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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/20/2017 7:09:10 PM


Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Moon Phase Matrix: Balsamic Phase: release, transform, prepare for the new

Moon in Taurus

Emissary of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): All

Emissary of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Ian, The Wind of the East

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Day:

Sun - 28 Degrees Gemini “Society granting bankruptcy, a person leaves the court with mixed feelings."

Earth – 28 Degrees Sagittarius “A splendidly built bridge, a heritage of unknown ages, still spans the beautiful and wildly primitive stream.”

Sun - 29 Degrees Gemini “The first mockingbird of spring sings from the treetop"

Earth – 29 Degrees Sagittarius “A fat boy mowing the lawn.”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "A radical magazine asking for action displays a sensational front page."

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "a woman's hat with streamers blown by the east wind"

From the Oracle Report Archives: We enter the fluid and dreamy Balsamic phase of the Moon today. It is the last of the eight phases of the Moon, and it exists outside time and space to some degree because it is a transition time. During Balsamic, we release anything that we what we do not want or need to carry with us into the impending lunar month. Cleansing waters of consciousness flood the field with breaking waves to refresh and renew.

The veils between the worlds are thinnest during Balsamic Moon phase. Spirit is breathtakingly close. It is a beautiful thing if we are able to let go of the controls. A higher power seeks to untangle us from restrictions so that we can begin anew with the New Moon.

And regarding the Sabian Symbols:

For the Sun: The mockingbird symbol is of the bird that tries to appear as something else. So, the symbol speaks of taking the best of something and making it better. The mockingbird takes sounds from other birds and combines them to create their own song. It is a question of whether it is a simple counterfeit copy or is it a unique creation. I am personally intrigued that the symbol for the first mockingbird of spring comes at 29 Gemini – the final day of spring.

For the Earth: The symbol of the fat boy mowing speaks of appearances and keeping things neat and tidy. The image of the fat boy is one who is comfortable and safe. He is helping to order and organize his world. He is helping-out. Is the energy about the appearances or is it about the superficial and insulated nature of his life?

Mantra for the Second Renaissance and the Return of Wisdom

All roads lead to Liberty.
Sophia ke Thelete acousome. Wisdom and Will, let us attend.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/20/2017 11:14:51 PM

‘The Team’ via Peggy Black: Quantum Consciousness

We are here to remind as well as encourage you to step into your unlimited possibilities. Who you are in your physical form certainly knows and understands limitations, however we are addressing your divine self now, the energetic aspect that animates the physical body and continues to trigger your personal awareness and activate your quantum consciousness.

The times in which you are living serve to shift your understanding. Galactic inputs, solar flares and the increased resonance of frequency and vibration of your planet earth are stimulating this leap in consciousness.

These increased frequencies are quickening and initiating expanded consciousness not only in humans but in all living creatures. There is a subtle yet significant shift in consciousness taking place throughout the animal kingdom. The shift in frequencies is affecting all and is driving the evolution of all sentient beings. Deep purifications are occurring which brings healing on all levels of consciousness.

This restructuring and activating of consciousness is sweeping your entire planet. It is part of the ascension process, moving humanity from the dense, limited 3D that everyone is so familiar with to the higher realms of unlimited possibilities of love and light. The other dimensions vibrate at a higher rate which is unattainable from a limited 3D mindset and the low-level vibrations of misqualified energies. As the fragmented aspect of humanity begins to dissipate there is a sense of wholeness and oneness in which more light particles are available.

Now is the time to engage in all the processes and skills that will allow your personal vibrations to increase in frequency. You truly have the support of the cosmic intentions.

Be mindful of your breath, breathe with consciousness, follow your breath as it moves into your lungs and throughout your body. Be keenly aware of the rhyme of your breathing, for it is breath that sets the tone of all your body’s functions. We observe that for most humans breathing is short and shallow. This is the breath of someone who is on alert, ready to fight or flee.

Envision your breath coming from above into the crown of your head follow this breath down through the center of your body and exhale down deep below your feet. Repeat breathing the opposite; breathe in from below your feet, up through the center of your body and out the top of your head.

