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11/5/2012 1:02:51 AM

Hilarion: Hold the Light, Hold the Vision

Posted by Alice C

HilarionHilarion: Hold the Light, Hold the Vision

As channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana – November 04, 2012

As you try to cope with the high intensity of the waves of energy that are inundating your Planet, try to keep a light heart. Keep as your daily mantra the words, “All is well”. It is a time of much internal activity as the energetic downloads that have been received already are further integrated and assimilated, as well as receiving the continued downpouring of these offerings for Humanity.

Many of you are finding yourselves cocooning in your homes and trying to rest and relax as much as possible. For most people, a greater download of energy translates into the increased need for sleep for longer periods of time. Always listen to your body elemental and follow its promptings.

As Mother Earth rebirths and passes into the higher dimensional realms, those who inhabit Her are also a part of the process and the adage that we are all One takes on a deeper meaning than ever before. This process requires steadfast faith and the courage to remain firmly holding the Light that you carry within your Being; for many people are now being tested as changes to the Earth take place.

From our perspective, the hearts and souls of Humanity are rising quickly to the levels of Love and compassion, hope and belief in a higher purpose no matter what transpires around them.

For those who have experienced the mighty force of Nature in its most powerful display as it wreaked havoc in the lives of so many, know that there are multitudes of Angelic Beings on the scene, giving words of encouragement, sending assistance, calming and reassuring those who have lost so much.

These Ones need our prayers and visualizations for the restoration of their way of life to be manifested in Divine order. Many people are rising to the challenge by being on the scene to help in any way they can. These times call for the working together in unity to bring about the highest good to as many as possible.

As the cleansing and purging of the Earth continues to take place, Humanity looks within to find the answers to their many questions. Many people are now perceiving the Light that shines within themselves and those who cohabit their community and are finding ways to cope with the vast and overwhelming reality of what has occurred. They are giving thanks for their precious lives and realizing that this is the greatest gift that has been given. All else shall be restored in time.

Pray without ceasing for your sisters and brothers who are grappling with the changes that took place in such a short period of time and for all upon the Earth. Intend the highest outcomes for the highest good of all to be made manifest. Give to those who need your help in whatever way is possible. Hold the Light, hold the vision, for upon you lies the hope of the World.

Until next week….

I AM Hilarion

©2012 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and website is included.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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11/5/2012 1:04:42 AM

Jesus: You Are Progressing Like a Wind-Driven Forest Fire

Posted by Stephen Cook

Jesus: You are Progressing Like a Wind-Driven Forest Fire

As channelled by John Smallman- November 4, 2012

The strength and intensity of the divine field of Love enveloping you continues to increase as more of you set your intent to accept its embrace, meld with it, and share its benefits as widely as you can.

One of the most effective ways for you to do this is to focus on remembering that another’s attacking or defensive behaviors and attitudes are in fact calls for love and acceptance, calls to which they themselves are most unlikely to be able to respond.

Therefore, respond lovingly and compassionately — albeit silently if necessary — to that call for help. And then offer love to yourselves in honor of the love that you have just shared.

Your various cultures worldwide have all encouraged the dishonoring of children who do not, will not, or cannot conform to the cultural norms that are being imposed upon them.

Cultural norms are very useful as a means of offering behavioral guidance so that people can interact satisfactorily and harmoniously, but too often they become rigid and inflexible rules. These crush the creative spirit that would assist your spiritual evolution by withholding love, affection, and approval from the little ones until they conform.

The result is that children grow up feeling unworthy and unacceptable, and then, as adults, they are for the rest of their human lives constantly expecting to be negatively judged.

That anxious expectation drains their energy and their natural spontaneity and joy. Life should be joyful, and to prevent or restrict it by imposing inflexible rules and standards is very damaging, and causes children to grow up seeking outside approval for their very existence. The joy of life, of existence is a God-given gift to which every sentient being is divinely entitled.

Within the illusion great efforts have been expended over the eons to crush that spontaneous sense of joy by offering only occasional grudging approval to children when their behavior is sufficiently servile, and at other times judging and punishing them for their God-given spontaneity. Much of the suffering that humanity has experienced can be traced back to this strange custom.

Over the last six or seven decades an awareness has been growing that there are far better ways to assist children in their journey from infancy to adulthood, and the results are now showing in the younger generations of adults all across the world. New ideas are pouring forth, leading to far more enlightened ways of addressing and dealing with the issues facing children as they make that journey.

