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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/9/2013 10:36:11 PM

Video: Last Month’s Channeled Interview with the Pleiadians

Matt Muckleroy made a video out of my channeled interview with the Pleiadians from last month (Ship Cloaking Features, Connecting with Galactic Souls and the Bridge Between the New and Old World), and my dear friend Debbie alterted me to it. Many thanks to her and Matt!

(From Wes Annac's personal blog - 9 Mar 2013)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

3/10/2013 3:41:57 AM
Miguel All

The main reasons that OPPT works is that all corporations have bee legally shut down under UCC Law. The people are now back under the creator. OPPT One Peoples Public Trust creators will supply all legal documents to take action against and company you choose not to pay. All payments are now donations; I.E. you do not legally have to pay anyone by law. You are now dealing with the CEO of any company you owe money too. If he tries to enforce an invoice on you for that money after OPPT paperwork was filed (Last December), you can legally charge him a fee. He or she is legally liable to pay. Under UCC law you do not have to attend the corrupt legal system to bring this into effect. OPPT will supply advise and documentation at no charge. Documentation is prepared by former UCC Legal people. They changed sides an no longer work for the CABAL but for the PEOPLE.

The same people are fighting EVIL and United Nations Agenda 21

See Videos And Radio Show At My Community


Part Two

Hi Michael,

Well it looks like Nesara is getting things done and OPPT is, after all, a valid proposition, for which we all can't but rejoice. I appreciate your bringing in the news and from now on, I will try to keep an eye on each and every new developments regarding it.



GREAT NEWS GUYS! NESARA IS IN ACTION! One People's Public Trust via Robin Ritchie

The One Peoples Public Trust in action: ♥ 28,000 $$$ forgiven ♥ Snip) She sent a letter referencing the OPPT UCC filings to her credit card co. stating basically that she had no debt and that they were foreclosed upon. They discharged her debt and closed the account--$28,000 worth. and the 3rd party company she was paying to pay the credit card in payments (whom she had sent a copy also) sent her a letter stating they would refund her last payment. ♥

More Information

OPPT IN One Peoples Public Trust

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/10/2013 10:31:13 PM
Michael, you have given me a lot of food for thought. Thank you and please, let me watch the videos carefully to get a clear and complete idea of all that is implied in this matter.


Miguel All

The main reasons that OPPT works is that all corporations have bee legally shut down under UCC Law. The people are now back under the creator. OPPT One Peoples Public Trust creators will supply all legal documents to take action against and company you choose not to pay. All payments are now donations; I.E. you do not legally have to pay anyone by law. You are now dealing with the CEO of any company you owe money too. If he tries to enforce an invoice on you for that money after OPPT paperwork was filed (Last December), you can legally charge him a fee. He or she is legally liable to pay. Under UCC law you do not have to attend the corrupt legal system to bring this into effect. OPPT will supply advise and documentation at no charge. Documentation is prepared by former UCC Legal people. They changed sides an no longer work for the CABAL but for the PEOPLE.

The same people are fighting EVIL and United Nations Agenda 21

See Videos And Radio Show At My Community


Part Two

Hi Michael,

Well it looks like Nesara is getting things done and OPPT is, after all, a valid proposition, for which we all can't but rejoice. I appreciate your bringing in the news and from now on, I will try to keep an eye on each and every new developments regarding it.



GREAT NEWS GUYS! NESARA IS IN ACTION! One People's Public Trust via Robin Ritchie

The One Peoples Public Trust in action: ♥ 28,000 $$$ forgiven ♥ Snip) She sent a letter referencing the OPPT UCC filings to her credit card co. stating basically that she had no debt and that they were foreclosed upon. They discharged her debt and closed the account--$28,000 worth. and the 3rd party company she was paying to pay the credit card in payments (whom she had sent a copy also) sent her a letter stating they would refund her last payment. ♥

More Information

OPPT IN One Peoples Public Trust

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/11/2013 1:12:29 AM

Lauren Gorgo: Energetics of New Creation – Magic in Action

LaurenGorgoEnergetics of New Creation – Magic in Action

By Lauren Gorgo – March 9, 2013

March is a big month.

March is always a big month – a turning point, a period of closure before new beginnings, etc. – but based on what I am hearing/feeling, this March is much more than that. We are march-ing directly into our destiny (for the record, I tried to resist that pun) in the next few weeks, and though we have faced many critical cruxes on the journey to arrive here, this particular juncture is absurdly significant.

The Pleiadian High Council tells me that the upcoming equinox (3/20) and the following full moon (3/27) respectively, carry the bulk of the significance – that these two gateways before us are encrypted with specific coded solar (masculine) and lunar (feminine) frequencies set to sever our ties to duality and simultaneously activate and anchor our christed divinity deep within our physical lives and bodies – and therefore into the Earth herself.

