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2/24/2020 11:21:25 PM

Monday, February 24, 2020

Benjamin Fulford Update - February 24, 2020

Bill Gates surrenders to the Chinese as secret war rages on"

By Benjamin Fulford February 24, 2020

The secret battle for planet Earth is raging on with England, Russia, China and the Pentagon leading the charge against the Satanic Khazarian mafia. In the biggest development last week, Microsoft’s Bill Gates, fearing for his life, surrendered to the Chinese and is providing them with insider information about the Pharmacidical Mafia…Asian Secret Society and Pentagon sources say.

The official Chinese Xinhua News Agency reports Gates offered $100 million to fight the “new coronavirus.” Chinese President Xi Jinping wrote to Gates:

“I support your cooperation with relevant Chinese institutions, and look forward to enhanced coordination and concerted efforts in the international community for the sake of health and well-being of all.

The “relevant Chinese institutions” Gates is cooperating with most certainly include the Chinese secret services.

Asian Secret Society sources told the Pentagon last week that they are aware the bioweapon attack on China was carried out by the same people who assassinated President John F. Kennedy and orchestrated 9.11.

The Asians and the Pentagon are thus cooperating and sharing pinpoint information to ensure all guilty parties “are led to justice.”

Now we need to look at the role of U.S. President Donald Trump and his regime in this whole business. A key hint is the escalation of the panic surrounding the “coronavirus,” otherwise known as the common cold virus. It’s spread intensified in earnest after the U.S. corporate government formally defaulted on February 16th. This pandemic is being staged to provide cover for the cut off of credit (and thus deficit-financed imports) that the U.S. is experiencing right now.

We also note that Trump has lost much of his military support. That’s why he was forced to hire the openly gay flaming Zionist U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell as acting Director for National Intelligence. It’s also why Trump-Q-anon is pushing his flunky Kashyap Patel as a “name to remember.”

CIA and Marine veteran Robert David Steele notes:

“The secret mandarins will lie to the Acting DNI and his new hires such as Kashyap Patel, all of whom are just as ignorant of the substance of intelligence despite their super smarts on knowing what the President needs but is not getting – apart from subversion and lies. As with [Secretary of State Mike] Pompeo, the secret world will seek to charm and subvert, and Grenell’s enchantment with genocidal Zionism will be his Achilles’ heel.”

Of course, there is a much bigger game in play here. The gathering of G20 finance ministers last week in Saudi Arabia, minus the UK, Russia, and China, provides hints about what is at stake.

It’s “very important to synchronize”, Indonesian Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati said in a Bloomberg TV interview in Riyadh, on the sidelines of the G20. Indrawati added:

“All the economic ministers coming here, and the central banks, have instruments and policy tools that they can implement and execute, including fiscal expansion if it’s necessary.”

She’s basically saying that the central bankers will create unlimited amounts of stimulus or $ Trillions of computer credit money. This time it will not work as we are in the end game now.

It does look like Indonesia has been chosen by the Zionist cabal to take over from China in the manufacturing sector. There are no coincidences.

As a Russian FSB source noted, “even if the new coronavirus did not exist, it would have had to be invented because…

…something needed to be done to prevent China from taking over the world.”

In other words, the West needed to draw a line in the sand and make sure we do not end up with a one-China world.

Now P3 Freemason sources are saying the plan is to increase panic worldwide over the new (designer) virus as an excuse to bring on martial law, which is needed to start a world federation.

Asian secret society sources say they understand and support the need for a loose world federation, as does the British Commonwealth. This would be a multi-polar arrangement limited to dealing with problems faced by the planet as a whole. It would be the equivalent of neighborhood garbage collection where everyone agrees to put their garbage at the end of the driveway on certain days but also agrees to let the trash collectors come into their homes.

What these groups do not support is a Zionist-controlled, fascist New World Order run by Satan-worshipping Khazarian gangsters. These people are still stubbornly clinging to a biblical end-times scenario that involves killing 90% of the world’s population and enslaving the rest. Some of their recent fear-mongering about “10 plagues hitting the planet” can be seen at the following link.

