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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/18/2017 11:51:20 PM

What Is Meant By SUBSPACE

The Arcturians and Sue Lie

I love Science Fiction shows, and they often talk about “subspace.” Therefore, I set myself on a campaign to find out exactly what that means. First, I went to the dictionary and found:
“Subspace is a space that is wholly contained in another space, or whose points or elements are all in another space. In science fiction, subspace often represents a hypothetical space–time continuum used for communication at a speed faster than that of light.”
There were other definitions, but they were written for one who has a PhD in mathematics and physics, which is NOT me.
Another definition was:
A linear subspace is usually called simply a subspace when the context serves to distinguish it from other kinds of subspace.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A space inheriting all characteristics of a parent space.
A subset of a topological space endowed with the subspace topology

In science fiction
Subspace (fictional) or hyperspace, a fictional parallel universe
· Subspace (StarTrek), a fictional feature of space-time that facilitates faster-than-light communication and transit
The above definitions are the only ones that I could begin to understand, as mathematics is not my “strong suit.” Therefore, I asked the Arcturians to explain it to me in a language that I could understand. Below is what I received.

Dear Arcturians,
What is meant by “subspace?”

Dear Suzille,
We are pleased to commune with you again. Recently, you have had to adapt to your new home and new life and have had little “energy” in which you could bring in something new. We are pleased to see that you have had some of your “time” to relax and visit some of your favorite “fiction/fact” stories of space travel.

Have you ever wondered why you, a girl from post WWII Glendale, California, have been so obsessed with space and space travel? The answer is that you have remembered. But, even though you could remember many of the facts about your fifth dimensional reality, your brain in this incarnation was not inclined toward mathematics and scientific research.

Therefore, you have done a great deal of “research” to validate what you have always known within your heart and soul, which assisted you to “learn/remember” how to directly communicate with your multidimensional Star Family.

You are now realizing how much your curiosity has amplified. You are remembering, as well as teaching others how to connect with us, their Star Family. In this manner, they can gain answers that would take years of study and research to gain through traditional, third dimensional Earth means.

However, we ask you now, “Can you really trust your self that much?”

Sue responds, “Can I really trust myself that much??” I think that as long as I trust you, the Arcturians and other members of my Star Family, I am able to get my questions answered.

But then, there is the process of knowing which questions to ask, as well as knowing when to just “let go” and hear or write the information that I am receiving. Can you please assist me now to better understand this situation so that I can better assists others to enhance their “multidimensional communication?”

Arcturians answer, “When the information is far from your third dimensional thinking, you need to focus on what you are receiving, more than what you are asking. This is the case with your question, “What is subspace?”

“Scientists have researched, but mostly have NOT experienced subspace. But, subspace is not a concept that your third dimensional, or even your fourth dimensional brain can understand without some direct experience. We see that you watch many “sci-fi movies” which often provide the best description.

The reason for this is that movies can present the experience of the actor in the movie. If you can merge your consciousness with that actor, then you can expand what the script has the actor saying and move your consciousness into the “emotions and feelings” that the actor must be experiencing in order to “give" a good performance in that role.

Also, when you “watch the actors give a good performance,” you can empathize with the characters that they are playing. Then, you can more easily begin to remember other members of your Multidimensional SELF who are sending you the experiences that they are having.

How are they sending you this information? They are sending it via “subspace", which represents a hypothetical space–time continuum used for communication at a speed faster than that of light.”

If your communications with the different expressions of your Multidimensional SELF were not sent via subspace, it could take an entire lifetime, or more, to receive the first answer that your Multidimensional SELF sent to back you.

Do you remember long ago in the 1990’s when you first realized that your “imaginary friends” were actually your own SELF who resonated to a higher frequency of reality? At that time, you had no concept of multidimensionality.

However, your childhood abduction by the Zetas made it perfectly clear to you that there were beings that lived inside of Starships. Unfortunately, your first meeting with this information was not too pleasant, but you did have some benefits such as the Learning Tree, which the children on the Ship sat in front of to learn about their future.

Of course, all they could learn about was their “possible future.” Since these beings, who were primarily the Zeta Reticuli, were not familiar with humanity, their stories were not very correct.

