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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
8/10/2018 12:35:45 AM

Free to Give

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God said:

Beloved, sure, We can sit around and talk things over. For the most part, you and I, We get down to business, which, in this case, means love. We get right on with life. We don’t haggle. We don’t make deals. We don’t barter. We don’t owe each other. Of course, We just are, One to One.

We are up front and don’t make trades, as the world does indeed make deals. We, the One of Us, is inviolate.

You and I are good and wish to uphold Our tryst. In Heaven, there is no owing. One hand does not feed the other. We give from the Goodness of Our immaculate Hearts. There is no obligation to be reimbursed. We give and give because it is in Our Hearts to give without indenture. Beloved, Our contract is not bound in steel. It is bound in love. You and I are free to give all We – I – have to give. We do not enact a forfeit. We are Free Will. This is how We like it. We do not have legal contracts whereby there must be recompense. The idea of freedom carries great lightness. We give because it gives joy to give. By no means are we chained to any reimbursement.

You might see that because you save ten lives that your physical life must stay intact. Only from fear of lack can there be an imposed weight of obligation. Free exchange is how it is. We do not encourage debt. We are here to encourage freedom of Will and freedom from anything requiring servitude. Service is another thing altogether.

Beloved, the significance of a free Heart of Love is quite different from indebtedness. Oh, for the life of a sailor, free at sea.

There is no book of debt between Us. There is no setting up of accounts. No one owes. We proffer. Giving does not have a due date. We don’t do exchanges. There are no pay-offs. There are no debts to write off in the first place. What We give, We give from a willing heart. What We give, We give freely, or it is not giving.

We, as One, do not incur debt. We are not here in life to add up columns. We don’t dot the I’s nor cross the T’s. We do not wash the hand that feeds Us. We love.

That We trust doesn’t mean that We have to compensate or to be compensated. We simply do not look at the other side of the ledger. We are not about paying wages. We give and let go, or We do not give. It is not giving unless We let go.

We do not hedge our bets. We do not make conditions or enforce results. The result of giving is the giving.

We engage in freedom, and We engage freely. We don’t carry adding machines with Us. Why would We? There is no gain in insisting. There is gain in giving for the joy of it. This is what We do, and this is where the joy is. Happy is the heart that gives because therein a fruit may grow.

We do not give to be seen as wonderful. When what a heart most desires seems to be withheld from you, you tend to see this as unfair. We do not incur nor establish debts. There is no expenditure, and there is no repaying that which is freely given. Beloveds, We do not attend debtor court. Let’s shake hands on this. We are free from obligation. We love.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
8/10/2018 12:41:38 AM

What am I doing here? – The Council

What am I doing here? – The Council

One of the questions most commonly asked these days is “What am I doing here?” Another is “What am I supposed to be doing?” We have discussed this many times, through many channels. But you continue to ask, so, we will assume that either you have not seen the answers or you did not like them.

You learned at a very young age that not liking something, on your plane, did not change it very much. You may, therefore, not like our answers. But as they are true, they will not change very much. We will, however, explain them in differing ways to amuse you, and perhaps allow you to expand your understanding.

For the purposes of this discussion today, let us begin by saying that when we say ‘you’ in this message, we intend it to mean everyone in a body who is trudging around carrying a bag of confusing ideas and responding to life with equally confusing emotions. Sometimes your ‘What am I dong here?” is almost a scream.

Well, as you would say, chill out for a bit and we will explain something that may make you understand why you volunteered for this duty. “Did NOT!” Oh yes, you did.

Now remember, you means all of you.

You were here when this world was even more of a jewel then she is now. You were here when life upon her was very much a paradise and you were far higher in consciousness than you are now. Your current state is an aberration, you see. You were here when ‘The Fall” occurred. It was not very much like what your stories say it was, but it did happen.

You have come back over and over again, living, working, loving, hating, birthing, killing, and everything else you can imagine. Each of you has done it all, been it all, and seen it all. Why?

You want your paradise back. And you want to be, once again, who you KNOW you are.

This long, immensely difficult, journey has taught you, collectively, what you don’t want, and how to create what you do want. Experienced as each of you, you do not quite see that yet. But you are beginning to, and you will. And you are not very likely to allow this experience to happen on your watch again.

Now, some of you are called Wanderers, Warriors for the Light. You have served in this capacity of consciousness raisers many times, in many places. You also have been here before. But this time, there are billions of others who have raised their consciousness enough to push through to what you call ascension.

Of course you are all experiencing a great deal of help with this, whether you know it or not. But that is all in the plan. You knew that all of these alignments and all of this ‘outside’ help would be employed. You, your planet, your solar system, and even your galaxy are moving into an entirely new environment. Such conditions as you are moving out of at this time cannot exist where you are heading. You will have your paradise back.

