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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/18/2017 6:52:13 PM


Friday, June 16, 2017

Moon Phase Matrix: Disseminating Moon Phase: share, demonstrate, teach

Moon in Pisces

Emissary of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): All

Emissary of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Ian, The Wind of the East

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Day:

Sun - 26 Degrees Gemini “Winter frost in the woods"

Earth – 26 Degrees Sagittarius “A Flag-bearer in a battle.”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "A radical magazine asking for action displays a sensational front page."

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "a woman's hat with streamers blown by the east wind"

For the Sun: Winter frost in the woods shows life in its dormant stage. You cannot force growth, but you can prepare for future growth by getting rest and recharging your batteries. Call it a calm time before a time a great expansion. Consider what you are preparing for and be ready for it.

For the Earth: The flag bearer is the one out at the front waving the flag in battle. They are a target by the enemy, if for no other reason, because they are the loudest and the most colorful. They are the person leading the charge, that the rest of the army are following. These others are looking to you, for the courage you show for your convictions.

Mantra for the Second Renaissance and the Return of Wisdom

All roads lead to Liberty.
Sophia ke Thelete acousome. Wisdom and Will, let us attend.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/18/2017 11:02:37 PM

Message from Matthew 5-30-17… “Completing 3D karma; collective consciousness; DNA composition, alteration, expansion; world economy reorganization; beliefs, knowing”

This Matthew message came out a couple weeks ago, and felt it was time to post. Particularly I resonated with the parts about “radiating the Light” helping the planet, and the difference between “belief” and “knowing”.

“Irrational acts of terrorism and governments violently putting down citizen protests are inevitable as a third density civilization completes karmic experiencing so it can evolve. Please don’t focus on the sad aspects of such events, but rather steadfastly radiate your light, the mission you chose to help Earth’s peoples awaken spiritually and consciously and be inspired to transform their world into the Golden Age.

“We have been asked how “just radiating light” can help Earth, and others have questioned how light absorbed by bodies’ cells promotes growth in spiritual and conscious awareness. Most simply stated, light is consciousness, the information in cells’ DNA, and DNA is what designs all life in this universe… By absorbing the light, you are reclaiming your god and goddess selves and taking your rightful place in our universal family.

“DNA is the substance of light within the physical body at cellular level. When physicality first happened, so far back in antiquity that at this level we cannot comprehend when, total conformity with Creator’s original building materials reigned without question or deviation. All creating materials were of light.

“…“just radiating your light” is invaluably helping Earth and all her life forms. Further, by so doing, your cells are changing to the crystalline structure that enables DNA expansion, thus you are advancing your own evolutionary status.

“…there will be two main thrusts, each entailing numerous steps after Illuminati tentacles are eliminated. One thrust is dismantling the Federal Reserve System, an Illuminati-owned banking consortium that influences the global economy, along with its collection arm, the Internal Revenue Service… The other thrust is attaining the Illuminati’s vast fortunes, which have been garnered illegally and immorally, and using those funds to eliminate impoverishment.

““…the difference between beliefs and knowing?” Beliefs are formed when the same information is repeated by one or more external sources… when you learn that information is not complete or accurate, your beliefs change accordingly. Knowing is within, a constant, pervasive, unquestioned “rightness”—the merging of soul-level truth and your consciousness.”


Matthew Message 5-30-17

Completing 3D karma; collective consciousness; DNA composition, alteration, expansion; world economy reorganization; beliefs, knowing

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Irrational acts of terrorism and governments violently putting down citizen protests are inevitable as a third density civilization completes karmic experiencing so it can evolve. Please don’t focus on the sad aspects of such events, but rather steadfastly radiate your light, the mission you chose to help Earth’s peoples awaken spiritually and consciously and be inspired to transform their world into the Golden Age.

We have been asked how “just radiating light” can help Earth, and others have questioned how light absorbed by bodies’ cells promotes growth in spiritual and conscious awareness. Most simply stated, light is consciousness, the information in cells’ DNA, and DNA is what designs all life in this universe. Some years ago I spoke about this topic and I asked my mother to copy that part of the message.

Not only is the collective consciousness what caused the planet to descend into deep third density and kept it mired there for millennia, but more recently has been assisting it to ascend out of there. And, because Earth loves all her resident life forms, she is eager for souls to steadily radiate their light into the collective consciousness, where it can offer sleeping souls the “lift” into spiritual awareness and the cellular changes they need to physically move into the Golden Age.

I have been asked why these cellular changes are necessary, and I believe my reply will show why your help in creating that glorious Age is such a grand triumph. The absorption of light is restoring bodies’ DNA to its state prior to the dark forces’ altering Earth humankind’s cellular structure to “dumb them down” intellectually, spiritually and physically. If anything can be called a “sin,” it is interfering with the growth of a soul, and in violation of universal laws, that is exactly what the dark forces did to an entire civilization.