Children who are accepted rather than judged grow into compassionate adults, and a new generation is now making its presence felt and demonstrating love and compassion in action. This generation is far more easily able to open its heart to the divine energies surrounding you, it responds appropriately to them by melding with them, and then sharing the joy, the hope, the wisdom, and the enthusiasm with which they are inspired.

The older members of the human family have been busy preparing for this time in your spiritual evolution so that this new, younger generation can put into effect the harmonious and cooperative ideas and plans that will bring lasting peace to you all. It has been a very tough journey for many of you, but the rewards for your efforts are now being seen worldwide as help is offered and is forthcoming where it is needed to assist the down-trodden and the impoverished to establish a meaningful and fulfilling existence where before it seemed that there was no hope for them at all.

This new wave of concern and compassion for humanity, all life, and the planet herself is creating a very inspiring and powerful stream of energy that is enabling the vast changes that are essential in the way you relate to one another and to your environment to be put into action.

A new age is being born into an environment that will support it, as the old energies of fear and conflict are being dispelled by the loving energies that you are all creating anew as you align yourselves with the Will of your Father.

You all know this, but when you get drawn into the conflicts that can arise around you during your daily lives it is very easy to forget and even seriously doubt your knowledge. You may then allow yourselves to see problems and issues as insoluble or as something that you, personally, cannot influence, and you sink into doubt and anxiety. Do not let this happen to you.

You have an abundance of help available from the spiritual realms, so avail of it by asking for it and expecting to receive it. Your personal quiet times for prayer and meditation are essential tools to enable you to engage with what is constantly on offer.

You are changing the world, one soul at a time. That may not sound like much, but because so many of you are doing it you are progressing like a wind-driven forest fire, and nothing can prevent the Love that that fire is bearing from engulfing all of humanity.

Your loving brother, Jesus

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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11/5/2012 1:06:18 AM

Saul: The Brilliance that Utterly Surpasses All Your Expectations of What Heaven Might be Like

Posted by Anthony Morrison

Saul: The Brilliance that Utterly Surpasses All Your Expectations of What Heaven Might be Like

As channelled by John Smallman – November 4, 2012

The way ahead is clear and unobstructed as you approach the end of your journey back to Reality.

However, minor obstructions may occur momentarily which will not present problems as you race down the home stretch to where the welcoming assemblage has gathered to greet you with a magnificent honoring-ceremony in recognition of the demanding task that you have completed so competently and expeditiously.

Within the illusion untold numbers of loose, individual human energy threads are coming together in a most beautiful weave of acceptance, forgiveness, reconciliation, and unconditional love, the like of which has never before even been conceived of in relation to your interactions with one another and with the planet.

A new age is about to be born — a new age for which you have been praying and hoping through many grueling lifetimes. Peace and an abundance of everything required to bring joy, satisfaction, and a loving state of harmony and cooperation to all on Earth is about to envelop you.

You have been steadily working your way home towards this release from the misery and suffering that has engulfed you for an inordinate amount of time, and your sterling efforts are soon to be fully rewarded.

It is indeed a joy for me to give you just a slight indication of what you can expect when you awaken, because you have been struggling towards this destination so resolutely for so long, and to offer you love, encouragement, and inspiration connects me very positively to the love that flows from your hearts as you open to the divine field of unconditional Love that is all round you and assisting you to awaken. We are all one eternally, and you are soon to experience the wonder of that divine truth.

As you continue to open up your hearts your frequency rises, enabling you to integrate yourselves ever more fully into this field, of which you are all essential and irreplaceable aspects, and allowing your awareness of it to strengthen and intensify. The more you develop in this way the stronger becomes your faith in God’s infinite Love for you and in His Will that you awaken.

As a result, your interest in the distractions of the illusion – judgment, blame, anger, fear, and conflict – diminishes, to be replaced by an increasing awareness of the insanity of allowing them to influence or motivate you.

Awareness of the oneness of all of creation is growing exponentially across the planet, as is love and enthusiastic acceptance of the individual creative genius within every one of you. Your Father created each one of you as perfect divine beings; consequently, each of you is a creative genius with startling abilities which you will be able to use with intense satisfaction as you design and develop original and inspiring projects to share and delight in together.

As children of God your skills and aptitudes are limitless. In human terms it is as though you all have the potential to be great painters, poets, writers, composers, musicians, dancers – imagine any potential ability that you would like to develop – and when you awaken those aptitudes will burst forth in an exhilaration of enthusiastic activities. What lies ahead is a limitless selection of magnificent opportunities with which to engage in a life of infinite wonder, leading you ever onwards through the divine garden whose beauty and surprises will constantly delight all your senses.

