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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/17/2017 6:52:23 PM

Bifurcation of Realities: Solstice Entry to the Eclipse Gateway

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

The West coast Gateway for the eclipse passage was initiated on Thursday June 8, and fully opened on Friday June 9 with Full Moon Gridworker ceremony on the Oregon coast. Gratitude to those who participated in this opening, both in the physical and the etheric. The passage was opened right at the point where the eclipse path touches land and begins to cross the USA.

Perhaps you noticed the shifting of energies as this Gate amplified over the last week. The eclipse pathway and its metaphoric reflection of the higher unfoldments was immediately apparent. I saw the pathway blasting open, and connecting to the eclipse exit point in South Carolina. East coast Gatekeepers, gather and do the same Now. You’ll need more than three HUmans (we had 13) to open it properly, as the eclipse represents unification across all levels of consciousness.

Eclipse Pathway – Lightworkers open this Now

Our direction to open this eclipse pathway NOW allows the purer frequencies of the Primary Christed timelines to be available, felt, and utilized by Gatekeepers and Gridworkers.

We will continue to prepare the New Earth Grid for this strong cosmic trigger passage. Gatekeepers, Gridworkers and Lightworkers; We are co-creating with this Divine passage and preparing for the maximum effect right now through the Lion’s Gate (8/8) when this Gateway opens.

The August Gateway flows August 4 through August 25, a massive opportunity to engage with the cosmic influx and timeline-shifting frequencies. If you are guided to Gatekeeping or Gridwork along the path of the eclipse, do it now. The energy is there already, we are already in the zone of these massive waves of interuniversal light flows.

Bifurcation of Realities

The linear experience allows for the sensation of frequency jumps and dramatic increases in light quotient, expansion, and awareness of higher levels of Source-as-Self. It appears as more separation as the timelines divide, which is why the ancient texts described it in terms of light-dark, black-white, good-bad, heaven-hell duality. As we experience this prophetic passage, the metaphoric prophecy becomes physicalized in the external reality.

We physically see the rapid increase in divergence in the external; this jump began last September with the Timeline shift. It unfolds as complexity in the lower timelines as political, social, economic, and personal challenges to the status quo. Increased polarization is an effect of the dimensional shift, time collapse, cosmic rays, and magnetic shifts in our Solar system and galaxy. However, the bifurcation of timelines also allows the higher resonation to pop out of the lower entanglements, providing ever-increasing sensations of expansion, divinity, purity and unwavering love as the Primary timeline Gateways open.

Over the years we have witnessed the division of reality choices, even within the Light Tribe. We still see each other in the physical realms, but the vibrational mismatch is becoming wider and wider. Technically, the denser reality has already departed; this is an unfoldment of what has already occurred in the higher realms.

The lower-vibrational chaos is not as physical as it appears, it is there for the collective experience. This is why the Higher vibrational consciousness is able to see through the holographic projections, choose to engage with the creation of New Earth/New Universe, and have much more expansive experiences right now. The higher timelines allow access to your Creator State of beingness, which reveals the larger perspective of the Universal rewrite.

This is also why the lower reality feels surreal, over, done, complete. The collective old template drop-off in September occurred because those lower vibrational realities lost energetic support. Bit by bit, the lower timelines drop away from our experience, and this is occurring at a faster rate as the timeline split unfolds.

I noticed again this week the eerie stillness of the secondary timelines adjusting to the higher frequencies. The sensation of time disappearing or standing still, like during Gateway work. I feel this will become a more frequent occurrence as the August Gateway approaches.

Bifurcation Awareness in the Collective

True comprehension of multidimensionality includes embracing all of your creations, simultaneously. The timeline split is providing a purer experience of your existence outside of the boundaries of time, at a pace of integration which compliments the highest interests of all concerned with Ascension. Our exposure to zero-point states becomes more intense, so we may collectively raise all willing consciousness into the proximity of the Gateways of the New Earth experience. We open the doors and demonstrate what is possible.

A friend wrote that Bashar mentioned a physical splitting of realities in an April transmission, which is interesting since April is when this accelerated timeline split began to occur. (I have no opinion on Bashar, other than appreciating his agreement that Mount Shasta operates as a crown chakra rather than a root.) The Division of Worlds was placed on the back burner for a while, it is notable how many are tapping into this unfoldment since December. It is clear that a powerful activation of self-realization is upon us, which must be displayed in the physical as resolution of the story of Gaia.

As more Wayshowers and conduits mention this physical representation of the dimensional shift, we are handed the task of demonstrating to Humanity what Embodiment is about. Appreciate this impressive passage; it is a very esoteric, mystical, and spiritual experience.