In higher densities, cells are crystalline and their composition encompasses purity of character, spiritual clarity, and a long physical lifespan free of all dis-ease. Conversely, the carbon cells of third density life forms invite the base characteristics associated with evil as well as greatly reduced mind power, severely weakened will, and a multitude of physical, emotional and mental infirmities. Lifetimes with those characteristics and weaknesses dominant in the peoples’ bodies and reflected in their thoughts, feelings and behavior were stored in cellular memories and brought forward from one generation to the next.

It was that diabolical alteration of humankind’s makeup eons ago that caused souls’ personages to gradually spiral downward from the planes of light into deep third density, where the planetary puppets of the dark forces could easily keep the masses in ignorance about their origins in the light, their unlimited manifesting potential, and the inseparability of all souls with God and each other. Emerging from that level of limitations, where the dark forces reigned through their powerful tool and fuel—FEAR!—has required a heroic effort on the part of souls who time and again incarnated with the intention to overcome the dark influence, but failed. Most of you spent many hundreds of lifetimes in that try/fail cycle, and this time you succeeded in breaking out of it! By absorbing the light, you are reclaiming your god and goddess selves and taking your rightful place in our universal family. [March 9, 2009]

Also I asked my mother to copy the part in one of the books that gives additional insight. [Late in 1995, when Matthew was still in Nirvana, telepathic communication lines were reinforced to prevent the incursion of dark forces into light beings’ messages, and the following excerpt from Illuminations for a New Era was transmitted by what he called “group mind.”]

Can you tell me anything about 12-strand DNA?

Mother Suzanne, we will be happy to address this. The 12-strand DNA existing in Earth humans heretofore is being reestablished to prepare you for assimilating the light being beamed to raise your spiritual and conscious connections with higher density vibratory rates. In the plunge downward from the beginning of Creation, the original 30-strand DNA of intelligent life forms was decreased until it reached the current level in third density.

DNA is the substance of light within the physical body at cellular level. When physicality first happened, so far back in antiquity that at this level we cannot comprehend when, total conformity with Creator’s original building materials reigned without question or deviation. All creating materials were of light.

As the materials became denser for manifesting in form rather than in only light and awareness, changes were required in the structure of the DNA elements. They became tighter in composition as the more dense bodies and substances for building were visualized and manifested. Eventually the density became such that the original 30-strand DNA was reduced to only one strand in the most primitive life form possible to produce, which you might call sub-life. You do not know of these, as at Earth level at least two strands are required.

Descent in density was the focus of Earth human life for a long period, thus your planet became populated with people whose decreasing number of DNA strands was a natural result of their creating intent. Just as the intent to produce life with minimal DNA strands accomplished that, the same is true in corresponding increases of the strands as souls are seeking higher forms of manifestation. This is now happening on Earth as the intent of some souls is to ascend rather than remain static.

Mother, thank you. If you think how often we have said that light and love are the very same energy and this energy is the most powerful force in the cosmos, you know that when light is severely reduced in peoples’ cells, the same is true about their capacity to love—and love is the key to self-evolvement and to transforming worlds.

And now, dear family, you know, too, why “just radiating your light” is invaluably helping Earth and all her life forms. Further, by so doing, your cells are changing to the crystalline structure that enables DNA expansion, thus you are advancing your own evolutionary status. This does not make your assistance self-serving—throughout the ages stronger civilizations helping weaker is how life forms have been making strides in regaining their originally-endowed DNA. During Earth’s ascension process, which has been taking her into planes of increasingly high vibratory rates, some souls who embodied there designed their personages’ cells with four DNA strands, and the numbers of souls doing this are growing.

“Please ask Matthew if he could help us understand how the world economy can be reorganized in a way that will be more fair and just.” We can offer only general information as detailed plans still are being formulated so the new global economic system can be initiated with the least possible interruption in banking and investing services for the public and the fair reallocation of monies. So we have been told, there will be two main thrusts, each entailing numerous steps after Illuminati tentacles are eliminated.

One thrust is dismantling the Federal Reserve System, an Illuminati-owned banking consortium that influences the global economy, along with its collection arm, the Internal Revenue Service—income taxes paid by United States citizens aren’t spent on projects to serve them, but instead go into Illuminati coffers. That nation’s debt and all countries’ debts to the International Monetary Fund will be adjusted to eliminate loan amounts created out of thin air, you could say—the Feds pay a few cents for each bill they have printed, whatever its denomination, and lend that money to governments at the bills’ face value, plus interest.

