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2/23/2020 12:07:39 AM


My Post: Today's exercise: Whatever happens, no matter what.... don't say anything negative about it.

I've got frozen shoulder, borderline migrane headache and I'm not going to complain about any of it.

Fact is, we have to focus on what we want to create - NOT ON WHAT WE ALREADY HAVE CREATED AND ARE SUFFERING FROM. Otherwise it won't change. You'll stay stuck in a negative loop.

It's Universal Law. By complaining about your Now, you're bringing more of it to bear on yourself.

Me: Ivo, can you explain this for people?

Ivo: My love, yes, I can. It is universal law. Universal law works on the knowledge of yourself as Creators, divine creators, not victims of your circumstances. You have been taught on earth that you are a victim of things that "just happen" to you, that your life is fairly random, and that you are the victim of it. Then of course, you are mind controlled in being victimized through your power over others structure. Even the perpetrator is the victim at times, of other more aggressive perpetrators.

So, you must rid yourself of this mindset. You must understand that you are creators, not victims, and if you are in a situation you find dislikeable, it is because you have created this situation for yourself. When you live in duality, you can take the positive road or the negative road. Many on your planet take the negative road - you live lives of what you do not wish to have or do and this is in order to show you what you must change. In fact, even in duality you can change your life to reflect the positive road - you can see yourself as a creator of your own good, because in fact, you are.

Negative things happen to you for positive reasons. You create negative things because you are manifesting your lower consciousness mindset. You can in fact switch by focusing on a more positive life for yourself. You must realize that you are in charge of your life at all times, absolutely. You have simply been tricked into believing otherwise and to create the reality that your deep state wants you to create - for their benefit.

Your world still works by universal law; you have simply been taught to misuse it.

Me: And you should be angry about that and want to change it.

Ivo: Focus on what you want for yourself and believe it is possible, because all is possible. You see people on your planet with ridiculous sums of wealth, fame and fortune and it is because they have created it.

Me: I find that having a certain attitude of expectation helps. Like you expect it to happen. I won't say aggressively but you know you're going to get this or that.

Ivo: Yes, this is self assuredness.

Me: So it's like a GPS system. We punch in the coordinates and we're led to where we want to be in life. You want to be at Happiness and Love Relationship, well your soul will take you there, however you'll have to do the work to change whatever it is that makes you unhappy along the way to achieving your goal. That just makes sense, doesn't it?

I have a goal of manifesting much more money than I currently have. So along the way I've been shown what it is that stops me from manifesting more money. And it's working. The thing that was stopping me from manifesting more money was ME!! I have to say I despised money so because my focus was on not having any, I didn't. I created that. So I had to make friends with money.

I'm now being shown through my frozen shoulder (it's the fourth time I've had this condition) that I feel a lot of responsibility in life and it can be a burden at times. So I have to change my attitude and make it a happier occasion.
We're shown everything we need to know - it's just that we don't know how to interpret the signs. Our physical 3D lifestyles have moved us away from interpreting our own innate wisdom.

Ivo: Yes, my love, you do not understand when you create bodily symptoms within yourselves. Your body is telling you how you feel because you are ignoring your feelings. When in fact you sit with them and understand them, a change can be made. Until then you will continue to manifest physical maladies. All illness is this. Your emotions are meant to be dealt with, not repressed to the point you will manifest illness and physical symptoms.

Me: Yes.

Ivo: To sum up, your emotions are telling you what you like and what you do not like. What you do not like, you are to change in order to make your life more amicable to you. That is how duality works. When people come into your life and they are irritating, then change the people around you or if you cannot do that, change your attitude towards them.

Everything is love. Everything is showing you the path to greater happiness and self love. You must learn to see it.

Me: Thanks, Ivo.

Ivo: My love, I know you have a great responsibility but you agreed to do this before you came to earth. You will see the fruits of your efforts some day but for now you are planting the seeds.

Me: Thanks Ivo.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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2/23/2020 7:22:34 PM

Daily Message ~ Sunday February 23, 2020

Galactic Free Press's picture

Some of you might have trouble getting your actions to match your intentions. This might show up as resistance, procrastination, avoidance, continuing old habits that no longer serve you, or stagnation, despite what it is you would truly like to experience.

If this is occurring, we suggest you enter into a meditation and call all the aspects of yourself to gather near. Who is at the front of the group? Who is straying or not paying attention? Who doesn’t want to come at all? With your intuition, feel into what each aspect of you represents and if they are not wanting to cooperate, ask what they need from you or what their concern is. How can you help them?

Once you have identified and given each aspect your individualized love, care, and attention, see them all willingly start to integrate into one. See the new collective energy being completely aligned with the changes and new expression of yourself you wish to shift into. Feel the excitement that comes from having everyone on board!

