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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/8/2018 7:06:48 PM

Peggy Black and the Team: A Shift in the Collective Consciousness – Part 2/2

Repeat: I stumbled across two passages from Peggy Black and the team from 2014 and 2017. They answered so many questions I had on my mind that I determined to repost them.

“‘The Team’ via Peggy Black: Transform The Shadow of the Collective,” February 24, 2017, at

Yes, we understand that what you are witnessing and observing does not meet your ideal of ascension. Yet we remind you that this planet will not and cannot ascend until the dense misqualified energies have been transformed.

We can almost hear the collective moan when this statement is read. We know that you have been actively doing your best for many experiences on the timeline to shift the collective consciousness and anchor a reality that is life sustaining for all.

We acknowledge you for your true dedication and continued service to this global process. It is that focused dedication and service that has flushed these hidden, often suppressed, misqualified energies to the surface.

These emotional patterns and attitudes of fear, self-righteousness, prejudice and anger have always been an aspect of the human energy field, as have a sense of lack, of unworthiness, not good enough, less than, hopelessness and helplessness.

Now more than ever these very energy qualities are being brought to the forefront, to center stage of your current time. Most of these misqualified energies and patterns have been hidden, denied and suppressed by each and every individual. There are those who will act out these emotional energies in a covert, manipulative and often unconscious manner. In doing so, they truly distort and use their creative abilities in harmful and life suppressing actions.

These dense misqualified emotional energies are often referred to as the shadow of the individual. They have been a part of the human consciousness since the beginning of your timeline. Remember this planet is a planet of duality, of opposites. So this hologame has offered the choices of good/bad, right/wrong, love/fear, separateness/oneness, light/dark, life-sustaining/life-diminishing.

Every earthwalker on this planet is a multidimensional being of divine consciousness, choosing to enter this timeframe and play out these emotions. You understand that everyone is empathic, sensitive and able to feel the energy fields surrounding them. However, most individuals are totally unaware that they are feeling, responding to and acting out the emotions of those around them, of the collective field.

So just imagine for a moment, as a divine being you entered this quantum field of energy called earth. You agreed to come to this dimension and reality to assist, to shift and uplift consciousness. You were actually excited to have the opportunity to experience misqualified energies and with your skills and awareness to transform them.

You wanted once again to experience the sensations of having a physical form and to bring forth your unique gifts and understanding acquired from other realms and dimensions. You wanted to continue your work and service in assisting the ascension process for this planet and humanity.

From your non-physical divine awareness you understood that this is a dimension of opposites, which has and does create dense misqualified energy, unlike your unlimited divine self of oneness. You were also aware that once you embodied a physical form there was usually a veil of forgetfulness that would cloud your true understanding as a sentient.

Yet your divine gifts remain available, so upon entering this reality as an infant, sensitive, empathic, and telepathic you immediately are immersed in the vibrations that surrounded you.

As a child, you were feeling all the emotions being offered in your home or surroundings and yet not remembering how to deal with them or transform them. However, as an empathic being you literally take on the misqualified emotions and patterns of those around you. You quickly learned to shut them off, repress them, or deny them.

Then those misqualified energies, those emotional patterns can and do get stored in the tissues, bones, cells and organs of the physical body. This human behavior has been constant for ages.

Now there is an awakening. The shadow selves, the repressed emotions, of individuals are surfacing, they are being triggered, they are being acted out. Remember emotions are contagious.

These misqualified emotions of anger, injustice, prejudice, fear, unfairness, inequality and suppression are arising fully to be bathed in the light of true understanding.

Each and every enlightened multidimensional being is an alchemist here to transform all the misqualified, painful repressed patterns and emotions they acquired from their life experience. They are to own their shadow self of repressed emotions acquired from others and from their life experiences.

As an alchemist, you personally have the birthright and the responsibility to transmute, to convert all incoherent emotions of pain, sorrow, rage, violence, rejection, of being unloved or abandoned into coherent emotions of understanding, forgiveness, peace, honor, respect and love.

