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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/9/2013 5:34:57 PM

Karen Doonan: Commander Ashtar Speaks to the New Earth in Truth

AshtarAs channeled by Karen Doonan – March 7, 2013

Those who are able to discern my energies will now be able to understand my communication for I come to communicate through this channel for a reason. For those who are waiting on confirmation of the new earth then this is confirmation of the new earth in truth. Those who have sought to keep truth hidden in plain view now fall to the wayside for truth cannot be hidden from a race that is now awakening in truth.

Much of what I am to communicate at this time may be challenging for there are those who still revel in the complexities of the old earth. They will find truth or they will choose to remain in the loops that are self created, it matters not for the new earth is now born in truth.

This moment was always to be for the human race, it has been challenged at all points in its unfolding and many have fallen to the old earth and the pull of the heavy, denser energies. That which is now unfolding will see the human race given back their vision, their power and their place in the universe. For those who sought to keep truth hidden in plain view sought to distort the human race for their own ends and this has now ended. What is being lived out across planet earth is the dying of the old earth energies.

That which is being reshaped and re-ignited is human race. For the human race has been kept hidden from the rest of the universe and this is not truth. The vast cover ups, the need to keep the population in the distortions that have been created for them all now negated by the strength of the new energies that now unfold upon and within this planet. For this has been a planet that has been in isolation, for its entire existence within the lower 3D earth energies has been constructed to allow those who are cut off from their power to believe they have no power, this is not truth. The ability for those who have incarnated within the human race to help the human race now anchor truth rapidly unfolds across and within this planet.

The only way to help a race so stuck in the lower 3D energies was to incarnate within that race, help comes from within the race in order that the support around that race can be accepted. The leap too much for the human race to simply open their eyes and accept that which has been kept hidden from them. This will now unfold rapidly within the sections of the human race into which those who share the universe with the human race have incarnated.

For it was always to be this way, always to be help from within and I ask that those who have allowed SELF to resonate too strongly with the human vehicle into which they incarnated now hear my words. That part which is aligned galactically now calls for recognition and it is this recognition that will allow the galactic memories to flow through the human vehicle and make sense of all that you have experienced as a human upon this planet.

Vast changes are set to take place upon and within this planet, all working to help move the human race in consciousness and allow them to accept their origins and accept the distortions that have been placed before them. For part of this process has begun, the harmonisation process now works to release the lower, denser energies in order that the inner vision of those who came to help this young race is now cleared and focused. The challenge always to be the deep teachings that were supported by the very race they were created to contain. This is now being negated and the rate of the increase of the new energies will now rise sharply.

I am here to communicate with ALL at this time but I accept that many are in a vibrational space that will not allow for such expansion within them at this time. This is of little concern for the unfolding of the new and that which will be revealed across and within the planet will help ALL on this planet. I would ask that you take some time to digest my words for the human vehicle may start to distance itself from my words. This is done to preserve the human vehicle for it has become accustomed to the denser energies and it takes work to bring it into balance with the higher energies that now flood across and within the planet.

The LIGHT now goes on across and within planet earth and as a result the LIGHT will now shine brightly within the human race. World events will unveil truth to new levels as that which has been hidden in plain view becomes widely accepted by the human race. This will unfold within each waking human life in due course and all events are managed at a galactic level in order that they are accepted in truth. It serves no one least of all this young race to be plunged into total chaos and unable to function. Those who have undergone the cleansing and harmonisation process able to hold the energetic signature necessary to support ALL that now unfolds across and within the planet earth and the human race.

The merging of intergalactic races with the new upgraded human race will take place in due course, this will be a process and not an event. The scenario of an event created within the old, denser energies in order to provoke the necessary reaction from the human vehicle into which you have incarnated. As you move through the process of the new earth energies unfolding then further memories that sit at SOUL level will help you align and adjust to that which will now unfold in truth in the waking human life experience.

I would draw your attention to the SOUL family groups that you are aligned with, further information is being sent out across these SOUL groups energetically as much of the information would not be processed by the human conscious waking mind. To alleviate any possible distress or anxiety the work is being done in what is termed “dreamtime”. This is the space in which you will work to bring together the energies that you are in truth with the human vehicle into which you have incarnated. The ability to help one another in this “dreamtime” space is vast and many of you may now recognise SOUL family instantly. This will be rolled out into your waking human conscious mind as you process the new earth energies.

