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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/16/2017 6:41:36 PM

Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, June 16, 2017

Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, June 16, 2017

16th June 2017. Mike Quinsey.

Ascension is assured and the time line is strong enough to carry it forward to completion. The year 2024 continues to be the one when it is planned to take place, (1) although if reasons come up that necessitate a change, it may run into 2025. I mention that only to prepare you for such a possibility.

A major event is still likely before this year ends and it will almost certainly relate to the coming changes. As time passes the dark Ones are losing their ability to dictate how the closing period works out, and will be out of the way a long time before the major changes take place. For the time being most of the activity will be out of your sight, but when it is safe to do so events will start to come out into the open. You will then enjoy the celebrations and happiness that will descend upon Earth at such a time.

The vibrations of your Earth are the lowest in your Solar System, which is why they feel heavy and uncomfortable to those of you who are raising yours to a higher level. However, things continue to change, the vibrations are increasing, and you will find that as you use your energies to uplift yourself they will gradually bring about subtle changes in you.

Some are however the direct result of natural progression, and a quantum leap forward will come when free energy really takes hold. Of necessity it will be given to those most in need before it is issued in a more general manner. It will be the greatest advancement you will have ever been given, and alter the whole way that life functions. To a great extent it will also relieve poverty and save the Earth’s precious resources from further damage and extraction.

Much of the secret activity on Earth is still carried on out of your sight and looking into the future, as you evolve, there will be a greater tendency to go underground where it is generally found to be safer than on the surface. The Earth’s crust goes down for several hundred miles, and is occupied at the lower levels by non-human Beings. Some have been on Earth for hundreds of years, but bear in mind that the more advanced ones most likely live for several hundred years.

Man’s life span is gradually increasing as it has done for some time now, and when the vibrations lift even higher the process of aging will come to a point when it will dramatically slow down and eventually stop and you will remain at a mature but young age. The power of thought then becomes the means to present yourself as you desire.

These are times when you must keep an open mind, as so much is soon to be revealed showing that you have been misled and deceived for many, many years. It is not far from the truth to say that nothing is really as you have been led to believe. However that does depend on which source is responsible for your beliefs.

Some are nearer to the truth than others, and taking all into consideration Buddhism carries more of the truth than most sources. However, those of you who have developed your intuition should get nearer to the truth than most others. If it feels right, it probably is right, but always seek confirmation from other reliable sources if you can.

Obviously some beliefs are more misleading than others and it has to be said that within Christianity there are two that absolutely hold back evolution. Firstly, is the one where you are told that when you die you go to “sleep” until the time when you are caused to awaken. It is so far from the truth, as upon death you step out of your physical body and immediately into your etheric body that is an exact version of your physical body. It is perfect and is free from any of the injuries or defects that your old body may have had, and responds to the power of your thoughts. If you were of old age upon death, you can “think” yourself into a younger version if you wish. You certainly carry karma with you and in time if necessary will have to make amends.

The second misleading belief is that you were born in sin and carry it throughout your life. However, you can clear your karma at any time, and move into a period of harmony and balance. You are certainly not responsible for the sins of your Father, and any imbalance passed onto you is due to the genetics involved, or old karma. It is possible that you have elected to live with the “problems” that you were born with, simply as a means of enhancing your own experiences to advance your evolution.

Remember, that all experience has value and take care to learn the lessons that may come your way, as they will be for your advancement. If you do not at first succeed in making good your karmic lessons, you will always be given further opportunities to do so. The important point for any soul is to understand that nothing happens without good reason, although sometimes your role is to be one who takes part in experiences for the benefit of other souls.

All souls are on a learning curve, and in these end times it is vital that you take note of what comes your way and act on it. It may all sound very complicated, but you are not left alone to face the challenges and your Guides are always “at your service”. They know you better than you know yourself so are best suited to give you advice.

The year 2024 is still the expected time for Ascension, and although it may sound a long way off, time is passing so quickly it will not seem long at all. So it is best to look ahead to what you have considered as your most likely path to Ascension, and plan how you are going to prepare for the changes. As the vibrations lift up things on Earth it will become much easier to deal with the type of problems that exist for you now.

