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10/23/2012 1:49:43 AM
Another important source of messages that hardly ever have I given any space to, however, in today's exciting juncture this one somehow makes sense to me.

GaiaPortal: Tipping Point Has Been Surpassed; Golden Light Sparks Have Commenced

2012 OCTOBER 22
Posted by Alice C

GaiaPortalGaiaPortal: Tipping Point Has Been Surpassed; Golden Light Sparks Have Commenced

Tipping Point Has Been Surpassed

By ÉirePort – October 21, 2012

Energetic-telepathic communications jumps from one grid point to others throughout Gaia occur with ease and velocity.

Such terms mean little in Higher D but 3-4D means that no resistance is encountered.

Barriers are impossible to construct. Old barriers dissolve.

Refreshing waters of Gaia Nueva bathe each and all of Hue-manity.

“Finally”, some will say. Yet this was envisioned millennia ago.

Gaia’s Portals are “super-charged”, some would say.

Releasing all old-paradigm concepts is the only path of the residents of Gaia Nueva.

Tipping Point has been surpassed.

Golden Light Sparks Have Commenced

By ÉirePort – October 22, 2012

Grid points upon the Earth planet have begun a process of “sparking”. Ignition of Higher Light fires within each Hue-man proceeds. This applies equally to groups within various consciousness levels, and includes cultural, social, political, technical entities. No one will be spared from these sparks, nor from the resultant Higher Light fires.

These fires are supporting the burning of all old 3D-4D Earth paradigms and will continue throughout the 12-21-12 gateway. 11-11 portal is a key to new beginnings, and all higher priority items will be cleared prior to that date.

Those guided by Gaia will undertake holding of Higher Light and Higher Vision for the New Earth, Gaia Nueva. Any and all may assist. Tthose called by Gaia are urged to heed Her messages, and follow them precisely, moment to moment.

Sparks lead to Fire. Fire leads to Purification. Purification leads to Planetary En-Lightenment.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/23/2012 1:51:48 AM

SaLuSa: October 22, 2012

2012 OCTOBER 22
Posted by Andrew Eardley

Andrew: SaLuSa reviews briefly the present situation with corrupt Authorities and the need for far-reaching changes with the right type of people taking us into the New Age. We will be able to trust those around us as they will be Ascended Beings like ourselves.

Life will not be comparable to what we have now, and we will live in peace and freedom with none of the health problems or the challenges to merely exist that we presently face. In the future, as Ascended souls, we will become equals with the Galactic Federation of Light. We will have unlimited experiences, even moving between Universes.

He says that the forthcoming US Presidential elections are a key focal point that will determine when the Galactics exercise their divine authority to bring about beneficial governmental changes. The Light on Earth is transmuting the lower vibrations with whole nations waking up to the truth, and the countries that desire peace wishing to disassociate themselves from those who do not.

SaLuSa: October 22, 2012

Channelled by Mike Quinsey

We are pleased to see you demonstrating for your rights, which is a timely reminder to your Authorities that they are in their positions to serve you the people. The number of good-hearted souls amongst them are few and far between, and that is why far-reaching changes have to take place.

If your representatives are not keeping to their oath, then they can have no complaint when they are removed. The problem is that corruption and greed spreads like a cancer and before long is accepted as a normal way of working. In the future you will become more involved in the decision making and consulted before action is taken.

Clearly you need the right type of people leading the way forward, who have the foresight and understanding to take you into the New Age. The last cabal would be totally unsuitable and will be unable to interfere or influence what will happen.

Your Spiritual Age is about to begin and your progress will be astonishing and very quick. Imagine how wonderful it will be to be able to trust all of those around you, because you know that they are Ascended Beings like yourself. The Love and Light will have permeated everywhere, and there will be no doubting that you have arrived in the higher dimensions. Life will be a big contrast to what you have now, and will be of no comparison.

To live in peace without any threat to it will be a wonderful feeling of freedom and joy. The problems of health and the challenge of mere existence that beset you in the third dimension will no longer be a factor in your lives. It is difficult to convey the absolute feeling of happiness and contentment, which has to be experienced to be appreciated.

The mindset of those who have opposed your evolution and aimed to prevent Ascension is focused on self-power because they lack the understanding of Oneness, and therefore love for their fellow man. However, they still have their Godspark even if has become very dim, but one day it will light up again. They have the same opportunities to be of the Light as every other soul, and God will welcome them home like every other one.