It is also worth noting that the Rothschild and Angelli family-owned Economist magazine featured the four horsemen of the apocalypse on its “The Year in 2019” cover.

Anyway, let us take a look at the fear porn show the elites have in store for us over the coming weeks all thanks to a “new type” of coronavirus. Remember, this all supposedly started with a “crazy fruit bat” and now Chinese officials admit that the animal market was not the cause of the outbreak but don’t want to say what was.

What we are seeing is industrial shutdowns, pandemic street performances and other such acts in scores of countries.

Here, for example, is a quote from Newsweek:

“It’s a little worrying. Until this happened in Padua it almost seemed like a media stunt,” says Marco Bertoni, who lives in the northern city of Feltre.

Guess what Mr. Bertoni…it is a media stunt.

In Japan, there is an elaborate corporate media play-act about people who were quarantined on a cruise ship and then sent all over the world without being properly tested.

Even Iran is participating in the pandemic kabuki theater.

However, it looks like South Korea, whose film “Parasite” recently won an Oscar, is now about to get the best pandemic acting award. There is so much fear porn spinning around this latest virus that it has now infected all the patients in an insane asylum in South Korea.

Here is what CIA and Australian intelligence sources had to say about the act unfolding there:

“Daegu, South Korea is the next chosen death center outside of China. There will be lots of deaths there. South Korea was targeted with this coronavirus to bring down the economy. It is working as the KOSPI is down 3.2% today. The manufacturing centers for hi-tech are being targeted. Daegu is a manufacturing industrial city. It’s the economic and industrial core of the Daegu-Gyeongbuk region, one of the major industrial areas in Korea.

Is it just a coincidence that the manufacturing sectors are being hit by this designer coronavirus? This bioengineered pandemic was actually planned to create global pandemonium and it’s doing just that. Next it may be a coronavirus infected Werewolf in London running amok. God Save the Queen! This is all about collapsing the major economies of the world and the banking system.”

That is exactly what is now happening.

World trade is seizing up and markets are about to implode. In just the past week alone $7 Trillion was erased from the global markets (It’s all computer entries).

We are also starting to see empty store shelves and will see plenty more of those before this is all over. In Japan, it is now impossible to buy facemasks or disinfectant alcohol unless you buy from profiteers. A cut in medical supplies from China is going to increasingly affect the U.S. too. This is just the crest of the wave. The links below provide multiple examples of the world economy now grinding to a halt.

As a Goldman Sachs trader recently told me, “I will continue to dance as long as the party goes on but I will stay close to the door.” Just like the Mongols used human shields to protect their warriors, the oligarchs are now using retail investors to protect their profits. The links below show how retail investors all jumped in at the last minute, just in time to take the hit.

Remember folks, at the end of the day, only things that actually exist in the real world matter. That is why Gold closed at $1,645 per ounce Friday and appears to be in a strong bull run on the way to $2,000.

Also, Rhodium (a member of the Platinum Group Metals), which is kept off the radar, closed Friday at $12,300 per ounce. 6 months ago it was $3,500 per ounce. One year ago it was $2,500 per ounce. “It is used off-world in the secret space program. I have direct knowledge of this.” explains a CIA source.

Mexican politicians meanwhile are calling for a ban on silver exports and urging citizens to invest their savings in silver.

However, the Chinese appear to be making the wisest investment of all – food. Remember, as the story of King Midas made clear, you can’t eat gold (or silver). China has been buying huge stashes of nuts, dried fruit, and canned meat & fish, according to Russian FSB sources. These are foods that do not require refrigeration or cooking and are used for military campaigns as well as emergency relief in the event of a disaster.

The Chinese might be on to something, now might be a time to make sure you have your own personal food supply (rice and beans are cheap and virtually non-perishable).