The new monetary system will be based on precious metals to put all national currencies on the same standard and eliminate the buying and selling that harms the economy of countries whose monetary values are deflated. The Illuminati have profited handsomely from currency trading as well as by controlling stock markets and setting tax and interest rates, so putting those aspects of national economies under wise, honest management is part and parcel of the reorganization. Debt forgiveness that you may have heard about will be done on an individual basis, not across the board.

The other thrust is attaining the Illuminati’s vast fortunes, which have been garnered illegally and immorally, and using those funds to eliminate impoverishment. The monies will be dispersed to trustworthy organizations that will oversee their use for sanitation, housing, schools, healthcare centers, roads and bridges, farming, small business start-ups—everything needed to significantly raise living standards of the desperately poor around the world. Also nations’ natural resources now in Illuminati hands will be returned to the citizenry.

Individuals with moral and spiritual integrity, wisdom and experience will manage this monumental two-thrust effort that will take time to fully implement after the Illuminati are out of the picture.

“What does Matthew say about the difference between beliefs and knowing?” Beliefs are formed when the same information is repeated by one or more external sources—parents, peers, teachers, religious leaders, scientists, government officials, mainstream media—and, when you learn that information is not complete or accurate, your beliefs change accordingly. Knowing is within, a constant, pervasive, unquestioned “rightness”—the merging of soul-level truth and your consciousness.

Beloved brothers and sisters, light beings throughout this universe honor your dedicated service to uplifting Earth family and support you with the power of unconditional love.



Suzanne Ward

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/18/2017 11:06:59 PM

Daily Message ~ Sunday June 18, 2017

Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/18/2017 11:19:24 PM

Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A Message to Lightworkers - June 16, 2017

Caroline Oceana Ryan

This week’s Message is an excerpt from the Collective’s new book:

Connections: The Collective Speak on Romance and Friendship

Go Here for info on how to receive the free Connections Preorder Giveaway gifts

From Chapter 6 – “On Releasing Jealousy and Insecurity”

[Question] I was a very jealous person when I was younger, though am far less so now. I know I can’t own or control anyone, nor do I want someone thinking they can own or control me.

Yet I still feel insecure if I see my partner noticing and spending time with any woman he considers attractive. I still wonder if I am enough. I wonder whether it means that my partner isn’t fully satisfied with me.

Am I breaking my own heart, by holding false expectations? I need some clarity on this!
[The Collective] This is a fascinating area, and one that goes to the very heart of the issue of self-love.

For you cannot fully trust and believe that another loves you until you know that you love and believe in yourself.

Self-love is the very large, irreplaceable piece of the puzzle that is missing in most human connections.

It costs both partners—and whole families—a great deal in terms of emotional energy spent on worry, feelings of insecurity, expectation of the need to compete with or be fulfilled by others, perfectionism, and other offshoots of not loving yourself fully, exactly as you are at this moment.

From that perspective, you can see that jealousy or possessiveness is only a symptom of a far deeper problem. If you do not love yourself enough to be kind and patient with yourself when outer conditions get rocky, you will find it nearly impossible to believe that someone else could love you—or that you are lovable—unless conditions are perfect.

As you go through life unconscious of this gap between your desire to be loved and your inner lack of self-love, you then project onto outer situations your feeling that not only are you not enough to yourself, but this person or that has confirmed your worse suspicions—that you do not measure up to that person over there, who clearly outscores you on every level.

We would say, that to come out of that game, which no one can win, is the best possible antidote for criticizing yourself for not being an idealistic dream—someone your partner is so fascinated by that they would never think of noticing someone else.

Because in order for them to never notice another attractive person, they would have to cease being attracted to anyone, including you, and we are sure that is not what you would want.

You would also live in the increasingly uncomfortable situation of being not a whole human being to them, but an object—a fantasy or illusion that is not real, and therefore only experienced in an altered state.

Falling in love can be just such an altered state. But it is not sustainable as a day-to-day reality for anywhere near as long as most people assume.

And so the question becomes, Is feeling secure about being a perfect ideal—your own, or someone else’s? Or is it about extending to yourself and others the kind of love that is unconditional?

The love that says Yes to every quirk, preference, and characteristic that makes everyone the unique example of Nature they were born to be?

This is not to say that all behaviors should be tolerated. No one should use flirting with or commenting on an attractive person as a way to upset their partner. That is passive aggression, and unacceptable.

But releasing the behavior of the other person for a moment, let’s look at your words and actions toward yourself.

We would say that your most secure moments come after having spent time being kind to yourself—special time alone in Nature or in meditation, or listening to peaceful or inspiring music.

Or time spent being creative in some way—music, painting, dance, or some other form of self-expression that gives you joy.

Likewise, time spent giving to others, including yourself, in ways that support good health, well-being, self-esteem. All of this centers you in the high heart, so that you are channeling your higher self.

