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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/12/2013 4:27:42 PM

A Report on the Progress of Containment on the World Scene


Soon to re-emerge from containment.

Perhaps I can report on the progress of the strategy of containing dark figures rather than mass-arresting them. It’s a matter that Archangel Michael began commenting on in July 2012 and which even SaLuSa is now remarking on, as we’ll see below.

I asked Archangel Michael to give us some details on containment in our lastHour with an Angel and he began by saying that “containment is something that is done very rarely and with great consideration.” (1) It “does not remove free will but literally contains” it.

He told us that “there are various levels of containment.” In what he described as “the most epic,” people “are basically in light boxes, and light and love is penetrating them completely and fully, and they will not be released until they have been fully penetrated.” He continued:

“That is why that decision is not made casually. It is much more invasive than you are even imagining. So it is something we do with great respect, yes, even for what you would think of as the darkest players. When we contain them, it is done with a great deal of respect.”

It may be useful to review the policy of containment and the nature of the “light boxes.” Last July he described both:

“We have a process that you do not understand, because you tend to think in terms of your reality on Earth, of course. But you can think of it as a process of containment and of restraint so that these beings are restrained and contained, and for all intents and purposes, for your purposes and references, they are taken out of action. Or the actions that they are permitted to participate in are mostly illusion, and they do not affect the collective. In fact, if anything, they simply bounce back at the individual.

“Think of a box, think of a storage box. Think of a box that you see coming off the large ships, containers. Only these are containers of light, these are containers of pure energy, these are containers of love. And the individual — or the group, by the way, because there are several where we have simply put an entire group; it is easier that way, and more rapid, by the way — we are placing these beings in containers of light and love.

Pope Benedict

Also slated to leave containment … and the papacy: An example of the dramatic changes that containment is bringing.

“Their energies that may be disruptive or based on the old paradigms of hatred or greed, control, cruelty, just plain nastiness, my brother — they’re placed in these containers and that energy has no way, because they are sealed, and they are sealed by the mighty ones — myself, Michael, Raphael, Uriel, Jophiel and Gabriel. They are sealed. And in that sealing, their negative actions, emotions, et cetera, cannot escape.” (2)

He informed us that “those who have been in key positions, leadership positions, are being kept in those containers of light until, not just the darkness has fled or been cleansed, but the plan on our side is that they are being kept in that realm until they are extraordinary light beings. So, it is almost as if when they re-emerge you will barely recognize them.”

Examples of people in containment are Queen Elizabeth, Pope Benedict, David Cameron, Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, Jamie Dimon and Bashar al-Assad.

He said that Queen Elizabeth “is re-emerging” from containment. Certainly the change in heart that is apparent in her, from a person who held herself aloof from social matters, or often frowned at them from behind the scenes, to one who takes delight in supporting human rights and allows herself to be audited – which must be an unheard of move – is striking.

Currently she’s to be found ready to sign a Commonwealth charter supporting equal rights for gays. Gays are at risk in some African countries so the act carries much symbolic weight. It’s an historic shift in her public attitude and I say this as a lifelong admirer of the Queen (little did I know of her Illuminati involvement). Here’s a news report on this development:

“Queen Elizabeth II is set to make history later today when she signs a new charter taking a stand against discrimination, which some have interpreted as tacit support of gay rights.

“The 86-year-old matriarch will sign the agreement at a reception this evening to show her support. With the stroke of the pen, the queen will be making a symbolic pledge for equal rights for billions of people in 54 countries in the British Commonwealth around the world.” (3)

Her calmness in the face of being audited is also a matter I find remarkable. (4) Previously she was a great defender of the royal prerogative.And she has much to hide, including her extensive uranium-mine ownership. Uranium is used in depleted-uranium weapons, which are a scourge of the world that only our star brothers and sisters’ intervention has prevented from sealing the fate of the world.

So the Queen is among those whom he referred to when he said: “there are some who have been released from their containment, and they have chosen to come forward to fulfill their mission and purposes. And they were ready to do that.” But he named a second world leader who was in containment and is now ready to emerge from it and we know the historic shift he made: “Yes, the Pope was a good example of” someone ready to leave containment and fulfill his mission and purpose.

