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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/11/2013 1:15:17 AM

Saul: Many More of You Will Start to Feel Our Presence

SaulSaul: Many More of You Will Start to Feel Our Presence

As channeled by John Smallman – March 10, 2013

Listen to John read this latest message from Saul here:

As many of you have found, interacting or attempting to interact with the energies of those in the spiritual realms can be somewhat overwhelming for those embodied as humans, and we have had to restrict or reduce the outflow of energy when we are in your presence.

But soon your embodied state will no longer require us to restrain the power of our vital enthusiasm as we embrace you with our love. Our love surrounds you in every moment because, in our oneness, we are all part of the divine field of Love in which all life has its eternal existence.

It is due to the inbuilt insubstantiality of your human forms that we have to restrain ourselves as we embrace you, because the difference in energy levels between us could cause major damage to your bodies. And this restraint does mean that most of you have the greatest difficulty in sensing our presence.

It is not a fault on your part – you are as you are – we just have to hold back so that you are not overwhelmed by the intensity of our energy, which is the energy that you will experience eternally once you return to, or reopen to, your natural divine state of being.

The restrictions and limitations imposed on you by your physical form blunt your senses, your awareness, which is why sensing our presence among you is beyond the capabilities of all but a very few of you. However, as the new energies that started flowing at the end of your last calendar year continue to strengthen and intensify, you will find yourselves moving more into alignment with them, which is part of your awakening process, and many more of you will start to feel or sense our presence when you take time out daily in your place of inner peace, removed from the ever-present distractions of the illusion

You are, as you well know, spiritual beings having a bodily experience, and part of the evolutionary process that you are undergoing is an upgrading of those bodies so that you can consciously interact and communicate with those who choose to remain unencumbered by bodily forms. The joy of conscious awareness of, and communication with, the disembodied will be cause for great celebrations and feasting!

As you well know from personal experience, you are restricted and limited by your bodies to suitable environments that will support them – not too hot, not too cold, air to breathe, food to eat, etc. – and if the essentials that support them are removed your bodies collapse and die, and you have to move on.

With the upgrading that your bodies are now engaged in, they will effectively become self-supporting; they will have no need of food, air, water, or shelter, and they will be able, at your wish or command, to alter their vibrational structure or energy signature to suit any environment you choose to enter or explore.

Some of you have experienced this kind of freedom when dreaming or when in altered states of consciousness, but when your bodies are fully upgraded the freedom that you have experienced briefly in your dreams will be yours to enjoy permanently

And of course, some of you may choose to dispense with your bodies altogether, choosing a state of existence in which you have absolutely no physical form, existing as pure energy, free to be instantly anywhere, unrestricted by any of your current laws of physicality.

Truly the possibilities that are soon to become available for your creative enjoyment know no bounds. Your memories of limitation will fade away very rapidly as you re-establish yourselves as divine beings with divine attributes and capabilities appropriate to that state of being

So the message for you here is: You are divine beings of absolutely limitless capabilities, just as God created you. Anything you can conceive of is possible for you – instantly – should you so desire.

Your present state of austere limitation is one that you chose to build and enter into, and those limitations are part of that concept. They have enabled you to hide yourselves from yourselves so convincingly that you have needed heavenly assistance to enable you to find your way Home. Your Father’s Love for you – for all of His creation – knows no bounds, and when He created you and gave you His infinite Power He knew that you could use it in ways that were, to say the least, unwise.

Consequently, in His infinite wisdom, He ensured that whatever you did, however you used or abused the enormous power that He placed in your hands, you could never really damage yourselves, lose yourselves, or in fact actually separate yourselves from Him.

Beyond Him there is nothing – there is no beyond Him – because He is All That Exists. He could not have allowed or made it possible for any of part His creation to separate itself from Him because He would have effectively been creating a state of war within Himself, and that is impossible. However, within the illusion — your illusion, and it most definitely is an illusion — you have been experiencing an imaginary state of separation from Him for eons. Finally, you have had enough of the suffering and terror it seems to have brought upon you, and you are preparing yourselves to awaken into Reality.

