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12/10/2012 5:22:36 PM

Ascended Masters Will Also be Ascending

2012 DECEMBER 10
Posted by Steve Beckow

Ascended master Kuthumi

We’re not the only ones or the only dimension that are ascending. For some years now, the ascended masters have been telling us that they too will be ascending at this time.

The first time I heard this point of view being expressed was from the ascended master Kuthumi, the Koot Humi Lal Singh that Helena Blavatsky knew. He said on Nov. 2, 2008:

“Some of you are already aware of the fact that a number of us, the Ascended Masters, are moving into a much higher vibration as a result of our own progress and we have been granted permission to bring those of you who are ready with us, not into the same realm, but you are being lifted into a higher realm than you have been in before.

“However, it requires an enormous amount of responsibility of the self: self awareness, self love, and self acceptance, for now you are being groomed to emerge as the true beacons of light of the Golden Age.” (1)

Natalie Glasson channeled Archangel Metatron on Dec. 8, 2012 seeming to say much the same thing.

“If we have the courage to look deep within our beings, heart chakras and souls we will be rewarded with truth, enlightenment and wisdom that we have all long been awaiting to receive, in order to bring forward the true clarity of the Creator within our consciousness, awareness and energetic patterns.

“It will be the same for every Master, Archangel, Angels and Light Being on the inner planes. We are all achieving the shift of ascension together; it is our unity that is allowing the truth of the Creator to unfold with great freedom and empowerment into our beings and realities for realisation.” (2)

Ascension is going on all the time for all beings. It is universal and endless. I’d imagine that Sanat’s “promotion” from Planetary Logos to Solar Logos, which he discusses here, was almost certainly accompanied by an Ascension.

“I am no longer your Planetary Logos, yet I am still very deeply and profoundly a part of your evolution and assist the Buddha as he moves forth in his position as the Planetary Logos. It is for this reason, that this messenger has chosen and been guided, to speak with me. …

“Dear ones, your evolution is ever changing and always expanding, as you will so joyously experience, as you each return to the light and love of your Sacred Hearts and allow the Heartbeat of the Cosmos to expand within you.

“I too, am ever expanding and embody the cosmic heartbeat as I move forth on my evolution, in training to become a Solar Logos. How great is the expansion as I move forth on this joyous path. It is the path of embodying a solar system, of knowing and supporting and being the very essence of the intricate workings of this solar system.” (3)

He then goes on to discuss spiritual evolution at the level of the Solar Logoi.

“There are many solar systems ready to receive a new Solar Logos, as the natural progression of the expansion of consciousness, allows those who have held this position to move forth in their growth and evolution.” (4)

And finally he also acknowledges that the ascended masters will be ascending themselves at this time, after having held themselves back to assist us.

“All the beloved ones, the Ascended Masters who have been with you and assisted you through the third density, have held their evolution in check, to stay here with you, beloved ones, to assist you to move out of the density. Now, as you move forward and release yourselves from this density, these great Beings of light are also able to move forward in their evolution, even as they are here assisting you.

“The flow, the ebb of the Source consciousness is ever changing, ever in movement, and the movement into the light has been essential, as consciousness is always growing and expanding. A static position is not possible, and the time had come to move forth into the light.” (5)

Matthew Ward is also an ascended master

The more general principle that lies behind the ascended masters’ Ascension at this time is that Ascension is a design feature of life: it happens all the time; it’s happening somewhere to someone right now; and it will never stop happening as long as there are life forms travelling back to God, as Archangel Michael reminds us. (Moreover, we starseeds have ascended before.)

“As you have probably heard before, ascension is an ever-evolving, continuous, on-going evolutionary process and not a destination. You should also be aware that you have experienced different phases of the ascension process many times before in a multitude of locations and realities.” (6)

Ascension is a word used to describe movement from one dimension to another, but we also progress from one subplane to another within a dimension. To progress, whether within a dimension or between dimensions, is generally called spiritual evolution.

Archangel Michael tells us that no one has reached the peak of spiritual evolution.