That should end the mystery of why the Pope resigned. He continued: “Then there are others, particularly within the financial world, who are returning to put things to rights.” And in this respect he named Jamie Dimon. All the top leaders of the Illuminati are now in containment and that includes the Bilderbergers, Trilateral Commission and Council on Foreign Relations. The second level of leadership are also in containment. So the Illuminati is in effect leaderless.

Commander Ashtar gave the criteria for being placed in this form of restraint and purification.

“The criteria for containment are that you need to be in a situation where you can inflict pain, suffering, that your actions have been so abhorrent, and that you are not trying or accepting the energy that is being sent to the Earth and to all the human beings.

“But primarily it is not that you are a minor player. It is those who are in positions of, what we would say, significant authority, some known, some unknown; that those are the people that are the primary candidates for containment.

“The rest are being worked with, as you know — but perhaps not everyone does — but they are being worked with in a variety of other ways, or what we could say, perhaps lesser containment.” (5)

An example of a person in a lesser form of containment would be Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Of him,. Archangel Michael said:

“Harper is in middle containment. He is not in severe containment, but he is in mid-containment. And so there will be a change of heart there as well, and a change of heart in the rigorous nature of his policies.” (6)

But not all dark ones are in containment. In this current Hour with an Angel, Archangel Michael acknowledged that we still point to atrocities happening on Earth.

“Now, you say, ‘But, Lord, we are still witnessing some terrible atrocities on our planet.’ And as the Prince of Peace and the Warrior of Peace, I am very aware of that. But I also suggest to you that some of those people that you see are almost like puppet shells, and the true person is in a light chamber.” (7)

The continuing disruption comes from those who are not in containment.

“The disruption … is those who have not [been put in containment] and we are talking rather low levels, actually, so do not look for massive conspiracies. Although we do know that there are some, even as they were not in containment, who would love to take advantage of such chaos. But what it is doing is bringing to the forefront the collective choice to say, ‘No more.’” (8)

In a personal reading on March 8, 2013, he talked about who was doing what in free energy. In the course of it, he touched again on who was in and who was not in containment.

Archangel Michael: A great deal of the free-energy people are still slightly, can we say, underground, under cover.

Steve Beckow: Are they still in danger of being of [assassinated]?

AAM: No, [from] their own fear. But we are not suggesting [from] the dark forces, because containment has been very effective, but the desire, say, let’s use the example of oil companies, to maintain their greed and their empires. They are still pretty ruthless.

SB: Aren’t they in containment Lord?

AAM: Not everybody who is wealthy from these enterprises is in containment. And do not forget that not even a middle level manager, we are not talking about brutality or murder, but we are talking about sabotage and the ability to throw a spanner in the works. So there is some residual fear on the part of those that are working on free energy to completely go public. But they will be there shortly. (9)

Finally let’s listen to SaLuSa refer to containment. You recall that, last Spring, SaLuSa was predicting the mass arrests, but, this Spring, he’s acknowledging that the top Illuminati are in containment instead of arrest. He began by saying:

“It is important that you give of your energy to all that is pure and positive, without expending it on matters relating to the Illuminati and their actions. Their time is now very limited as their actions are being curtailed until they can be completely stopped. They no longer represent the threat that they used to, and Beings of Light are limiting their power so that they can be kept under control.” (10)

The archangelic realm are those “Beings of Light.” He continued:

“In the past there have been many references to arresting those who are the ringleaders of the dark Ones, and steadily they have been rounded up. You have also heard of ‘Containment’ and in this way we have been able to severely restrict their activities. Mass arrests were considered likely to evoke panic amongst you, as few would have had any knowledge of why it was happening.

“So we have opted for gradual changes and placed our representatives who are our allies, in positions that give more control to those of the Light. However, once we can come out openly, you will then see rapid changes taking place for which we have long been prepared. We assure you that you will eventually enjoy all of the benefits that have been promised to you, and we will be doing all we can to assist you.” (11)

So it isn’t the case any longer that Archangel Michael is the only spokesman of the Company of Heaven that’s referring to containment. Keep in mind that SaLuSa is himself a spokesperson for the entire Galactic Federation of Light so when he refers to it, we can be sure that the GFL is aware of and supports it as well.

