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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/7/2018 12:38:56 AM

A Commandment from God That Ye Shall Enjoy

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God said:

Beloved, joy in life matters. Never do I ask you to take up suffering. Beloved, heed Me. You don’t want to heed the world before you take Me to heart. I refute suffering. Suffering isn’t good for you. It is by no means good enough for you. Suffering isn’t noble. It is ignoble. And it is not necessary. Phooey on suffering. Be done with suffering. Hold your heart high. It isn’t My desire that you suffer, not in silence or otherwise.

I charge you to dispense with suffering. With a little turn of the dial, give up suffering. Never were you made for it. Never were you destined for it. Suffering is not a cloak you are to wear. Never do I mean for you to be rag-tag. I mean for you to be enlightened.

If you are a child of God, you are meant to be led by the Light of God, not by shadow, not by dimness, not under heaviness or anything that is less than the light of day.

If you had never heard suffering advertised, would you be so familiar with a sense of feeling downtrodden?

I insist that you are here for joy and no less.

For a Human Being, the purpose of crawling is to learn to walk. And when you stand up, you are to stand tall. You are not made to lie down in life and be trammeled over. Furthermore, you are to walk in beauty. I place a Heavenly flashlight in your hands. Take it.

You are here to reach new heights. You are free to fly. Life is to grow upward. Whatever wonders transpire in life, there is greater yet to transpire.

If old eyes tell you differently, put on new glasses so you see as I see. Hear My urging you on to the golden milk of happiness. Do not accept renditions of sorrow and struggle. They are not meant for you. You are meant to see higher and higher yet. Of course, you are meant to see between the brambles. You are meant to see from a high vision. Never were you meant to crawl, not you.

Give up looking backwards. Forsooth dregs. Never were dregs meant for you. I will not hear of such a thing. Backward glances are forbidden to you. Do you get My drift? Enlightenment is for you. Bowing down to adversity is not.

The past, as you may have perceived it, is to be disbanded once and for all. Say no more: “God, look at what sorrow befell me.”

No, you are to say: “God, what boons are upon me?”

Now, you are to say: “What lighted turn in the road do I now take? No more muddy roads for sure. What is my flight plan? Now I fly and fly higher yet.

“Blue Skies for me, and nothing less. Why would I think of less? Now I do not even consider old propositions. I am at the helm of my life, and I choose to fly high.

“Of course I do. I accept all that Heaven offers to me as I stand tall. For Heaven’s sake, I hold myself in golden light and nothing less. This is the troth that God holds out and asks me to accept.

“God made me a high-stepper. He gave me dreams to foresee. He gave me dreams to reach. He gave me dreams to surpass. He asks me to dream His dreams and alight on them. Of course, I say yes, beyond a doubt. It is a forward-moving path I am on and I accept.”

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
8/7/2018 5:34:56 PM

Archangel Gabriel via Shanta Gabriel: All the Money I Give is Blessed and Returned to me Multiplied

Dear One,

You have been given limitless resources to use in your earth life. These limitless resources include wondrous beauty, relationships that affirm the divinity within you, freedom to be the best you can be, and an abundant flow of money.

This flow of money is sometimes the most difficult of God’s gifts for you to see in your life. You stand in the midst of this energy, which can be used to make your life more comfortable, and yet many times, your ability to receive these resources is limited by your thoughts and by your resistance to receiving.

This energy from the Divine Source, which is called money, has the same properties inherent in it that any of God’s gifts have, such as Love and Joy. It is the strong energy of Life Force, which you can tap into, in order to receive the blessings of abundant cash flow.

One easy way to make yourself more available to money is by creating thoughts of unlimited resources in your mind. Your thoughts create your reality. When you entertain thoughts of lack, of “not enough” in your life, this translates in your world as not enough money to meet your needs. A shift in your thinking is necessary before you can attract an abundant level of income to yourself.

One way to change your consciousness is by affirmations. We have given you a very powerful affirmation to say every day, and especially every time you write checks or spend money, even if it is only pennies. This affirmation is:

All the money I give is blessed and returned to me multiplied.

When you bless anything — your friends, children, life partners, jobs, etc. — the inherent good within is increased. Blessing leads to an increase in energy. So when you bless all the money you spend, you increase the energy it carries into the world.