You are always able to love and shepherd yourselves forward, Dear Ones, if you just take the time to acknowledge what the needs are of the multi-faceted parts of you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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2/23/2020 7:26:18 PM

GFP Newsletter - 2/22/2020

will's picture

If you dissect a painting, you will find the canvas and the colors, but the painting is not simply the sum total of the canvas and the colors; it is something more. That "something more" is expressed through the painting, color, canvas, the artist, but that "something more" is the beauty. Dissect the roseflower, and you will find all the chemicals and things it is constituted of, but the beauty will disappear. It was not just the sum total of the parts, it was more.

The whole is more than the sum total of the parts; it expresses through the parts, but it is more. To understand that it is more is to understand God. God is that more, that plus. It is not a question of theology, it cannot be decided by logical argumentation. You have to feel beauty, you have to feel music, you have to feel dance. And ultimately you have to feel the dance in your body, mind, soul.

You have to learn how to play on these three energies so that they all become an orchestra. Then God is -- not that you see God, there is nothing to be seen; God is the ultimate seer, it is witnessing. Learn to melt your body, mind, soul; find out ways when you can function as a unity.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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2/24/2020 12:12:17 AM

Marilyn Raffaele ~ The Arcturian Group on Abundance Conciousness


Marilyn Raffaele

February 23, 2020

Dear readers, we hold a great deal of love and respect for you who have chosen to be on earth during these challenging times. You chose to enter this incarnation fully aware that it would be a time of energetic shifts and difficulty but you wanted to participate, knowing that your awareness could help others.

If you believe that you only recently woke up from the three dimensional dream, you are wrong. You who align with these messages are not new souls just learning about truth even if it seems that way. If you had not already attained a high level of awareness in other lifetimes, you would not be in alignment with the higher truths you are now integrating. You are wise, seasoned, and prepared to make the dimensional leap by virtue of having learned through hundreds of lifetimes–some good, some bad, and some just plain horrible.

Having already attained a high level of awareness you knew that these times of dimensional shift would offer you opportunities to bring everything full circle and into third dimensional completion, allowing you to become the whole, complete, wise, and evolved state of consciousness you always sought.

High frequency energy and assistance is available now as never before. Earth and her inhabitants are being offered the opportunity to shift into higher dimensional awareness if they choose. No one is or ever can be forced to take advantage of this for all are free will beings. This is why your Guides can assist you with your decisions, but will never tell you what to do.

It can feel unpleasant when you witness some friendships, health, or even familiar activities fade out of your life. Remember, everything old is making way for the new on all levels, in the outer scene as well as the inner which can be as ordinary as old equipment breaking down. However, the dissolution of the old is often simply the first step toward its reappearing in a new and higher form if it is meant to be in your life.

All are physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually feeling the intense frequencies now pouring to earth. Old energy accumulated from from hundreds of lifetimes and stored in cellular memory is surfacing for everyone in order to be recognized, released, and replaced with higher dimensional frequencies. Each person is responding to this according to their attained level of awareness.

For some this process is bringing fears that have lain dormant through many lifetimes into conscious awareness causing them to lash out and blame some person or particular group for their emotional pain and the world’s problems. They then attempt to make things better in the only way they understand which is usually through violent actions . This is what lies behind the violence you are witnessing at this time.

Allow your personal process to unfold without comparing it to another’s. You cannot evolve incorrectly for once you have chosen to embark on a spiritual journey, the “train leaves the station” and the “human” you is no longer running things in the same way it did when you were living fully in third dimensional energy.

Everything is consciousness in vibration-energy. Consciousness expressing itself as….How each sees and experiences the world depends upon their attained level of consciousness. What you believe and hold in consciousness you are in alignment with in the outer scene and can experience. A rose may represent beauty and love to one, but thorns and allergy to another.

In reality there are no victims, because as God beings everyone is simply drawing to themselves from the collective that with which they are in alignment with. Remember, there is only ONE and that ONE is always seeking to align with itself– wholeness.

Both the good and bad pictures of material sense have no law other than belief to hold them in place and will dissolve in the presence of a high resonating state of consciousness that sees them only as mind interpretations of reality. This is how the master Jesus healed. People brought themselves into his consciousness where disease simply had no reality.

This does not mean that the spiritually evolved never have problems. Never believe that you have somehow failed if your life suddenly turns upside down but rather learn to see difficulties as facets of your evolutionary journey indicating that you having attained the spiritual readiness necessary to deal with deeper issues–karmic resolution with some person, place, or thing, the clearing of some ancient experience, or simply the gaining of new insights into something you have struggled with for your whole life.