So that’s a progress report on containment. Some figures have gone into deep containment – like Queen Elizabeth and the Pope – and are already emerging and acting in the world in ways that are diametrically different from how they were acting before. The Queen supporting gay rights and allowing herself to be audited and the Pope resigning from an Illuminati-controlled Vatican to live out his days in a monastery are two prominent examples of the changes that containment has wrought on some of the leaders of the world.


(1) “Archangel Michael: Ascension is Not Distant But Very Current and Underway,” March 12, 2013, at

(2) “Archangel Michael on the Containment of the Cabal,” July 3, 2012, at

(3) Lama Hasan, “Queen Elizabeth Takes Historic Stand Against Discrimination,” Yahoo! News, March 11, 2013, at–abc-news-topstories.html.

(4) “Royals: They’re just like us! Queen Elizabeth II is being audited,” MSNnow, March 12, 2013, at

(5) “Ashtar: Acknowledgement of Our Presence Need not Take Months … Only Minutes,” Aug. 14, 2012, at

(6) Archangel Michael: This Election Clears the Way for Obama to Step into the Truth of His Being,” Nov. 8, 2012, at

(7) Archangel Michael: Ascension is not Distant,” ibid.

(8) Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon in a personal reading with Steve Beckow, Sept. 14, 2012.

(9) Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon in a personal reading with Steve Beckow, March 8, 2013.

(10) SaLuSa, March 1, 2013.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/12/2013 4:33:01 PM

Archangel Michael via Ron Head: It Is Time for You to Begin Seeing Some Results and Confirmations

imageArchangel Michael via Ron Head: It Is Time for You to Begin Seeing Some Results and Confirmations

As Channeled by Ron Head – March 11, 2013

Today we will speak about the impending sea change in your energetic environment. There has been enough modification to your energy fields now that that almost all of you will know that something of immense importance has happened, and only those who are determined to ignore it will be able to deny that something of significance has occurred.

As we are…, I am… informing you of this now, just prior to its occurrence, please be in a state of anticipation and grateful allowance. But please do not expect to awaken to a miraculously changed world. That will, in fact, be what has happened, but the change will be of an energetic and spiritual nature. We will remind you again that this is what begins everything. When changes of this nature manifest, the outcome in the lower dimensions is, as you put it, “a done deal”.

This is why we tell you at times that things are happening and you wonder why you cannot see them. Well, magnificent things are about to occur and many of you will see them, but not yet in your physical world. However, as it has been said, for those with the eyes to see, the changes will have been made. The tipping point in the energetic soup in which you live will have been reached, and not by some tiny, unnoticeable shift either. This time, those of you who have become able to sense the energies of which we speak so often will know beyond doubt that something major has happened.

Meantime, there might very well be obvious problems caused by accompanying frequencies, unavoidable, but short lived. Do not allow yourself to be panicked by those who love to build audience by playing on such emotions. If problems do occur, they will be worked around, as always. The end of the world is not at hand, even if it would sell product and bring more dependence on those who own your major institutions. Instead, observe, explore, and give thanks for the internal changes you will find activated in yourselves. Some are already seeing glimmers of such things. If you are one of those who do, be prepared to help those around you to make sense of what they are perhaps not quite prepared for. And for the changes you will experience for yourselves, we give our congratulations.

You have worked long and hard, in your waking and sleeping hours, and it is time for you to begin seeing some results and confirmations. There has been a slight calm, a lull if you like, to allow your bodies to prepare. We are about to resume the journey, dear ones.

As always, we hold you in love and light. Good day.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/12/2013 4:35:46 PM

Karen Doonan: Commander Ashtar Update for 11th March 2013

AshtarAs channeled by Karen Doonan – March 11, 2013

I come to communicate more information to you and to explain some of the energetic upgrades that will now take place within and around the human race. As my previous communication was accepted in truth now I ask that you accept this communication in truth for much is changing and the ability to filter the changes out will decrease as the energies increase.

Such is the inbuilt ability to control within the human vehicle that many are on auto pilot, this serves no one at this time least of all the human who is determined to keep their filters applied in order to try to negate the huge changes that are occurring within and across the planet earth.

The new energies are here to help mankind yet many of mankind are refusing to open their eyes believing that change is something to be in fear of. I would ask that all reach out to all at this time for the role of those who are termed “asleep” is to aid those who are on an advanced expansion and growth cycle. Those who are reading my words are those on an advanced expansion and growth cycle, those who are being pushed beyond where they were by their soul.