Daily periods spent within, in your personal place of peace, free from the ongoing distractions with which your egos constantly bombard you, are an essential part of your awakening process. By spending time alone, quiet, secluded, you allow yourselves to make contact with us, your guides and angels in the spiritual realms, and bring into your awareness a sense of the Love, the honor and the respect in which you are held, and which is your due as divine beings, beloved children of God. As that awareness grows so does your desire to awaken, until that desire can no longer be contained . . .

You are all destined to awaken because it is your Father’s Will and yours. And into eternal joy you most certainly will awaken because no other option is available, and that is surely cause for rejoicing as you wait expectantly for that momentous event.

With so very much love, Saul.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/11/2013 1:16:31 AM

Archangel Indriel via Bella Capozzi: Dwelling In The Heart-Space

imageArchangel Indriel via Bella Capozzi: Dwelling In The Heart-Space

As Channeled by Bella Capozzi – March 8, 2013

Do not be afraid, Dear Hearts, to love unreservedly and without condition. This does not make you weak or vulnerable, but rather it empowers you and makes you stronger. Those who allow themselves to operate from a heart-centered place are Warriors of Spirit in the truest sense of the word.

Being distrustful and suspicious of other people and situations, when such a thing is honestly not warranted, only serves to place you in a negative frame of mind. When you are negative and expecting to be hurt or taken advantage of, you may rest assured it is precisely that which you shall draw towards you.

More than ever before, the environment within which you dwell is designed to pull in quickly what it is you focus your mind upon. So be intent. Focus upon joyous things, positive things, and expect only the most illustrious outcome in any situation. We are rapidly moving towards a fresh, new way of doing things. The old methods, the ones which you were conditioned to rely on for survival and success, will in short time no longer be effective. To rely on these is to, in actuality, set yourself up to achieve the very antithesis of that which you believe you are working to create. It is why lately, so many of your efforts seem to be in vain.

But never, ever give up. Never cease to strive for that which you know for a certainty is your true life’s path. When you meet with resistance, look deeply within and examine why this might be happening. Are you employing obsolete mind-sets, such as ‘survival of the fittest’? It’s not supposed to be an uphill climb anymore. You needn’t suffer to be beautiful, successful or powerful, because you already are!

At the risk of repeating myself again and again, I task you with the cleansing of your energy bodies and chakric sysytems. Stubborn, negative thoughtforms require persistent clearing. Your body, mind and spirit need to be checked and realigned on a daily basis. Much debris is being shaken off the planet, and Gaia wastes no time at all casting her rubbish to the winds. As it it is cast off, it swirls about in search of receptive places to land and adhere to.

These parasitic energies, thoughtforms and societal ideals are unhealthy and ill-suited to your gently transforming physiology. They will drain you and cause you fatigue and anxiety. Care well for yourselves in these times, Beloveds. Dwell always in the heart-space and be positive and expect only the best. Be open to loving one another, and put into practice now the principle of Unity Consciousness.

Be the very things you seek to be, as it is only by openly living in this way that you are able to pave the way for the others who are soon to follow. And follow they shall.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/11/2013 1:19:46 AM

Jesus: There is an Enormous Influx of New Information Being Offered

jesus-4-258x3001-150x150Jesus: There is an Enormous Influx of New Information Being Offered

As channelled by John Smallman – March 10, 2013

Listen to John’s reading of today’s post:

You are all moving very positively and determinedly towards waking up out of your illusory state.

It has been a long time since you started, and there have been many distractions along the way as your egos attempted to derail the waking process. But your intent has always been to awaken, because you are one with God, always, and therefore your will is in alignment with His, even though, as you experience yourselves in the illusory environment that you built, that does not very often appear to be the case. The illusion has been a very dark place and that makes it difficult for you to see clearly.

However, the strength of your desire to awaken has intensified enormously over the last five or six decades, and as a result, there has been a monumental increase in the Light shining in your darkness. No one now remains unaware of the Light, although many are still refusing to acknowledge It.

