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12/8/2012 2:56:32 AM

SaLuSa: December 7, 2012

Posted by Andrew Eardley

SaLuSa: December 7, 2012

Channelled by Mike Quinsey

Andrew: SaLuSa says that the frustrations of the previous delays have given way to acceptance that our immediate Ascension is the most important event in our lives. It will proceed unhindered with our release from the interference of the dark Ones, and progress will speed ahead in what will be sensational times.

He says that those who carry the higher energy will have no problem in identifying each other, as was the experience of those attending the recent Sedona Conferences who knew this immediately and were able to share the great Love generated between them. After Ascension life will be less hectic, but our journey is far from over and when we have settled into the new life style we will be assisted in choosing our destiny.

SaLuSa advises us not to waver from our path and to be disciplined during our final days – there is no need to run off for that ‘last’ experience before Ascension! He suggests that we will notice the difference in our physical bodies and will feel renewed and energetic as we will no longer carry the effects of pollution or other toxins, though we will have the Cities of Light and other advanced forms of healing for any residual problems.

SaLuSa: December 7, 2012

We feel a calmness beginning to encircle the Earth, as those who are preparing for 12.12 are already relaxing and bringing a level of peace into their lives. Hitherto, there had been a degree of frustration and even impatience, at the delays being experienced. These have given way to the acceptance that your immediate Ascension is the most important event in your lives.

What follows will be able to take place in a more settled atmosphere, and proceed unhindered or delayed by outside interference. These will be ideal conditions and allow us to ensure that you are fully aware of what is planned. It would not be an exaggeration to say that they will be sensational times, when progress will go speeding ahead. Just to be released from the grip of the dark Ones, will create an immediate change of attitude between people.

After Ascension fear will no longer be a factor in your lives, and open acceptance of each other will become your normal approach. For too long you have kept your energies close to yourself, in an uncertain world when you were never sure of whomyou could trust.

Those who carry the higher energy will have no problem in identifying each other, as you will literally “feel” another persons energy and know if they are of Love and Light. Indeed this was the experience of most people attending the recent Conferences in Sedona. They did not have to question their feelings, they just knew immediately. A taste of what is to come allowed people to express themselves quite openly and share the great Love that was generated between them. With that comes all of the other qualities of Love, and principally a wonderful caring and compassion for each other.

Some will still ask if they are ready for Ascension, as a slight fear of the consequences of not being ready still exists. Be assured that if your interest in life has centered around it, and it has been your intent to do so then you will certainly ascend, You are not expected to be a Saint but simply one who feels the Oneness of All That Is, and tries their best to live in harmony with all life. You must have goals in life and not allow your ambitions to stagnate.

After Ascension your life will cease to be so hectic as now, but you are still evolving and your journey is far from over. Do not worry for the time being as to what you might do, Wait until you have settled into the new life style, and become familiar with it in the higher dimensions. Many will eventually associate it with Utopia, and feel that it is the ultimate in satisfaction and enjoyment. However, there are many more levels to move into as you will find out. Some of you will be taken to visit them for the sheer experience of what it is like.

The portals are opening to the higher realms as planned eons of time ago. Whilst other civilizations in your Universe can handle their own Ascension, you have to receive help to be successful. It revolves around the magnificence of what is to take place, inasmuch that you who are ready will ascend together.

You cannot be part of it without knowing what the experience is like, and it will remain with you for a very long time. Can you see that in spite of all the traumas and troubles you have passed through, God has provided the ultimate reward as promised. Subconsciously you knew all along what the outcome would be, and it has given you strength when your doubts crept in.

One immediate change after Ascension will be the dissolution of religions that have been based upon falsehoods. You cannot move into the higher dimensions without turning to the truth, and that will cause anything else to be released. Most will find God within, but if some still want to pray and study together it will be allowed in accordance with every souls freewill.

With the coming of the Masters much that needs revising or removing will take place and help to bring people more together. That will be a feature in the times to come, where those of a similar vibration will find each other and work together. Not many souls know as yet exactly what their destiny is, but that will be sorted out quite quickly. Like any level you rise up to, there will always be more advanced souls that are available to advise you and show you your best path.

Clearly as you become a fully conscious Being you will be able to take on more complex challenges. You will find that there are many younger civilizations in your Universe, that would gladly accept you for your great and extensive experience. As we have mentioned previously, service to others is the name of the game.

