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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/10/2018 7:04:09 PM

Daily Message ~ Friday August 10, 2018

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Human beings tend to be very hard on themselves. We would love for you to adopt a new practice – celebrating your successes before you go to sleep at night.

Simply review, when you climb into your bed, the good you did throughout your day. The best you did perhaps was just getting out of bed in the morning and facing the day, but that is still a success and can be celebrated. It might be that you called a friend and offered encouragement to them. You might have shown love to your family. You could have simply held open a door for another, which is simple service in action. Perhaps you meditated with a focus on peace.

There are so many ways you shine your innate goodness that you don’t even recognize! Taking a moment to acknowledge those things is an act of love and gratitude for yourself, and creates a lovely energy of self acceptance to end your day from. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/10/2018 7:15:10 PM

Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, August 10, 2018

10th August 2018. Mike Quinsey.

You have so much to look forward to and we have given you ample indication with a picture of where you are heading. Time and time again we have informed you that the old energy is dead and you are no longer bound by its dictates and have relative freedom to choose your own path to Ascension.

It therefore follows that matters develop according to the activities taking place on Earth, although encouragement is given to keep you pointed in the right direction. Out of the apparent chaos and uncertainty that presently exists, there are changes taking place to create a basis for a new way of looking at things with a view to achieving permanent peace on Earth.

You cannot achieve total peace overnight as there was and still is much that needs uplifting. Be assured, however, that although it has been difficult to dislodge the dark Ones and their minions, good progress is being made and things should really start to slot into place from the time of a revaluation of the currencies.

It remains the key to the commencement of many advantageous and welcome changes that are ready to be introduced. Much happens out of sight, and for many reasons is kept secret for safety reasons as the dark Ones are everywhere but not all of them present a danger to the plans for your freedom.

To many people’s surprise ,President Trump is still in office and that is because he is making changes that are necessary for the future of not just the USA but the world. It may not seem apparent on the face of it and some of his decisions have caused much concern. But [when comes] a time when people look back at his term in office, they will agree that he helped bring in necessary changes that have benefitted the world. Some have not been well received but you have to give sufficient time for the benefits to be appreciated. Major changes nearly always cause much objection and that will always be the case, until the full effects can be fairly judged.

Understand that the appointments of those who handle immense power and wealth are now “helped” by the unseen who have a complete picture of the future and use their influence to guide mankind. As always the final decision is yours, so ensure that the right people are in power that have your wellbeing at heart and not self-aggrandisement.

In the last Age many recent appointments were made simply to promote self-greed and personal power. That time has now passed and the best people will be the ones in office that are able to lead you into a new era of joy and happiness. The future is bright and planned to give you a way of life that you are entitled to without the threat of war.

Be assured that every soul has a certain degree of influence where the future is concerned. There is a collective energy [i.e., the collective consciousness] that has an effect far greater than you can possibly imagine and it is becoming more positive as time passes. Already it has moved beyond the “war” influence, although those with vested interests in selling weaponry, normally to both sides, are still hoping for World War Three.

Be assured, dear Ones, that it has been decreed by the Ancient Ones who oversee your progress, that it will not be allowed. You only have to go back a short time to know that when the silos were on red alert and ready to release their nuclear weapons, they were all made inoperative. That has happened more than once and hopefully the message has now sunk in, that nuclear war will not be allowed – never again.

Humans have a habit of looking outside of themselves when things go wrong and clearly not all problems are necessarily related to their actions. However, some are brought upon them through earlier actions that have incurred a karmic response.

So when you question what you have done to deserve problems, realise that nothing of any importance to you happens by chance. The circumstances may appear so, but those who organise karma have to take opportunities as they come up. Often it involves other people and it is not always easy to get them to come together for that purpose. Some situations are so involved that you find it hard to believe that it is pre-arranged.

Yet they are, to the extent that even the outcome is intended to comply with the lessons to be learnt. You could say that your Guides work overtime to ensure karma is cleared. Your evolution depends on lessons being learnt, that are repeated if you fail the first time around until you do.

Realise that karma can be carried forward from one life to another and sometimes it is because you are more able to cope with it. A sensitive issue would be the break-up of a relationship, and even that is planned in advance where lessons are learnt by all involved. So the message is to take your life experiences seriously and do your best to learn from them and you will not have to go through such experiences again.

Although you have been seriously held back, in the long run you will not miss out as, once the dark Ones can no longer interfere with your evolution, withheld inventions and advancements will be released. It will be done in such a way that you are not overpowered and are allowed to become familiar with the changes that are more personal.

Clearly you will soon take to easier and faster forms of travel and the constant availability of all the things you need for day-to-day survival. Furthermore, there will come a time when you will be sufficiently powerful and knowledgeable, to create all of your needs by the power of your thought.

Travel will become almost instantaneous, much like stepping into a cabinet that you program with your destination, and when you step out you will have arrived. Mention of these advancements is to let you know that the old problems will eventually be put behind you. With extended life and the ability to keep your body in its youthfulness, you will have ample time to fully enjoy it in the higher vibrations. Not least of all travel outside of the Solar System will also be possible. All things come in good time and nothing will be allowed to interfere with your progress and development.

By keeping your focus on what the future will bring, you are helping to draw it nearer to fruition. It will also move your attention away from the last Age and [make you] able to forget the difficulties and problems you faced for millennia of time. There is no point or advantage in holding on to your previous experiences. The important thing is that you will have learnt from them and have no further need of them.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
8/10/2018 7:16:30 PM

GFP Newsletter - 8/9/2018

will's picture

In asking for more you go on missing that which you have.