“[No one has] reached the pinnacle of spiritual development, above all others. There is no such thing. As spiritual growth is ongoing, continual and a sacred journey and path, all will continue, long after they have completed planetary ascension.” (7)

SaLuSa reminds us that our journey will continue:

“Although your coming Ascension is a high point in your growth you will continue to follow a path of soul evolution, but it will never be as tough or demanding as the period you have just gone through.” (8)

“Bear in mind that the 21.12.12 is a major upliftment, yet only the beginning of another cycle of experience. However, it is for your civilization the opportunity to leave duality, and not continue re-incarnating in the lower dimension.” (9)

“Ascension,” he observes, “will never cease until you return to the absolute Source.” (10) He explains:

Galactics like SaLuSa are also ascended masters

“Your quest for knowledge and the truth can never really be satisfied until you reach the ultimate – The Source of All That Is. However, you will have innumerable experiences before you ever reach that point. You have yet to understand the concept of a never-ending creation. You will never run out of new challenges in the Multi Universes and dimensions that seem to go on for all infinity.” (11)

Matthew Ward reminds us that the end of 2012 is not the end of our growth and evolution.

“Earth’s ascension—the process of world transformation and spiritual renewal that enables her to rise out of third density and continue into the Golden Age—has been ongoing for about seventy years in linear time; and by the end of your calendar year 2012, the darkness that has proliferated for millennia will have disappeared in all its vicious forms.

“However, this does not mean that after 2012, there will be no further changes—there will indeed be splendid changes in many areas, including spiritual and intellectual growth. Life is a continual process of learning, or more accurately stated, a process of consciously remembering the knowledge within the soul.” (12)

He tells us that our journey will continue throughout eternity.

“Will all the beneficial changes in our lives be accomplished by the time Earth reaches fourth density or will there be more changes in the Golden Age? All the changes until Earth enters fourth density will indeed be beneficial, but soul evolvement, and thus your multiple lifetimes, will continue ‘throughout eternity,’ it is safe to say.

“The soul’s journey of self-discovery will continue unfolding throughout the Golden Age and far, far beyond, until each returns to Creator Source. We can promise you, the wondrous adventure gets more and more exciting!” (13)

Ag-agria suggests that some day we’ll ascend so far that we too will seat ourselves in the councils that preside over the universe.

“With Ascension you will have overcome so many of the frailties that exist now. Eventually the vibrations will be so high that you will be entering a state of near perfection as a Light Being. Then you will be able to be yourself, that is your Higher Self adorned with the Light of many suns, and radiate the love that knows no ending.

“One day many of you shall be seated on the Councils that preside over the Universe, and in your greatness serve God directly. However, that is a long way off but indicates your unlimited potential to rise to the highest levels.” (14)

I wrote a master’s thesis in 1970, called A Majestic Story of Orderly Progress, depicting what I considered to be the simplistic straight-line theories of progress that Victorians had. Ever since I’ve been forced to retreat more and more from my opinion.

I still believe much of what they said was simplistic, but I admit that I’m relenting on the fact that life is designed as “a majestic story of orderly progress,” as all beings continue to rise in consciousness in a return journey back to the Source from which they came.


(1) Kuthumi, “11:11 Turning of the Tide,” Nov. 2, 2008, through Michelle Eloff, at

(2) “Natalie Glasson: Archangel Metatron – Ascension Shifts 12/12/12,” channelled through Natalie Glasson, December 08, 2012, at .

(3) Sanat Kumara, “The Evolution of Earth and Humanity,” Oct. 20, 2010, through Rev. Michelle Coutant, at

(4) Loc. cit.

(5) Loc. cit.

(6) Archangel Michael, “A Clarion Call for World Servers,” May 2010, through Ronna Herman, at

(7) Archangel Michael, “Balance Your Subconscious, Conscious and Superconscious Minds,” June 2010, through Rev. Michelle Coutant, at

(8) SaLuSa, Nov. 14, 2012, at

(9) SaLuSa, Oct. 31, 2011.

(10) SaLuSa, March 26, 2010.

(11) SaLuSa, Feb. 23, 2009.

(12) Matthew’s Message, Feb. 7, 2009, at

(13) Matthew’s Message, Dec, 6, 2010.

(14) Ag-agria, March 25, 2009, at

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12/10/2012 5:25:12 PM

Message from Matthew – December 9, 2012

2012 DECEMBER 10
Posted by Stephen Cook

Message from Matthew – December 9, 2012

Stephen: We’re obliged to leave it to you to make up your own mind on dates, timelines, and timeframes regarding the immediate days ahead.