You all started out together, but as you decided your own path of experience some were engulfed by the lower vibrations and fell by the wayside. There will always be a way back into the Light, but the lower you fall the harder the journey. However, as with any soul there are always many willing volunteers who will guide them homewards. Every one of you without exception has higher Beings in close attendance who guide your life for you.

In the future we of the Galactic Federation of Light will work with the Ascended souls, until you become our equals. You will then become very independent and decide your own future, but that does not mean that we will lose contact with you. We will literally only be a thought away at anytime, and that applies to any soul that you have links with. Indeed, as we have previously indicated you are likely to join with those of a similar level of consciousness.

Your experiences are unlimited, even moving from one Universe to another to extend them into new areas. On Earth you are obviously much more restricted, and with your lower level of consciousness have lost touch with your Higher Self. In consequence the truth of your real self becomes clouded by the illusion of 3rd dimensional life.

You are about to witness the real beginning of the end as the old system falls into chaos. No attempts to restore it will work as it is destined to complete its time in its present dimension. It has well served its purpose where you and Mother Earth are concerned, and the new paradigm is moving into place. You will not miss the final outcome as the changes are so far reaching that everyone will be affected.

All souls will achieve what they desire and most have already exercised their freewill choice. It is the reason we ask that you do not attempt to override another soul’s decision, but allow them to be satisfied that it has been made with their future in mind. The fact is you cannot move higher than your vibrations allow, and clearly that would be the level at which you would feel most comfortable.

We are as ready as we will ever be to play our part in ensuring your experience of Ascension. Our involvement will soon be apparent, and you will already know that we have been keeping the peace on Earth. That is with reference to our actions to prevent present troubles escalating into another world war.

We are eager to become more involved and help ensure that our allies are able to bring matters to a head. The Presidential elections in the US are a key focal point that will determine when we exercise our divine authority to bring about beneficial governmental changes. Much hinges on the outcome and it will be a victory for the Light.

From hereon each week that passes should reveal where matters are heading, and there will be the fulfillment of events that are necessary to bring peace to your world. As you would imagine, nothing happens that we are not aware of even if it is out of our sight. We know the true intent of the different nations regardless of what they say to the outer world. They are in fact divided into those who encourage war, and those who now seek peace even if their history suggests otherwise.

What is happening is that the Light upon Earth is transmuting the lower vibrations, and whole nations are waking up to the truth. There is a powerful move to unite within those countries that desire peace, and a wish to disassociate themselves from those who do not. The warmongers are gradually becoming isolated, and without support their plans are doomed to failure.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and see that the various peace movements are reaching more people than ever before. It is the blooming of people power that will bring about the desired results. It is also boosted by the continual input of higher energies from outside of your Earth.

As we have often said, you have already won the battle with the dark Ones, and it only remains to clear up the remains of their activities to go speeding on with Ascension. That Dear Ones is well in hand as you will see before very long.

Thank you SaLuSa

Mike Quinsey

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10/23/2012 10:18:23 PM
Dear friends, here is a beautiful and inspiring and pretty-well documented message by Steve Beckow. Ah, and most reassuring too!

The Galactics Know Every Move the Dark Makes

2012 OCTOBER 23
Posted by Steve Beckow

We’re aware that the galactics and celestials know who wishes to ascend and where we’ll be at the moment of Ascension. They know how to track us down for NESARA, even if we live in the mountains or other remote places. But we may not know that they know every move the dark makes and every thought or intention they have.

That doesn’t mean they intervene in all circumstances. Some things in our life contract or some matters of free will the Company of Heaven will not interfere with.

But where matters of cabal strategizing to dominate the world are concerned the Company of Heaven knows everything that goes on and can keep the dark from achieving its goals.

SaLuSa said last year that “we … know what is in the minds of the dark Ones, and they cannot fool us as hard as they try.” (1) On Oct. 22, 2012, he reminded us:

“Nothing happens that we are not aware of even if it is out of our sight. We know the true intent of the different nations regardless of what they say to the outer world. They are in fact divided into those who encourage war, and those who now seek peace even if their history suggests otherwise.” (2)

No official decision is made without their knowledge, he says, which helps them avoid having to confront the cabal directly.