It is also helpful to realize that the TV Show known as “The X Files” was largely based on a truth that humanity was NOT ready accept as “real.” However, the show did give those who had been abducted some degree of confirmation that, “NO, you are not crazy. YES, it actually did happen.”

Now, in 2017, things have greatly changed. A visit to a Starship is now thought of as a great opportunity to learn more about your higher dimensional expressions of SELF, rather than being abducted by little beings who looked like the Biscuit “doughboys.”

The “doughboy” beings were from Zeta Reticuli, a star area that was under great change. Because of that change, the Zeta inhabitants were deeply concerned that they would become extinct. Most of them were already sterile, and thus searching for a solution.

They became sterile because their planet was under attack for a very long time and they needed to move into the deep, planetary caves. They did survive, but many of them became sterile. The Zeta abduction began in WWII when the Nazi’s were using humans for experimental purposes.

Of course, no one knew about these abductions, even after the truth was laid out in great detail in the “X Files” TV series. However, humanity has always been very good at only believing what they wanted to believe, so many “cover stories” successfully hid the truth.

Fortunately, humanity is slowly beginning to “wake up” to the fact that they are NOT alone in this multiverse, AND that they, the humans, are NOT the most evolved of all the possible life forms in the multiverse.

Knowing that they are NOT alone, has allowed more and more of humanity to release their fear of “who is out there,” and to actually become increasingly curious about their Galactic Family.

The Pleiadians, who look like tall, blond humans, are the easiest race for humanity to accept. In fact, more and more humans are beginning to admit that “just maybe” Pleiadians are “real.” In fact, many humans are starting to “channel” the Pleiadians and/or the Arcturians, as well as other members of our Galactic Family.

Returning to the topic of subspace, these inter-dimensional communications most often occur in “subspace,” “Subspace is a space that is wholly contained in another space, or whose points or elements are all in another space. In science fiction, subspace often represents a hypothetical space–time continuum used for communication at a speed faster than that of light.”

In your daily states of consciousness, subspace is NOT perceived and usually not even believed. However, the many Science Fiction movies are assisting humans to expand their “definition of reality” beyond the confines of their native planet—Earth.

Also, more and more people are remembering to communicate with the members of their own Multidimensional SELF who resonate to frequencies of reality beyond third-dimensional Earth and Earth’s fourth-dimensional aura.

If you think of Earth as a “living being,” it is easy to understand that she would have an aura, as well as a family known as Her “Galaxy”. Just as the human members of a human family can be very different, the planetary members of a Solar or Galactic family can also be very different.

Fortunately, more and more humans are experiencing “subspace communication,” and are even remembering how to translate these subspace messages into a form of mental and emotional “knowing,” so that they can actually “channel” the messages and share them with others.

We, the members of your Galactic Family, are very appreciative of those humans who have found the courage to admit that they communicate with Beings from higher dimensions and distant planets, or even, Galaxies.

This “inter-dimensional communication” is now occurring more and more often because many of the members of humanity are beginning to have experiences of “First Contact.”

There is no right or wrong way to have “First Contact.” Therefore, many brave pioneers who are exploring the higher dimensions of reality are learning how to expand their consciousness enough to capture these “subspace messages” and are translating them into their native, Earth language.

We, the Arcturians, as well as the other members of your Galactic Family, are very proud of our volunteers to Earth who chose to enter an earth vessel and forget their true SELF. Many of thesevolunteers spent their entire lives keeping their true identity a secret.

However, more and more humans are opening their mind to the FACT that there are MANY inhabited planets in which the beings are far more evolved then most humans. We say “most humans” because many of you “humans” are actually Galactic who chose to take a physical body on Earth to assist Gaia with Her Planetary Ascension.

We are pleased that we can NOW share this information with you now in a very straightforward manner. In fact, we can happily say that more and more humans are remembering that they are, in fact, Multidimensional Beings who chose to take a third dimensional body to assist with Gaia’s planetary ascension.

