought is known in the higher realms and there can be no lies; only truth and honesty. If any soul has the idea to mislead, it is automatically known by every facet of the ascended souls existing in their specific octave of consciousness. So you see, positivity and harmony are all commonplace and no type of negativity can be fed.

Just as well, no soul who has grown into the higher realms wishes to find or feed negativity of any manner and if we find negativity sent to us, we act as the happy transmuters that we and you all are, and change the very structure such energies.

The energetic components of your reality will continue to be made known, as the very explanation of how energy is sent to Create your reality will be understood on a widespread level. We have only been able to help so much in regards to the Creation of your reality of course, and have used the vocabulary of our scribe in as strong of an attempt as we could to explain our roles in sending this energy down, as well as the functions of such energy.

As we have said before, you dear souls receive this energy through the planetary chakras of Gaia.

The energy gates stationed in the atmosphere of dearest Gaia, which many of you Lightworkers are knowingly and unknowingly stationed at for the entirety of your mission at this time, receive the energies Creating your reality from the soul of Gaia and from souls within the Sun. This energy is sent and beamed through from Gaia’s energy gates to you dear souls who are given it through your chakras and through distortions and limitations you have built around yourselves and your chakras, to Create and experience your reality based on such limitations and what you are able to Create through them.

We speak of the barriers of limitation that have been established around many because of the importance of transmuting them at this time.

The very barriers that are to be fully transmuted as you realize your spiritual nature have kept a great many souls from accessing a deeper or purer understanding of situations playing out in their Lives and in the reality around them, and we as well as a plethora of other souls in the higher realms have been working not just on delivering purer energy to your reality, but to help you all to transmute and dissolve those barriers.

The result has been an enormously-potent collective awakening and since your year 2013 began, multitudes of groups and Lightworkers have stepped up to the plate and began addressing some of the most difficult issues facing your world.

We would like for you to send your blessings to every soul on your world who has stood up in the name of truth and found their influence suppressed; at times brutally.

Bradley Manning is a prime example of this, as this soul has personally sacrificed much to bring forth truth that has been suppressed. This soul and so many others need your Light and your healing because of the situations and circumstances they find themselves in, and that very Lighted and blessing energy you can send them can be felt and benefitted from personally as well.

Each of you can tap into this Light and use it to help repair your world in a myriad of ways. This Light is potent indeed, and become moreso in every moment as we are also assisting in increasing the purity of reality-Creating energies descending down to you, with each descent of this energy upon you.

This increasingly-pure energy settles upon your consciousness and helps in the continual upgrading and coming-online of so many aspects of your DNA that have been looked toward as unimportant for so very long. Indeed, even in the avenue of your science much has been distorted and hidden away from you, and the bulk of mainstream science on your world is used to endorse pure physicality and laugh-away or criticize any scientific understanding of metaphysics.

It is important for science and spirituality to merge and in your current time, you are witnessing an ongoing merging of the two that so many influential souls are helping to bring forth, as the understanding of the spirituality of the reality you find yourselves in and of a plethora of other realities that lay beyond your conscious, physical understanding (is garnered). You would continue to be held back if continuing to subscribe to dogmatic religious and scientific beliefs, and the proof of metaphysical realms beyond the conscious understanding of humanity will be provided when one turns within.

Your inner-searches are so very important to how events manifest on the world stage, and the emotions and mindsets you find yourselves employing in any and every moment help so very strongly to determine events manifesting on your word. For this and many other reasons, we ask you to show encouragement for the condition your world is in and for the condition it is about to be in, and we ask you to radiate-out the positivity of your new paradigm so that everyone can latently pick up on it and experience a subconscious benefit that will be reflected in their outer realities.

The awakening of each soul is crucial to the manifestation of the events preceding your collective ascension, and there will indeed be “fireworks” when the initial disclosures and revelations come forth. Abundance will be delivered to every facet of your world, so that everyone can experience the personal wellbeing they rightly deserve to, and so many Lightworkers will be instrumental in helping to bring the energies through themselves that will support this future and the entrance of as many souls as possible into it.