Finally, this week here are some recent news items worth mentioning.

One is that so-called First Nations activists are trying to shut down rail traffic in Canada. Canadian government sources say these people are receiving money from the Rockefeller Brothers’ foundation to stop pipelines meant to export oil to Asia.

Another is we are hearing that Turkish President Recep Erdogan is going to be removed soon because of his neo-Ottoman expansionist plans. “Erdogan is temporary. He will be removed very soon as he crossed the line that Putin put in place.” an FSB source explained. He tried to run to the U.S. for help but he already burned that bridge.

Finally, Russian and Taiwanese sources both tell us Chinese President Xi Jinping has been killed and replaced by a body double. That is why he recently vanished from public view for 12 days during the coronavirus outbreak. However, we have not been able to confirm this with Chinese government sources.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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2/24/2020 11:58:27 PM
Blossom Goodchild - Channeling The Federation of Light - February 23, 2020


Hi there, DeLightful Light Beings! Here on Earth many of us still find ourselves struggling, it seems. I take on board that our ‘Oneness of self’ is assisting in cleansing everything. There is so much emotional struggle going on for so many, depending on their particular intense situation, and in what part of the world they reside. Yet, on behalf of us all … Can you not give us a cotton pickin, routin toutin break? I know it’s not ‘you’ per se, and you cannot change it. Therefore, I ask if you are able to help us find ‘the switch’ to ‘turn us back on’ into our Happier Beings? With the greatest respect, I feel you will say to keep saying the mantra, I AM THE LIGHT. I AM THE LOVE. I AM. We are doing this, yet, it feels for me like it is keeping that last thread attached before falling off the edge, as opposed to feeling our glorious selves. Any advise offered would be greatly appreciated here. Thank you.

Dearest Blossom, Dearest ALL. We are very much aware of the struggle the soulself is visiting, for the majority of you. We can pick this up Energetically and although you may not feel on top of the world … you are definitely in the middle of it and doing exactly what is being asked of you. You are … transmuting/dispersing … old, stale, miserable Energies, of not just yourselves, of course, yet, all that IS /HAS BEEN upon your Planet for eons of time. You could count ten things, without thinking, on a large scale, that would have sunk your Earth deeper into the mire and then another and another. Imagine ALL that you are cleansing and clearing.

Yes, it may seem as if it is all very personal … IT IS. For your personage is releasing disguised misdemeanours. In presenting to you what is yours to cleanse and move on, you are also incorporating a multitude of ‘off cuts’ attached to that … that you are clearing for The Whole.

I can understand that. Yet, at the time of deepest sadness or frustration, or what ever emotion one is … spewing out/up … at any one given time … it certainly doesn’t feel like we are doing it for The Whole. It feels so intense.

Our point precisely! The reason it feels so intense is because IT IS. You feel it is digging so deep into your soul and that perhaps only a lion’s roar will bring it from that place, out into the open. We use this analogy because of the lion being known as the King of the jungle. So, let out that roar in strength. Letting yourself and all … KNOW that you are rising once again in strength and nothing will hold you back/down.

Remember Blossom … how deep the wounds of your Planet can travel. Wounds that did not recover are now being healed once and for all.

For you know you cannot … simply cannot … move into the Higher Vibration AS ONE until this is done.

Yes. I understand yet, I feel that by experiencing this ‘stage’ I am not shining my Light and Love upon the Planet as I should. Are you not expecting us to rise above all this and be the beacons of Light to show the way? Not so, my friends! Simply not so! I feel I am too wrapped up in my own ‘ball of string’ and therefore, not beaming my torch out to where it needs to go and even if I did, my batteries are running seriously low.

We are aware of this dilemma. Yet, we suggest you look upon this as a temporary issue. For indeed, it is.




Do not half-heartedly ‘hope’ it may be doing a speck of Good. KNOW that even though your heart may not always be ‘in it’ … the Coding within saying these words, weaves its magic all by itself.