You have heard the expression, what goes around, comes around. This is a basic principle: what you give is what you receive. When you give blessings, you receive blessings. When you give out of fear of lack, you receive back what you fear — lack of abundant income. Fear is a very powerful force that can attract to you what you fear most.

Love and blessings however, contain even more power and can bring to you that which is blessed with love. Remember that God is the source of your supply and there are no shortages. This inexhaustible resource of Spirit is equal to every need you may have.

Many people come to the Ocean of Abundance with only a teaspoon, when they could bring a bucket or a tanker truck. You can consciously choose to expand your ability to receive and to enlarge your own container. One way to do this is through prayers of gratitude and blessings for what you already have and for what you will receive.

These prayers will help to lift your consciousness and bring you to a place where you can affirm the truth that you are one with abundant life and with the abundant flow of money and prosperity in the world. Blessing all the money you give is another way to do this.

God’s abundance exists everywhere, and you can move into the stream of consciousness that allows you to have all your needs met, when you develop the attitude of gratitude, blessing, and affirming the divine truth of abundance within all things.

So begin now to bless that which you have and bless those you love. Lift yourself up so you can begin to see that which is good in your life. And remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today:

All the money I give is blessed and returned to me multiplied.

Shanta Gabriel for
Archangel Gabriel

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
8/7/2018 5:37:02 PM

Daily Message ~ Tuesday August 7, 2018

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It is a great blessing that you have access to so much information. This is allowing accelerated growth and expansion in many of you, as you have so much knowledge at your fingertips. This is contributing greatly to your enlightenment process and the awakening of the planet.

And yet, with so much information there will be many different voices, opinions, and perspectives. It can seem chaotic when there is much conflicting information being presented. While we understand it can seem overwhelming, this is also a great gift for you, for it makes it necessary for you to hone your discernment, to connect within to see what resonates, to take what fits for you and simply leave the rest behind, and to ultimately know the greatest path to follow is the one led by your own wisdom and heart.

So rest easy with the noise and find the stillness within. The many, many options that are being presented to you are allowing you to discover your own truth like never before and that, Dear Ones, is empowerment. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/7/2018 5:38:43 PM

GFP Newsletter - 8/6/2018

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The art of life begins with meditation. And by meditation I mean silence of the mind, silence of the heart, reaching to the very center of your being and finding the treasure that is your reality. Once you have known it, you can radiate love, you can radiate life, you can radiate creativity. Your words will become poetic, your gestures will have grace; even your silence will have a song to it. Even if you are sitting unmoving, you will be in a dance. Each breath coming in, going out, will be a joy, each heartbeat so precious because it is the heart beat of the universe itself - you are part of it.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
8/7/2018 5:40:15 PM

The Arcturians via Suzanne Lie: A Dream, or Was it Real?

I had a dream, and in that dream I was in a place with a stadium setting. I watched as people began to turn into monsters. Then I took a stick and touched the crown of their head as I said, “I am Love.” They then turned back to normal people. I wrote the dream down and then quickly forgot it.

While my husband was driving us home today, I looked in my purse for something and found the above message written on a small notepad. I had forgotten the dream by now and just saw where I had scribbled it in my notepad so I would not forget it.

But, I forgot it any way. How many dreams have we forgotten during the long struggle to “make it” into the higher dimensions? And, how many new dreams have replaced the long forgotten old dreams?

We are in the process of entering the NOW of great change. There can be no more excuses as to why things should stay the same. The “same” is over and the NEW is NOW. Fortunately, as the old is ending, the new is slowly beginning. In fact, we are slowly, or quickly, remembering what we forgot, and then forgot that we forgot it.

We forgot our origins in the NOW of the fifth dimension and beyond because we were too busy trying to “get ahead” or “just survive” in the third dimension. And why did that happen? Because we forgot!

Just as I forgot that short dream, we all, or many of us, if not most of us, forgot our true fifth dimensional SELF. Sometimes we remembered our fourth dimensional dreams and meditations, but usually only if we documented them and found them later, just as I forgot and found that dream.

If we are forgetting our fourth dimensional dreams and creative experiences, then how will we find and/or remember our true fifth dimensional SELF? Will we find this SELF within our imagination?