Because the individual energy fields of the Light-bearers and wayshowers have moved more and more into alignment with Reality – the divine energy field of God’s Love – and are in fact melding and integrating with It, those individual energy fields are no longer experienced as individual, and now united, they are powerfully and constantly influencing the energy field of every single human presently embodied on Earth. There are no exceptions: every human is being reminded of their origin and their destiny.

Signs of this energy melding and integrating are visible everywhere as people new to channeling, or conscious communication with those in the spiritual realms, receive and share the messages that their guides offer them. There is an enormous influx of new information being offered, as more and more of you awaken to the fact that you are never alone, and that you all have guides willing and able to communicate with you. As these new channels start sharing their messages widely, so the available information field expands and diversifies, making it very difficult for anyone to remain unaware that something of great spiritual significance is occurring.

You rightly call this time on Earth the Information Age, and there has indeed been a vast outpouring of information all over the world these last few decades. For many it is proving overwhelming – it is as though it were blasting from a fire-hose! – as they attempt to sort, organize, and separate out the parts that are of interest or concern to them. It is a sign of things to come!

When you awaken, all information, all knowledge will be instantly and constantly available – at your finger tips. However, as awakened, fully conscious, and completely sentient beings, you will flow through the information field with ease, alighting on any thought or concept that interests or intrigues you, and instantly fully understanding and assimilating all the information it has to offer. In your natural state there will be no overwhelm, because you will have infinite capacity for understanding and assimilating every aspect of our Father’s divine creation, and for engaging with it in perfect sonorous harmony.

Information and knowledge flow constantly throughout creation in abundance, offering infinite, creative opportunities for those who would engage with them. Your Information Age, although seemingly impressive in comparison with what the science and knowledge bases of by-gone ages had to offer humanity, is truly paltry compared to what will soon enable you to storm across the oceans, skies, galaxies, and in fact, endless universes, as you enjoy taking part in and extending creation just for the pure entertainment of doing so.

You were created for joy, and Reality offers infinite joy to all. On awakening, joy will embrace you as the veils of sleep fall away from your eyes and the eternal Light of God’s Love shines on and displays before you the infinite wonders that He has prepared for your everlasting bliss. That moment is far closer than you can imagine!

Your loving brother, Jesus

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/11/2013 4:56:37 PM

Matthews’ Message: March 11, 2013

Matthew Ward 222Matthew’s Message: March 11, 2013

As received by Suzy Ward – March 11, 2013

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. How we wish that you could view Earth from our vantage point so you could see that her tumultuous travels are over and she is in calm waters. Most likely “calm” is not how you would think about your world, but “When are all the marvels of the Golden Age coming?” well may be.

Many civilizations were authorized by God to help Earth reach safe harbor at this point in your linear time, but throughout her ascension process, her residents have been in charge of societal changes. No other civilization may do this on your behalf because Earth is your world and must be the kind of world that you, collectively, want.

Lightworkers, including the souls who don’t think of themselves as such but indeed they are by living in godly ways, managed nobly during the extremely difficult ascension decades. All of you have the greatest admiration and respect of light beings throughout this universe.

And we know how eager you are for the promised glories of the Golden Age to be manifested, so you are distressed because there’s little evidence that they are underway. Actually, a great deal is progressing in numerous areas behind the scenes, and even mainstream media are reporting instances that indicate an encouraging upward trend. Still, huge changes will not come as swiftly as you would like.

You know that everything is energy vibrating at one frequency or another, and because energy is neutral and has no reasoning capacity, it can’t differentiate between what is wanted and what is not. Consequently, as people’s thoughts and feelings shoot out into space, the universe provides individuals with circumstances whose energy matches the energy of whatever they have been focusing on—the law of attraction that’s in constant motion.

But most souls in your world do not know that’s how energy and their innate powers of co-creation work. They’re concentrating on situations that they don’t want to continue, thereby making more of them. Because so many people are sending out the energy of sad, angry and despairing thoughts and feelings about world situations, your society as a whole is affected by the result: the slow pace of change.

Another reason that things may seem to be moving at a snail pace also is due to lack of knowledge. Because most people in your world still are confined within third density’s limited consciousness, they don’t know to ask within, where all truths are known. Without that soul level knowingness, the consciousness processes information from the ego’s perspective; and since the ego supports personal ideas and perceptions, which often are rigidly set, rarely can the ego see a situation from other perspectives or discern between truth and falsehood.