The difference being that the LIGHTER the soul of the sayer of these words, the more impact it has.

Eh Hello? Have you not been listening to a word I’ve said?

We are amused as always, by your humorous touch.

The switch. Where is that switch? I sometimes feel it must be hidden where the sun don’t shine! So many of us, as you know, are now well beyond needing to learn about positive affirmations etc. We know these ‘tools.’ Yet, these times seem to be taking our Beings far, far deeper into the abyss and not a thread of rope in sight. Even if we TRY, when we ATTEMPT to do so … it may last literally, only a moment or two and then SHMACK! Back into the deepest slump over the tiniest thing. So, the mantra is repeated … and on we go, round and round. How in these times can we KEEP ourselves UP? We know we came to do this. I feel it is just the beginning of it all, so its not looking too good if this is how we are handling it at the start! Best get yourselves down here chaps. I mean it!

Blossom and all souls stationed on Planet Earth at this time. There is no ‘magic’ switch. There is only the KNOWING that THIS TOO SHALL PASS. During this ‘integration of Energies’ … from the Highest to the lowest … from the lowest to the Highest and everything in between … it is more than you can do, to just BE how you are choosing to BE in every breath you take.

Yet, I don’t choose to Be miserable/frustrated … you name it! It seems to be choosing me!

These Energies are finding you/choosing you … because YOU HAVE AGREED for them to do so … in order to CHANGE THEM … in order to DO SOMETHING ABOUT THEM … AND YOU ARE.


Love it!

Yet, Truly Blossom, if we were to ‘make up’ a story about this switch you are looking for … When experiencing all that which you feel is draining you of everything that you know yourself to be … through your tears and anger and tightening of chest and fist … step outside of yourself and Laugh! Praise yourself for this amazing display as you CHANGE YOUR PLANET INTO HEALTH AND HAPPINESS.

So that, through your tears, through your expressions of ‘enough is enough’ … from another part of your Being … step aside and smile. Acknowledge how well you are doing. The deeper the ‘pain’ the better you are doing!

I see what you are saying. I guess one, if they allowed, could feel guilt for not shining their Light in these most needed times and could beat themselves up for being weak.

Yet, in this way … Pride the self on ‘SERVING THE WHOLE’


I guess the ‘stupid’ question to ask would be … how much longer is it going to ‘feel ‘like this? I am feeling well past my sell by date!

It is not a matter of stupidity Blossom. Not at all. We can appreciate your wanting to know. Unfortunately, we cannot tell you … for this is not about ‘time’ in your world. It is about LOVE.

Nicely answered! Thing is … you say that this year, so much is going to be revealed and Truth shall be told. Well, isn’t it so that the majority of these Truths are not that pleasant (understatement)? Therefore, does that not mean we have a lot more of ‘this stuff’ to transmute?

Yes. It does.

Oh Look! There’s Scotty!

Yet, recall too Blossom, that we have also said that much DeLight shall come from you discovering Higher aspects of your Being, that will allow untold wonders to present themselves.

At the same time as feeling so yuck?

If you allow the ‘space in between’ to show you how … indeed.

How do we find that ‘space in between’?

By going into the silence of self. All it takes is three deep breaths at any one given time. You do not necessarily have to stop what you are doing yet, it could be beneficial to do so. Just three deep breaths to connect and FEEL connected and you will find … over time/through time … these little/large ‘happenings’, showing the way to the Higher path that you are choosing to walk your talk upon … one step at a time/through time.

Through time?

Indeed. We shall leave that there and let you ponder upon its meaning.

To be honest if I ponder much more about anything else to do with life, I will ponder myself right off the Planet. Much of the time when I can’t understand things or find something far too deep to get a hold of, I just choose to let it go, have a cup of tea, KNOW IT DOESN’T MATTER ANYWAY and go back to the I AM mantra. KEEP IT SIMPLE … LET’S JUST ALL TRY AND KEEP IT SIMPLE. We are done for today are we not?

