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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/11/2013 5:38:15 PM

Suzanne Lie: Pleiadian/Arcturian Alliance – Mytre’s Parallel Reality Part 2

DreamlandPleiadian/Arcturian Alliance – Mytre’s Parallel Reality Part 2

By Suzanne Lie – March 10, 2013

Mytria Speaks:

When “parallel” Mytre finished speaking he said, “I know that I will be with you for awhile, and I see you are struggling as to what to call me. I am Mytre Almon, so please call me Almon. Because I fell into my own darkness, I am a very different version of Mytre than the one you knew. I am grateful for this opportunity to serve the Light, as well as my beloved Pleiadian family.”

With that said, we all gathered around our new friend Almon to welcome him into our family. We laughed around the campfire until it burned into embers, and it was time for sleep. I could see that Almon was uncomfortable about where to sleep, so I offered that he share my bed. He was quite hesitant, but I insisted and pulled him into a small, private indentation in our cave.

The next morning we arose at dawn and found our special meditation spots. Almon easily slipped into this reality and found his own meditation spot at the top of a small hill. He no longer felt that he must hide in the shadows. He had regained his dignity, and I had regained my best friend. Over the weeks that followed I saw the many ways that Almon was different than Mytre, and the many ways in which he was quite similar.

However, as soon as the land for the location of the Temple was cleared, we had a problem. We did not want to rearrange or cut any rocks from this sacred land for building materials, and we did not have the ability to gather building material from too far outside of the sacred dome. Meanwhile, the symptoms of transmutation into our higher SELF appeared again but in a totally different way.

Before, our bodies were suffering the symptoms of physical illness or discomfort. Now, it was our minds that were shifting. We all began to forget what we were going to say, or we could not attend to an entire sentence that our friends tried to deliver. Furthermore, we all began to lose time. By that I mean that we would be somewhere doing something, then suddenly, we were somewhere else doing something quite different.

The sequential actions of finishing one experience then moving on to the next one no longer applied. Eventually we realized that if we were involved in one activity and thought of another one, we were suddenly doing whatever activity we were thinking about. However, the sequence of stopping one activity, walking to another place, and commencing in the next activity was missing.

At first we only had this experience once in a while, but then this shifting of time and space became increasingly frequent. We realized that we were being given a higher dimensional ability, but we had no conscious control of it. In fact, our ego Self was not in control of many things at all. Slowly, we realized that when ego-based thinking came into our mind, we shifted out of what we doing and into that which fed our soul.

In other words, we could no longer lie to ourselves and say, “It is fine. I am happy doing this right now. Later, I will do what I want to do.” The concepts of “right now” and “later” were becoming extinct to be replaced with “NOW.” We had all been experiencing the NOW in our meditations, and it was seeping into our daily lives. At first, this situation was quite disconcerting until we realized how much more effective we were when we only did what we loved doing.

In this manner, we each found the personal contribution that best served our group venture. Also, there was no overlap or competition. It was as if we were each handpicked to do a certain portion of this service to the ONE. It was not too long before we realized that this concept was correct and that Almon was our “foreman”. He was able to perceive how the actions and contributions of each person fit into our ONE group endeavor.

Now that we had all found our contributions, we were a totally sustainable community gathered around a prepared space in which we were to build the Temple. One evening we were gathered around the campfire when one of our friends from the Temple came into our dome.

His name was Jartun, and he was one of my best friends from the Temple. Instantly, I feared that something was wrong with Alycia, but he read my mind – as he always did – and informed me that she was fine.

We invited Jartun to join our campfire and found him food and water. He had hardly stopped on his journey to our site and was exhausted. He had an urgent message to give us, but first we made sure that he ate and had some water.

Once he had eaten and quenched his thirst, we gave him our full attention as he began to speak,

“I have come here to tell you that the Arcturian Force Field around the village is beginning to fail. If the Draconians see our true village, they will attack us mercilessly. We have discovered in our meditations and communications with the Arcturians that the Temple must go up now, as the power of its Violet Fire is the only way we can focus the higher energies to refuel the Force Field.”

