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12/6/2012 2:24:45 AM

Saul: To Awaken is Like Having an Enormous Load Lifted from Your Shoulders

Posted by Anthony Morrison

Saul: To Awaken is Like Having an Enormous Load Lifted from Your Shoulders

As channeled by John Smallman – December 5, 2012

You can listen to John’s reading of this post by Saul here:

As the end of your earth year draws closer, excitement continues to mount. What is due to happen is unprecedented in your entire human history, and has been planned and prepared for, for eons.

It is an event of enormous significance that will raise your levels of consciousness to such high levels that what you now call consciousness, even that of the most consciously aware of you, will seem to have been an incredibly deep form of sleep, punctuated by occasional scarcely remembered dreams or nightmares.

To be fully awake in the eternal Light of God’s infinite Love is a wonder beyond description, and you are soon to experience that state permanently.

As the countdown to that moment proceeds apace, hold the desire and intent to bring humanity — your divine brothers and sisters — forward into that natural, awakened state which is your heritage and your eternal destiny. Your collective intent is an essential part of the process. You are setting the rate at which you travel the homeward path, and have been doing so since the journey started.

Initially the pace was slow, unenthusiastic, and irregular, but over the last two or three centuries it has increased at a steady and relentless rate, and within the last two or three decades enormous acceleration has taken place bringing you to this moment of intense excitement as the end of your arduous journey comes into view.

To arrive at your divinely intended destination at precisely the moment that was planned when you made the decision to have an experience of separation from your Source is in itself quite wondrous. Your Father’s Love for you, and His complete and utter understanding of you as one, and as individual aspects of that one, is truly astounding – but that is the Nature of God.

He has prepared for you a welcome that is to envelop you in His loving embrace and that will uplift you into an experience of ecstasy that is possible only within Him.

The illusion is to dissolve, leaving you totally naked, transparent, translucent, and transformed because you will have returned to your natural, divine state, at one with God, where nothing is hidden and where nothing ever needs to be hidden, because trust is absolute in this state of infinite and unconditional Love.

The thought of such transparency may well alarm you now, but that is only because you have become so accustomed to the seemingly overwhelming necessity for secrecy and obscurement that the illusion has encouraged and maintained.

When you act individually, as separate disconnected beings, the world seems hostile and threatening because you do not know what another is thinking or what his motives may be, and because the suffering and betrayals you have experienced in that unfriendly environment have convinced you that those beliefs are essential survival skills that you must constantly reevaluate and perfect

To awaken is, among many other most wonderful sensations, like having an enormous load lifted from your shoulders which had been pressing you down into the ground with relentless force and preventing you from really seeing, hearing, or in general being aware of, your environment. This lack of transparency has caused you eons of fear, and has also engendered a deep fear of transparency itself.

That will all change when you awaken and realize what a wonder and what a joy it is to live without the grim, encloistered darkness that secrets and dissemblance produce. What you are shortly to experience permanently is untold joy in a realm that is itself created from joy — because utter joy for all of creation is your Father’s Will.

With so very much love, Saul.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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12/6/2012 2:35:48 AM
Friends, this strange but fascinating message from Gabriel has really blown my mind with its deep and powerful significance and its beautiful, joyful words

Gabriel Blows Her Trumpet

Posted by Steve Beckow

Archangel Gabriel blows her trumpet of truth, triumph, and new beginnings

Linda Dillon, Council of, December 1, 2012

…you have said to me long ago, “Gabriel, when you sound your horn I will be there and I will respond.” Well, that is this day as we venture forth together, not in a day, a moment or an hour. But you have unfurled your wings a long time ago, child, and it is time to put them to use…

Greetings. I AM Gabriel, I AM Gabrielle, Lily of Love, Trumpet of Truth, Messenger of One and, yes, I stand here this day with our beloved St. Germaine, Keeper of the I AM. I stand here this day with Sanat Kumara, Planetary Logos, Keeper of Universal Law. And the Trust Fund and the I AM and the Universal Law are laws of love and joy and fulfillment. Child, you have not heard from me in a while but that does not mean that I have not been with you and I have not been busy for it is important that this entire planet and in fact, this entire planetary system and the universe be filled with the golden elixir of joy and of rejuvenation, reparation and restoration.