Indeed, we are. Our pleasure to be in your company.

And our pleasure to be in yours! In Gratitude. In Loving service. I AM.

Website: Blossom Goodchild

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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2/25/2020 12:19:47 AM

A Message to Lightworkers – February 21, 2020

This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Fae Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this moment to speak with you today.

Today we again answer a question from a reader, who writes:

“I am frankly a little concerned and frustrated about the growing group who call themselves “Lightworkers” or “Light Warriors” (it sounds so nice to the egoic mind—add that feather to the hat of accomplishments).

I hope this doesn’t sound like an attack or putdown. However, so many label themselves with this new label, and still go around acting pretty much in the “normal” 3D behavior.

Which is, sometimes, to tell lies and manipulate in everyday affairs, in service to themselves.

Thinking perhaps that if nobody sees or knows, it somehow doesn’t hurt. But it does—it hurts the one doing it most.

This isn’t going to fly in the higher dimensions.

It isn’t just doing a good deed here and there or posting to aid the koalas in Australia.

It’s examining every action, every moment, everyday, and asking, “Who am I serving?”

It’s also more than just outer focus. It must start with very deep inner work; noble work.

It is raising one’s own vibration, and that is not all peaches and cream.

Facing one’s ego, truly, is the whole work; knowing and conducting oneself, consistent with the knowledge that we are not our labels which we have become so comfortable with, is the hardest thing to do.

Yet absolutely critical to entering the new higher earth. But once we do … Wow, what a world to live in!

I would love to hear what the Collective have to comment on this.”

The Collective: You correct, dear one, that many have taken on the label of Lightworker, Light Bearer, Light Warrior, and similar terms, who have only a minimal interest in an in-depth spiritual journey.

Or they are satisfied to let that journey “happen” to them rather than taking actual steps to live and enact that journey of healing, discovery, and awakening.

Many will look for identifications as they go through life, whether social, professional, familial, cultural, spiritual, or otherwise.

Photo by Meta Cerar

This is common amongst human beings, who for so long have been taught that those associations and labels are sufficient as a Life—to fulfill certain roles is all that is needed to “get somewhere” in one area of life or another.

Yet as you say, this is not the same as a journey in which there is self-reflection, inner realization of areas that have not been faced inwardly, and are crying out for healing and awakening.

And yet—it is vital to let each be responsible for their own path of growth.

You free others to find their way when you grant that their “schedule,” their rate of growth may well be different from your own.

And you free yourself when realizing that the words and actions of others need not disappoint, need not be a stumbling block that ruins anyone’s day, or lets them down.

Be aware that there is no need to even notice, except quickly and in passing, where others are on their path.

It is so that many have only identified with the Lightwork phenomenon in instinctive ways—they hardly know why they have lined up with certain ideas and insights, yet for some reason, those ideas and energies resonate with them at a deep level.

And often, there are pockets of resistance, of the ego-mind, as you say, as it objects to these new ideas, or tries to fashion them into a kind of new religion or social group, so as to use the ideas in older, more familiar ways.

As that happens, the ego-mind then often considers that “This new belief system I have is superior to all others.”

From there, the religion paradigm is enacted, not only within the left-brain mind, but within the person’s personality and etheric energies.

Photo by Meta Cerar

Then it becomes a matter of “being right” in each discussion on what is occurring in the world, stressing one’s preferred outlook as the one true outlook, while living still from within the ego and the personality, as people have been taught to do for millennia.

What is different about this time you live in now, is that millions are coming to realize that the ego-mind, personality, and cultural and familial training are not the be-all and end-all they have pretended to be for so long.

They are realizing that the old forms of narrow thought and orientation lead to increasing fragmentation of mind and spirit, and increasing separatism amongst people and nations.

Yet the time for separatism is well over now, as you hint at in your comments, dear one.

Most understand this now, in one way or another, as they realize quietly that duality has had its day.

