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11/10/2012 2:03:02 AM

Jesus: Forgiveness is the Best Medicine for Healing Available to You

Posted by Stephen Cook

Jesus: Forgiveness is the Best Medicine for Healing Available to You

As channelled by John Smallman – November 9, 2012

Now that a major illusory distraction has passed – yes, the US presidential election – you way-showers and Light-workers can focus once more on your task of assisting the sleepers to awaken.

Love . . . love . . . love is the answer to all problems, issues, and disagreements, and when you awaken into Reality – the creative energy field of divine Love – you will immediately understand this.

Here there is no conflict because Love joins all together in harmonious cooperation, and Love, your true nature, has no desires that could possibly lead to disagreement or conflict because It wants what is best for everyone, always. That is Oneness in operation.

Focus on that divine truth, refocus on it, and refocus on it. That is how you change the environment from one of fear to one of loving trust, which is what every single person incarnate within the illusion truly wants. It is achievable! Focus on it constantly and see how all your relationships change for the better.

A loving presence, which is the major spiritual attribute of every human, offered indiscriminately and unconditionally by each one of you in every interaction can and will change the world. It started to do so eons ago, but until the last two or three centuries of your present era its influence was quite small.

Since the tragedy and suffering of World War I humanity’s vision has altered enormously as the insanity of millions of men killing one another — because their governments and military commanders told them to do so — became an actuality that no one could any longer deny.

Never before in your human history has there been such a growth in concern and compassion for one another as has occurred since that unconscionable and incredibly arrogant decision was made by men of supposedly sound mind to engage in all-out war in August 1914. In a way it was a necessary lesson for humanity — bearing in mind that war, suffering, and all its attendant miseries, while extremely painful for those involved, are illusory.

When you awaken, all the embedded pain that many are still holding onto — because wars remain an ongoing concern all across the world — will dissolve along with the nightmares that you have been experiencing for so long.

Your essential task is to be loving, compassionate bearers of the Light in every moment. You can do it because the power of Heaven is supporting you in this. Do not judge yourselves as bad, wrong, or unworthy when you forget and react unlovingly to a perceived attack or offense. Recognize what has happened. Allow yourselves to be human by accepting that you made an error and by forgiving yourselves.

Judging yourselves (or others) and angrily reliving the experience shuts down the flow of loving energy which it is your express intent to share, until you stand back from the situation, or the memory of it, and forgive yourselves and the others involved. When you have done that, then you can move back into your natural intended state of love and compassion for all.

It can be very hard for you to forgive; and when you hold on to resentment over perceived mistreatment, you drain away your energy and your stress mounts. To forgive is a decision that you can make instantly (again, of yourselves or of others); it simply requires that you stand back from the situation and do it. At first your ego will resist by drawing your attention to the pain, shame, or blame it believes you have suffered.

Don’t go down that road — it is an endless loop of re-experiencing the pain of something that has passed. Just strengthen your intent to forgive and focus your attention on something that pleases you (NOT “I know I was right!”), something you are looking forward to with happy expectation, and dismiss the painful memory because it serves no useful purpose.

Because your true nature is Love, then even in the illusion, in the egoic bodies to which you have anchored yourselves, to forgive is a natural response which your egos frequently persuade you to restrain. Forgiveness is an aspect of yourselves that you are unable to discard because it is part of your eternal, loving nature.

You can deny it, refuse to countenance it, and fill your mind with justification for your unforgiving attitudes and behaviors, but it remains within you, waiting for you to recognize its validity, its essential goodness, and its ability to heal all wounds.

If you are having trouble forgiving anyone at all, or if you truly believe that to forgive is unconscionable in some circumstances, then ask for guidance and clarity from whoever in the spiritual realms you feel most comfortable addressing.

You will be heard, you will be helped, and when that happens you will experience a remarkable sense of peace and satisfaction, and you will wonder why you held out against forgiveness for so long. Forgiveness is the best medicine for healing available to you — so use it and be healed.