This is the moment in which you are most powerful. This is the moment that you desire to transform and uplift. When you feel any emotion that would be considered misqualified or using your term, negative, know without a doubt that you are energetically linked, entrained, and connected to the larger vibrational field of that peculiar feeling or pattern that has been generated and offered by others.

Without judgment or hesitation, simply realize that some of your old repressed emotions have been triggered or activated. We invite you to step into your true essence as a divine agent of conscious light and transmute, release, the misqualified/negative energy you are feeling. This is the power of your remembering and owning that you are here in this dimension to do this very work.

Each and every time you clear some personal prejudice, release some personal fear, each time you shift an emotional response from anger or judgment to forgiveness, love or gratitude, you are doing global work on a personal level.

There are many ways to transmute your own shadow of negative memories, emotions and experiences. It is the willingness and the intention. There are many processes and techniques are available for this very important task. The use of sound is most effective.

As an alchemist, remember to state “I am fully embodied, anchored to the planet and always connected to Divine Source.” Place you awareness in your heart, call upon divine beings to witness and support you as you transform the misqualified/negative energy you are feeling or are focused upon. Know that you are truly connected to the larger collective field of that emotion.

Now, in the sacred space you have just created, give the misqualified/negative emotions a sound. The expression of emotions using pure sound vibrations, much like the delete button on your computers, is a method to clear old emotions that have been stored in your body file. Perhaps as a child you acquired or took on some emotional pattern from your parents, from others or from a painful experience you did not understand at the time.

Expressing these old yet active emotions with sound vibrations can truly clear them. Once the old emotion is cleared, remember to name the new emotion you desire in its place. Perhaps it is peace or forgiveness or grace. Now sound that emotion. Be sure to acknowledge yourself for this work, thank the divine beings who witnessed this transformation.

Know without a doubt that you have also cleared some aspect of the collective misqualified/negative shadow of humanity and replaced those patterns of emotions with a more coherent frequency.

This is the service of a master. This is the power and practice of an alchemist. Remember you are here to transmute and transform energy through the alchemical chalice of your heart.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/9/2018 12:00:30 AM

Summertime, and the Living is Easy

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God said:

Beloved, make the most of life, of your life, and the gifts you are to give freely on Earth. You are deserving to give all you are worth to Earth and to all those who live on Earth with you as One. Sport around and abound on Earth for the joy of it. Blaze a path of joy in life. You are here – not for yourself – but to serve well on Earth as My devoted helpmeet. Have no other Gods before Me. My Will, not thine.

You are to be a friend to all and nothing less. Greet to Heaven all who cohabit the world with you. Move over a little and make life on Earth comfortable for everyone at the party. There is a welcoming required for you to give to all. Move over gladly. It is in service to Me that you welcome all to your door. You are My emissary on Earth. You are the One I have sent to make all welcome. Special courtesy is yours to hand out to your heart’s delight – and to Mine.

Serve My Will. Specialness is for you to give, and that’s it. You are a giver of God’s Will. Pass out Good Will right and left. This is what I ask of you in all humbleness. Be happy to give. No longer do you require assuaging of your ego. What use have you for the specialness of ego any longer? None at all. In Truth, you never did. Previously, you may have thought you had some need of personal embellishment.

You have no such fantasy now. Now you are aware that what you really are to give on My behalf. You are here to be true to Me and pass out God’s Card and to give again and again. You understand now what fulfillment feels like. No longer do you kid yourself that you are one bigmojo. By now, you have given up ideas of grandeur. No longer do you play with ego as if ego serves you when you know now that ego holds no greatness for you. You cover a far greater radius in the world than ego.

You’re not sure when or how this happened. You do know that your ego got flattened out. You got out of it somehow once and for all. You have bigger fish to fry. You have more in life than sporting and supporting anyone’s ego – least of all your own.

This didn’t actually come as a revelation. It comes more like the way a cup of tea brews on its own. It is like you lean back in a rocking chair on the back porch. No longer do you have to sit front row center. What an easing to your heart this is. What a good thing it is to not have to hoard ego and simply serve.

