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12/10/2012 12:23:57 AM

David Wilcock is “Back in Action!”

Posted by Steve Beckow

David Wilcock has a new blog out. Here’s an extract from that new column.

Back in Action!

David Wilcock, Divine Cosmos, Dec. 8, 202


I am not expecting a cataclysm or disaster. December 21st, 2012 is very likely the end of a 25,920-year cycle that over 30 ancient cultures had “encoded” into their mythologies — by some source unknown to mainstream science.

These ancient cultures had no tangible, physical way to connect with each other across time and space — and yet two top historians in the 1960s, Santillana and von Dechend, made a very compelling case of the worldwide appearance of this cycle in mythology.

The technical name for this cycle is “the precession of the equinoxes.” I first learned about its prevalence in ancient cultures by reading “Fingerprints of the Gods” by Graham Hancock in 1995.

This cycle is heavily discussed in The Source Field Investigations, my videos, and many other articles on this site.

This 25,920-year cycle isn’t just a feature of mythology — it represents the apparent motion of the stars in the night sky, which drift by 1 degree every 72 years when you look at them on the same day each year — such as the Winter Solstice.

In Western astrology, the cycle is divided up into 12 parts of 2,160 years each — known as the “Ages of the Zodiac.” We are now moving into the “Age of Aquarius.”

The most exciting aspect of this cycle is that the ancient prophecies almost always tell us the end of this cycle will usher in a profoundly wonderful Golden Age on earth — unlike anything we’ve ever seen before.


It does appear that the Mayan Calendar end-date of December 21st is a technically accurate day for when this shift-point will occur. The scholarship on this being the correct end-date for the calendar is certainly compelling.

At 5,125 years, the Mayan Calendar is very nearly one-fifth of this “master cycle” in length. [Technically it comes out to 25,625 years as opposed to 25,920 -- or a mere 295 years shy of the "ideal harmonic" cycle length of 25,920 years.]

As I argued in The Source Field Investigations, the prophecies around this date, and its outcome, are worldwide — and the vast majority of them indicate a positive, not a negative outcome.

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12/10/2012 12:26:25 AM

Everything is About to Change

Posted by Steve Beckow

Bodhidharma, the first Cha’an Patriarch

The earliest etymological roots of the word “meditate” are to contemplate, reflect upon, think over, estimate; to have a devout preocupation with.

Devout preoccupation. My own personal view of meditation is that, in it, we occupy ourselves (or preoccupy ourselves) with being as we conceive God to be.

We’re advised to meditate in the run-up to Ascension. Is there any better meditation than to be as God is? I personally don’t know what God is. I can only go by what the sages say.

Whether we’re talking about God as God or Godhead, Brahman or Parabrahman, I call the transcendent God the Father, after the practice of the ancients. (1) God as phenomenal, as the creator, preserver and transformer of life forms, I call God the Mother.

Swami Nikhilananda describes God this way:

“In the Vedas, reality experienced at the transcendental level is called Brahman [God]. This term denotes a non-dual pure consciousness which pervades the universe and yet remains outside it. Brahman is described as the first principle; from it all things are derived, by it all are supported, and into it all finally disappear. In Brahman alone the apparent differences of the phenomenal world are unified. According to the non-dualistic Vedanta philosophy, Brahman is identical with the self of man, known as Atman.” (2)

Some conceive of God as being empty, still, and silent. They might imitate God by meditating in emptiness, stillness, and silence.

Lao Tzu called God “ultimate emptiness.” (3) Habbakuk tells us that we’ll know God if we keep silence before him: “The Lord is in his holy temple [of the heart]: Let all the earth keep silence before him.” (4) Sri Ramakrishna agrees that God cannot be known until the mind falls silent: “The upshot of the whole thing is that, no matter what path you follow, yoga [union with God] is impossible unless the mind becomes quiet.” (5)

Finally, he is stillness when compared with the Mother’s activity, Ramakrishna says:

“That which is Brahman is also Kali, the Mother, the primal Energy. When inactive It is called Brahman. Again, when creating, preserving, and destroying, It is called Sakti. Still water is an illustration of Brahman. The same water, moving in waves, may be compared to Sakti, Kali.” (6)

In light of this, King David tells us to “be still and know that I am God.” (7)

So the real contribution of sitting in stillness, silence, and emptiness of mind, I think, is to be as close to what God is as possible.