Your loving brother, Jesus

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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11/10/2012 2:05:34 AM

SaLuSa: November 9, 2012

Posted by Andrew Eardley

SaLuSa: November 9, 2012

Channelled by Mike Quinsey

Andrew: Today SaLuSa looks at the plans for the next few months following the re-election of President Obama, who has been briefed on his role by the Galactics and knows what is expected of him. The real start of the removal of the top Illuminati is about to commence, followed by a general clear-out of the lower levels of the dark Ones.

We are asked not to let up in our efforts to spread the Light to expand Man’s collective consciousness, though it will not be long before the Galactics can openly communicate with us. SaLuSa points out that that they are appearing more often at gatherings of Light spreaders, as experienced at the Sedona Conference.

In future, our elected Leaders will be highly spiritually evolved, rule by consent, and their decisions will be based upon love and bring joy. Life in future will be ecstatic and, with our own powers of creation, we will have all we desire and will want for nothing. SaLuSa asks us to rest easy and enjoy what is about to take place.

The long wait is over and Obama is aware of what is expected of him, and is the man for the job. Like every other soul he has been working towards this time in his life to achieve the main objective of his soul plan.

He will soon be set up and able to go ahead with changes that he knows are necessary to take humankind forward. We have been in constant touch with him and he has been frequently briefed as to what his role is.

Several legal actions are about to be taken that will see the real start of the removal of the top members of the Illuminati. That will effectively remove the last vestiges of power that they hold, and put paid to their last hopes of holding on. It will then allow a more general clear out of the dark Ones at the lower levels.

We ask you not to let up with your efforts to spread the Light, as the collective consciousness of Man still needs every support and encouragement to expand. To say the least, there will be quite an awakening when the truth starts to come out and we want it to have a positive effect and not cause fear. Human Beings do not like change, feeling that it threatens their stability and comfort with what they know and are used to.

However, it should not be very long before we can play our part and openly communicate with you. It is one thing to channel our messages to you, but we want to be seen for what we are. Our presence will soon overcome any fears about us, as it will be seen that we come as Ambassadors of Peace.

We still require that your Military are ordered not to fire upon us, if we are to move more freely in your skies. Although we can avoid danger we wish to be able to move closer to you and make contact without any risk of harm to you.

Those of you who are psychic will have noted that we appear more often where there are gatherings of those spreading the Light, and so it shall continue. It is our way of not only protecting you, but also enfolding you in more Light so that all involved are lifted up even further.

This was your experience at the Sedona Conference, and some of you were overwhelmed by it. Just imagine if each day was the same, because very soon that will become your normal day to day experience. You have touched the higher vibrations and realize what a wonderful feeling it is.

This month and of course the next one will be one continuous round of energetic inputs that will successively raise your vibrations even higher. Every soul will feel the effect in one way or another, and those of you who are already way along the path of Ascension will absorb them quite easily.

For others who have not yet opened up to them it can be a difficult experience, as the body is not yet prepared to receive them. It is likely to leave them confused and unable to comprehend what is taking place. It is a time to centre yourselves and relax, as stress is your worst enemy when trying to prepare for upliftment. Your eventual release from the clutches of the dark Ones should help to release any tension or negative feelings, so that the Light can come flooding in.

Our allies are now more motivated than ever, and can go ahead with their plans that have long been held up. They can, as it were, do the paperwork that will allow us to move everything forward. Like you we have eagerly awaited this time when the action can commence.

We have to thank all of the Lightworkers for their dedication to their individual tasks, as without you matters would not be where they are today. You now deserve to reap the benefits of your work, and soon you will enjoy becoming part of the changes in which you can take an active role. Duality is fading away to be replaced by freedom and peace for all people.

At the moment it is a case of “wait and see” how things develop from hereon. Our focus is upon the governmental changes to allow our chosen representatives to be identified and speed ahead with their work. That will result in the foundation of a new authority that has your best interests at heart.

Soon you will be able to trust those who are given the power to make decisions on your behalf. No longer will there be double dealing and false promises. You have attracted so much Light to Earth that you have quite rightly set up a high vibration that no longer allows the people of the lower vibration to take charge. It is for this reason that it is in order to have them removed.