Breathing is an alchemical process of life which can transform all. It is important as you consciously breathe that you infuse your breath with thoughts and feelings that are empowering and uplifting. Seed your breath with intentions. Seed your breath with healing colors.

Begin to be aware of taking long deep breaths as often as possible, for it is that type of breathing that informs the physiology and chemical reactions of the body that all is well and more. This offers a relaxed, safe state of mind that allows for expanded consciousness. This is the goal.

Be aware of all the triggers being offered by the world around you that cause you alarm. Remember to breathe into those issues, remember to breathe as you watch your news reports, notice when you shift from feeling a state of peace into a state of alarm or stress.

Remember that emotions are contagious and there are situations that are meant to cause you fear and alarm. When you are in a place of fear or feeling powerless, you are easily manipulated by those who have an agenda of limitation and control. These emotions drop you into the matrix of limitations. It is a cycle that keeps repeating and repeating.

Notice what your triggers are; is it issues with finances, or health, your safety or that of your loved ones? What thoughts and fears cause you to begin to breathe in a shallow manner? Pause and take a long deep breath, deep into your belly, hold it briefly and allow it to be exhaled slowly. With practice, this will become the first tool you use to reset your mind and the responses of your body.

Imagine that you could breathe in light. Imagine that you could fill your lungs with light particles that would then stimulate each and every cell and aspect of your physical body and empower as well as energize your subtle energy body. This is truly possible; it requires your attention and intention; over time you will begin to feel the difference.

Imagine that with each conscious breath you are acknowledging your divine self. You are inviting and awakening your quantum consciousness. As your physical body is being stimulated by your conscious breath, it has the ability to restore the divine integrity to every cell and system.

You begin to awaken codes within your DNA that allow you to tap into your cosmic awareness. You begin to feel different in some strange way; just notice and acknowledge the simple changes you might be experiencing. Remember, this is a process, it is a blossoming of your true essence.

Notice how you begin to perceive subtle energies, observe geometry forms or colors in your mind’s eye, begin to experience telepathic exchanges with others. As this unfolds and it becomes stronger, purer and more precise, you will become aware that you are truly a part of a network of light beings both physical and non-physical. You are allowing and developing your quantum consciousness.

From this divine connection you will engage with others in transforming the limitations of your planet and anchoring a reality that is honoring and life sustaining for all. It is from this quantum consciousness awakening with humanity that 3D situations and issues can and will be resolved.
You are the chalice, the physical embodiment in which this reality will be anchored. Hold that vision and breathe into truth. You and all individuals play a significant part in this ascension.

We celebrate your willingness and your success. Be courageous as you step out of this paradigm of limitation into the unlimited realities and divine template that you know. You are being supported with unconditional love and light frequencies and vibrations from all corners of the galaxy. You are the divine stars of this magnificent production of consciousness. We bow before you for your willingness and your dedication.

the ‘team’

©2017 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. www.morningmessages.comFREE 88 messages available

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/20/2017 11:18:26 PM

Daily Message ~ Tuesday June 20, 2017

Galactic Free Press's picture

Dear Ones, there is such great joy in creating one Now moment at a time. It allows you to stay present, to see what the energies are supporting at any given time, and to see the magical signs that point the way.

From this approach the unknown is filled with wonder and endless possibility. There is no stress to get it right, simply discerning what is the highest choice. It is like stepping from stepping stone to stepping stone, one highest choice at a time, until before you know it you have landed in brand new vistas you couldn't have imagined possible.

And you have arrived with far greater grace and ease than you have ever experienced before! You are all becoming energetic masters, clearly seeing what works and what does not, and becoming far more accustomed to creating through flow rather than struggle.

These are such wonderful times for you to be in, to play and explore and discover new ways of doing things that reflect your growth and evolution! ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/20/2017 11:25:24 PM

GaiaPortal 6-16-17… “Missions of the past are released”

New GaiaPortal update, which I neglected to post.

