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12/6/2012 4:24:04 PM

NYPD Credits Occupy with the Drop in Crime After Sandy

Hold on to your riot gear, ladies and gentlemen, because police in New York City are saying that Occupy Wall Street activists deserve credit for helping keep the city safe after Hurricane Sandy. They're not saying that publicly, of course. That would just be too much.

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In case you haven't been paying attention, Sandy recovery efforts are on-going in many parts of New York City. In areas like Coney Island and the Rockaways, crime has spiked, mostly from burglaries as the communities have struggled to get back on their feet, but things have been remarkably civil in Red Hook. The New York Post reported why on Wednesday night: "Police sources have credited the drop in crime to an unlikely coalition that included the NYPD, Occupy Wall Street activists, and local nonprofits working together to keep storm victims safe." Said one of these unnamed sources, "This crisis allowed us all to remove the politics and differences we had to do our job, and come to the aid of the people. We all rose to the occasion."

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Occupy Sandy isn't just fighting crime. The group of activists that first assembled to fight corporate greed and income inequality has been on the ground providing relief to Sandy victims essentially since day one. They've done everything from collecting and distributing supplies like food, blankets and batteries to coordinating volunteers and rebuilding efforts from each of their six satellite offices across the city. The group has also committed to sticking around for 24 months, so that they can help not just with the clean up effort but also rebuilding, including generating jobs for those that need them.

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So this means that the Occupiers and the coppers will play nice now, right? Well, we'll see on Thursdaywhen Occupy will take over Times Square to support the right to organize.

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12/7/2012 2:46:17 AM

You Have a Golden Mission

Posted by Steve Beckow

Thanks to Kathleen.

You Have a Golden Mission

Heavenletter #4395 , December 6, 2012

God said:

From the stars of My heart you came. Birthed from the stars, you burst forth to shine upon the world. You are here to embrace the world and to make it holy, full of love, full of discovery, full of what makes life on Earth and everywhere worthy of the designation Life. Life is about Love and Light. You are about the same Love and Light. Love seeks love, and Light seeks Light, and all on Earth seek their counterpart.

You seek to know your counterpart because in another’s reflection, you begin to see yourself. When you study another, you are really seeking for yourself. You get to know yourself through the spectrum of a seeming another. You are sent to Earth, not for a middling or small purpose but for a Great Purpose. Whatever purpose you may think you are here for, you are here for a yet greater purpose. You probably don’t know what your purpose is except in a general sense. What you can know for certainty is that you do have a purpose, and it is not shabby, dear ones, not at all.

You do not know all that goes on behind the scenes. You do not know the good you do. You have no idea of your contract. What you can know is that you have been chosen and that you also chose a Great Contract.

What could a contract signed by Me be but Great? Therefore, all you can be is Great.

Put away your sword. There is nothing to defend yourself from. There is much to sign up for. Know that you have something wonderful to be part of while you are on your stay here and ever afterward. Next to one drop of what you are on Earth for, what can equal it? What can come near it?

No matter what you may go through in life, you are on a sacred mission. It is a secret sacred mission unknown to you. Take the wildest guess you can think of, and you may come close yet not close enough. You have a Divine Mission. You may not grasp what it is, and, yet, day by day you come nearer until, one day, you will know. I shall stamp you with a seal: Mission Accomplished, and, then, you are onto your next mission.

Just when you finish one mission, there is another, and another, and another, all passing like the sun.

If missions came in the shape of bottles, your mission would fit inside a bottle perfectly. Neither you nor anyone knows the extent of your mission. You are not here randomly, and your mission is not a pig in a poke. Well-chosen is your mission. No matter who you are, no matter what you think you are, you are here for Me, and you are accomplishing whether you know it or not. What you can know is that you have a firm purpose, and it is yours, and all missions are golden.

What would you like your next mission to be? Perhaps we can rearrange all the missions you have and put the next one on top or wherever We would like. Be thinking what you would like your next mission to be. Dream it. Sketch it. Feel it. Be it.

One mission may last what you would call one second. Another could last a year. Yet in Eternity, there is no time. In Infinity, there is no space, and yet missions are given, missions are shaken hands on, and missions are accomplished on Earth as in Heaven.

You have a Heavenly mission. It will likely be more a mission of being than doing, yet, I stamp My seal: Mission Accomplished.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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12/7/2012 2:51:08 AM

University Charges Bus with Tesla Technology

Posted by Steve Beckow

Thanks to Les.