Others say with St. John that “God is love” (8) or with Pseudo-Dionysius that God is “Goodness Itself.” (9) Their meditation might be lovingkindness (metta) or they may see their meditation as being active so that selfless service (seva) becomes their meditative form.

What ties all these meditative approaches together is that the practitioners are imitating God as they conceive him to be.

If we practice being what we think God is, then I believe that living and meditating become one.

Now that we’re leaving Third Dimensionality, we’re entering a whole new territory. It’s as big a transition as a fish suddenly coming up on land and evolving into a terrestrial animal. All the territory past this (and I include the dualistic Fourth Dimension or Astral Plane in “this”) is … how can I say it? Weighted on the godly side of life.

War, murder, rape, and exploitation only exist here in Third Dimensionality. Where we’re going there won’t be any more of that. The vibrations will not permit it.

But, as well, there’ll be a frank admission that we’re all the Creator’s Children and gods in our own right. We’ll simply march much further into an expanding awareness of our true identity. There will be no more pooh-poohing an acknowledgement of the One.

From the time of Ascension onwards we’ll be among people who understand the nature of life – that it’s a continual march back to union with the Source.

For someone to say that they’re watching each thought, each action minutely to see whether it’s godly or not and whether it can be made more godly will not be an awkward moment, as it often is here. It’ll bring a surge of love to our hearts and we’ll be eager to imitate the one who leads the way in that.

Everything is about to change and I believe that the more we can bring those changes into our lives now, the easier will be our transition and the more likely that we’ll hit the ground running, with all systems “go.”

So meditation is for me a good thing and practicing godliness is also a good thing. But I think of them as one and the same. I also think that living life as a meditation will be the way of Nova Earth and the way of all the beings with whom we’ll be associating from here on in.

I’ve always felt this way, as many of you have, and so I feel as if I’m rejoining “my kind” or “members of my tribe.” I’ve never felt at home with those who mock God or the divine order. The events that loom ahead will be a great release for me and I welcome them with open heart and open arms. It isn’t difficult for me to accept the invitation to imitate the divine qualities.

Moreover, as I’ve been saying in the past few days, God is also bliss and bliss carries its own reward. The more godly we behave, the easier it is for our natural reservoir of bliss to rise and overflow its banks. And that in itself brings peace and wisdom and a cornucopia of good things. We’re walking forward into ever-increasing experiences of bliss. Bliss is to be our permanent and constant companion.

So there’s no downside to leaving behind the lowest common denominators that many of us may have bought into all our lives. There’s nothing but an upside to reaching for the highest common, or uncommon, denominator. Reach out. Open up. Let’s empty ourselves of all that weighs us down and accept being filled with bliss.


(1) What westerners call God, Hindus call Brahman; what westerners call the Godhead, Hindus call Parabrahman. Readers will recognize Father, Mother and Child as the Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost (note the altered order) or Brahman, Atman and Shakti.

(2) Swami Nikhilananda, Hinduism. lts Meaning for the Liberation of the Spirit. Madras: Sri Ramakrishna Math, 1968, 29.

(3) Lao Tzu, The Way of Life. The Tao Te Ching. trans. R.B. Blakney. New York, etc.: Avon, 1975, 68.

(4) Paramahansa Ramakrishna in Swami Nikhilananda, trans., The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna.New York: Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, 1978; c1942, 634. [Hereafter GSR.]

(5) Habbakuk 2:20.

(6) Paramahansa Ramakrishna in GSR, 248.

(7) Psalm 46:10.

(8) I John 4:16.

(9) Pseudo-Dionysius in Cohn Luibheid, trans., Pseudo-Dionysus, His Complete Works. New York and Mahwah: Paulist Press, 1989, 53.

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12/10/2012 12:27:55 AM

Jesus: It is Just Not Possible to Envision What is Coming Your Way

Posted by Stephen Cook

Master JesusJesus: It is Just Not Possible to Envision What is Coming Your Way

Stephen: I LOVE this message’s headline: it so perfectly describes what I feel is just in front of us.

As channelled by John Smallman – December 9, 2012

Don’t forget you can listen to John reading this latest message from Jesus:

As the moment for your awakening approaches, the vast majority of humanity is in the process of releasing their last remaining ties to the illusion.