Almon stood instantly and said, “It is for this reason that I have been called to join you. I have been observing everyone’s abilities and remembering Mytria’s experiences in the Womb of the Mother. We are not meant to build the Temple, we are meant to raise the Temple.”

We all were confused, but Almon continued, “The Temple is already created. It is the Violet Crystals in the core of the planet.”

With one mind we understood what Almon was saying. Of course, then we did not have to harm the sacred land at all. However, how could we raise the huge crystals from the core of our planet? In fact, we all asked this question at once. Almon, who had fully regained his power in the time that he had been with us, calmly waited for us to calm down. One by one we re-seated ourselves around the campfire and looked to our leader, Almon, to continue,

“I do not know how to raise the Temple yet, but I have been having dreams and meditations about raising the Temple. However, I did not know what they meant till now. We all know that we were called to come here, and we all answered that Call form our Spirit. We have had to realize that “impossible” is no longer a concept in our lives, as we have become much more than we ever thought we could be.”

Almon paused while we each acknowledged his statement. Our change, actually our personal Ascension changes, had happened so quickly that all we could do was adapt to our new Self. Now, we had to acknowledge that we had gained individual powers beyond our wildest imagination. Almon and I were thinking as one, as he said,

“We are no longer who we once were. The Arcturians told us that we would need to ascend into the fifth dimension in order to resonate beyond the constant threat of war and darkness. We have had the privilege of being on this Sacred Land where that Ascension process is greatly accelerated. I have seen how our individual abilities perfectly complement each other. If we can collaborate to function as ONE BEING, as well as call in Mother Alcyone and the Arcturian, we may be able to raise the Violet Temple.”

Everyone was totally silent as they took in Almon’s words. Then, one-by-one, they shook their heads in agreement. Almon completed his message by saying,

“Let’s all go to sleep now and ask for guidance. Then, after our morning meditations in which we ask for understanding of our dreams, we will gather as a group and discuss what we have discovered.”

We all agreed, put out the fire, found a place for Jartun to sleep and lay down for the night. Something very important had happened, and we needed to each digest it before we blended it into our ever-expanding Group Consciousness. Again, we rose at dawn. Then, after our individual meditations we all instinctively formed a circle within the cleared area for the Temple. Of course, we each got our individual version of the same message. I will now relay my version of our group dream.

We awoke within our dream to find ourselves in the Womb of the Mother during our first meeting. This time we recognized each other as well as those who had not chosen to join us. The members of our group gathered together to await the entrance of Mother Alycone and the Arcturian. However, no one came this time. Instead, we all received the inner instruction to enter a long tunnel.

We silently found our way through the tunnel, which was lit by an unknown source. When the tunnel went deeper and deeper into the planet, I recognized that we were being led to cave of the giant crystals. Shortly after that realization we turned a final bend and found the massive crystals awaiting us.

With no direction from the Arcturian or Mother Alycone, we decided as a unit to go to the crystals and touch them. When we touched the crystals we could feel their great life force. We had always thought of crystals as the highest frequency of the Mineral Kingdom, but now we knew that they were, also, living Beings. Just as we had learned to work as a unit on the land, we united our efforts and “found our spot” among the crystals.

We later learned in our discussion that we each asked how we could assist the crystals to rise to the surface and received our individual instructions. Most important, we established an intimate relationship with the living Crystalline Being of the Violet Temple. After receiving our instructions we wandered among the falling crystals receiving inner pictures of how the crystals looked before they fell into disarray.

Almon, who had climbed to the top of the largest crystal, was gathering all of our information into a cohesive unit. Furthermore, he seemed to be having a personal communication with the Deva, holder of form, of this great Crystalline Being. Almon sat there for a very long time, while we waited for him to finish his communion with the Crystalline Being.

When Almon finally joined us, he was deeply moved, but would say nothing. It was then that Mother Alycone and the Arcturian joined us.