“We oversee government officials, and anyone directly involved in decision making. We are there when covert operations are planned, and our allies and us benefit from such knowledge. It helps us avoid any major actions against you, that might otherwise have caught us off guard. As you have found out, there is nothing quite like a good intelligence system.” (3)

He tells us that they have many ways of knowing and surveilling.

“We cannot be fooled, and we have the means to determine whether people speak truthfully. Indeed, when face to face with you we can tell so from your auras, or read your mind. From our point of view, you can literally be read like a book. We can see if you are spiritually evolved, and such souls emanate such a powerful Light. It is this that you can feel from these ones when they come close to you.” (4)

In addition to their native abilities to see far and penetrate deeply, they have technological means and spiritual means of knowing as the Pleiadian High Council informs us.

“We are able to continually monitor any situation on Earth and have many such monitors sustained and looked upon on our ships.

“Through extremely small Nano-like technology that goes past even the notice of your dark, we are able to monitor any situation and even without the use of such technology, we are able to find everything we need through an easy counseling of the Akashic Records which hold each and every event that has ever manifested on Earth.

“As such, we are keeping our eyes and hearts on Earth constantly and are working with ourselves and with our many liaison teams to see that all that has been predicted to transpire in the time window established will do so as needed.” (5)

They wiull use the Akashic Records to show us our true history, SaLuSa says.

“As you know by now, your history bears little resemblance to the official records, and it is more a matter of hiding the past from your eyes. However, the truth cannot be hidden, and every event that has ever occurred is held within the Hall of Records.” (6)

Archangel Michael and the Pleiadians have told me personally that they read the 2012 Scenario every day. But they also monitor all other news. Here’s SaLuSa on that: “I … tell you that we monitor all of your news, and we are well aware from one minute to the next as to what is going on.” (7)

They use their superior ability to see to guard those who play an important role in the Ascension of the Earth, according to him.

“We have an overall view of it all, as from our place in the skies we are able to monitor what is going on in any part of the world. We guard those of the Light who are especially protected because of their importance to everyone on Earth and have a major part to play in seeing the changes go through as planned.” (8)

The dark know the galactics’ powers and role but can do nothing to stop them, he reveals.

“We are the invisible forces that operate anywhere and everywhere the dark Ones are likely to be. Many of them now know the role we are playing and are reluctantly being forced to accept that they cannot stop progress. Neither can they stop the cleansing that is under way, that also involves making their bases inoperative and their nuclear weapons ineffective and unusable.” (9)

Their wider and deeper viewpoint allows the galactics to see solutions to our problems that we cannot, SaLuSa says.

“There are Man’s attempts to find solutions to your problems, and ours that do not always follow yours. Our view of them means that we see a great deal more, than you can possibly comprehend.” (10)

And it allows them to ensure that any negotiated peace will be maintained.

“You will soon have to dismantle all weapons of war, and in fact once true peace has been achieved it will not be disputed or ignored. If it were it would be to no avail, as there is nothing that can be hidden from our sight however well concealed it may be.” (11)

The Company of Heaven sees things differently than we do. They see the outcome of events though when or how that outcome will occur may not have been decided.

“Because everything is in the now we do not view things as you do, and we see the overall picture which shows that completion of this cycle will work out as intended.” (12)

So there is very little that can be kept from the galactics.

All that having been said, on occasion, the intelligence network does not work. The cabal fooled the Earth allies around the Madrid train bombing and the galactics did not pick it up. Says Matthew Ward:

“Although monitoring has been diligent, false information by one of the dark forces misguided the Earth teams so that prevention of the train bombings in Spain was thwarted, and since that time, scrutiny has been tightened both on the surface and beyond the planet.

“Additional ETs with extraordinary powers of both perception and self-protection have taken form on the planet, surveillance teams in spacecraft have increased their vigilant missions, and the reporting systems between them and their colleagues on Earth have been expanded.

“And not least, people formerly convinced that they were being truthfully informed now are realizing that they were supporting the dark side, and they have joined the ranks of the active lightworkers.” (13)

However, by and large, the galactics can draw on their own powers of perception, the Akashic Records and technology to thwart any attempt by the cabal to take advantage of them. They still, by the law of free will and by prudence, may not intervene in many circumstances. But it’s very difficult to fool them or work around them.