Only a very small number of souls have elected not to awaken, and some of those are thinking seriously about changing their minds. You can always change your minds!

There is absolutely no need for any of you to worry or concern yourselves about loved ones who seem to you to be unaware of the great changes that are about to occur. There is no one who is on a path to awakening who, at some deep level of their being, is unaware that a new age is soon to dawn. And everyone incarnate on Earth at this time intends to be on their path to awakening.

It is a remarkable time to be within and experiencing the illusory environment that you built so many eons ago. Having seen it materialize many are now here to watch as it dematerializes, and all who choose to awaken will find themselves Home at last.

You have a very apt saying “home is where the heart is,” and of course while you have spent eons, to put it mildly, blundering about in the illusion, your spiritual hearts, your divine essences have remained safe and abundantly well in the heavenly realms, assisting the sleeping aspects of yourselves which chose to enter the illusion to wake up. And with all that loving assistance added to your own original intent, then your awakening becomes inevitable.

Patience as you wait is difficult because you want to know what to expect, and within your limited state of conscious awareness – similar to when television was new, with only poorly defined black and white pictures that faded in and out – it just is not possible to envision what is coming your way. If you compare that old television set to one of your modern, large screen, high-definition models, the difference is amazing, especially if you were to go instantly from watching one of those original ones to a new one.

When you awaken, the change in clarity and definition will be of a totally different order to what you experience right now. Truly what you think of as clarity in the illusion could very fairly be described as being like swimming underwater in a muddy pond.

Clarity of great intensity is about to envelop you. Coming out of the morning fog into brilliant sunlight shining on a beautiful landscape is as nothing compared to what awaits you. I am offering you extremely upbeat and inspiring suggestions about what to expect because so many of you are asking. They are, understandably, totally inadequate analogies, but they should encourage you to look ahead with uncurbed enthusiasm.

Your enthusiasm directly affects your strength of intent, raising your frequency towards the spiritual dimensions so that we can, as it were, reach down and take your hands to help you along the final steps of your homeward path.

Remember, you are not returning home alone; you are bringing with you many whom you might describe as drugged with sleep. Your Light and encouragement, probably mostly silent and unseen, is essential to their staying the course. You and they cannot fail in this endeavor, but you can make it easier by releasing the loads of extra baggage that you have been carrying almost unconsciously for so long.

No one on Earth is without some strands of negative energy that they need to release, whether by forgiveness, compassion, and acceptance, or by an act or intent of kindness and love.

Many of you are finding emotions of anger, helplessness, sadness, regret coming unbidden into your awareness. Accept them without engaging with them or attempting to understand why they have arisen; just offer them love and forgiveness and they will pass through, sometimes seemingly rather slowly.

Also do not dwell on why you are feeling so tired or unmotivated, as many most certainly are.

All that you are experiencing is part of the process of releasing the moorings that attach you to the illusion; and you will release them all because the growing energy of Love within you will make it quite clear to you that you no longer need to remain attached to anything.

You are free, just as you were created, and that has and never will change.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

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12/10/2012 5:12:17 PM

SaLuSa: December 10, 2012

2012 DECEMBER 10
Posted by Andrew Eardley

SaLuSa: December 10, 2012

Channelled by Mike Quinsey

Andrew: SaLuSa starts by reminding us to be aware of the significance of 12.12.12 and to make preparations to bring in the new energy. This will help our own upliftment and ground the energies to benefit others, including Mother Earth. Presently we are amongst souls at all different levels, but when released from duality the Law of Attraction will ensure we are only with our own kind.

The Galactic Federation have considered every Ascension option, so that following Ascension changes will go speeding ahead and be openly carried out, as the media will be opened up and free to report the truth. The changes necessary to relieve poverty, homelessness and other essential needs will get priority. SaLuSa says that 2013 will be a year of great advancements which will go ahead without any problems.

He says that every one of us is special and was chosen for the Ascension experience. Many Lightworkers were needed for the Light to take hold and defeat the dark Ones. We have been superb in that respect, justifying the Galactics’ faith in us, and although we have received help, he says that in the final reckoning we can take all credit for what we have achieved by our own freewill. To finish he reminds us not to worry about friends or family, as every soul will find themselves where they are meant to be for Ascension in accordance with their pre-birth agreement.

