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10/24/2012 9:48:28 PM

Jesus: Love is the Answer to all of Humanity’s Problems

2012 OCTOBER 24
Posted by Stephen Cook

Jesus: Love is the Answer to all of Humanity’s Problems

Message from John Smallman: FYI. A new book was published yesterday (October 23rd) called “Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife.” It was written by Eben Alexander, M.D. It tells the story of his quite amazing NDE – a scientist who did not believe in heaven visited there while in a coma. It is most uplifting and inspiring. I read about it on the 2012 Scenario web site where a review of it from Newsweek had been posted. I ordered it and received it and read it yesterday. For me it was a “WOW” experience. John.

As channelled by John Smallman – October 23, 2012

The loving intent that each member of humanity has always held and cherished deep within themselves is growing and intensifying very rapidly indeed as more and more of you plug into the energy field of divine Love that envelops you.

Its expansion and general acceptance has been planned for a very long time, and to see it, as it were, “take off” is most uplifting and exhilarating, as we watch over you with love and joy from our sphere of influence within the spiritual realms.

The spiritual realms naturally include the “bubble” that contains your illusory environment, and that bubble has been floating around here ever since you conceived of it, entered into it, and chose to switch off your ability to perceive the realms outside it.

Loving assistance has always been on offer to you, but for a very long time indeed you chose to go your own rather painful way, gathering experiences of a most unpleasant kind while supposedly seeking your way out of the bubble. The problem was that you gave rather a lot of power to your egos, along with the ability for them to increase it. They then began to see themselves as independent beings of influence, intelligence, and authority, and this sense of independent strength went, as you would put it, “to their heads.”

However, egos are not terribly bright, and they began to fight with one another, as they each sought to establish themselves as the supreme power and authority within your strange and imaginary unreality. This led to the situation that has long prevailed on Earth, where the virtuous aspect of yourselves which you call trust proved itself to be an untenable position for almost anyone to hold, because it was so often betrayed.

What is happening now is the growing realization that for Earth and humanity to enjoy lives of harmony, peace, compassion, and abundance, trust has to be established and honored everywhere. And, of course, trust can only be established by actually trusting one another. Due to your ongoing earthly experiences this seems to be a bit of a Catch 22 situation.

But now people in their millions are turning inwards in meditation and prayer, seeking guidance, assistance, and assurance that they are divinely loved children of God. And as they open themselves to receive that knowledge, that confirmation of their divine origins, which has always been on offer, they are becoming aware that they are indeed what they hoped they were. This mass understanding that you are divine beings, eternally loved and cherished by your Father, is one of the major signs that you are moving firmly towards awakening.

For eons the word love (in all languages) has had connotations of weakness, ineffectiveness, distractedness, and plain stupidity. Loving behavior was taken advantage of time and time again by those who would control and rule others, and by those who would make others feel guilty. Love was a game to be indulged in when the work was done, the battle was fought, and a little time was available when there was nothing more exciting or interesting to engage one’s attention. Those who believed in it and offered it were frequently used and abused. It was further proof that to trust was very unwise.

Finally, after eons of suffering, humanity is realizing that love is the only currency and the essential currency on which the foundations of peace, harmony, and abundance for all can and will be established. It is a realization that is quite astounding when it first becomes apparent to you; in fact, you do not at first believe it because you have seen the pain and suffering it has brought to so many who have loved.

Nevertheless, it has now been established in many diverse communities around the world and proved most effective. News of this is spreading as communities share their experiences widely, and more and more of you are seeking out others of like mind to establish ever more loving communities. Yes, in the beginning, some decades ago, there were some pretty wild experiments, but people gained a tremendous amount of valuable experience which they passed on, and now a firm base of wisdom and experience has been built on which new groups can base their plans and their dreams for the New Age that they are building.

