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11/8/2012 1:24:37 AM

Saul: Wellness is the State in Which You Feel at Peace

Posted by Anthony Morrison

Saul: Wellness is the State in Which You Feel at Peace

As channelled by John Smallman – November 7, 2012

Wellness is to envelop you all. Wellness is the state in which you feel at peace, satisfied, composed, alert; not anxiously wondering about some 3D issue in your personal life or that of humanity.

It is the state that you seek and encourage to enfold you when you pray or meditate, and in which you surrender all your fears and worries to your Father through the Holy Spirit.

It activates very well indeed when you stop trying to reason out whether or not you are getting there, or achieving a proper meditative pose or humble intent. Using your reason to assess how well or how badly you are doing is a refusal to surrender into the moment and encourages further anxiety.

Trust that you are in your Father’s Presence – that being your intent – and know that therefore you are there. Your sense of it may be weak or non-existent, but your intent means that you are where you intend to be: at peace in God’s Presence.

So do not let the distractions that pour through your mind disturb you. Your intent guarantees your success because God always honors that intent. The veils of the illusion can seem almost impenetrable, but you are never alone, unnoticed, or unloved — because you are your Father’s dearly cherished children. Trust in Him as He trusts in you; you know it makes sense.

Whenever you pray or meditate you are heard, every single time. Frequently your anxious demeanor occupies your awareness: “Is there really a God? Even if there is, why would He listen to me? Anyway, He has far more important issues to attend to” — a never-ending stream of anxieties – and your mind fills to overflowing with distractions. Just let go! Surrender to His infinite Love for you, and accept that He hears you.

You are, each and every one of you, on your spiritual path and precisely at the point that is appropriate for you in this moment. And you are moving undeviatingly forwards towards your inevitable awakening. There is only Reality; the illusion is unreal and therefore there is no option but that you awaken. You can still choose to delay that sublime moment, but to do so only imposes further suffering on you, so why would you? Do not fear to awaken into God’s Presence because you believe yourselves unworthy of Him. God created you, and nothing He creates could possibly be unworthy of Him.

It is your culturally ingrained feeling of unworthiness, which comes originally from your decision to separate yourselves from Reality and withdraw into your illusory environment of pain and suffering, that encourages, in fact demands, that you compete with one another to prove yourself the best — and thus overcome that sense of unworthiness. A sense of unworthiness is a heavy burden to carry and you attempt to lighten that load through judgment and condemnation of others.

It does not work because deep within yourselves that feeling is firmly secured by your conviction that you have offended God, and many religions have made a sense of unworthiness a virtue to which they encourage you to cling. So, to escape from the pain that this belief causes you, you compete with one another for the approval of some human authority figure – a parent, older brother, older sister, teacher, clergyman, spouse, boss, president, king, pope – who is just another one of God’s beloved children, just like you.

Meditation and prayer can take you to the depth of your being where you can uncover the awareness that you are a child of God — and, therefore, utterly worthy of Him and of His Love for you. There is nothing that you have to prove; there is no sacrifice that you need make; no obeisance that you owe. Because you are a divine being, at one with God, your ever-loving Father, eternally. Some of you have uncovered this incontestable truth within yourselves and it has brought you untold joy.

When you awaken from the illusion the truth of this will shine forth for you like a brilliant point of focus confirming the wonder of your glorious relationship with your Father. Even now, you all know this truth. It is just that because of the ingrained fears and doubts that the illusion supports, you have been in denial in order not to recognize your eternal divine connection.

Reality conflicts with your outmoded and ingrained beliefs about yourselves, but because they are familiar you stick with them. Your ingrained sense of human identity fears change and is reluctant to allow, let alone encourage you to set yourselves free to know God. When you awaken, those last doubts and fears will be gone.

Until then, keep reminding yourselves that they are without foundation and that you are beings of perfection, shortly to recognize yourselves as who you truly are.

With love, as always, Saul

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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11/8/2012 1:26:32 AM

Jesus: Establishing a Relationship With Your Own Deep Presence

Posted by Stephen Cook

Jesus: Establishing a Relationship With Your Own Deep Presence

As channelled by John Smallman – November 7, 2012

Here in the spiritual realms — at the level of consciousness that prevails outside your illusory realm — we continue to assist you in your awakening process, constantly. And I confirm that your awakening is divinely assured.

Release your doubts about it and focus on your powerful inner knowing that this is so. Your long journey home is almost completed and a grand welcome awaits you. Until you arrive, maintain your course positively and lovingly, knowing that your arrival is imminent.

Life as way-showers and Light-holders is difficult because it seems that so few members of humanity are interested in the spiritual path that all, without exception, are following. Consequently, you often feel very alone.