But this last effort is teaching you something that you have forgotten, something very important. We can tell you what it is, but intellectual understanding is not what it is about. You are relearning who you truly are and what you are capable of, never to forget it again.

A certain very advanced soul asked you a question once, and it was recorded in one of your texts. The question was, “Know ye not that ye are gods?” And until now, very few of you do. That is in the process of changing. THAT is why you are here. That is what you are doing.

In the being, humanity, that you are a part of, you have an important part to play. The part you have to play is YOUR part. And without your part being played, the entire play would be changed. Do not judge yourself as anything less than any other, for you are not. Do not judge yourself as any more than any other, for you are not. You are simply, and always, divine creations of Source from which you come, whatever you choose to call that. Raise your heads and BE that.

You chose to be here because, after all of your efforts, you were not about to miss the final act. Enjoy this! Congratulations.

There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
8/10/2018 1:15:32 AM

Sandra Walter ~ Wildfire update, Lion's Gate Eclipse Week and Global Meditations


I AM at the Ocean shore this day, taking a respite from weeks of wildfire smoke. The Klamathon fire burned just North of the mountain through July, then the intense Carr Fire in Redding, 60 miles South of here, began on the same night of the eclipse Gate opening. That fire continues to burn, and the smoke spreads all the way up into Oregon.

In our Mastery, we create peace, harmony and healing as these clearing and revelation effects become physicalized. In support of those affected, here are some recommendations:

- Create Peace. Always. Our elementals and collective consciousness are easily influenced; be sure to steer the energy in a positive direction. I heard from many panicked souls during these fires, triggered by the media/news and rumors of negative interference. This is your training ground, beloveds. We are the calming force of Source in these situations. Breathe, meditate on peace, pray rain.

- Support the detoxification. As a collective unified consciousness, assist by cleansing, clearing, detoxifying your own body-mind-emotions-spirit. Don't fuel the fire with anxieties, take action to be the solution.

- For those affected by smoke and collective angst: Yerba Santa tincture is wonderful for clearing the respiratory system. Activated charcoal, zeolites, fasting, and extra supergreens (spirulina, chlorella, algae) assist in purging airborne toxins from the cells. Drink plenty of water. Saunas purge toxins as well. Less SUNlight can affect our mood; step outside on those clearer days. Meditate often to re-center and heal.

Feel free to assist in creating drenching, quenching rains for California this week. Visualize it, feel it, decree it. Water blessings to ease the smoke and assist the firefighters.

Kindwhile, Solaris is shifting to our new location.

These are the most profound sensations of Ascension, bifurcation and rainbow lightbody so far. I will share my Gatekeeper notes on these strong visions, weightlessness, organic experiences, cosmic shifts (HUge), and timeline divisions this week.

Remember the mirror gets very close as we transcend the need for veils. Put down the blamethrower and look within at every lesson presenting for your Ascension and timeline choice in this Now.

Positive photonic light is the path of the crystalline bridge to New Earth. It is HERE, Now, expanding thousands into next-level lightbody. Use high-vibe discernment and choose the higher light in all situations.

Dismiss judgment; you do not need it for this journey.

The Lion's Gate is on Wednesday, August 8.

New Moon & Partial Solar Eclipse on Saturday, August 11 at 2:46am PDT

Gatekeepers open SUNday, August 5 for this week of transformation.

Let us Unify on SUNday with our Unity Meditations:
Opening the Highest Experience for the Lion's Gate.

Join us in creating palpable shifts for all willing hearts on SUNday at 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm Pacific Daylight Time. Breathe, center yourself and meditate in the stillness of Pure Source Consciousness for 33 minutes.

Gratitude for inviting your friends, Tribes and loved ones to participate in this co-creation.

Blessings upon all of creation for this unique passage. Gratitude, Love and Strength to all in Divine Service. Here we glow!

In Love, Light and Service,

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
8/10/2018 1:28:18 AM


Brenda Hoffman ~ Should You Go or Should You Stay?

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/10/2018 1:41:21 AM


Shanta Gabriel ~ AA Gabriel ~ Money Returns to Me Multiplied

We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.

For this week's issue, the message from Archangel Gabriel is offering a unique perspective regarding our attitudes about money.


All the Money I Give is Blessed and Returned to Me Multiplied

Shanta Gabriel
This is one of the most unusual messages I received from Archangel Gabriel. It obviously came at a time when I was stressed about money and was trying to find a more spiritual way of handling my finances.

This message speaks to the heart of our attitudes about money, and opens more awareness to the aspects of our thoughts that need to be uplifted in order to live the abundant life we want to experience.