You no longer have to come first. You are in no hurry. You can walk. You don’t have to ride in a tasseled chariot. Wonder of wonders, not at all must you. What a relief to be just anyone. No longer is there a hullabaloo about your importance.

What can you be missing when all of life is yours for the asking? Of course, you don’t have to make the headlines. Easy does it. You don’t have to do cartwheels to be magnificent. You can lean back and not have to be magnificent. Gain the idea that life is magnificent without any folderol. It is easy to acknowledge now that you never did need a drum roll, and you are glad for simplicity without fanfare. This is living life, and the living is easy.


One of these mornings you're gonna rise up singing.

And you'll spread your wings and you'll take to the sky.

Ella Fitzgerald

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/9/2018 6:53:51 PM

Daily Message ~ Thursday August 9, 2018

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Questions to ask over the next few days: What do I need to move forward with grace and ease? What is my body asking for? What blessings can I celebrate in this Now moment? How much gratitude can I feel for my personal transformation? How can I find comfort and alignment? What would bring me joy? What do I need to give myself permission to do to move forward? What mastery do I have today that I didn’t have last year at this time?

All of these questions are designed to help you navigate the energies of transformation you are now in. These are glorious times, Dear Ones! Finding the wonder in them will help you remember the wonder in you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/9/2018 6:55:44 PM

GFP Newsletter - 8/8/2018

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You have been poisoned for so long, and you have been taught so many wrong things, that it has become almost a dragging. Rather than being a dance, life has become a dragging from the cradle to the grave. People go on living because, what else to do? They don't commit suicide because if life is so miserable, how can they hope death is going to be better?

So rather than focusing on the art of living, focus on where your life arises, in the very roots from where it gets its juice. Go deep within yourself searching for the roots of your life, and suddenly you will come across what mystics have called enlightenment, awakening, or the experience of the divine. After that experience you are a totally different person.

Then each act will have your totality behind it.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/9/2018 7:02:02 PM

Jesus via John Smallman: You All Have Egos, and to Live as Humans in Form You Do Need Them

Audio Version.

When humanity awakens, as it inevitably will, there will be an enormous outpouring of LOVE world-wide. You have, collectively, been working towards this event for a very long time, and you are now ready for it.

The chaos, confusion, and conflict across the world, at this moment in your spiritual evolution, is a result of your collective choice to awaken. Many agonizing memories of conflict, pain, and suffering are arising so that they may be released. Retained and dwelt on, they hold you in a state of bitterness, hatred, and resentment.

Whereas released they allow you to open your hearts to the Love that is ever present wanting only to enfold and embrace you, as It will when you let go of your need to blame, judge, or seek vengeance or restitution for past hurts, and instead just accept and deal lovingly with whatever arises. Love is your nature, and every human without exception desires only to love and to be loved.

Love is open, accepting, embracing, but It cannot enter where bitterness, hatred, or resentment are present because those feelings, those intentions, are choices to be closed to Love. And Love will never force Itself on anyone because that is completely against Its nature. To many to be loving seems to invite betrayal because so often, as humans, your trust has been betrayed. However, betrayal is only effective when Love is sought outside the self.

When you acknowledge and accept that you are Love, and know it, betrayal is no longer an issue because – fully loving and accepting yourselves – you understand that the one betraying you is in intense pain and anguish and is truly only calling out for Love, and thus you are able to respond lovingly.

You all know, deep within yourselves, that you are beings of Love, but over the eons you, as children, have been brought up in situations that have, to a greater or lesser extent, exploited your innocence and abused your trust. Most frequently those doing this were unaware of the damage they were causing, and believed that they were preparing you as best they could to live and survive in a dangerous and hostile world.

Love is within you all, it is the life force, the energy field that provides the power necessary for your human bodies to operate smoothly and efficiently. When you lock Love out, by holding onto bitterness, resentment, hatred, or a desire for vengeance, your body becomes distressed and attempts to attract your attention through pain, accident, or illness – initially gently – but if you do not respond then with increasing intensity.