We are happy to share with you that Suzille’s latest channeled book is now ready for you to enjoy. We hope that as you “enjoy reading the book” you will also remember your own higher dimensional expressions of SELF, as well as your own Galactic Family.

As humanity remembers their own Multidimensional SELF, they will be able to lovingly embrace the landings, and especially, their long awaited reunion with their Galactic Family.

We, your Galactic Family, also look forward to our reunion. In the meantime, please keep your consciousness calibrated to the “subspace” channels, through which you and your Galactic Family can reunite within your innate Multidimensional SELF.


The Arcturians and your Galactic Family

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/18/2017 11:58:54 PM

In Its Finest Sense

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God said:

In its finest sense, a great thing to be able to say about someone is:

“He really knew how to enjoy Life.” Or, “She really knew how to live Life and to Love it!”

Alas, you may wonder where you fit in on this scale.

I say in its finest sense to make clear I am not speaking of any way of masking Life with opiates or any other escapades away from Life.

Enjoying Life is also more than taking Life in your stride, although Life is that too. Taking Life in your stride means that having a flat tire doesn’t have to impose tension and urgency. Whatever occurs on the surface of Life, this is your very Life to enjoy just the same.

Mud tracked in the house isn’t a catastrophe. Life is meant to be enjoyed with or without mud. Of course, Life is to be taken one day at a time, one moment at a time.

If your meat for supper tonight is more gristle than meat, chew the gristle and enjoy it. Among other things, gristle contains collagen, and chewing gristle is also good exercise for your jaw.

No need to turn the little into big! At the same time, little things can be the joys of your Life. A dandelion. A lollypop. A morning hug. A note. A smile. A question. An answer.

Oh, yes, there is more to Life than meets the eye.

When a friend or acquaintance dies -- dies as the world sees it -- you may find yourself missing someone who actually was more dear to you than you had realized when he was alive. Given the chance again, your Love would have no bounds. You had missed out on pouring Love on someone you didn’t know how deeply you cared for. What a waste of Life, you feel. What an unremitting longing you feel.

On the other hand, there may have been someone whom you always thought was admirable. You had taken for granted that he was wonderful and flawless, of the Highest, most dear to you. When he left Earth, you began to see him in a dimmer light than you ever had seen him before.

Suddenly, it appears to you now that he was not the tried and true Being you had thought he was. Sad to say, you may even feel you had duped yourself about him. In any case you do not see him now as you used to think you did.

You have experienced both sides of this, pro and con. When these two were alive on Earth in what is called real Life, you saw such differently. Now, when these two have left Earth, you are astounded at how you feel. One you appreciate far more. One you appreciate far less. You hadn’t anticipated such changes of heart whatsoever, not at all, yet this is what you got.

You can only shrug your shoulders and wish you had given more to the one you find you love more deeply than you knew. Now, if you could bring the more deeply loved one back to Life, you would make sure he knew all he meant to you. You would be so glad for his presence and not take it for granted. If you could undo, you would.

And to the other who later seemed less beloved, you shrug your shoulders and say to yourself, “What is the harm? What does it matter. May he rest in peace.”

What else is there for you to say? What else is there to tell yourself?

Seeing differently happens and has happened to you. What you thought was in your heart changed. It didn’t stay.

On the other hand, now you would see more clearly. Oh, how you would hail your Loved Ones now, Beloveds. So take the opportunity beforehand now.

Otherwise, never mind. Life moves along as it does and takes you with it.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/19/2017 6:50:58 PM

Jesus via John Smallman: The Intent and the Decision to Go Within Daily is Also the Decision to Awaken from the Dream

Audio version.

As you all know, readers and listeners to these and other inspiring and uplifting channeled messages, enormous changes are in progress now as humanity enters the final stages of the awakening process.

It has been a long journey for you to return to your point of departure, the place you never left, at peace, in joy, and at One with God. There is nowhere else, therefore you could be nowhere else, and yet it has seemed that you are far, far removed from that state, your natural and eternal state.

When you awaken from the dream you will be amazed, no astonished, at how close to Home, to Source, to Mother/Father/God that you have remained during these apparent eons of separation. Utter joy will wash away and dissolve all your doubts, fears, and the attendant pain and suffering, leaving not a trace of them.