Much of the stress of the modern world comes down to the opposite of that—the belief that instead of expressing yourself joyfully, you must always be playing a role of some sort.

Not merely the roles of parent, worker, artist, or activist. But a sort of stage role as the Perfect Woman or Powerful Guy or Inspiring Leader.

These are all as one-dimensional as they sound. They are caricatures of what people are meant to be. Human beings have many more dimensions and aspects than what your modern advertisements claim you have.

Those very flat prototypes are intentionally created to put you in the unhappy space of feeling Less Than, Out of It, Not Very Well Informed, Not Cool, Not Wealthy, Not Pretty or Handsome Enough, Not Successful, or Not Someone You’d Want to Date.

You have spent a lifetime viewing these commercials on television, on the internet, in print media, and in film (the big studio films often being only slightly masked advertisements for certain products or industries, hence the two-dimensional characters).

So that whatever you are, they tell you, that is not enough.

And we would say, that you are now in a place in your life where you realize that trying to keep someone in your back pocket in one way or another does not fill the gaping insecurity that these distortions have created inside you.

You see yourself Ascending to a higher level, and would like to take your self-esteem and your connections with others with you, rather than keeping them on the old, false level you were taught as a child.

For truly, there is no way to constantly “measure up” and always be the winner. That is a false security, to always be outwardly beautiful, charming, well-dressed, admired.

You have seen how easily it can slip away, sometimes in only a few years’ time. And it is so that those lauded as most beautiful and accomplished in your societies are often the least satisfied, with themselves and with their inner and outer lives.

Their beauty is all the more fleeting, as they pursue one method or another to feel better about themselves, in the competitive race they entered when young and idealistic enough to think they could run in it forever.

The pursuit of perfect health, beauty, and attractiveness on any level cannot be based in the expectation that it is wrong somehow to not be perfect.

“Perfection” as you know it cannot be the goal.

You are not made for perfection in that sense, and your spiritual and psychological makeup are designed in such a way as to either rebel or “go numb” within the mechanism of pursing an idea of perfection that is no more than outer conformity.

This is why so many feel their subconscious rebel each time they force themselves into an exercise regimen or weight loss system that is not based on holistic health and self-love, but self-criticism.

You were not designed for a false form of perfection. You were designed to love and honor yourself, in all your uniqueness, no matter what—and nothing can change that beautiful, uniquely human fact about you.

And so yes, when your spouse or lover looks at another with admiration, you may feel a bit left out—but only if you have left yourself out first.

If you have spent the attention you need to spend on caring for and learning to like yourself—the attention and kindness your own heart requires, not that which society requires—then you will either not notice or not mind that your beloved has let their eye wander for a moment.

This is true for all sexes, orientations, and sexual identities. Because when you extend the Love and compassion of your high heart to yourself, as well as to everyone else, your partner’s attention or lack of it is not the central starting point for how you feel about yourself.

When you can look in the mirror and smile into your own eyes with the warmth, compassion, and caring that you would reserve for a beloved small child, then you will see how far you have come.

When you can spend time each day being kind to yourself—exercising for the love of movement and feeling like a child again, being self-expressive for the beauty and joy of it, having quiet time in meditation, and time in Nature to connect with the trees, rocks, waterways, and to feel their ancient wisdom—then you will begin to remember that you are someone precious who is well worth spending time with.

Someone interconnected with all Life. Someone uniquely beautiful in ways that the human ego may miss, but that the awakened heart will always recognize.

Then with this newfound appreciation of self, you spend time with your partner, maintaining that same wavelength of allowing them to be who they are, while being amazed at the amount of soul Light you see coming from their heart, as you cease to judge them.

And if the moment comes when you recognize that it is time to release them and move on, you are able to do so.

Not out of bitterness that they did not perform their role as your preferences or insecurities or society dictated, but out of the realization that your self-love is far bigger than any one situation, or any one connection with another . . .

Go Here for info on how to receive the free Connections Preorder Giveaway gifts

Copyright 2017, Caroline Oceana Ryan

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/18/2017 11:27:25 PM

GFP Newsletter - 6/17/2017

will's picture

Existence is not divided into either-or, it has no duality. It is one energy flowing from this end to that.

Both banks of the river are joined together underneath - they are part of one land. They appear to you to be two because you have not entered the river and you have never gone to the very bottom.

The banks are not two, they belong to one land. But for the river to flow, they appear to be as two.

Existence is just like two banks meeting underneath, and mind is just looking at the surface. So mind says: I am at this bank, and you are at that. You are against me. If you are a friend, then you are on this bank with me; you are an enemy if you are on that bank. But both the wings belong to one earth. The mind cannot see so deeply. The mind is the phenomenon on the surface - hence dualities. Existence is one, it cannot be otherwise. There are not two existences, only one exists.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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