We shall give you an example. We and many other messengers in the light have told you the truth about Barack Obama, a highly evolved soul from a civilization far advanced in spirituality, intelligence and ancient wisdom. The highest universal council asked him to leave his homeland and accept the mission of leading the United States and your world into an era of peace, prosperity and unity.

We have explained that his mission, which transcends politics worldwide, is a provision of the Golden Age master plan that is aligned with Gaia’s vision of Earth’s residents living in harmony with each other and with Nature. Then Gaia’s planetary body and all of its life forms will be in balance, wherein all is light. We have asked you to send light to President Obama because it will hasten the day when that balance is attained.

Also we have mentioned in previous messages that the tenacity of the dark ones caused about a ten-year delay in your progress as a society. The delay didn’t deter Earth’s ascension one whit—her timing was predestined—but it severely curtailed Obama’s ability to carry out his mission because powerful individuals within the Illuminati still had the power to derail, distort or detour his efforts.

A large part of their effectiveness has come from people whose third density perceptions have been sending forth the energy of “anti-Obama” thoughts and feelings. That energy has been refueling the dark ones and enabling them to keep a strong chokehold on the president’s endeavors to move your world toward Gaia’s vision.

It is natural to question why that would include killing, and many feel that Obama’s approval of using drones shows that he is not of the light. That perspective omits this essential element: The drones’ purpose is to kill as few persons as possible while ending warfare as quickly as possible.

Always military forces in Earth’s civilizations have operated within the third density mentality that says eliminating the enemy is a patriotic responsibility and you keep at it until you’ve won. So for millennia both sides in wars annihilated each other, using the most current weaponry. Now that includes drones, which target individuals who are considered the masterminds of terrorism and cause fewer casualties than drawn-out ground battles would.

Indeed it is lamentable that those weapons claim the lives of women, men and children who are not harming anyone. A brutal fact of war is, many civilians are injured and killed along with combat troops—we won’t go into the immeasurable psychic damage experienced by all souls in war zones. Be uplifted by knowing that as hearts and minds continue to open, no soul will want to kill another by any means for any purpose.

We also cite Hugo Chavez, recently deceased president of Venezuela, whom mainstream media in the United States have portrayed as a bad guy who worked against that country’s best interests. What Chavez worked against was the Illuminati’s dark influence in that country, his own and other Latin American nations, and he was quite successful in driving them out of Venezuela.

Chavez was not wrong in thinking that his cancer did not occur naturally. The media under Illuminati control labeled him a “conspiracy theorist” because they have conditioned you to believe that anything with that designation is pure nonsense. Chavez’ determination to rid his country of their tentacles and to improve the lives of those who are down-trodden did not fit with the dark ones’ agenda. They felt that a public assassination could start a firestorm instead of making it easy for them to regain control of Venezuela’s abundant natural resources, and since they had the means to initiate cancer, that’s what they did. His body just didn’t give out nearly as fast as they expected.

We know the truth about these two men whom third density minds perceive at best as controversial figures with political and ideological “pro” supporters and “con” opponents. But by no means are “sides” limited to national leaders—it is the very same in all divisive issues that are besieging your world! The “right” and “left” of any situation keep generating fuel for each other—heated feelings are intensified and the imbalance of stalemates is prolonged.

Consider: Governments with a stockpile of nuclear weapons tell other governments, It’s OK for us to have these but you can’t because we don’t trust you. The governments that are told You can’t are expected to trust the motives of the governments that do have these weapons?

If the most vociferous spokespersons in “have-weapon” countries would meet with equally intransigent national leaders that want to develop them, they could begin to rationally discuss their “unassailable” perspectives. Only by doing so can the sides move forward from their respective positions and reach the common sense conclusion that total nuclear disarmament is the only way to assure that never will those weapons be used.

Especially in the United States, gun violence is a hot controversy. The side that wants to ban sales of specific guns and ammunition is as stubbornly rooted in their view as are those who parrot their “second amendment right” to have all the guns and bullets they want. The two sides need to discuss their differing opinions so they can proceed from the shared desire to lessen shooting deaths.

