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Robert Talmadge

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10/14/2010 12:09:58 PM

Hi Luis and all,

In determining what is true and what is not we only have to look at the events unfolding on the earth right now. These things have been predicted by various channels and are agreeing with each other.

One thing is certain-We are all being fundamentally changed in our thinking by seeking truth and listening to our hearts to the still small voice within as we go into our silence.

Anything that does not resonate with our hearts and our own unfoldment of our spiritual nature should be dis guarded, however, we should not just discount our development on one persons opinion.

Questioning our selves and our truth is the way the dark is trying to control us. This act undermines the integrity of our minds, demoralizing and making us feel helpless. Does this sound like truth to you?

"I come not to give you the spirit of fear but the spirit of POWER and victory over your enemies" Jesus, the Christed one



Robert Talmadge To follow your dream, follow your heart.
Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/14/2010 7:00:33 PM
Dear Alain and Robert,

My most special thanks to you both for your great contributions. As usual, they are most enlightening.
For example, I had never thought of synchronicities in terms of the Law of Attraction. To me, they were no more than an enigmatic occurrence brought about by some mysterious cause which I never bothered to find about. I simply was amazed at the fact that they are more and more frequently happening in our days and that this could be proof that something indeed magical is occurring. But now, Alain, you have opened a world of possibilities by revealing their real nature to me.

The other aspects you mention are equally enlightening and I am taking note of them to carefully ponder about.

As to you, Robert, the extent of your wisdom always amaze me; and the fact that you ask to simply look at the visible events to find the causes behind them is clear evidence of it. Also, since I have increasingly been trying to cultivate my spiritual nature in meditation, I can now resonate with your advice to listen to our hearts in our search for the truth.

On the other hand, what you say about the cabal and their intention to undermine our mind's integrity rings so true now that my learning has been increasing. What an abyss of difference from what I used to think of their role in the past, namely, that it was one of selfish exclusiveness toward the rest of humanity but mostly inexistent with regard to our minds..

All in all, both inputs from you have the seal of greatness in that the more one looks into them, the higher and deeper meanings they reveal.

Thanks again,
Luis Miguel Goitizolo

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/15/2010 2:04:59 AM
I will post now four important messages consecutively, and the first one will be Master Hilarion's for October 10-17, 2010.

Master Hilarion's Weekly Message

October 10-17, 2010

Beloved Lightworkers,

You are now receiving powerful energies that will continue to create changes within your physical, mental and emotional bodies. All blockages and obstructions that have been keeping you from moving forward on your spiritual journey are now dissolving and you will find a greater sense of ease and well-being filling you now. All that once kept you from releasing that which no longer serves you is now being removed. Know that you have myriad helpers from the Higher planes working with you to create a greater connection to your Higher Self. Be open and observant in the days ahead and be willing to look at your daily existence in a new and different way.

As your mind expands into new possibilities and you cross boundaries that have kept you chained to the old paradigms, you will experience a greater sense of freedom and a reconnection with your own sovereignty and power and this will expand your thinking into new avenues and solutions that were not visible for you before. As the greater Light pulsates in waves upon your Planet, it opens your Higher chakras to greater awareness and perceptions than you have ever experienced before. This might be confusing at first and you will find it difficult to explain to others what you are seeing and perceiving. This will be an experience that occurs on a personal level rather than one that is shared with others, for it is a time of the opening of your greater capabilities. It will not happen suddenly, rather, it will be a gradual process and it will be helpful for you to be aware of the process so that you can take full advantage as your extrasensory abilities begin to be noticed in your daily interactions with others around you.

Some of you will be experiencing a greater opening of your abilities, including the ability to channel the Higher dimensions. Always set the intent that only the very highest truth and 100 percent Light may come through you and that only that which is the Highest Christ vibration may come through. Be sure that you are clear of your own less than Light energies by doing a clearing exercise such as the Total Energy Clearing that the Scribe has posted on her Decrees page - before attempting to channel through a Light Being from the other side of the thinning veil. It is important to approach the channeling session with as pure an attitude as is possible in that moment. In order to attract a higher level Being, one must do the daily disciplines so that your frequency level is operating within the Higher realms. Most of you are already doing this so this should not be a major problem for you. It is important to set aside a certain time each day for this practice and to practice diligently. You will also begin to receive impressions and thoughts from others around you so be aware that this ability is opening up and keep yourselves in equilibrium so that you do not react to these thoughts in a personal way but will just be a witness to them.