The blessing opens the way for manifestation of what we truly desire to receive in our lives. When we bless something it "confers energy" upon the object of our focus. This blessing uplifts the energy and releases the contraction of fear that holds any sense of lack, feelings that there is not enough energy (in the form of time, money, health, age), all that holds back the gifts of abundant life that we so desire. All life is simply energy manifesting from our focus of attention.

This message is directly related to the energy of money. It is not suggesting that we spend indiscriminately. It does not mean that a blessing will cure thoughtless acts. It is an opening of energy that is inherent in the way we use money to fulfill our needs.

Every time we use a plastic card, write a check or hand cash to another person, we have the opportunity to bless our own lives and the economic system of the worldwith a higher frequency. Our blessing will assist in creating the change we want to see manifest by increasing the frequencies of energy and opening new levels of gratitude and love in our lives.

This process creates a tidal wave of good in our own lives and in the world as we consciously choose to live in higher frequencies of energy through our blessing. When we bless the money we give to another, we are increasing energy in their lives as well as ours. We are literally blessing all beings with abundance through this conscious act.

When I bless all the money I spend, it also increases my ability to trust that all my needs are being met. This has become especially powerful when I ask that Grace and Ease be added to the flow. We can intend that we receive the energy in more grace-filled ways and allow life to have more ease. It is simply our focus of attention that makes the difference.

Prayer is a powerful way for me to shift my focus of attention and open my heart to a flow of Grace in my life.

Divine Presence,

Thank you for a new level of opening within my heart that allows me to receive in greater ways the Divine flow of Abundance. I am so grateful that the power of Grace is the energy in which I live, move and have my being.

I ask for Grace and Ease in the flow of money through my life and know that all the money I give is blessed and returned to me multiplied. I bless this flow in my life and in the lives of all humanity. May we all grow in Faith and see demonstrations in each of our lives that all our needs are being met.

May I continue to receive this flow with greater Ease and step into new levels of Freedom in every area of my life. I bless the awareness of this Abundant Flow awakening in the hearts of all beings on the Earth. May each person be aligned with their Soul's Highest Reality and live in respect and harmony with the Divine flow of All That Is. So be it.

Shanta Gabriel
August 5, 2018

The Gabriel Messages #23

All the money I give is blessed and returned to me multiplied.

Dear One,

You have been given limitless resources to use in your earth life. These limitless resources include wondrous beauty, relationships that affirm the divinity within you, freedom to be the best you can be, and an abundant flow of money. This flow of money is sometimes the most difficult of God’s gifts for you to see in your life. You stand in the midst of this energy, which can be used to make your life more comfortable, and yet many times, your ability to receive these resources is limited by your thoughts and by your resistance to receiving.

This energy from the Divine Source, which is called money, has the same properties inherent in it that any of God’s gifts have, such as Love and Joy. It is the strong energy of Life Force, which you can tap into, in order to receive the blessings of abundant cash flow.

One easy way to make yourself more available to money is by creating thoughts of unlimited resources in your mind. Your thoughts create your reality. When you entertain thoughts of lack, of "not enough" in your life, this translates in your world as not enough money to meet your needs. A shift in your thinking is necessary before you can attract an abundant level of income to yourself.

One way to change your consciousness is by affirmations. We have given you a very powerful affirmation to say every day, and especially every time you write checks or spend money, even if it is only pennies. This affirmation is:
All the money I give is blessed and returned to me multiplied.

When you bless anything — your friends, children, life partners, jobs, etc. — the inherent good within is increased. Blessing leads to an increase in energy. So when you bless all the money you spend, you increase the energy it carries into the world.

You have heard the expression, what goes around, comes around. This is a basic principle: what you give is what you receive. When you give blessings, you receive blessings. When you give out of fear of lack, you receive back what you fear — lack of abundant income. Fear is a very powerful force that can attract to you what you fear most. Love and blessings however, contain even more power and can bring to you that which is blessed with love. Remember that God is the source of your supply and there are no shortages. This inexhaustible resource of Spirit is equal to every need you may have.

Many people come to the Ocean of Abundance with only a teaspoon, when they could bring a bucket or a tanker truck. You can consciously choose to expand your ability to receive and to enlarge your own container. One way to do this is through prayers of gratitude and blessings for what you already have and for what you will receive. These prayers will help to lift your consciousness and bring you to a place where you can affirm the truth that you are one with abundant life and with the abundant flow of money and prosperity in the world. Blessing all the money you give is another way to do this.

God’s abundance exists everywhere, and you can move into the stream of consciousness that allows you to have all your needs met, when you develop the attitude of gratitude, blessing, and affirming the divine truth of abundance within all things. So begin now to bless that which you have and bless those you love. Lift yourself up so you can begin to see that which is good in your life. And remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today:

All the money I give is blessed and returned to me multiplied.

Shanta Gabriel for
Archangel Gabriel
August 5, 2018

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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