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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/15/2013 5:39:03 PM

How Many Times Have Extraterrestrials Saved the Earth? – Part 2

Earth(Continued from Part 1.)

Star Beings Saved Gaia from Death

Most of this series is concerned with the extraterrestrials saving Earth’s inhabitants. But in this part we look at how they saved the Earth itself.

Most people have been conditioned to accept the socially-dominant paradigm of empirical materialism. They believe that only what they can see, hear, touch, and taste is real. Given that, of course, even the soul is not real.

So it would be very difficult for them to accept that even a planet has a soul. But Matthew Ward tells us that “Earth [is] a sentient soul.” (1) The notion that Earth – or Gaia, as she’s better known – is in fact a sentient being is one of the pieces of knowledge that we’ll be called upon to encounter in the years ahead.

There were many reasons why galactics came to Earth in large numbers after the Second World War – to subdue the dark ones who were now armed with nuclear weapons, to assist with our Ascension, etc. But another reason was to prevent the the sentient being called Gaia from dying.

In the part of this series posted yesterday, we heard SaLuSa say that “the dark Ones [hoped] to go out with a ‘Bang’” (2) and “we have stopped the total destruction of Earth on a number of occasions since the end of your last World War.” (3)

We also heard Matthew Ward say that the dark’s “relentless barrage of negativity would have destroyed Earth” and that “Earth was in her death throes—that her planetary body is alive and you are living on it is proof” of the galactics’ work to save her. (4)

Apparently, these statements are not metaphoric. Let’s listen to Gaia herself on the matter because, sentient being that she is, she can also speak. Geoffrey West interviewed her on An Hour with an Angel, April 9, 2012. Gaia revealed that she’s a being of archangelic stature.

“Eons and eons ago, I emanated—was created—from the heart of One as an archangel. So my birth into a planet was very unusual, for planets, galaxies, universes are birthed through the Mother in conjunction with the Father.

“But when this beautiful planet—that you call Earth, that we know as Terra Gaia—when it was time to create a planet of love, I offered my essence and my being, which has always been very large. … And so, I asked the Mother to allow me to incarnate, to change form into this planet.” (5)

However down through the ages, Matthew explains, Gaia found she could not endure “any more assaults of the negativity being continuously generated by human brutality to each other, to the animal and plant kingdoms or to the physical body of Earth.”

As examples of this negativity, Matthew cites “wars and other violence, famine, disease, ruthless leaders, environmental destruction and economic strangulation,” all of which “have been instituted by the influence of the dark forces.” (6)

Matthew tells us that Gaia’s “body spiraled ever downward as more and more human and animal blood was shed and the environment ravaged.” (7)

Relief from the suffering caused by these conditions “was essential or your planet would die. Over half a century back in your counting, Earth had reached that point of damage to her body and soul.” Matthew says she faced a choice.

“She had the choice of her soul ascending and allowing her planetary body to die, or surviving intact. Her soul chose to survive in its physical planetary form, but in her greatly weakened condition due to the extent of trauma she had long suffered, she could not do it without massive assistance.” (8)

She had patiently allowed her human inhabitants many chances to complete their karmic lessons.

“Earth was depleting her own light by giving it to her residents time after time as still one more opportunity to complete the third-density experiencing cycle, and, because of this, sixty-some years ago her planetary body was near death. Rather than let her body die and her soul ascend, she chose to give her humankind one last chance to wind up their karmic lessons.” (9)

According to Matthew, “that is when she cried out for help.” (10) Menta, a higher-dimensional galactic being who channels through Suzy Ward, says that “a cry for help from Earth herself reached throughout the heavens.”

Asked to describe the sound, Menta replied:

“It was a weary sound of resignation, like a faint echo of a once healthy life that had become too feeble to call out loudly. That weak sound signified that Earth was near death due to her environmental conditions and we wanted to help her survive and be restored to health.” (11)

Gaia herself described her call on An Hour with an Angel.

“It was a universal call. Yes, of course my plea went up, but it was also a plea that was delivered from the archangels, and particularly Archangels Jophiel and Uriel as well as Michael. So, it was a collective call for help.

