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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/7/2018 5:42:34 PM

In God's Image

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God said:

Beloved, you, who may protest changes in life that arrive when you did not personally ask for them, may not fully acknowledge all that you do request and all that you do receive fulsomely. You may accept this as a matter of course and forget about it and miss out on an opportunity to say: “Thank You, God.”

Every limb of yours, every answer in your life, and every person in your life – whether present for long or briefly passing by – is here for a meaningful purpose, an essential purpose, even as you may take their entrance in your life for granted or for annoyance.
Every single person in your life, past or future, is a special gift hand-picked for you. You are also hand picked for everyone who travels in and out of your life as well. You may not know the purpose, yet purpose there is. We can say I am the Purpose.

There is meaning beyond measure in everything in life. Everything. Every incident fulfills a purpose. There are no accidents and no coincidences. When all is said and done, there is meaning. There is a reference point. There is a gift.

This is enough to know. There is also nothing that you have to wrap up tight with a ribbon or string. You don’t have to define. You don’t have to prove or not prove. You don’t have to know or not know, for a fact. You don’t have to have every curl of life in place to your satisfaction. Just know that your life is fulfilling itself up to the rafters.

When others don’t always please you, offer to others something worthy of giving. You can mean to give more, and you can succeed.

Your path is not decreed to follow what seems to get in your way. This is a wonderful proposition of life that you don’t have to follow others’ small steps. You can strike out on your own. You don’t have to follow another’s steps – not at all. Fulfill your dreams.

Step further ahead and give more than your heart may feel was given to you. You have your own heart and soul, and I ask you to follow Me. I will lead you to still waters and to green pastures and to a mountain top from which you can climb to this high peak from which, with My compliments, you take a deep breath of air surpassing the known capacity of your lungs.

You can follow a new path of your own making. You can yet begin to know the extent of your Self that is yours to follow and to reveal, most especially, to yourself. You may well have had pulled the wool over your eyes, covering your True Image.

You are not exceeding yourself. You are reaching out your hand to yourself. You are greeting yourself along the way. You are waking up to the depth and height of your existence. You are waking up your sleeping Self. You are learning the outreaches of your Self, Who Art in Truth, My Self.

Happy day. The day has come.

It isn’t exactly that you have turned over a new leaf. Not at all. You just are finding the treasure and expanse within you, which, in Truth, have always been free within you. You are not a new you. You are your True Self you always carried around inside you, and, perhaps, kept hidden from yourself and from all those around you as well. Shake hands with your Self now. I introduce you to the Truth of You, which is the Truth of Me. We have been a long time knowing the Oneness of love.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/7/2018 6:03:12 PM

Shifting From Fear to Faith

Today we would like to focus your attention upon the nature of your holographic reality; one which appears to be so very real as it seemingly fabricates the challenges that you face and the obstacles that you must surmount. Now, this is not to say that the obstacles do not exist, rather we would say they exist from your minds perspective. You have the ability to change the picture any time that you wish, all you must do is change your focus. Your focus dictates the nature of your reality at all times.

We would like to dedicate this message to those of you who are in need of some re-focusing so that the images that appear before you are more in line with what you wish to see. As we have said many times, the perceiver is responsible for determining whether any experience is seen as positive or negative. There are many extremes within your reality and you are capable of seeking both the positive and negative in any and all circumstances.

Certainly, it is easy to become engrossed in your everyday lives, within the struggles and difficulties that each one of you undoubtedly face. But we would like to remind you that you are not the body that you walk upon your Earth in, you are a limitless soul who seeks to express itself in every way possible. You have no boundaries or limitations other than the ones you place upon yourselves.

We see so many become disheartened in their search to create the life they wish to manifest; when they become so caught up in how their dreams are allowed to manifest that they cannot see that the road block they temporarily experience is simply placed upon their path to ensure that they are rerouted to a more direct and appropriate path in which to reach their desired destination. The road block is not the end, it is simply a detour to a better route.