NOTE: You may view the first part of this message in page 419 of this thread.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/11/2013 5:40:14 PM

Hilarion: Your Loving Presence Can Uplift the Hearts of an Entire Building Filled with Others

HilarionAs channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana – March 10, 2013

Beloved Ones,

Many of you are finding that you are in a period of quiet contemplation and restful moments. The assimilation of the latest energy downloads are being processed as you go about your daily lives. Much is being worked on even though it may not be immediately apparent to you. The transformation of your being is occurring on many levels and the changes are going deep. This is bringing out many patterns of thought and behavior that can be rather surprising and puzzling as it seems out of character to you. As more is refined in your cells, this process will abate.

The pace of life will begin to quicken once again and you will find yourselves feeling able to complete old projects and begin new ones. There will be increased flows of creativity and many wonderful works that come into physical manifestation. These will bring great joy and feelings of successful accomplishment. Enjoy these as they come forth from the deeper parts of your selves and know that there is more to come. The well is full and can be drawn upon at will.

As you go about your daily lives, remember that your energetic field reaches farther than is apparent so try to maintain peace and equilibrium within you, as your energy has influence upon the very atmosphere around you. Your loving presence can uplift the hearts of an entire building filled with others and with conscious intention a deeper impact can be made that will transform those lives in very positive ways. Bless all people everywhere you go whether you interact with them personally or simply be in their presence.

In these times it is good to follow the signposts of your inner guidance and the physical promptings from your body elemental. Whatever is occurring within you needs attention in whatever way is indicated, such as greater amounts of sleep and rest, the eating of different foods and drinking greater amounts of pure clean water. Sometimes it is important that you do not venture out where you will be amongst a great crowd so that you do not absorb the energies prevalent at that time. Listen to your guidance and all will be well. If you feel a great reluctance to do something or be somewhere, it is best to follow that feeling.

Connect with the deep feelings of joy that come spontaneously from within you. Write poetry, paint beautiful pictures, sing, read inspiring and uplifting books, plant flowers, work in your garden, do whatever it is that fills you with joy and do these often. Reward yourselves with these positive and life enhancing activities as often as you can for these help keep you in the harmonious flow of the cosmic energies that are inundating the atmosphere. Let the Light in your heart grow in its radiance and picture this happening often. A golden heart glowing brightly in your heart space can absorb more Light that can then be shared with those around you. Be in joy, Dear Ones, and be at peace.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2012 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and website is included.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/11/2013 5:45:37 PM

Poofness 3-10-13…”The Snake Bites!!!”… (“After 100+ years of Running the Show, Bankers Can’t Hear the Word ‘No’”)

poofness_matura_font_blue58[UPDATE 1350 HST: Wait a minute... did Poof say, "Leap forward! Turn your back on the past and leave your butts behind you"? Didn't I just get the same word in this last post??? "[Koa] has leaped in energy… this is what is happening all over the place… let my energy be “leaped”!!”]


  • We have entered the year of the snake, it has struck already and the howling that arose was like an atom bomb going off.
  • …’after 100+ years of running the show, bankers can’t hear the word No’. They have been like cockroaches and operate automatically.
  • The last time the owner of the particular bank visited, he cleaned out 240 quad of ill gotten gains and threw it into the pile to be distributed to humanity.
  • Basel 3 is the international banking law now. No country is exempt or can work around it…
  • The dragon even gobbled up… the mother of all central banks, the BIS.
  • …time to get out from under the curse. Let your ‘work’ turn into your ‘joy’.
  • …the big plan remains, that is making this planet paradise again. They just had to use those D9s and get the folks out of the way who wanted Mad Max world.


Poofness 3-10-13…”The Snake Bites!!!”