“But yes, I have called not only to the star beings, but to my brothers and sisters of other planetary systems as well.” (12)

Hearing that cry, higher-dimensional light beings responded. And they enlisted the help of the galactics. As Sheldan Nidle’s galactic sources phrased it: “Heaven summoned us and we came.” (13)

Cdr Hatonn explains that “as part of our own evolutionary progress, we are in service to God by helping lower-density worlds evolve when they ask for assistance.” (14) SaLuSa adds that “we protect you and Mother Earth and have done so for millennia of time, and shall continue to do so.” (15)

Menta gave details of her collective’s response:

“Out of concern for this once beautiful planet, whose soul always has been pure and radiant, we responded. …

“God authorizes a genuinely unselfish response to such a request for help, but no intervention is permitted except by invitation to participate jointly in the venture.

“Our governing body approached the Intergalactic Council high authority and volunteered our services. Understanding Earth’s condition and her ‘cry of invitation,’ the Council sanctioned our participation after being assured that our interest was not self-serving.” (16)

Thus, Matthew tells us, “it is by Earth’s request for help that these beings, in conjunction with Earth humans, are performing their various missions on and off-planet to get this vast, vital program underway to rejuvenate physical Earth and enlighten and uplift her people.” (17)

Gaia was rejuvenated by light energy beamed from many sources throughout the universe. Matthew says:

“[Mother Earth's] cry for help went out into the universe and instantly God authorized myriad spiritually advanced civilizations to respond by beaming their own vast light into Earth’s body.

“The massive infusion of light from those distant sources stabilized her orbit and enabled her to jar loose from negativity’s stranglehold, start to ascend out of deep third density and continue toward her ultimate destination in fifth density.” (18)

SaLuSa also say that revivifying light was beamed to Earth. “Powerful streams of energy are reaching the Earth from many other sources and Galaxies.” (19) “All around the Earth and far beyond, different sources are concentrating on sending higher Light emissions to you.” (20)

Matthew explains that “God authorized our space family to intervene with the infusion of light that kept Earth’s body alive.” (21) Of it he writes: “If you could see this brilliance from our vantage point, you would be astounded. But you cannot see the abundance of light from those myriad sources on the planet or beaming to Earth from far distant worlds.” (22)

As part of this effort, the galactics placed Gaia in a cocoon of pink, pink being the color of divine love. Gaia herself said: “For a long time they kept me in a pink cocoon while the archangels redid my grid.” (23)Torus-Field-around-Earth

She described the role of the galactics in that act of protection and rehabilitation:

“So yes, there have been many, many layers of assistance from your star brothers and sisters, from my star brothers and sisters. For many, many, many decades, they held me, they created a, what you would think of as a pink cocoon, so that I would not continue to wobble.

“There have been, in my journey, throughout my existence, … several pole shifts, you know. Yes, your history does not capture everything. …

“For a very long time, not simply 70 years, I felt as if I was in chains, in prison. If it were not for the beautiful, pink cocoon that the star beings placed around me to keep me safe and solid, I probably would have simply chosen to return home. And that has always been a choice open to me.” (24 )

Grener, President of the Intergalactic Council, also says the pink cocoon has been removed:

“Yes, the cocoon of pink to keep Gaia from tilting has been removed. The grid is strong, golden and polished by the mighty archangels themselves. But we constantly are assisting Earth, assisting Gaia.” (25)

Archangel Michael also referred to this work by the archangels and galactics:

“There are many of these beings that have been waiting, not just hundreds of years, but who traveled here thousands of years ago, whose entire life has been on board ship. They come. They hold Earth in a golden pink cocoon, for what seems to them like eons. Finally, that cocoon is removed, the grid is shined up, [and] everybody’s ready to go.” (26)

So the galactics responded to Gaia’s call when she was dying. They played a role in channeling the light to her which came from higher dimensions and great light beings throughout the universe. And they placed a pink grid of light around her that prevented a wobble and pole shift and allowed her to ascend from her perilous condition.

But as we’ll see in successive parts of this series, the galactics have attended to many more tasks than simply bringing the revivifying light to Gaia.

In the next parts of this series, we’ll look at some of the plots that the dark forces launched against the inhabitants of Earth and how the galactics foiled them or neutralized their impact.

