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Roger Macdivitt .

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10/9/2010 10:23:50 PM

This is all wonderful.

Sara, I too understand.

As you know I am an NLP practitioner and hypnotherapist. Sometimes I have been inspired with crazy but effective ideas.I too believe that I have been given a gift.

As I enter my mid sixties this all gives me so much hope for the world amid the chaos.


Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/10/2010 1:27:34 AM
Hello Luis, Sara and Roger,

Couple more practical notes about dealing with channeled messages.

It helps if you listen to different channels and different entities. After a while you will start seeing patterns and ways of thinking even within entities.

Their concepts evolve around the same principles and after a while you will see that they all have the same purpose although it might be expressed using different words and examples.

Even if entities have varying ideas how to approach certain situations, their final enlightening messages is alignment with oneself, realizing your own god connection, ability to love and not fear, realizing multidimensional laws and universal laws, understanding what happiness is and such other things which every religion would support.

I follow one channel now for about 5 years, it is called Abraham-Hicks. It was the inspiration for movie The Secret.

Another one worth reading is

If you read all their works, you will develop good sense of what spirit might want to tell us.

By the way spirit (your own soul) talks to you all the time, you might be just not realizing it.


Thank you again Bogdan, both on my behalf and on behalf of all others that may happen to read your suggestions. All of these are wonderful and I have just bookmarked the Abraham-Hicks website in order to check it out as soon as possible.
As to Krion, he is one of the channels I already favor. Another is John Smallman.
All along I have tried to use discernment when it came to judge a message or a channel but still better, my own intuition.
In some cases I have preferred to be guided by my God-given intuition. Like Sara's and Roger's gifts, I have found it to be highly reliable if not infallible.
Some recent messages supposedly from Saint Germain, for example, felt strange and I perceived this at almost first view, so I discarded them. Then a few days later, someone mentioned the same thing in a post and that they came from different channels, which came to confirm my intuition.
What I have found in most messages is they actually refer to things that fall perfectly in line with the teachings in the scriptures, except of course those that are merely descriptive or informative. The real problem is, today almost nobody seems to know what the scriptures actually say. Jesus' parables, for example, are known to have different levels of meaning according to the listener's wisdom, but unfortunately this is very low nowadays.
As you say, they are things that every religion would support. However, most religions will not make any effort to even understand them.
If only they had a little wisdom they would at least consider the possibility that there is something very real in all this. I am sure that it was the same in times of Jesus Christ, with the empires crumbling and official religion in total decay, but on the other hand, with myriads of prophets and channels and new sects and religions like Mithraism and Gnosticism and the Essenes very active everywhere. This at least should make them think.
Best Wishes,
Luis Miguel Goitizolo

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Bogdan Fiedur

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10/10/2010 5:41:51 PM
Hi friends,

Read this from Kryon about channeling.

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/14/2010 3:08:46 AM
Dear Friends,

Among the several indicators suggesting that we believers in the New Age are not dreaming a dream of fantasy and wishful thinking one of the main is, in my opinion, the current, all pervading phenomenon of synchronicity. This constitutes perhaps the best proof that at least a good amount of the channeled messages that we receive are real, and is only second to the fulfilling of predicted ascension-related physical and mental symptoms that we all have been collectively experiencing - or still better, of the even more definite recent happy developments such as (1) The fact that big billionaires around the world have been donating a big share of their fortunes, (2) The crime rate in the main US cities has been lowering, and (3) More and more major banks are forgetting about foreclosures.

After all previous months of atrocious news, it certainly cheers up to see positive things happen, and now, with the 33 miners trapped underground in Chile finally saved, it looks like we at last have ceased to go down and are beginning to go up in the path of change.

All in all, I believe the time for change has arrived.

I recently posted (in page 23 of this thread) a most curious document titled “Things Are Getting Pretty Wild Now”, which included a link to an even more curious website here. I guess the article that motivated the commentary may now be posted here.

