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11/9/2012 3:49:36 PM

Palestinian farmers turn to organic farming

NUS JUBAIL, West Bank (AP) — The Palestinian olive harvest, an ancient autumn ritual in the West Bank, is going upscale.

In an emerging back-to-the-land movement, Palestinian farmers are turning the rocky hills of the West Bank into organic olive groves, selling their oil to high-end grocers in the U.S. and Europe.

The move is a reflection of the growing global demand for natural, sustainable and fairly traded products, albeit with a distinct Palestinian twist. The hardships faced by local farmers, ranging from a lack of rainfall to Israeli trade obstacles, mean that organic growing is one of the few ways Palestinians have to compete in outside markets.

"The Palestinian future is in the land," said farmer Khader Khader, 31, as he stood among his organic olives in the northern West Bank village of Nus Jubail.

Organic farming has grown into a thriving business, by Palestinian standards, since it first was introduced in the West Bank in 2004. Now, at least $5 million worth of organic olive oil is exported annually — about half of all Palestinian commercial oil exports, said Nasser Abu Farha of the Canaan Fair Trade Association, one of the companies that sells high-end organic olive oil to distributors abroad.

The West Bank-based company purchases the oil at above market prices and pays what's called a "social premium" — extra money to farming cooperatives to improve their communities.

About 930 farmers have fair-trade and organic certification, while another 140 are "converting" their land — a two- to three-year process during which they stop using chemical fertilizers and pest controls while monitors from Canaan and the Palestine Fair Trade Association provide training and check soil for chemical levels.

Their work is overseen by the Swiss-based Institute for Market Ecology, which is accredited to certify organic products for the U.S., E.U., and Japan. Hundreds more farmers are simply certified as fair-trade, where they and their workers are paid decent wages for their work and produce.

The trade is tiny when compared to major olive growers like Spain, Italy and Greece. But it's significant for Palestinians, for whom harvesting olives is a cultural tradition that gathers even the most urbanized families.

An average of 17,000 tons of olive oil is produced in the West Bank every year by thousands of farmers, according to aid group Oxfam, which works on the olive industry. Most is for local or personal use, and only about 1,000 tons is exported a year, though that number is likely higher since many farmers sell oil informally through relatives abroad, Abu Farha said.

Organic farmers hope the high-end trade will keep them on their lands, despite difficult odds and high overhead costs.

Palestinians seek the West Bank as the heartland of a future independent state. Most of the 2.5 million Palestinians in the West Bank live under a semi-autonomous government. But Israel, which captured the West Bank in the 1967 Mideast war, wields overall control. Roughly 500,000 Jewish settlers live in the West Bank and neighboring east Jerusalem, taking away resources.

The situation makes exporting difficult for Palestinian farmers. Outside markets for fresh produce aren't profitable. Goods must cross through Israeli-controlled export crossings with security measures that cause delays, lowering quality through exposure to sunlight and constant reloading from one truck to another.

Farmers face other problems. More than 120 Jewish settlements dot the West Bank, often encroaching on Palestinian farmlands or preventing farmers from reaching their land. According to U.N. estimates, nearly 10 percent of Palestinian farmland falls on the "Israeli" side of the separation barrier Israel has built to prevent militants from entering from the West Bank to carry out attacks.

Israel also controls more than 80 percent of the West Bank's water in lopsided sharing agreements, said Palestinian water official Ribhi al-Sheik. In other areas dilapidated water pipes have wasteful leaks. Most farmers depend on rain and unlicensed wells, depleting already-stressed aquifers. In some parts, Israeli military authorities also ban rain-collecting cisterns. Badly planned Palestinian towns have paved over fertile lands.

Israeli military spokesman Guy Inbar said the long export process was solely for security reasons and "not intended to harm" exports, noting that Palestinians export some 100,000 tons of fresh produce a year. He said Palestinians access more water than what is allowed for under sharing agreements and that farmers with permits are able to reach land on the other side of the separation barrier.

The challenges sparked a new way of thinking: Palestinians had to make finished goods that could survive the rough growing conditions and lengthy journey to outside markets.

Fair-trade, organic products that can be rain-fed, particularly olives, were the perfect solution.

"It's the future of Palestinian exports. The future is in added value, through environmental and social accountability," said Abu Farha of Canaan Fair Trade. "People want to know: "Where is this oil coming from? Whose life is it changing?"

The changes are visible in Nus Jubail, a village crowded with olives and pines, its 400 residents in houses with blue doors and rooftops sheltered by grape arbors. A decade ago, most residents pressed their oil for personal use. Little was sold commercially and prices were low, said Khader, the farmer.