Greetings and Salutations;

Anyone paying attention to what was happening in the world this past week, came to the conclusion, something was up and it was HUGE. Under the ‘dragon’ year, the dragon did what dragons do, rest on their gold and jewels, and fry anyone who attempts to steal them. We have entered the year of the snake, it has struck already and the howling that arose was like an atom bomb going off. The out going leadership in china, made the comment; ‘the corruption in the banks was being handled’. There’s no such thing as ‘too big to fail’. Especially when someone with a bigger club exists that can whup the bully’s butt. Someone made a comment the other day saying, ‘after 100+ years of running the show, bankers can’t hear the word No’. They have been like cockroaches and operate automatically. How much can you eat until you burst open, spilling your innards? I would make the same analogy about politicians.

The last time the owner of the particular bank visited, he cleaned out 240 quad of ill gotten gains and threw it into the pile to be distributed to humanity. I don’t have the number for what got snatched out of there, this time…the howling spoke for itself. The cesspool was not silently stinking anymore . It was drained and went by way of the dodo bird. It went extinct. Basel 3 is the international banking law now. No country is exempt or can work around it, if they want to do business in the 21st century. The dragon even gobbled up the central banks around the world, they took the ‘head’. The mother of all central banks, the BIS. No shots fired, tho some took a ‘pill’ and took themselves out of the equation. Nature causes change, the kind you can’t stop and you Will deal, one way or another. Make it the easy way or make it tough, you have free will. Make it easy on yourself. Was thinking of starting a group a few years ago called ‘hardaholics anonymous’ for people who choose a harder path for everything. You know the words, you will work by the sweat of your brow, etc, was a curse…time to get out from under the curse. Let your ‘work’ turn into your ‘joy’.

Today is a 10…it’s new beginnings. The ‘weather’ conditions are right for a lightning bolt out of the blue. The forces are in place and we are watching. The winds may be howling in some places but they are fat with anticipation. All things change, maybe not when you think they should…but, I cite a law, it’s called the ‘Law of Inevitability’. In other words, the conclusion is baked in, when something is started unless, things are adjusted along the way. Start a banking system based on reputation and air, it’s doomed to fail. Look at what happened to the roman empire. Morgan Stanley let it be known, they see us going to a metal backed system again. NO Duh. Real worth is the only way to go, it’s more natural. And you thought the folks in the rafters were just bowling or peeing thru the cracks telling you it’s raining. Nope, the big plan remains, that is making this planet paradise again. They just had to use those D9s and get the folks out of the way who wanted Mad Max world.

Take a look at what the european brain trusts think. They are crunching numbers but, somethings are a bit more subtle than the numbers

Consultations are available until the end.

Leap forward! Turn your back on the past and leave your butts behind you

Love and kisses, Poofness []


All Along The Watchtower Lyrics
Jimi Hendrix

“There must be some kind of way out of here,”
Said the joker to the thief,
“There’s too much confusion,
I can’t get no relief.
Businessman they drink my wine,
Plowman dig my earth
None will level on the line, nobody offered his word, hey”

“No reason to get excited,”
The thief, he kindly spoke
“There are many here among us
Who feel that life is but a joke
But you and I, we’ve been through that
And this is not our fate
So let us not talk falsely now, the hour is getting late”

All along the watchtower
Princes kept the view
While all the women came and went
Barefoot servants, too

Outside in the cold distance
A wildcat did growl
Two riders were approaching
And the wind began to howl
*buisness man there, drink my wine,
Come and take my herb.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/11/2013 9:55:09 PM
From Wes Annac's personal blog:

Astral Travels: Blessing Public Education


The following was written for the ongoing “astral travels” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter.

This week, we are going to travel to the surface of our fifth dimensional New Earth, and further bless representations of physical things polluting or damaging our current reality.

For those of you who may be unfamiliar; we have traveled to the surface of our fifth dimensional Earth and performed blessings in previous issues of this Newsletter, and each blessing session has focused upon summoning our inner-held Light so that we can bless things in our fifth dimensional reality that represent real things on Earth.

We have previously blessed representations in the form of trash landfills and oil refineries, and we have done other things as well. The 21st of December saw a very powerful initiating of a rapid stage of the descent of our fifth dimensional reality unto our surface and with each travel we perform to these realms and each collective and individual blessing we give from ourselves, we further speed up the pace in which these realms reach us.