I ask that you are able to see beyond the human form that you take on this planet and remember in truth your reason for incarnating onto this planet and within the human race. The ability to connect with ALL races/realms will now increase as the energetic signature of the human race in general begins to rise. This is also part of the process of harmonisation, all is being done at galactic level to ensure the smooth roll out of the new earth and the understanding and acceptance of the human race as a race.

World leaders are aware of the increase in the vibration of the human race and preparations are in place to disseminate more information amongst the human race in order to help with the anchoring of the human race as part of the galactic family that exists within this universe. I ask that you at all times look below the 3D overlay that is created to help the part of the human race that is not accepting at this time, see the need to help them make sense of a world that is now rapidly changing in vibration, help them make sense of a race that is now rapidly changing in vibration. The strength of the human race will be shown in truth for those who take human form will now unveil SELF in truth.

It is now time to stop hiding and to step out into the LIGHT and be SEEN for those who are here to help the human race are fully supported by the new earth energies and by their galactic brothers and sisters. Rapid upgrades are being sent out across the planet and will be ingested into the human vehicle as the LIGHT codes that are needed to kick start the next level of unfolding across and within the planet earth.

These are being sent out and will be accepted SOUL group by SOUL group depending on the energies needed by each SOUL group. I would ask that you hold fast in the new earth energies and allow the smoke and mirrors that have been used to confuse and contain you to diminish. This is done by connecting in truth to the planet and to those who exist around you in energetic form. Feel and Be.

I am Commander Ashtar and I will communicate more when it is time. BE at peace at this time, the human race now begins its ascension in truth and this will unfold in truth. The event horizon has been reached and surpassed by the human race and there is no going back to the old earth. The new earth now births and I ask that you understand the role that you have incarnated into in truth. The harmonisation of the human race with all races begins Now.

Copyright Karen Doonan, all rights reserved
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if it remains unchanged and unaltered in anyway and authors name and websites are clearly displayed. NO permission is granted to change this communication into any other format than that which it appears in its written format.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/9/2013 5:39:02 PM

Spaceship 3X the Size of the Earth Near the Sun

Go to 5:11 to see a lightship the size of the moon apparently dock on a mothership three times the size of the Earth, near the Sun, and then accelerate almost immediately to near light speed from a dead stop. Thanks to Steve.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/9/2013 5:48:40 PM

Russian Meteor Would Have Caused a New Ice Age

When one of the members of the Nova Earth team has a personal reading with Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon, we usually tell the other members and everyone who has a question sends it along.

This time, when I had a reading, Geoffrey West, host of Cosmic Vision News, asked what the impact of the meteor that the galactics broke up before it hit Russia would have been and Archangel Michael’s answer set me back on my heels.

Galactic ships intercept meteor

“It could have triggered what you would think of as … the only comparison you would have would be… another Ice Age.”

“Wow. You’re kidding,” I responded.

“No,” he said.

Steve: So the galactics prevented another Ice Age. That’s what you’re saying, right?

AAM: That is what I’m saying. … Your star brothers and sisters intervened. That is why it was not more dramatic and damaging. And they intervened not only on behalf of the people of Earth and of Russia, but on behalf of Gaia herself.

S: And was this heavenly body, so to speak, sent here by the dark forces?

AAM: No. It is just what is moving about. It is part of the movement of energy, of debris, throughout the universe. So no, there was no negative force behind it, not the way you think of it.

S: Alright, if the galactics had not been around at this time, for the purposes of Ascension, would they still have provided this service?

AAM: Yes.

You can see the starships interacting with the meteor in the Youtube video posted above but I had no idea that what would have occurred would have been an event of such magnitude. Not perhaps extinction level (ELE), but it would have cancelled a few plans for summer vacation! And it would have turned the planet into an icebox.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/9/2013 5:49:47 PM

On the Nature of Spirit Communications


Stylized depiction of Malachi

One of the other topics that was discussed in my reading was that Archangel Michael gave feedback to Philipp about his channeling of Ashtar and others. At one point he said that sometimes Ashtar channeled as an individual and sometimes as a group.