With the intensification of the divine field of Love which is penetrating and permeating the hearts of even the most hardened and unloving among you, and with the growing realization that Love is the answer to all of humanity’s problems, the path to your awakening is becoming wider and brighter. It is a super-highway that no one can fail to find, leading you home to Heaven. A very few will choose not to avail themselves of it — even though it is absolutely toll-free! — but the vast majority of you are in the process of joining it for the final stages of your journey. And as there is no speed-limit on this divine super-highway you will soon be Home!

Your loving brother, Jesus.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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10/25/2012 10:26:15 PM
Dear friends, I was not sure whether to post this message, it has so many discordant notes about such influential people as Steve Beckow and Stephen Cook. On the other hand, the author may be right in her appreciations and at any rate, it has made me wish to know where is the truth in all this.

Signs from the Universe Are All Over: The Collapse Is Already Happening and It’s Happening—Slowly! – thoughts from ~Jean

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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10/26/2012 12:40:47 AM
Friends, this is something every one of us in the Light is waiting for in earnest

Sheldan Nidle Update 10-23-12…”The Time Comes For The Final ‘swoop’ That Is To Drive The Dark From Power”

You know, this Nidle sounds a bit different than the others. Almost like we are right there at the doorstep of changes. Although I feel they are occurring already, in some ways, perhaps this portends something larger. Bring on the portending… And the swooping…

“Events, which our sacred allies have been working toward for centuries, are now about to happen which will forever change your world. The power structure that rules your globe is collapsing in on itself as the center can no longer hold together. The dark cabal has dreaded this moment ever since the Anunnaki left, at which time these off-worlders demanded that their on-planet minions return dominion of your reality to the Light. This recommendation by the Anunnaki was vetoed by a sizable majority of the groups that make up the on-planet minions of the dark; their leaders were utterly unable to fathom why they would be asked, for any reason at all, to give up what to them was their life-blood: power. Power is basically all they know. Under the aegis of their former off-world masters, the minions had run roughshod over Earth and surface humanity for nearly 13 millennia. Now they were being asked to give up, literally, their throne! To the dark ones this was unthinkable. And outrageous! No one, not even their former masters, was going to separate them from the one thing that gave them their very identity: their ‘natural’ superiority. It formed the core of their being. And for nearly 17 years they have struggled to retain the only world they know.”


  • Events, which our sacred allies have been working toward for centuries, are now about to happen which will forever change your world.
  • The dark cabal has dreaded this moment ever since the Anunnaki left, at which time these off-worlders demanded that their on-planet minions return dominion of your reality to the Light.
  • Under the aegis of their former off-world masters, the minions had run roughshod over Earth and surface humanity for nearly 13 millennia. Now they were being asked to give up, literally, their throne!
  • Meanwhile, our sacred allies requested that we use our advanced methods of negotiation to prevent these now-woebegone dark Beings from creating another world war as a means to maintain their status as your unchallenged rulers.
  • The time comes for the final ‘swoop’ that is to drive the dark from power.
  • Then we intend to permit our allies to detain and put on trial those who so mercilessly controlled you, and the fears that have for so long defined your lives can at last be laid aside.
  • These ways of keeping you divided are to be transformed into cooperation, peace, and Love.
  • These ways of keeping you divided are to be transformed into cooperation, peace, and Love.
  • We are here, at this right divine moment, to be reunited with you, and begin some essential personal teachings with each of you as a requisite to your return to full consciousness.
  • You are the wondrous Beings who have incarnated at this time to bring forth a new reality…
  • When our fleets got here, we turned your solar system into a vast ‘parking lot’ and waited patiently for the divine signal to act. This mighty decree has at last been permitted to resound throughout Heaven and physicality and this clarion call will most assuredly be answered! This is the moment for your freedom to be secured!
  • Our sacred associates have reached the stage where their many projects can finally manifest.
  • You grew up in this unnatural, artificial state and, knowing no other, you began to believe that what you saw all around you was natural. Nothing is further from the truth!
  • Heaven is preparing you for an ‘expressway’ to full consciousness which dispenses with the many lifetimes that it took us to reach our present sacred state. Heaven decreed many dispensations for you, which permits you to avail yourself of an individually tailored, sentient device that removes the many epigenetic blockages and re-knits the many DNA scramblings carried out on you in the past.
  • Great events are to come which can swiftly alter your reality.


