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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/13/2013 10:43:20 PM
'The black Pope'? The Superior of Jesuits is called like that!

Francis Becomes First Latin American Pope

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/13/2013 10:46:55 PM
From Wes Annac's personal blog:

The Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes: Releasing Preconceptions, the March Intensification and the Collective Lightworker Consciousness (Part 1)


416 small-Channeled through Wes Annac-

The Hathors have given a message that is intended for this timeframe we are in. A plethora of circumstances (including a gnarly flood in our basement last night) have stopped me from getting the full message ready, so I offer the first half today.

The strides, both energetic and physical, being made by the collective of humanity are much larger than is being reported. Whilst your media of course does not yet possess much of an energetic perspective of events occurring on your world at present, in the new paradigm you are all establishing the understanding of energy work makes way for each one of you to perform it as you grow more fully into and begin to realize and understand your roles.

There are so many “sleepers” right now who will be drawn to their natural roles as Lightworkers and energy workers, and so many souls on your world at present who are steeped in unawareness will find enlightenment and with it, an understanding of their abilities and their specific role in your developing New Age.

Consciousness is indeed rising all throughout your planet at present, and a steady awakening has been built upon for quite a while now. If you look at the condition your Earth is in, you will see that while there is much still needing addressed, discussed and repaired, it is in much better condition than it was some seventy years ago and the collective vibrations have been largely responsible for this.

While you will indeed still see and notice the collective feeding negativity and the lower vibrations that have only continued to hold you back, you can see as well that an incredible and rapid awakening is taking place in the minds and hearts of many who are discovering their roles and realizing that they are infinite and sovereign beings who have incarnated on your world to play those very roles.

Each of you will grow into a great understanding about what you personally are meant to do at this time and in the time ahead. Some of you will experience rapidly changing goals and roles, as you find yourselves addressing multiple aspects of the rebuilding of your world and the full and true establishing of the new paradigm.

There will be so very much to do to build your new paradigm, and there will be so very much to do once it is established as well.

So many facets of your world that run in distorted ways at present will give way for a great reworking, and an ability to restore each part of your world will strengthen exponentially as you collectively convene together and find ways to rebuild your world and make it work for every soul upon it.

The will of the people has always been meant to be heard, and the few with influence and power who have suppressed so much of your history and so many of the revelations and technologies that will drastically improve the lifestyle of humanity when given, have had their day in the sun and as they have attempted to hide themselves right out in the open, their actions have been exposed to the helm and will only continue to be as the will of each one of you increasingly sees it so.

Your very desire to see truth and exposure come about as well as your desire to breed and be a part of the new paradigm, will be magnified in the collective energies and the influence of your cause, as has been said before, will grow and grow until it is felt by each person, in their own unique ways.

We speak of every soul on your world growing into specific roles because of the belief of unaware souls being unable to see the Light or find a perspective that is near to those of the awakening Earth public.

We ask each of you to let go of judgment, of pre-conceptions and of former beliefs about any aspect of your reality, including the souls in it who still seem to be unawakened for as we and plenty of others have said, the goal for the ascension of your Earth is for every single human to ascend and in this beginning period, it will be difficult for the unawakened Earth public to do so if the energies of judgment or misconception are brought forth.

Higher dimensionality has been experienced by each one of you, in every past Life you have had. Even the cabal heads have experienced positivity in their Lives and while the vibrations that have driven them are largely against positivity; everybody has felt and accessed the higher dimensions and you have all been a part of wonderful communications with spirit even on the surface of your third dimensional Earth.

Do not worry for the fate of others who you feel may not awaken.

There is, of course, still the plan for any Earth soul who does not wish to ascend to relocate to another incarnation cycle on another third dimensional planet but again, the aim is for every soul on your world to find an equal opportunity to find the realms of the fifth dimension and to that extent, much will be given and discussed about your ongoing ascension.

Ascension will indeed be understood, and your entire Earth will know what ascension is as increasingly-pure states of consciousness are very boldly made known. This natural occurrence will be a result of the collective’s energies rising to unprecedented levels and levels that were not thought of when your dear Earth cried out for assistance so very long ago.