Imagination is much like fifth dimensional thought. If we can just allow our imagination to flow freely though or heart and mind, maybe we can remember. However, first, we must remember our dreams, meditations, and all our journeys into our higher frequencies of SELF.

Then, we need to remember that our dreams and meditations are REAL.

Do we really have a Pleiadian, or other galactic self on board a Starship? Can we really see a Pleiadian and/or Arcturian standing in the corner of the room while we meditate or do something creative?

Why would we choose to imagine that? Is it because we wanted that choice to be true, and to be real? There are many third dimensional things that we do NOT want to be true.

Some of these dreams, experiences, challenges, we may be able to change, some we may not be able to change. Some of them belong to the collective because just one person does not have enough to create the change that is so needed. Also, some changes are extremely important and need to have the “power of MANY working together as ONE.”

As the many become the ONE, the ONE united consciousness can expand beyond the third dimension, the fourth dimension and into the fifth dimensional realm of the NOW of the ONE.

Alone it is too much for us. But if we can unite with our God, Goddess, All That Is, as well as with as many awakened humans as possible, can we create (or is the word “allow”) the fifth dimensional reality of love and light into our Heart, into our Minds, and into our Daily lives.

But, maybe we don’t need to create it. Maybe what we need to do is to BE IT!

What if each of us could remain “lovingly tough” through all the frightened ones on the head to remind them to remember that “They are LOVE?”

Would they remember? Would we remember to remind them. Or just as I forgot the dream, would we forget to remind them?

WE forget to remind our self that “I AM” transmuting from my third dimensional expression of my physical human into the fifth dimensional SELF that I AM?

How do we change that which has existed for myriad incarnations in “time” to prevent that which our fear has warned us is coming? Then, how can we “release our fear” and “share our love?”

Can we stop “people” from turning into “monsters,” just by tapping them on the head and saying “I AM LOVE,” as I did in my dream?

And, how could one resonate to frequency of “I AM Love” with the knowing that WE ARE fully, deeply unconditional love, which we share with some one, some place, some idea. It is not enough to just feel that love, or share that love. We must BE that love.

Our I AM Presence/SELF is the frequency of our SELF that stands at the threshold between the top of the fourth-dimensional, conditional love and the entrance to the fifth- dimensional, unconditional love. This “Presence” of our SELF is constantly telling us,

“I AM Love!”

Can we believe that inner/higher expression of our Higher Dimensional SELF to remind us, whenever we need it—which is likely often, that “I AM Love!” If we are LOVE, that that is what we will share and that is how we will live.

But can we always share and live that way? Of course not! However, if we can remember that “I AM LOVE” we can love ourselves enough to forgive ourselves for when we forget.

When we forget that “I AM LOVE” we can easily fall into the fear, anger, sorrow and impatience that is far too often a component of our third dimensional frequency of reality. Why, why are these difficult experience so much a part of our third dimensional life?

The answer is that Gaia is a School! We chose to go to school on the planet Earth so that we could fully and deeply remember how difficult it is to live in a third dimensional reality. From our innate Home in the higher dimensions, we can “look down” to “help from afar.”

However, being a human on a planet that is moving into Her “the darkest night precedes the dawn” is a great challenge, to say the least. We could say that there are so many bad things happening now. However, so many bad things have always happened on Gaia.

Gaia, the planet, has the Operating System of “energy out equal energy back.” Therefore, “what goes around, comes around.” Gaia’s Operating System also includes “time and space” as well as “separation and limitation.”

Therefore, ALL of us (and if you can read this and say “that’s for sure” you are one of the “us”) who chose to leave the total safety and unconditional love of our homes in the fifth dimension and beyond, to assist a small third dimensional planet in the process of planetary ascension, have chosen to “tap our fears on the head” and say “I AM LOVE!”

Yes, We ARE LOVE! We do not need to gain that love, work for that love, or deserve that love. If we can remember to remind ourselves on a regular basis that, “I AM LOVE,”

many of our “monsters” will turn back to “normal people.”

But these “normal people” have a secret! Deep inside the love that they have for themselves, the reality that they know they have created, and the planet that they came to heal and serve, is their—YOUR—True Multidimensional SELF!

It is within your Multidimensional SELF that you will Remember!

And what will you remember?

I don’t know, but please share it with others because YOU are important!

And, YOU are LOVE!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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