University Uses Tesla Technology to Wirelessly Charge Electric Bus

Activist Post, Dec. 5, 2012

Utah State University presented a first-of-its-kind electric bus that is charged through wireless charging technology in a demonstration Nov. 15.

The Aggie Bus rolled onto the streets carrying passengers today; just 16 months after USU demonstrated the first high-power, high-efficiency wireless power transfer system capable of transferring enough energy to quickly charge an electric vehicle. In July 2011, the USU Research Foundation demonstrated 90 percent electrical transfer efficiency of five kilowatts over an air gap of 10 inches. The demonstration validated that electric vehicles can efficiently be charged with wireless technology.

USU’s Wireless Power Transfer team, in cooperation with the Utah Science Technology and Research initiative’s Advanced Transportation Institute at USU, has designed a more efficient way to meet the nation’s transportation needs. By carefully applying a mix of modern advances in engineering and Nikola Tesla’s principles of induction, USU engineer Hunter Wu and his team have solved one of today’s vexing problems in WPT.

Their research has led to the development of a robust prototype, which has been fitted to the Aggie Bus. The prototype transfers power over an air gap where no physical contact is required. Wireless power transfer technology delivers a multitude of benefits to consumers that include greater reliability due to no moving parts or cords, added convenience through the elimination of plug-in charging, the assurance of safety by removing the risk of electrocution and aesthetically pleasing devices as a result of no visible wiring.

USU’s Aggie Bus has achieved several significant milestones. It is the first bus developed and designed by a North American organization that is charged with wireless power transfer technology and is the world’s first electric bus with WPT technology combining the three following performance metrics: A power level up to 25 kilowatts, greater than 90 percent efficiency from the power grid to the battery and a maximum misalignment of up to six inches.

“The unveiling of the Aggie Bus today is a historic achievement and a great leap forward in the science and engineering related to electric vehicles,” said Robert T. Behunin, Ph.D., USU vice president of commercialization and regional development. “As a result of the work done by Utah State engineers, scientists and partners, EV owners and operators will now be able to simply drive over a pad in the ground to recharge their batteries, the benefits of which reach far beyond convenience.”

WAVE Inc., a Utah State University spin-out company, worked in cooperation with the USTAR Advanced Transportation Institute to develop the Aggie Bus. WAVE tackles the problem of heavy and expensive electric vehicle batteries through wireless power that transfers electricity between vehicles and the roadway. The Aggie Bus represents a market-ready product that will be used to retire significant technical risk as WAVE moves onto full-scale projects next year.

WAVE, in partnership with the Utah Transit Authority, will launch its first commercial demonstration in mid-2013 on the University of Utah’s campus. It will feature a 40-foot transit bus on a public transit route and an increase in wireless power transfer charging from 25 kilowatts to 50 kilowatts. The project has been funded by a $2.7 million TIGGER grant from the Federal Transit Administration and the University of Utah which purchased the bus. WAVE intends to deliver a commercially ready product that operates with the same reliability as current public transit bus options, including diesel and compressed natural gas buses.

How it works:

“Current battery limitations prevent an all-electric transit bus from operating all day from an overnight charge. WAVE solves that problem by charging the bus wirelessly during its daily operations when the bus stops to load and off-load passengers,” said Wesley Smith, CEO of WAVE. “This technology makes electric buses competitive with their diesel hybrid and CNG counterparts.”

Utah State University has refashioned the way in which it conducts its technology transfer operation. The office of Commercial Enterprises, a division of Commercialization and Regional Development, provides a one-stop-shop for industry partnership and intellectual property development. The Utah Science Technology and Research initiative is an innovative and far-reaching initiative of the Utah legislature to bolster Utah’s high-tech economy by investing in university research programs and recruiting new, high caliber faculty. Utah State’s wireless power transfer team is a significant part of USU’s USTAR portfolio.

SOURCE Utah State University


NOTE: Added from WAVE Inc:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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12/7/2012 2:59:48 AM

Emmanuel Dagher: Energy Forecast – December 2012

Posted by Stephen Cook

Emmanuel Dagher: Energy Forecast – December 2012

Stephen: I must confess I’ve been feeling rather sad and very disoriented during the past week.

Despite my absolute faith (and knowing) in what lies ahead, I’m finding this last ‘home stretch’ a little overwhelming at times. I may write more later. But, for the moment, this latest Energy Forecast from Emmanuel Dagher has provided a great antidote to my own doldrums.

Looking beyond that, it could well be a really good article for many of us to share with family, friends, neighbours and colleagues at this important time.