Steve: We know that Matthew differs from, say, SaLuSa and Archangel Michael in predicting a gradual Ascension over time rather than a sudden one that occurs on 12/21/12. We’ll just have to see what develops, I’m afraid. No one denies the reality of Ascension; the disagreement is around dates and rate of progress. (1)

As received by Suzy Ward – December 9, 2012

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew.

Always this season of various religious observances and celebrations in your world comes with intensified and mixed emotions. Those who are thriving feel grateful for the blessings in their lives and they enjoy merriment with family and friends; those who are alone or grieving or are hungry and penniless more keenly feel their lot in life. It is joyous for us to see that in this season of “good tidings to all,” so many caring, warmhearted souls reach out to help those who are needful.

This year is no different in that uplifting respect; however, the energies are stunningly different from this season in prior years. The highest vibrations your world has known for eons are affecting everyone, and while many are benefitting, masses are not in favorable positions. As the days of 2012 are winding down, the negative extreme of duality is making a strong last gasp before meeting its imminent end.

Of chief concern is unrest in the Middle East with the threat of chemical warfare in Syria, plutonium development in Iran, rebelliousness in Egypt, continuing Israeli-Palestinian enmity. There’s action toward a missile launch in North Korea, dire state of several national economies, mounting numbers of refugees and their plight, warring and oppression in some African nations, random acts of violence around the world, corruption in governments and multinational corporations.

Certainly it is not to dampen your holiday spirits that we mention those situations of world interest, but to assure you that in ALL cases, benevolent resolutions are coming! In the area of greatest concern, if chemical-laden weaponry were put into play, our universal family’s technology would prevent its functioning.

December 12th and 21st have long been considered as pivotal dates for the planet. To be sure, major energy surges due to planetary alignment are important thrusts forward, but Earth has been on an ascension course through successively higher vibratory levels and surges for over 70 years. This will continue throughout her travels in fourth density on to her destination in fifth, where the planet and Gaia, the soul who embodied as the planet, originated.

That is why we do not see a momentous event occurring on the 21st that will be equally profound for all worldwide. Each individual is a unique being and will experience a uniquely personal response to that day just as each has been doing all along Earth’s ascension progress. Some individuals may have a powerful energetic reaction while others may not sense anything at all unusual.

Beloved souls, please do not feel discouraged if you don’t experience something dramatic! As the light intensity has been increasing on Earth, so has your conscious and spiritual awareness been increasing, and your bodies have been adjusting to cellular changes from carbon to crystalline. You don’t need a startling event or sensation to feel elated about approaching the doorstep of Earth’s Golden Age!

Rejoice with us about a recent development in your linear time regarding the greater numbers of souls who may physically accompany Earth into that Age! God is granting the soul level petitions of ancestor souls to “partner” with their descendents who are struggling valiantly to divest themselves of emotions that are curtailing the amount of light they are absorbing.

Their emotions, which are not rooted in darkness and hurt no one except the souls themselves, are intense or prolonged grieving, remorse, guilt, judgment, hopelessness and difficulty shedding belief in falsehoods they have been taught. All of those can be transmuted into light with the focused energy of the more spiritually-evolved partnering souls. Some are living among you and others are inspiring their descendents who are there to direct love-light to those who simply need that extra boost to surmount their hurtful feelings.

As wondrous as this effect of unconditional love is, we know that you are eager to see long-promised changes come to fruition. At soul level you know that the transformation of your world is happening with astounding scope and speed, but consciously you are impatient, even at times doubtful. Please understand that while the low vibrations emitted by darkness cannot enter the Golden Age, the results of millennia of dark ones’ activities cannot be healed until Earth is journeying within fourth density’s light-filled vibrations.

Much ground work toward restoration and reformation has been accomplished. Mainstream media have exposed corruption in many quarters and efforts undertaken behind the scenes soon will become public knowledge. Situations vital to peace are being negotiated between some of your leaders and representatives of our extraterrestrial family.

Environmental projects will be initiated as soon as the priority measures that we enumerated in a recent message have been managed [September 24, 2012]. And yes, the highest universal council still is awaiting God’s “GO!” for our family members’ official introduction.

Dear ones, we know that you would like linear timeframes and if we could give those to you, with gladdened hearts we would do so, but we don’t know. All we can do is repeat our oft-given assurance that in the continuum, your co-creation of a loving, peaceful, pristine Eden world where everyone lives in harmony with Nature and knows the Oneness of All is a “done deal.”