Neither of those two issues will be resolved overnight, but there will be a starting point in both that ultimately will result in banning weapons of all kinds. Remember, the world you’re still co-creating in linear time already exists in the continuum exactly the way you want it and, as you shall see, your choice is that weapons have no place in Earth’s Golden Age.

Abortion is another issue with widely different views and so are capital punishment and dealing with national economies, unemployment and safe sources of energy.

Because all of those and many other vital world situations are causing serious unrest does not mean that the dark ones still are in charge! Some who defected from the ranks of the Illuminati became lightworkers. Some have died, and those who absorbed enough light during the December solstice to keep their bodies viable either will continue to embrace the light or they will die. However, those who formerly were able to cause widespread havoc have been removed from those positions or their influence is nil.

Civil wars still are raging because both sides wholeheartedly believe their cause is just. In some cases, the necessity of avenging assaults on their ancestors was inculcated in the fighters when they were little children. Equally strong feelings undergird the people who are fighting for freedom from tyrannical rulers, who view the fighters as traitors for destabilizing the country. Other individuals are fighting to keep their concept of religion, however twisted, from being overturned by nonbelievers. Gradually the strident sides in these various situations will be motivated to negotiate and cooperate for mutual benefit.

There are greatly differing opinions of how to govern countries that recently gained independence after a long dynastic reign, but again, there is no darkness in the hearts of the citizens. Simply, self-rule, or democracy, is new and the people are striving to find governing methods that can serve everyone’s best interests.

The most adamant persons on both sides of other issues we’ve mentioned have no dark intentions either. It is not with malice toward those who disagree with them that the people involved are “sticking to their guns,” so to speak. Like all other minds operating at third density consciousness, they are ego-bound by their beliefs and want their side to win at all costs.

Our beloved Earth family, we are not saying that all souls in your world need to have the very same opinion about everything before turmoil ends. What we are saying is that a willingness to listen and comprehend each other’s convictions must precede resolutions to conflicts. And this will come!

Earth keeps rising into the successively higher vibrations that are conducive to lightening—enlightening!—what you call “human nature.” Attitudes on both sides of all issues will change gradually from vehemently contentious to reasonable, setting the stage for the harmonious discourse that will lead to “parts of the problem” becoming “parts of the solution” for the good of all.

This is why you lightworkers are needed every bit as much now as before! The light you generate simply by BEing radiates out into the world and touches all other lives. By steadfastly focusing only on what will enhance life in your world, you expand light in the collective consciousness and hasten the manifestation of Golden Age glories.

Earth’s peoples must let go of the ego’s self-centeredness and often mean-spirited perspective and start living from the heart. LOVE, the most powerful force in the cosmos, is the key to ending the divisiveness, hatred, poverty, ignorance and violence that have kept your world out of balance. Love is the key to peace, abundance, unity of spirit and soul evolvement.

It is logical to wonder: Earth has reached fourth density, so how can it be that most of her residents still are in third? There are two types of density, scientifically speaking. One pertains to mass and the location of a mass— Earth is in the low “edge” of fourth density and will continue ascending until she reaches her destination in fifth.

The other density refers to the evolutionary status of a soul—that is, the level of spiritual and conscious awareness attained, and those two aspects can vary considerably. Some civilizations that are far advanced in consciousness, or intelligence level, haven’t an iota of spiritual awareness.

Earth’s population today ranges from third density through seventh in soul evolvement. Dedicated lightworkers are at fourth spiritually—they are steadily on the spiritual pathway—but some are lagging consciously; they still are working on becoming nonjudgmental, forgiving self and others for perceived wrongs, and getting past guilt, remorse, possessiveness and other feelings that emit low vibrations. The comparatively few souls in fifth and higher densities are those you call Crystal or Indigo or are members of other civilizations living with you.

Now then, we have spoken about the primary factors that are affecting the pace of change in your world, but there are others, too. For instance, all legal matters must run the normal course of your legal and justice systems, and you don’t need us to tell you that those wheels do not turn swiftly.