Yes indeed, you Lightworkers are working on many fronts and your work has been inspiring to behold from the higher realms. This goes for each one of you and the roles you have taken on, even if you do not feel “in the thick of the action” or anything of the sort, are stronger than you could realize and with each bit of difficulty you experience, you garner a measure of positive and happy energies and vibrations for yourselves that will manifest in the form of small positive happenings in your Lives.

These positive happenings can be increasingly powerful if properly utilized, as can your positivity in every single moment. While the negativity and difficulty will continue to attempt to creep up and convince you that you are not Creating the sovereign future you have been working toward for so very long, we like many others will point out the fact that it is desperately doing so and that it’s fading influence is just that, and cannot affect you in the strong ways it once did unless you allow it to.

In the same vein, if you allow it to you may find its influence turned up, and this is because of the aforementioned desperation of such negativity to keep its grip upon you and as well, because everything on your Earth at present is heightened as your ascension is in an accelerated phase.

Dreamtime astral landscapes will begin to open up for so many of you who will realize you have been Creating upon them, and the lessons you will be given in these realms are related to your growth as a soul and your ongoing gaining of awareness pertaining to a number of ongoing happenings in your Lives.

Those of you who have begun to become open to our presence may receive communications from us or may even be able to meet with us personally, and your guides and aspects of your higher selves that are close to you may appear before you as well, when lucid or not, in your dreamtime. This is because they and we alike have so very much to teach you, and we wish for you to be able to learn all of the concepts driving your higher dimensional reality so that you can have a proper grasp upon such concepts and exist in such reality accordingly.

You have so very much power; so much knowledge and ability to anchor and bring forth states of consciousness that go far beyond the expectations of the physical humanity, and what seems to be a fixed and unchangeable reality will be known and seen as a loosely-vibrating and easily changeable reality that is being painted upon and Created by each of you experiencing it.

You are the Creator, experiencing lower realms that you Created just as an artist paints on a canvas. For those of you absorbing this who are artists – could you imagine painting your landscape and then jumping into it and experiencing it?

Could you imagine Creating an easily shapeable yet seemingly physical and concrete reality to experience lessons and grow within, and then literally incarnating unto such a reality to experience it? This is what you have done, dearest brothers and sisters of sorrow (1), and you have come to find yourselves able to pick up on the frequencies being emitted from the realms of consciousness you have Created your current Earth experience from.

You have pre-Created this experience and you are as well, Creating it now and in every moment.

You have Created the template of this reality for yourselves to experience and further Create within and now, you exist as a facet of your higher self who is experiencing what you have Created, and growing and learning away from your Creation so that you can realize grater aspects of yourself as the infinite being you all truly are.

We are helping you with this experience and when you reach the states of consciousness of the fifth dimension, so many of you who are natural healers and up-lifters of lower dimensional planets will continue your missions valiantly and will continue to help lower dimensional planets and star systems to evolve. Earth has by far been the most difficult planet for the vast majority of you to incarnate unto and bring into the Light but low and behold, you have done it with smiles on your faces.

As we make our final impressions for this communication and express delight for your increasing levels of consciousness, we say that your experiences will be turned upside down and the sheer joy and bliss you will find when this happens will uplift the entire Universe. We say this in a metaphorical and a very real sense, dear souls, because this is the true strength you carry within.

Thank you to the Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes.

(1)-The term “brothers and sisters of sorrow” refers to we who have incarnated onto this world to help uplift it and its collective. I believe RA first mentioned it in the Law of One Series through Carla Rueckert, and it is intended to describe the sorrow of the unawakened Earth collective that we are here to help heal.

Here’s a quote about the term from Book 1, session 12 of the Law of One Series:

“Questioner: You spoke of wanderers. Who are wanderers? Where do they come from?

RA: I am RA. Imagine, if you will, the sands of your shores. As countless as the grains of sand are the sources of intelligent infinity. When a social memory complex has achieved its complete understanding of its desire, it may conclude that its desire is service to others with the distortion towards reaching their hand, figuratively, to any entities who call for aid. These entities whom you may call the brothers and sisters of sorrow move toward this calling of sorrow. These entities are from all reaches of the infinite creation and are bound together by the desire to serve in this distortion.”

[posted 14Mar2013]

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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