The grand experiment of experiencing a dimensional shift through the body is the unique thing; we feed this information back to Source. The Universal completion of a creative idea and the birth of a new one is reflected in our present experience. It looks planetary, then Solar, then Galactic, then Universal as our conscious awareness expands to comprehend higher multidimensional aspects of consciousness.

Lower vibrations play with miscommunication, political polarity, social divides, erratic behavior, judgment and emotional reactions. The higher vibrational collective still sees the lower realities but are not attached to it. The lower timelines are like a movie playing in the house at the end of the street; it’s still there, but distant.

The August Solar Eclipse: Use the Solstice Influx

This event is about completion and revelation of the New. It is a strong activator of divine destiny, and the resolution of multiple layers of planetary conflict. This cosmic stargate will sweep from one ocean to the other, crossing North America in the area of the USA. On August 21, this total eclipse of the Sun will be visible from a narrow track which cuts diagonally from Oregon to South Carolina. In the direct path, Solaris’ corona is revealed for 2 minutes. Because the eclipse is a culmination of many multidimensional events, I AM creating a video to pull all of the intel together.

Our Solstice Gateway opens Saturday June 17, with the Solstice peak arriving on June 20 at 9:24pm PDT. Intend to open this August Gateway Now, to begin to release the Divine encodements for the eclipse Now, and open Gaia and ourselves to these ever-increasing collective shifts in our realities.

Let us share this new level of the Divine HUman experience and provide support for the Solstice by unifying on SUNday through the Unity Meditations. All are welcome to this pure field of consciousness to assist in the Ascension at 8:11amPDT, 11:11amPDT and 5:11pmPDT. Let us show Humanity what is possible with Unconditional Love and Service!

Have a beautiful Solstice week, and use this pristine LoveLight to assist in the highest interests of all concerned with Ascension.


In Love, Light and Service,


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/17/2017 6:59:07 PM

Daily Message ~ Saturday June 17, 2017

Galactic Free Press's picture

Dear Ones, if you wish to experience change you must open yourselves up to expansion and moving into the not yet known. We understand that can feel scary to you, but the truth is you are not really afraid of change, you are afraid of unconscious creation.

When you are moving into expansion with intention, it is like pre-ordering from a catalogue. There is no need to fear what will arrive when you know what you have ordered!

If you wish to experience more love in your life, that is change. If you wish to experience healing in your life, that is change. If you wish to experience greater joy, that is change. If you wish to experience enlightenment that is change.

Do you see? You simply cannot commit yourself to staying the same and also reap the wonderful gifts that change is trying to bring you. You do not have to do it all at one time. All change comes one now moment at a time, which allows you to step forward, look around, and choose your next step.

It is time to leave the idea that change is your enemy behind and embrace flow and expansion as being the means that takes you to your own preferred, new adventure. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/17/2017 7:03:32 PM

Lord Merlin via Natalie Glasson: Tuition for Spiritual Maturity and Advancement

Audio version. Video version.

I am Lord Merlin. I am a Master of Magic, a co-creator with Nature and the Elementals and embodiment of Divine Alchemy. I am currently supporting Master Kuthumi and Master Sananda in their role and mission as World Teachers at a Planetary Level.

My purpose in supporting the World Teachers is to gift and awaken the ancient knowledge of the Earth, other civilizations, sacred dimensions and the Universe of the Creator, reminding souls of their truth. My understanding in ancient knowledge and wisdom aids an awakening of each person’s most sacred abilities and skills. This often stems beyond the limitations of the mind.

When one lets go of needing to know and understand everything while also holding a pure intention of what they wish to embody, they access a reality, world and energy within them which is beyond the perceptions of their mind. This means that such experiences as magic, miracles, alchemy, instant manifestation and a full experience of unison with all will be explored within the Earth’s reality.

Spiritual Maturity

It is my purpose to awaken ancient knowledge also known as a divine right to exist as limitless. When a soul has reached a level of spiritual maturity, I call them to me, inviting them to co-create with me to aid them in accessing their limitless consciousness.

Many perceive themselves as becoming my students as they feel that my knowledge and understanding is far greater than theirs. However, it is my perception that I am co-creating with you an awakening process of the truth of the Creator that exists beyond the constraints and limits of your mind. I wish to share with you what I believe spiritual maturity consists of:

  • Ability to share and receive the love of the Creator abundantly whatever your circumstances,
  • Ability to trust and follow your intuition,
  • Approaching life with an open mind, this means a willingness to let go of fears, judgments and distractions and to perceive from a space of love or peace within,
  • A sense of unity and union with all beings,
  • Ability to either sense, feel, hear, see or acknowledge energy.

It is people who grasp these abilities that I invite to work with me; I do not ask for anything more as it is from these foundations that great inner truth or otherwise labelled Inner Divine Magic can be accessed, experienced and embodied. You may recognize that you already hold these abilities or you may realize where additional focus is required.