SaLuSa: December 10, 2012

We hope that every person that is aware of the significance of 12.12.12 is making preparations to bring the new energy in. It will affect everyone to some extent anyway, but it is far better if you take steps to partake of it knowingly.

What you will be doing is not just to help your own upliftment, but ground the energies for others to benefit from, including Mother Earth. With your awareness and focus upon the energies, you should feel the result of them passing into your body. Light-headedness would be normal and a feeling of intense peace and calmness. Enjoy it and know that you have been lifted up to a new level of consciousness, that is one which should remain with you.

Others around you will sense your new energies, and you will find that very young children are often able to see the Light within your aura. You will also find that your new level of calmness will enable you to have absolute control over your emotions. The chances of you becoming involved in negative emotions are very remote, and you will in fact be a factor in transmuting them by your mere presence. Until you get used to the higher energies, you may find an irresistible urge to express them by embracing people. When you feel love for your family of souls, it is only natural that you want to share it with them.

For the time being you are amongst souls at all different levels, but imagine how wonderful it will feel when you are only with your own kind. When you are completely released from duality the Law of Attraction ensures it is so, and life becomes a relaxing and enjoyable experience. It is also why once Ascension has taken place, the different changes will go speeding ahead, as those who would oppose them are no longer at your level.

As you know, it has been a most difficult year for all involved in bringing the changes forward, as the dark Cabal were supposed to retire from the scene and allow Ascension to go ahead unhindered. Instead they repeatedly refused to co-operate, and tried one last-gasp effort to destroy the progress already made. Now their interference is nothing but a nuisance and they know that very soon their days will be finished on Earth.

We of the Galactic Federation have always considered every option when dealing with Ascension. So rest assured that although we have been unable to present you with many accomplishments so far, the necessary work has been done so that immediately after Ascension it will be all stations go. This time it can all be openly carried out, and we can ensure that your media is opened up and able to freely report the truth.

Needless to say, there will be so much going on at all different spots around the world, and we can quickly eliminate any remaining pollution of the skies, seas and lands. We have in fact kept it under control for a long time, but have only been allowed to go so far because of karmic reasons. Very soon we will no longer be handicapped by them, but free to work with you and other off-planet Beings.

The changes you are about to experience are going to remove what remains of any connection to the old vibrations and old paradigm. Much that is needing to be changed over has to be long term because of the amount of work involved. However, the essentials to relieve poverty, homelessness and other needs will get our prompt attention.

In the past you could have had lives with many needs, and the dark Ones have deliberately prevented you from sharing in the abundance and wealth of the world for a very long time. The new cycle will see a totally new approach to life, when all will be shared and there will no greed or corruption, or systems by which people are allowed to profit at another’s expense.

There will be fairness and honesty in all dealings, and services will be paid for as is considered reasonable. The truth has often been a rare commodity but in the New Age it will be normal, as it will be obvious if someone is not being totally honest. As you can see, it will be a pleasure to meet with people knowing that they are trustworthy and also of the Light as you are.

2013 will be a year of great advancements, as of course whatever is planned will go ahead without any problems. As it progresses you will still continue to evolve albeit at a slower pace, and you will be experiencing further growth where your consciousness is concerned. Superconsciousness is your target, taking you to another completely different level. You will have enough to get used to very shortly, so do not concern yourselves about the distant future.

We, along with many other civilisations, are attentively watching you and your Earth, both from a scientific and personal point of view. Every one of you are special and chosen for the experience of Ascension. For example, many Lightworkers were needed to establish a setup that would enable the Light to take hold and defeat the dark Ones. In that you have been superb and proved that our faith in you was not misplaced, and remember that all along it was down to your freewill.

We helped you, as other Beings have, but in the final reckoning you can take all credit for what you have achieved. In time you will learn more about your time in duality and your many lives experiencing all the extremes that you could think of. You will soon put it all behind you, and no one will hold any previous indiscretions against you. Karmically speaking you will have paid back in kind, and for those Ascending nothing will be carried forward after this cycle ends.

Dear Ones, simply allow things to flow and be part of it, and know that you will ascend and then you can put any worries or concerns behind you. Everyone will be looked after according to their needs, and all will be treated with reverence and respect for their sovereignty.