Peace will start to become evident as many countries turn their backs on warlike actions in favour of moves towards total peace. It will come and must come, as there will be no place very soon for such negative energies that lead to warlike actions. Already moves have taken place to bring world peace into being, and many countries have joined the movement that has brought it about. What a great relief it will be to all the people of your world, when they know that they can move around freely and safely in the knowledge that peace has come to stay.

As you have already been told, remember that when things are in turmoil it is usually a means to an end, as the old way of existing is no longer acceptable and will have to go. Many things are already lined up to ease your daily life and cannot be held back much longer. Positive steps are being taken to move things on as fast as possible, but many obstacles have to be first cleared.

Much also depends on getting the right people into power and the necessary changes are taking place now and will continue to do so. They will be covered by the announcement and introduction of the new Congress, that now waits in the wings for the right time to come into being. Certainly many evolved souls are already working hard to bring matters to a conclusion, and as with much work of this kind you will not hear much about it until the circumstances are more favourable.

This message comes through my Higher Self and carries the energies of Light and Love.

Mike Quinsey.


(1) I have no idea if Mike’s higher-dimensional sources are right. I’ll ask Archangel Gabrielle on An Hour with an Angel next week.

Remember that Ascension is gradual with some sudden ignition points. Full Ascension may come in 2024, but that doesn’t mean that we won’t have significant and satisfying ignition points along the way.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/16/2017 11:46:34 PM

GFP Newsletter - 6/15/2017

will's picture

I have heard: Mulla Nasrudin went to his psychiatrist, and he rambled upon his miseries, troubles, and finally he concluded: I am afraid. It seems that I am getting neurotic.

The psychiatrist smiled and said: Nasrudin, if that is true, then you must be happy and grateful that you are neurotic.

Nasrudin, was shocked. He said: What? - happy that I am neurotic? Why?

Said the psychiatrist: Because that is the only normal thing about you.

Neurosis is the only normal thing not only about Nasrudin, but about everybody else also. Mind has to be neurotic. Neurosis is not a disease; neurosis is mind itself, so neurosis cannot be cured. With mind remaining there, neurosis is bound to follow it like a shadow. Hence all psychiatry fails. At the most, it can make you normal, but to be normal is nothing but to be normally neurotic - neurotic like everybody else, not in your own way; just following the highway, not an individual path. People who are in madhouses have private neuroses. You have a mass neurosis. That's why you cannot be detected; you are just like everybody else. And people are in the madhouses who have tried to attain their own style of neurosis. They are individualists. That's the only difference. And this has to be so, because mind itself, the very functioning of the mind, is neurotic. Try to understand this.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/16/2017 11:56:52 PM

Cosmic Weather, Midyear Report 2017

astroscopeCosmic Weather – Midyear Report and Forecast for June – August, 2017

Hello friends. I normally write this in July, but since I’ve got a moment I’m doing it now. I also am planning on some much needed rest time next month. Whew. What a year so far both for me personally and for the world.

I was thinking that the mass exodus of souls (2012-2017) both celebrity and non-celebrity, was starting to make a certain sense. Firstly, some of these beings can help in a greater capacity in their out of body/expanded state, secondly we’re in “interesting” times alright. Those who have graduated from this realm have my respect and congratulations. It’s a new ball game just being on the planet these days, especially if you identify as an Empath/Sensitive.

This has been one of the most wonky Gemini Seasons yet, for a variety of reasons. Some of astrological, but the majority of them are Cosmic in that there are karmic and other energetic implications traveling with them. Recently Guidance shared with me that there are three main ways that the Collective have been responding to the current and recent energies:

1) Reconfiguration – This applies to Lightworker types the most. Feelings of going “offline” spiritually are common. This is nothing to be alarmed about, as there are good reasons for this. Think of it as cooling your jets in between flights.

2) Karmic Explosions/Implosions – These have been everything from public attacks to temper tantrums by petty tyrants. The key is to hold your own and avoid taking sides whenever possible. The Blame Games are out in abundance right now, as egoic/ordinary mind thrives on self-righteousness, judgment and separation. Do your best to avoid all three. The “offloading” and reptile brain fear has been up several notches, depending on the day. Taking note of the Keepers quote below may help.

