Quote: Hello Luis, Sara and Roger,
Couple more practical notes about dealing with channeled messages.
It helps if you listen to different channels and different entities. After a while you will start seeing patterns and ways of thinking even within entities.
Their concepts evolve around the same principles and after a while you will see that they all have the same purpose although it might be expressed using different words and examples.
Even if entities have varying ideas how to approach certain situations, their final enlightening messages is alignment with oneself, realizing your own god connection, ability to love and not fear, realizing multidimensional laws and universal laws, understanding what happiness is and such other things which every religion would support.
I follow one channel now for about 5 years, it is called Abraham-Hicks. It was the inspiration for movie The Secret.
Another one worth reading is Kryon.com
If you read all their works, you will develop good sense of what spirit might want to tell us.
By the way spirit (your own soul) talks to you all the time, you might be just not realizing it.
Thank you, Miguel. Thank you Bogdan. I do not consider myself 'enlightened' but I do know that I have been given certain 'gifts'. For that reason, instead of running to a doctor when something goes wrong with my body, I listen first to my own 'healing powers' - whatever you want to call it. We know our bodies much better than anyone else does, God has given that to each of us. Not many listen, but it is there. Not only have I been healed many times but I have helped others. I do not say that I am a healer. I believe God is the Healer but we can be used as, well you call it 'channels'. I have never thought of it as that, I just accepted what was always there. When I was a child, I had lots of warts on my hands and feet. A friend of mine healed me. I believe in doing this some of her power was transferred to me, because I believed. When my son developed the same problem, I was able to have them go away. Recently, only last year while visiting my granddaughter, I discovered she had several warts on her hands and feet. They had scheduled appointments with the doctor but had to wait. I asked if I could try to remove them and was given permission. Several weeks later my son & wife told her it was time to go have her warts removed and she said, "What warts?" I don't have any. That was a wonderful feeling. There are other things but I will stop there. Miguel will be getting a broom and tell me to fly out of here!! :-) Happy fall everyone! Sara