Nevertheless, every human is a spiritual being having a bodily experience, and that body, while essential for the journey, is very distracting because it appears to have so many needs that require instant attention

If you do not take time out daily — alone with yourself, in contemplation, meditation, or prayer — you cannot find any peace, and your life easily becomes a constant and seemingly never-ending rush to accomplish repetitive tasks that offer very little satisfaction. It becomes very grueling and wears you down. Joy and fun depart, to be replaced by reams of unrewarding chores that you are convinced you must complete.

Without some form of spiritual practice it is extremely difficult to cope with the strains and stresses that a human life seems to impose upon you. Because of your state of separation from one another, each of you has a very different perception of life’s meaning, and consequently you often observe others coping far better with its problems than you.

But that is just your own personal perception, because in fact everyone experiences that same weird sense that others are coping better, are less stressed, and are getting more satisfaction from life than they are.

However, those who establish a spiritual practice – not necessarily a religious one – by taking time out quietly and alone each day do find themselves far less stressed than those who do not. Everyone needs to do this, and more of you are realizing this, taking the time, making the effort, and experiencing the reduced stress and increased peace that this provides.

And having and maintaining a spiritual practice is part of the life path that every human has chosen to live. However, many do not become aware of that and remain totally captivated by the illusion and all its distractions, whether alluring or fearful, and they fail to establish this stabilizing and essential practice.

Way-showers and Light-holders, by their emotional stability and by their less judgmental way of relating to others, provide a demonstration of the value and benefits of maintaining a spiritual practice, which is really nothing more than establishing a relationship with your own deep presence. Mostly people are ruled by their egos and their emotions which rush about on the surface of their consciousness, disturbing the peace beneath. But when they find awareness of that deep inner presence rising into their consciousness, questions start to form in their minds about the sanity of the lives they have been living.

However, initially that seems only to create further stress and anxiety because it suggests that how they have been living has been without meaning or value. It is at these times in their lives that they start looking for someone with whom they can discuss these worrying realizations, and that is when the way-showers and Light-holders can be so helpful. Not by offering solutions or advice, but by listening very attentively as these anguished souls express their concerns, and in so doing, find that they already have the answers. They often have to do a lot of talking in order to uncover their hidden depths, and this demands great patience and restraint from their listeners.

As listeners you have a very holy vocation which can be quite demanding for you, because you too are living with the stresses and anxieties of the illusion pressing down on you in your daily lives, and so you too need to find and maintain your own balance, your own place of inner peace. Ask for help! Your guides and angels are always there with an intense willingness and desire to help you find peace, and they fully understand and respect the wonderful work you are doing by being compassionate and willing listeners.

Today, and every day, cherish those quiet times or moments, because they bring you the spiritual stability and strength to follow your paths and effectively assist all those who are seeking an inner meaning, a higher truth by which to live and relate to others and to the planet. You are doing great work even though you hardly ever get any real sense of it. This is because the vast proportion of it is done on inner or spiritual levels. When you feel at peace, satisfied that you are doing a reasonable job, that means that you are feeling the presence of those in the spiritual realms who are with you constantly to help you on your way.

When you do not feel that sense of peace and satisfaction, a deep faith that all is divinely taken care of and proceeding just as it should, it is a sign that you need to reconnect with that quiet space within because you have spent too long away from it. Allow yourselves the time and the space that you need to rejuvenate yourselves spiritually even when it means that you have to refuse to be available to others for a while.

You owe it to yourselves and to them, because it empowers and fortifies your effectiveness in the tasks that you chose to undertake by incarnating at this point in humanity’s spiritual evolution: a period of immeasurable significance in the ongoing divine plan for creation.

You are all working very hard and effectively and are greatly honored for what you do. Do not think for a moment that what you are doing goes unseen or unrecognized, because, in truth, you are piling up an enormous quantity of honors and rewards with which you will be enthusiastically showered when you awaken.

All is indeed very well, because you are carrying out your duties superbly– duties that you engaged in willingly and keenly.

Your loving brother, Jesus

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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11/9/2012 2:50:17 AM

Bahrain Opposition Societies Issue ‘Declaration of Non-Violence Principles’

Posted by sage

Bahrain Opposition Societies Issue ‘Declaration of Non-Violence Principles’

Source: al wefaq, AhlulBayt News Agency – November 7, 2012

The opposition societies in Bahrain (AlWefaq National Islamic Society, National Democratic Assembly Society (AlQawmi), National Democratic Action Society (Waad), Unity Democratic Gathering Society (Wahdawy), National Brotherhood Society (Ekhaa) and Democratic Progressive Tribune (AlTaqadumy), have issued today a ‘Declaration of Non-Violence Principles’.

Nonviolence Principles Declaration

This declaration represents the principles we hold and the position we have adopted since the formation of our societies, confirmed since 14th February 2011 and reiterated now.