Emmanuel Dagher: The 2012 Phenomenon – December 2012

Blessings miraculous friend,

Can you feel the global unity vortex building? We’ve officially passed through the doorway to higher consciousness and our collective paradigm is mirroring it right back to us at lightning speed. Although getting here definitely had its ups and downs (and still feels quite challenging at times), soon we’ll be able to unpack our belongings and finally get the opportunity to settle into our very new realities.

What’s coming up for us energetically on the near horizon will feel inspiring, supportive, and new, yet with a hint of familiarity that will awaken within us a sense that we are finally home. This sense of being at home within ourselves and our surroundings has been something many of us have yearned to experience for lifetimes, so these new energies aligning with us and bringing us closer to this feeling are sure to be welcomed with open arms.

We’re definitely on the verge of an epic homecoming. The sense I personally get about it all is that it seems as if a thousand-year-old drought is finally coming to an end, and everything that had once been barren and dry will become replenished and lush again. A big part of our global revival is a direct result of our collective consciousness moving out of lack mentality and back into our hearts where abundance mentality resides.


If we are noticing feelings of being scattered, exhausted, irritated, emotional, angry, or off balance in any way right now, it’s just our mind integrating with our very new realities. When the mind feels it is ‘losing’ something, it works overtime to do everything in its power to hold on to what it thinks it’s losing. Right now, more than ever, is an excellent time to set the intention daily to truly remind ourselves that we are far greater than just our thought patterns, mind and experiences. We are spiritual and infinite beings having a physical experience, rather than physical beings having a spiritual experience.

Because we are going through so many daily changes and shifts, it’s easy for the mind to go into fight or flight mode, because it doesn’t really know what to do. So, it’s important to continue being gentle with ourselves through our integration process so that we can remain fluid and flexible with the changes happening all around us. I know this suggestion can feel like a tall order to ask for, especially with the combination of the Full Solar Eclipse that occurred in mid November, the Full Moon/Partial Eclipse at the end of November, the heightened Solar Storms ejecting massive amounts of light into our planet, the December 12th energy portal, and of course the December 22nd Solstice. Should I keep going? <smile>

There’s so much going on all at the same time and it can feel overwhelming, being drenched with so much energy all at once. However, we are very resilient and we called this experience forth fully knowing we could handle bringing forth our new heart-centered realities. It’s quite heroic if you think about it and leaves me in awe and humility every time I contemplate and realize what we’ve been able to achieve already in such a short amount of time (speaking in non-linear time.) We’ve made such huge strides forward in our personal and global consciousness, even though at times it can get clouded with all the outside noises and distractions.

So, now more than ever it’s imperative we rest when we feel guided to, and really be good to ourselves and others through this transitional time. Choosing to be gentle with ourselves will most definitely make it easier for us to navigate through all the changes occurring in our lives and all around us.

There’s just no denying the fact that our very new realities are unfolding divinely.

The 2012 Phenomenon

To get a clear perspective of where we find ourselves today, let’s take a moment to reflect back to two years ago, then to this time last year. Have things changed for us or have they stayed the same? Are we still the same exact person we were with the same awareness level, or are we different? For the most part, if we are being honest with ourselves, we’ve probably noticed that we’ve become a more refined and authentic version of who we used to be. At times it may not feel that way, because we find ourselves a bit more sensitive than we used to be, but this is definitely part of us becoming more refined to knowing what is, or is not, in alignment with who we really are.

As we look back at the year 2012, it’s clear that it has truly been the year that catapulted global awakening from being just an idea to an actual reality. There’s a divine emergence snowballing from our personal lives to areas of wellness, community, education, nutrition, leadership, technology, monetary systems, religion, climate, sustainability and more, and this is happening faster than ever. This emergence will continue to expand much more as we move forward.

Letting Go of Misconceptions

There’s a great misconception out there that at the end of 2012 the world will physically end. It’s easy to really buy into this way of thinking, because again the mind has a tendency of going to the worst case scenarios when it can’t really wrap itself around a certain idea, experience or concept. Any focus on the doom and gloom scenario is simply unnecessary and moves us out of our true power. There will be no physical ‘end’ in the way many fear-based theories have proclaimed would happen.

What’s Really Happening? The Divine Alignment

What’s really happening is that since the 1987 Harmonic Convergence, which planted a powerful seed to higher ways of being, this has come to full fruition with the pinnacle being the date December 21st, 2012. On this day an astrological alignment also known as The Galactic Alignment will serve as a powerful doorway for humanity to step into higher states of consciousness. It has nothing to do with fear-based projections that the world is ending. It has everything to do with ushering in a new way of being and living where we as a collective group can start operating from our hearts in everything that we do.