Right now, with Mercury still retrograde – and all that doggone Piscean energy – we are kind of floating around pretty aimlessly with no particular direction and without the ability to make any definitive choices – but this is a really good thing. We are solidly in the retraction before expansion period that the Unseens spoke of in the February 4th report and so now is not the time to decide anything, but instead a time to PLAY with the possibilities of choice. Well, not that we really have a choice to do anything but float this month, just that we can let go of trying, of resisting it.

Energetics of New Creation

The Pleiadians tell me that the energies coming through this first equinox, post 12/21, will literally fling the doors open to allow for our new co-creative powers to ground more fully in the physical dimensions. You may already be noticing your manifestation magic revving up, but because we are sitting in “Park”, we don’t really get anywhere when we hit the gas. This may momentarily create the effect of shooting blanks, but I am told that by April/May much of that magic will begin to take physical form.

For the rest of March we will be transitioning into this new realm of human experience, preparing for what the Pleiadians call “The adventure of countless lifetimes – one that will be precipitated by a wave of transcendence that will wash over each of you as you begin to operate fully within the energetics of new creation”.

I have been told many times over the past few years that the ability to work with theenergetics of new creation are part and parcel of the new human tool kit – that they are literally a part of our new cellular makeup. These abilities come standard with the crystalline-core operating system and are the same (biological technologies) that our ancestors knew well. It has also been made clear to me that we will have to remember how to apply and hone these abilities which is apparently what the equinox to solstice period commences.

We have said to you in the past that you would eventually long to create with a new set of tools and these new tools will be at your disposal momentarily. They are not really new tools per se, they are just being reclaimed by those pioneers of Cosmic consciousness – those at the front of this incredible climb to human freedom. -PHC

Having said that – and in order for this new system, or application of Creation to work for us – I am reminded that our heart must sing in tune with the song of Universal LOVE (528 Hz).

Actually, I stand corrected. Not only must our hearts sing in tune with the hum of the Universe, but so must every cell of our Being. This cellular resonance is literally what harmonizes us with the Universal Forces of Creation – it is the key code to unlock and activate the intelligence within and around us to wield to our command.

A final word from the Pleiadian High Council:

The coming equinox is a special gathering place for those souls who truly wish to see their divinity through. This passage will be one of great healing – the resurrection of the human form into its Divine template of Light. This process has been underway for many years for most of you, however, it is in the final stages now. What we want for you to remember is that you are not transforming into something new or something foreign – quite contrary to that, you are coming home to yourself, within yourself. There is a magnificent journey ahead, one that will bring with it many new revelations, many new beginnings, and many new human capabilities.

Following the equinox, each of you will be imbued with the Light of the risen Christ. We say this to inspire you to co-create with your physical bodies now. To awaken within you the sacred codes that enable you to remember how to unlock the restorative essence that is contained within the body and blood of your rising Christed-Self.

Lastly, we would add that you are coming into a period of great expansion, and soon this will be all that you know. Not in the sense that there will no longer be periods of respite, of inner reflecting, but that once the transfiguration process completes, you will remain quarantined no longer. The metamorphosis period is drawing to a close and free you will fly. We assure you that this will be nothing short of miraculous for each of you to behold!

We are the Pleiadian High Council and we greet you in the House of the Christ.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/11/2013 1:13:55 AM

Ashtar Speaks: Rodon the Agarthan, and the Reunification of Gaia`s Outer and inner Realms

AshtarAshtar Speaks: Rodon the Agarthan, and the Reunification of Gaia’s Outer and inner Realms

Channelled by Philipp – March 6, 2013


Dear Philipp,

I am grateful to speak through you again. This time is a very special event, because I would like to make a gift to Humanity. The gift is the truth about your background and your connection to your brothers and sisters inside of Gaia.

When we have spoken so far of Disclosure, we have generally mentioned your Star brothers and sisters and have informed you that they are your family. However, we have always pointed out that some of your brothers and sisters are living inside of Gaia and are much closer to you, “living under your feet” so to speak.

The inner realms of Gaia encompass much and are so fascinating, yet you know so little of your inner-Earth family. We have already pointed out that Disclosure especially includes the truth about your connection to these inner realms of Gaia. You are, perhaps, looking to the sky too much and praying that we, your Star brothers and sisters, should come to you.

Thus you are forgetting that merging with your family from inner Earth is almost more important, because they – this family inside Gaia – is such an important part of you, and these parts must first be reunited before the further development of Gaia can go ahead. Disclosure also includes just that – the reunification and consolidation of families on the surface with those inside the Earth.