(1) SaLuSa, Feb. 4, 2011, at

(2) SaLuSa, Oct. 22, 2012.

(3) SaLuSa, June 25, 2010.

(4) SaLuSa, June 25, 2010.

(5) The Pleiadian High Council, “Consciousness of our Craft and our Earthly Lineage,” channeled through Wes Annac, April 21, 2012, at

(6) SaLuSa, Oct. 26, 2009.

(7) SaLuSa, Feb. 4, 2011.

(8) SaLuSa, March 16, 2012.

(9) SaLuSa, March 16, 2012.

(10) SaLuSa, June 25, 2010.

(11) SaLuSa, May 21, 2010.

(12) SaLuSa, Sept. 21, 2012.

(13) Matthew’s Message, June 5, 2004, at

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10/23/2012 10:19:58 PM

Benjamin Fulford Update 10-22-12

All I can say about this one is “use Higher Discernment”. Much of this has to do with the “international soap opera”, and Ben gives often “very alternative” information about events. I can assure all, that there is a lot we are not aware of. Whether all of what Ben reports here is accurate, I would say, time and the Light will tell.

I do not align with Ben’s apparent view that “Obama is a puppet of the Rothschilds and that’s all he is”. Obama is here for a much broader purpose, and I can guarantee that it is not simply to “do the Cabal’s bidding.” As a recent post by Steve Beckow reminds us, “President Obama is the political leader here to lead us into the New Age fast approaching.” That’s what I support.

[There is a note at the end of this that explains how to subscribe to his weekly newsletter. Also I believe one can donate to his cause directly at (via Paypal), should you feel so guided.]


  • …it is no coincidence that both the US and China will be selecting a new government on November 8th [Nov. 6 in U.S.] and there is a lot of plotting and speculation going on beneath the surface as that date approaches.
  • In Europe as well, there are signs of a fundamental struggle reaching a climax…
  • There is a deliberate fog of disinformation surrounding this death [Libya Ambassador Stevens] but what is clear from public statements is that the Obama faction failed to protect him and the Bush faction are furious about this fact.
  • Plenty of insiders have forwarded information showing links between Romney’s Bain capital and drug money laundering, making it clear Romney is the Nazi candidate.
  • In Europe as well, the signs of a major split between two powerful factions are everywhere to be seen… the struggle is taking place at the highest levels of power.
  • …the Atlantic nations as a whole have been borrowing from the rest of the world for 30 years and will not be allowed to print their way out of that accumulated external debt. The solution cannot be made by North America and Europe without the agreement of their external creditors, especially in Asia.
  • …the incoming new Chinese… regime will focus on increasing Chinese soft power and pushing for the right to allow Chinese companies to make major investments and acquisitions in Europe, the US and Japan.
  • Such Chinese investments should be welcomed so long as they benefit the people and governments of the host country involved.
  • In Japan meanwhile, there are also many plans for fundamental change.
  • The new international economic planning agency is expected to be one of the center-pieces of the shift. Such an agency would help solve various nationalistic and historical problems by providing a neutral ground for elite government officials to make plans for the planet as a whole and not just their particular region.
  • …the Chinese, the pentagon, the Japanese government and other groups all support the creation of [this new international economic planning agency]
  • We can also report that Neil Keenan is now in Asia working with the Dragon family on setting up the new international financial system.


Will there be a coup d’etat in the US during the next couple of weeks?
by Benjamin Fulford 10-22-12

The people in charge at the US agencies and military know the presidential election scheduled for November 8th [Kp note: U.S. elections take place on Nov. 6] will be a fraud and a sham no matter what the outcome. That is why many reliable sources are saying US militias and reserve troops were put on alert last week. They have either started to mobilize either to pre-empt the elections and put the Joint Chiefs of Staff in charge of an interim government or to get ready to act in anticipation of post-election violence and chaos, depending on who you talk to.

In any case, it is no coincidence that both the US and China will be selecting a new government on November 8th [Nov. 6 in U.S.] and there is a lot of plotting and speculation going on beneath the surface as that date approaches.

In Europe as well, there are signs of a fundamental struggle reaching a climax as the IMF and certain governments face off against the bankers over control of the process of money creation.

A lot of shadowy organizations have also now informed the White Dragon Society that, should they stand in the way, certain prominent individuals around the world are scheduled to die of stroke, heart attack, cancer or bullet wound over the coming weeks.