In my opinion, when a person holds these five abilities they can achieve anything they dream of within their physical reality and spiritual evolution. Life becomes your own creation and a constant dance in harmony with the Creator. Whatever you wish to achieve, experience or manifest on the Earth or in your spiritual evolution, you have all you require when you have accessed my five guidelines and abilities that denote spiritual maturity to me.

Simple Daily Practices to Accelerate Spiritually

To support your recognition, experience and embodiment of your five natural abilities, I, Lord Merlin, wish to share with you a few gentle and easy practices:


Focus on the love already present within your heart and soul. Recognize the abundant nature of your inner love. Imagine that as you focus within, gates open and more love comes flooding into your heart and soul as if from the deepest and most sacred parts of your being. When you have experienced this fully, imagine, sense or acknowledge that the Universe of the Creator is so abundant with love.

This love directs its attention to you and begins to pour into your being from all directions. Enjoy the process of receiving love. You will reach a point when you feel full and complete, at this stage, begin to focus on emanating love to loved ones, humanity, the Earth and the Universe of the Creator.


‘My intuition is my guiding light for all areas of my existence. I trust and follow my intuition.’

Read this intention to yourself a few times silently and then a few more times out loud until it feels familiar and you are able to recite it without reading it. Then focusing within you imagine what it would be like to have your intuition as your guiding light constantly in your life. Build the energy and feeling within you of how easy and beautiful it is for you to trust in your intuition.

Imagine yourself receiving intuition, how wonderful it feels to follow it and how everything works out magically for you when you do follow your intuition. With the feeling building within you, begin to recite the intention with your eyes closed and channeling the feeling into your words as you say them out loud.

Continue until you feel that you are fully embodying a feeling of following and trusting your intuition. Then exhale three times sending the energy to your Earth Star Chakra to fully ground the energy.

Letting Go

Open mindedness is a willingness to let go of preconceived ideas, beliefs and thoughts as well as fears, judgments and distractions. This means that you do not hold yourself in one space, thought or belief, instead you adopt a fluid nature where the process of letting go and being at peace within your being become more important for you to experience.

First notice, especially with fears, judgments, hurt and distractions that they are holding you in a single state, this state is a limited state of mind as if you have all the curtains closed in a room with many windows and so you cannot see beyond the room you exist within. To release the limitations, there is simply a need for a willingness to let go of what you are experiencing as if you are aligning with another state of being which you prefer to experience.

When you contemplate letting go of your limited state of mind, you allow yourself to see, sense and acknowledge your experience from another perspective. This simple shift allows you to access greater understanding, healing and support whether from yourself, other or guides within the Universe of the Creator. The more you practice this simple process, the more natural it will become.

A practice which compliments your willingness to let go is to take the time to imagine your mind and brain charged with light from your soul. A deep and powerful renewal process takes place which allows you to see and perceive yourself and your reality in a new way. Imagine with your mind, brain and in truth entire being filled with light from your soul that you look at yourself and the world around you.

You are seeing and perceiving from a space of peace and love. Take time to recognize any new perceptions and ideas. With practice, you will become accustomed to this space within you and begin to constantly view your reality from this sacred space within you.


Viewing yourself as separate from other, as lonely or alone, is an illusion that causes tremendous pain within. When you perceive yourself as being connected and in unison with all that is the Creator, including people, energies, situations, plants, etc. you feel fulfilled, alive and in the divine flow of the Creator. Simply imagine the energy within your heart that you feel represents your essence, truth, all that you are.

Recognize the color or colors of the energy and how it feels. Then send the energy from your heart throughout your body and aura like a current of light. Imagine that the light is connecting everything in unison. Then send the energy further to connect with your surroundings, reality, the world, all beings in the Universe of the Creator and so forth. Enjoy the feeling of connection and oneness. The energy you originally express will act as an intention for your experience of connection.


Through the previous practices, you may have recognised your ability to either see, sense, feel, hear or acknowledge energy moving through and from you. The practice I, Lord Merlin, share with you now is simply about directing energy. Take time to experiment with and focus on discovering the best way for you to direct energy. Is it through your hands, eyes, third eye chakra, thoughts, heart or another way?

Experiment until you discover a beautiful way for you to direct the Creator’s energy from your being whether it is to a person, plant, animal, situation, in truth whatever you wish. Practice this often, and you will notice your ability to experience and transmit energy strengthening and developing.

Lord Merlin’s Purpose with You

It is my purpose, Lord Merlin, to then awaken from within you pure intentions born from your soul. To guide you to strengthen and focus your abilities, to share with you new ideas that continuously expand your awareness and to encourage you to connect deeper with your inner essence and world.