So very often so many are creating dreams based upon what they think they can actually manifest, rather than what they truly wish to create for themselves. Essentially many find themselves settling for far less because they do not dare to dream for more. We remind you, just because it isn’t here yet, doesn’t mean it isn’t coming.

Do not believe all that you see before you, as it is projected by the thoughts and fears that you hold within your mind. Feed your dreams by starving your fears. Both cannot remain in the same space as they require opposite vibrations to manifest.

You must focus your attention so strongly upon the faith that you have in your ability to create all that you wish to create so that the fears have no other option but to fall away. This is how you dismantle the holographic images of fear as they cannot remain on your path if you hold your focus upon your desired outcome so intently that no other outcome could possibly manifest. The fears and worries that you have for tomorrow are not here in your now.

Remember, it is not your job to determine how your desires are allowed to manifest; you must only focus upon what you wish to create. It will come if you let it; it must as life is simply a mirror reflecting back to you all that you project upon this holographic screen, which you currently believe to be your reality. It is of your own making.

Look past your fears, and focus your attention upon that which you wish to summon to you. You can begin right now to wipe away the images upon your life “screen” that generate fear within you as you fuel your dreams with your faith that you can create so much more. Remember, it’s just a dream, so dream something great!

We hope that we have served you in some way and that our message finds those of you who are in need of it most.

In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides

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- Dr. Taryn Crimi

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Copyright © 2018 by Taryn Crimi. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/8/2018 6:58:22 PM

Daily Message ~ Wednesday August 8, 2018

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A reader recently asked, “What is the best way to deal with inner rage?” We would like to address that today.

When you carry rage, it is an indicator that something has happened to make you feel very afraid and powerless. Rage is a symptom of an underlying aspect that is looking for healing, so attempting to shift the rage without giving attention to what is lying underneath it will give you limited results.

We ask you to sit with the rage and ask it what it is attempting to protect. What is it reacting to? Don’t try to make the rage wrong, simply explore it. Rage is like a protective screen. It is like a persona that is so big and loud that it has a repellant effect and keeps anyone from seeing what is underneath. But it is what is underneath that is in the most pain and desperate need for attention.

Show up as a safe person for yourself and gently probe what is in need of your love and healing. From the space of authentic power you can show up for yourself as your own loving parent, guide, and protector. Gather up that hurt part of yourself and give it all the love and attention it has been yearning for for so very long. Reassure it that you will keep it safe now in ways that don’t involve it being separated. Integrate it into your own loving care.

After you are done that, you should feel your rage has dissipated. You might even thank the rage for assuming the role of protector for so long, but now you can take that job. You may need to do these steps many times, as rage can become a go-to emotion out of habit, but for every time you do you will feel it’s intensity diminish. Rage is exhausting over time and incredibly separating. As you integrate these aspects with your love and understanding, it is like pouring soothing, calming healing all over it and it will allow itself to finally rest.

Understand when you see others in the energy of rage that the bigger the rage, the more hurt, afraid, and fragmented they are. We are not suggesting you put yourself in harm’s way for one who is not ready to evolve beyond their rage, but you can certainly see them through a new lens of understanding, love, and compassion.

Anger can be a catalyst for change. It can wake people up and get them into movement. Rage is an accumulation of anger that didn’t create change. It is incredibly uncomfortable for the person who carries it as it is isolating, resistant, and painful. As your planet continues to evolve and move toward connection, healing what is underneath the energies that perpetuate pain and separation will come to the forefront and people will replace the false power of rage with the authentic power of healing, integration, transformation, and more empowered self expression. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/8/2018 7:00:49 PM

GFP Newsletter - 8/7/2018

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To know yourself as part of existence... and you will start living fully, without any fear of religions and the priests and all the anti-life teachings which want you to be, rather than rejoicing, renouncing life, escaping from life. Once you are free of your conditionings - and meditation is almost like fire which burns all the rubbish that the past has given you as heritage - you are born anew. And you will not need any art to learn. It will arise spontaneously within your being.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/8/2018 7:02:23 PM

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation, August 7, 2018

Dratzo! We are quickly reaching the point where a time for denouement is becoming possible. The Alliance, including our Earth allies, realizes just how close we are to the very brink of our long-sought goal. The various groups of our Earth allies are finally coming to understand that this world’s plight needs to be accommodated.