Some legal situations are economically-based, and switching from the old systems to the new is intentionally coming about slowly to prevent fear and chaos. This far-reaching process includes not only retrieving the Illuminati’s vast stolen fortunes and allocating those monies to the impoverished billions, but also moving to a global economy based on precious metals; instituting banking regulations worldwide; and establishing fairness in trade, tariffs, taxation, wages and salaries.

In this economic vein, NESARA, the acronym for National Economic Security and Reformation Act, is well known in some circles but not necessarily well understood, and no wonder. The US government’s Web site, where NESARA is given the name National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act, is total DISinformation, and channeled messages from dark entities that claim to be respected messengers of the light also contain falsehoods.

Misunderstandings include the notion that the Act is the entirety of NESARA. How wrong that is! NESARA is no less than world transformation and spiritual renewal—it is the master plan for Earth’s Golden Age.

Also, there are various interpretations of some terminology in messages from light sources, such as “prosperity packages” or similar references to the economic aspects of NESARA. Misinterpretations include a large amount of money given directly to every person on the planet, huge sums given to some individuals for funding specific projects, and everyone’s debts wiped out in one fell swoop.

Part of NESARA does pertain to eradicating usurious interest rates, reducing some loans and eliminating others—in particular, IMF loans—and removing large bank accounts from the Illuminati’s “hold order.” But the economic thrust of the Act is ending the unconscionable disparity between the “haves” and “have-nots” in your world. That imbalance will be rectified as the Illuminati’s illegally amassed fortunes are used to relieve the plight of impoverished peoples as rapidly as possible and put them on firm footing henceforth.

The provision of NESARA that calls for the resignation of the entire US government no longer applies. The act was written more than a dozen years ago when the president was a top-ranking Illuminati—he is among the defectors who became active lightworkers—and almost everyone in Congress was either a member or under the control of Illuminati outside the government. Rejoice with us that this is not the case today!

Mother, for readers who want to know more about NESARA, perhaps why this transformative worldwide plan began as a United States law, please add the date of the message with comprehensive information. [August 13, 2006, Special NESARA Edition;] Thank you.

We repeat our many assurances that whatever adversely affects life in your world will cease incrementally. This includes slave labor and oppression of women; unjust laws, policies, regulations and cruel cultural customs; all forms of pollution, from industrial sources, chemtrails and chemicals in food to pornography and mind control, including monstrous portrayal of aliens in entertainment venues; corporate monopolies; homelessness; false imprisonment. Whatever is harmful to you in mind, body or spirit will meet its end as your society continues to rid your world of everything that is incompatible with life in the Golden Age.

All light beings in this universe hold you in highest honor for your unwavering courage, ingenuity, patience and dedicated lightworking. Never have you been alone in your endeavors—all along you have been assisted by universal family members living among you and those in your skies. Until the crews can join you, they’re using their ships’ technologies to assist in the myriad ways we have recounted in previous messages.

Now we say farewell in unconditional love, which always has been and is forevermore.


Suzanne Ward

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/11/2013 4:57:59 PM

The Arcturian Group – March 10, 2013

000801_0341_0008_tsls-marilynThe Arcturian Group – March 10, 2013

As channelled through Marilyn Raffaele

Dear ones, we come today encouraging you to hold calmness and peace while within that sense of waiting that so many of you are experiencing at this time. This sense of waiting for the new to come into manifestation feels like nothing is happening, however a great deal is happening–powerful energies are now pouring in and those receptive are becoming more aware it.

Many of you are experiencing new and creative ideas regarding work or activities in your lives and yet the ability to bring these ideas into manifestation has not been there. Do not panic or believe you were incorrect with your imaginings and most of all try not to be overly frustrated dear ones, for you are indeed tuning into new and creative ideas– new ideas and ways of service not yet able to manifest in the outer because the energy for them to do that is not yet fully in place.