For this reason I use this opportunity today, and it is my great honour to introduce Rodon to you, your brother of Agartha. He is the representative of the people of Agartha, who were entrusted with the task of representing all the realms within the Earth – and there are plenty (more on that later) – to establish contact with the family on the ground. I now ask Rodon to continue this message to Humanity:


Dear Family. I am Rodon.

I thank Ashtar that I am allowed to follow on from his message and talk to you. As Ashtar stated, I am the representative of my people who live inside the Earth. Our kingdom is called Agartha and we are the Agarthans. We are a nation who has fully integrated into the 5th Dimension and who are about to ascend into the 6th Dimension. Please understand that your Ascension and that of Gaia are inextricably linked to our Ascension, for we are mutually “dependent”. We can only rise if you do as well. As Outside so Inside, you see?

For such a long time we have been by your side – we observed the sinking of Atlantis and have taken a long time to get over this painful experience. All of you, who are here on Gaia and have agreed to assist in the transformation that is taking place now, are in some way connected to this destruction of Atlantis. This experience has accompanied you through all your incarnations and has caused you pain, sorrow and inexplicable dreams. This will now be resolved in your present incarnation and, if we can add this, most of you have successfully put this behind you.

We crave so much for unification with you again. We moved to the inner realms of Gaia because we knew that the outer Earth would descend into the darkness. We fled from this development in order to be able to assist our brothers and sisters in the outer Earth with our high level of awareness.

We descended into the inner realm of Gaia and found a new home. We tried again and again to show you the path of love and happiness. It was painful for us having to watch as your path led into a deeper and deeper darkness.

Your self-chosen path led to great destructive consequences for Gaia. You have been so successful in your created reality that you separated from All That Is and forgot any relationship with your ancestry, with your brothers and sisters. Your actions became a serious and menacing threat to Gaia.

Our beloved Mother Earth has supported you and patiently allowed your development, even though great harm was done to her. However, as your evolution would have led to her destruction, she asked for help and this was heard.

Together with our Star family we intervened. We have been authorized to manoeuvre the ship, which you have so persistently navigated towards the iceberg, into calmer and safer waters. We have made sure that your actions cannot lead to the destruction of Gaia. Therefore, we also have often intervened when, with your technologies – not to mention your nuclear weapons – you were close to destroying Gaia. These successful interventions happened in close co-operation with your Star brothers and sisters.

In parallel to our efforts, you have been vibrationally raised so much by the incoming Cosmic Light that you were able to depart more and more from your initial course. Your development has been phenomenal – you made it, and we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts! If we say that we have helped you, then this should in no way detract from your development, for our help could only be accepted because you have developed vibrationally. You see, everything is connected to everything.

You have developed so far that you are ready now, not only to know about your past, but to deal with it calmly and lovingly. Now you will soon learn more truths – by that we do not only mean the truth about ourselves – and there is a great potential as long as you do not drift off in fear. We, of the inner Earth, are looking forward to a reunion with the populations of the outer Earth.

The history about your ancestry will be revealed to you. It is you, dear Lightworkers, who will help your brothers and sisters to deal with the truth in an open, honest and loving way. Please do not judge by what you experience. Life on Gaia is a game. Everyone plays this game the way he or she sees best. Accept other opinions, accept that there are different points of view and do not try to change the views of others. Remember – Free Will!

Be available to your brothers and sisters on the outer Earth with a helping hand. It will be a great test for Humanity and you will be greatly challenged. We see that you will be able to accept this truth and understand that so much depends on dealing with the truth. Understand that the acceptance of the truth is essential for your progression and your reunion with your Star families inside of Gaia.

This channelling contains a wealth of information for you and an energy that will evoke memories within you. Deal with it lovingly and know that you are capable of dealing with these awakened emotions, thoughts and memories. We miss you so much and if you believe that you are homesick, then you cannot imagine how much we long for the reunion with you.

One more thing, regarding homesickness: Many of you lightworkers have just recently had an inexplicable feeling of homesickness that makes you sad. Even if you have not yet reached the necessary energy to be able to enter our realm with your body, you often visit us in your dreams and with your energy bodies.

Every time you visit us we celebrate this in a way that is full of joy, love and happiness. You are so happy when you are with us, and so sad when you have to go back. In many cases, therefore, where this feeling of homesickness arises in you and you cannot explain where it comes from, this homesickness comes from the subconscious memory of these visits and the associated happiness.

I leave you now, but am ever with you. We will compare notes with one another and we are looking forward to that.

Alaoh – (Rodon’s complimentary closure which means “From the bottom of my Heart”)

Your brother Rodon

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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