(Continued in Part 3.)


(1) Matthew’s Message, 24 Sept. 2008, at

(2) SaLuSa, May 25, 2012, at

(3) SaLuSa, Jan. 25, 2013.

(4) Matthew’s Message, Dec. 21, 2008.

(5) “An Hour with an Angel, April 9, 2012, with Geoffrey West and Gaia,” April 12, 2012, at

(6) Matthew’s Message, Aug. 7, 2003.

(7) Matthew’s Message, Aug. 13, 2010.

(8) Matthew’s Message, Aug. 7, 2003.

(9) Matthew’s Message, Jan. 1, 2007.

(10) Loc. cit.

(11) Menta in Matthew Ward, Revelations for a New Era: Keys to Restoring Paradise on Earth. Med. Suzy Ward. Camas, WA: Matthew Books, 2001; revised 2009, 186-7.

(12) “An Hour with an Angel, April 9, 2012, with Geoffrey West and Gaia,” ibid.

(13) Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic Federation, “Update,” June 25, 2002, through Sheldan Nidle, Galactic Federation of Light: Updates Archive 1997-2007, at

(14) Hatonn in Matthew’s Message, Oct. 10, 2010.

(15) SaLuSa, Feb. 24, 2012.

(16) Menta in Matthew Ward, Revelations for a New Era ibid.

(17) Matthew’s Message, Aug. 7, 2003.

(18) Matthew’s Message, Aug. 13, 2010.

(19) SaLuSa, July 20, 2012.

(20) SaLuSa, April 13, 2012.

(21) Matthew’s Message, Jan. 1, 2007.

(22) Matthew’s Message, April 1, 2012.

(23) “Gaia’s Message: Each of You Have Responded,” Oct. 31, 2012, at

(24) “An Hour with an Angel, April 9, 2012, with Geoffrey West and Gaia,” ibid.

(25) “Transcript of Grener’s Interview on An Hour with an Angel, May 21, 2012,” May 23, 2012, at

(26) “Transcript: Archangel Michael – The Light Agenda, December 19 2012, Final Episode,” Dec. 20, 2012, at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/15/2013 5:40:08 PM

SaLuSa: March 15, 2013

SacredSaLuSa: March 15, 2013

Channelled by Mike Quinsey

Because the focus for changes is upon President Obama and the U.S. it is sometimes forgotten that the whole world is involved. If you did but know it the movements towards changes have sprung up all over the world, and as a Human collective are speeding up the day when you shall be made aware of them.

People are exercising their rights to demand what they see as important to their lives, to take it out of the control of those who only have their own interests in mind. It is succeeding but often only at the cost of confrontation, and the consequent denial of the military and authorities of their rights.

However, no amount of opposition will deter the people who will regain their freedom and sovereignty before very long. You have written the End Times yourselves, and we of the Galactic Federation of Light and Lightworkers everywhere are contributing to your realisation of what is required from you.

We know that the stress of living in these volatile times – and the need to maintain your faith throughout – is demanding, but as you will see it will be all worthwhile. You are One, and each soul has a part to play regardless of which side they are on, and you will find that as the Light penetrates the darkness of negativity it will have less effect.

Duality, as you have experienced it, has to all intents and purposes completed its cycle, and you are left to clear up the mess that it has left behind. The Light as it becomes more powerful is also awakening more souls, although some are so entrenched in their beliefs they are fighting to hold on to them.

Ultimately they will have to make a choice as to which way to go, and can remain in the 3D frequency if that is their final desire. God places no demands on each soul that they shall evolve in a certain time period, but offers them every opportunity to make progress and enter the Love and Light of the Source. As we have informed you several times, each soul has the spark of God within and that can never be extinguished.

As you continue your journey through the Heavens, know that you are about to rise up into the higher vibrations. They will enable the desired changes to manifest that will truly place you in the New Age, although there is much cleansing to first take place. In that we, along with our advanced technologies, are committed to assisting you, which will immensely speed them up.

With our help and inspiration your own technologies are growing very rapidly and many, many free energy programs have been completed. Naturally the Petroleum Industries and those with investments in them are fighting to keep their position in the marketplace, but they are doomed as you must start to move into New Age technologies.