You have heard for so very long that you Create your realities individually and collectively, and the information that will be offered in the time ahead will certainly speak to those extents.

We would like for you to focus on the spiritual and energetic aspects of your reality as much or more than you do physical expectations or happenings, because your growth as a soul is just as important as external matters occurring on your world. When one can find a perfect balance of such things, one will be able to absorb information about both subjects without tipping out of balance in any avenue.

Balance has been discussed as the necessity that it is and will continue to be, and in the higher realms balance will not be emphasized as much because it will be natural and employed continually. In the fifth dimension, balance is a very key theme of the lessons you are given and while many of such lessons will be geared toward working to attain a further higher dimensional balance and harmony that you may be unable to perceive of at present; compared to what you experience now, the harmony and balance you will feel will simply be heavenly.

This is because they will be aspects of a heavenly fifth dimensional reality that has been highly misinterpreted, and the understandings of distorted by interests who wanted to keep such knowledge away from a populace they have wanted to keep under mental and emotional shackles.

The control of humanity that will be fully exposed as having been ongoing throughout generations and centuries, will lead man to an understanding of how to run your world. What we mean is that because of everything that’s been done wrong and purposefully distorted on your world in the way of running it and establishing governing bodies to those extents, you will all learn and discuss amongst yourselves the best ideas and ways to do what those who have pretended to be in your best interests have not been doing.

Again, we ask you not to worry about the cabals or their actions because they are and will continue to be a fading voice on a world that is ready to see the Light and collectively awaken. Subconsciously, you are all working toward and wishing for the greatest awakening to be found and realized within yourselves, and your vibrations which are veered toward the higher realms more than ever have been undergoing a now-intensified phase of their ongoing loosening and refinement process.

At the time this communication is being channeled, it is the beginning of the month of March in your year 2013. This message will not be seen until a while after it is given but we say this now and for the time this communication will be published: you have entered a very pure troth of Creation energies and as usual, we have had a very strong hand in sending these energies on to you.

We exist outside of time and as such, know the (general) time and date this communication is to be published, and we say to the dearest Lightworker public absorbing this communication at this time that the already-intensified usual symptoms accompanying this ongoing transition will be making themselves known, but you will find yourselves increasingly able to get away from them.

The beginning of your month of March initiated you into further purer states of consciousness, and many of you who are reading this now have perhaps found your manifestations coming to you in an even more rapid manner than usual and as you absorb this communication, we are readying for you and in some cases, sending your way, much purer energies than you have seen all throughout your developing year of 2013.

With the changing of the seasons come more increases in energy and whilst some of you will continue to feel the physical and emotional difficulty accompanying these shifts, we say that you can tap into your natural Lighted energies to bring forth positivity and an uplifted perspective in the face of the ongoing Earth experience. You can also ask us to send our energies of healing and blessing down for you to absorb, and you can affirm that the blessings being given in the collective Lightworker consciousness be sent your way as well.

We would like to discuss the collective Lightworker consciousness and the infinite benefits tapping into it can provide you.

The collective Lightworker consciousness is essentially what it suggests. It is a section of the overall collective consciousness of the Earth, which contains the collective energies of each awakening and developing Lightworker.

Souls are entering and exiting this consciousness every day and when you can consciously or meditatively tap into it and feel it’s energy and the energies so many Lightworkers are giving out at present, which are copied into the collective Lightworker consciousness when expressed no matter what they are for; you will find yourselves able to access healing and Lighted energies that are sent out from each Lightworker and as such, will be so very pure in structure.

Harmony and bliss will pervade the emotions and feelings of every soul who begins to tap into the collective Lightworker consciousness, and it is being offered for each of you who are awakening to find and feel in yourselves as a part of your ongoing quest for knowledge and Light. Every one of you can telepathically convene with each other upon the planes of your astral “imagination” and specifically, you can commune within this portion of your collective consciousness which, of course, is not “cut off” in the sense of being isolated from the rest of the human consciousness.