It is as if you are pregnant and carrying a beautiful babe within the womb of creation but it is not yet developed enough to be birthed into the world. However, honor its presence and allow it to be tenderly but secretly held and nourished until the time is right for it to come forth

Now is the time to center and become more aware of your Divinity. It is a time of quiet in which to rest in and practice the truth you know– allowing yourselves to experience the silent awareness of an evolved state of consciousness. Silence is vital to spiritual growth for when you allow yourselves to be constantly bombarded with noise and distraction you can not hear the still small voice within.

Dear ones, this is an important time in which you seem to be doing nothing but this rest that is allowing you to incubate the higher truths you have become aware of–a time to be still and allow the process to unfold. Many of you are so used to doing, running, thinking day and night–being busy, busy, busy. This is the old way, based in teachings that tell you that you must be busy and working hard in every moment if you are to accomplish success in life.

This concept is simply not true in the higher frequencies, it is more a matter of be-ing stead of do-ing. Many continue to push this same old concept on to their children not realizing that these sensitive ones need time to just be. Allow yourselves to watch a sunset, take a walk in the forest, or just gaze at clouds. If you firmly believe you are too busy with daily responsibilities to do this, then try getting up at night and just sitting in a quiet place listening to the silence.

Mind has been allowed to run the show for way too long. Mind is an avenue of awareness, an instrument and beautiful tool, but not the boss. You, consciousness are the boss and you can choose when, how, where, and most importantly what to think. What am I allowing into my mind? Many believe they have no control over what they think and it indeed seems to be that way. The millions of thoughts ever thought by anyone are floating around out in universal human consciousness.

However you have the choice as to whether or not you let them in. You open the door to your consciousness. You choose to accept a thought, belief, or concept as real and true which then in turn becomes your reality. You must understand that you are the creators of your own experiences based upon your state of consciousness.

When a thought that you do not wish to entertain comes, simply do not claim it as your own–no guilt about what the thought might of been, no shock or fear for these things are impersonal and not yours until you invite them in to stay. You simply say to yourself; “No, I do not accept that as my own” and in time these thoughts are no longer a temptation. Thoughts of a certain type are drawn to people through the energy they hold based on their past life experiences.

For instance, some are more receptive to impersonal thoughts of health and disease and when these impersonal thoughts float by, they immediately claim them in through interest and acceptance. Others may be more receptive to thoughts about relationship and when these impersonal thoughts and beliefs come floating by, they grab them for their own belief system

A part of your evolution dear ones, is the taking back of your power, realizing that you are Divine beings having three dimensional experiences (duality and separation) by choice in order to learn. All must learn to stand “watcher at the door” of the mind, taking control of what is allowed in for your belief system becomes your state of consciousness which then manifests as your world.

Never forget that every thought anyone has ever had is simply impersonally and subliminally floating around for you to either accept or ignore. It is time to realize that you have the choice, you have the power, and you are not victims of anything or anyone except your own state of consciousness.

Many of you are experiencing harsh situations either at home, or at work, or in general. It is important to understand that more often than not, on a deep level, these situations were chosen specifically by you in order to reactivate old energies needing to be looked at and released. All have unknowingly carried deep emotional and physical scars from lifetime to lifetime, keeping these things buried deeply within the physical and emotional bodies. You are now evolved and strong enough to look at and release all of this because you cannot carry any of it with you into the higher energies you are seeking to experience. They are manifesting at this time in order to allow you to do this

It is all about ascending into a higher resonance of truth and Light dear ones. You have chosen to clear all old and finished business carried with you into this lifetime in order to make this move into the new. In other lifetimes you came in with a single lesson to learn, this time you came in with your whole list–everything needing to be released because you wanted to be a part of the powerful planetary shift taking place at this time and that is why things are so seemingly overwhelming for so many at this time. Instead of resting back in self pity, ask within; “What am I learning from this? What am I believing about this situation? What is the spiritual truth about this?”

Pat yourselves on the back dear ones, for you are strong and powerful beings. We observe you with much respect and awe seeing how much you take on and rise above in order to grow and learn. If your life seems very difficult at this time, it is probably because you have chosen to move forward which means you must address on a new and higher level, all old and finished beliefs and concepts.

This work is not for the faint hearted brave ones, and know that many of you are very close to being finished with the hardest part.

We are the Arcturian Group 3/10/13

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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