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11/7/2012 2:44:26 AM

November 5, 2012

(Thank you, Veronica, for sharing.)

My dear, what changes you are observing in this time of revelations. All will be exposed and removed so that only light remains. One thing I feel that I must point out is that those who refuse to accept the reality of the situation your world is in and close their eyes to everything around them, actually become accomplices of the dark. You must learn to embrace change, for nothing can go forward until you do. The Cabal is using every trick in its arsenal to fool you into accepting GM crops, vaccinations, the fluoride in your water supply, etc. NO is just a simple, two-letter word, but it is effective in refusing to be treated like sheep. When you come together and say an emphatic NO, they will not have a leg to stand on. Their game is up. You now see through it and your eyes are open. It is time to take back everything that is yours.

It is good to see that so many are taking back their sovereignty. Soon, you will be able to get a Universal Birth Certificate. That will free you from all religious control. Then you will no longer be slaves. You will become free spirits having an experience on Planet Earth. Many of you are aware that you have a purpose. It is time to fulfill your purpose. You will be guided. It is all in your hands. Together, you have the power to change your world completely from dark to light.

Many of you who were great in times past and achieved much, chose to return to Earth to be part of the Transition. You are all finding each other and working together. You are even recognising each other from past lives, in some cases, just as you and I did, my dear. The right people are now in place in many parts of your world. They are exposing the dark ones and all their sinister plans. As a result of this, children will live their lives in the future without fear of abuse from any quarter. This abuse has come from the top down. This is why it was not exposed, for the control the Police and the Press, and until now, they were not answerable to anyone. So for years the abused had no voice.

All this is changing now. Brave people have come forward to reveal their truths. This exposure will shock many of you but the truth must be told. It is all part of the healing process. Some of you have come a long way and are eagerly wanting change now. Help others to get up to speed, for they are holding you back.

The deliberate destruction of the ley lines in every country has kept you slaves in darkness. It is important to understand the great importance of the Energy Grid. It must be reinstated as soon as possible. It will make a tremendous difference to the energy of your world. They do not have any right to cover and destroy this grid. This is an extremely important part of the Transition. There are those who are equipped to carry out this work. It must be done. So help will be provided. You just need to ask.

My goodness, what an exciting time to be on Earth. We can only watch and assist. My dear wife is doing much to expose and remove the Dark and the Corrupt. Her computer was hacked into on two occasions, which has caused her many problems. There are too many people working for the Light now for the Dark Ones to deal with all of them. This light is spreading far and wide, especially in that dear land of Ireland, where the Transition must begin. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose. It is just a question of facing the truth and being FEARLESS.

Believe in yourselves. Take back your power. The so-called power structure that has kept you in slavery has no power over you without your acceptance of it. When you do your own research, it will all become as clear as a bell. You will wonder how you could have believed such blatant lies for so long. I remind you, once more, that “nothing is as it seems”. The one hierarchy rules the whole world. It also believes it owns the world and everyone in it. Well, it will be interesting to see what happens when the penny drops and it is all exposed. Watch this space ! It will not be long. It is gathering pace. The corrupt have reached the heights, so they have a long way to fall; and fall they will, as it is time for new beginnings.

Open your hearts and minds to the truth. It will set you free.

My dear, you are tired. Do try to relax more. I know it is exciting to watch the dam burst and the truth flowing from all quarters. Our gratitude to all who share truth with others. This is a very important role to play. It is all coming together very nicely.

My love surrounds you, my dear, and those who help you fulfil your role in these new beginnings.