You have been held back for far too long, and it was never foreseen that you would still be using fossil fuels at this stage in your development. There are lots of improvements lined up waiting to be introduced, and once we commence it will be a very busy time indeed.

You may rightly conclude that more channels from us or Beings in the higher realms seem to be opening, and that is because on a general level you are continuing to raise your consciousness, and so are able to reach such sources. There will come a time when you will have a clear line of contact with your Higher Self, but for now these openings will come for those who have a life contract to make such connections.

We know many of you are ambitious to contribute to the work going on to push your civilization forwards, but not everyone is sufficiently prepared to do so. Yet each of you are here at this time to have some bearing on how the future works out. Allow things to develop at their own pace, and simply be aware when an opportunity presents itself. Still focus on all things positive and know that you are helping create not just your future, but also for others.

Your work is appreciated and you need not continue to be disappointed over recent events connected with Ascension. The outcome may change somewhat to the original plan, but we are always adjusting to the needs of the present moment. As always timing is so important, and at the root of many decisions is the endeavour to see as many souls as possible eventually ascend.

As time passes and the levels of consciousness rise up, the dark Ones will have less influence on what takes place and you can leave them to their own self-made demise. They are being pushed into the background and losing their power to halt your progress to the Golden Age. What you will experience when it arrives is almost beyond words, but it is more than you can currently imagine and will exceed most of your expectations.

When you get to see the first City of Light in Sedona, it will as near as possible give you an idea as to what will become quite normal in your lives. The technologies involved are very advanced in healing as you would understand them, and treat everyone with care with no after effects.

Healing is using sound, colour and crystal technology, that is very futuristic compared to your present level of medicine and treatment, but you are beginning to fully investigate such possibilities. You are being deliberately inspired with ideas that will help set up a new approach to health and in time you will not, and cannot suffer ill-health.

A point is going to be reached where your levels of vibration will be far too high for any lower energies to affect you. By this time you will also have experienced a total change in your body, that will have been restored to its prime condition free from any blemish or effects of the aging process. These are all steps along the path to becoming a Galactic Being, with full consciousness.

Please continue with your dedicated approach to bringing more and more Light to Mother Earth, as she too is due to enjoy similar changes to be restored to her prime condition. At present she is carefully moving areas of the Earth into their new positions, with some lands rising and others sinking but have not yet reached their final places.

Much of Atlantis will rise up around existing coastlines that were connected to that great land mass. Much of your history is enshrined in stories of Atlantis, and the truth of a once great civilization will be told. It existed for a very long period and most of you had lives there. Some of you still remember the sinking of it and were there in its last days, some 10,000 years ago.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and leave you with our Love and Light.

Thank you SaLuSa

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/15/2013 5:41:18 PM

Ashtar Speaks: Your Work in your Heart is a Precondition to your Progress, and Especially for the Introduction of the New Technologies

AshtarAshtar Speaks: Your Work in your Heart is a Precondition to your Progress, and Especially for the Introduction of the New Technologies

Channelled by Philipp – March 11, 2013

Ashtar: We would like to respond in a deeper way with our interaction with you, particularly with regards to the subject of the new technologies and the preconditions to their introduction.

We well understand that you are very much interested in our lives and especially our technologies. We know how “curious” you are to find out more about your family. Please believe us if we tell you how much we do understand this, and we would like to support these information demands.

Please understand as well that we are lovingly pointing out to you that at present – while you are receiving more and more information – it is more important for us to give you hints about how to accelerate our reunion becoming a reality.

We are showing you, in an affectionate and tireless way, that your work in your Heart is the basis for everything that should manifest on the outside. Everything begins there. Only through this preparation you will be able to use the advanced technologies. Please allow us to explain:

If we provide you with background knowledge about technologies, it is always a double-edged sword. On the one hand this information may raise you, but very often it causes the opposite – the information triggers emotions that we do not want to activate.

For example, you are asking yourself: Why are we not delivering? Why are we not yet here? Why does it take so much time until we have the benefit of these technologies?