It matters not whether you can accept my presence or even if I “exist” for much is perception and many within the human race dismiss that which they cannot “prove”. This is a narrow point of perception and one that has been encouraged under the old earth energies.

To constantly search for “proof” and dismiss with “none” is to live in a controlled environment and exist within the constraints and confines set up by those who sought to control and suppress the human race upon this planet. As the soul that you are in truth now wishes to experience beyond the limits that have been placed upon the human vehicle then naturally energetic upgrades must be downloaded and anchored within each human vehicle.

The downloading and anchoring of Light codes is specific to the needs of the soul that you are in truth, the energies that flood across and within planet earth and there for all, the codings that are required by your particular human vehicle will be ingested as needed and anchored as needed. This process is governed by your soul and I ask that you accept the guidance of your soul at this time.

Many within the human race are now preparing themselves for that which they have been taught would happen and the races/realms that exist in the universe with the human race are here as a support energetically to allow those who are able to move past the conditions put in place within their human vehicles to experience truth. Truth just is, it is not something that has to be defended for it needs no defense.

The Light codings that are being downloaded through each human vehicle work to release the tightly bound veils that you have been taught to wrap around your human vehicle, these veils work to filter out the wider experience of being in human form.

The Light codings where appropriate and under the guidance of your soul will allow Self to communicate at deepening levels with your galactic brothers and sisters. Again I would ask that you accept “under guidance from your Soul”. To go from not allowing the human vehicle to accept there are other life forms to communicating instantly with every life form is too much of a jump in reality for many in human form.

So there will be a process that is guided by your soul for the upgrades required to be downloaded and anchored. The process will then unfold within your waking life experience. It serves no one at this time to try to go beyond in order to get “ahead” for many are falling to the ego that drives the human vehicle within the human race.

The experience of being able to connect to the energy that you are in truth whilst still in human form at galactic level is a process that must be anchored and experienced. No amount of trying to explain using the human language will “convince” another human who has not experienced the connection. Such is the control the human logical mind has over the human vehicle for many within the human race at this time.

It is not possible to experience through the human vehicle that which you cannot comprehend experiencing. This is truth that has many in deep frustration. You have been taught that certain phenomenon do not exist therefore you hold the vibration to repel such experiences, this works to further convince the human mind that such experiences are not real and not available, this was a way in which the human race were tightly controlled in the old earth energies.

As those among the human race who have incarnated specifically to challenge this begin to step into more and more experiences based on their memories of other civilisations and planets then this will help to unlock those who are “stuck” within the mind set of “impossible”.

The reason that specific Beings chose to incarnate within the human race at this time was specifically to address the lack of expansion that was open to the human race in general under the old earth energies. New phenomena will now begin to be reported, new information will now flood the planet and those who are here to help in the expansion and evolution of the human race now prepare to take their places in order to help this be achieved.

I would ask why many believe that a “take over” would happen when in reality the experience of each individual human being feeds into the collective consciousness of the human race? Why would this scenario have been implanted within the human consciousness of the human race if not to produce fear that would then hamper the expansion of the energies that you are in truth within your human vehicle.

The most containing vibration to ingest is that of fear, it works to lower vibration and to hold the human vehicle within a holding pattern. It can no longer work to create under the new earth energies for the vibration of planet earth is now such that manifestation under the old vibrations cannot last, they cannot endure and I give this communication to you loudly and clearly. What will keep you “stuck” in this harmonisation process is the fear vibration, it can do you no harm, it cannot take over as such, but it can keep you in a cycle of energy that is not serving.

The increase in energies over the next few linear days in human terms will seek to address this cycle and to help break it. It serves no one for all to be in a “holding” pattern and this is what I seek to communicate at this time.

For long enough the communication of all realms/races has been experienced in linear time with dates and times given to you in order many times to further contain you. Linear time is a human creation and locks many humans into the self defeating patterns of the old earth energies. As many of you are now aware the ability to move out of the linear time created for you is now being accessed.

This allows for more manifestation and greater anchoring of the Light codes, again I would draw your attention closely to the workings of the human mind, if you believe that time exists and do not allow the experience of “no time” to be experienced then you in effect anchor yourself into the old earth energies. The new earth energies will begin to break down linear time at increasing rates for time is not truth.

