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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/20/2010 6:31:49 PM


Messages from the Masters

Kamala Everett and Sharon Rose

Discover Your Original Divine Encoding~Part 1

Your Presence, co-joined with others, has the Love, wisdom and power to shift the course of your world from ddom and gloom to a new Golden Age.
Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus

Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus:

The Presence, as the eternal Self, lives outside of all the temporary thoughts and feelings that are continually circulating in the minds and hearts of humanity. As you awaken within the unlimited consciousness of your Presence, you start moving outside of the limited views of the collective and into the unlimited potential that exists even in your 3rd dimension. Multidimensional awareness allows you to experience the gloriousness of life on every dimension and to know that your Presence is living in Paradise right now.

Each and every breath that you breathe is a magnificent opportunity to simply remember that you are connected to all of life because all of life is literally held together by the same Divine love. The Oneness you have been seeking is your true and natural state of being. Yet every dimension is created by the collective thoughts and feelings of those who are living there, and your support of those thoughts and feelings is what is holding your world together and only you can change it.

The Love that you share with all of life is inviting you to create a new world. You are being called by us within the Councils of Shamballa and by your own Presence to cease creating and accepting any thoughts or conditions aimed at breeding fear and separation within the mental and emotional bodies of humanity. Your Presence, co-joined with others, has the love, the wisdom and the power to shift the course of your world from doom and gloom to a new Golden Age. We suggest you start now and not stop until you see it manifested.

Living on Earth, especially during these times, is presenting you with a magnificent opportunity to fully embody the consciousness of your Presence. The foundation of a Golden Age civilization is always built upon a certain percentage of you fully remembering and accepting that you have no eternal reality outside of Source Love and Light. We are calling you to awaken and to consciously embody your Presence so you can walk your mastery and be a rememberer. When there is full acceptance of your Presence within your mind, heart and body, then all separation myths, patterns and beliefs that have created duality can then be left behind in the dust of your previous age.

As you continue to pass through this great Shift of the Ages, remember that the Paradise frequencies of your new Golden Age are already encoded in your heart.

These frequencies are also encoded as the true resonance of your glorious Earth. Keep shifting your mind out of any undue fascination it may have with the conditional, material world. In releasing your attention from these temporary illusions, your heart, mind and body will be free to enjoy deeper levels of intimacy with all of life and with nature, which is such a magnificent display of paradise on your Earth. Nature is also calling you deeper into your remembrance of living in Oneness.

When there is no past or future, only now, then each moment can embrace you within the pure joy of simply being alive and present. We within the Councils of Shamballa have lived in the paradise frequency or Unity Consciousness for thousands of years and we know that being present is the key to your liberation. When you allow all thoughts and feelings to simply pass through you, it will release your mind from feeling that it has to resist, react or defend whatever is going on within or around you.

Your great journey through what appears to be time and space is just one moment unfolding within your consciousness. The past and the future exist solely in memory or projection and solely in accordance with the power you give them to affect your life in the present. We know that in your dimension, time seems relevant, yet ultimately it will simply be seen as a binding concept whose demise is eminent. As you practice living in the omni-present Presence, everything will unfold without anyone having to control the magnificence of the moment.

Life itself becomes Paradise when it is not being manipulated by the mind.

In the Love of the One Heart,

Kamala Everett and Sharon Rose

If you have any questions, please email us at:

Note from Galactic Heart...

~~If you resonated with the Message above, then I highly recommend you explore the Courses offered by Kamala and Sharon Rose~~

To support you to live in the ever-present Presence and be part of creating a new Golden Age, we have created The Golden Age Man and Woman Course to personally mentor you to live in Paradise.

To learn more about The Golden Age Man and Woman Course created by the Masters, go to: WalkTheEarthAsALivingMaster
and click on Golden Age Man and Woman from the menu.

The Courses at WalkTheEarthAsALivingMaster have been designed by the Ascended Masters to assist you in reclaiming your Spiritual Heart and living in freedom.

Mention you heard about these courses from GALACTICHEART. Blessings and many thanks!




Webinar with Sheldan Nidle

TO register for Sheldan's webinar Our Awakening World

SUNDAY, October 24 at 12:00 pm PDT and/or
THURSDAY, October 28 at 6:00 pm PDT

Webinars are the best way to connect with like hearted/minded people around the world and beyond! Sheldan has so much to share~~Join us and tell your friends! Za Zu Ma!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

10/21/2010 4:50:02 PM

Hello Friend, you always have such neat forums with lots of information. It has been a while since I posted here I think. Sorry to not be here more often.

When I saw "Cosmic Religion and New Age" listed in the top forums, I had to come say

You deserve it!


Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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10/23/2010 5:06:42 PM
Thank you dear Sara,
I am always so glad to see you come and post at this forum. Your congratulations are also most appreciated.
Love and Big Hugs,

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/23/2010 5:49:38 PM
Dear Friends,

Change is in the air, and new and wonderful developments may be just around the corner, so to speak. I don't know you, but I just have a very special and distinct feeling that the time has finally arrived for something prodigiously great in our lives.