This Divine Alignment occurs only once every 26,000 years, and was what the ancient Maya were using as reference with the end-date of their Long Count Calendar. That’s where many ‘end of time’ theories began, having nothing to do with what the Mayans were actually saying, rather launching false fear-based ideas that could maybe make a few extra dollars for a select few.

Scientifically speaking, the Galactic Alignment is simply the alignment of the December solstice sun with the Galactic equator. This alignment occurs as a result of the precession of the equinoxes, and because everything is energy, everything in the Universe will feel the impact of this Galactic Alignment.

Spiritually speaking, this once in a lifetime Divine alignment is going to serve as a powerful doorway for humanity to step into allowing higher states of consciousness to unfold. The energy we intentionally co-create on this special day will integrate into our collective experience gently over the next few years in a manner similar to the 1987 Harmonic Convergence that took place. That’s why it’s so important to bring awareness to this day, not because we’re going to see anything crazy or out of the ordinary, but rather so that we can use the energy of this day to gather millions around the world with a similar vision of love and unity so that we can make it our ultimate reality even more quickly.

So, it’s important to release the attachments we may be holding onto that something drastic is going to happen overnight on this specific day, or that something outside of ourselves is going to fix or save us. This day simply serves as a day where we can choose to create a turning point in our global being-ness moving us into a higher state of consciousness. This is what we and our ancestors have been working towards and holding the space for all these years, and now it’s here.

‘Til next time,

Miraculously yours,


©2009-2012 Emmanuel Dagher, Magnified Manifesting All Rights Reserved You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.

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12/8/2012 2:54:37 AM

Archangel Michael Through Ron Head: You are Approaching Now a World in which You not only can Trust Your Creator, but Yourselves and Each Other

Posted by Alice C

UniverseArchangel Michael Through Ron Head: You are Approaching Now a World in which You not only can Trust Your Creator, but Yourselves and Each Other

As channeled by Ron Head – December 06, 2012

Abundance is our topic for today, but in a more basic way than we have discussed before. We are certain that every one of you who has even the most basic daily routine of prayer, meditation, grounding, or what some of you call earthing, is now very aware of the immense change in the energy you are immersed in at his time. Even when you think back a short period of time you must realize the change that has been happening.

This is the light, the frequencies, the energy of which we have been speaking for almost a year through this channel. It is the reason also that many unaware ones around you are acting rather strangely. Sooner or later, they will ask what is going on. Let us focus upon yourselves.

What can you do with this? Do you want a short answer? Very well. Everything! We chuckle. We see you want a bit more explanation.

This level of intensity is allowing you to feel the unconditional love of which we have spoken for so long. This is the ‘stuff’ of which everything is created which is created. Very, very complex or very, very simple… your choice. It is, therefore, what you are and what everything around you is. It is what the stars are. It is what sub-atomic particles are. And one step smaller, it is the field of energy from which those particles emerge and into which they merge once again. But what makes them become what they become when they become something? What causes the immense array of continual becoming that you observe? Why does it keep making what I am looking at? Why does it not change shape or color or move about? What has all this to do with me? Well, you see dear friends, it is shaped by consciousness.

Many scientists have said this for quite some time, but because they were unable to follow that up with an explanation of how, their ideas were put aside. You, however, do not need any approval from any scientific community. And you are the ones who do the assembly of this do-it-yourself kit.

But remember that it is a group project and come together accordingly. Actually, you are doing this quite nicely. Now, as the volume gets turned up even more, you must only observe what changes you are creating to confirm this for yourselves. If we had not told you these things, you might still be able to remain unaware of them. But now you know. And it is impossible to un-know a thing. So what do you do now?

In past times, this might have been problematic. However, as you have been going through vast amounts of clearing these past weeks, some of which is still going on, we are able to tell you that all you need do is simply join together and consciously create the world you wish to live in. You are approaching now a world in which you not only can trust your Creator, but yourselves and each other. At first, your steps may be a bit wobbly, but it won’t be long until you are running.

One last reminder, if we may. The more you see and give gratitude for, the more you shall receive.

We have given you much to contemplate today. Please spend some time doing that. Look at what is around you. Appreciate what you see. And then, dear friends, ask what it is that you do not yet see. What fun it will be when you begin to open your eyes. That is for another day.

Be at peace in your hearts. All will be well with you. We will speak more very soon. Good day.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

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