As you can tell, you are now entering a time of the blossoming forth of your abilities and talents and you will begin to reap the harvest of the seeds you have been planting for such a long, long time. It is a time of harvest now, Beloved Ones, so keep yourselves on the High Road at all times and hold to your Highest Visions. Do not give up in the final moments before the unfolding of this precious time and spend as much alone time as you can claim for yourselves in these changing times. Your Light is spreading and your sphere of influence is growing ever larger. Be kind to yourselves and practice smiling at others, for a smile can melt the strongest shields that have been built around the human hearts around you, and find many things to laugh about and celebrate each day. Nurture your ever growing attitude of gratitude, for this is the shortest road to the One Source. Make the words “thank you” be a constant refrain in the inner recesses of your thinking processes and prepare yourselves for the emergence of the miraculous in the days ahead.

Until next week….

I AM Hilarion

©2010 Marlene Swetlishoff

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/15/2010 2:16:16 AM
My Friends, good news keep coming for all on Earth! Here is one of Saul's messages through John Smallman.

The moment of transformation is approaching with the absolute inevitability of the divine Will.

Everyone in human form on Earth at this time is receiving major encouragement from the spiritual realms to help them recognize the illusion for what it is, and to nudge them towards wakefulness. No one has been passed over but many still remain deeply asleep and are resisting the call to awaken. However, the example you holy light-holders are demonstrating by intensifying your loving patience in every situation is having a most remarkable effect planetwide.

The energy surrounding you, which you extend and share at all times, is extremely powerful, and when coupled with additional divine energy, as it always is, it harmonizes and melds with it. Thus, humanity has no option but to awaken. And even those who are resisting the call and attempting to remain in a state of deep sleep will be unable to hold out for very much longer.

Love is enveloping the planet and all the life forms she supports with a power and intensity never before experienced here, and that energy is seeping into every individual — regardless of any beliefs they may have about the impossibility of such an energy existing — and melting away their fear, anxiety, and disbelief. As the first stirrings of that loving flame within them are felt, they find themselves experiencing strange and mysterious sensations which are quite shocking, almost mystical, and they start looking for someone with whom they can talk and who will not think them insane.

You, dear Light Holders, are here to listen to them, encourage them, and offer them loving support, as they begin to accept the inevitability of the changes that are occurring within them. This resultant opening of their awareness allows hope to well up from deep within them for a life filled with meaning and joy. Very many had given up on hope and settled into a routine that allowed them to live basically unaware of their true feelings, and desires, and of their divine, permanent, and unbreakable connection to their Creator. This rising sense of hope is unsettling yet irresistible, and information that confirms its validity keeps coming to their attention.

This vast welling-up of hope is spreading across the planet like wildfire, as more and more people admit to themselves that their present way of life on the planet is insane, unsustainable, and must therefore be changed for the good of all. It truly is a wonderful moment to be alive on Earth as the divine plan for the planet and all the life forms she supports approaches its glorious fruition.

You have all been working very hard, even when you were unaware of it, to bring all the loose ends together in a magnificently choreographed finale, leading to eternal peace, joy, and infinite freedom for you in the divine realms. What is to occur cannot be delayed or prevented because God’s Will is always achieved precisely as planned. The deep pain and suffering that so many have been experiencing is coming to an end, as more and more of you start to express the compassion and love that you really feel for one another, but have kept hidden beneath the fear and anxiety that you have allowed to rule your lives for so long. The moment of transformation, when immense happiness and great celebration will break out spontaneously all over the planet as you awaken into your Father’s Reality, is approaching with the absolute inevitability of the divine Will.

You are bringing this about; you are making this happen; because God’s Will is your will and no other outcome is remotely possible. Unbridled joy is about to burst in upon the lives of every one of you. So prepare for jubilation and revelry!

With so very much love, Saul.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/15/2010 2:37:34 AM

I am afraid this one message from SaLuSa is appearing with a little delay here, but if you have not read it already at Jill's 'Mountain of Love' forum or in some other forum, you may do it now & here. As usual, it is worth the read.