Indeed, you are all united in spirit with every facet of your Earth and your collective, and the collective consciousness of the Earth is not limited or localized to humanity. Oh no, your collective consciousness is comprised of every aspect of your Earth.

The computer many of you are reading this from is feeding its energies into the collective consciousness; the rock you may see outside is feeding its energies into the collective consciousness; every animal; every plant; every tree; we could go on and on and each of these things are tapping into and communicating with your collective consciousness.

You all experience localized facets of your collective consciousness, but you are not actually separated from those you perceive yourselves to be because of cultural borders as countries and races. You are all united in the realms of spirit, and the natural spirituality you all feel within subconsciously permeates the minds and hearts of each of you, Creating the collective consciousness-network that is your Earth.

Humanity has employed the localized consciousness and the instated barriers formed in your overall collective, and these barriers which are energetic and mental in nature will be torn down and dissolved not by us, but by each of you when the harm they have caused upon your collective consciousness is explained.

Separation, division and prejudice have no place in the sovereign future you are Creating, and those who will initially fight against establishing your new paradigm or enacting the ideals behind it, will find their own ascension in their own time. You souls who are awakening have so very much work to do now, and in the time ahead you will find that your efforts were far worth what you will have established.

We will continue to encourage the efforts of each one of you to help the Earth rise out of states of consciousness that held Her and you all in bondage for far longer than was intended.

Darkness has, for the most part, been lifted and its only fading influence is the one that’s being fed by humanity which, as has been said, is feeding into a disintegrating illusory hologram. The original negative astral beings who have manipulated the minds and hearts of humanity and of the cabals who have themselves manipulated humanity, are no longer working from a position of negativity and are instead experiencing a self-instated pure form of containment that goes far beyond what many of the cabal heads are experiencing at present.

Continued in Part 2 soon.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/13/2013 10:55:49 PM

Suzanne Lie: Pleiadian/Arcturian Alliance – Mytre’s Parallel Reality Part 3

DimensionalJourneyPleiadian/Arcturian Alliance – Mytre’s Parallel Reality Part 3

By Suzanne Lie – March 12, 2013

Mytria Speaks:

After discussing our group dream we realized that “raising the Temple” was not what we had to do, but who we had to be. We knew that our abilities were not yet up to the challenge of raising the Temple but fortunately or unfortunately, more symptoms of transmutation soon appeared. We found the special abilities that assisted us on a physical level; and now our symptoms were clearly teaching us how to use our Multidimensional perceptions.

In some ways, this process was the most difficult of all because these new perceptions made us feel stuck in-between the physical world and the higher dimensions. Since the reality we perceive is the reality we live, our expanding perceptions were aligning us with higher dimensions of reality. The most terrifying part, and I DO mean terrifying, was when we had to forge our Tunnel of Light through the Lower Astral Plane.

If we had created this Light Tunnel before the Dracs attacked us, this journey through the dimensions would have been quite simple, as this planet was very innocent before we spewed our fear and hatred into the planetary aura. I have always been able to see auras on people, plants, animals, things and even planets. For this reason, when we were exploring with our Starship, I was called upon to check the planet’s aura before every landing. I, and others with this gift, chose this planet as it shone a pure pinkish violet hue.
Our planet maintained its beautiful aura until the fighting began. Then, fear, anger, hate, grief, and revenge began to seep into the planet’s lower fourth dimensional Astral Plane. Unfortunately, when our group began to collectively perceive the fourth dimension, the first perception we had was the Lower Astral Plane.

Since we now functioned in the Unity Consciousness of One Being with many different perceptions, we had each other’s support. This support was much needed. Some of us were becoming clairaudient and heard the cries and screams of battle. Others were becoming clairvoyant and kept running into the many Draconian and Pleiadian “ghosts” killed in battle.

Those who were becoming clairsentient were met with a low frequency wave of fear, anger, grief, revenge and confusion. Fortunately, we could give comfort and support as we forged our Light Tunnel through the accumulated darkness of the Lower Astral Plane. How could such darkness come from one short war?