You now have every reason for getting really excited as, with just days left, the long wait is almost over and great happenings are about to commence of which you are already aware. We know that some of you still worry about the fate of friends or family, but let us again confirm that every single soul will find themselves exactly where they are meant to be, by their pre-life agreement. Also remember that you can never be completely separated from each other if there is a love link between you.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and give my love to all of you beautiful souls.

Thank you SaLuSa

Mike Quinsey

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12/10/2012 5:18:20 PM
Friends, this new message from the Council of Nine is pretty interesting to say the least. Don't miss it!

The Council of Nine via Tazjima: Entrance into a New World

2012 DECEMBER 10
Posted by Alice C

Cloud swirlThe Council of Nine via Tazjima: Entrance into a New World

As channeled by Tazjima – December 09, 2012

We are the Council of Nine. And we have come today to give you greetings: You have entered into the new world!

Ah, yes… the same houses, trees and gardens line the street when you look out your window. There are the same wires hanging across the way, the street lamps, the vehicles, the same clouds as the day before, but we tell you this – you have entered the new world nonetheless. Were you expecting to be somewhere else?

It is actually a case of being some One else than actually going anywhere. Your earth is now able to hold the energies of 2D to 10D and so your physical bodies are adapting to new sensations. Just last night before going to sleep, our scribe felt her feet tingling almost like they were in the process of disintegrating, buzzing and just feeling odd. Today those feet look the same to her; her body has not changed its appearance as yet.

In the recent messages from Aisha North ( her group has stated that your bodies are going to be giving you mixed signals of distress in the next days. Our scribe has found this to be quite an accurate interpretation of what is going on, without knowing quite where this is all going. It is a time to trust Spirit as you move into the higher vibrational worlds and rediscover what it is to be human, to still be in a physical body that you thought was designed to exist only in the third dimension. Your body is in the process of adjusting to being more ephemeral, less dense than before. Its energies are spreading out and adjusting to the lack of pressure from the element of time. With practice you will be able to change your body’s appearance, but not quite yet, as you are still in the process of adjusting to the new “feel” of the energies.

We understand that some lightworkers believe there needs to be disasters and catastrophes to announce the advent of the new world, but we tell you that those events are no longer necessary. We are here to let you know that while there will be necessary adjustments on the part of your mother, the Earth, that humanity on the whole has adjusted enough in their collective attitude to make the long prophesized “events” of the Shift totally unnecessary. This will prove to be a disappointment to some for there is in some people a desire to be right, to show that some people deserve to suffer through judgments by the Almighty. Why else would all the various sects exist, even among those ranks of the lightworkers and starseeds who have come to this planet to save it and its people from destruction?

We ask you now: Where is your compassion? Where is your humanity? Can you not see that even the smallest and most humble of beings upon this planet is worthy of God’s love? Why can you not love them, the forgotten ones? Why can you not love those who are deemed by some among you as the scum of the earth, the traitors to your cause, the ones who have forsaken family and friends? Why can you not forgive those who have “hurt” you, who have taken away your home, your belongings, your health, your children, and your freedom? Do you really believe that a part of God can harm another part of God? Are you so sunk in the illusion of duality that you cannot see that you have bought into, at least temporarily, the conditional aspects of duality – that there is actually limitations, that there is something and someone to fear, that other parts of God can destroy you and all that you are?

We have come to remind you that you are a part of God, a part of those who have created you and now it is time to remember that as being real. Your body is the first bit of yourself to begin to experience this new sensation of being a part of the Whole. Your mind and thoughts must adjust to this new sensation, too. We tell you that it is a part of remembering who you truly are, a child of the most High, and a creator god in training. It matters not what name your God takes or even if you believe in gods; you are the extension of your soul who is undergoing a re-union to those other parts of yourself and that includes everything and everyone whom you see around you.

You are now in the process of returning to your true state of being; you are in the process of being more than you have ever been able to be in the delusional and temporary state of being of experiencing duality. Remember, dear ones, your soul sent you into duality to learn from the experience of being separated from Source. Now you are in the process of returning to Source, but you don’t have to go anywhere but be where you are now, on a small but sacred water planet at the edge of the Milky Way Galaxy somewhere in a huge Universe, which is only a small portion of All That Is. Your neighborhood is about to get bigger.

