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Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/6/2012 2:14:43 AM
Today's messages are for the most part coming shorter, I guess this is because of Sedona

Benjamin Fulford 11-5-12… “Next Report Will Appear November 7″

From Ben Fulford today (

This weeks Geopolitical News and Analysis will appear on November 7th, after US election results are out.

We have heard the US military will be using hurricane Sandy as a reason to postpone the election. Pentagon sources are also saying another storm is on it way with the aim of continuing to distrupt activity in Washington D.C. and New York.

The Bank of Japan has also also been taken over and will soon convert most Japanese government bonds into yen cash.

Please expect a detailed report on November 7th. We appreciate your patience and understanding.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/6/2012 11:13:07 AM
TV report: Israel security heads nixed Iran attack

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/7/2012 1:59:24 AM
Dear friends, I passionately second each and every word of this quote

We Can’t Go Back – By Andrew Cohen, November 6, 2012

We’re all living in a very special time—a time when profound evolutionary development can be felt and seen more palpably and more tangibly than ever before. In fact, the rate of change today is moving so quickly, it is, more often than not, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually overwhelming. But we can’t go back. In fact, there’s nowhere to go back to. The simpler world that we may yearn to return to simply doesn’t exist anymore. I think the real issue at hand is whether we are morally, intellectually, philosophically, and spiritually prepared not only to not resist the momentum that we’re already being carried by, but more importantly, to actually take responsibility for it. I passionately believe that this is the great spiritual challenge at hand for all of us. Whether it’s a task we’ll be able to meet, I don’t know. But I’ve devoted my life to awakening in as many people as possible a wholehearted desire to try.

—Andrew Cohen

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
11/7/2012 2:13:33 AM

This is the Time which has Been Predicted. And only Good will Come of it


On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know…

…that all the changes occurring right now on this

planet are leading to a better life for all.

The movement here is going to be back to basics,

back to what matters, back to our true values in

families, in relationships, in business and commerce,

in politics, and in the world.

Do not worry, therefore. This is the Time which has

been predicted. And only good will come of it.

Love, Your Friend…

Neale Donald Walsch

author of “Conversations with God”

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/7/2012 2:28:43 AM
Friends, this is most important information coming right from where the action is... or to be more precise, right from where the action has just been!

What’s the Problem with Channelled Messages? A Lot, Apparently

Photo credit:

Mike Quinsey, from the UK, the soul who brings us messages from SaLuSa from Sirius, shared a synopsis of his Sedona, Arizona experience wherein he participated with many other spiritually advanced beings in the 2012 Scenario conference.

I am posting this because there has been a great deal of discussion about “channeling”; what it is, what is is not, is it believable, etc.

I know there is a difference between the communication some clairvoyants give us and what others bring forth, and some channels or souls who connect with another consciousness do indeed bring us information from somewhre—but from where, and how?

I believe the answer lies in part in the fact that thousands—perhaps even millions—of walkins have taken place over the years to help us prepare for this very year. These walkins aren’t just being “possessed” by a dark entity or an archangel—many of them are what we call ASPECTS of other beings—either in spirit or in the physical in another dimension such as SaLuSa; they contain particles of their soul monads.

Depending on who the soul monad IS, it can mean they possess some pretty incredible gifts. I think it is safe to say that not one individual on this planet knows everything about everything; not even the walkins. They don’t know exactly what will happen, how it will happen, or when. There is too much free will at play here and this is a unique situation that has never transpired before.

What is happening today on our planet isn’t just unfolding haphazardly, however; it was all planned millions of years ago. Nothing was left to chance—only the free will of mankind. We are guided and protected, but only to the extent we believe we are. If we choose to believe we are alone in this big “accident”, then it would indeed be a very lonely feeling and understandable.

I think it is difficult enough to explain to people the spiritual beings we are, who we were created to be, what we are capable of, and what to expect prior to, during and after ascension, without people putting blinders on and denying that specific abilities are bogus.

Are they channeling? Are they a walkin who is telepathically connecting with their monad? Are they bringing contrived messages from dark entities? Are they connecting to Universal Consciousness? The nomenclature really doesn’t matter. Most of us wouldn’t understand the process anyway because we haven’t experienced it. They have gifts that we do not, and that’s all there is to it.

We are the freaks of the Universe, folks. All the other souls of the Light are already ascended. We know little to nothing of what will transpire and who we will BE when Ascension is over—if we choose to Ascend. All I ask is that everyone keep an open mind and just wait and see what happens.

Yes, use your discernment, but be prepared for miracles, and don’t judge others or their abilities because you are quite possibly not in a position to do so.

I know who I am and where I came from and what to expect (in general). I know that everything that is unfolding is necessary for the higher good of all concerned, and that we will come through it fine if we just go within and find the faith that we are not accidents.