Why would you fight me? Why would any being upon the planet of either Gaia, this mighty Archangel, or anywhere else try to fight me? Why would they try and resist the infusion and the gift of joy? It is beyond absurd, but there it is, kicking and screaming and causing a fuss. And it doesn’t matter whether it is in Chicago, or Los Angeles, or Syria, or upon the plains of Africa.

Why do people resist the joy? Because they are afraid they are not worthy to receive. Well, this is the final call. No, I do not say this in a threatening way, for I do not threaten. That is for human beings of the old dimensions and the old realities. What I do is I extend myself to you broadly and fully and you know that when I do that child, you really don’t stand much of a chance, do you? For I will wrap you in my wings of gold and lift you up and carry you either to the heart of One or to the heart of Gaia. And I will tend to you as I have tended to you for eons.

I am blowing my horn; I am blowing my trumpet of truth and it is not the horn or the sound of ‘end’, it is not the sound of Armageddon, for that is ridiculous; it is the sound of truth, of triumph and of new beginnings. Even those who are most petulant, most resistive, those who believe themselves to be in a world of hurt, and sorrow, and pain will be lifted up. No, I do not mean, and let me be very clear about this, I am not talking about removal from the earth, child. I am not talking about earth changes that are cataclysmic. I am talking about the lifting up of your heart, your mind, your soul, and then I am talking about the descension into a new reality and it is the reality of heartfelt consciousness, it is the reality of love.

You have lived, collectively, in such illusion and now you are beginning to truly see and understand the power of your thoughts, your desires, your creations. And you are moving forward at the speed of love, not even light, but love. And it is time.

If you were going on a journey, and I suggest you are, you would pack what you need, but you would not wish to weigh yourself down. So for this journey of movement through this Shift, what I suggest you do is pack light, pack joy, pack trust so that you may have your hands free to reach out to others, to give them that helping hand that they need.

So many of you have worked and are committed to my brother Michael, but you are also committed to me. And you have said to me long ago, “Gabriel, when you sound your horn I will be there and I will respond.” Well, that is this day as we venture forth together, not in a day, a moment or an hour. But you have unfurled your wings a long time ago, child, and it is time to put them to use. They are beautiful but they are not simply decorative. You are claiming your freedom and that means to fly free and Germaine and I could not be more anxious than to see you do so.

But what is the power of lift-off? What is the power, the propulsion? It is joy. And if you say to me “Gabriel, I do not feel the joy. I do not know where my joy went. Where do I find it?” First and foremost I suggest you look in the mirror, look at the bright angel you are. And if that is not sufficient child, go outside. Look at the miraculous sky, the color of the Mother, go to the sea, the water, to the stream, to the brook, and see the joy that the fish have swimming, the dolphins playing. The sand, simply sitting and receiving the blessings that Gaia bestows upon them. Look at the grass. Have you ever seen a single blade of grass? No, they are in unity consciousness as are the plants and the trees, the birds. You are the last in line to come to this understanding of unity, connectedness, of giving and receiving in balance.

The joy is there for taking. Open your hearts and receive what I give you so freely this day and every day. And then carry this joy and spread it, yes, to the Middle East, to Syria, to the Congo, to Venezuela, to every place of turmoil, to every heart that sits believing that they are alone. And then, yes, dance across the sky, dance across the room because dear heart, I will dance with you.

It is a time of celebration, it is time of the fulfillment of the promise of the Mother and the only thing we have to say to you this day is Halleluiah! Let us get on with it. Go in peace. Farewell.

Channeled by Linda Dillon 12-01-12

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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12/6/2012 2:37:37 AM

Jesus: You Are On Course for the Grand Awakening

Posted by Stephen Cook

Jesus: You Are On Course for the Grand Awakening

As channelled by John Smallman – December 5, 2012

Enjoy John reading this post here:

The grand awakening for humanity — in which you reconnect with your full Self, the spiritual Essence that your Father created — draws ever closer.

The sense of deep, intense, all-enveloping Love that you experience at that moment will remove from your memory every remnant of suffering, unacceptability, or unworthiness that you have ever experienced. The joy of that perfect, divine state of being is beyond wonder, beyond happiness, beyond amazement It just is, and it will embrace you utterly. You can have no idea of the intensity of your Father’s Love for you until you feel It — as you are destined soon to do.