Many creations result simply by not paying attention, letting the mind wander and accept whatever comes floating by from the collective. Be aware of what you allow into your consciousness for you are creators. Learn to step back from those things that pull you into lower frequencies. Stop occasionally and ask yourself; “What am I creating in this now moment?” Do not resist what you may discover for resistance only serves to give power to something that has no power of its own.

Consciousness changes and evolves as beliefs based in duality and separation are let go and truth is integrated. Spiritual growth and evolution has often meant spending whole lifetimes or even more on learning just one thing (example-honesty) which is why it takes so many lifetimes to reach an enlightened state. Lessons learned and truths integrated become the fabric of individual consciousness which is then further built upon and expanded through each following lifetime until third dimensional lessons are no longer needed.

It is a time of worry, concern, and frustration for many hoping to see the earth restored to her natural perfection. This must eventually manifest because what you see with human eyes is the material concept of a spiritual earth. Human eyes are unable to see the spiritual realities that underlie everything just as what you see in the mirror does not reflect the real you. Try not to judge by appearances but rather hold to the truth that God alone is. Change cannot happen over night in a world of time and space. Allow the process.

Energy, vibration, and frequencies form the material. In reality the world is and always has been spiritual for God could not create anything outside of ITSelf as nothing exists outside of ITSelf. However, the world as seen and experienced by most is being interpreted through a collective consciousness conditioned by beliefs in duality and separation. This is why you must “come out and be separate”.

Everyone is born into this false sense of the world. Small children often remember the higher dimensions but soon get caught up in the lower frequencies that surround them. As increasingly more awaken, Light is added to and changing the vibrational pattern of the collective which in turn will allow human minds access to higher ideas.

Each generation enters into the collective consciousness that is in place at that time. The collective of 200 years ago was much different than it is today because evolution is an ongoing process that effects all levels–physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. The evolutionary opportunities available today are extremely important because they offer an evolutionary path of infinite possibilities for shifting to higher dimensional awareness while remaining in the physical body.

Because increasingly more light is flowing into the collective, many more individuals are starting to re- think their beliefs. Laws, ideas, and some social norms previously considered acceptable are beginning to be recognized as untrue. Those who profit from the ignorance and fear of others are attempting by all means possible to keep the status quo in place. They do not understand that in spite of their efforts or temporary successes, the evolutionary train has indeed left the station.

Spiritual evolution can never be stopped. It can be delayed but never stopped because everything and everyone is Divine Consciousness whether anyone believes it or not. Those who choose to believe that people are nothing more than flesh, cannot change the reality.

Peace and harmony exist fully present now, held infinitely in place by Divine Law simply awaiting conscious recognition.

We are the Arcturian Group 2/23/20

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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2/24/2020 1:23:26 AM

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Support from your Fifth Dimensional SELF


Support from your Fifth Dimensional SELF

The Arcturians Speak

It is the NOW for humans all over the world to unite within their innate fifth dimensional SELF. Unfortunately, there are still too many humans who have not yet remembered their own, innate, fifth dimensional SELF.

Unfortunately, there are still many humans who have not yet been able to “remember their SELF!” We use the word “SELF” in capitals because we speak not just of your everyday human self. In fact, we are speaking of your “higher dimensional SELF.”

Your “Higher SELF” is your fifth dimensional, and beyond, Galactic SELF. Yes, ALL of you have Galactic Selves. However, much like choosing to turn on the lights in your room, you can “turn on the light within your own innate consciousness.”

Unfortunately, too many of you, our brave warriors to take an earthly vessels, have become lost within the many challenges, fears, duties and distractions to be able to remember your own your Higher Life.

The “Higher Life” that we are speaking of, resonates to a higher frequency of reality. Fortunately, humanity has a Higher Life because, along with the Gaia, which they can visit during their higher dreams and meditations.

Fortunately, Gaia, just like Her humans, are multidimensional. Therefore, all humans have many options to choose and follow within their thoughts, actions and imagination. However, they must remember to remember.

We say “remember to remember,” because third dimensional, and even fourth dimensional Earth, have many challenges in their daily life. Therefore, so much of one’s attention can be spent on the daily issues of survival, such as going to work, driving in traffic, paying bills, and completing the many duties of third dimensional life.

As many humans know, there often appears to be “no time” for meditation, contemplation, creative endeavors, and even FUN. Let us talk a moment about “fun, or enjoyment.

When one is having “fun,” they can forget that which makes them feel distracted, worried, upset, and the many other responses to the many challenges of third dimensional life. But, how does one have “fun” in the midst of every day, third dimensional, life.

Too many things and people have needs and demands that might distract one from that which they had promised to their own self that they would do within a certain timeline. However, often it is the “timelines” that have taken the “fun” out of life. Then life seems like all the things one has to do, and not “having time” to do what they want to do.