When you have the Christ Consciousness and are all-knowing you will be able to deal with any problem presented to you. At the same time you will be all-powerful and have enormous creative powers. You have been told many times you are Gods in the making, so such developments should come as no surprise to you. At present the thought may sound overpowering, but remember that you will have the appropriate level of consciousness to go with it.

Do not waver from your path as you are not quite home yet, and be disciplined where your final days are concerned. There is no need to run off for that “last” experience before Ascension, as not that much will immediately change. It is more a matter of how you all feel as individuals and the changes within, and you will certainly know that.

In fact it would be surprising if you did not note a different feeling where your physical body was concerned, as it will have changed to one suited for the higher vibrations. No longer will you carry the effects of pollution or any other type of toxins, and you will feel renewed and energetic. For the removal of other problems that you have brought with you there will be the City of Light, and other forms of advanced healing within most localities.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and getting as excited as you are with the coming changes. We know that you will be left in a state of amazement and wonder, that you should have actually experienced Ascension. However, for the time being ready yourself for 12.12, and relax and fully enjoy it.

Thank you SaLuSa

Mike Quinsey

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12/8/2012 2:59:48 AM

Kp Message… “A Few Notes about ‘How Things Are Going’”

121112_1126_kauilapele_beams of light_mauna_kea_DSCF2254_08

Kp on Mauna Kea 11-12-12, in beams of Light
(click to enlarge)

This message is simply to let all know that all is going to work out for humanity. It’s all going to be “okay”. We are going to “win”.

This is not exactly a “game”, but no matter what you call it, there is a process in place, a “game”, if you will, that is rigged… “Rigged” meaning that we will win. Whatever exactly “win” means for each, it is going to happen.

Although the process started quite a long time ago (and you might point to the Harmonic Convergence, or any and all those other dates people talk about), the “game” is rigged. It’s rigged… for us… to win.

It’s all happening right now. All around us. The flailing about of “cabalites”, they’ve lost “the election”, and all this and all that. Bottom line, they (“cabalites”) are broke. They’re out of the money (Federal Reserve Notes), they’re out of gold (and painting tungsten bricks with gold ain’t cuttin’ it with the Dragons), they’re out of the US Presidency. They’re out of hundreds of governments around the planet. They’re just out.

The series of steps that initiated when Barack Hussein Obama was elected to the US Presidency in 2008 are now soon to lead to the fruition of a “new world” and a “new freedom” for all of us.

And don’t ask me what “soon” is. I don’t know. Don’t ask me the details. I don’t know. Don’t ask me whose a “White Hat” and whose not. Most of the time, I don’t know.

Barack Hussein Obama is exactly the one I saw towards the end of 2008. He is the one who was “designated” (by whom, I don’t know; “Higher Ups”, I guess) to lead this planet (the planet, mind you, not just the United States) back to freedom. And, eventually, to lead this planet into a state of Beingness where it can take its place in the Galactic Community.That’s what I knew back in 2008.

This could only happen as a) all the “crap” in the world (especially the USA Corporation and the Federal Reserve) was allowed, and even encouraged, to come out into the Light… for ALL to see, and b) a new system, step by step, put in its place, and c) a new consciousness, or awareness, or understanding of who we are, enter into each person on this planet.

Barack Hussein Obama has indeed been “the one” who has a) helped awaken “all that crap” in people (a “black” man, in a “White” House?), b) begun to set up that new system, and c) begun to bring forth a new consciousness (that this is our thing to do; not just blindly follow some ideological governmental guru) in all of us.

Anyway, although I’m not exactly what you’d call an “insider” (with all those governmental, or Dragon-mental connections), I have known for some time (esp. since 2008) that we were undoubtedly on our way out of the abyss, and into a New Light, and a New Age, for all of humanity.

This has quite recently, in my mind, at least, been confirmed. Validated. Done.

So all I will say here is,

“Take heart… Follow your Heart And keep allowing your Heart to lead you… Into that New Age of Freedom for all of us… Which we have envisioned for years.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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12/8/2012 10:35:47 PM

Note: Note: I have just read an article decrying Terence McKenna's work as mere nonsense among other disparaging references to New Agers and, in general, to the New Age movement. In particular, that article seems to override all the clues and information provided in this and my own forum in no more than one page. Not that I pay a lot of attention to these articles, just wanted to mention the fact with all that it implies

Terence McKenna on Timewave Zero, Dec. 21, 2012

Posted by Steve Beckow

Terence McKenna was a pioneer in pointing to the uniqueness and importance of Dec. 21, 2012 as what he called in some places “timewave zero” and in other places a “singularity” that arises at a “zero point,” where we reach an infinitely small period of time during which we reach an infinitely large level of intensity.