Around 2004, agricultural activists formed the Palestinian Fair Trade Association, seeking out farmers across the West Bank. They persuaded Khader to establish an organic cooperative of five farmers, allowing them to collectively press their olives and sell better-priced oil.

During the three-year conversion process, Khader and his colleagues were taught to grow olives without chemicals, pruning and plowing instead of using herbicides and fermenting sheep droppings into fertilizer. Once certified, Khader and his partners sold their oil above market prices, attracting other recruits. Now 18 of the village's 30 farmers are organic.

This year, organic oil is selling for about $5.40 a liter — a dollar higher than conventional oil, said Abu Farha of Canaan Fair Trade, which purchases much of the oil. Other independent farmers are selling directly to consumers for $9 a liter, far above market price.

Farmers are going organic on other products, such as maftoul, a chewy sun-dried staple resembling couscous, as well as dried almonds and a savory spice blend of thyme, hyssop and other herbs known as zaatar.

But high-end oil is key.

In Whole Foods supermarkets in New York and New Jersey, it's sold under the "Alter Eco" brand, Abu Farha said. It's in Sainsbury's in Britain, and in boutique shops globally through Canaan and other distributers. Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap, a popular organic, fair traded vegan soap, sources 95 percent of its oil — some 165 tons — from Palestinian growers, the soap company said.

Even so, challenges abound. Palestinian oil production is irregular because they can't irrigate their crops and export costs are still high. Abu Farha of Canaan said some farmers have cheated by mixing conventional oil into their products.

Still, the move toward organic, sustainable farming is an important, elegant fight.

"I don't throw rocks," said farmer Khader, referring to young men who frequently hurl stones during demonstrations. He pointed to his rock-built terraces. "I use them to build our future."


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Canaan Fair Trade

Palestine Fair Trade

Dr. Bronner

Bustan Qaraaqa


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/10/2012 1:30:31 AM

What is Your Vision and Dream for the New Earth?

Posted by Graham Dewyea

What is Your Vision and Dream for the New Earth?

Graham: At the 2012 Scenario conferences in Sedona, AZ, conference attendees shared their visions and dreams for the New Earth, which you’ll find below.

We are powerful beings and are co-creating the new earth together. What are your visions and dreams? Comments are open.

Full disclosure of health information and perfect health

All the children are safe and well

Love is all that is

Leaders with a high spiritual IQ

Co-equal partnership

Love rules

No fear

We enjoy galactic joy rides

We are seen

Soon is now

There is no judgment

Abundance for all

We grow our own food

I am thankful for unconditional love

We see our Godselves

War is unthinkable

Language does not form barriers

We know our guides

The youth recognize the God within

There is honest in positions of power

We are all expressions of God

We have access to all spiritual tools to be who we are

We do what brings us joy

I am the one who is the last to turn out the lights


Garden of Eden

No one feels alone

No pain

More here

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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11/10/2012 1:45:48 AM

Steven Greer: Contact: Countdown to Transformation

Posted by Steve Beckow

Thanks to Kathleen and Shannon.

Excerpt from

Contact: Countdown to Transformation

by Steven Greer M.D.

The outcome is assured. It does not and cannot happen by itself, but requires us as the children of Earth to be the means for that change and transformation. The extraterrestrial beings cannot land here and make it happen or force it….

We are the primary agents for the change and the transformation because we are in the physical plane; we are living and breathing the free air of Earth together, and we are the children of Earth. So it has to come through us, even though the source of the inspiration may be Celestial and extraterrestrial and Divine. It is very personal because each person must choose to make that transformation. It is a beautiful mystery and humbles us, and yet has enormous power.

Do not think that we need ninety-nine percent of the world working on this in order for it to happen. That is not how significant transformation happens. It is always done with a relatively small number. Do not underestimate the effect you, as an individual, are having. When you are in right action, great change is created, despite our imperfections, weaknesses and limitations.

Question: So what you are saying is that we are the bridge between heaven and earth?

Absolutely. We are the means for that transformation, and the ET’s are very happy when we put ourselves at service. Do not be concerned whether you can carry a thimbleful or a gallon or half the ocean. If everyone carries what they can, then it will happen. Everyone has gifts and abilities, so it is about stepping into the state of service and providing what you have to the work.

When people are all linked up together in a coherent state, seeing and feeling what we are feeling tonight, every atom of the earth is revivified – every heart on earth. That is really true. That is the mystery of the non locality of Mind, and the interconnectedness of all. I could see that happening through this small group as the Orion Transmissions were streaming through us.

We have been trained in our society to be very acquisitive, but actually that pulls us down. If we let spirit and love come through us and give it back, then it is continually renewed and gets stronger and more beautiful. That is the power of love and forgiveness flowing through you. So view yourselves as pure channels and let it flow through you to the world and to others. Be as pure and innocent as a child, and it will flow forever through you…..