Beloved family, you are SO close to third density’s finish line—a triumph unprecedented in this universe! You are loved and held in highest honor by all light beings everywhere.



Suzanne Ward


(1) See “Gradual vs. Sudden Views of Ascension – Part 1 – Matthew Ward,” here; “Gradual vs. Sudden Views of Ascension – Part 2 – SaLuSa,” here; “Gradual vs. Sudden Views of Ascension – Part 3 – Archangel Michael,” here; and “Gradual vs. Sudden Views of Ascension – Part 4 – Archangel Michael”, here.

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12/10/2012 5:26:55 PM

Jennifer Hoffman: Did You Change the Batteries?

2012 DECEMBER 10
Posted by Andrew Eardley

Did You Change the Batteries?

By Jennifer Hoffman – December 9, 2012

In 2000 I got cable TV and after a few months, my cable stopped working, so I placed a service call to have it repaired. The cable guy came, picked up the remote, pushed a few buttons and asked me “Did you change the batteries in the remote?” I said “I didn’t know it took batteries, I thought it worked off the TV.” To his credit he didn’t laugh out loud but the look on his face told me he couldn’t believe what I had just said.

So I got some batteries, he put them in the remote and it worked just fine. I am sure he has shared that story many times, gotten some good laughs from it, and the call center people were told to ask customers to change the batteries in the remote before they sent someone out to fix the cable.

Now I am fairly intelligent and I know how things work, but since the remote worked by pointing it at the TV I thought there was something in the TV that powered the remote. (I also never looked at the bottom of the remote since it’s the top part that holds the buttons.) The problem was not with the TV or the cable at all, I just needed to change the batteries in the remote.

And our lives work in the same way. We create our reality, so what is going on in our reality isn’t powered by the reality itself, we are sending out the energy that is creating the situation. If we look to the outside and wonder what’s wrong with it, we are ignoring the need to make changes in the energy we are using to create that situation.

Our outside world has no power over us because it is our creation, just like the images we see on a television. Every challenging situation we experience began with an energy we set in motion, and if we want to change it, we have to change at our energy outflows, just as we need to press a button on the remote to change the channel. The television won’t power the remote, the remote controls the TV.

And when the situation no longer works for us, brings us joy, and does not serve our needs, the remote control may need new batteries, or in other words, we need to change the energy we are using to create our reality.

This is also seen in one of my favorite Universal laws, the Law of Cause and Effect which states that everything in our reality is a cause, or an outcome, and we are the effect, the creator. And as the creator, we have the power to create something different in every situation.

As we approach a cosmic event this week, look at your life with detachment and discernment and if you don’t like what you see, check the batteries as you may need new ones. And remember that the remote powers the TV and you can always change the channel, but if the remote isn’t working, don’t blame the television.

Check out my Mastering the 12 Universal Laws program by clicking here, to learn about the Law of Cause & Effect and all of the 12 universal laws that control how energy works and what you need to know to work with energy. (And read that page to learn how my son set his computer on fire, a Universal Law lesson he will never forget!)

Copyright (c) 2012 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, link to, or translate or share this article, in its entirety, as long as you include the author name and a working link back to this website.

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12/10/2012 5:34:06 PM
Here and in his next message, Steve Beckow offers us a brilliant analisys on the possibilities of an upcoming sudden Ascension . This is Part 1

Instances of Sudden Ascension – Part 1/2

2012 DECEMBER 10
Posted by Steve Beckow

T.E. Lawrence describes a sudden Ascension

As we near 12/21/12, we may get attacks of “what if?” What if Ascension does not happen on 12/21/12? What if Ascension is not sudden but gradual?

We don’t know for certain whether Ascension will take place on that date or another, suddenly or gradually.

We do have the assurances of a large number of sources that it will but we have no certain evidence of our own to refer to.

For my part I’m meeting “what if” with “as if.” I’m going forward acting “as if” Ascension will occur on that date, not knowing for sure whether it will or not.

No matter how many higher beings say it will happen on 12/21/12, the divide in opinion between the sudden and the gradual school, the advocates of Dec. 21 and of other dates, or of no date, remains.

If I’m wrong and Ascension does not happen on Dec. 21, it’ll be quite painful, to be sure. But there’s nothing that can be done but wait to find out what will happen.

To lend support to the notion of sudden Ascension, let me offer several instances of it from the spirit side of life.

