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2/21/2020 6:40:30 PM
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - 21 February 2020

Mike Quinsey

Why do we warn against holding onto negative thoughts, simply because they are energies that build up and eventually take form. Consequently they are attracted by those souls who hold onto such thoughts, even though they represent experiences they would rather let go. The most obvious example is that of the “Devil” that exists in thought form only and does not possess a soul. However, its influence is fearful and although souls try to ignore it, through the fear it creates they are maintaining its existence.

In other words when you focus upon something you give it power regardless of whether it is seen as positive or negative. For Reptilians, fear is the energy that they feed upon, and they create conditions that will ensure that type of energy is always available to them. They rely upon it for their existence as “food” and without it would lose their power.

On the other hand when your thoughts focus upon positive energies such as love you are helping spread it around, and are also keeping the vibrations at a higher level. It helps to pacify those souls who are affected by negativity, by bringing about a calming peaceful effect. Through your own human experiments you have proved the power of positive thought. When thousands of people meditated upon peace the affect was recorded, and it was found that criminal activity was reduced by some 25% and for example if millions of people meditated and prayed for world peace, it would come about for certain. So as the vibrations continue lifting up, they are slowly bringing about welcome changes in your society. Each one of you can contribute to these changes by avoiding self-imposed negativity.

You are on the verge of experiencing far reaching positive changes that will eventually establish a more peaceful society by eliminating the conditions that have led to poverty amongst you. A time is on the horizon that will introduce changes to your way of living that will eliminate the conditions that are presently causing so many problems. Many welcome changes are coming that will overcome those that have blighted your lives, and will gradually eliminate the causes of poor health and wretched living conditions. It takes time to overcome such worldwide problems but be assured that the answers already exist.

We hope that knowing of the bright and happy future that beckons, will give you the strength and purpose to keep steadfast and determined to go through such testing periods, without any doubts as to what the future holds for you. We know you tire of the continual battles that go on around you but the old must first be cleared away so that the new can take its place. Man is at heart a peaceful being and yearns for a trouble free existence, where all people regardless of their colour or creed can live together in harmony and caring for each other. You are after all human beings who have had many lives in different countries, often with their own set of beliefs that may be different to what you have now.

Each of you has a responsibility to help those who you may look upon as lesser beings, as in the fullness of time there comes a point when progress depends on all souls having evolved beyond the Matter Universe. There is a time approaching very shortly when your vibrations will have become so refined that you will be ready to move into levels where you no longer need a material body. However, through your power of thought you will be able to “think” yourself into one as and when required. Indeed, much of your needs will be thought into being and in no way will they be as great as in your human body now. The power of your thought will enable you to instantly satisfy your needs.

To be enlightened is to be prepared and as you rise up you will know much of what to expect, and of course your Guides will always be on hand should you need assistance. Understand that once you have ascended you will find many things that are familiar to you, but because of the higher vibrations they will be radiant in colour and perfect in their presentation. You of course will retain your looks and abilities as a young person as in the higher level aging does not occur. Again through your power of thought you can “dress” yourself to suit your desires. Times are coming when you will leave the lower vibrations for all time.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same internal connection with God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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2/21/2020 10:42:30 PM

How to Bring About Massive Changes ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

how to bring about massive changes - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been looking into the various possibilities that you have in front of you for the coming weeks and months there on Earth, and we see a high probability that there will be a massive change that you will all experience, one that will affect all people around the world. We know that many of you are seeking massive changes to indicate to you that the light is winning, but we do not see it that way. We do not see you in a Biblical type of battle between good and evil, or even light and dark.

We see you as a collective, and when you operate as a collective, you need to have an evolution of the consciousness of everyone in order to see massive changes happening in the physical realm. It cannot just be that the side of good is making progress, while sweeping the side of bad under the rug. You are a collective, and you are linked in ways that are permanent. You cannot unlink yourselves from the small portion of humanity that is doing all of the dastardly deeds. You are there to help raise the consciousness for everyone, not just the people that you like and who agree with you.

And so, what we are seeing is that more and more of you who operate from the light are finding it in your hearts to forgive, to send love, and to shine light in the world where it needs to be received. We see more and more individuals feeling compassion for those that they would have liked to have seen wiped off the face of the planet not too long ago, and that is progress. That’s the progress that brings you a massive change that helps everyone who is there in a physical body, and that’s what you have been aligning yourselves with lately.