The murder of CIA “ambassador” Stevens in Libya, was a part of the ongoing battle. According to the gnostic illuminati, Stevens was murdered because of his role in smuggling the nuclear weapon into Japan that was used in the 311 tsunami and nuclear terror attack…

…It is true that there is a resemblance between the Stevens who was implicated in the nuclear attack on Japan and the one killed in Libya. However, the Stevens in Asia was supposed to be a British SAS trained former senior Hong Kong police official while the Stevens in Libya was CIA.

There is a deliberate fog of disinformation surrounding this death but what is clear from public statements is that the Obama faction failed to protect him and the Bush faction are furious about this fact. It is also well known that there was no US embassy in Benghazi and that Stevens was involved in some sort of violence related clandestine work.

This is also linked to the upcoming US “presidential election” farce. Plenty of insiders have forwarded information showing links between Romney’s Bain capital and drug money laundering, making it clear Romney is the Nazi candidate. On the other hand Obama is seen by many right wingers as the foreign born Muslim communist candidate. As mentioned before the Queen and the Pope have been funneling billions to Obama while the Bush folk finance Romney.

In either case, there is expected to be widespread violence and rioting if either Romney or Obama win.

The obvious answer to most intelligent observers is that neither of the two gangster front men should be put in charge of a United States government that desperately needs its biggest overhaul since 1776.

The next few weeks should show if the US military and agencies are staffed with men or mice.

In Europe as well, the signs of a major split between two powerful factions are everywhere to be seen. When even establishment worthies like UK Telegraph columnist Ambrose Evans-Pritchard start writing about IMF plans to eliminate debt and dethrone bankers,
you know the struggle is taking place at the highest levels of power.

However, the Atlantic-centered debate between the people who want governments to print money and use that to eliminate all public and private debt, and those who say people must pay what they can to the bankers forever, forgets that the rest of the world is also involved.

In other words, plans like the Wanta-Mitterand protocols that call for the creation of trillions of dollars of government-controlled money forget that the Atlantic nations as a whole have been borrowing from the rest of the world for 30 years and will not be allowed to print their way out of that accumulated external debt. The solution cannot be made by North America and Europe without the agreement of their external creditors, especially in Asia.

The Chinese, for example, are being asked to buy US external debt and finance US consumer lifestyles but are being prevented from making job-creating direct investment in the US. This is not a realistic long term scenario.

The fact remains the Southern European nations need to abandon the Euro and the United States needs to issue a government greenback separate from the international US dollar. That is the economic reality.

Meanwhile, more information has emerged during the past week about the incoming new Chinese government’s plans. Essentially, the new regime will focus on increasing Chinese soft power and pushing for the right to allow Chinese companies to make major investments and acquisitions in Europe, the US and Japan.

In Japan the plan is to buy an ailing major company that is listed in the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and revitalize it as a way of getting a say inside the board-rooms of Japan Inc. If such a buyout attempt is rebuffed, the Chinese will retaliate against Japanese companies operating in China, according to a Chinese government agent.

It is likely that a similar approach will be made towards Europe and the US. In other words, the Chinese want to buy real things that exist in the real world and will not buy paper, government or otherwise.

The Chinese will continue to have a policy of strongly fighting any attempts at bullying while simultaneously offering win-win alternatives. Such Chinese investments should be welcomed so long as they benefit the people and governments of the host country involved.

The long term case studies for cooperation they are holding up as examples for others to follow are Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea, Vancouver and (to a lesser extent) Japan.

In Japan meanwhile, there are also many plans for fundamental change. The ruling Democratic Party of Japan is expected to lose most of its seats in the yet to be scheduled but soon promised general election. The Liberal Democratic Party is expected to get a big boost but fall short of a majority. That is expected to leave the new Japan Restoration Party as the king maker in a coalition government with a big reform mandate.

The Japanese underworld, for their part, are promising that any members of the old regime who try to block the reforms will begin to “suffer from strokes and heart attacks.”

The Japanese Imperial Household is planning to move to Kyoto as a part of a shift of some government functions to the Kansai area in Japan once the Atlantic power struggles settle down.

The new international economic planning agency is expected to be one of the center-pieces of the shift. Such an agency would help solve various nationalistic and historical problems by providing a neutral ground for elite government officials to make plans for the planet as a whole and not just their particular region.