That’s not unsual. I think that most souls on the other side or from a higher physical dimension, who channel as a mission, do so at times as individuals and at times as a member of a communicator group.

For instance, here’s what Hatonn through Suzy Ward said about Matthew Ward’s channeling: “All souls at Matthew’s station are highly-spiritually-evolved, and as their spokesperson, he relays their unified feelings.” (1)

The same could be said for sources who were very influential in past years. Silver Birch was one and he spoke on behalf of a group from around 1930 to around 1960. “Imperator” (the prophet Malachi) was another, who was influential in the 1870s. He spoke for a group of 49 enlightened masters, which included Plotinus and Al-Ghazzali.

Perhaps let me spend a moment on what Imperator says about his group’s channeling, mainly because I have the greatest respect for Imperator and wish he were better known. He spoke through Rev. Stainton Moses and had a lot to say in the 1870s about this New Age that we’re in now.

You can find some of his writings here: I especially recommend what he had to say about the Bible and the prophets since he was a prophet himself and was the one who organized the Old Testament into its final form.

One of the sitters in the circle at which Imperator appeared saw a circle of lights, which Imperator explained in this way: “On [being asked] the meaning of the lights, Imperator said the pillar of light was himself, the bright light behind him his attendants, and the numerous lights seen in the room belonged to the band. The light round S. M.’s [Stainton Moses'] head showed his great spiritual power.” (2)A sitter asked if Imperator occupied a high place in the spirit world. The unnamed spirit communicator who commented said, in a revealing passage:

“Yes, friend, he is one of the chiefs among the higher spirits, of whom but few return to you directly. Most of them impress their commands on intermediate spirits. Only for a great work do the higher ones return, and their work is of direction, control, plan, rather than of guiding the individual soul.” (3)



Imperator’s band all had pseudonyms, like Rector and Doctor, which hid identities such as Hippolytus and Athenodorus. Another unnamed spirit communicator explains the names and the group manner in which they operate:

“These names are but convenient symbols for influences brought to bear upon you. In some cases the influence is not centralised; it is impersonal, as you would say. In many cases the messages given you are not the product of any one mind, but are the collective influence of a number. Many who have been concerned with you are but the vehicles to you of a yet higher influence which is obliged to reach you in that way. We deliberate, we consult, and in many instances you receive the impression of our united thought.” (4)

In a long passage, Imperator explains the make-up of his spirit band who make up the communicators circle. Perhaps I’ll end the article with that because it’s long but it’s a very good summary that probably applies to other spirit communication circles as well.

Under me is my deputy and lieutenant, Rector [Hippolytus], whose business it is to superintend in my absence, and especially to control the band of physical manifesting spirits.
Associated with him is a third high spirit, who is the inspiring spirit, Doctor [Athenodorus], the Teacher. He guides the medium’s thoughts, influences his words, directs his pen. Under his general superintendence there are the spirits of wisdom and knowledge, to be hereafter described.

Malachi 11

Spirit drawing of Imperator (Malachi)

Next come the guardians whose care it is to ward off and modify the baneful influences of earth, to drive away the hurtful, temper the painful, to shed around an influence. The inward yielding to evil can alone destroy their power.

Yet again, there are two guardians whose care it is to ward off the evil influences of the spheres, the allurement of the lower spirits who would draw the medium from his allotted work and divert him from his sacred mission. These four guardians are my personal attendants, and these complete the first circle of seven, the whole band being divided into seven circles of seven spirits; each circle composed of one presiding spirit with six ministers.

The first circle is composed entirely of guardians and inspiring spirits—spirits whose mission is general and concerned with the supervision of the whole band.



The next circle of seven spirits is devoted to the care of love — spirits of love. Religion, love to God; charity, love to man; gentleness, tenderness, pity, mercy, friendship, affection; all these are in their charge.

They minister to the affections, inspire feelings of gentleness and mercy; love to God, the Universal Father; love to man, the common brother; tenderness for all who grieve; pity for all who suffer; desire to benefit and help all.