Always, your adoring Monty.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Myrna Ferguson

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11/7/2012 3:19:55 AM
Hi Miguel,

I love Monty's post. Have you ever checked on Ireland? I have the site, but I keep putting it off. I just have to make time and look at that.Here it is if you are interested.*ZPWyC77--6ztWWJxE-etqcKMQP69Jj*Qk*AOpq8nVl*3osCjCt9c-kcTvTmSA6/IRELANDLANDOFTHEPHAROA0HS.pdf
Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/8/2012 12:44:02 AM
Hi Myrna,

I love Monty's post too. And I too have the pdf document on Ireland, but I'm afraid I have not read it either. It looks pretty interesting but I never seem to have the time to read anything that is not an urgent reading. So sorry about that. :-(

Hi Miguel,

I love Monty's post. Have you ever checked on Ireland? I have the site, but I keep putting it off. I just have to make time and look at that.Here it is if you are interested.*ZPWyC77--6ztWWJxE-etqcKMQP69Jj*Qk*AOpq8nVl*3osCjCt9c-kcTvTmSA6/IRELANDLANDOFTHEPHAROA0HS.pdf

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/8/2012 1:19:00 AM

SaLuSa: November 7, 2012

Posted by Andrew Eardley

SaLuSa: November 7, 2012

Channelled by Mike Quinsey

Andrew: SaLuSa reviews our immediate future in the light of President Obama’s lead in the Election – which as we now know is his predicted success, as he has been re-elected as President. He says that the Galactics’ tasks have been made easier by the wonderful work of the Lightworkers and reminds us that Ascension will take place as promised.

Disclosure still has to be carefully planned, though when it finally takes place it will allow us to meet at last. SaLuSa says that the response to the 1987 Harmonic Convergence was so positive that we changed the direction of civilization into a higher level of Light. He suggests that we relax and enjoy the final days before Ascension, and allow others to find their own way in the knowledge that they will intuitively make the right decision for their future needs.

The excitement grows in anticipation of the coming weeks as the first real step towards Ascension looms near as Obama holds his position in the lead in the Presidential Election. Much is depending on the result, but the people have not been fooled by the antics of the opposition.

They recognize in Obama his earnest desire to work for the people, and see his achievements in spite of the attempts to deny them. The tide has turned as people awaken to the truth and are now more intuitive when selecting their leader. There is also a strong feeling that it is time for far-reaching changes that lead you into the New Age.

Naturally with the coming changes, explanations will be given so that people understand what is happening and why. It is after all important that their support is gained, to ensure a smooth transition from all that has represented the old paradigm. It must go and all that is required is ready to take its place, and has been for a long time.

The tasks in hand have been made easier through the wonderful work of the Lightworkers, and will become even easier as the dark Ones are put where they can no longer interfere. Already their influence is weakening, and together with our allies we will ensure that they cannot get back. We do not worry about the time aspect as you do, as we know that all will be well and Ascension will take place as promised.

We suggest you take notice from hereon of what Obama says, as you will get the first clear signs of one who is now able to go ahead unimpeded. Hitherto, he has been hampered all the way, and even discredited when he has made decisions that have been of benefit to the people. Let the real Obama loose then you shall see the leadership that will carry you forward at great speed.

Duality is all but finished but many individuals are playing out their last game. However, as they become isolated their power is greatly diminished. What is heartening is the way many groups of Light have been formed and are transmuting the dark energies. As a collective of the number of groups that cover the planet, it is becoming a formidable force to be reckoned with.

The job is not done with the passing of Ascension, as your evolution carries on to the next opportunity to rise up even further. The Golden Age will be a wonderful experience and different in all respects to the lives you have had in duality. To be happy and full of joy for just being alive is not something you have experienced very often. To have trust and confidence in all those around you comes naturally, as you realize that all souls in the higher dimensions are of the Light. Not only that, the Light you carry will identify you and be seen by all other souls. Only truth will be spoken and anything less will give you away.

Dear Ones, what a long way you have travelled since you first dropped into the lower vibrations. Time slowed down and you seem to have been climbing back up for eons of time. Yet even when in the depths of darkness, you kept that godspark shining out and never really lost touch with your source.

You knew it would be tough, but you also knew you would never be deserted by God and would fully return to the Light. Now many know that to be true and are prepared for Ascension and a place in the 5th dimension, or even higher. You will find yourself exactly where you are entitled to be, but you can of course move freely within the lower dimensions.