Disinformation Goes into Overdrive

SEPTEMBER 29, 2010

by Steve Beckow

I’m going to post an excerpt from a channel allegedly transmitting St. Germain who has been getting more and more erratic as time goes by. I won’t name the person, but if you see messages like this, I’d suggest setting them aside.

My hunch is that, as the time approaches for the curtain to be drawn, the purveyors of disinformation will be switching into overdrive. Their role in matters is about to end so this must show up like the final battle for them.


“All channelings, that refer to physical changes being done to man by ETs, are not coming from Ascended Master consciousness. ETs are not a cohesive group of loving beings at all. Many of them are aligned with negative attitudes and condescending opinions about Gaia’s citizens. All are concerned about man’s nuclear machines.

“Mr. Nidle’s channelings are not from Christ consciousness. Many of his contacts are androids, with negative attitudes, who desire death to humans. His messages appear loving, but disregard most of the loving things that humans need to know: like being clear about their own mental ability to discern the material being delivered to them.

“No ETs are engineering change to human bodies for the purpose of ascension. Man must change himself! Characters of all kinds have made a game of delivering android consciousness to humans. SaLuSa is one of them. No DNA changes are taking place. No special gifts are being activated. No cancellation of man’s need to do his own inner work for ascension is being delivered.

“Mr. Nidle has no idea who those androids are. Christ consciousness is not delivering any of these messages. Those who channel MUST (as a matter of course) be clear about who is, and who is not, acceptable as an active deliverer of communicated material.

“Pretend that you were an ET, looking at man on Gaia as a fool. Can you completely deny a desire to trespass on the code of conduct asked of you? Only those who are controlled by other collective attitudes are contacting man now. Their attitudes are not Christ consciousness. Many are being drug controlled by their advisors. Chase them away. Ignore any who cannot contact an anchor of light with the answer, I AM THAT I AM.

“My next comments are going to anger and disappoint, as the entire NESARA nonsense must go away.


So what can we make of all this?

We are at this time particularly susceptible of being cheated and the cabal is taking advantage of this fact by sending messages deliberately intended to deceive. That is all. As suggested by the owner of the above forum, we just should set them aside.

With Love and Hugs,

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Alain Deguire

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10/14/2010 10:58:25 AM
Hello Dearest Luis Miguel,

In fact, it is actually not an easy task to find out the Truth among all of these messages or about who are the Appropriate Messengers to listen to or about who is the Real Source of their Messages and about their Real Intents.

You are bringing actually One of the Best Point to Consider when You mentionned about Synchronicities. However, We must back up and also look at what it is that We Think, Say and Act; what it is that We are Creating; because Synchronicities are brought about by the Law of Attraction and they Manifest themselves no matter what We are Creating. So, the Real Question is "What it is that I Am Actually Creating through My Thoughts, My Feelings, My Words and My Actions"?

Another very Important Aspect to Consider in Finding Out the Truth is Actually "How do I feel deep within My Heart" about the received Message. We must Learn to Listen to Our Own Heart, to Our Own Feelings and to Trust them because We also have within Us Our God's Advisor that is Guiding Us from within... This is Real True and Appropriate Guidance!

Another Crucial Aspect that I want to bring here is the fact that in Our Societies, in Our World, all of the Work done by the Dark Cabal has been to Control Us, to Dominate Us to Their Benefit. By doing so, they Created a Definite Pattern in many Human Beings to Give Up Their Own POWER to all the Different Authorities around being Religions, Governments, Doctors, Employers, Teachers, Parents and so on. It developped a quite generalized Thinking that We are Useless Beings and that Someone else need to do it for Us; so, We are very often Waiting for others to Decide for Us and Act for Us - as in Waiting for ET's or for NESARA... this is Inappropriate Behavior! So, even when reading your last message here, I am not too sure what is True except for one fundamental thing that is being said... "MAN MUST CHANGE HIMSELF!"

THANK YOU My Wondrous Friend for all You Do!

Love & Light Blessings,


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