You do not need to remember what you have been experiencing throughout all these unreal and pain-filled life times, and you will choose not to distract yourselves with ancient memories from the utter joy of being at Home in the Oneness that is All That Exists. Words are a completely inadequate form of communication to use here, as also are pictures of the Heavenly state that you might be able to dream up.

Just rest assured that on awakening you will want for nothing and that you will not be seeking anything because you have A L L, and because you are A L L, and that is the state of infinite perfection from which you arose at the moment of your creation.

If you think that this is too hard too believe, you are right! Believing is not very helpful, you need to know! And when you awaken you will know, and all doubts will be gone in the glory of the moment of your awakening.

You are all the beloved children of God, and your place is eternally at One with Him. You never left, you could never leave, you just imagined that you had. And, as powerful divine beings, your imagination enabled you to construct an illusory physical environment in which you were able to very realistically imagine a state of separation from Source, an intensely painful state because all that you are was then hidden from you, by your own choice.

Being lost within the illusion you built has seemingly been a very long and very wearying event. Within the illusion the word “event” is used to describe an occurrence of short duration, and truly the illusion itself is an “event.” It lasted but an instant and was over. But, as with your human memories, you can and did choose to relive it and relive it and relive it!

Now is the moment to cease doing that. Again, as your human lives have so often shown you, recalling memories of pain and suffering can make them appear very real again in the moment of recall, even though in that moment they are not occurring, let alone re-occurring! They just seem real. Many have undergone psychiatric treatment and psychotherapy to release painful memories that keep replaying in their minds, causing great pain.

Memories are a two edged sword, wonderful for happy events and experiences, intensely painful for memories involving suffering. That is one of the many reasons that you are encouraged to live in the “now moment,” the only real time there is.

Going within daily, to your holy inner sanctuary, and inviting and allowing Love to embrace you places you in that “now moment” from which pain and suffering are excluded purely by reason of your intent to experience only Love, your natural and eternal state of being.

As you become a regular attendant at your inner sanctuary you will find that the Love and the peace that you experience there will become more pervasive in your daily human lives. As a result conflict and painful disagreement will happen less frequently, until you find that you are nearly always at peace, and in that state engaging only lovingly with others, and with whatever situation may arise.

The intent and the decision to go within daily is also the decision to awaken from the dream. It may appear to take a long time because you are conditioned to changes in attitude and behavior taking time, but once that decision has been taken and acted upon,then you have in fact awoken. However, it most likely seems to you that you have not, that you are still operating within the illusion as the human being you were experiencing yourself as before you made that choice.

That is, time, one of the illusory aspects of physicality, still flows, moment to moment, and, as a human who has chosen to enter the illusion to assist in humanity’s awakening process, you too will be experiencing the flow of time. But, you are feeling more at peace, and the guilty sense of shoulds and musts is becoming far less vociferous, far less noisy, and you are finding it easier to engage satisfactorily and lovingly with your daily life.

You are in fact in the process of awakening, and that is definitely reason to rejoice and celebrate.

This moment was divinely planned eons of time ago! And it happened then, instantly! But, because you are free – just as you were created, and as you always remain – and because you chose to engage with and enter the illusion, therefore, until you make the choice and the intent to awaken, you will remain deluded and confused by the illusory environment in which it seems that you have your existence, for as long as you choose to remain in that state.

Many of you think that you made that choice recently or a few decades ago, but if you are not awake – if you were awake you would K N O W it – then you did not set the intent. It has to be set daily, and then you have to “walk your talk” and live and engage with your daily lives only lovingly, and then – as has become a bit of a mantra in the self-help movement – “Fake it till you make it.”

That generally proves difficult for you because your egos keep drawing to your attention the pain and suffering worldwide plus your own memories of the pain and suffering you have undergone. All who enter the illusion as humans experience suffering, because to separate from Source, God, is to suffer!

But most of you are not now, in this present moment, undergoing that suffering, it occurred eons ago! Let go of painful memories, they do not serve you and never have, they just encourage you to prepare for the worst . . . and then that is what you experience! That was why you built the illusion in the first place, to experience the worst . . . SEPARATION. Enough already!