In the future when you elect your leaders they will be from those who are highly spiritually evolved. Wise heads will rule by consent, and decisions will be based upon love and all that brings you joy and happiness. Not one soul will have an ulterior motive in their hearts or mind as, at the higher level, all is pure and of the Light.

In the company of other loving souls life is ecstatic and whole, and a continual celebration of the Deity. Absolutely everything you could desire is available to you, and with your own power of creation you will need for nothing at all. After living in duality for so long the changes will be literally out of this world. Life will be unlike anything you have experienced so far, and greatly exceed your expectations.

So Dear Ones, rest easy and enjoy what is about to take place. Any inconvenience while the changes take place will be short lived, and with us in support we will ensure that you are looked after. There are obviously massive changes coming up and we will be more than equal to the task.

We already have hundreds and hundreds of craft within your atmosphere, and massive Motherships just beyond that can provide whatever you need in very short time. Many of you have visited us in your dream state, and when we can freely meet you will remember the contacts that you made. Our Galactic Federation of Light comprises those Star Nations that most of you originally came from. So there will be some very emotional reunions once we get together as you meet your true family.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and tell you that the different members of our Federation look upon each other as One. On Earth you tend to keep to your own clan and do not readily mix as we do. Be ready to cast aside such feelings and rejoice in the knowledge that you are All One. Until we meet we continue to send you our unlimited Love for your well being.

Thank you SaLuSa

Mike Quinsey

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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11/10/2012 10:41:20 AM

Occupy Sandy: Onetime protesters find new cause

Associated Press/Craig Ruttle - With their mother nearby, Mario Pineda, 12, pushes his brother Walter Rivera, 5, along a dark street full of debris after picking up some food at an Occupy Sandy outreach center in the Rockaway Park neighborhood in the Queens borough of New York, Thursday, Nov. 8, 2012, in the wake of Superstorm Sandy. (AP Photo/Craig Ruttle)

NEW YORK (AP) — You might be surprised at what has become a lauded and effective relief organization for victims of Superstorm Sandy: Occupy Wall Street.

The social media savvy that helped Occupy protesters create a grass-roots global movement last year — one that ultimately collapsed under its leaderless format — is proving a strength as members fan out across New York to deliver aid including hot meals, medicine and blankets.

They're the ones who took food and water to Glenn Nisall, a 53-year-old resident of Queens' hard-hit and isolated Rockaway section who lost power and lives alone, with no family nearby.

"I said: 'Occupy? You mean Occupy Wall Street?'" he said. "I said: 'Awesome, man. I'm one of the 99 percent, you know?'"

Occupy Wall Street was born in late 2011 in a lower Manhattan plaza called Zuccotti Park, with a handful of protesters pitching tents and vowing to stay put until world leaders offered a fair share to the "99 percent" who don't control the globe's wealth.

The world heard the cry as that camp grew and inspired other ones around the globe. Ultimately, though, little was accomplished in the ways of policy change, and Occupy became largely a punch line. But core members, and a spirit, have persisted and found a new cause in Occupy Sandy.

It started at St. Jacobi Church in Brooklyn the day after the storm, where Occupiers set up a base of operations and used social media like Twitter and Facebook to spread the word.

There is a sense of camaraderie reminiscent of Zuccotti, as young people with scruffy beards and walkie-talkies plan the day's activities. Donations come in by the truckload and are sorted in the basement, which looks like a clearinghouse for every household product imaginable, from canned soup and dog food to duvet covers.

"This is young people making history," said Mark Naison, a professor at Fordham University who has been studying Occupy Wall Street. "Young people who are refusing to let people suffer without putting themselves on the line to do something about it."

Now the group has dozens of relief centers across the city and a stream of volunteers who are shuttled out to the most desperate areas. It is partnering with local community and volunteer organizations.

A recent post on Occupy Sandy's Facebook page announced: "Attention! If anyone in Rockaway needs to have their basement pumped, please contact Suzanne Hamalak at suzybklyn(at) Her family wants to help and have industrial pumps...they will do it for free....."