In Reality, Life awaits you! What you have been experiencing within the illusion is but a very poor and inadequate expression of life, soon to be forgotten as the perpetually entrancing wonders that God has prepared for you blow your minds in spontaneous amazement.

What you have suffered and undergone for eons will be sunk without trace; not the least particle of those horrendous experiences will disturb your senses as you awaken from that dream into the brilliance that utterly surpasses all your expectations of what Heaven might be like. Home is where the heart is, and your hearts are leading you Home!

With so very much love, Saul

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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11/6/2012 1:19:06 AM

SaLuSa: November 5, 2012

Posted by Andrew Eardley

SaLuSa: November 5, 2012

Channelled by Mike Quinsey

Andrew: SaLuSa starts his message today by acknowledging the success of the 2012 Scenario Conference in Sedona, which created a focus for spreading Love and Light all around and a beacon calling out to other souls signalling the intent of raising the vibrations to an even higher level. He says that those involved are true Lightworkers who are bringing Ascension to the notice of more people than before.

He states again that Ascension is assured but reminds us that our help remains as important as ever. Cleansing is still necessary, but we can help to minimise the effects by sending out Light to Mother Earth. The cycle of duality is all but over and separation of Earth souls is natural in accordance with the Law of Attraction, but all are destined to follow their pre-ordained path so we should not worry about them as we will not lose contact with our loved ones.

SaLuSa says that President Obama’s victory in the Presidential Election is assured and that this will lead to rapid changes taking place in the few weeks left before we enter a new period in our lives, which will improve them beyond our wildest dreams. He says that we have done so well in establishing the Light upon Earth that the need for traumatic and catastrophic changes has been lessened, and that the time line of former such prophesies no longer caries the energy to affect the end times.

Dear Ones, what a grand assembly of people took place in Sedona with the coming of the 2012 Scenario Conference. With no hesitation, hundreds took off to meet for 3 days to listen to speakers well known for their dedication to spreading the Light. They were treated to a feast that brought out the love and Light of all concerned, and created a focus for it that spread out all around.

It remains as a beacon that calls out to other souls, and signals the intent of raising the vibrations even higher than they were before. It also increases the chance of the first City of Light emerging very shortly. Those dear souls who were involved are true Lightworkers who answered the call to join arms and bring Ascension to the notice of more people than before.

We watched the Light growing not just from above, and our representatives with Angels were also present to witness first hand the beauty and joy of your gathering. We also ensured your Conference was not interfered with, because such an explosion of Light attracts the dark Ones who would wish to extinguish it.

It is as well all of you who are of the Light take care to protect yourselves, and a simple visualization of placing a cocoon of Light around you will keep you safe. What you learnt was that where there are many of a like mind and intent, there is an instant bonding and a freedom of expression that is uninhibited by social custom or practices. You felt unrestrained and able to accept other souls without question. In your future that kind of acceptance will be the normal way that you will interact with others.

We have mentioned many times – you are much more powerful than you realize. Have faith more than you have ever had before, and know that nothing is impossible. If you have the intent and belief in your own powers, miracles will happen. Be forward in your thinking and try to not look back, and set your sights on all that is whole and of the Light.

Ascension is assured but do not sit back as your help is now as important as it ever was. There is still cleansing that is necessary as you are aware, and you can help keep its effects to a minimum by sending out your Light to Mother Earth. She has no desire to cause damage and death, but her Ascension is just as important as your own, if not more so. Think upon her need to be every bit as ready as you are, as Ascension is a time when you join together and ascend as One.

Life on your present Earth is coming to an end and of necessity, because the cycle of duality has all but completed its course. Nothing stands still, and all is in motion and change to take up a new position according to its vibration. Separation of the souls on Earth is therefore quite a natural occurrence, as the Law of Attraction is always in action.

Do not worry about anyone’s path as all are destined to follow one that has already been planned. You will all find yourselves in the right place to continue your evolution. Think not of losing your contact with those you love, as you will always be one with them wherever they are. In the higher dimensions, time and distance are no barrier to travel or communication.

In the U.S. the Presidential elections are coming to a close, and President Obama will return to power to take you all into the Golden Age. So far you have seen little of his real abilities or desire to bring about World Peace. The dark Ones may have used their methods to appoint their choice, but we of the Light are not without our way of making sure our choice succeeds this time around.