It has been wisely said that you cannot solve a problem with the same consciousness that created it. You also cannot gain clarity and resolution with an issue with the same consciousness that is reacting to it either. When you “turn it over” or let go you create the space for Grace and Wisdom to enter, so you may see from a different perspective. The healing of karma also occurs when you shift your perspective, as you have stepped outside of the cycle that possibly has created and perpetuated the pattern. – The Keepers, 6.8.14

3) Neutrality – These folks are either holding space for the Collective and/or simply going about their business. Bless them. They are definitely needed and of use too.

Initiation and Being Thrown Out of the Nest

To be fully alive, fully human, and completely awake is to be continually thrown out of the nest. To live fully is to be always in no-man’s land, to experience each moment as completely new and fresh. To live is to be willing to die over and over again. – Pema Chodron

Thank you, Ani Pema. This is the truth, especially now. One thing we can say about these times and energies is that it’s harder to hide from our own stuff as not only is karmic manifestation happening faster to us, it’s also impacting a lot of other people too. On the other hand, the possibility for High Creation is here as well, traveling right alongside. It’s a new world in terms of speed, information, change and loss. The pushback has been so intense that even seasoned practitioners are being challenged and possibly having boundaries stomped as the reconfiguration continues to unfold. Grounding practices, healthy boundaries and self-care are no longer necessities, they are vital for continued health and balance in these times, especially for Sensitives.

The Cage Busting Cancer New Moon of 6.23.17

My Guidance Team recommended and scheduled one of our healing events for this New Moon three months ago, before I even looked at the aspects. This rarely happens, so I took notice of it. Cancer energy is related to the family of origin and nostalgia. It’s also a natural psychologist with a typically less analytical approach, which gives it great flexibility and skill for “cutting through” intuitively. It’s also the “heal it to feel it” vibe in its entirety. For those who identify as Empaths, Lightworkers and Starseeds this is a special invitation to cut loose and get free.

(NOTE: I happen to love the Johnny Cash version of this song and feel it’s fitting here, but all love and respect to Chris Cornell (1964-2017) and Soundgarden.)

The BIG Eclipse of August, 2017

There’s so much going on with this that I will have another post on it closer to the date. The 8:8 Stargate energies open up the month in grand style as usual. The 8:8 is always concerned with personal power, creativity, right leadership and sovereignty. This year will be no different, but there will also be some other elements in the mix. We will be holding the annual 8:8 distance healing event and all are invited.

Looking Ahead

In October, Jupiter moves into Scorpio. Not only is this good news for people with Scorpio personal planets, this also implies a positive turn in the areas of personal debt and slavery by a system highly rigged against the 99%. How this plays out I’m not sure yet, but it’s certainly significant. It also implies a positive boon to occult areas of healing and metaphysical businesses of all kinds. Lovely. We can certainly use it.

Saturn moves into Capricorn in December, 2017. In the past this has been a rather alarmist position for it, as it’s often viewed as a “tightening of the belt” in terms of the economy and general anxiety. Jupiter helping to heal financial karma will be of service here. Historically Saturn was in Capricorn during both the Great Depression and the Recession of the 1980s. This time around Saturn will be in Capricorn traveling with Pluto there as well. There are two ways to look at this: Capricorn is related to the institutions of the waning paradigm, especially banks and churches. Pluto is a transformer and Saturn rules structure so needless to say, big changes will continue to be afoot. It’s also a good opportunity to inject some new energies in to support a new paradigm based on love, fairness and equality. To the lower octave of Capricorn energy those may seem like “hippie” or unrealistic ideals, but the awakened Seagoat in its higher knowledge and vision knows better.

For fellow Capricorn natives like myself, this is our time. There are no more excuses to claiming our personal power and using it in service of the greater good. That’s some advice however, that I could give to everyone. For those who are still here, there will continue to be work to do. Just be sure you pace yourself and include yourself in your practice of compassion.

What I suggest this season: be kind, feel it to heal it, get unplugged as necessary, practice random acts of senseless kindness and beauty and if you lose your sense of humor do what it takes to find it again.

Thank you for reading and keep it Cosmic!

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/16/2017 11:59:40 PM

Where Do Lost Thoughts Graze?

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

You had a thought, and then, the next moment, the thought is missing. It was a revelation you had, and now it’s gone.

Never mind, it is still in your mind somewhere, and it can make its way in the world without your active presence. Lost thoughts continue to exist somewhere with or without you. A thought slips away from you the way a grape might fall from your fingers when you pick grapes from the vine.