We consider peaceful means as our strategic direction in our political work, attitudes and practices, in order to achieve the demands of our people of real participation in political decisions and planning the future of our homeland with principles of freedom, democracy, social justice, equal citizenship, social and civil peace. Our continuous call for tolerance, diversity, and plurality, is originated from our deep and sincere believe that this is the ideal path to enforce national unity between all different elements of our people.

The political and social movements in Bahrain have a long-standing history aging around one century. This history witnessed old and recent political powers and personalities, those who have struggled and those who are struggling currently for the legitimate political, social and economical rights of the people via civilized and peaceful movements.

The struggle is driven from the integral right and full freedom, as preserved in human, international and common constitutional principles, to achieve legitimate political, social, economical rights through peaceful and civilized means and holding of national unity. These principles have formed the basis of our struggle throughout history, through which the people have achieved political independence and got their first constitution and national assembly.

We, the undersigned of this declaration, are launching principles to uphold ourselves, and encourages others to adopt, to provide an umbrella framework to all community powers, personalities, activists and elements, in spite of differences in visions and positions. This shall be the national umbrella framework that are driven by faith, human, international and common constitutional principles, that are never be subjected to be broken apart, via conflict, nor confiscation.

From then on,

  • We reference, resolution A/RES/61/271 that was adopted by United Nations General Assembly on 27 June 2007 regarding Nonviolent International day.
  • And to UN general assembly resolutions 53/243 A and B dated 13 September 1999, which embrace the declaration of peace culture and Program, and resolution 55/282 dated 7 September 2001 regarding the international day for Peace, and resolution 61/45 dated 4 December 2006 regarding International Agreement for the Culture of Peace and Nonviolence culture for the Sake of the Children of the globe, 2001-2010, and related resolutions.
  • Putting into our considerations that nonviolence, tolerance, full respect to all human rights, basic rights for all, democracy, development, diversity respect, are coherent matters that complement each other.
  • Confirming that violence can never be a mean to achieve legitimate demands, nor be used to block legitimate demands, from any party.
  • Believing that dignity, freedom, security, justice, equality, diversity, plurality, and participation in a modern democratic state, are necessities for individuals and communities that cannot be revoked from individuals or communities under any circumstances or excuse.
  • Adopting that individuals and communities have the right to take all possible peaceful means or protest, exercise freedom of speech, hold gatherings, and assemble to demand these basic rights, and its not permissible for anyone to object, let alone prevent them with force.
  • Putting into our considerations that we are today in desperate need more than any time before, and with national and collective action from all elements and from all levels to emphasize the culture of nonviolence and adopting dialogue and acceptance of other opinion and plurality in in opinions.

Thereafter, we present our declaration for nonviolence principles and encourage others to adopt

1- To respect the basic rights of individuals and community groups, and to defend it.

2- To uphold the principles of human rights, democracy, and pluralism.

3- Never to adopt any means of violence or violations to Human rights or democratic means.

4- To condemn violence, in all its forms, sources, and parties.

5- To defend people’s rights for freedom of expression and assembly.

6- To emphasize and urge in our literature, speech, and programs on a culture of nonviolence and adopt peaceful and civilized means.

Political Societies

AlWefaq National Islamic Society (AlWefaq)

National Democratic Assembly Society (AlQawmi)

National Democratic Action Society (Waad)

Unity Democratic Gathering Society (Wahdawy)

National Brotherhood Society (Ekhaa)

Democratic Progressive Tribune (AlTaqadumy)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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11/9/2012 2:52:11 AM

Morning in America … A Note from Michael Moore

Posted by Steve Beckow

Thanks to D’Arcy.

From: Michael Moore []
Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2012 2:58 PM

Morning in America …a note from Michael Moore

Wednesday, November 7th, 2012

Congratulations everyone!!

This country has truly changed, and I believe there will be no going back. Hate lost yesterday. That is amazing in and of itself. And all the women who were elected last night! A total rebuke of Neanderthal attitudes.

Now the real work begins. Millions of us – the majority – must come together to insist that President Obama and the Democrats stand up and fight for the things we sent them there to do. Mr. President, do not listen to the pundits who today call for you to “compromise.” No. You already tried that. It didn’t work. You can compromise later if you need to, but please, no more beginning by compromising. And if the Republican House doesn’t want to play ball, do a massive end run around them with one executive order after another – just like they have done and will do if given the chance again.

We have to have Obama’s back. As he is blocked and attacked by the Right, we need to be there with him. We are the majority. Let’s act like it.

And please Mr. President, make the banks and Wall Street pay. You’re the boss, not them. Lead the fight to get money out of politics – the spending on this election is shameful and dangerous. Don’t wait til 2014 to bring the troops home – bring ‘em home now. Stop the drone strikes on civilians. End the senseless war on drugs. Act like a pit bull when it comes to climate change – ignore the nuts, and fix this now. Take the profit motive out of things that any civilized country would say, “this is for the common good.” Make higher education affordable for everyone and don’t send 22-year-olds out into the world already in massive debt. Order a moratorium on home foreclosures and evictions. Enact economic policy that will create good-paying jobs and spend the money that’s needed to do that. Make your second term one for the history books.