We all carry the natural Light of the Creator within and as longtime subscribers to this Newsletter will know, we can use our Light in a myriad of different ways as we realize our very abilities to use it and help others and our world with it. Along with the general description I will give of our fifth dimensional Earth, you may notice or Create specific and unique things about it and, if you wish to, you can use the opportunity in private to meet up with your guides and solidify your connection with them.

To begin our exercise for this week, we are going to directly attune to our fifth dimensional Earth as we have previously. Rather than working with an astral landscape that we would use as a “middleman”, we are going to visualize ourselves inhabiting our New Earth and to that extent, I would like for you to imagine, visualize and Create an uplifted and ascended environment that seems to be of city and nature combined.

Perhaps I should explain a bit more. What we are seeing and Creating is an ascended city within our overall fifth dimensional Earth, and this city is much different from those we have built on this world. Nature comingles with this city of our New Earth, and there is so much beauty and higher dimensionality to behold and Create here.

Notice as vines wrap themselves around lamp poles. The beautiful trees are as fruitful as the “buildings” in this city, and the crisp, green grass provides multiple walkways. You may notice in this city that there is no need for roads of any kind, and perhaps some of you have Created or noticed the fact that above us, right now, there are hundreds of craft flying around in the sky.

Imagine the daily car traffic in, let’s say, Los Angeles, and imagine the cars being replaced with ships and the road being unneeded, as the ships can fly in the air and are not limited in their traveling capabilities. You will notice that everyone still gets around as they do on our current Earth; it is simply that we are no longer polluting the environment while limiting ourselves to ground travel.

As has been said, pinning roads to Gaia’s Earth constricts Her and makes things more difficult for Her, and in our fifth dimensional Earthly reality we are able to use the advanced craft we will be given in the time ahead to perform nearly every facet of our traveling needs or desires.

While you may also focus upon the craft in the sky if you’d like, focus yourselves again on this wonderful, nature-filled city we are enjoying as we inhabit it. Does anything about this city seem familiar?

It should, because it’s the very city we blessed in our previous trip to this reality, wherein we used our blessing energies to uplift representations acting as disenfranchised youths in a broken-down city. Long-term, this beautiful city has resulted from our blessing efforts and the efforts that were continued by our ascended colleagues inhabiting these realms after we ceased that exercise.

Notice the brimming vibrations in this city, which is an aspect of the overall fifth dimensional Earthly reality we are Creating upon as we grow toward it. As you enjoy this higher dimensional city which is, in certain senses, of your own Creation, notice that there is an old school building off in the distance. We’ll say that it’s a few blocks away from where we are all standing/floating currently.

As you notice yourselves looking upon this with our entire group of subscribers and indeed, plenty of other souls in this fifth dimensional reality, begin to feel yourselves drawn toward it. You may notice that, like some of the other representations we have worked with, the general environment around this building seems downtrodden.

Lower, almost flattened vibrations are being emitted from this school building, and it is representing the control that’s been put onto children and teenagers and in general, it is representing the lower and dense vibrations that have been and continue to be manifested in schools all across the world. Feel the oppressed nature of this school building as we float up to one of its windows and peek inside.

Notice that there is a class going on in the room we are peeking in. A bored and unmotivated teacher is half-heartedly reading a passage from something that her equally-unmotivated students are expected to memorize, as they will be tested on it. If they fail to memorize the passage and pass the test, they will face consequences academically and many of them have clearly already given up and show no interest or hope in the education being dulled out to them.

Again; this is representing the reality of the public education system as it stands currently and as we all float in front of this window and view this lackluster class going on, begin to feel and Create as a pure and strong Light radiates out from the center of our group. By this I don’t just mean our group of subscribers who have traveled here; I mean our entire group, including the ascended souls who have traveled to this area with us to themselves bless this representation.

Before you add your specific Light to this overall collective energy, visualize and watch as it builds and builds and grows stronger and stronger. You can visualize and feel yourselves drawing your specific Lighted, healing and blessing energies up from within the heart chakras of your etheric Selves and as you do this, notice our cloud of collective healing and blessing energy grow and grow until it is larger than the school building it is intended for.