Luis Miguel Goitizolo

SaLuSa 22-October-2010

You have great expectations where the next few months are concerned, and rightly so as we have intimated that the time has arrived for action. As we recently mentioned, we are now at a point where certain issues must brought to fruition. Our patience and that of our allies has been commendable, but it wears thin in the face of repeated refusals by the dark Ones to withdraw. We will therefore place them in a position where there is only one way out. It will see the end of their power base, and the loss of their ability to dictate the future to the whole world. The New Year will herald a string of surprising developments, although you do have some basic awareness of what is in store. We desire to give the world back to you, and with it will come the power to make it possible.

There are beautiful souls on Earth simply waiting the opportunity to give of their knowledge, and help establish a new power base that fully represents what the people want. War and Peace are not natural bedfellows, and peace will become the rally call that will draw immense support all over the world. People have had enough of their families and lives being destroyed by the ambition of those who would rule the world. Dictators have no place in the future, and instead sharing will become the way of life. The changes will move mankind onto a new path, and nothing will then be able to delay Ascension. It is important that every soul is aware of the marvelous opportunity to ascend, and we are most anxious that the media is released from controls and censorship. Your news is adulterated and contrived to keep the truth from reaching you, but that will change and journalists given the freedom to report the news as it is. One man controls too many outlets, and that is not going to allow free speech. However, we do note that there is a gradual move towards freer expression, but it is far from satisfactory.

When disclosure is announced we wish for correct and accurate coverage, and that people will understand what we represent and our true reason for making contact with you. There will inevitably be those who hold views that see us some threat to their beliefs, but that is to be expected. The question is whether they can accept that in the past, that much information and teachings have been based on less than reliable or inaccurate sources. We do not condemn such souls, and simply wish that they carefully consider what we have to say. The truth will bite at many accepted beliefs and practices, and it is intended to allow a great step forward.

With the changes your consciousness levels will increase, and your capacity for understanding greater truths will increase tenfold and more. You will naturally become more discerning, and all of these changes will propel you nearer to becoming a Galactic Being. You will be given every help as you progress towards this time, as our concern is not just for your safety but the successful completion of this cycle. The future is golden and such a comparison to what you have known in the past. You will have freedom of travel, and restraints such as you experience now will disappear. If you so desire you can be totally independent of anyone else, as you will be self-supporting and create all of your needs. The chances are that you will desire to explore the Galaxy, and therefore likely to become a member of one of the Federations that do so. A visit to your Space family would also be appealing, to renew acquaintances with those who had long faded from your memory.

Duality has kept you from knowing the truth about yourself, and you have been led to believe that you were meant to be lesser Beings subservient to those in power. Indeed, if the Illuminati had their way and succeeded in world control, you would not have known any difference. Freeing yourselves from their clutches has opened your eyes as to what has really been going on around you. Now you can re-claim your sovereignty, and begin to assert yourself to regain your full rights. Certainly changes to the Law will be made to remove unjust laws that were intended to place you under draconian controls. We talk of countries all over the world, as none are an exception where unfair laws are concerned. You have been fooled into thinking you were free, but that has been far from the truth.

Young but wise souls have been coming to Earth for quite sometime, and now they shape up to share their knowledge with you. After disclosure they will be ready to share their wisdom with you, helping people to understand what remains to be done to prepare for Ascension. Young they may be, but they are very old souls who have deliberately chosen this time to be of help to those who are awakening. Service is sought to share whatever ones abilities are, to advance those souls also making their way along the pathways to the higher dimensions. Wherever you go in the Galaxy, you will find that all souls are connected through an immutable bond of love. That is perhaps the beauty of discovering other civilizations that are at various stages of advancement, and finding that all come from a common source. The grand design of the Creator is never ending, and life abounds all around you.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and so pleased that we of the Galactic Federation have been assigned the task of guiding you all to Ascension. It is a privilege accorded to us because of our past links with your genetic evolution, and our hand in your growth and awakening. So you will understand that we have been with you for eons of time, and none have been quite as important as the period you are in now. What is happening is known throughout the Universe, and many visitors excitedly draw near to you to witness yours and Mother Earth’s unique Ascension. There is also the spectacle of earth changes that will be quite extensive, and transform your Earth to one of utter beauty. They will be befitting of the higher dimensions that you are entering, where only Love and Light can exist. Where peace and harmony are constant, and where you can fully use your creative powers.

I would ask you to ready yourselves for the exciting times ahead, and focus on the benefits and changes that are to prepare you for upliftment. Keep in your Light at all times, and give of it freely to others. On behalf of the members of the Galactic Federation, I send our Love and Blessings to you.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/25/2010 1:30:13 AM
Here are Saul's two latest messages in reversed order. I have felt it necessary to post them together, if any, for no other reason than the two of them are most enlightening. Above all the second one, posted today at Jonhn Smallman's blog, which addresses the illusory nature of this world and the reason it is so, namely, God is all that exists and we are all but inseparable parts of Him.