And yet—what to do with those who claim to be on or to represent a higher path, yet offer the words and actions of one who has simply chosen another color to wear, while the person wearing those colors has changed very little?

We would say, do nothing.

Understand that all are on a path that will awaken them either very quickly, very slowly, or at some middle pace between the two.

That pace is not for any one person to ponder or stress over.

To some, the pace of any person’s path of growth might appear a bit slow for their preference.

Yet those more fully evolved are more relaxed in their outlook, and do not judge anyone for where they are at present.

Cloud Ship Over Highway Near Mt Shasta

As you yourself delve ever more deeply into trusting that All Is Well, that Love is the center of all forms of healing, expansion, and awakening, and broadcast those beautiful vibrations with your presence—

As you live in ways that show your special grace, calm, and inner Peace—

There will not be a person who meets you who does not feel the effects of that powerful and empowering vibration.

To do so will require healing those parts of your inner life that still resonate with pain, abandonment, and letdown—something that many millions are dealing with now.

And yet, even once you get there, not everyone you meet will celebrate your wholeness, your powerful inner Light.

They have been trained to shun the Light, particularly if it calls them to something higher than the ego-mind.

Yet as they realize that you are not judging them—an unusual moment amongst human beings!—they will note the Presence of your Divinity, and somehow, in some quiet and beautiful way, it will change them.

That is all, dear one.

Hold up your Light, and let it be all right that some others have not yet located theirs.

Your presence will remind them of that which the world at large has encouraged them to forget, lifetime after lifetime, century after century.

Particularly now that it is their time to Awaken!

To throw off the shackles of the past and the ego, to release the old paradigms, to love the stuck and unhealed places, to finally see the unwelcome interferences in consciousness and energy.

The time is Now (the only Time there ever is)!

And yes, they will See you, as do all of us See all of you, dear ones, and your phenomenal, Earth-shifting Light, come forward on this timeline to assist in the Ascension of your planet.

You have set foot upon the path—no need to glance behind you. You are free.

Namaste, friends! We are with you, always.

Copyright 2020, Caroline Oceana Ryan

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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2/25/2020 6:55:30 PM

Daily Message ~ Tuesday February 25, 2020

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What you will learn as you continue to move forward in these accelerated times is that your self expression is continually shifting and expanding to reflect your growth and latest level of attainment. Nothing is carved in stone, Dear Ones, and anything you attempt to make solid and immoveable will become a hindrance over time.

It can be worthwhile to examine anything that you have taken a hard stand or declaration about in your past. Is it true today, or is it a reflection of who you used to be? Was it based on fear or a desire to control? Does it feel like stagnant energy? Is it holding you back? Does it match the energies of today? Can you loosen up your constraints in that area, or is it time to release it once and for all?

Embracing the unfoldment of the shifting energies combined with your own ever evolving expression of self is how you will have everything you could ever need in order to keep moving forward in the ways that best match you and your soul’s intentions. There is much joy and discovery to be had if you shift into making all your decisions based on the truth of the present moment. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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2/25/2020 7:12:34 PM

GFP Newsletter - 2/24/2020

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If we give only a fixed pattern of meditation, then it will be applicable only to a few people. That has been one of the problems in the past: fixed patterns of meditation, not fluid -- fixed, so they fit certain types and all others are left in the darkness.

My effort is to make meditation available to each and everybody; whosoever wants to meditate, meditation should be made available according to his type. If he needs rest, then rest should be his meditation. Then "sitting silently doing nothing, and the spring comes and the grass grows by itself" -- that will be his meditation. We have to find as many dimensions to meditation as there are people in the world. And the pattern has not to be very rigid, because no two individuals are alike. The pattern has to be very liquid so that it can fit with the individual. In the past, the practice was that the individual had to fit with the pattern.

I bring a revolution. The individual has not to fit with the pattern, the pattern has to fit with the individual. My respect for the individual is absolute. I am not much concerned with means; means can be changed, arranged in different ways.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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