With one giant push of collective intention, watch as this enormous cloud of collective blessing/healing energy envelops the school house in its entirety and begins “power washing” all throughout and around the school building. As we have before, notice now as the very “structure” we’ve seen as the school building begins to shift and change wildly.

Just as the trash landfill reverberated into an oil refinery and a plethora of other representations, our school house is now reverberating back and forth between various different representations as it is being blessed.

In one moment, it is an office with downtrodden employees who hate their jobs but just don’t know any other way to survive.

In another moment, it is a small section of forest being cut down by lumberjacks unknowingly working for interests with malevolent agendas, who themselves (the lumberjacks) just “need to get by”. In another moment, it is a college classroom filled with stressed out and hyped-up college kids who are stressing about the next exam and making themselves miserable over the fear of failing.

Create and notice specific representations as our collective blessing energies fully envelop every facet of this school house and with one final swoosh!, the entire environment is changed to a higher dimensional template that will now be worked upon by the souls with us on this fifth dimensional Earth. You are all invited and welcomed to help the souls inhabiting our New Earth on further blessing representations or helping to build upon the foundation of Light we’ve already laid with our various blessings, and you are encouraged as well to visualize and manifest a specific new landscape where this school house was, that is unique to you.

In future weeks, we will continue to bless representations upon our fifth dimensional New Earth and the plan is for us to bless things that have played a strong hand in feeding the dense reality we are all so very ready to get away from. As we are powerful sparks of our Creator, everything we focus our energy toward is going to be magnified and it is hoped that our actions will provide the energetic support for the mending of the very things we are blessing the representations of.

Again; you are, as always, encouraged to stay here and continue working if you wish, and you can convene with specific souls in this fifth dimensional reality, as you will find that they are all here with us.

This concludes our astral discussion for this week.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/12/2013 4:20:55 PM

The Council of Nine via Tazjima: A Celebration of Life

lakeAs channeled by Tazjima – March 10, 2013

We are the Council of Nine and we come to you today to welcome you to a celebration of life. Life and its vibrant energies surround you at all moments of your life. How do you respond to its presence? Do you turn away and deny the life that flows through your own body or do you embrace it? We encourage you to let go of your resistance and allow your awareness to expand.

Do you see the birds flying through the trees, singing their spring mating songs, rejoicing in the increased warmth of the sunshine? Do you feel the late winter wind gentling with the warm moisture of oncoming spring? Of course, if there is a blizzard outside your house you will not be responding to the wind but hiding from it, shivering and perhaps feeling confused. Is spring just around the corner? Or if you live in the southern latitudes, fall is knocking at your doors and the birds are migrating to warmer climes. Are you willing to stay put or will you follow them on their journey, at least in your thoughts?

It is not hard to see that your world is changing. Just observe the changes in the weather patterns. What was predictable no longer “fits”. The same can be said of how you were first conditioned and trained to deal with the “world” around you, by your parents, your extended family, teachers, political and religious leaders. Do you fit that world any more or have you grown beyond its narrow borders? Do you despair of leaving friends and family behind as you continue to grow beyond the garden’s walls and out into the world around you? Do you know yourself anymore?

Are you afraid of what you are feeling these days? Are the pat answers that your mother or father or teacher gave you as a child no longer applicable, no longer serve to console you or to at least put to bed your desire to step into the unknown and uncontrolled? What and who are you becoming? What are you releasing?

These questions and others that may be popping up in your minds during this period of intense transition are perhaps unsettling, but necessary. The old bonds of control, conditioning, and judgment are in the process of being broken down, within your own bodies and awareness and in the world around you. Everywhere you are asked to be witness to the breakdown of institutions, where what was held to be immutable and unchangeable, even incorruptible, is now found to be lacking in substance and reliability. All is in a state of flux and a process of being revealed, a process where the layers of hidden lies and untruths that were the foundation of your world construct are now being ripped away and exposed.