The first is the ascension of “Dr. G” as recorded by T.E. Lawrence (“Lawrence of Arabia) in hisPostmortem Journal. Remember that Ascension means the leaving of one plane and entry into another. It is not the leaving of one subplane of a plane and the entry into another subplane of the same plane. On the spirit planes up to now, it has seen the traveller leave, say, the astral body and find him or herself in the mental body.

Dr. G. is sensing that his time for transitioning is drawing near and tells Lawrence:

“‘The timelessness of our life,’ he said, ‘misleads us into thinking that there is no longer any period to our happiness. We have no lengthening shadow of old age to put a natural limit to our activities and so, when we are happy and easy, we think it can continue indefinitely.

“‘But I know there are natural period in our time here and that I am approaching one of them. I could perhaps disregard the intimations and stay on here [in the Astral Plane], but, if I did so, I should be perverting the pattern. So you see, even this paradise may not be enjoyed for too long lest it thwart one’s proper growth. …

“‘I am growing old in this [astral] body and shall soon be done with it. Then I shall go on to explore this wonderful universe on another level [i.e., the Mental Plane].’” (1)

As Dr. G. spoke, “the illumination of his wise spirit made a glory around him and was more convincing than many words.” (2) Lawrence adds: “I had heard about this second death and transition to the next sphere…. Now it seems that I may be privileged to watch it happening to another.” (3) In fact Lawrence does watch it.

Lawrence describes the sudden Ascension of Dr. G. from the Astral Plane to the Mental Plane (or from the Fourth to the Fifth Dimension):

“The end came suddenly. I called on him and was told that he was sleeping. We stood around and watched his still form and the light which waxed and waned there. In a breathtaking second the change came. The light gathered itself together and burnt itself to a keen thought of light so intense and inward that we gasped and turned aside. Then it had gone and only a wraith of our friend remained which shrank away and disappeared as we watched.

“We sat speechless, absorbed in the beauty and meaning of the transition. It was long before anyone broke the silence and then one said: ‘I have heard that some time is needed for a spirit to get used to the new conditions, just as we needed time to adjust when we first came here, so we must not expect our friend to come to us yet. I suggest that when an interval has elapsed we should meet here again and wait and hope for his coming.’ We agreed to do this and went off full of thought to our various occupations.” (4)

Later Dr. G. descended to pay Lawrence and his friends a visit. Lawrence describes it:

“Dr. G. has kept his promise to come to us but he appeared when we were least expecting him. Some few of us were sitting quietly talking when his voice suddenly took up the parable and as we looked up, startled, we saw the outlines of a form which speedily filled in and took substance and there he was among us again.

“He brought with him an exalted air and we felt his presence as a spiritual baptism, a stream of pure joy absorbed hungrily by our thirsty beings. Light and happiness glowed up in us too with the pleasure of heightened being. He stayed only a short while … and left us again.” (5)

Here is a second presumed instance of Ascension. Frances Banks tells of the ascent of a young evolved spirit named Jeannie, who was escorted by an angel from the Astral to a much higher plane. At first the angel simply visited Jeannie.

Frances Banks during her time as a nun

“’The Angel … came when I was resting. … You know, I think He was my Angel. I seemed to have known Him before.’” (6)

Then he came again and took her to a higher plane.

“[Jeannie] left us very quietly. One moment she was there, laughing, dancing, chattering amongst us all. Then we became aware of a Being standing beyond the shade of the trees; a Man of Light, tall, graceful with the beautiful limbs of a dancer. He stood in the Light and he held out his hand.

“’Come, Jeannie,’ he said. She ran to him immediately. Then she turned. Her little face was transfigured with joy.

“’It’s the Messenger,’ she cried. ‘Isn’t it wonderful! Wonderful.’

“She waved to us all. ‘Thank you for what you have done for me. Thank you for helping me get well. Now I shall really dance. You will come to the Beautiful Place to see me sometime, won’t you? Won’t you?’ She put her hand with perfect trust into the hand of the Messenger. ‘Goodbye.’

“’Farewell for a space,’ we called back.