That seems like a pretty good way to characterize what occurs at Ascension.

To give you a taste of Terence, so to speak, he here discusses not the zero-point singularity per se, but the ever-tightening spiral that converges on it … he here dates it as Dec. 22, 2012, but later altered his date to be Dec. 21, 2012….

And here his theory of “timewave zero” is very clearly enunciated:

Timewave ZeroTerence McKenna – December 21st, 2012 – Timewave Zero

“Timewave zero” is a numerological formula that purports to calculate the ebb and flow of “novelty”, defined as increase in the universe’s interconnectedness, or organised complexity, over time.

According to Terence McKenna, who conceived the idea over several years in the early- to mid-1970s while using DMT, the universe has a teleological attractor at the end of time that increases interconnectedness, eventually reaching a singularity of infinite complexity in 2012, at which point anything and everything imaginable will occur simultaneously.

McKenna expressed “novelty” in a computer program, which purportedly produces a waveform known as timewave zero or the timewave.Terrance McKenna

Based on McKenna’s interpretation of the King Wen sequence of the I Ching, the graph appears to show great periods of novelty corresponding with major shifts in humanity’s biological and sociocultural evolution.

He believed the events of any given time are recursively related to the events of other times, and chose the atomic bombing of Hiroshima as the basis for calculating his end date in 2012.

When he later discovered this date’s proximity to the end of the 13th b’ak’tun of the Maya calendar, he revised his hypothesis so that the two dates matched. .

This software illustrates a theory of time, history and the end of history as first described in the book The Invisible Landscape by Terence and Dennis McKenna.

As related by Terence McKenna in his book True Hallucinations, the theory of Timewave Zero was revealed to him in the wake of an unusual psychedelic experiment conducted deep in the Amazon jungle in Colombia in 1971, which led to his being instructed in certain transformations of numbers, derived from the King Wen Sequence of I Ching hexagrams, relating to the occurrence of temporal phenomena.

This led eventually to a mathematical description of “the timewave”, which allegedly correlates time and history with the ebb and flow of something called Novelty, claimed to be a quality intrinsic to the temporal structure of the universe.

A peculiarity of this correlation is that at a certain point a singularity is reached which is the end of history — or at least a transition to a supra-historical order in which our ordinary conceptions of reality will be radically transformed.

The date of this point was chosen by McKenna to be December 21, 2012, the date of the winter solstice of that year and also the end of the current era of 13 baktuns in the Maya Calendar.

A remarkable quality of the timewave is that it is a fractal (although this was not fully revealed until the late 1980s).

Once a part of the wave is displayed the software allows you to expand any smaller part. This usually reveals a complexity of structure which persists however much the wave is magnified, a property typical of fractals.

The idea that time has a fractal structure (in contrast to the Newtonian conception of time as pure, unstructured, duration) was first proposed by Terence McKenna. It is certainly an intriguing idea worthy of further consideration by physicists.

An interesting part of the theory of Timewave Zero is the notion of historical periods “in resonance” with each other, in which the events of the earlier period are in some sense repeated in the later.

The software permits graphical display of different regions of the timewave that are in resonance with each other, and includes the ability to graph the so-called trigrammatic resonances in addition to the major resonances.

This Fractal Time software thus permits a proper examination of Terence McKenna’s claim to have discovered a property of time in terms of which historical phenomena can be explained and even predicted.

Terence McKenna’s software plotting the fractals of “novelty” over many thousands of years of earth’s history, up to 2012 C.E., at which point novelty will reach the state of infinite fulmination. He defines novelty as “the density of connectedness” or the “degree of complexity.” The I Ching says that Time is a series of identifiable elements in flux. There are 64 of these “elements.” He also believes that what we today call the I Ching is but a tiny fragment of a once immense device, now forever lost.

Looking at the I Ching from a quantum physics perspective, Terence and his brother Dennis discovered a wave pattern in the ordering of the Tarot’s trigrams and hexagrams that suggested time could be mapped.

One of the oldest “structured abstractions” known, the I Ching has been found scratched on the 6,000 year-old shoulder bone of a sheep.

Since the I Ching is particularly concerned with the dynamic relationships and transformations that archetypes undergo, McKenna intuited that the I Ching must also be deeply involved with the nature of time as the necessary condition for the manifestation of archetypes as categories of experience.