It is kind of like witnessing the fact that the house your father built is standing on a bed of quicksand. It is a breathtaking moment of discovery that all you once identified with or resisted is now being obliterated through a process of intense change. And you may find that you are quite willing to step away and begin afresh, slowly learning to let go of the control of time and stepping into the moment, into the ever present Now.

You can choose to resist the change that is occurring, but it will overtake you and pass you by if you do so. Or you can flow with the wave and ride the surf, landing on a whole new beach, a whole new frequency level that will find you discovering and remembering the truth of your greater multidimensionality, your beauty, power and wisdom. And most of all, you are beginning to remember that you are Love and are connected to the great web of Life that surrounds you in the world, both the invisible and the visible, as represented by the forms you see, the bodies of your fellow humans, the animals, the plants and the physical earth.

Many are the challenges to old mindsets that you have inherited from your parents and through your upbringing as a child. Many of the wayshowers have been struggling to release from these constrictive patterns for years, letting go of layer after layer of construct, only to discover yet another layer, like a nightmare layer cake or endless onion. More recently, though, you have perhaps discovered that it is becoming easier to work through and release what comes up for transmutation. The increasingly strong cosmic energies emanating through your world is supporting your process, allowing you to move through the release process with more ease and sureness.

You may be rediscovering and utilizing basic spiritual tools that allow for you to ground, center and expand your inner vision of what your world consists of, both within and without. You are perhaps slowly coming to the realization of just how much your intention and attention affect how events in your daily world happen. Your emotions and thoughts are powerful. It is time to recognize that simple but profound fact. You do indeed create what is in your world and the period in which it takes to bring a thought into manifestation is swiftly decreasing. You can choose to struggle with this realization or to embrace it and come into acceptance of the powerful being that you truly are.

In balance to learning to live with an increased awareness of your true power, you also must need to learn to trust your heart, to listen within to your rhythm, to your particular soul note and symphony that your soul has written for you to perform during this lifetime. What is your purpose in being here? Not everyone is a Mozart or a great artist or actor, a writer or successful businessman or great military leader. Not everyone can be president, but everyone can gift the world with their presence, the full presence and beauty of their particular soul.

As the constructs of the third dimension continue to disintegrate and collapse, the chaos spreads, but beneath the chaos there is a new pattern emerging. Nature is made up of patterns based on sacred geometry. All life emerges from thoughts, through waves and motion. The patterns that are emerging through the storm of change are already there, pre-existing as the fifth dimension and higher frequencies that already interpenetrate your world. They have always been there; you have just not been open to their vibratory level.

Your fears and identification with the thought constructs of the third dimension have, until now, prevented most of you from moving into the higher frequency levels of being through your own thoughts and feelings. Your fears, perpetuated by constant outside pressures through controllers, in the guise of family, leaders, teachers and peers, as well as manipulation of your emotional and physical environment, have acted as an invisible fence or cage in which to keep you from expanding into your true soul potential. That fence, that cage has now been cast down; it is up to you to move beyond and into the great unknown that is truly what and who you are.

As you continue to deconstruct your attachment to the third dimension, you will find that you can see more, feel more, sense more even that, which you cannot see, touch, hear or feel with your present physical senses. You are opening up your other higher bodies in response to the higher frequency levels that you are now beginning to access. With practice, you will be able to experience sensation in totally different way than you do now. You will be able to think with your heart and to feel with your mind. You will see unseen worlds and speak through your mind with unseen beings. These gifts and abilities are natural, as natural as rain and will be yours; again, as they were long ago before you came into physical embodiment.

See the changes that are occurring in your life with more rapidity as the changes that naturally occur when there is a transition, whether it is as in the world of nature, the green leaves of summer growing brown and crispy and falling to the ground. These transitions are designed, through divine intent, to allow you to move gracefully into the new world, if you so choose. It is your choice to allow or to resist and none others.