This is not an alas. It’s an all right. Grapeness still exists when a grape itself may have fallen to the ground.

All of your thoughts – thoughts that called themselves to your attention -- don’t have to hang on the Vine of Thoughts before you. All thoughts land somewhere. No thought has to hang on a clothesline where you can pin or unpin it later.

Lost thoughts will appear. Someone will have the missing thought you did. All the thoughts that come to do not belong to you. Never did.

The whole world is shared regardless of what you think and your intention may be. Therefore, consider sharing as I do share. Let freedom ring! What a blessing to let go of owning and clamping onto this and that.

Freedom from ownership is a great Bell-Ringer. We can’t call Freedom a possession! If we could call Freedom a possession, then, possession would turn into a grand thing!

It’s not that you dis-possess. Put up no bars. Like Me, welcome all.

You are free to Love. It’s not exactly that you dispense Love. It’s not quite like that. You are not a pharmacist of Love, nor are you a mere representative of Love. You ARE Love.

You breathe often, yet you do not have to remind yourself to breathe. Once in a while, you think about breathing, yet you breathe more easily when breathing is not on your mind or schedule.

Loving comes from the heart. Natural breathing is smoother than breathing on demand. Love pours out from the fount of itself. Love is the Jackpot of Life. We can say that you hit the right number, yet, of course, numbers and amounts do not enter into Love.

We can even say there is no accounting for Love, yet Love is. There is no need to account for Love. Love comes first. It heads the list. Love is a mountain stream. It is a waterfall that never runs out. Love splatters all, near and far. Love itself is an Embrace of Love. Love can only Embrace. Love never runs dry. Love Itself is Eternal, and Infinite.

All the Love in the World has no limit. Love is not sparse. Love may be cramped, however, held too tight and not freed up. To Love is the Greatest Freedom known to man. Love is My Great Freedom. There are no dams to My Love. Nothing backs up when it comes to Love Supreme.

Love is above all the senses. Love is above all the World. Love is evidenced, yet Love cannot be seen. Love cannot be pinpointed. A portrait cannot be painted of Love. No sound of Love can be picked out. Wait, Love is like Me!

I can sing Myself, yet you cannot record Me and play Me back. You can sense Me, yet you cannot fit Me into your hand. Into your Life, however, can Love and God reflect themselves, for you do reflect My Love.

Love is a riddle. It disappears yet cannot be seen. Love is in silence or in noise, yet there is always an Echo of Love. Love is beyond touch, yet Love ever-touches the Heart. Love is indefinable, yet Love is defined in a million ways. Love is felt. Love is honored, and yet Love is also besmeared. Love is commonplace, yet Love is not ordinary, nor is Love ever to be used as a gimmick.

Love is what you make of it, yet there is more to Love than what you make of it.

As it happens, in this Heavenletter, you see how one thought leads to another.

Permanent link to this Heavenletter: - Thank you for including this when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.



"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/17/2017 6:34:22 PM

Montague’s Message for Sunday, 11 June 2017

My dear wife has been working very long hours on your behalf, releasing energy that was blocked from you. This work was very necessary as it exposes the extent to which the Cabal has gone in order to hold you in its dark grip. I wish to thank her friend from Holland and her friend from Ireland, who have worked so diligently with her. This is a team effort. They covered the world. They located the places that had been used to hide knowledge. They located the sacred places where the energy was blocked from flowing out to humanity in order to enhance life on Earth. Our work is progressing and it cannot be stopped. The energy of the enemies of humanity is fading fast. Every day, they can see their power diminishing. They have become desperate. Soon, they will be at your mercy. Prepare for that moment and make plans.

Open your eyes and see what is happening all around you. People are finding their voice once more. Government lies are being exposed and you are seeing war for what it is, not for what you are told it is. There is no place for such people in your world anymore. The killers of humanity have nowhere to hide. Their game is up. "Weapons of Mass Destruction" can never be used again to con the people into war.

Veronica is so exhausted. Working long hours every day at her great age is not easy. She has her army on this side of life, as well as on Earth, all working together to ensure that we remove all dark influences from the world.

My dear, we assisted you and your friends, and we achieved much more than you could know. We are delighted that we were able to connect so easily with you and your friends. This work will continue as there is much to do.

Please rest.

Always, your adoring, Monty.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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