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2/22/2020 6:58:33 PM

GFP Newsletter - 2/21/2020

will's picture

Let us say it in this way: God is when you are an organic orgasmic unity. God is not when you are a chaos, a disunity, a conflict. When you are a house divided against yourself there is no God.

When you are tremendously happy with yourself, happy as you are, blissful as you are, grateful as you are, and all your energies are dancing together, when you are an orchestra of all your energies, God is. That feeling of total unity is what God is. God is not a person somewhere, God is the experience of the three falling in such unity that the fourth arises.

And the fourth is more than the sum total of the parts.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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2/22/2020 7:03:39 PM

Daily Message ~ Saturday February 22, 2020

Galactic Free Press's picture

Dear Ones, you cannot resist and receive at the same time. Resistance is a loud energetic no that doesn’t discriminate. It announces its no to everything.

Isn’t it better to find things to say yes to? Doesn’t it serve you better to redirect into what you wish to include and experience? If you are experiencing discomfort on any day, we suggest you look around and find all the things you appreciate and you will feel your resistance ebbing away. And the beauty is, through your appreciation you shift into accepting which means you are now willing to receive.

Do you see? You are always running the show. Isn’t it time to say a resounding yes to everything that exists for you that you truly desire and deserve? What can you say yes to today? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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2/22/2020 8:20:56 PM

Sananda ~ Realizing Your Power

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I am Sananda. As always, I appreciate this time, these moments that I can be with you and communicate with you, and share various messages with you to help you to continue to understand who you are.

And to realize that you are so much more than the body. You are so much more than the brain that you have. The mind is so powerful, powerful beyond measure. You have no idea yet just how powerful your minds are. Your ability to have an intention. And then to take that intention and make it into something that you want in your life. You are beginning to see that. Some of you, many of you, are beginning to see that you have that power, that you can have mind over matter. You are beginning to see that more and more. And I ask you now, each and every one of you, to begin to utilize that power more.

Begin to know yourself, so that you can come to the belief that you have these abilities, that you have this power within you to direct your bodies, to direct them in any way that you want them to be, to communicate with your physical body, to ask your physical body, “what is it that it needs,” and then to supply that need for it.

Your body is only as sick or in illness as you let it be. You have to come to understand that. The energies that have been coming into this planet for some time now are increasing your immune systems. You may not be aware of that, but all of your immune systems are becoming stronger and stronger.

But it is the mind that must control the immune system. You must come to understand that. The mind can even either increase the immune system, or it can decrease the immune system. And the mind operates from programming. And if the programming continues to hold you down to the belief that you can have hereditary illnesses and all of these types of things, then it will do that.

But, if you, as Lightworkers and Warriors, in these times and in these moments, if you can fully come to understand that you are in control. You, your mind, your greater mind, and the connection of your mind to the universal mind, is everything. Once you come to realize that, you can do anything. And I do mean anything.

Just as I showed those 2000 years plus ago when I walked the land as Yeshua, just as I showed at that time that the power of the mind is great, but that each time when I would assist another, I could only make a difference if they allowed it, if their programming allowed for it. If they released the programming, and if they let the energies come through, then anything was possible. Crippled walked again. Blind people saw again. But it was because of their faith. That is what brought them through it. That is what made them whole.

Just as your faith, your belief, and the belief that changes to knowing within you, just as that in these times now will see you through any illness, any sickness, any malady of any kind and be simply healed by the word, the word of Light within you. Just as I had you see the beginning of all of creation happened with the word, happened with the Light, began with all this (referring to the guided meditation just completed). So too do you have that creative ability within you. You have the creative source within each and every one of you and that creative source within you can perform miracles if you allow it.

So let go of all of the programming now, all that has been placed in your consciousness for so many thousands of years, and so many lifetimes. Programming that keeps holding you down if you let it. See now all of the energy within you flowing freely up and down with no blockages within you, freed from anything that would hold you back now.

This, my friends, is the ascension process. You are in it, and you are it.

All of my peace and love be with all of you. Continue on. Continue on. Don’t give up, no matter how difficult times might become. Always know that you can be in that eye of the storm, and let the storm continue to rage around you, but you are safe within your Light Body.

Peace and love be with all of you.

» Source 1 2 » Channel: James McConnell

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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2/22/2020 11:10:35 PM

Planting Seeds in Past Lives ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

planting seeds in past lives - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very satisfied with the progress that we can feel you making as you continue to make yourselves more available to the help that has been coming in from the higher realms and other parts of the galaxy. We are especially pleased to see how those who have yet to awaken have been receiving the breadcrumbs and have been benefitting from the seeds that they themselves have planted to help them to awaken in this lifetime.

You see, in your previous incarnations, there were moments when you knew that something big was coming in humanity’s future, and you all wanted to make sure that you would find a way to awaken your consciousness. And so, every single person who is on Earth right now has incarnated in one of those past lives where you knew that something big was going to happen, and you all planted seeds for yourselves in the future. The signs and synchronicities are all there, because you have placed them there very strategically, with a great deal of purpose.

And now is the time when all that you had planned for yourselves is coming to fruition. This is a beautiful time in human history, because so many are opening up to receive what has been gifted from those previous incarnations. You, as a collective, are more open-minded and open-hearted than at any other point in human history. Now, of course, there are the holdouts. There are the ones who deny what they are feeling and experiencing in the moment because they want so much to cling to what is familiar and what they already believe in with every fiber of their being.

But the time is coming for those individuals as well, and you who are awake are helping to usher in that time of great awakening. You are there to help with the mass consciousness, getting them to that place where they can see so much more and experience so much of who they really are as beings of Source Energy, beings of infinite and eternal light and love. You are there to continue this very deliberate journey and to help put the final pieces into place for those who have been struggling with their sense of identity and who have been suffering with their crises of faith.

You are there to help to bring others into the light, so that they too may enjoy the final steps that you have as you walk into the fifth dimensional frequency range. You will walk together, and you will support one another. That’s what this journey is all about.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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2/22/2020 11:35:54 PM

February 2020 Quantum Awakening Newsletter

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan


Becoming Dimensionally Sharper

As our vision become dimensionally sharper and clearer all internal and external truths are questioned under the sharp light of human scrutiny. We have so many decades of time under our human belt; our Mission seems to sometimes fade in original memory. Who we once were, what we once thought, what mattered then that has no clout now, is seen in a bright light. We are like the quantum particles within us, sometimes a wave other days a particle. We house a multitude of inner and outer layers of living light. Like the engine of a car we have many running parts per body mind and spirit. Each one has a different function each one is affected differently during times of solar energy, earth energy, weather shifts stellar explosions, and debris that falls from our solar system.

We lean forward in the seat of our soul trying to see thru all the planetary fluctuations. We drift into un-chartered waters thru an ocean of verbal wreckage. As regeneration increases in thrust for the human race, movement forward is vital. By standing still for any amount of time in thought or deed, one may get water-logged in the dimensional bog.

The Universe demands movement in all of its forms. Life is chunky and contains more than in the past. Earth shifts continually adjust to their new place in the skies. People are somewhat toughened as the new spring energies create tension in the body causing puzzling aches and pains. We give way to life’s demands finding ourselves in limbo, how low can we go?. We want to escape and at the same time want to stop running away. This spring Change is a very demanding and pushy energy, no matter where you look change will be nipping at your heals. These upcoming spring energies come to show us how to shift our observation into a place that allows one to walk thru the outer energies of upheaval with a knowing that they are protected from the sharp falling earthly rocks.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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