Everything is Now and the challenge to all realms/races when guiding the human race in relation to events and timings is to try to place Now into a linear timeframe. This has further worked to contain the human race as the human logical brain perceives the “time” passing and nothing happening. This works to further the old earth energies.

Many of the changes to your world and to your civilisation are such that they are not seen at the levels they can be felt. This is the key to the new earth, for it will take some time for the human brain to “catch up” with the heart. The heart is able to experience beyond the human logical brain, the energy that you are in truth able to experience without and within the human vehicle.

When the human vehicle is going through the process of harmonisation it may not fully accept this truth and discount the experiences that you have without the human vehicle as dreams. They are not dreams they are experiences for All Just Is. It is the synching of the experience with the human vehicle that allows for the manifestation of all that is experienced in the waking life reality that you have.

I am Commander Ashtar and I will communicate more in due course. I ask that you understand the wider picture that is available to all at this time on planet earth. It is important that you move from “I” and “me” to all for you are all connected. The old earth energies playing on the concept of separateness and “each”. You may all be incarnated into a physical human vehicle but that does not mean you are not connected.

These connections will further increase and I ask that you allow the human vehicle to begin to make sense of these connections. Sitting in one part of the world does not negate the experience that the energy you are in truth has without the human vehicle and the connections you have in truth with all who are on this planet.

There is no “leaving behind” or “missing out” for that is born of the old earth energies and the view that each are separate. This is not truth and not supported in the new earth. All are One, all are connected and All Are.

Copyright Karen Doonan, all rights reserved

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/12/2013 4:40:32 PM

Karen Doonan: Archangel Gabriel’s Message for 10th March 2013

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/13/2013 1:05:51 AM

How Japan's 'flammable ice' breakthrough could revolutionize the energy industry

The country may have found the successor to fracking

On Tuesday, Japan became the first country to ever successfullyextract natural gas from underwater deposits of methane hydrate, a frozen gas sometimes referred to as "flammable ice." The breakthrough could be a boon to the energy-poor nation, which imports almost all of its energy. And if the technology provescommercially viable, it could benefit other countries — including Canada, the U.S., Norway, and China — that are also seeking to exploit methane hydrate deposits.

Japan has reportedly spent hundreds of millions of dollars in pursuit of flammable ice, a Holy Grail that could satisfy the country's future energy demands as Japan weans itself off nuclear power in the aftermath of the leak at the Fukushima Daichii plant. Japanese officials are virtually giddy at the prospect. "Japan could finally have an energy source to call its own," proclaimed Takami Kawamoto, a spokesperson for the Japan Oil, Gas, & Metal National Corp. (Jogmec), the government-run company that is leading the effort.

According to The New York Times, "Methane hydrate is a sherbet-like substance that can form whenmethane gas is trapped in ice below the seabed or underground." Jogmec says there are at least 1.1 trillion cubic meters of the stuff in the trough where it is currently drilling, just off the Pacific Coast. If Japan can perfect its extraction technique, the area would provide the country with enough natural gas to last 11 years. Japan's waters reportedly contain a total of 7 trillion cubic meters of flammable ice, which would supply the country with natural gas for many, many decades to come.

How does the drilling process work exactly? "Japan used depressurization to turn methane hydrate to methane gas," says Reuters, "a process thought by the government to be more effective than using the hot water circulation method the country had tested successfully in 2002."

The technology, however, is still in its infant stage. At the moment, it's far too expensive to be sustainable, though Japan hopes to have a commercially viable model in place by 2019. Furthermore, flammable ice remains something of a mystery, which could result in technical glitches and setbacks in the future. "We are studying many things that are not yet known about methane hydrate,"according to Kawamoto.

Still, Japanese officials point to the U.S.'s recent natural gas boom as evidence that technologically complex drilling processes can result in an energy bonanza. The U.S.'s production of natural gas has skyrocketed due to hydraulic fracturing — or fracking — of shale rock, an intensive process that has become widespread in recent years.

Fracking remains a controversial technique, with environmentalists claiming that it could do significant damage to the environment. So far, scientists know little about the impact flammable gas extraction could have on the environment.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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