Sheldan Nidle Update 10-23-12
7 Imix, 9 Tzec, 9 Eb

Dratzo! We return! Events, which our sacred allies have been working toward for centuries, are now about to happen which will forever change your world. The power structure that rules your globe is collapsing in on itself as the center can no longer hold together. The dark cabal has dreaded this moment ever since the Anunnaki left, at which time these off-worlders demanded that their on-planet minions return dominion of your reality to the Light. This recommendation by the Anunnaki was vetoed by a sizable majority of the groups that make up the on-planet minions of the dark; their leaders were utterly unable to fathom why they would be asked, for any reason at all, to give up what to them was their life-blood: power. Power is basically all they know. Under the aegis of their former off-world masters, the minions had run roughshod over Earth and surface humanity for nearly 13 millennia. Now they were being asked to give up, literally, their throne! To the dark ones this was unthinkable. And outrageous! No one, not even their former masters, was going to separate them from the one thing that gave them their very identity: their ‘natural’ superiority. It formed the core of their being. And for nearly 17 years they have struggled to retain the only world they know.

Meanwhile, our sacred allies requested that we use our advanced methods of negotiation to prevent these now-woebegone dark Beings from creating another world war as a means to maintain their status as your unchallenged rulers. These ones still feel greatly ill used at being commanded to leave. However, a series of events and a chain of documents are finally ready to achieve their most necessary removal. The time comes for the final ‘swoop’ that is to drive the dark from power. Then we intend to permit our allies to detain and put on trial those who so mercilessly controlled you, and the fears that have for so long defined your lives can at last be laid aside. Released from these fetters you will be able to joyously acknowledge our existence and to begin to create a society that favors the good and benevolent over greed and manipulation. Your new governance is to smooth the way to full consciousness by, first, rolling out universal prosperity and by ending all wars! These will not be so easy to accomplish as your world has been manipulated for millennia to view competition, hate, and strife as inevitable components of existence.

These ways of keeping you divided are to be transformed into cooperation, peace, and Love. You are to realize and be able to fulfill your innermost needs for a joyously creative life. We are here, at this right divine moment, to be reunited with you, and begin some essential personal teachings with each of you as a requisite to your return to full consciousness. Part of this will be your introduction to a great book: The Book of Understandings. It is a compilation contributed to by each star-nation from the time they first colonize their home world. Each book contains an immense amount of wisdom about humanity and physicality, and is in essence a giant compendium of history and galactic anthropology. We intend to start you off with the works compiled on Mars, Venus, and Earth around the time when the Anchara Alliance made the destructive raid on your solar system a million years ago. The history of Agartha and the book that your new star-nation begins will be added to the whole, making a complete chronicle of your astonishing odyssey and of who you really are!

You are the wondrous Beings who have incarnated at this time to bring forth a new reality, and in consonance with this Heaven was very strict about who was allowed to embody here at this time. This is why we have come from so far afield to help, despite the fact that your world falls short of any of the usual conditions for first contact. Heaven summoned us here to use our fleets, at the divinely appointed time, to liberate you from your recalcitrant rulers. When Anchara joined the Light at the designated time, Earth’s surface humanity was to move into the Light as well. But, as mentioned earlier, these calls from both the dark and from Heaven went unheeded by the dark earth-minions, who were in no mind to relinquish their insatiable power addiction. The result is this first-contact mission. When our fleets got here, we turned your solar system into a vast ‘parking lot’ and waited patiently for the divine signal to act. This mighty decree has at last been permitted to resound throughout Heaven and physicality and this clarion call will most assuredly be answered! This is the moment for your freedom to be secured!