In Rockaway Park, Occupier Diego Ibanez, 24, has been sleeping on the freezing floor of a community center down the street from a row of charred buildings destroyed by a fire.

"You see a need and you fulfill it," he explained. "There's not a boss to tell you that you can't do this or you can't do that. Zuccotti was one of the best trainings in how to mobilize so quickly."

There is little public transportation in the neighborhood, where most people still don't have power and many homes were wrecked. Occupy has supplied residents with hot meals, batteries and blankets. Medics and nurses knock on doors to check on the elderly.

At one Occupy outpost in Rockaway, residents wandered in recently off the garbage-strewn streets looking for medicine.

They lined up in an ice-cold abandoned store that had been hastily transformed into a makeshift pharmacy. Gauze bandages and bottles of disinfectant were piled on tables behind a tattered curtain.

"I think we wouldn't be able to survive without them," said Kathleen Ryan, who was waiting for volunteers to retrieve her diabetes medication, stamping her feet on the plywood floor to keep warm. "This place is phenomenal. This community. They've helped a great deal."

Is this Occupy Wall Street's finest hour? In the church basement, Carrie Morris paused from folding blankets into garbage bags and smiled at the idea.

"We always had mutual aid going on," she said. "It's a big part of what we do. That's the idea, to help each other. And we want to serve as a model for the larger society that, you know, everybody should be doing this."

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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11/10/2012 9:53:16 PM

Occupy Wall Street Campaigners Buy-up Debt To Abolish It

2012 NOVEMBER 10
Posted by sage

As a test run the group spent $500 on distressed debt, buying $14,000 worth of outstanding loans

Occupy Wall Street Campaigners Buy-up Debt To Abolish It

By Matthew Sparkes, The Telegraph – November 9, 2012

The Rolling Jubilee project is seeking donations to help it buy-up distressed debts, including student loans and outstanding medical bills, and then wipe the slate clean by writing them off.

Individuals or companies can buy distressed debt from lenders at knock-down prices if the borrower is in default or behind with payments and are then free to do with it as they see fit, including cancelling it free of charge.

As a test run the group spent $500 on distressed debt, buying $14,000 worth of outstanding loans and pardoning the debtors. They are now looking to expand their experiment nationwide and are asking people to donate money to the cause.

David Rees, one of the organisers behind the project, writes on his blog: “This is a simple, powerful way to help folks in need – to free them from heavy debt loads so they can focus on being productive, happy and healthy.

“Now, after many consultations with attorneys, the IRS, and our moles in the debt-brokerage world, we are ready to take the Rolling Jubilee program live and nationwide, buying debt in communities that have been struggling during the recession.”

A video released to promote the project says: “We shouldn’t be forced into debt to cover basic needs like healthcare, housing and education. We need a jubilee, a clean slate. The math is on our side; a little bit of money goes a long way. If we can raise $50,000 we can buy a million dollars worth of debt and abolish it.

“We bailed-out the banks and in return they turned their backs on us. We don’t owe them anything, we owe each other everything. It’s time for a bail-out of the people, by the people.”

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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11/10/2012 9:57:04 PM

Unity College Joins, Becomes First to Pull Money from Dirty Energy

2012 NOVEMBER 10

Led by students at Unity College in Maine, over 500 Common Ground Fairgoers raise local organic pumpkins in a massive 350 to celebrate local agriculture solutions to climate change. Photo by Megan Mallory.

Unity College Joins, Becomes First to Pull Money from Dirty Energy

by Stephen Mulkey, Yes! Magazine – November 8, 2012

On November 7, Bill McKibben’s launched its “Do the Math” campaign and began urging universities to fight climate change by divesting their financial holdings from fossil-fuel companies. Unity College in Maine is the first to take the pledge.

The following is a letter by Unity College President Stephen Mulkey. It originally appeared on the Unity College website.

We are running out of time. While our public policy makers equivocate and avoid the topic of climate change, the window of opportunity for salvaging a livable planet for our children and grandchildren is rapidly closing.