Therefore, the concept of “having time, in fact, having enough time” can become an ongoing issues that often robs one of the “time and energy” to realize that it was their own choice. Knowing that it was “their fault” can become another manner in which you “fun” is lost, or seemingly stolen.

Fortunately, many people have discovered how to “steal fun,” which allows them to let go of all the many “should” and replace them with some “I want to” moments. However, sometimes the dreaded battle between SHOULD and WANT can go on for so long that there is NO time left to fully experience either choice.

The fact is that sometimes that which is thought of as a “should” can actually be enjoyable if you are able to release your “guilt” that you “should have” done something, anything, different than what you did.

This attitude can lead to guilt, and “guilt” is definitely NOT your friend. Guilt is a “no win” situation in which no matter what you may do will be the “wrong thing.”

Fortunately, guilt, should, wrong and even should are third dimensional concepts that only exist on a third dimensional reality, especially a third dimensional reality filled with fear, such as much of the reality that many of our dear grounded ones are facing within this NOW on Gaia’s Earth.

We, the fifth dimensional aspects of your Multidimensional SELF, wish to remind ALL of the many aspects of our Multidimensional SELF that YOU can communicate with us, who is actually YOU, in a higher frequency of reality.

Imagine that you were at the bottom of a huge ocean. Look around you and see how different it is from the environment at the surface of the ocean, or on the top of a mountain, or even high in the air in a plane or even a Starship.

NOW, allow your self to slowly rise up from the bottom of the ocean. Now imagine how you would feel differently and how everything look differently, and every creature in each area would be different.

Do you see the many layers of reality within the water? Now, swim up to the surface of the water. Can you look into the sky and see how many different levels there are within the sky.

As you look high above and deep below, the only thing that is the same is YOU. Of course, you have many different experiences in all these different environments, but you can find comfort in the fact that YOU, the consciousness of you, is contained with your body.

But, did your experience of perceiving high above and deep below change your personal “sense of self?” The answer is likely yes, because your many different experiences of life change you. You are the same person, but not quite. Whenever you have a new experience, it becomes “filled” somewhere in your brain.

Your brain is your “file cabinet.” However, sometimes certain “drawers get lock” and you cannot retrieve what is in that locked drawer. It is then that you can open the part of your SELF that can remember to remember.

But who is this inner SELF who can remember to remember?

That YOU is your own Multidimensional SELF. Your Multidimensional SELF can perceive, feel, remember, know the YOU that you have been in your many incarnations, in your many lives, and in the many different places, planets and Starships that you have experienced in your many incarnations.

However, if you do not touch in with your own Multidimensional SELF, you will only be able to remember the life, the reality, the experiences, the dimensions of your present third dimensional self.

Your third dimensional self is the container of the experiences that you have had in this incarnation. However, you have had many incarnations in many different worlds and realities, that your third dimensional self can NOT remember.

How could that be? How could so many humans, that have had so many experiences in so many different worlds and frequencies of reality, and they FORGOT those uncountable experiences!

Why? The answer is because they “forgot to remember!” They forgot to remember that there is much more that just one dimension of reality. There are many dimensions in which many creatures, realities, and experiences are occurring within every minute of every NOW.
But why did so many humans Forget to Remember?

Many forgot to fully experience their lives because they forgot to remember to look at their life. Many humans were just “working hard” to “just get by,” and many others looked, but forgot to document that moment, that thought, that experience, that moment.

It is the looking at what one looks at, and allow that short moment to become imprinted on their brain and embraced by one’s heart. When life if “taken in,” not just with their eyes or ears, but taken into their mind for the knowing and their heart for the loving.

Knowing and Loving are great friends that deeply enjoy each other, as the two are actually the ONE of the humans who Remember to Remember that which fills their heart and activates their mind. When one remembers to remember, they are creating a place within themselves where they can go to BE ALL that they have known within the many NOWS of all their experiences.

Best yet, all that has been collected and saved will interlink with all that is being collected and being saved within their heart and mind. And then they can share! Those who can remember are those who can share. And those who share are those who remembered.

Best of all, once one remembers to remember their daily, third dimensional life, are also those who can remember their “multidimensional lives.” It is the memory of ones Multidimensional SELF that assists them to remember their many Multidimensional Lives.

Likely all the many multidimensional lives will not be remember at once. It takes a while to digest even the thought of have other lives on higher dimensions and higher worlds. Therefore, the process of that remembering can come as slowly as one needs it to be.

In fact, there are likely many, many humans who will not remember their other incarnations. However, just the knowing that maybe, just maybe, there are other, higher dimensional versions of their SELF, gives hope and joy that there IS more than can be seen, heard, or even imagined.

Then we can all look forward to the NOW of the ONE in which we ALL Remember!

Sue Lie

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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