We realize that change presents challenge to human nature. Many humans are highly resistant to change, preferring to follow ancient patterns of behavior or what they deem to be ancient patterns of behavior. However, we see that none of the patterns now being dissolved in your world are ancient, but have been artificially placed over the top of more ancient, grounded cultures. Much of the rhythms of life lived by your ancestors has been overlain by a shallow, poorly rooted culture of competition, consumerism and militarism. Still, these structures are being broken apart by the beginning of new roots of cooperation, right living, mutual respect and acceptance of diversity and the blessing of conscious living on a living planet.

Old ways of living with the earth will be re-discovered, presented to all by the record-keepers of the planet, the indigenous people who have carried the secrets of the old ways despite great hardship and danger. And these old ways will be complemented and built upon by new technologies that work in concert with the planet, not in opposition to life. The great forests and grasslands will grow, again. The deserts will bloom and the climate will stabilize, becoming warmer and wetter in some areas and drier and warmer in others.

As the emotional and mental bodies of the inhabitants of the planet come into balance and are infused with soul energy, so, too, will the body of the planet glow with new light, emanating from her center out into space like a glowing ball of light. Great crystal cities of light and more isolated farms and small communities will be scattered out across the globe as people come to work together to create a dazzling, life-enhancing new world. Your planet will be a beacon of light for those worlds who still struggle to overcome their own trial through darkness and separation. You will be teachers and mentors for those people and those worlds, if you so choose.

The process of ascension is ongoing and will continue through many stages of transition. This is but one. Not all humans will ascend in the coming months and years, but will continue to grow and learn in a more allowing atmosphere in the next generations, leading up to another window of opportunity for planetary ascension in some 3,000 to 3,600 years from now. This is the way life proceeds, quickly for some, slower for others. There is no judgment as each soul determines for its soul extensions what experiences it wishes to undergo while in physical form.

There are those among you who will choose to move on beyond the boundaries of physical existence to return in your great light bodies from whence you came on this mission to assist the population of this planet to approach ascension. And there will be others of you who choose to stay, ascended yet able to retain physical form in order to assist those who are still opening up and learning. There will be much to do and much to be. Discover for yourself what your path will be and follow it, out of joy and out of a desire to serve others.

Release judgment of yourself and most certainly free yourself of the need to compare your “progress” to that of others around you. Each of you is precious and loved by the Creator, by your Father/Mother God; there is none who can replace you or who has your unique qualities. Discover what these qualities are by allowing yourself to immerse in playful exploration and celebration of everyday life. Release yourself from a need to perform up to standards; discover your own standards, your own rhythm and flow of learning and letting go. You may discover that your note, your rhythm does indeed move with the rhythm of your soul family and true multidimensional self.

There is so much for you to discover in this new world that surrounds you. By engaging this exploration in a gentle way, suited to your own pace, you will find yourself opening up like a flower responding to the light of the sun, gracefully and joyfully.

Be aware of the chaos around you, but know that you no longer have any need to engage with it or to pursue it. You can be in this world and observe the chaos as theater, as it is unreal and not a part of what you truly are, a beautiful being of light experiencing a life in a physical body. You do not need to perform according to the expectations of others. Find your own note, your own calling, what brings joy to your heart in your own way and go forth with a wide-open heart. Do not seek to hide or protect yourself from others but to learn to embrace life in all its grand diversity and multiplicity.

The birds sing up the Sun every morning and carry its light with them through the night. Can you do any less? Learn to celebrate life around you, every moment, every day, and observe the changes within and without with an eye free of judgment and limitation. The vistas are expansive, the possibilities and potentials are endless. With cooperation and sharing of resources and gifts, your world will be remade in a new image, in a new way. And you can choose to be a part of that celebration right now.

Our blessings flow out to you. Call upon us or whatever guide or mentor you wish to assist you to move through the challenges that still lay ahead. Go forth in joy and with wide-open eyes and hearts; go forth as little children taking in the delights and challenges of the world with equal enthusiasm.


Thank you, beloved Council of Nine.

Copyright © 2012 by Elizabeth Ayres Escher. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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