As consciousness rises in this realm, the financial system changes and the new prosperity must be revealed. The time is coming for these changes to be manifested and explained to you. The prosperity plan is merely an instrument through which to achieve your dreams. Use these symbols of power to remake your world into a realm of peace and harmony.

As Gaia moves toward her new reality, never forget who you are and that you are becoming One. Never before has Earth’s surface humanity been able to contemplate the blessing of freeing itself of all the ills that have plagued it since the Great Flood of almost 10 millennia ago. You are to quickly develop a new perspective that can allow you to use your growing consciousness to alter every culture on the surface of Gaia.

This new global interfusion of humanity is to set the stage for our arrival. Finally, you can stop believing the cabal’s outright lies, and Government can bring a formal end to the UFO cover-up and prepare you for our coming. This is to allow us to transmit a series of broadcasts so you can know the truth about our existence.

Your governance needs to become an open transition between what is best for you (open governance) and your fully conscious future. Government originally was the province of the privileged. In your society, money “talks.” It is the means by which the oligarchy, the few very wealthy families, control and manage elections and legislatures. But this arrangement cannot legitimately support public policy. Government must be opened up to all.

This is the reason for NESARA/GESARA. We support it simply because any aging and non-responsive system is in need of massive re-structuring. An overhaul such as this can restore that system back to its original principles. This is where NESARA/GESARA now stands, near the brink of being manifested.

It is unfortunate that contact has taken so long to come about. Among us, your struggles are legendary. You are in the midst of challenging transformations to all your energy systems. Moreover, to undergo these changes during such trying world events is not usual during a first contact. It is also most unusual for us to sit on the sidelines and monitor developments. Heaven tells us that you are special, and we heartily concur.

Long ago, many events transpired that left you much diminished in mind and body, and disconnected from Spirit. This moment is about returning you to your previous state of Being: it is our goal to use first contact to complete the operation. Introducing you to your mentors will be a pivotal event. Until then, we are to assist the Alliance and advise them on their preparations, as the changes are to occur in rapid-fire sequence that demands the most precise responses. It is imperative that you practice Love and invoke the wisdom of the Light.

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters. We would like to begin this message by expressing all-encompassing gratitude to all Starseeds and Lightworkers. We are watching you very closely as we witness a new level of consciousness taking hold worldwide. We are excited to see how you are adapting to this new and more thoughtful reality.

The energies that continue to flow onto your planet are assisting you and the general public with a quickening of consciousness. You are becoming more aware of how Spirit orchestrates your ascension. Maintain your rituals, for they are essential tools for working more effectively with Spirit and assist you in staying focused on your goals.

Your journey out of limited consciousness is not an easy one! Your reality is changing in veritable leaps and bounds. The dark ones are scrambling, desperate to find a way to halt the Light. In this changing realm, we are witnessing tentative peace talks that, until now, had been considered folly.

This new coalition of Light, the Alliance, is creating the conditions to bring about the downfall of those who, in the name of the dark, formerly obstructed or delayed your rise in consciousness. We Masters are heartened by what is manifesting around your world. As the dark’s options diminish, it is increasingly clear who will be victorious.

We also thank the Galactic Federation without whose assistance the Alliance would be unable to bring your prosperity to fruition. Each day we bless what is manifesting on this wondrous orb. Your positive energies are making a difference.

Together with those of the GF, they are preparing monies to be distributed, new financial systems to form and new governance to be disclosed. Collectively, we are a team maintaining a vision of bringing in your new galactic reality.

We are teetering on the threshold of a long-awaited Golden Age when peace, freedom and prosperity reign. Hosanna! Hosanna!

Today, we brought you another message. We are eager to keep you informed about our perspective on the events of the day. We trust you to use this information to better understand what is destined to unfold around your world. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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