These emotions are based on the fear that the development is not proceeding at all, or not in the way you expect. But be assured, the technologies are ready and you will use them. However the timing – when this is going to happen – depends on you. Your vibration level decides when you can use which technologies.

The introduction of our technology runs parallel to your development – to your vibrational increase. The more Light you can assimilate, the more advanced technologies you can use.

Teleportation, replicators – and especially the different means of transport that can carry you in less than no time anywhere in the world – require a high, energetic vibration by the user. That vibration you have not yet reached, so we cannot – yet – make these technologies available to you. You already know much about what we have planned and what will be available for you. As we have said, this cannot be “delivered” if you are not raising yourself.

In the meantime, until we can fully interact and work together with you, the introduction of new technologies will happen through you. By this, we mean that you will be enabled to create new technologies by yourselves. These will greatly facilitate your lives and through that assist you in your development.

We will assist you by transferring ideas to the inventors and assisting them on a subconscious level by the implementation of these ideas. This applies mainly to the introduction of free energy, which should quickly replace your fossil-based technologies.

The incoming Light will considerably support the vibrational increase as a condition to the use of these new technologies. However, your Heart is the control centre which assimilates and processes this incoming Light. For that reason it is so important to be in your Heart and not to be distracted by your surrounding problems.

We know how difficult it is, because from your point of view the 3-D world is still very present and you often forget that it is only an illusion. You can considerably support your work in your Heart if you always remember that everything that you experience at present is part of this illusion – which is due to dissolve. We have often told you that it is you and only you who are able to dissolve the illusion created by you, and only you can decide how quickly it will fade away.

Therefore, we lovingly continue to remind you that your real and most important task in this period of time is focusing yourself in your Heart. The key to your development – and especially for the implementation of the new technologies – is lying in your Heart. By doing this work you attract everything of the Light. Go this way and you will reach your target as quickly as possible.

Have a closer look at the Channellings that come to you now. Do you recognize the paradigm which is inherent in all of them? Do you see that, in the Now Moment, everything is orientating towards the focus of your work in your Heart as the basis for our reunion? We are giving you all the help needed to reach this target.

We have indicated to you a time frame with the biggest potential for development – namely the nine-month period till September 22nd, 2013. In the Now Moment we see that this time frame is developing in the way that we predicted it. Therefore don`t ease off in your focus – centre yourself in your Heart, and everything will develop in the way you have longed for.

In Love

Your brother Ashtar

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/15/2013 5:42:20 PM

Archangel Michael via Ron Head: Love Youselves as We Love You

meditation1Archangel Michael via Ron Head: Love Youselves as We Love You

As Channeled by Ron Head – March 13, 2013

Meditation will be our topic this morning. Our purpose will be to show you that you can do this as well as anyone else can.Simplify, please, your perceptions of what meditation is. You have read and heard descriptions of meditational experiences told by others. They tell of things which amaze you, and because none of these things seem to happen to you when you close your eyes, you believe that you cannot meditate and you cease trying in disappointment.

Dear ones, you have lives to live. People, your children and spouses, depend upon you. You have not spent a lifetime in developing this skill, and do not have the time to do so. That is alright. It is understood. If this does not fit, and you are an accomplished meditator, we applaud you. But the overwhelming majority of you will not be cave dwelling hermits nor lifelong meditators.

So let us dispel your misgivings and give you a chance to use this magnificent tool to move yourselves forward from wherever you are.And that phrase is key, my friends, wherever you are. It is impossible to begin a journey from anywhere else than wherever you are. So here is a new goal we propose you adopt. “I will meditate each day.” It is very simple. It is where to start.

You will learn more, just as you have in every other area of your life. You may indeed find yourself at some time having those marvelous visions and experiences. That this may happen is not important. What is important is for you to find, in your hearts, peace and freedom to know yourselves for who you truly are. And of those two things, we emphasize peace. It is very hard to achieve that in your world. And when you are able to feel that, you do, in fact, share it with all others, whether you know it or whether you do not.

Now, since you are reading or listening to this message on an electronic device of some sort, we tell you that it is perfectly fine for you to use the thousands and thousands of meditational sound tracks and videos to guide and help you in this process. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to spend time each day with you and only you. We add a little humor to lighten this up. It should be light. We are offering you a release and a relief, not a new chore. You should feel, “Ah, now I can meditate for a bit.”, not “Now I have to meditate.”