As we leave now, view yourselves as true Ambassadors of Peace and Enlightenment to the entire Universe, and to the world. Ask for guidance in your service so you may find it and fulfill your destiny.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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11/10/2012 1:51:23 AM

Sheldan Nidle Update 11-06-12… “The final times are set and we expect you to shortly receive several grand, historic announcements”

“Our technology is capable of resolving all current issues instantly. The only question is how Heaven intends to direct us. We have received many ‘green lights’ in recent times but were then stopped. It is not our wish to placate the dark cabal in any way; it is rather a matter of how Heaven sees this present impasse playing out. This is how we operate: we let Heaven have the final say in all matters. We make neither judgments nor a single move that is not in line with this policy. There exists a certain set of procedures that is predicated on how humanity’s collective life contract is to be transformed by Heaven, and this sets up a divine timetable that we need to follow. Heaven is using this timetable in the manner of a prime directive to determine how you are to come face-to-face with us on a global scale. The final times are set and we expect you to shortly receive several grand, historic announcements. We suggest you view these surprises in this light as a whole parade of wonders is now ready to roll out before you! We are getting closer and closer to a mass first contact with you!”


Sheldan Nidle Update 11-06-12
8 Men, 3 Xul, 9 Eb

Dratzo! We return! Everywhere around your planet, teams drawn from a special coalition of our sacred allies, Agarthans, and our liaison personnel are preparing a grand surprise! The present reality is beginning to experience difficulties as the many timelines that determine how it operates collapse. This massive temporal deconstruction is forcing the dark cabal to realize that the present construct can no longer hold. We have watched these cabalists obstinately refuse any and all proposals to step down and allow your divinely decreed freedom to manifest. Apparently, they still believe that some sort of ‘event’ can somehow reverse their predicaments and keep them in control. This is simply not going to happen! The Creator’s edicts state that the time for a new consciousness gestalt for humanity has arrived. The dark cabal needs to step aside and let us do what the divine plan mandates. Our role, at this point, has been reduced to using our abilities to bring this situation to a head, and this we are doing by setting up the final procedures which are to topple the besieged and outdated power structures of your globe.

These procedures are in effect as we speak, and we have informed the cabalists that it is time to let in the new governance and to allow the rise of the new economic system founded on prosperity and global debt forgiveness. This new global setup is ready for all to enjoy but for the continued roadblock thrown up by the dark cabal. Therefore we have put into play a series of edicts and have duly informed these stubborn and blustering old men and women of this move. Your home world is in the midst of creating new grids and new realities, and the current ways of running your societies stand counter to what Mother Earth now intends. The use of oil and the many other types of fossil fuel to provide energy for your global economies is to end. Humanity needs to bring on line those discoveries that use the limitless natural energies of physicality. In effect, your world is at a crossroads which extends not only to consciousness but also to energy. You can no longer live on the surface of Earth in the unthinking manner that you do at present. New attitudes based on new understanding and information is needed in order to move into the new epoch decreed by Heaven.

This is simply a matter of survival dictated by the laws of physicality. We have come across the galaxy to prepare you for first contact, not to be a witness to your extinction! Our divine orders are to push this mandate through to completion if we are unable, after a sufficient amount of time, to achieve our minimal set of goals. We are approaching this magical point of no return. We need to give our many associates the time to carry out a legal coup and change your present governments; however, the time is fast approaching for us to take action. There are currently many lawsuits in courts throughout the world that are set up to eventually arrest those in charge of instigating the general morass that is responsible for one climatic and geophysical disaster (as you see it) after another. We intend to quickly resolve this environmental instability once our associates are in power. To do this, we intend to ‘propel’ them into power so that much-needed change can manifest around the globe. Your world is getting to a level of distress that cannot go on much longer. You need a means to lift you up and move you in a new direction!

Our technology is capable of resolving all current issues instantly. The only question is how Heaven intends to direct us. We have received many ‘green lights’ in recent times but were then stopped. It is not our wish to placate the dark cabal in any way; it is rather a matter of how Heaven sees this present impasse playing out. This is how we operate: we let Heaven have the final say in all matters. We make neither judgments nor a single move that is not in line with this policy. There exists a certain set of procedures that is predicated on how humanity’s collective life contract is to be transformed by Heaven, and this sets up a divine timetable that we need to follow. Heaven is using this timetable in the manner of a prime directive to determine how you are to come face-to-face with us on a global scale. The final times are set and we expect you to shortly receive several grand, historic announcements. We suggest you view these surprises in this light as a whole parade of wonders is now ready to roll out before you! We are getting closer and closer to a mass first contact with you!