Oh yes, we know what an impact Disclosure will have when it finally takes place and allows us to meet you at last. Yet it still remains an event that has to be carefully planned so as to minimize any possible negative effect upon the people.

Fear is a powerful force that has been played upon for millennia of time by the Illuminati, but we are slowly winning people over. With no evidence that we of the Galactic Federation of Light are a danger to you, we have broken down the web of lies that have been spread about us. Indeed, many of you have read of our exploits in keeping the warring elements from starting another World War.

It was many years ago that we approached your powerful leaders to offer help in establishing peace, but it was turned down. Ever since those days some 70 years ago we have often returned to renew our offer, but it has still been rejected.

The turning point for you all was when so many of you responded to the call to join together for the Harmonic Convergence in 1987. The result was so positive that you changed the direction of your civilization and moved into a higher level of Light. Since then you have applied yourselves to the task of preparing for Ascension very successfully. We can give all the help you need but, in the final reckoning, it is you who decide the outcome. Free will comes above all else and is acknowledged by us.

Sooner or later those who are just awakening will hear about the changes and need the help of those who are more fully informed. That is where you can be of great service and are capable of sharing your knowledge. If you answer questions just sufficiently to satisfy the questioner, that should be enough to enable them to make progress. Too much information at a time can be overwhelming and nullify the good that might have been done.

From one source or another, no soul will be able to claim that they were denied an opportunity to learn about Ascension. Time is short of course but even so we will make every attempt to place the facts before as many people as possible.

Relax and enjoy the final days which should be exciting and fulfilling for you. Allow others to find their own way to Ascension or an alternative path, knowing that the right decision will be made by them. It will be intuitive and therefore meet their needs for their future, and not because of anyone else’s direction. This is a time when your needs come first, so do not be hesitant to follow your own intuition. If you are ready to ascend you will do so, and remember it will not be by chance as you will have earnt that opportunity through your own efforts.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and counting the days left before we expect to commence the last stages of our mission. We love you as ever and see you as extremely beautiful souls.

Thank you SaLuSa

Mike Quinsey

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/8/2012 1:22:10 AM

Benjamin Fulford 11-8-12…”The Pentagon and agencies choose Obama, the Chinese military stick with Hu”

I have read through this. But I’m not in a place where I have time to highlight. However I will put a link out here that I received from Suzy Star, that addresses the Leo Wanta fund situation. Here it is. Enjoy.


The Pentagon and agencies choose Obama, the Chinese military stick with Hu
by Benjamin Fulford 11-8-12

Barak Obama’s victory in the electronically rigged US presidential election means he will remain the spokesman for the pentagon and the agencies over the next 4 years. These same agencies recently have actively leaked information about Romney’s drug money laundering and other criminal activities in a clear sign of a military industrial complex revolt against the Bush Nazi faction, according to CIA and other sources. The Dragon family also supported Obama because he agreed to go along with their agenda, according to White Dragon Society sources in Indonesia.

A push by libertarians and milita movements to write in Ron Paul, meanwhile, was squashed by higher military ranks because of Paul’s proposal to close US bases world-wide.
However, the biggest losers were the Zionists who were hoping Romney would help them realize their dream of starting World War 3.

In China meanwhile, the old guard kept Hu Jintao in charge of the military to make sure incoming leader Xi Xinping keeps within the consensus of a peaceful rise of China and does not provoke unnecessary macho violent incidents.

The big changes as usual, remain under the surface as a consensus on the shape of the new financial system slowly gels.

Here the Lee family, the one that has traditionally worked the closest with the Western committee of 300 secret government faction, is emerging as a pivotal force. The models they are holding up for future US/China/EU relations are Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea and Vancouver, Canada. These regions have also successfully and harmoniously integrated the strong points of both Western and Asian culture while avoiding pervasive corruption.