So go within daily, even if only for a moment or two. That’s all it takes to have Love, which is always present awaiting your opening to It, embrace you and bring you peace and the accompanying knowing that you are, in every moment, divinely loved and cherished by your heavenly Father. He is Love and He wants you to know and feel this because He created you for eternal joy without interruption.

Intend to awaken and be consciously aware once more that you are, and always will be, One with Him.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

“Jesus via John Smallman: The Intent and the Decision to Go Within Daily is Also the Decision to Awaken from the Dream,” June 18, 2017, at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/19/2017 6:55:45 PM

Daily Message ~ Monday June 19, 2017

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Beauty can be expressed in so many ways. Your own taste – the things that draw you and move you into presence and appreciation – are how you experience your own heaven on earth, for all beauty is divinely inspired. So look for the beauty that abounds around you. Create the beauty that makes your heart expand and feel moved, whether it be through tending the earth, art, music, dance, decorating, designing, or acts of love, for it supports your alignment, your energetics, and your soul’s desire to express itself, as well as adding to the mosaic of the whole. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/19/2017 6:59:11 PM

Ashtar: Have Courage To Keep Going Through Any Darkness

ashtar“Well! Greetings, Beloved Family! There certainly is a lot of shaking going on right now, is there not? And this is how it needs to be! It is necessary – imperative for everyone who is at all awake – and, if they’re not, they need to wake up! I’m not talking about you, Beloved Ones. You’re awake! But it is that you can -perhaps, by sending out your LoveLight, or even doing something more of an activist activity – you can help others to wake up.

“It is not necessary to hear all of the details of what’s going on – although we certainly do want to present those here on our conference calls, because we know that you can add your Light to whatever the scenario is, and that, of course, is the way to accomplish the changes that are in progress now. You heard it!

“The progress is absolutely, exponentially moving forward! And there is no longer any free will at all available to the dark hats because they have betrayed the trust – if you want to call it trust, it was what you would call ‘blind trust,’ ‘sound asleep trust’ – in their leadership and in their, we’ll say control of Planet Earth and beyond – and so it is that it’s over, canceled, finisand so on!!!

“And we are standing with you in moving even further. Yet we do understand, first of all, that you’ve got some impatience. Why isn’t it getting done? Why hasn’t it gotten done by now? Well???That’s up to Humanity! We’re here to move as fast as Humanity invites us to move!!!

“You will recall there is this thing called the ‘Prime Directive’ which does not allow us to intervene except in case of a genocidal holocaust and total destruction of the entire Planet. However, because you have stepped up, we now have more empowerment, or authority, if you will, so long as you continue to partner with us!

“And indeed these are glorious times, as the Master* has said, but also they can be very frightening, even to Lightworkers when you are feeling the darkness around you, when you feel as though it’s closing in, suffocating, even. And this is how it is sometimes beforethe dawn, the dawning of the great Light!

“Now we have told you in times past that, as the Planet ascends into Higher Dimensional Reality, it will be a temperate climate everywhere – except upon the tallest of mountain tops – and these temperatures will be in the very comfortable 70-degree range everywhere. The deserts can flourish, the forests can be in their absolutely, most majestic states of health and offer unlimited amounts of energies of healing and Peace and welcome to all the Kingdoms!

” ‘The lion shall lie down with the lamb’ is another kind of a picture for you to hold in your Hearts. And, of course, if you want to take that one step further, who among humans represent the lions and who represent the lambs on Planet Earth? Well, the truth of it is that sometimes there have been people who have behaved, not as lions – except in the sense that they’re powerful – and they have abused their power!

“Lions in the forest do not abuse their power if left alone. Lions have been used as symbols of power and authority, and often times by those who have abused that power. And who might the lambs be compared to except the innocent victims? Except wait a minute – everybody has cooperated through the ages in this scenario!!! And so it is that everybody needs to cooperate in some way or another in rising up and out of it. And believe me, all of the other Kingdoms of Mother Gaia are doing just that! It is the Kingdom of Humanity that is a little bit dragging its feet, shall we say.