We understand that there are those among you who will insist, at least for a while, still that some among your ranks should be punished for their acts against the rest of humanity. We remind you that you are One being. You cannot punish your finger for acting irresponsibly and expect the best of your body not to experience the pain of being separated out. Each of your souls agreed to send portions of themselves into this “lower” world as extensions of themselves, in order to learn what it is to be separated from Source, to experience what it feels like to experience the illusion of being able to believe that you are no longer connected, that you are no longer loved and that you do not deserve love from anyone, including what you believe is yourself.

We remind you that this temporary state of delusion, this form of madness is now ended. Duality is coming to an end; it has come to an end. Now it is time for all the soul extensions as it were, to wake up to the fact that the play has come to an end. The cycle of duality is over for this particular little planet. You are now in the process of moving into a cycle of reunion with Self, all the bits of self that thought for so long while submersed in the fields of duality that they were separate. You are not separate; you have never been separate. In some way humanity has just completed experiencing a state of schizophrenia; you are now in the process of coming out of that particular state and emerging into the light of sanity and the reunion of self with Self. You are all a part or portion of a Great Soul. And now you will be able to experience the re-union with that Soul as you undergo these next days, weeks and months of renewal of spirit.

We feel that once you begin to intuit what is happening to you, around you and through each of you, that the people of this planet will begin to let go of their fears. There will be a period of necessary adjustment as it has been some “time” in what you believe and understand as linear time that many of you have been in a deeply hypnotic state believing that you had no power to change what you saw as the collective insanity of the world. This state has been the result of a collective nightmare, one that is now ended. You, as a people, as one being, are now in the process of waking up from that nightmare. Yes, we understand that there are still those among you who will insist that the nightmare is real and to be feared, that there is someone or something “out there” to be feared and hated. Yet, again, we remind you that there is nothing “out there” that is not a part of you. All of you are one being. That includes every creature, every stone, every blade of grass, every ethnicity, every “nation”, every religion there is on the planet and beyond. The time of xenophobia is over; the time to reunite with each man, woman and child… and creature… and the planet is Now.

It will take “time” to learn to translate the new language and energies of this place that each of you have entered, some well prepared and others completely confused and frightened. We encourage those of you with more open minds to assist your neighbors and friends to help them rediscover the sensation of not being limited to being what they thought they were for so long. The horizons in this new world are vast indeed and it will take some adjustment to the lack of limitation; however, we know that you are, at heart, a creative and dynamic species of being and will take eagerly to the new “waters” in which you find yourself now. And on the way, you will discover and meet other portions of yourselves that you have forgotten about, your galactic and intergalactic neighbors, the celestial beings and the ascended masters who have graduated from duality long ago and who are now here to assist you in adjusting to the new environment in which you are discovering that you have entered, all unknowingly, due to the movement of cycles and the journey home of the soul.

You are Home and you will discover that your home is a very big place, one that has plenty of places and beings to explore, new things to understand and incorporate into your awareness. We know that you will enjoy the new possibilities and challenges that lie before each of you; at least once you have become more acquainted with the new sensations and ways of beingness that will expand before your still very physical eyes. In time, your senses will expand and you will delight in the new ways to experience the world that surrounds you. You are now in a living dream, one that encompasses the vastness of inner and outer space. Let your imagination soar. Learn to play together, again. We know that as your awareness of your new world expands, that you will re-member your true unity and discover a new purpose in life, to find a way to live as one people with all that you encounter.

Remember dear ones that dates on a calendar cannot define what is beyond comprehension. Do not attempt to limit creation through your thoughts. You cannot re-create duality for each of your souls has collectively determined that the cycle of experiencing duality is over. Move on beyond your fear and relax to the new experiences that will naturally unfold before you in the fullness of the eternal Now. We believe that you will enjoy the journey once you find your feet again.

Go now with our warmest love and blessings as you move along on your first tentative steps. You are but babies, reborn and will have to learn to walk, live and explore in this new world that you have all entered together. You will find that you will forget and forgive those differences that have kept you apart from your neighbor as you discover the new wonders that lie before you. The horizons are vast; the opportunities great. Be at peace and be kind to yourselves. Allow your bodies and minds to readjust to the new sensations that will encompass your awareness. We know that you will be pleased to be, once more, a conscious part of the wholeness that is creation.

Go in peace and know that you are loved more than you know, and that each of you are worthy of that love. Namaste.

Thank you, beloved Council of Nine.

Copyright © 2012 by Elizabeth Ayres Escher. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

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