Every day that we avoid taking action represents additional emissions and additional infrastructure that is dependent on our fossil fuel-based economy.

The way forward is clear, though for many confrontation-averse academics the path seems impassable. It requires action that is unnatural to the scientifically initiated: to fight to regain the territory illegitimately occupied by the climate change deniers.

Every day that we avoid taking action represents additional emissions and additional infrastructure that is dependent on our fossil fuel-based economy. In our zeal to be collegial, we engage with those who are paid by vested interests to argue that our Earth is not in crisis.

When these individuals demonize public investment in alternative energy, we fail to point out how the oil industry benefited from significant taxpayer support in its infancy and continues to receive government subsidies today. We also sidestep the thorny issue of how oil and coal, in particular, fund large-scale organized opposition efforts to deny legitimate science, winning the battle for climate change public opinion with slogans, junk science, and money.

While there is much uncertainty about how climate change will play out with respect to specific regions and weather patterns, one thing is very clear: Our current emissions trajectory will carry us beyond 5oC average global warming by 2100. This will be a planet that is not consistent with our civilization and the impact will be largely irreversible for a millennium. I don’t know how the stakes could get any higher.

Like the universities of the 1980s that disinvested from apartheid South African interests,we must be willing to exclude fossil fuels from our investment portfolios.

Higher education is positioned to determine the future by training a generation of problem solvers. As educators, we have an obligation to do so. Unlike any time in the history of higher education, we must now produce leading-edge professionals who are able to integrate knowledge from multiple disciplines, and understand social, economic, and resource tradeoffs among possible solutions.

Imagine being a college president and looking in the mirror twenty years from now. What would you see? Would you be looking at a professional who did his or her best to avert catastrophe? For me, the alternative is unacceptable.

Those within higher education must now do something they have largely avoided at all costs: confront the policy makers who refuse to accept scientific reality. We must be willing to lead by example.

Like the colleges and universities of the 1980s that disinvested from apartheid South African interests— and successfully pressured the South African government to dismantle the apartheid system—we must be willing to exclude fossil fuels from our investment portfolios. We must divest.

The Trustees have looked at the College’s finances in the context of our ethical obligation to our students, and they have chosen to make a stand.

The colleges and universities of this nation have billions invested in fossil fuels. Like the funding of public campaigns to deny climate change, such investments are fundamentally unethical. The Terrifying Math of the campaign is based on realistic, reviewed science. Moreover, in our country it is clear that economic pressure gets results where other means fail.

If we are to honor our commitment to the future, divestment is not optional. This is especially true for Unity College, where Sustainability Science, as developed by the U.S. National Academy of Science, guides our academic mission.

I am honored and proud to be a part of the program of divestment, and I am especially proud of the Unity College Board of Trustees. Indeed, the College has been on this path for over five years. The Trustees have looked at the College’s finances in the context of our ethical obligation to our students, and they have chosen to make a stand. I can think of no stronger statement about the mission of Unity College.

We can still avoid a devastating climate crisis. But we’ll need a World War II-level mobilization. And we’ll need to stand up to Dirty Energy.

Climate Emergency Action Plan
We can still avoid a devastating climate crisis. But we’ll need a World War II-level mobilization. And we’ll need to stand up to Dirty Energy.

Our college community will lead by fearless action. We will confront policy makers who continue to deny the existence of climate change. We will encourage those who work in higher education to bravely step out from behind manicured, taxpayer funded hedges, and do what needs to be done.

We will not equivocate, and we will meet those who have been misled by climate change denial in their communities.

The time is long overdue for all investors to take a hard look at the consequences of supporting an industry that persists in destructive practices. Because of its infrastructure and enormous economic clout, fossil fuel corporations could pump trillions into the development of alternative energy.

Government subsidies and stockholder shares could be used constructively to move these corporations to behave responsibly.

Higher education is the crown jewel of the United States system of education, and it remains the envy of the world. Higher education has always been dedicated to the highest standards of honesty and integrity. If our nation’s colleges and universities will not take a stand now, who will?

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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