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We come today with some important news about an upcoming event. Our sacred associates are completing a series of projects that will lead to the fall of the dark cabal. These projects have so far created the rudiments of a new monetary system; produced the basics of a new global financial system; and fleshed out the foundation of a new international era of global peace and cooperation. These things are only the thin end of the wedge. The many dark governments of your world now realize that the blessings of the Light are not just so many words but a powerful reality. As we wait on the verge of the announcements that will transform your world, we gleefully watch our associates filing multiple court cases and preparing the evidence for trials that are to push the dark from power. The time for our grand victory arrives!

The Agarthans are contributing to what is happening by giving us the means to contest the dark cabal by legally denying it its claims of legitimacy. The cabal derives its power from a set of structures whose legitimacy is now being called into question. Equally importantly, we have established the foundation for a new rule whose structure is rooted in the Light. This gives each of you your Creator-given personal sovereignty, prosperity, and the grounds for a return to full consciousness. These documents are close to where they can safely be brought forth to be discussed in full with you when your new governments are in place. This day is rapidly approaching. As the time of this reality collapses, so too does the power the dark has long held over you.

The natural progression of this solar system is to produce a new reality, one that is predicated on, and dedicated to, the Light. Here, the blessed decrees of Heaven will be made manifest, but this new realm’s configuration cannot sustain the dark and its creations. In accordance with this up leveling, Heaven has proceeded over the past decade with a number of new alignments that prepare your body, mind, and Spirit for full consciousness. In this mode you become another glorious expression of Heaven. Our blessed journey has guided you toward this. Despite a great deal of resistance from the dark, we have maintained this full-conscious mode due to our blessed duties to the Light. Our song and our united energies have established this path, and now you are following it to your own ascension. We are ready, in the Light’s full glory, to welcome you back to the wonders that we daily experience. Hosannas to the Lord!

Today we expounded on what is happening across your globe. We rejoice at what our sacred secret allies are doing to bring a new reality into being and grateful for what our liaisons report to us daily. A new reality, with full disclosure, is ready to appear on this Earth! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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11/10/2012 1:59:20 AM
This message is so beautiful. I have chosen to post it thinking of my now late great friend and mentor Jill Bachman, one of the most wonderful souls to ever grace this community with her presence

Valerie Donner: A Message from Mira of the Pleiadian High Council

Posted by Andrew Eardley

A Message from Mira of the Pleiadian High Council (now working with the Earth Council)

Through Valerie Donner November 7, 2012

Greetings, I am Mira.

I greet you from the Earth Council as we seek to expand our assistance wherever we are needed. Decisions must be made. We are constantly recalculating and measuring the changing scale of things.

Our efforts to co-ordinate various missions have also expanded. Some of these are in partial evidence. We are making our ways known that we are with you. Please know that you are not alone. If earth changes present themselves and you need our assistance we have prepared for it.

We understand the dilemma many of you are facing. Finding a firm footing on terra firma on a changing planet can leave you with a feeling of teetering. We want you to know that you are tethered to the Higher Source, the Supreme Being who knows, loves and cares for each one of you. Everyone is making choices now for their best and highest good. We recommend going with the flow in this part of the project.

During the recent disastrous storm on the east coast of the U.S. we were there and still are present. We help in unseen ways whether it is from people appearing out of the blue, to providing ideas, resources, and guidance to scientists or actual scientists appearing as locals, healers and helpers of all sorts. We have assembled the largest cadre of helpers from all of Creation to be with you now.

Hold steady, Ground Crew. You are present on the planet for a reason. Your love, Light and healing are a requisite for the Ascension of the Earth. We cannot do our mission without you. Keep a level head and an open heart. Know that you are far more than you think you are and your gifts are necessary.

Take the pressure off of yourselves. Open the release valve. Let off the steam. Wipe off your brow. Fluff yourself off. Know you will get through the challenges that present themselves. We have our monitors on you for your strength, compassion, love, and all of the other emotions that are maneuvering throughout the land.

Reach out a hand to each other. Follow the God within also known as your inner guidance. Seek counsel yet remind yourself that you have the answers within. Everything you need will be provided for with divine order, ease and grace.

Pay keen attention to the animals. They sense and are connected to the Earth. They are your teachers. They love you and serve you. They are smarter than you think.

Let your imaginations create the best possible future for yourself and the Earth. You are creative geniuses and are capable of creating magnificent things in your future. Lift your sights high into the most marvelous higher dimensional future you can imagine. You have it within. You have been holding it throughout many life times. Your future is now.

I will continue with more material for you in the near future.

I love you. I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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