We knew the answer. War is the most damaging thing that can be done to a planet. Not only does war damage the earth, pollute the water supply, and fill the air with toxins, it also fills the Astral Plane with fear-filled emotions. These fear-filled emotions then seep back into the consciousness of the Beings that rule that world and encourage them to seek revenge.

The member of our group who was having the most difficult time in the Lower Astral was Almon. Not only had he just recently recovered from his own inner darkness, but also he was the one who experienced what everyone was feeling. Therefore, he was not only overwhelmed with the darkness of this frequency, but he also felt the sum/total of our reactions to this lower world. When we realized what was happening to him, we gathered around him in support.

We realized from our time in the Temple that the only way to heal this form of dark possession was to send Unconditional Love. Because Almon was our leader, the myriad entities trapped in the Lower Astral during our Draconian War joined together to attack him first. We were all dealing with our own fears, so we needed to complete our Tunnel through this darkness before we could be much good to Almon. Fortunately, Almon was waging a battle with the dark entities and temporarily distracting them.

This distraction gave us the opportunity to combine our emotions to call the Arcturian and Mother Alcyone. Within a heartbeat, we felt them over-lighting us. We Pleiadians brought war to the planet, so we were responsible for the clearing. However, seeing the bright Light and feeling the welcoming support of our guide’s Unconditional Love allowed us to break free of the grip of fear. Free of fear, we could excuse the anger, sorrow and revenge as an illusion. With the release of our fear-filled emotions, we soared into the welcoming energy fields of the Arcturian and Mother Alcyone.

Once our Light Tunnel was complete and we were in the mid-frequencies of the fourth dimension, we returned to assist Almon. To our surprise, just as we set our intention to rescue Almon, we saw his great Light joining us. Almon had gone bravely into the darkest depths of his fear, guilt and shame to emerge as a fifth dimensional Lightbody. The glory of his presence cleared any remaining darkness, and we easily shifted ourselves into the lovely world of Faerie. On Faerie, fourth dimensional Elementals create lovely forms and interacted with us, their humanoid visitors.

The beings of Faerie instantly recognized Almon’s great Light and honored him as their special guest. Time in Faerie is much faster than time on the physical plane. Thus we stayed there for what appeared to be a lifetime. Many of us found mates, married, had children and lived to be old. During our time in this beautiful reality we perfected our clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairsentience and precognition. A few of us, with Almon being the most adept, mastered the skill of telekinesis.

With our new mastery of these Multidimensional perceptions we could use our:

  • Clairaudience to hear many dimensions of reality
  • Clairvoyance to see many dimensions of reality
  • Clairsentience to sense/feel many dimensions of reality
  • Precognition to perceive realities beyond time
  • Telekinesis to move objects with the mind

Furthermore, we were becoming even more telepathic, so words were not a necessary component of communications. We had also become very empathic and could easily read each other’s emotions. In fact our fifth dimensional Unity Consciousness was growing by leaps and bounds. However, going through the Lower Astral Plane was much more difficult than we thought it would be. However, once we had refreshed ourselves in the lovely Land of Faerie, we easily moved our consciousness through the fourth dimensional sub-planes.

It was in the Emotional Plane that we mastered our ability to have deep empathy and compassion for the other members of the group. When we first found ourselves in this brightly colored world, we were overjoyed. Just as we had experienced in Faerie, we seemed to live a lifetime in the Emotional Plane before we felt an urge to explore our mental abilities in the fourth dimensional Mental Plane.

In the Mental Plane we had to monitor our every thought, as our thoughts would quickly create “thought forms,” which would eventually manifest as matter in the physical world. Also, if we had a negative or fearful thought it entered into all our consciousness and rushed down through the Emotional Plane and into the Lower Astral to create a form.

We decided to hold hands in a huge circle so that we could hold the hand of the person on either side of us. These friends could tell if our energy field began to drop into negative thinking. With this monitoring from our friends we got much better at maintaining positive thinking. Luckily, since time still exists in the fourth dimension, it took a while for our thinking to manifest.