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We arrive on this day with good news! Our sacred associates have reached the stage where their many projects can finally manifest. But first, dear Hearts, we need to begin to apprise you of some of the truth of your present setup. The dark cabal planned over a decade ago to put in motion a train of events designed to lead to several wars and ultimately a global situation that would permanently enslave you. Then conditions would be introduced to drastically reduce the world’s present population to fewer than 600 million. These numbers were to be regulated by means of a series of roving plagues. This horrifying plan has been averted by the activities of our associates since the time of September 11, 2001. Our blessed ones in Heaven came and used their abilities to prevent this horror from fully manifesting. Now you are on the brink of freedom and we are ready to implement events to bring you prosperity and full consciousness.

Prosperity is a natural state in Heaven and in physicality. Yet, on your world, you have watched the dark use its power to turn this natural state upside down, creating poverty, ignorance and hate all across the globe. These imposed conditions were used to disguise who you are. You grew up in this unnatural, artificial state and, knowing no other, you began to believe that what you saw all around you was natural. Nothing is further from the truth! Life in this universe is hugely abundant and all interrelated. You are part of a magnificent unity-a state that the Creator has graciously spread throughout the many realms comprising physicality. When you ascend, this glorious state of unity becomes the experiential basis from which you think and act. This oneness is a soul-stirring melody that flows through your very cells, birthing a never-ending sense of joy. Joy suffuses you, and becomes the wellspring of other songs that takes your bliss on to ever-greater heights.

Heaven is preparing you for an ‘expressway’ to full consciousness which dispenses with the many lifetimes that it took us to reach our present sacred state. Heaven decreed many dispensations for you, which permits you to avail yourself of an individually tailored, sentient device that removes the many epigenetic blockages and re-knits the many DNA scramblings carried out on you in the past. This allows you to move easily into your divine-Self state. This gracious act is stipulated in the life contracts you presently possess. You will be made aware of these contracts once this rapid ascension operation is complete. So much lies ahead for you, including the beginning of your own grand Book of Understandings for your new star-nation. We will be at your side during all this, as we are here, after all, to use our collective wisdom from numerous Earth lives to guide you in your divine service as you do your part in moving this entire galaxy into the Light.

Today, we reviewed what is happening on your world. Great events are to come which can swiftly alter your reality. This transformation is to bring you joy and a much-needed answer to your prayers for a change in the way your world operates. Be in good Spirits, and prepare yourselves for a new and joyful world! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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10/26/2012 10:51:02 AM

Martin Sheen, Woody Harrelson To Star In 9/11 ‘Truther’ Film “September Morn”

2012 OCTOBER 26
Posted by Stephen Cook

In this Sept. 11, 2001, file photo, the twin towers of the World Trade Center burn behind the Empire State Building in New York.

Martin Sheen, Woody Harrelson To Star In 9/11 ‘Truther’ Film September Morn

Thanks to Kauilapele

By Cavan Sieczkowski, The Huffington Post – October 18, 2012

Sept. 11th was surely one of the most defining and poignant moments in American history. The events of that day have been rehashed in countless television specials and documentaries, but in 2013 audiences can expect something different. A 9/11 “truther” fim titled “September Morn” is set to hit theaters and it has two big Hollywood names at the helm.

Martin Sheen and Woody Harrelson will star in the 9/11 truther flick, according to Yahoo! Movies. The film will focus on some of the theories presented by the truther movement, a coalition of individuals who believe that the mainstream media has deceived the public about what really happened on Sept. 11, 2001.

“September Morn” has been described in an advanced publicity note (via IMDb): “We the people demand that the government revisit and initiates a thorough and independent investigation to the tragic events of 911. In the vein of ’12 Angry Men’ this dramatic piece is set with a stellar and award winning cast.”

In 2007, Sheen first expressed doubt over the true events of 9/11. “I did not want to believe that my government could possibly be involved in such a thing, I could not live in a country that I thought could do that – that would be the ultimate betrayal,” he said during a 2007 appearance at We Are Change L.A. “There have been so many revelations that now I have my doubts, and chief among them is Building 7 –- how did they rig that building so that it came down on the evening of the day?”