“However, that is changing! The more who wake up, the more who catch sight of the Light – even if it’s only a glimpse – the more energy there is for the movement to the levels where there is only Light and, where of course, the Love it is.

“Now, for some of you, we know that there is a tendency to freeze when you are making progress on your Path, and then you encounter something that is huge in the way of some kind of a blockage, or a diversion, or a stumbling block. We will remind you that you are powerful enough to go around it, go over it, walk right on through it, even though you may not know it!

“I’m going to give you an example – this is more of Sekhmet’s domain, but I’m going to give it anyway. There was an initiation in the crocodile pool. That’s right! The crocodile pool rule was that anybody who wanted to pass this particular test, and go on to become a priest or priestess, had to go through this initiation.And the method of it was simply to dive into the pool at one end. And they were told to dive down deep and only come up when they saw the brightest Light. And they knew there were crocodiles somewhere.

“Some of the initiates were scared, and they saw a light coming in and they said, ‘Oh, that’s got to be it!’ Well, it was a false light. It wasn’t at the true end of the pool. They went right up to where the crocodiles were and, of course, they did not pass the test. The ones who passed were the ones who had the Courage in their Hearts to dive deeperbecause they knew that they had to go further into the darkness, the depths of the pool, and continue until they saw the brilliant white Light streaming down into the pool and, of course, they passed the test!

“You can see the similarities between where Planet Earth is right now. There are brave souls right now who are diving deeper into the darkness, the depths, and who know there are some dangers that could reach out to them. But they surround themselves with Light and they keep focused on that Light at the end, the bright Light, the True Light, the White Light of Love, the Golden White Light, I shall say. And they make it through!

“We have whistleblowers. We have people stepping up and voicing their opinions in every, what you call, ‘walk of life,’ on Planet Earth. And the lid is about to be blown off of the pot because there are those in places of influence who, if they haven’t already spoken up – perhaps they whispered a bit -they’re about to stand up, and with One Voice they are about to start telling the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth! And, of course, this will absolutely necessitate NESARA’s announcement!!!

“So people are rising up out of their fears, out of the darkness. Whistleblowers who risk their lives and Truthtellers who are already, and will continue, to risk their lives – people who leak documents which are telling the Truth about things that have been going on – people who stand before an audience and tell it like it is – people who have a cup of tea with their neighbor and perhaps shock them with a Truth or two and then, because they are awake and aware, they can explain so that it is all starting to make sense, much more sense than the crazy lies, propaganda and untruths which have been the predominant story Worldwide!

“Most of all, people are taking in enough of the Light to open their Hearts to understand that there is a Higher way of life, of living, and that with it comes a lot of High Vibe gifts, including each one’s own Ascension! And also, living in a Higher Dimensional Reality where, first of all, there are technologies and then ultimately there are the inner – I’ll say ‘inner technologies’ – built into everyone here, every member of Humanity which, as they are activated, move beyond the need for machinery, electronics, and so on of any kind, and they simply unite all people everywhere with all the Kingdoms of Mother Gaia, and beyond Planet Earth. And Love and all that Love creates is the absolute, Highest empowerment, and the only empowerment for the Lifestyles of everyone here!!!

“And I can assure you this can happen very quickly. But it is to go deeper. If you start shaking inside, if you start feeling any kind of fear, go deeper and have the Courage to do so to get past the fear-based messages that are still being broadcast by those who are still some kind of a presence here on Planet Earth, and whose only real goal is to perpetuate all that people on the Ascension Path are leaving behind!!!

“Send them Love; send them Compassion; send them Gratitude for showing what there is that is needing to be changed or, shall we say, transmuted into Higher energies. And above all else, forgive them!!! And while you’re at it, forgive yourselves for buying into it all these eons of time, and let’s move up together. And let’s enjoy that which you so deserve – that wondrous Peace, that wondrous Bliss, that wondrous High Dimensional Love and the Lifestyles that it brings to you, and from which you, in turn, proceed along your wondrous, magical, marvelous Pathways! And so it is. Salut!”

» Source – Channel: Susan Leland


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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