A meditator neither bothers about the past that is gone, nor bothers about the future that has not come yet. He is focused in the present, and whatever he has, he enjoys it to its full.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
8/10/2018 7:19:54 PM

Free to Give

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God said:

Beloved, sure, We can sit around and talk things over. For the most part, you and I, We get down to business, which, in this case, means love. We get right on with life. We don’t haggle. We don’t make deals. We don’t barter. We don’t owe each other. Of course, We just are, One to One.

We are up front and don’t make trades, as the world does indeed make deals. We, the One of Us, is inviolate.

You and I are good and wish to uphold Our tryst. In Heaven, there is no owing. One hand does not feed the other. We give from the Goodness of Our immaculate Hearts. There is no obligation to be reimbursed. We give and give because it is in Our Hearts to give without indenture. Beloved, Our contract is not bound in steel. It is bound in love. You and I are free to give all We – I – have to give. We do not enact a forfeit. We are Free Will. This is how We like it. We do not have legal contracts whereby there must be recompense. The idea of freedom carries great lightness. We give because it gives joy to give. By no means are we chained to any reimbursement.

You might see that because you save ten lives that your physical life must stay intact. Only from fear of lack can there be an imposed weight of obligation. Free exchange is how it is. We do not encourage debt. We are here to encourage freedom of Will and freedom from anything requiring servitude. Service is another thing altogether.

Beloved, the significance of a free Heart of Love is quite different from indebtedness. Oh, for the life of a sailor, free at sea.

There is no book of debt between Us. There is no setting up of accounts. No one owes. We proffer. Giving does not have a due date. We don’t do exchanges. There are no pay-offs. There are no debts to write off in the first place. What We give, We give from a willing heart. What We give, We give freely, or it is not giving.

We, as One, do not incur debt. We are not here in life to add up columns. We don’t dot the I’s nor cross the T’s. We do not wash the hand that feeds Us. We love.

That We trust doesn’t mean that We have to compensate or to be compensated. We simply do not look at the other side of the ledger. We are not about paying wages. We give and let go, or We do not give. It is not giving unless We let go.

We do not hedge our bets. We do not make conditions or enforce results. The result of giving is the giving.

We engage in freedom, and We engage freely. We don’t carry adding machines with Us. Why would We? There is no gain in insisting. There is gain in giving for the joy of it. This is what We do, and this is where the joy is. Happy is the heart that gives because therein a fruit may grow.

We do not give to be seen as wonderful. When what a heart most desires seems to be withheld from you, you tend to see this as unfair. We do not incur nor establish debts. There is no expenditure, and there is no repaying that which is freely given. Beloveds, We do not attend debtor court. Let’s shake hands on this. We are free from obligation. We love.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
8/11/2018 12:16:36 AM

Greetings, Beautiful Light Source!

This week the Collective speak on the odd, sometimes confusing, sometimes upsetting and exhausting shifts our bodies, minds, and emotions are traveling through now.

Particularly since the Lion's Gate energies, and all the astrological shifts surrounding it -- intense times!

It's important to take seriously their encouragement to find someone to talk to (even if it's a journal) when things get rough.

I speak with my counselor in a phone session once a month, and it's a wonderful time of spilling out all the annoyances, shock, and/or confusion about what's going on in the world, and with my own path.

We are not even the people we were last week, or a day ago -- that's how fast it's all rolling forward.

Be kind, be patient -- you are a great eternal Light Being, awakening to your True Self.

Much Love and Light,

PS The next Abundance Group call is this Wednesday, August 15 at 5:45 PM Pacific / 8:45 PM Eastern.

On these calls, we don't just talk about Abundance. We use the tools, energy shifts and activations, and declarations that create it -- and shift us into Abundant people, healing and clearing the subconscious as needed!

If you'd like to receive reminder emails with time, date, and call-in info, email me, and say "YES to Abundance!" and I'll put you on the email list. Easy peezy.


A Message to Lightworkers -
August 10, 2018

The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you again.

We wish to say, that if you are feeling exhausted, a bit dizzy, feeling as if the clock and the calendar hold no real relevance, disinterested in food or a bit too interested, or if you're awakening in the morning knowing you had important conversations and experiences while in the sleep state—you are doing quite well.

It would be more unusual to not be experiencing any of those situations, considering the powerful transformative shift you are in at present, in the midst of astrological events and waves of energy now transforming your galaxy physically as well as energetically.

Let us look at Time, for a moment.

As you feel increasingly that clocks are no longer necessary, it is because you are coming to experiencing the present moment all the more powerfully, realizing that each hour does not so much lean into or follow on from another, but stands on its own as an important moment in life.

As you feel calendars are also increasingly irrelevant, you come to realize that there is only Now—that each day is important, but need not be marked and given automatic meaning, and that each Monday or Saturday need not be spent the same way week in and week out.

Any hour or day of the week can be a freeing, creative, self-expressive time—not only this day or that hour.

Likewise, any "weekday" can be used for doing something meaningful or learning something new, and not only fulfilling the 9 to 5 construct.

As you look at food differently, you begin to realize that your body’s needs are changing, sometimes drastically . . .


Copyright 2018, Caroline Oceana Ryan

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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