For further interpretations, I suggest checking Rosalie Parker and The Event Hub.


Missions of the past are released

Missions of the past are released.

Praetoriats congeal and are removed.

Fossils are recognized.

Pleats of Light are straightened.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/20/2017 11:32:40 PM

Honouring the Solstice

will's picture

by Jessie Klassen

Depending on where you are in the world, the Solstice on June 20 will either herald summer or winter. Either way, there is always a shift that occurs within Mother Earth during the Solstices, and we are sure to feel this within ourselves as well.

Here in Canada, our days are getting longer and we are enjoying warm weather. Upon my farm, I can always feel the solstice approaching as the energetic intensity of the land amplifies dramatically around this time.

I live upon a ridge, which was at one time an ancient Native summer camp. It is situated between the Riding Mountains and Lake Manitoba, and was a great place for a settlement of people to spend their summer fishing, hunting, and gathering wild berries that would sustain them throughout the winter months.

My father grew up on this yard site, and he spent his childhood collecting arrowheads and old leather bags of pemmican from the nearby field after it had been ploughed. My grandfather had even found a buffalo skull once and donated it to a local museum. As a child, I remember the excitement I felt when I found a smooth rock that had been shaped into a hammerhead. I could feel the energetic imprint within the rock and when I closed my eyes, I could see the last person who touched it. I find this intriguing, because this was never something that had been taught to me. Children just “know.”

My dad also remembers looking out his window at night and seeing shadowy images of Native peoples standing in their yard. My family and I have also noticed that if there is going to be paranormal activity take place, it will be during the time of the solstice. Ridges have a natural “charge” to them anyhow, but especially so during this time of year. Dreams will intensify and it will be hard to get a restful night sleep. My children and I have also witnessed “visitors” during this time of year, both within our house and on the yard. Like I said, everything is amplified. This means emotions as well, so it is so important to remember to ground yourself or else one can end up saying something that really was not meant to be said.

I get the strong sense that my ridge had been a ceremonial site, and without a doubt there would have been Solstice celebrations held here. People have been honouring the Earth and her cycles and seasons for as long as we have been here, and it has really only been in the last while that we have stopped.

As we are also moving through such an intense shift upon our planet at this time, it is incredibly important to reawaken our connection with Mother Earth. She is clearing much at this time, and it is moving through us. We are like walking, moving portals for her to clear out all old wounds and stuck energy that needs to be released. You may notice yourself feeling fearful or irrational for no known reason, and this is likely because you are simply clearing for Mother Earth. Those of us deeply connected to her will be more affected, as this is what we came here for. You may notice changes that need to be made within your diet and environment as well, because as we shift, the needs of our bodies shift as well. I just recently developed a very noticeable sensitivity to gluten. I had been limiting how much of it I was eating, but now I feel that I am “done” with it.

I have found that by doing regular land clearings and blessings, I am able to release and lessen the intensity of this shift. The land needs to feel loved, and old energy needs to be given permission to leave.

Performing a Solstice celebration of your own is a beautiful way to honour Mother Earth and to help her and yourself shift into a higher frequency.

A solstice celebration can be as elaborate or as simple as you choose. A simple offering of love and gratitude towards Mother Earth as you sit in stillness, or a bonfire with music, dancing, and setting intentions. You can dress up, (as my one friend said, like “the ya-ya’s from the “Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood”)

You can have little pieces of paper to write down hopes, intentions, or anything that you would like to release or heal, which can then be tossed into the flames. Include your children and have fun with it.

I like to take a moment everyday and place my hand on my heart, breathing in and out slowly, and thank Mother Earth for all of her blessings and for always taking care of me. We have been supported here for many, many lifetimes. I feel her love, and I feel the love and light of the Universe, and I simply allow this to flow through me. I allow any energy to release and I focus on a peaceful, happy planet.

The more of us that practice this mindfulness as a collective, the more strength we offer to Mother Earth and the easier we make this shift for all of us.