It is a victory that is assured, and then you will really see things taking shape. Indeed you will be taken quite by surprise when things really start to take place. There are but a few weeks left to carry out whatever is needed for you to enter a new period in your lives. Be prepared for the changes so that you are able to accommodate them without any difficulty. They are not intended to make your life difficult, but improve it beyond your wildest dreams.

The Storm Sandy was a natural occurrence needed by Mother Earth to prepare for her Ascension, and will take place wherever there are deep rooted negative energies. On another level you are aware that this type of cleansing is going to happen, and when as a result people pass on it is not accidental in the way you normally perceive it.

We say again that nothing happens by chance but all is pre-ordained. The raising of the collective consciousness has overcome the need for a more drastic cleansing, so you are to be congratulated for bringing it about. What you now understand is a clear example of your power to create your own reality.

As you must realize the next few weeks are so important to you, and should at last show you the way home. We cannot wait to get started in such a way that you are aware of what is happening, and then we can commence to work together. Once those Beings that stand in your way are removed, we will all be much freer to move around as we wish. Then many more changes will be introduced so that you are able to travel more quickly to any destination on your world.

All of our promises are to be fulfilled in fairly quick time as we have been ready to go ahead for a very long time. Our plan is one that encompasses worldwide changes and we have the back-up to commence in many parts of the world at once.

Understand the fact that you have done so well in establishing the Light upon Earth has lessened the need for the traumatic and catastrophic changes. There have been numerous prophesies going back many years that have been based upon the “probabilities” that are played out by you.

The further you go back to say Biblical times, the more cataclysmic the prophesies were. However, some people cling to those old ones maintaining a time line that still exists today, but it does not carry the energy to affect the end times. So you will understand that no one is “wrong” but has become attached to a certain outcome that no longer applies.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and thank Lightworkers all over the world for their continual commitment to Ascension, and Michael for having the confidence to bring through a message at the Conference. I refer to him as Michael because, as with anyone else, the full name carries an energy that is specifically for that person. Joyful blessings to you all.

Thank you SaLuSa

Mike Quinsey

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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11/6/2012 2:06:20 AM

Poofness 11-04-12…”As the Insanity Ends”

From KP:

“There have been times to moan,
There have been times to groan,
But now is the time
To stop drinking brine,
This is OUR time to SHINE.”

Let your Light shine.
Out to this planet. Out to all on this planet.
For the sake of this planet. For all on this planet.

“So the east coast was dealt lemons, some one had the foresight to make lemonade. No wasting off [of] time and throwing the hands up in disappointment. Steady effective pressure applied to realize the dream and negate the nightmares. For some reason humans find it easier to assume the worst and give strength to the negative. So be it, I will smile and move on and hope you catch up some day… The world needs our collective help so we can all breathe again, drink fresh pure water again.”


Greetings and Salutations;

So the east coast was dealt lemons, some one had the foresight to make lemonade. No wasting off [of] time and throwing the hands up in disappointment. Steady effective pressure applied to realize the dream and negate the nightmares. For some reason humans find it easier to assume the worst and give strength to the negative. So be it, I will smile and move on and hope you catch up some day.

The world needs our collective help so we can all breathe again, drink fresh pure water again. I tasted pure water once and I’ve never forgotten it…it was just cold and had no taste. Imagine that. Not much to say today. Assume flight position. Instruction are very simple and the confusion is to be ignored, pre-reception. Listen to the song again and read the words, it may trigger something.

Last minute consults,

Love and Kisses,



Over time, I’ve been building my castle of love, Just for two, though you never knew you were my reason, I’ve gone much too far for you now to say, That I’ve got to throw my castle away

Over dreams, I have picked out a perfect come true, Though you never knew it was of you I’ve been dreaming, The sandman has come from too far away, For you to say come back some other day

And though you don’t believe that they do, They do come true, For did my dreams, Come true when I looked at you, And maybe too, if you would believe, You too might be, Overjoyed, over loved, over me

Over hearts, I have painfully turned every stone, Just to find, I had found what I’ve searched to discover, I’ve come much too far for me now to find, The love that I’ve sought can never be mine

And though you don’t believe that they do, They do come true, For did my dreams Come true when I looked at you, And maybe too, if you would believe, You too might be, Overjoyed, over loved, over me

And though the odds say improbable, What do they know, For in romance, All true love needs is a chance, And maybe with a chance you will find, You too like I Overjoyed, over loved, over you, over you

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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