The state of full consciousness is a joy forever, because it is the state in which you were created by your Father for your eternal enjoyment. You have temporarily forgotten that state as you wander around fearfully, apparently lost in the illusion that you have made, seeking what cannot be found there. It is not the least bit surprising that your lives are largely unsatisfactory; you were created to experience eternal bliss, and yet you choose to remain in the illusion where you never experience that, and only occasionally know brief moments of pleasure. It is an unreal and frightening environment a state of dreaming from which you need to awaken, and it is your will and your Father’s that you do so . . . and so you shall.

You built the illusion in an attempt to prove that you were independent of God and that you did not need Him, which was and remains an insane idea, as He is All That Exists, and therefore you are all inseparable parts of Him. You are thoroughly bored with the game that you have been playing, and you are exhausted by the pain and suffering it has caused you. You explored the outer limits of this weird environment without finding what you were looking for, and then turned around seeking the way out. It is well lit, but you keep straying from the path Home and go off again into the darkness because you are continuously being misled by the messages with which your egos keep providing you, which tell you that you are wicked sinners, unworthy of God’s Love, and that consequently God wishes to punish you for the horrendous sins that you have committed and which sorely offend Him.

Nothing could be further from the truth! He loves you dearly and unconditionally, and He wants you to remember this and return Home to the glory that is His and which He shares with you always. Pain and suffering is for dummies – but there are none! You are all divine beings created for eternal life in paradise, and so you will awaken into that wondrous state.

Your present experiences as humans in a seemingly variably hostile environment are set to terminate, end, finish, fade into the nothingness from which they seem to have arisen. No other outcome is possible because no other outcome exists; they are just bad dreams that you have continued to build and enter. But dreams dissolve, evaporate, and disappear beause they are illusions and cannot withstand the brilliant light of God’s eternal day.

Know that you are to awaken. Focus on that one Truth. It is indeed the only Truth that exists in your entire illusory environment. Keep reminding yourselves that this is so, that this is God’s Will for you. And because this is so, live joyfully, spontaneously, lovingly, and compassionately, with the intense optimism that this divine Truth deserves. You are all intensely loved, and you cannot avoid awakening into the divine Reality where you will experience this Love in every moment of your eternal existence.

With so very much love, Saul.

Humanity’s awakening into full consciousness is an occurrence of momentous significance. It has been planned with great care and attention to detail to ensure that every aspect of this divine event unfolds perfectly, and so it will — because it is God’s Will and no outcome other than His Will is possible. Focus on this. Your awakening into God’s divine Reality is inevitable, unavoidable, and will bring you great glee and exhilaration.

Focusing on the certainty that this wondrous event will occur as divinely promised raises the frequency of your life energy and draws a sense of vibrant expectation into your energy field. This brings you a strong feeling of optimism and an awareness of the wonder of life, helping to dissolve the negative views that many of you hold of places, situations, and specific individuals who participate with you in various ways as you follow your life paths. And of course your upbeat energy flow helps others to raise the frequency of their energy fields. Sharing this energy by living optimistically and compassionately is the most effective thing you can do to move yourselves ever closer to the grand awakening.

Your awakening is awaited most eagerly by all in the spiritual realms who have been watching you with great compassion, encouraging you, and cheering you on. We are very aware of the unsatisfactory nature of your present life experience and the suffering it entails, and it gives us great joy to know that it is coming to an end. You have all been working very hard to bring awareness of the illusion and its unreality to all on Earth, and at times it has definitely seemed to you that your efforts were having very little affect. Nevertheless, you continue to demonstrate your faith in God’s promise by the loving compassion you offer to others most of the time.

To offer compassion at all times while immersed in the illusion is just not possible, and is certainly not expected of you. Therefore, do not judge yourselves harshly when it seems to you that your efforts are less effective than you would like them to be. Remember that even a very brief friendly or loving glance can have an enormous effect of which you could never be aware. Your Father delights in the love and support that you offer your sisters and brothers, and sees only the positive results of your compassionate behavior. He never judges you, so neither should you. Because He is Love, He can only love you. Love is the divine Power of creation which He shares with you in every moment of your existence. All you have to do is stop attempting to assess the level of your goodness or badness as this causes you enormous and futile anxiety. And in the peace that replaces that insane mental activity, just feel the Love that is offered you.

Doing that – feeling the Love as you rest in your place of peace – strengthens and intensifies the loving compassion that you offer to others, making it far more effective. When you worry about whether you are being good or bad, or about whether you are doing God’s Will and following your proper life path, you drain energy unnecessarily from your field or aura.

Trust your intuition, your full-time spiritual guidance, and do not try to analyze it. Live with confidence, because then your energy melds with God’s, your will and His combine, and what you do is precisely what is needed in every moment.

With so very much love, Saul.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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