Centering his attention on examining the King Wen sequence of sixty four hexagrams, McKenna’s search for the ordering principles that lay behind it managed to translate what was essentially a mystical diagram into a rationally apprehensible, mathematical model.

Working with Peter Meyer, McKenna developed a personal computer software package that takes his discoveries concerning the I Ching and creates time maps based upon them. These time maps, or novelty maps, show the ebb an flow of connectedness, or novelty, in any span of time from a few days to tens of millennia.

In McKenna’s novelty map, when the graph line moves downward, novelty is assumed to be increasing. When there is movement away from the base line, novelty is assumed to be decreasing in favor of habitual forms of activity.

According to this graph, one trend toward greater novelty reached its culmination around 2700 B.C., precisely at the height of the Old Kingdom pyramid-building phase.

Perhaps most remarkable of all McKenna’s discoveries was the fact that the only point in the entire wave that has a quantified value of zero is December 21, 2012 A.D. — the same date that has been interpreted as the Mayan Calendar’s end of time.

The Timewave zero model shows the past 1,500 years to have been highly novel times that have oscillated at levels of novelty very close to the horizontal axis, the maximized “zero state.” When the zero point is reached, the wave passes out of the past and into the future. We are approaching a point, says McKenna, “when the rational and acausal tendencies inherent in time may again reverse their positions of dominance.”

McKenna views history, with it’s hunger for completion, as “an anomaly… a complete fluke,” in which “all ideas of salvation, enlightenment, or utopia may be taken to be expressions in consciousness of the drive of energy to free itself from the limitations of three-dimensional space.” As history races toward it’s denouement, evolution is carried out of strictly biological confines and into the mental realm where language and other abstractions begin to pull us together toward “a complex attractor that exists ahead of us in time.” This”concrescence,” says McKenna is now so close that it can be felt in the sense of accelerating time and complexity.

Timewave Zero is an exploratory idea system and a software package that runs on personal computers.

It is the broadcast output of the naturally superconducting experimentaldeoxyribonucleic matrix transceiver operating in hyperspace.

We believe that by using such ideas as a compass for the collectivity, we may find our way back to a new model in time to reverse the progressive worldwide alienation that is fast hurling us into an ecocidal planetary crisis.

A model of time must give hope and overcome entropy in its formal composition. In other words, it must mathematically secure the reasonableness of hope. This theory, and indeed the mathematical theory of dynamic systems generally does this by securing in a formal manner the process by which transformation can naturally arise and persist out of a background of flux.

It becomes increasingly clear that we are now experiencing a period marked with extreme density of novel ingressions, a time when the rational and acausal tendencies inherent in time may again reverse their positions of dominance.

Time, like light, may best be described as a union of opposites. Time may be both wave and, ultimately, particle, each in some sense a reflection of the other. The same holographic properties that have long been an accepted part of the phenomenon of the perception of three-dimensional space also suggest that interference patterns are characteristic of process. Living beings especially illustrate this.

We are on the brink of possibilities that will make us literally unrecognizable to ourselves and those possibilities will be realized, not in the next thousand years but in the next 20 years because the acceleration of invention and novelty and information transfer is at this point so rapid…

We don’t think about time because we take it for granted like breathing, but consider our hypothesis that the space-time continuum is a modular wave-hierarchy.

The Eschaton is a universal and fractal morphogenetic field, hypothesized to model the unfolding predispositions of space and time. This structure was decoded from the King Wen sequence of the I Ching and was the central idea that evolved in the wake of the events of La Chorrera as described in my book, True Hallucinations.

I’ve been talking about it since 1971, and what’s interesting to me is at the beginning, it was material for hospitalization, now it is a minority viewpoint and everything is on schedule. My career is on schedule, the evolution of cybernetic technology is on schedule, the evolution of a global information network is on schedule.

The King Wen sequence of the sixty-four hexagrams of the I Ching is among the oldest structured abstractions extant.

It has been found scratched on the shoulder bones of sheep that have been dated to 4000 BC so we do know that this sequence existed very early in ancient China, yet the nature of the ordering principles preserved in that sequence remains unelucidated.

The I Ching is a mathematical divinatory tool whose probable origin is the mountainous heart of Asia-the home of classical shamanism and Taoist magic. The I Ching is a centrally important part of humanity’s shamanic heritage that is rich in implications.