Peace and self-discovery, make those the only considerations and you will have done wonders for yourselves. Make this first step and we promise you that in very short order you will miss it on the days when you need to skip it. And, by the way, do not beat yourselves up over that either.

Love yourselves as we love you and we will speak again soon. Good day.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/15/2013 5:43:22 PM

Jesus: To Live Timelessly Will Delight You

jesus-4-258x3001-150x150Jesus: To Live Timelessly Will Delight You

As channelled by John Smallman – March 15, 2013

Listen to John reading today’s posts here:

In Reality life is fun, great fun! Here in the spiritual realms, there is always an air of playfulness as we attend to the work in hand. Of course work here is not in the remotest sense like work on Earth, where most of you struggle to manage your financial obligations and feed and shelter your loved ones, frequently doing work that you positively dislike.

What we call work is our vocation, our calling, our brief, an occupation to which we are perfectly suited, and which stimulates us, excites us, fascinates us, and entrances us – it is “following our bliss” – and we are constantly, enthusiastically engaged with it because of that. Needless to say it is endlessly creative and uplifting.

When you awaken, you will take your places beside us — already reserved for you since the moment of your creation — engaging actively and harmoniously with us in this, which is in effect an ongoing, sublime symphony in praise of Love, Life, Sentience, Consciousness, Oneness, the Source of all that exists, our Father, God.

Words are truly utterly inadequate forms of symbolism with which to describe or even try to paint mental pictures that attempt to express what we do here in Reality. Even the word “do” in this context is quite meaningless. When you awaken, then you will understand the difficulties that we have in communicating meaningfully with you while you remain unawakened and totally reliant on symbols to provide you with information and knowledge.

The environment in which you are presently experiencing life seems vast and complex to you, especially when you take into account the universe which envelops your home planet, the galaxy that enfolds it, and your own lack of magnitude. However, compared to God’s divine Reality, in which all that exists is contained, it is as nothing.

Your awakening is to be an amazing event of enormous significance. It is an event towards which you have been making your way for eons as you played with the concept of linear time, and that concept is now unraveling. To live timelessly will delight you: no deadlines, no anxious waiting periods, no missed opportunities, life unfolding for you all at once and actively encouraging your participation, now and forever. It has to be experienced to be understood, and the joy of that experience awaits you.

Many, many timelines in your earthly scenario are now merging and coming together in a way that is presently wholly inconceivable to you. In a sense, each one of you, each individual human being has his or her own personal timeline, which folds and wrinkles, swerves and curves, as you make decisions and choices that interact with and alter the direction in which your lifepath is taking you, moment to moment.

Because you are each seemingly locked to your own individual paths – doctor, scientist, artist, student, soldier, mother, father, etc. – it is very difficult for you to grasp any real sense of another’s. It is a bit like eating ice cream, or swimming: you see others doing it, you know what it feels like for you, but your individual experiences are just that – yours, individual, separate, different. As these timelines merge, this will all change, and you will start to experience the meaning of oneness.

This merging and melding of timelines will continue until there is only one, and then that too will dissolve, disintegrate, disappear, leaving only Oneness, Creation, God. But no one will be lost because all sentient life is eternal, immortal, fully integrated into the divine energy field. What you see and experience as separate and individual is illusory. All is interconnected permanently. It is just that your very limited perception hides this from you.

Every one of you knows someone whom you see as fixed, inflexible, attached to an unreal belief that he thinks defines him, while it is apparent to others that he is living in his own illusory world, unaware by choice or ignorance of the unreality of his belief, of his situation, of how he presents himself to the world, and convinced that all those around him are odd, wrong, even insane.

Well, in truth you have all to a greater or lesser extent enclosed yourselves in limited and exclusive environments – your churches, your clubs, your political affiliations, your work places, your ethnicities, even your families. When you awaken, those self-imposed limits, those boundaries, those inflexible and “self-evident” beliefs will fall away and you will see with new eyes, hear with new ears, sense with new senses. You will recognize yourselves as One, and your joy will be infinite.

Your loving brother, Jesus

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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