My dad had a dream a few years ago where there were tipis scattered all across this ridge. My house was also here in the dream, and there were prayer flags tied in the trees all around it. At the highest point of my ridge stood the tallest tipi of them all. It was guarded by impressive, shirtless, brown skinned Indian men with shiny, black flowing hair with long feathers tied in and hanging down. Beautiful horses stood nearby and the sky was a brilliant blue of a summers day. My dad knew somehow that I was in this large tipi, but as he stepped closer, the Indian men stopped him and told him that he was not allowed to step foot on the ridge, and he would have to walk around it. He stepped back and observed from a distance. Anytime he tried to step closer, he felt a painful “charge” shoot up through the soles of his feet and he immediately jumped back. Eventually, I emerged from the large tipi with the Medicine Man and the Chief. I was wearing a white leather dress with intricate beadwork and long fringes. My hair was its usual crazy, curly self, but as my dad said, it was “glowing.” I was glowing. I had been anointed.

My dad then watched as the Indian Chief picked up a buffalo skull and held it up to the sky. He was looking through the eyes of the skull and in the distance, a train was approaching. (railroad tracks do happen to run through our farm, not far from my yard)

I wonder what this must have felt like, to know that their way of life was changing forever? They were deeply connected to the Earth and would have been in tune with their intuition. I have no doubt that they would have “seen” the evolution that was coming. Is this what we are experiencing now? We know that change is coming, but yet, we know it is necessary and we welcome it, because we know that we can’t keep living this way upon the Earth. To these peoples, the arrival of the white man changed them forever.

I feel that I was being honoured within the dream because I understand the shift that is taking place. I also feel that I have lived here before. It is all very familiar to me, and if I close my eyes, I can “see” the life that was here before. I also feel that I chose to live here again because I would be needed to release much old, stuck energy and this ridge is a powerful portal. I have noticed with past activity upon this yard that everything here is amplified, good or bad. It is crucial to be aware of your own energy and of what you are feeding, as it is easy to become “overcome” by the intensity.

I feel that my dad, although very “tuned in”, was not allowed upon the ridge because his awareness simply could not handle the task at hand. I valued his dream and the message within it and was grateful to him for sharing it.

The land is calling out to us, Mother Earth is calling us. I feel this place awakening from a deep slumber. The ridges are vibrating and their energy is palpable. We are all in this together.

May you enjoy the Solstice and take this opportunity to honour Mother Earth and the shift that is happening within your life and within yourself. Take a moment to think about where you are headed. Take a moment to feel how this feels. Are you happy with this, or is there something that you would like to change? Are there ways to integrate more love and gratitiude into your life? Every morning, I thank my bed for a good nights sleep (even when I didn’t sleep well), because my bed did their part. If I can’t sleep, I ask, “What is the lesson?” Everyday I try to say, “I am a learner, and today I will learn something new.”

Seek out Nature as often as you can, and let her flow through you. Ask her what she has to tell you. Feel your life become richer, more meaningful, and more how it was always meant to feel!

What do you have planned for the Solstice? I would love to hear!

I can be contacted via my website at

While there, feel free to sign up for my free weekly newsletter where I share lessons and advice on connecting with Mother Earth

love and blessings,


Enjoy fun activities and energy exercises to encourage growth, self-confidence, and awareness in you and your child while developing a close relationship with Nature in Jessie’s children’s book, “The Sapling.”

An inspiring story from the Trees for the children of Earth, “The Sapling” has vivid, full colour Nature illustrations that will appeal to younger children and powerful Life lessons that will grow with your child, just like a Tree!

“The Sapling” is the first book in Jessie’s Nature Child Children’s Book Series, committed to helping chidren grow into who they truly are meant to be. It will be available on Amazon in the summer of 2017.

A portion of proceeds will be donated to the Nature Conservancy of Canada and to the Treesisters for reforestation and the conservation of our Earth.

Jessie is also a farmer, Reiki Master, and mother of 3 sensitive children. Deeply connected to Nature, she has been inspired to “share the words that Nature wants to have heard.”



"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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