Next comes a circle — one presiding, with six spirit ministers — of wisdom. Under their care is intuition, perception, reflection, impression, reasoning and the like.

They preside over the intuitive faculties and the deductions made from observed facts. They inspire the medium with the spirit of wisdom and drive away influences fallacious and misguiding. They plant intuitive wisdom.

Next in order is a circle which presides over knowledge — of men, of things, of life, whose charge is caution and comparison, of causality and eventuality, and the like. They guide the medium’s steps through the tortuous paths of earth-life, and lead him to practical knowledge, complement to the intuitive wisdom, of what is beneficial and profitable. To these kindred groups, wisdom and knowledge — which are under the general supervision of Doctor [Athenodorus], the inspiring Teacher — succeed:

Stainton Moses

Stainton Moses, medium for Imperator

A circle who preside over art, science, literature, culture, refinement, poetry, paintings, music, language. They inspire the thought with that which is noble and intellectual, and lead to words of refinement and sublimity. They incline to that which is beautiful, artistic, refined and cultured; which gives the poetic touches to the character and elevates and ennobles it.

Next comes a circle of seven who have charge of mirth, wit, humour, geniality and joyous conversation. These give the lighter touches to the character, the sparkling, bright side, which is attractive in social intercourse, which enlivens the word spoken or written with flashes of wit, and relieves the somber dullness of daily toil.

They are spirits attractive and genial, kindly and lovable.

Last of all come the spirits who have charge of the physical manifestations, which it is thought right at present to associate with the higher message. This circle is composed principally of spirits on their probation under the guardianship of Rector, lieutenant of the band. It is his care to teach them and to allow them, by association with the medium and his circle, to advance from a lower to a higher sphere. These are spirits who from divers causes are earthbound, and who, by the manifestations which they are permitted to work out, are purifying and elevating themselves.Spirit Teachings

So you see the band divides itself into seven groups, each with its peculiar charge. Spirits of love, of wisdom and knowledge; spirits refined and noble; spirits bright and genial, who shed a ray of that light which is not of your earth on the drudgery of existence in a lower sphere; spirits whose privilege it is to progress from an inferior grade to one higher and nobler through association with you, to whom such manifestations as they furnish are yet necessary.

In all these various circles there are spirits who are progressing, who are giving experience and enlightenment, who are living the medium’s life, and mounting upward as he mounts; learning as they teach, and soaring as they raise him to their sphere.

It is a labour of love, this guardianship of ours, a labour which brings its own reward, and blesses us, even as we bestow blessings upon the medium and, through him, upon mankind. (5)

This is probably the fullest description of how a band of spirit communicators operates that I know of so it probably deserves study. Soon, as Ashtar said through Philipp, the galactics will not need to use mediums for communication but will speak to us directly or by way of our own media.


(1) Hatonn in Matthew’s Message, Oct. 10, 2010, at

(2) Mrs. Stanhope Speer, Moses’ amenuensis and a sitter in his circle, on Imperator in Stainton Moses, More Spirit Teachings. Electronically published by, 6. [Hereafter MST.]

(3) Unnamed spirit communicator in Moses, Stainton Moses, More Spirit Teachings. Spirit Writings. Electronically published by, n.p.

(4) Unnamed spirit teacher, member of spirit leader Imperator’s group, in Stainton Moses, MST, 51.

(5) Spirit leader “Imperator” (Malachi) in Stainton Moses, Spirit Teachings. London: Spiritualist Press, n.d. (Prior to 1883.), 22-3.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/9/2013 10:30:50 PM

Video – SanJAsKa: The New Paradigm Will Brim With Unity and Understanding

Wes: Matt Muckleroy has been making videos out of different channeled messages, including mine, as CosmicMother used to do. I can’t express my appreciation enough for his efforts, and below he has turned SanJAsKa’s latest message into a video format. For those who don’t like to read the long-winded messages and would rather get to listen to them, this is your opportunity!

The latest channeled interview with the Pleiadians (on the Galactic Federation’s Organizational Structure) is also posted to his page in video format.

(From Wes Annac's personal blog - 9 Mar 2013)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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