“Together the two walked down the long sunlit slopes and the Light of the Messenger seemed even brighter than the Light shimmering over our gardens. Then they were gone … and I, for one, felt that we had given back a ray of sunshine to the Great Creative Sun.” (7)

We don’t know for sure that the angel escorted Jeannie to a higher plane rather than a subplane, but, in afterlife histories, the intercession of an angel usually means that an Ascension from one plane to another is occurring. Angels don’t attend to escort a spirit from the Middle Summerlands, for instance, to the Higher Summerlands, both being on the Astral Plane. Usually an ascent from the Astral Plane to the Mental Plane is also unescorted. An angelic escort usually comes to escort someone from the Astral, say, to the Causal, Buddhic, or Nirvanic Plane, or higher.

(To be concluded in Part 2.)


(1) T.E. Lawrence through Jane Sherwood, medium, Post-Mortem Journal. Communications from T.E. Lawrence. London: Spearman, 1964, 76.

(2) Loc. cit.

(3) Ibid., 77.

(4) Ibid., 78-9.

(5) Ibid., 83.

(6) Frances Banks, Helen Graves, Testimony of Light. London: Churches Fellowship for Psychical & Spiritual Studies, 1975; c1969, 95.

(7) Ibid., 95-6.

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12/10/2012 5:36:44 PM

Instances of Sudden Ascension – Part 2/2

2012 DECEMBER 10
Posted by Steve Beckow

Householder disciple Balaram Bose

(Concluded from Part 1.)

Next is the Ascension of Balaram Bose, householder disciple of Sri Ramakrishna. Balaram has provided for Sri Ramakrishna’s physical needs for many years. His master dies before him and, when Balaram dies, his master comes for him in a way reminiscent of Elijah and takes him many planes higher than the Astral. Normally most souls transition from death through the Astral Plane. For Balaram to go directly to a much higher plane constitutes an Ascension.

Here is that description.

“At the last moment, we were seated around [Balaram Bose], while his wife, stricken with unspeakable grief, was in the inner apartment with Golap-ma, Yogin-ma, and others. Just then she noticed something like a piece of black cloud in the sky, which became denser by stages and began to descend. Soon it assumed the shape of a chariot and alighted on the roof of Balaram Babu’s house. The Master [Sri Ramakrishna] came out of that chariot and proceeded towards the room where Balaram Babu lay.

“Soon after, he issued forth, taking Balaram Babu by the hand, and entered the chariot again, which then ascended and vanished in the sky. This vision raised [Balaram's wife's] mind to a very high plane where there could be no touch of grief or sorrow. When she returned to normal she related this to Golap-ma, who came to apprise us of the fact. Balaram Babu had passed away just a little while before.” (1)

Compare Balaram’s Ascension with Elijah’s.

“And it came to pass, as they [Elijah and Elisha] still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.” (2)

Here is another Ascension from physical life to a plane much higher than the astral. Journalist Julia Ames leaves her body at death and is escorted by an angel onto a very high plane where she meets with Jesus. Again she skips over the Astral Plane, making her journey an Ascension.

The clue to it being beyond the Astral is the angel’s comment: “He who saved thee would fain speak with thee.” To be “saved” means to ascend to at least the Mental Plane or Fifth Dimension and need no more to incarnate (except voluntarily, to serve). But I believe Julia to have gone to a dimension much higher than the Fifth.

William Stead, medium for Julia Ames

“I found myself free from my body. It was such a strange new feeling. I was standing close to the bedside on which my body was lying; I saw everything in the room just as before I closed my eyes. I did not feel any pain in ‘dying’; I felt only a great calm and peace. Then I awoke and I was standing outside my old body in the room. There was no one there at first, just myself and my old body. At first I wondered [that] I was so strangely well. Then I saw that I had passed over. …

“Then I felt as though a great warm flood of light had come into the room and I saw an angel. She, for at first she seemed to be a female, came to me and said –

“’I am sent to teach you the laws of the new life.’

“And, as I looked, she gently touched me and said: ‘We must go.’ …

“My angel had wings; they were beautiful. She was all robed in white.

“We went at first through the streets, then we went through the air.” (3)

“When my Guide came he spoke to me in a very sweet, strong voice that had in it the confidence of the Invisible. And I was thrilled through and through with its note, which did not seem strange to me. Nor was this strange for he had often been with me in my earth-life, although I had never seen him. I recognized him as an old and familiar part of myself and this at first made me think that it was a woman. And, when he said, ‘Come!’ I did not hesitate.” (4)

“When we were journeying I spoke little. My thoughts were busy and yet I was not conscious of even thinking, only of feeling and seeing, drinking in at every point new impressions. When we seemed to be arriving at a new world, I spoke. I asked my guide, ‘Where is this? Is it Heaven?’ He replied, ‘Wait and see. You will find those there who will teach you what you want to know.’