After the fourth dimensional Mental Plane, our consciousness entered the Causal Plane. In this sub-plane any energy that we radiated out into our environment or into our group was instantly returned to us in the same manner in which others perceived it. If any of us became too tired or even mildly anxious, that same energy pattern would fly back into our group and would be greatly amplified.

We were quickly learning that there were some disadvantages to group consciousness. For one thing our every thought and emotion was thought and felt almost instantly by the entire group. There could be no lying or “being nice” to protect their feelings. Fortunately, when we moved into the Spiritual Plane we felt the Unconditional Love of our “I AM Presence.”

The I AM Presence is our Multidimensional Expression who guards the passageway into the fifth dimension and assists in becoming the Lightbody. This Love coming from the highest expression of our fourth dimensional SELF comforted us after our long journey. We wanted to go further, but the fatigue of too many novel experiences was lowering our consciousness.

With the mere thought of fatigue, we fell into a tailspin. We were at a frequency, rather than a place, but the experience of falling was very strong as if we were falling off of a physical cliff. This feeling was so disconcerting that we began to allow fear back into our consciousness, which was immediately amplified by the group mind. We were starting to spiral out of control when Almon came to our rescue.

He began to sing an old Pleiadian marching song from our past. One-by-one we joined him in singing the song. Let me explain that we were only in consciousness, as our bodies were still on the planet. Therefore, we were singing with our hearts and minds rather than our voices. The feeling of that meaningful song filled us with love and courage, it slowed our decline which became an easy sensation of floating downwards.

One-by-one we slipped into our physical bodies to find Mytre Almon standing in the center of our small group. We all reached out to hug him at the same time and laughed as we bumped into each other. We then hugged each other and cried a bit from pure joy. We were back on our sacred land. If we could raise ourselves into the higher dimensions, we should be able to raise the Violet Temple up onto the surface of the land.

At least, that is what we thought at that moment.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/13/2013 10:56:52 PM

How Many Times Have Extraterrestrials Saved the Earth? – Part 1

Illuminati 3728

Some prominent “defenders” of the “free world.”

Could We Have Saved Ourselves from the Illuminati?

There are many movies and TV shows being produced lately with the same theme: that extraterrestrials are here to prey on us, torture us, and destroy us.

Such a portrayal of the many star beings who are here around the planet at this time is untrue and I believe it’s time to offer a rebuttal.

And that’s what I intend to do here – to go over the number of times the galactics have actually saved the world from a threat – usually us.

I can’t know all the times they’ve done this. But I do know some of the more conspicuous instances. Let’s review them here.

I think we consider ourselves competent and adequate players on the world scene and believe we could have saved the world from all the threats I’m about to review. But my most mature opinion is that we couldn’t have. Or, if we did, it would have taken many hundreds of years and perhaps billions of lives.

SaLuSa of Sirius is a spokesman for the Galactic Federation of Light, one of the coalitions of star forces stationed around the planet for our protection at the present time. He told us in 2012 that “with the best will in the world, you cannot overcome the dark Ones without help.” (1) We’ll see in a moment who he means by “the dark Ones.”

Most people on the planet have no idea of the drama that has been played out in the last few decades and it’s probably time they did know. In another message from 2009, he said: “Without the Creator’s plan for your release from the dark, you may not have recovered or even survived. (2)

“You have no reason to know how near you came to obliteration, but we assure you that on more than one occasion over the last century you came so close to it. Our intervention was approved by the Higher Council to ensure that your cycle was completed successfully. So you will see, Dear Ones, that regardless of what was planned against you for your end times by the dark Ones, it was destined to fail in its aim to enslave you.” (3)

SaLuSa and his colleagues deliver their messages to us through channels or mediums, who receive them telepathically. Adrial is another galactic being, who speaks through Mark Kimmel. He agrees with SaLuSa:

“Based on observing you for thousands of years, it is my considered opinion, an opinion shared by many others, that mankind is unable to overcome the dark energy and its agents without external assistance; thus the armada of starships and the many non-residents who walk the planet to assist you.” (4)

Independence Day

An endless stream of movies and TV shows have depicted the star beings as predatory and destructive. These images are not true.