There is a general consensus among both Western and Asian secret government factions in favor of the formation of a new world economic planning agency run along the lines of the meritocratic bureaucracies mentioned above that have merged the best of Western (Roman) legal culture with Asian (Chinese) bureaucratic culture.

There is also a consensus that such an agency would not be a world government but simply an agency in charge of development projects too big, international and ambitious to be carried out by individual governments or corporations.

However, before that can happen, the bastions of the old regime such as the BIS, the European Central Bank, the UN, the IMF, the World Bank and of course the Federal Reserve Board, need to be subjected to a final charge of the Bastille.

To this end, the pentagon and agencies have agreed on the need to start creating government issued “greenback” currency in lieu of the US dollars issued by the privately owned Federal Reserve Board. If the US government did this it would be able to rebuild US infrastructure and finance ambitious development projects such as the high-speed rail network proposed by Leo Wanta.

Before that is possible, though, the new greenback has to be decoupled from the international currency wrongly named the “US” dollar. If that happens, the greenback would plunge in value compared to the international dollar. This would generate a huge increase in US exports plus investment into the US manufacturing and tourist industries.

However, it would also mean the Pentagon would find it prohibitively expensive to maintain much of its overseas presence using devalued greenbacks. That is why the White Dragon Society has proposed that Asian countries, including China, hire the services of the pentagon for worldwide police and security work. This has been already been agreed to and test projects in places like Afghanistan have begun.

The unsolved issue remains deciding who would take over control of internationally traded US dollars. No US dollars have been created since 2008, which is why the US currency has not collapsed despite announcements of quantitative easing that should have been hyper-inflationary if the announced numbers were for real.

The problem is deciding on a new management structure can be put in place to manage the international trading currency formerly called the “US” dollar. The general consensus is that it needs to be merged with the Renminbi, Ruble and other currencies.
In Japan, meanwhile, signs of fundamental change continue to proliferate.

In a sign Japan is beginning to unravel the disastrous Wall Street and Nazi imposed economic policies of the past two decades, the Japanese Finance Minister, its Economy Minister and the Governor of the Bank of Japan all issued this unusual policy statement on October 30th:

The Japanese language version of this release is longer and more detailed and makes it clear the Japanese government has decided to end government debt slavery. In essence the Bank of Japan has started to print yen to use to pay down existing Japanese government bonds and reduce government debt.

The White Dragon Society has proposed that independent Japan’s ruling Democratic Party merge with the resurgent Liberal Democratic Party and place itself under the strong and charismatic leadership of Osaka’s Toru Hashimoto.

The Japanese imperial family, for its part, is seriously contemplating moving its headquarters from Tokyo back to Kyoto as a move to transfer some government functions towards the Kansai region. This would be in preparation for the establishment of the new economic planning agency.

The Japanese underworld is also undergoing fundamental reforms. All of Japan’s yakuza gangs are now under a single umbrella and will become a semi-autonomous semi-government agency somewhat like the CIA is in the US.

The new leadership is strongly opposed to the distribution of drugs but this is causing friction with gangs like the Inagawa who traditionally earned a lot of money selling drugs brought in through US military bases. To help generate funds and make up for lost income, the White Dragon Society has proposed that marijuana be legalized in Japan and sold by yakuza companies. In exchange, yakuza groups would continue to obey current directives not to sell hard drugs like amphetamines, heroin and cocaine.

The Yakuza and right wing groups have also formulated a new general policy towards China which can be summed up as follows:

“If China is a beautiful woman, make love, if it is a fat man coming to rape you, fight.”

The Chinese, for their part, are planning to bring plenty of money to Japan in search of investment opportunities. They are looking for a company listed on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and one rumour has it that Sharp is one of the companies being eyed.

The Chinese will be doing the same thing all over the world as well and all countries should welcome them so long as their presence is constructive and beneficial.

The old regime may still try to provoke conflict in a desperate attempt to stop all this friendly activity. Whenever they do so please remember it is better to make love than to make war.


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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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