“The place was very pleasant to behold. The air was sweet and there was a delicious fragrance of flowers in June. The world – for it was a world we were approaching – seemed not unlike our old world, but it was different – there was nothing to jar. The sense of restful peace and contented love was everywhere. The place had a placid smile of tranquil joy.” (5)

“I found myself in a great expanse of landscape where I had never been before. I was alone; that is, I saw no one. But you are never really alone. We are always living in the presence of God. But I saw no one. Then I heard a voice. I only heard the words. ‘Julia, He who saved thee would fain speak with thee.’ I listened, but no words other than these were spoken.

“Then I said – ‘Who is it that speaks?’ And, behold, a flaming fire – really like fire though in human shape. I was afraid. Then he spoke and said, ‘Be not afraid. It is who am appointed to teach the secret things of God.’ Then I saw that the brightness as of fire was only the brightness that comes from the radiant love of the Immortals.

“Then the flame-bright One said to me, ‘Julia, behold your Saviour!’ And when I looked I saw Him. He was sitting on a seat close to me, and He said, ‘Beloved, in My Father’s House are many mansions; here am I whom you have loved so long. I have prepared a place for you.’

“And I said, ‘Where, oh, my Lord?’ He smiled and, in the brightness of that smile, I saw the whole landscape change as the Alps change in the sunset, which I saw so often from the windows of my hotel at Lucerne. Then I saw that I was not alone, but all around and above were fair and loving forms, some of those whom I had known, others of whom I had heard, while some were strange.

“But all were friends and the air was full of love. And in the midst of all was He, my Lord and Saviour. He was as a Man among men. He was full of the wonderful sweet mildness which you are acquainted with in some of the pictures that have been painted by the Italian Fra Angelico. He had an admirable look of warm affection, which was as the very breath of life to my soul. He is with us always.

“This is Heaven – to be with Him. You cannot understand how the consciousness of His presence makes the atmosphere of this world so different from that with you. There are many things I wish I could write to you, but I cannot, nor could you understand them. I can only tell you that He is more than we ever have imagined. He is the Source and Giver of all good gifts. All that we know of what is good and sweet and pure and noble and lovable are but faint reflections of the immensity of the glory that is His. And He loves us with such tender love!” (6)


The sight and presence of Jesus after death – literally to be with Jesus in the clouds – is a rare privilege granted only to those who have excelled spiritually. Julia is probably on the Seventh Dimension or higher so again hers could be considered a sudden Ascension.

We could look as well at Jesus’s Ascension, but only sketchy details exist of it. In our final example, let’s listen to the Buddha’s ascension after his death or mahasamadhi. I’ve foreshortened it a bit for the sake of the reader. But with or without the extra details, what is being described is an Ascension.

“Thereupon The Blessed One rising from the cessation of his perception and sensation, entered the realm of neither perception nor yet non-perception; and rising from the realm of neither perception not yet non-perception, he entered the realm of nothingness; and rising from the realm of nothingness, he entered the realm of the infinity of consciousness; and rising from the realm of the infinity of consciousness, he entered the realm of the infinity of space; and rising from the realm of the infinity of space, he entered the fourth trance; … and rising from the fourth trance, immediately The Blessed One passed into Nirvana.” (7)

Therefore most Ascensions that we know about have been sudden events. Of course this Ascension is without precedent because here, unlike any of those discussed here with the exception of Elijah, no one has ascended with their physical body, whereas, apparently, we will. So there is precedent for the notion of “sudden” Ascensions. Most Ascensions that we know of have been of that type.


(1) Swami Shivananda in Swami Chetananda, They Lived with God. Life Stories of Some Devotees of Sri Ramakrishna. St. Louis: Vedanta Society of St. Louis, 1989, 133. Saying Balaram Babu is equivalent to saying Mr. Balaram.

(2) II Kings 2:11.

(3) All quotes are from Julia [Julia T. Ames] through W.T. Stead, medium, After Death. A Personal Narrative. New York: George H. Doran, n.d.; c. 1914. Pp. 41-44.

(4) 72-3.

(5) 77.

(6) 43-5.

(7) The Death of the Buddha, Translated from the Maha-Parinibbana-Sutta (v. and vi.) of the Dgha-Nikya, at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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