The struggles and suffering that humanity has been undergoing, since long before the time of your first historical records, are due to end. A sufficiently large number of you have decided that enough is enough. It was a free-will choice that the human collective made within the last one hundred years, and you have been progressing steadily forward towards your awakening since you made that irreversible decision.

The joy displayed in Heaven when you made that choice was quite beautiful to behold, because we had been rooting for you since the apparent separation occurred, and waiting expectantly for you to change course and head for Home; and you did!

That turning-point was unimaginably significant for humanity. Yes, much intense suffering has occurred and continues to occur since you passed it, but that is because it had built up such a very powerful and spirit-crushing momentum over the eons. That momentum is now decaying very rapidly as more and more of you come to understand that the way forward, the way homeward is along the path of Love, and then choose to follow that path

It appears to you that many still need to be converted or need to become aware of this divine truth before your awakening can be achieved. This is correct. However, the rate at which people are coming to an understanding of this is extremely rapid, and that rate is constantly accelerating. The divine plan for humanity’s awakening is going full speed ahead, and the momentum of the old and unloving ways has almost completely ceased, overpowered by the intense dynamic force of the divine Love field into which you have all become eternally woven, and which you are engaging with, most positively and enthusiastically.

Time is running out! The illusion is approaching its moment of disintegration, and when it is gone it will not be missed. It has served a purpose for humanity, but that purpose which was unreal – to experience separation from Source – has now been superseded, because the majority of humanity is rapidly coming to understand that, as the poet John Donne said, “no man is an island.” In your modern age of mass travel and huge industrial expansion, a person has to maintain an incredibly blinkered view of life to remain unaware of this, and very few are choosing to remain blinkered. And even among those who have chosen to remain blinkered there are some soul-stirring agitations occurring.

Many of you holding the Light and acting as way-showers are wondering how a mass awakening can possibly occur when so many appear to be so very deeply asleep? Remember, what you are experiencing is illusory, and illusions can and do dematerialize very rapidly indeed when the appropriate conditions prevail. You are on course and on schedule for the grand awakening, and because your collective will, along with your true Self’s will, are in alignment with the Will of God, you should expect miracles.

Your loving brother, Jesus

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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12/6/2012 3:59:14 PM
Is It the Endgame For Syria’s Assad?

After 20 months, the opponents of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad have gained the upper hand, or so recent events could suggest. In November, opposition forces captured at least five of the regime’s army bases, giving them access to anti-aircraft missiles, tanks and large artillery and, even more, territory in key areas including Syria’s second largest city, Aleppo. The head of the Arab League, Nabil al-Arabi, has said that the Syrian regime could collapse at “any time.”

Jihad Makdissi, formerly the spokesman for Syria’s ministry, is reportedly on his way to the U.S., according to the December 1st Guardian. He would be the most senior Christian official to defect from (or to have been sacked by) Assad’s regime.

In addition, on a visit to Turkey’s capital, Ankara, on Monday, Russian president Vladimir Putin came the closest yet to admitting second thoughts about supporting its long-time ally Syria. Putin said that Russia is “not enrolled as the current defender of Syria.”

Signs of Assad’s Regime Growing Desperate?

The government of Bashar al-Assad still has control of part of Aleppo and the capital of Damascus, along with other key locations. But other recent events suggest that the Assad regime is finding the walls closing in on it.

Commenting on last weekend’s internet blackout, Jillian C. York compares it not to the one in Egypt before the fall of Hosni Mubarak but to a shutdown in Burma in 2007 that was “an apparent attempt to prevent information from reaching beyond the country’s borders.” The blackout in Syria suggests that the conflict has entered a new phase, writes York: “As one commentatorpointed out on Twitter, the Syrian government’s brutal attack on the city of Hama in 1982 was also preceded by an information blackout.”

CNN has reported that the Syrian regime has started to mix chemicals that can make neurotoxic sarin gas to use against opposition forces. President Barack Obama has issued a warning to Syria against using chemical weapons against its own people as “unacceptable” and sure to result in “consequences.”