We are loved beyond comprehension and our reunion with our Creator and our ancestors who brought us to this strikingly beautiful planet is so close it will be here before we know it.

Some people are extremely frightened of what is transpiring politically and what they believe the cabal is capable of. I wish there were some way I could impart to the fearful ones that there is nothing to fear.

Be patient. Love yourself. Love everyone and believe in your heart that most average souls like us are doing the best they can under the circumstances. Just wait, in peace and love. Wait, in joy, because we are about to open the greatest gift ever bestowed on a civilization.

Below is what Mike Quinsey shares about his experience at the end of October in Sedona, Arizona. Perhaps it will provide some insight into the invisible world we would like to believe is there, but are afraid to entertain.

Hi Friends,

I thought you may enjoy reading my write up following my 10 days in Sedona, Arizona, when I gave a talk at both Conferences, and in the second one a short channelled message from SaLuSa. It was a fantastic experience, I thank all of you who attended them.

Arrived home Saturday after a 28 hour journey “door to door”, and obviously tired out, but I have to say it was all well worth it. I arrived back home at midday and held on until 10.00pm, but I couldn’t last out any longer and slept for 11 hours until 9.00am Sunday morning. I cannot remember the last time I ever slept so long, if ever at all.

I thought that overall the conference was well run and very professionally presented, and one appreciates that a lot of hard work was put in by many people to produce it. To meet my friends the real people behind their voice/photograph has been a wonderful experience, and what a great team they have been. I would not like to single out anyone for a mention, but could not help noticing how much effort both Dave and Stephen put in, and I thought it was brave of Stephen to open his heart and share his personal life with us. He showed that even through adversity you can lift yourself up. Sierra Neblina a Pleiadian “Walk In” did a very good job of leading and inspiring the team, and her own personal story was extremely interesting. I appreciated her confirmation that I was also a Walk In, and it explains my apparent loss of memory for the first 3/4 years of “my” life. Wes Annac yet another “Walk In”, told us his personal story which was very touching, and along with his talk both were very interesting. The response to his personal situation that revealed his family were living in poverty, showed that everyone at the Conference had hearts of gold. I was also pleased to learn from Linda Dillon that the people who were listed to go on the Spaceship Neptune flight, did so in their dream state the day before it was due to take place.

I saw each Speaker with their own special skills, Blossom Goodchild who gave her talk and solo performance as Shirley Valentine, and used her acting skills all the way through. Geoff West talked with his analytical skills, Dave Schmidt used his experience as a politician to make his point, Suzy Ward showed her ability mixing humor with fact, Genii Townsend showed her emotional involvement in the Cities of Light, Steve Beckow is ever the “Mr Cool” never getting flummoxed by anything. Graham Dewyea is ever infusing us with happiness in what he is doing. Linda Dillon is confident and assured of her abilities. Stephen Cook did everything with great feeling. Wes Annac showed that although a young man, he is a very old soul. Sierra Neblina was a natural leader with a gentle authority.

I knew that I was being prompted to give a live message at the Conference, so I had no hesitation in trying it. I was not totally comfortable doing it, and feel I have learnt something from it if I attempt it again. The plus point out of it was that a few of our team saw me morph. when I was giving the message, and said that my eyes got darker and my face a bit longer. I guess it is reasonable to assume that SaLuSa overshadowed me, and someone suggested that I was an aspect of him.

I have to mention the kindness of Nina and Bracken to invite the team to Xanadu, and what a lovely experience it was. The domed buildings were each a showpiece and it was such a colourful presentation. I must also mention our visit to the home of Barry Kapp and his wife Cynthia who live in Cornville, who also have a wonderful place with so much to admire. We were treated to what they told us would be a casual lunch, that turned out to be a wonderful banquet with some delicious dishes I had never eaten before. I thank them all for their generosity and welcome.

Being my first visit to America I am left with some observations, such as they eat most meals with just a fork, whereas in Gt. Britain there are few times that we do not also use our knife. It also seemed odd to be served a small salad before my main meal, but I gather that is traditional in the U.S. I was also surprised that at the end of a meal you do not have a coffee which our restaurants always offer you. I think that perhaps we are bigger coffee drinkers than most people realise.

I thoroughly enjoyed my experience as most people noticed, but I hope I also helped others enjoy it too. It was so nice for me and SaLuSa to receive such appreciation for our work. The audience’s were great and particularly the first one, they took no time at all to join in full heartedly with the release of immense loving feelings and joy that were shared with everyone. I thank all those who made it possible, and will always retain my memory of such a wonderful crowd of people who travelled from all over the world to be at the Conferences.

With Love and Best Wishes to all of my Dear Friends.

Mike Quinsey

Source : newsletter from Mike Quinsey Nov 6

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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