The Earth has apparently been under siege for centuries by what SaLuSa called the dark Ones, whose object has been to enslave its population. In modern times, we call this cabal the Illuminati, the military-industrial complex, the New World Order, the shadow government, or the secret state. The name does not matter.

It included most world leaders – not only in government, but also in the military, finance, medicine, education, religion, the media – in fact, in all sectors of society. Their plan was to reduce the Earth’s population from approximately 7 billion to a more docile 500 million to take control of the world.

Above the Illuminati were their masters. As mind-stretching as it may seem, these off-world directors were not human in the way we normally think of humans, but reptilians. Matthew Ward is a terrestrial ascended master. He explains, and his views are corroborated by SaLuSa and many others.

“Now, above the Earth human Illuminati top level are the dark souls of the reptilian civilization, some of whom are embodied as humans and living on the planet. They are working in conjunction with their dark reptilian brothers off-planet, whose goal is total domination of Earth, if not by absolute control, then absolute destruction.

“The light forces of the universe, including reptilians, are in confrontation with the darkness of any civilization. What is happening on your planet is a reflection of the universal conflict, and regardless of universal progress, your beloved Earth will be freed from the clutches of darkness as she rises farther into higher vibrations where love reigns overall.” (5)

SaLuSa confirms that “the dark forces upon Earth have had ambitions to enslave you.” (6) To do this, they believed they needed to bring the population total down.

“Depopulation by any means is an Illuminati goal,” Matthew tells us. (7) He states that the Illuminati factions all had “the same goal: vast population reduction or enslavement and conquest of nations to take over their national resources.” (8) They very nearly realized them, SaLuSa reveals:

“Your enslavement was been very carefully planned, and you were nearly under the total control of the Illuminati.

“However, the Light forces were not idle and with support from Beings in the higher realms, have stopped their progress and are about to release you from their hold for once and all. … The threats to your liberty will be totally removed, so that you can live your lives in peace.” (9)

The Illuminati created many false-flag or black operations to kickstart wars, erode civil rights and enslave the population. 9/11 is only the most obvious example. Of it, Matthew says: “[9/11’s] deeper purpose than controlling oil resources in the Mideast, … is to dominate the entire planet and kill or enslave its peoples.” (10)

SaLuSa tells us that “you were just short of becoming totally enslaved and controlled by a draconian World Government that was to be put in place.” (11) He goes on to describe the control that would have been exerted over us if the Illuminati had been successful:

“Your rights would have been strictly controlled and curtailed, so that you had little freedom unless you conformed to the new world order. It has not come about overnight, but has been planned for millennia of time.

Meteor Destroyed 21

Pleiaidan spaceship destroys meteor over Russia, preventing widespread destruction

“Slowly and almost unnoticed you have been fooled and misled so that you gave your rights away. There were plenty of warnings, but you were lulled into a false sense of security.” (12)

After 9/11, President George Bush warned us against being taken in by conspiracy theorists. But Matthew reveals:

“The same folks who decry global terrorism and claim to be making the world a safer place by pointing fingers at the ‘guilty’ are the very ones behind the major terrorist activities. The more that this is being exposed or even speculated, the more they fear losing their dark control and thus the more desperate and blatant their acts to hold onto it.” (13)

If the Illuminati could not enslave the world, if they lost their bid to dominate Earth and its people, “the dark Ones [hoped] to go out with a ‘Bang’, but we are going to ensure it does not happen,” SaLuSa informs us. (14)

“We have stopped the total destruction of Earth on a number of occasions since the end of your last World War, and have succeeded in ensuring you are all here today to witness the end of the last cabal.” (15)