It can also now be reported that the Chinese, the pentagon, the Japanese government and other groups all support the creation of the new international economic planning agency. Such an agency would work in harmony with existing international organizations.

We can also report that Neil Keenan is now in Asia working with the Dragon family on setting up the new international financial system.


[A subscription to Ben's full articles is only $8 per month ("Payments can... be made with a ‘PayPal’ [account]“), but Ben will allow anyone who can not pay this to subscribe for less (or free). On one page of his site he says, “All subscribers will agree to pay whatever monthly subscription price they can afford. Those who are really poor can get it for free.” In my mind, if you like the articles, and want to support Ben and his work, consider subscribing to his blog.

Ben may be contacted at any of the emails below which he provides on his websites:,,,]

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10/24/2012 1:33:05 AM
Qatari emir urges Palestinians to reconcile



A Palestinian worker walks behind posters of the Emir of Qatar Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, left, and Gaza's Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, right, in preparation for the upcoming visit to Gaza at Palestine stadium in Gaza City, Monday, Oct. 22, 2012. Adel

Read more here:
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip -- The emir of Qatar received a hero's welcome during a landmark visit to Gaza on Tuesday, becoming the first head of state to visit the Palestinian territory since the Islamist militant Hamas seized control of the coastal strip five years ago.

The landmark visit by Sheik Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani handed the ruling Hamas - branded terrorists by the West and isolated by an Israeli blockade - its biggest diplomatic victory since taking power. It was also a strong sign of the rising power of oil-rich Qatar, and the mounting influence of Hamas' parent movement, the Muslim Brotherhood, since last year's Arab Spring uprisings.

While Gazans celebrated the emir's arrival, the rival Palestinian government of Mahmoud Abbas in the West Bank was less enthusiastic. Israel condemned the visit as undermining peace.

Hamas wrested control of Gaza from Abbas' Fatah forces in 2007, and West Bank officials fear the emir's visit will give the Iranian-backed Hamas a lift in their feud and make the split between the two territories more permanent.

In a speech at Gaza's Islamic University, the emir urged the warring Palestinian factions to reconcile.

"Why are you staying divided?" he said. "There are no peace negotiations, and there is no clear strategy of resistance and liberation. Why shouldn't brothers sit together and reconcile?"

While Abbas has welcomed Qatar's plans to deliver hundreds of millions of dollars in aid to impoverished Gaza, he also stressed in a phone call with the Qatari leader this week that he is the internationally recognized leader of the Palestinians.

Israel, which brandishes Hamas as terrorist for its suicide bombings and strikes on Israeli civilian targets, denounced the visit.

"It is quite strange that the emir of Qatar should take sides with Hamas, that he will favor Hamas over Fatah that he would even decide to take sides in the Palestinian internal conflict," said Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman, Yigal Palmor. "This is more than strange, especially since Hamas is internationally recognized as a terror group ... by hugging Hamas publicly, the emir of Qatar has thrown peace under the bus."

In Gaza, white and maroon Qatari flags flapped in the streets and a song called "Thank you, Qatar" played on the radio and on TV. In the border area, Hamas set up a large, carpeted greeting tent, reminiscent of a luxurious desert camp and staged an honor guard ceremony after the emir crossed into the territory from Egypt.

Thousands of cheering and waving Palestinians lined the main road to Gaza City to greet the emir, who rolled down the window of his armored car to shake hands with dozens of people. Women on balconies threw flowers and rice on his convoy.

"This man is bold. I like him. At least he came and visited us, and didn't play games promising like the others," said Majed Tawel, a 33-year-old teacher. "Hamas has won a new victory today and (Abbas) lost."

The emir was received by Gaza's Hamas prime minister, Ismail Haniyeh, who said the visit sent a powerful message.

"Gaza is not alone and Palestine occupies the hearts of Arabs," Haniyeh said. "Your visit today officially announces the break of the economic blockade and political blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip by the forces of injustice."

He said the emir had promised a total of $400 million of aid projects, an increase over earlier plans for $250 million in aid. During his four-hour visit, the emir launched a housing project, hospital and received an honorary degree.

Maggie Michael in Cairo, Mohammed Daraghmeh in Ramallah, West Bank, and Brian Murphy in Dubai contributed to this report.

Read more here:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