If the wave model is a valid general theory of time, it should be possible to show why certain periods or places have been particularly rich in events that accelerate the creative advance into novelty, and also to show where and when in the future such events might be expected to recur.

To carry out this operation, a personal computer has proven indispensable. A group of programs implementing these ideas has been written by our colleague Peter Meyer. We call this program Timewave Zero.

The software takes these theories and discoveries concerning the I Ching and creates time maps based upon them. The time maps or novelty maps show the ebb and flow of connectedness or novelty in any span of time from a few days to tens of millennia. The theory is not deterministic; it does not say what will happen in the future, only the levels of novelty that whatever happens will have to fulfill.

As such it operates as a map, or simplified picture, of the future (and past) behavior of whatever system is being studied. The end date is the point of maximized novelty in the system and is the only point in the entire wave that has a quantified value of zero.
December 21, 2012 AD.

This end date was arrived at without knowledge of the Mayan Calendar, and it was only after it was noticed that the historical data seemed to fit that we had deduced was in fact the end of the Mayan Calendar.

Imagine zeroing in on the point in which the wave passes out of the past and into the future. The stupendous idea of an end of time is an attempt to negate the eternal stasis, to break the circle.

All peoples who have awakened to the suffering and hope of the condition humaine have arrived at this idea, each in its own way.

The other peoples who have created a world for themselves have also appointed an end to it: Indians, Persians, Greeks, Arabs, and Jews. This final time revolutionizes the course of the world.

We are familiar with the Gnostic intuitions of the first and second century suggesting that energy is the “divine light” that is trapped in matter and that energy, in order to free itself, must evolve itself through progressively subtler stages until it generates self-reflecting consciousness, which can then evolve techniques for freeing all energy from matter.

Like this myth, all ideas of salvation, enlightenment, or utopia may be taken to be expressions in consciousness of the drive of energy to free itself from the limitations of three-dimensional space and return to the uncontaminated essence of itself in an epoch of realized concrescent satisfaction.

Concrescent satisfaction includes the notion of energy unbounded by space or time. This means for our theory that at especially low-value regions of the modular wave-hierarchy a quantum jump should occur in the concrescent process.

What this advance of novelty is, and what the process of becoming may be seen to be in essence, is the revelation of the interspecies’ mind.

In human beings, it is approached through the non-metabolizing neural DNA scattered through the body, and for humans it becomes apparent as a higher cortical phenomenon, as an experience, and as a confrontation with the Jungian “collective unconscious.” This revelation and its integration into the field of shared experience is a process of transformation of the previously limited ego.

Biology constantly changes the context in which evolution occurs. I have downloaded this into a phrase; “The universe-the biological universe at least-is a novelty conserving engine.” Upon simple molecules are built complex molecules. Upon complex molecules are built complex polymers.

Upon complex polymers comes DNA. Out of DNA comes the whole machinery of the cell. Out of cells comes simple aggregate colony animals like hydra and that sort of thing. Out of that, true animals. Out of that, ever more complex animals with organs of locomotion, organs of sight, organs of smell, complex mental machinery for the coordinating of data in time and space. This is the whole story of the advancement of life.

In our species, it reaches its culmination and it crosses over into a new domain where change no longer occurs in the atomic and biological machinery of existence; it begins to take place in the world that we call mental. It’s called epigenetic change;change that cannot be traced back to mutation of the arrangement of molecules inside long chain polymers, but change taking place in syntactical structures that are linguistically based.
Language and its appearance is a recent instance of concrescence.

It is a recent form of novelty, having been in existence not more than a million years.

As a concrescence occurring in our species, it may provide a clue to the path that evolving human novelty will take in the future.

Following the acquisition of language, the advance into novelty, now in part self-reflecting, continued on a higher level.

The most recent of these major new levels of coordinated organization may be embodied in the epoch of electronic communications and the furiously evolving post-relativistic consciousness of the twentieth century.

This idea requires a fairly radical reorganization of consciousness, because what I’m saying is the universe was not born in a fiery explosion from which it has been blasted outward ever since.

The universe is not being pushed from behind. The universe is being pulled from the future toward a goal that is as inevitable as a marble reaching the bottom of a bowl when you release it up near the rim. If you do that, you know the marble will role down the side of the bowl;down, down, down;until eventually it comes to rest at the lowest energy state, which is the bottom of the bowl.