Fortunately, he tells us, “we have been allowed to put a stop to any ambitions of the dark Ones to start a Third World War. It would have had the potential to totally destroy the Earth.” (16) “Although attempts have been made to start another World War,” he reveals, “they have failed and will continue to do so.” (17)

But, as we shall see in this series, many more attempts to destroy Earth and its population have come from the Illuminati than merely starting World War III, as catastrophic as that would have been. SaLuSa hints at other threats that issued from the Illuminati: “We have prevented a Third World War, destruction of the Earth, and plagues and diseases of proportions that would have decimated your population.” (18)

Even now, Ker-On of Venus tells us, “the dark plan more atrocities but be assured that we are aware of what they plan, and we will remove opportunities to further their intentions.” (19)

Among those “atrocities” that the Illuminati practiced on us to dumb us down, weaken us or eliminate us are: the release of deadly depleted uranium into the atmosphere from DU weapons, the sewing of toxic chemtrails into our skies, the creation of pandemic viruses and equally-toxic vaccines, and the engineering of severe weather and catastrophic earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, hurricanes and tornadoes. How might we have saved ourselves? We were headed for human catastrophe if the extraterrestrials had not intervened.


Spaceship beam weapon destroys rocket in Vandenberg test flight

Matthew made a statement on the matter which I agree with:

“The dark forces would have continued to control the planet through their puppets whose oppression, lies and violence resulted in fear, ignorance, apathy and spiritual dimness within the masses; and the relentless barrage of negativity would have destroyed Earth.

“It is not that your universal family’s help can be proven only after they alight from their crafts, roll up their sleeves and get to work. Their light and advanced technology started helping you well over sixty years ago when Earth was in death throes—that her planetary body is alive and you are living on it is proof!” (20)

His final assessment is, I think, accurate:

“The individuals who propose that a collective will to make your world a better place will achieve that without extraterrestrial help do make a good point—absolutely you must act, must set the pace toward world transformation, because it is your world.

“But those individuals are way off track by not acknowledging that without many other civilizations’ immeasurable help that started about seventy years ago, none of you would be where you are because the planet would have died. And we assure you, your space family’s continued help will be welcomed by all except the ones who are fighting mightily to prevent reforms anywhere.” (21)

What I’d like to do next, starting tomorrow, is to walk through some of these destructive scenarios, any one of which could have decimated the Earth or a significant portion or region of it. I won’t cover all of them because that would take a book of hundreds of pages.

But I will cover enough of them to make the point that I don’t believe we’d be here today and I don’t believe that we’d have had any future if it were not for the star beings who surround the planet today in thousands of ships. They are here to protect us from the threat of the dark forces on and above the planet and to see to a rise in our consciousness so that these things never happen again.

So this whole series is an acknowledgement of their life-saving work and an invitation to people to stop imbibing the distorted view that Hollywood is offering us. I urge us instead to consider the evidence and open our minds and our eyes to who is really here for us and who is really not.

(Continued in Part 2.)


(1) SaLuSa, May 25, 2012, at

(2) SaLuSa, Nov. 4, 2009.

(3) Loc. cit.

(4) Adrial, May 11, 2009, at

(5) Matthew’s Message, Apr. 28, 2006, at

(6) SaLuSa, Nov. 13, 2009.

(7) Matthew’s Message, Sept. 24, 2008.

(8) Matthew’s Message, Oct. 13, 2006.

(9) SaLuSa, April 2, 2012.

(10) Matthew’s Message, Sept. 24, 2008.`

(11) SaLuSa, Oct. 21, 2011.

(12) Loc. cit.

(13) Matthew’s Message, Feb. 20, 2004.

(14) SaLuSa, May 25, 2012.

(15) SaLuSa, Jan. 25, 2013.

(16) SaluSa, Aug. 23, 2010.

(17) SaLuSa, March 12, 2012.

(18) SaLuSa, May 25, 2011.

(19) Ker-On of Venus, Oct. 3, 2008, at

(20) Matthew’s Message, Dec. 21, 2008.