The actor was alerted to the “inconsistencies” in the collapse of 7 World Trade Center, the cornerstone of September 11th conspiracy theories, by his son Charlie, according to Yahoo!.

Harrelson and actor Ed Asner, who will also appear in the film, have aligned themselves with the truther movement as well, according to the Guardian.

Indie Wire reports that the 9/11 conspiracy film is set to be directed by BJ Davis, whose resume includes “Charlie Sheen’s Stunt Spectacular” and “Forget About It.” It will be produced by John D. Schofield.

The film will be shot in one location, similar to “12 Angry Men,” according to Indie Wire.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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10/26/2012 10:56:31 AM

Jesus: You are Being Lovingly Activated to Bring Your Spiritual Abilities on Line

2012 OCTOBER 26
Posted by Stephen Cook

Jesus: You are Being Lovingly Activated to Bring Your Spiritual Abilities on Line

As channelled by John Smallman – October 25, 2012

Many of you are experiencing heavenly dreams as the moment for humanity’s awakening draws ever closer. Enjoy them, revel in them, and know that they are but a very faint intimation of what truly lies ahead for you.

The creative power that God possesses, and lovingly shares with you in its entirety, is completely beyond your ability to comprehend while you remain entangled within the illusion. Nevertheless, you are soon going to be availing yourselves of it and delighting in the infinite possibilities that it offers you. Prepare yourselves for never-ending amazing and delightful, heavenly surprises when you awaken.

Until then, focus attentively on your intent to awaken and on your other equally important task: the intent to assist everyone with whom you interact to awaken as well.

Your assistance is vital, so be careful not to dismiss your thoughts on how you can best help others as grandiose projections thrown up by your egos, although some might be, because you are now being lovingly activated to bring your spiritual abilities on line in divine service to your sleeping brothers and sisters.

Just remembering to hold that intent and share it with all of humanity is extremely effective because you are all very powerful, divine beings. It is just that your awareness of that fact is presently hidden from you by the veils of the illusion — but not for very much longer.

When you awaken into your fully-conscious state the unfolding vistas of opportunities opening up before you will uplift and inspire you as your unlimited creative abilities entice you to explore the ideas and concepts that start flowing into your newly enhanced awareness.

The entrancing range of possibilities to appear before you are but the start of numerous, expanding areas into which your creative talents will draw you most enthusiastically. Fear, doubt, and anxiety will be forever banished because your vision, your understanding, and your experience of actually being Love in action, being one with God and of all creation, will just dissolve them.

To attempt to describe what lies just ahead would be pointless because, in terms that you could grasp and understand with your severely limited bodily senses, there is no field of human knowledge or exploration that could in the smallest way envision what is about to unfold for you.

Deep within, you all have hopes, great hopes, that for the most part you have suppressed or denied because in your unawakened state they seem insane in the extreme. But, of course, they are not. They are merely tiny fragments of memory from the time before you chose to hide yourselves in an imaginary, separated state of existence far removed from the glory of your natural, divine state. They are sparks from the inextinguishable flame of God’s Love within you, attempting to awaken you, as they surely will.

Allow your hopes to grow. . . encourage them; they are a divine lifeline to prevent you from getting totally lost and confused by the muddiness and lack of clarity available to you in the illusion. It is like a stagnant backwater, toxic, overgrown with weeds, but through which a freshwater stream of hope is flowing out to the brilliant ocean of clarity that is Reality.

As you engage with that stream and share it with others, it enlarges and starts to cleanse and revitalize that stagnant backwater, bringing it back to the clarity that is its true nature, so that it can once more reconnect with the vast ocean of which it is an essential and inseparable part.

Toxicity is being cleared; the environment is being cleansed; the veil is being dissolved so that all can see and recognize Reality and move joyfully into It from the collapsing and disintegrating illusion whose time is, to all intents and purposes, past. Your hopes are utterly valid, and will be fully realized as you awaken.

Your loving brother, Jesus

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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