In this model of human history. It is suggested that the universe is pulled toward a complex attractor that exists ahead of us in time, and that our ever-accelerating speed through the phenomenal world of connectivity and novelty is based on the fact that we are now very, very close to huge world changes.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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12/9/2012 3:11:36 AM
Note: The below KP comments refer to Kauilapele's own highlights on SaLuSa's two last mesages, which were not available at his blog when we posted them (instead, it was from Steve Beckow's '2012 Scenario' that we took them). But you may find them here and here respectively.

Kp Comments on the Last Couple SaLuSa’s and Why I’m Only Posting from Java on the Rock

The highlights I got from the last two SaLuSa messages were partly in the titles. But the second one (12-7-12) spoke of “a calmness beginning to encircle the Earth”, as we lead up to the 12-12-12. And the energies that portal (gateway, window) brings to the planet.

For myself, I feel it is most important to just relax, and allow this process to unfold. As I leave tomorrow for the 12-12-12 mission I have been “moved” to go on, like most of the others, I will relax and allow the Guidance to come, and en-Joy what It guides me to do. And where to be.

I’m sure there are a few who struggle a bit with this “relaxing” and “letting go” thing. A few may feel they have to “figure it all out” and be able to explain all of what is happening and why they are doing this or doing that. And what’s all this Ascension stuff is all about. And fret that they might not get it perfect.

Only one word I have for that (which came from my former undergraduate analytical chemistry professor, and a word he’d write on our test papers if an answer was way off):


Speaking for my Self (the Higher One, mind you), I am here to relax with these changes, relax with the new energies coming in, relax with the whole Ascension process, relax the body, relax the brain. Relax…

And please note that “relax”, to me, at least, does not mean “do nothing”, or “go to sleep”.

So, this whole “relax” thing also means not posting everything and everyone, like the blog has to be like everyone else’s and has to be the “most read” blog on the Internet. When I relax with things, what “wants” to be posted comes through easily and naturally, “when” it wants to be posted. Like right now at Java on the Rock. Three posts. In less than an hour.

So I leave for now with the photo above from Java, at 7:55 AM, sun just coming out from behind Hualalai.

Avoid the “Bull-burgers”. Relax.

Aloha for now. KP

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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12/10/2012 12:22:01 AM

Hilarion: Your Individual Light is Expanding in a Greater Radius Than Ever Before

Posted by Alice C

HilarionHilarion: Your Individual Light is Expanding in a Greater Radius Than Ever Before

As channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana – December 09, 2012

The energy levels continue to build and most of you are experiencing many downloads of this incredible assistance from the higher realms and dimensions. Your individual Light is expanding in a greater radius than ever before and this Light is a catalyst of awakening for those within its vicinity. Your placement upon the planet is no accident, for your Light and the Light moving through you is needed to hold, anchor and radiate in all directions to join in unison with other conduits so that there is a network of Light around the world.

Daily establish a connection and an inner dialogue with your higher Self and intend a greater alignment with the gentle and loving voice within. No matter what may arise from within your human outer self, know that within the core of your essence, all is aligned with the coming events that are to occur. You are here upon this planet representing humanity as a conduit for the greater good of all. As each of you experience greater remembrance of your true nature, you will align with others of the same frequency and vibration along the crystalline grid as it is reestablished in power and strength in the coming days.

The Light that you each hold will enable those around you to come into an awareness of the greater Cosmic events that are unfolding. Allow yourselves the joy of this journey and surrender to the promptings of your heart. Release all that has held you back from uniting in Oneness with your greater Self and be open to the insights that come to you. As you focus upon the attributes of the spirit of Love within you, a greater transformation will take place within your own consciousness. This will open up avenues of revelation and the knowing of the greater purpose of the situations in your lives that each of you have been experiencing.

It is through the actual experience of being in a human body during these times that greater growth of soul takes place, not only for self but also for the evolving masses of awakening humanity who join in communion on the higher levels. All will be touched by spirit in accordance with their level of unfoldment and understanding. Every particle of life will experience an upliftment in energy and vibration and this will help to open the fields of greater potentials and possibilities for all. What is most important for each Being is to go within and allow spirit to do its magic within you.

As you create your new world together, you will find that all differences vanish in your interpersonal relationships and a greater harmony, peace, acceptance and tolerance will come into manifestation. The frequency levels of joy will enable all to move forward into unity and cooperation within the hearts of all upon the planet. The old ways will no longer be supported by the new energies that prevail. Walk in joy, peace and goodwill and know that the blessings of the Universe surround you.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2012 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and website is included.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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