SaLuSa 13-October-2010

Suddenly there are things happening that are clearly showing how the Light has opened up the whole world to the truth. It comes out from all quarters, and bold people are ignoring the consequences of telling the truth. It was not all that long ago that fear would have taken over, and reluctance felt at the thought of the repercussions of stepping out. Have no doubt that the dark Ones will stop at nothing to prevent the truth coming out. However, all such attempts are now pointless, as the momentum of the higher energies is far too powerful. You can therefore expect a rush of information as more and more people are prepared to reveal what they know. The truth is far more amazing than most of you realize, and indeed can also be quite shocking. The old paradigm is being cleansed out of sight, and the new one will simply slip into its place. Many already know where it is all heading, and there is much to do before you can really talk deeply about Ascension. However, all that is taking place is leading towards that event, in a process of evolution that is ever advancing. The realms of Light are awaiting your arrival, and it will be a most joyous and happy occasion.

Over the weeks and months to come, it will become apparent that the changes are in mankind’s best interests even though at times it will be chaotic. Those of you who are already enlightened will be a calming influence, as you will re-act positively. The doubters will need their proof before they come out of their rigid mindsets, and the Light will break down their resistance. It is very difficult to turn your back on it, as it brings a peace that is strongly felt, and most souls delight in bringing it into their life. It is like turning the light on in a darkened room, and the illumination is a sudden enlightenment. The Light is also your protection, which is why it is recommended that you frequently firm up your aura so that it is completely shrouding your physical body. You have never had such a wonderful opportunity as you have now to experience upliftment.

The material side of life will eventually become less important, because your needs will be catered for and your time spent enjoying your new found leisure. You will have plenty of time to pursue your hobbies and pastimes, and work such as you know it now will eventually become unnecessary. Time will also allow for self-development and your spiritual evolution. The schism’s that exist now will disappear, and the truth will mould future beliefs in a common acceptance of a new understanding. Much will be laid before you, and proof will accompany the truth so that there is no doubt as to its veracity. It will mean that religious groups will assess their teachings by such standards. A coming together will be inevitable, and is to be desired. At present such groups are fearful of the truth, but it will not destroy their understanding but instead enlarge it so that it can take them forward. Otherwise such groups will disintegrate, as they cannot expect to become part of the new wave of truth if they stand still. Much help will be given to ensure that advancement takes place.

All of the time that is left and leading to Ascension, will be used to get as many souls as possible moving into the higher dimensions. It will still be your choice as to what you accept, but no one will be able to claim that they were denied the same opportunity as others. If some souls are not ready to move on, they will obviously continue to experience what is normal to this present dimension. However, they may not knowingly make a choice but by feeling comfortable and against changes in their present circumstances, it is a vote to stay where they are. We often comment upon such souls, and ask that you allow them to go forward as they desire. Give them their moments of happiness without pressurizing them to change, as they do not need to feel guilty or different about it. You may not have had any waking knowledge of having been in their position yourselves, but be assured that you have undoubtedly had such experiences.

You really are in the heat of the moment as matters are boiling over, and something has to rapidly change. We are pushing our allies to bring a conclusion to their efforts in this connection, as we would rather that the moves are seen to come from them. However, the deadline is fast approaching, and we will be obliged to force the issue if necessary. We want to see disclosure come about quickly, as the abundance programmes are also getting nearer to manifestation. We are however extremely pleased with the continual increases in the levels of consciousness, and it shows how all of the effort put in by the Lightworkers has brought its reward. Bear in mind that the plan for your enlightenment was begun a long time ago. It has taken ever-increasing numbers of advanced souls, often directly from other planets to create the conditions for it. The levels of darkness were at times so powerful and cloying, that the task looked far from easy.

The hardest work has been done, and the Light is now in command. It has been firmly established upon Earth, and it will continue to rapidly grow. Hardened hearts are beginning to soften, and as a result more souls are awakening. The potential to open up rests with every one of them, and once they announce their intent to follow the Light help will be given. There is absolutely no lack of souls prepared to leave the beauty and joy of living in the higher realms, for service upon Earth. You are never left to fight your battles alone, and other souls have accompanied you through very lifetime. Sometimes they are your fellow travelers, who were once your family or friends who have simply gone on before you. Love between souls keeps a link between them that carries forward in many lives. So please do not worry about the future of those close to you, you will always meet again. In fact in the higher dimensions we can truthfully say, that they are only a thought away.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and so encouraged by your resolve to win the day and your determination to bring changes about. That is what we like to see as it speeds up the whole process, and our coming together is getting nearer. Keep your focus as ever on what you see as your pathway to the future, and spread your Light and Love as far and wide as possible.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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