Out of fears that Assad’s forces could use deadly chemical agents, NATO has taken the long-awaited step of allowing Patriot anti-missile batteries to be deployed along Turkey’s border with Syria. NATO ministers meeting in Brussels have said they have “unanimously expressed grave concerns” regarding the use of chemical weapons.

The United Nations has cited the “prevailing security situation” as one reason that it is in the process of withdrawing all non-essential staff from Syria; the European Union has said that it is also reducing its operations. Out of 100 U.N. foreign staff, some 25 are being removed and those remaining will be “on standby” to be withdrawn to safety. Two U.N. staff members have been injured when caught in crossfire between regime and rebel forces and humanitarian aid convoys have been attacked and had their supplies or vehicles hijacked.

The conflict in Syria cannot be resolved too soon. Violence and the humanitarian crisis show no sign of abating. Just on Tuesday, a number of school children — state news agency SANA says 28 along with a teacher while anti -government activists say nine — were killed in a mortar attack; both sides have blamed each other.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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12/6/2012 4:17:45 PM

Jordan king in West Bank to support Palestinians

Associated Press/Majdi Mohammed - King Abdullah II of Jordan, left, gestures during a welcoming ceremony with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, prior to their meeting in the West Bank city of Ramallah, Thursday, Dec. 6, 2012. Jordan’s King Abdullah II has begun a brief visit to the West Bank in support of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ successful bid for U.N. recognition of a state of Palestine. (AP Photo/Majdi Mohammed)

RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) — Jordan's King Abdullah II paid a rare visit to the West Bank on Thursday in a show of support forPalestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' successful bid for U.N.recognition of a Palestinian state.

The Jordanians spoke out sharply against Israel's latest plans to build thousands of new settler homes in response to the Palestinian move, including initial plans to revive a contentious project east of Jerusalem.

The project, known as E1, would separate the West Bank from east Jerusalem, the Palestinians' hoped-for capital, and drive a big wedge between the northern and southern flanks of the West Bank.

"The settlement policy is not only rejected from our side as Arabs and Palestinians, but also by the whole world," Abdullah's foreign minister, Nasser Judeh, said.

Neither the king nor Abbas commented publicly after the meeting.

But Abdullah's arrival gave a high-profile boost of support to the U.N. bid, which has come under fierce Israeli criticism. Jordan is one of just two Arab countries with a peace agreement with Israel, so the king's public support was significant.

The U.N. resolution recognized a Palestinian state in the West Bank, east Jerusalem and Gaza Strip — territories captured by Israel in the 1967 Mideast war. Israel rejects a return to its 1967 lines and says a future border must be reached through negotiations.

The new settlement plans have drawn widespread international condemnation, with the U.S. and key Israeli allies in Europe all urging Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to call off the plans.

Netanyahu, during a visit to Germany on Thursday, vowed to press forward with E1, insisting the territory would remain under Israeli control as part of any future peace agreement.

Abbas and the king are political allies, and last met Sunday in Jordan, during one of the Palestinian leader's frequent stops in the neighboring kingdom. But Thursday's visit was just the third time the king has visited the West Bank, and the first time in more than a year.

The king received a red carpet welcome with military honors at Abbas' government compound in the West Bank after landing in a helicopter Thursday morning. Jordan has the largest Palestinian refugee community outside the West Bank and Gaza.

Israel accuses the Palestinians of trying to circumvent the negotiating process by seeking U.N. recognition. Although the vote did not change the situation on the ground, the international community endorsed the Palestinian position on future borders with Israel. Israel refuses to return to its pre-1967 lines.

In addition to the E1 project, Israel has responded to the Palestinians' U.N. move by cutting off a regularly scheduled $100 million tax transfer to the cash-strapped Palestinian Authority, and announced plans for several thousand new homes in existing settlements in the West Bank and east Jerusalem.

Israel's monthly tax transfers to the Palestinians — the result of taxes and customs duties that Israel collects on behalf of the Palestinians — are a key element in the Palestinian government budget. The government has already struggled to the pay the salaries of its tens of thousands of workers.

In a statement, Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad called on the international community to press Israel to release the funds and urged wealthy Arab countries to send $240 million a month to keep the government afloat while Israel withholds the money. Israel has taken similar measures in the past, ultimately releasing the money under international pressure after several weeks.

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