I will do so once you have completed the practices I have shared with you. When you feel ready call upon my energy, Lord Merlin, to co-create an acceleration in your ascension with me. Each time you meditate with me, please repeat the below invocation.

‘Lord Merlin, I call you forth to join me in my meditation now. With your energy focused upon me and pouring into my being, I now gratefully receive your guidance and assistance. Please help me to discover my pure intentions born from my soul.

‘Assist me in strengthening my abilities, receiving new ideas and inspiration and connecting deeper into my inner essence and world. I thank you in advance for your assistance.’

Imagine before you a green swirling circle of light; I am present [on] the other side of the circle that exists between us. Receive energy from the green swirling circle of light until you exist within the circle with me. I, Lord Merlin, will work with your energy supporting the necessary shifts and transformations.

You may call me forth in four separate meditations. In the first, I will awaken within you from your soul pure intentions for yourself and reality that are appropriate for you to acknowledge. In the second I will support a strengthening and greater focus within and upon your sacred abilities. In the third, I will share with you new ideas to expand your awareness. In the fourth meditation, I will support you in connecting deeper into your inner essence and world.

I look forward to co-creating with you,

Lord Merlin

Read More from Lord Merlin

“Lord Merlin via Natalie Glasson: Tuition for Spiritual Maturity and Advancement,” June 16, 2017, at

Original link: Sacred School of Omna

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/17/2017 7:06:40 PM

GFP Newsletter - 6/16/2017

will's picture

Mind is never in the middle - cannot be. When you are in the middle, the mind simply disappears.

Mind is always at the extreme - either this or that. That's why mind divides the world into white and black, into life and death, into hate and love, into friend and foe.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/17/2017 7:10:55 PM

Nudge Life!

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God said:

It is well-known that there are times when you don’t want to wake up in the morning. You would just like to stay in your warm cozy bed.

What can We do so that you might like to leap out of bed, throw open the curtains, and look forward to this Gift of Today the way you used to on Christmas morning when Life was new everyday?

What if “Rise and Shine” were to return to you as music to your ears?

Surely, mornings are not for covering your head and groaning: “Oh, no, time to get up.”

In the days when people slept under the stars and woke up to the chirping of birds and the Sun’s rising, mornings were inspired, and it was lovely to get up. All who were still asleep were waiting for the moment to get up and greet the day. Everyone is to go to sleep, and everyone is to get up! Imagine, it was this way all over the world. Didn’t I think of everything? Sleep was blessed, and waking up was blessed.

Going to sleep is a beloved promise I made to you, and waking up also is My blessing to you. Beloveds, roll into bed, and roll out of bed with the same innocence of expectancy of joy. All of Life is Life!

Never was it My desire that you avoid sleep nor avoid getting up.

I ask you what could help you to like to wake up to in the morning and hop out of bed? What can you offer yourself that would spark your heart so that you could meet the day with zest?

You know, today, this very day, could rally itself to be one of the best days in your Life. This very day holds a possibility of Joy for you. Every day can. When this is the case, would not your heart hum a wake-up song? You could throw the covers off and leap out of bed raring to greet the day before you.

Keep the Idea of All Possibilities close to you. Begin to desire waking-up thoughts. Never is it your destiny to avert your eyes from joy in the a.m. Don’t slough off your Life as if it were to be gotten through and no more.

Spring out of bed, and let Life follow you! Life is awaiting you.

Something unexpected is going to happen today. Today has every opportunity of becoming an exquisite day. Today could be the day that your dreams come true. Encourage yourself in this idea. Why wouldn’t you?

Dream your dreams, and let your dreams come true before your very eyes. Undreamed dreams also come true. Part of the deliciousness of dreams is to anticipate their arrival. Welcome, dreams. Come true!

Participate in desiring everyone’s dreams to come true. Increase the odds that you receive a blessing or two or many from Life today. Nudge Life.

Little joys are joyful. Rejoice in spontaneity. Rejoice in surprises. Rejoice that you are a blessed Being ready to be blessed on this very day.

By all means, be on time for work, yet can there not be an interim where you are not rushing?

Let’s make the start of your day more evanescent. Allow the time to enjoy this day before you. What are you making for breakfast? I will be there.

If it is dark when you wake up, look for the Sun to come up in the East. If it is very cold, look for the day to warm up. Warm up your heart.

When there are people you are even mildly glad to see, look forward to seeing them and brightening their day.

Give time and space for nourishing your Soul. How do you nourish your Soul? Not in indenture. Set your heights high. Beckon Life in All Its Glory to you. Hail to joy! Reckon on joy. Be ready. Look for joy. Joy is available, so beckon it to you and welcome it gladly. Today is beginning for you.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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