Even then many refuse – yes refuse – to see or respond, and so the body, denied the full use of the life force it needs and to which it is entitled as your willing companion in form, decays and dies.

If you could truly let go of everything within yourselves that is not in complete alignment with Love your bodies would remain strong and healthy, and would be able to live and relish much longer lives. And, of course, under those conditions you would be living in joy instead of in anxiety, depression, and sickness, or in bitterness and resentment for your seemingly unfair life situations.

When you allow Love to fill your hearts Its energy flows through you freely and abundantly and out into the world, interacting with and effecting everyone with whom you come in contact in any way at all, thus spreading and sharing the joy.

Love is your nature, and when wholeheartedly accepted, instead of being blocked or denied, your lives flow far more smoothly and easily, enabling you to deal most satisfactorily with whatever issues may arise. You need to trust Love. To do that you have to love yourselves just as you are, accepting that as a human you are quite obviously less than perfect, that you have lessons to learn, and that is why you incarnated at this moment in humanity’s ongoing spiritual evolution.

In accepting yourselves unconditionally, and in refraining from comparing yourselves to others who, it seems to you, are more fortunate or more blessed, you will find peace, and then you will far more easily understand and learn the lessons with which you are presented. Lessons that you planned for yourselves before you incarnated.

You all have egos, and to live as humans in form you do need them. However, they are the aspects of yourselves that react in fear and anger to situations that appear threatening to them. They are like small children who have not yet learnt to understand that they need to respect and honor one another, and who continue operate from the “me, me, me” mode of being.

As infants that is necessary because they need to be able to quickly attract the attention of those who are taking care of them and who are responsible for their welfare. Unfortunately it frequently happens that the caregivers are either slow to respond, or just don’t respond at all, and this terrifies the little ones.

Then, as they grow, that state of neediness does not get resolved and released, and by the time they reach adulthood physically that “me, me, me” behavior has become deeply ingrained as a necessary survival skill. Unfortunately it is very damaging because it prevents them from becoming aware that they are beings of Love, the major lesson for every human to learn.

To awaken involves becoming aware of this sense of inadequacy, which is all that it is, acknowledging its invalidity, and then choosing to let it go. The ego is an aspect of yourselves that needs to be seen for what it is, namely your hurt and frightened inner child, and then you need to comfort it and show it that it is utterly secure by the love you give yourselves.

When you do this it can know itself to be totally safe, secure, and unconditionally accepted by you. This is most easily done by loving and accepting yourselves just as you are, and then working gently and lovingly with yourselves to dissolve the fear underlying that intense sense of inadequacy by loving it.

When that happens, as it will if you choose to love and accept yourselves completely, your egos will then become fully integrated into the humanforms that you are, instead of remaining seemingly separated, and, in that state, feeling inadequate, unworthy, not good enough, and therefore fearful and angry.

You all know, deep within yourselves, that you are One with Source. However, as humans in form, that knowledge is hidden from you in order that the lessons with which you are presented may be learned, thus furthering you on your path of spiritual evolution. And you all want to evolve spiritually. It just often seems to you that to evolve spiritually is completely beyond your capabilities as a human.

And as a separated human indeed it would be, but you are not separated! You never have been and you never will be. You are securely and eternally connected to Source, and you each have a whole team of guides, mentors, angels, and loved ones watching over you most lovingly and waiting for you to call on them for assistance in that evolution.

Your egos, in their fear and anxiety, often noisily drown out by their “me, me, me” demands the answer to the call for assistance that you have asked for and which is instantly offered from those in the spiritual realms. This is why, as you are so often reminded, it is absolutely essential that you go within daily, to that holy inner sanctuary that you each possess, and rest there quietly, loving and accepting yourselves.

And in that self acceptance your egos will feel secure and become integrated. You absolutely deserve to love yourselves because you are all God’s divine and beloved children created in and from Love, which is All That Exists.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

“Jesus: You All Have Egos, and to Live as Humans in Form You Do Need Them,” Channeled by John Smallman, August 8, 2018, at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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