(21) Matthew’s Message, Feb. 14, 2010.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/13/2013 10:57:56 PM

Saul: Time Will Become So Compressed That it Ceases to Exist

SaulSaul: Time Will Become So Compressed That it Ceases to Exist

As channeled by John Smallman – March 13, 2012

Listen to John read this latest message from Saul here:

Here in the spiritual realms all is on schedule to welcome you as you awaken. You are going to awaken, so let go of your doubts, your fears, your anxieties, and focus on your intent to do so. Your intent is essential, and every day new members join the club whose purpose is to awaken humanity and allow the illusion to dissolve. As we have said many times, your awakening is inevitable.

Disregard the naysayers who suggest that your awakening could be hundreds or thousands of years in the future. Time is of the illusion, it is illusory, so cease paying it so much attention. Yes, you need it to coordinate your earthly activities — and for that alone it is useful – and attend to living in each and every now moment, which is when your life is happening.

Time is like a very long tunnel: coiled tightly like a spring it takes up very little space, and yet it can be stretched out to interminable length. Humanity is now compressing that spring which had been so inordinately stretched out. It will become so compressed that it ceases to exist, and you will all awaken into the eternal moment of now, before which and beyond which there is absolutely nothing.

A very difficult concept for you to grasp when everything you think, say, or do appears to be governed by time. However, modern science has proved that time is illusory, that it is an imaginary concept, but nevertheless, within the illusory environment in which you appear to have your existence it remains a very useful tool.

Scientific research is doing you great favors as it demolishes outdated and confusing concepts of reality which served only to limit your spiritual evolution. For example the laws of Newtonian physics are very useful because they allow you to predict the results of mechanical interactions, and quantum physics has made it possible to invent and produce many electronic devices.

However, they also seemingly set limits to your abilities to conceptualize new technologies because they suggest to you that certain new ideas — ideas that some of your newer and younger scientists have imagined — are utterly impractical. Nevertheless, science has always moved forward and shown that ideas previously thought insane are in fact possible, and you continue to make progress because you refuse to accept limits that previous generations thought were cast in stone, absolute.

Your spiritual evolution is occurring in a similar fashion. Many religions established guidelines which were then followed by rules which led in turn to dogmatic statements of divine truths supposedly revealed in secret to a “chosen one” by the founder, or even by God Himself.

Over time it becomes apparent that these so-called divine truths were generally nothing more than vain and wishful interpretations of the founder’s guidelines, originally humbly offered to assist others along their evolutionary spiritual path, but that his senior followers self-servingly used to establish and maintain unwarranted positions of authority for themselves.

Humanity has been awakening to the invalidity of many of these “divine truths,” which have been found to be harsh, divisive, and polarizing, in fact, almost totally in opposition to the all-inclusive, indiscriminate and unconditional Love that God offers to all His children, and which He wishes them to share with one another as He does with each one of them.

There is only One: God, and all of creation. However, there are also an infinite number of aspects of that One, which, while living within the confines of the illusion humans experience as individuality. And due to the overriding sense of fear that the illusion promotes, that individuality, instead of drawing you all together in harmony and cooperation, as it does in Reality, encourages distrust, competition, and conflict.

Eons of living in that inharmonious and uncooperative fashion have finally taught you how insane it is, and so you are now opening yourselves to accept the Love that your Father has been offering you continuously since the moment of your creation.

As you open to It, often in quiet desperation and hopelessness, It embraces you compassionately and with enough intensity for you to feel Its strength and Its utter acceptance of you without your being overwhelmed. When that happens, the experience is uplifting, life-affirming, and unforgettable.

Many of you have been waiting lifetimes for such an experience as deep within yourselves you know it is possible and that it will happen to you. And when you finally surrender, discarding any and all preconceptions of what to seek or expect, it will happen to you when you least expect it.

Hold your Light on high, share indiscriminately and unconditionally the Love that is enveloping you in every moment, for by doing so you will start to experience It yourselves. To offer love, and to share love truly is the most generous and enlightened form of self-interest in which you can engage. Don’t hesitate. Do it!

With so very much love, Saul.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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