We know that those of you who are awake see the problems that are present all around the world, and we know that you want to see changes to the way that you access energy for electricity and to fuel your cars. We know that you want to see a global currency reset. We know that you want to see transparency from your leaders in government and from corporations. We know that you want to see an end to all forms of slavery, and we are here to tell you that you affect that change more by holding love in your hearts than you do by casting votes or making documentaries.

You do more good by spreading love than you do facts. We are here to encourage you to continue in the spreading of that love, compassion and forgiveness, and we will always encourage you to let go of judgment, fear, and condemnation. Now is the time to help your fellow humans to get to where you are as evolved, conscious, awake people, and when you all decide that being love is the answer, you will see all of those massive changes occurring and more.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

/daniel scranton/

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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2/21/2020 10:52:11 PM

What Are You Creating?

Galactic Free Press's picture
Today you are being invited to observe your energy output. During the many situations you are presented with daily, how many are used to create love, kindness, joy and empathy? How many are used to created anger, dissonance or resentment? Simply put, creating and/or maintaining just one negativity in your existence requires much more than creating a positive. One creates a surplus and the other creates a drain on your energetic resources. A conscious realization of this can be enough to change your experience and, in turn, create peace. Give yourself that gift! ~ Creator

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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2/21/2020 11:02:10 PM


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I come on the wings of love! I am Anna, the Angel of Strength. I give assistance to those who are in need of it to connect within to the core of their being where they can align with their eternal soul and divine essence of their own truth. Every person can access deeper levels of their soul knowledge and experience. During challenging times, this connection makes a profound difference in ones response to varied situations that they encounter.

By accessing these deeper levels, a person learns to develop the ability to remain calm and neutral and this state of being helps build strength in their spiritual body as they respond to trying situations in their daily life. Those who have amassed a great deal of experience in summoning the strength within are usually old souls who have had many incarnations upon the denser planes of existence.

Tapping into ones strength requires the implementation of moments of stillness and inner connection and the alignment with one’s higher consciousness. This practice enables an individual to respond in an appropriate manner that is conducive to the spiritual path they have chosen in this lifetime and their willingness to follow it. When faced with the opportunity to use their higher faculties of discernment in difficult or unusual circumstances, this attribute of strength is a tremendous asset to them.

As Overseer of the divine qualities of strength, I work with an individual’s higher aspects in a way that helps them to connect within to their own truth and knowing of self and what feels right within their heart. It is in this crucial knowledge of self that great gains can be made upon one’s spiritual expansion in the denser realities. Every soul needs to develop this quality in order to master the physical planes of life experience.

Strength is also needed when learning new lessons that are presented during ones physical incarnation upon the planet. It goes hand in hand with mental discipline, for mind is the builder of ones reality and it is important to focus ones attention on what it is that one desires to experience in their current lifetime. This attribute can be engaged by calling upon the Angel of Strength when it is required and the connection to ones higher consciousness will be facilitated. Ask and you shall receive!

I AM Anna, Angel of Strength

©Marlene Swetlishoff.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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2/22/2020 3:43:51 AM

GFP Newsletter - 2/20/2020

will's picture

There is no relationship of consciousness and energy. Consciousness is energy, purest energy; mind is not so pure, body is still less pure. Body is much too mixed, and mind is also not totally pure. Consciousness is total pure energy. But you can know this consciousness only if you make a cosmos out of the three, and not a chaos. People are living in chaos: their bodies say one thing, their bodies want to go in one direction; their minds are completely oblivious of the body -- because for centuries you have been taught that you are not the body, for centuries you have been told that the body is your enemy, that you have to fight with it, that you have to destroy it, that the body is sin.

Because of all these ideas -- silly and stupid they are, harmful and poisonous they are, but they have been taught for so long that they have become part of your collective mind, they are there -- you don't experience your body in a rhythmic dance with yourself.

Hence my insistence on dancing and music, because it is only in dance that you will feel that your body, your mind and you are functioning together. And the joy is infinite when all these function together; the richness is great.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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