Finally, thanks must be given to the Occupy movement who, a year ago, set the tone of this election year by getting everyone to talk about the 1% vs. 99%. It inspired Obama and his campaign to realize that there was a huge popular sentiment against what the wealthy have done to the country and there was something wrong if just 400 rich guys owned more than 160 million Americans combined (all those moochers and bums). This led to Romney’s “47%” remarks and THAT was the beginning of the end of his campaign. Thank you Mother Jones for releasing that secret tape, and thank you to the minimum wage worker who placed a camera on the serving buffet next to the candle. This morning’s headline in the Washington Post says it all: “At Romney headquarters, the defeat of the 1 percent.” Thank you Sandra Fluke for enduring the insults hurled at you and then becoming an important grassroots leader against the war on women. Thank you Todd Akin for…well, for just being you. Thank you CEOs of Chrysler and GM for coming out forcefully against the Republican(!) candidate, saying he lived in “some parallel universe” when he lied about Jeep. Thank you Governor Christie for your new bromance with Obama. You know, you really didn’t have to!

And you, Mother Nature, with all your horrific damage, death and destruction you caused last week, you became, ironically, the undoing of a Party that didn’t believe in you or your climate changing powers.

Perhaps they’ll believe now.

Once again, thanks to all of you who brought a nonvoter to the polls. In a last minute effort to get Obama an extra million votes he wasn’t counting on, I enjoyed talking and texting with your loved ones and friends yesterday who weren’t going to vote – but then changed their minds after a little nudge and some TLC (“Damn! Michael Moore? I’m getting in to car right now to go vote.”).

To my fellow Americans, I think you’ll agree: it was nice to wake up this morning in the United States of America.

Michael Moore

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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11/9/2012 2:54:25 AM

Archangel Michael Through Ron Head: Just Be An Excellent Carrot

Posted by Alice C

Rainbow waterfallsArchangel Michael Through Ron Head: Just Be An Excellent Carrot

As channeled by Ron Head – November 8, 2012

It is time we spoke of the things which are happening inside of you as you increasingly entrain with the frequencies of light which are surrounding you.

For some this will seem far outside of their frame of reference still. But for the greater number, who have been paying attention to their inner changes for a longer period, we will mention these things so that they may know that they are not unique in their experiences nor are they even rare.

There is a purpose in all of this, as you well know. That purpose is to raise your energies, your understanding, your consciousness, to a level which will permit your ascension to a higher state of being in the very near future. This is resulting in some common… let us call them symptoms… which you may recognize in yourselves.

There are those among you who are perceiving flashes of light, changes of colors, and other things which may cause them to wonder about their eyesight. There are those of whose sleep patterns no longer seem to actually have a pattern. Some are experiencing periods of what you could only call euphoria. There are other things which we could name, but those who are experiencing them are far enough along to understand them.

The extremes of pain which have been so prevalent for such a long time in lightworkers will be diminishing now. Gradual but steady healing of long time physical conditions will become obvious. And, importantly, though it may not seem so, you are discovering that your “buttons” are no longer responding when they are “pushed”. You may take that as lessons that have been learned.

Each of you is in his or her unique state of being and therefore will need and experience these things and others in a unique way. Do not, please, try to be other than what you are. Do not compare yourself to anyone else. After all, the reason for you to be here is precisely that you are who you are. If you are the carrot in the soup, it would do no good for you to try to be an onion. Just be an excellent carrot. Be grateful to yourself for being who and what you are.

We smile to ourselves knowing that you will be amazed when you begin to see who that is. As these things occur for you in ever increasing frequency accept them with gratitude for the “you” that they are helping you to grow into. Again we chuckle as we say, “resistance is futile”. Actually resistance would not be so, but please recognize that you are experiencing only what you, your higher selves, and your Creator have determined that you most need.

Some may worry about whether or not they are progressing “on time” or whether the state of the world is progressing “on schedule”. Let us point out that – and this is admittedly not a perfect explanation – you are progressing through what you experience as time in order to jump to a state of no time. Therefore you are exactly where and when you need to be. When you arrive it will be exactly on time. (Chuckles, high fives, and hugs all around. We love that one.)

A few whom you may read on your internet have said that they are ceasing the struggle. That it just feels as if it is no longer needed. Exactly so, dear hearts. Throw your arms open and dance the rest of the way. Accept, accept, accept. Ride the crest of the wave and you cannot fail to arrive where it is leading you.

We love you. We honor you. And we await you with open arms. Good day.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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