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10/24/2012 3:50:12 PM
First Nation Challenges Shell's Proposed Tar Sands Expansion

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  • October 23, 2012

Written by Claire Morgenstern

Shell Oil’s plans to expand the Jackpine tar sands strip mine near Alberta, Canada have come to a head today, as environmentalists from across North America stand united with the people of the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation (ACFN) against Shell’s proposed expansion.

The Jackpine expansion would fuel even more global warming and drive the destruction of the boreal forest — all to extract filthy tar sands oil that would be funneled to dangerous pipelines like the Keystone XL. Today, ACFN is bringing a constitutional challenge to Shell’s application before Canada’s Joint Review Panel in Fort McMurray, Alberta. The challenge may be the only remaining pieces of law that can stop the destruction of the land on which ACFN has resided for generations.

ACFN has asked the public to join them in Fort McMurray today and stand in solidarity as they present their evidence against the proposed tar sands expansion.

If you can’t be there in person, you can still show your support! Take action now at

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/24/2012 9:17:26 PM

The Irish Sue the Banks

October 2012.

During the last 2 years we, real ordinary people, have watched our country come to its knees due to a gamble of the banks, the sell out of OUR resources by our politicians and lies and ommitions about our place in the world crises. The sense of hopelessness has brought hundreds to a very dark place and with no hope they believe in sight many have taken their lives!

There are always Options. We have had enough and got up off our knees and taken control of our own lives again. We are not professionals, just honest! If you need to talk - we can listen and due to our self-education we can tell you how we have taken back our lives. We are not now and never will be slaves.
Remember there are always OPTIONS. Sometimes we just cant see the woods for the trees, and there are many who would take advantage of that. Not US.
This is a FREE service by concerned individuals with real knowledge and real OPTIONS!


October 15th 2012
The Irish People have initiated a process of suing the banks en-masse. We believe the bankers have broken the law by their practices, resulting in widespread ruin in Ireland as businesses close, mortgagors default, families are evicted from their homes, our young people are forced to emigrate and, tragically, many people turn to suicide.
This situation has been caused by the banks, and we will take them to task through the courts to put right their wrongs.

On October 15th over 100 cases were filed in the High Court in Dublin suing various mortgage providers.
Debt is not the end, you have options.
Contact Debtoptions on facebook or email, or call call 0872565728 to discuss your options.

Debtoptions is a FREE service.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/24/2012 9:31:54 PM

Setback for Netanyahu as court rules against settlers


Israel's Supreme Court has demanded that Jewish settlers evacuate an illegal West Bank outpost by 1 August, rejecting a government-backed deal that would have allowed them to remain there for another three years.

The surprise ruling is a humiliation for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his pro-settler coalition, which agreed the widely-scorned compromise to circumvent a court order calling for the dismantlement of Migron, built on private Palestinian land, by 31 March.

Many had expected the Supreme Court to rubber stamp the state's compromise amid fears that settlers would respond with violence if forcefully evacuated. But, in a decision hailed by Israeli NGOs as a victory for the rule of law, the court said that "the obligation to fulfill the [earlier] ruling is not a matter of choice".

Half a million Jewish settlers live in East Jerusalem and the West Bank, territory captured by Israel during the 1967 Six-Day War, and wanted by the Palestinians for their future state along with the Gaza Strip. Many believe the Jews have a divine claim to biblical Israel.

All Jewish settlements are considered illegal under international law, but outposts, sometimes mere trailer camps atop hills in the occupied West Bank, are illegal under Israeli law, too.

Settlers in Migron immediately condemned the ruling.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/24/2012 9:37:07 PM

Major Airports to Remove Invasive X-ray, Body Scanners

Published: Tuesday, 23 Oct 2012
By: Darren Booth
Special to

The Transportation Security Administration is removing full-body, X-ray scanners from major U.S. airports, and shipping them to less busy locations.

CNBC composite
X-ray machines, shown at left, are being swapped out for less invasive "Gumby" scanners at major airports across the country.

TSA introduced the so-called Backscatter scanners, sometimes referred to as the "naked" X-ray machines, at U.S. airports in 2009. Many travelers were not happy that naked images of themselves were displayed to TSA officers in a nearby room. In addition to privacy concerns, travelers were concerned about radiation exposure. (Read more: The Skinny on Full-Body Scanners)

The replacement scanning machines offer less invasive, cartoon-like images of passengers. And you can even turn around after passing through the machine to see the same image TSA officer review. (Read more: Less Invasive, 'Gumby' Body Scanners to Debut at Boston Airport)

The full-body, X-ray scanners will be removed from New York's Kennedy, LaGuardia and other major airports, the Associated Press reported. TSA said the decision was made to speed up security at busy airports.

TSA spokesperson Sterling Payne said in an email to that, "As part of an effort to maximize the efficiency and deployment of Advanced Imaging Technology (AIT), TSA is strategically moving smaller, faster AIT units to busier airports and moving the larger units to airports with less passenger volume."

"This move will add additional units outfitted with automated target recognition (ATR) software, which enhances privacy even more by providing a generic body outline, and eliminates the need for a separate officer in another to room to participate in screening," Payne says.

The less invasive "Gumby" scanners with the ATR software will be in use at the following airports, the TSA confirms to

  • Boston Logan International Airport
  • Chicago O'Hare International Airport
  • Los Angeles International Airport
  • New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport
  • New York's LaGuardia Airport
  • Orlando International Airport
  • Charlotte Douglas International Airport

Based on frequent flier reports on, the more invasive X-ray machines are still in use at some of the busiest U.S. airports, including:

  • Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport
  • Seattle-Tacoma International Airport
  • Lambert-St. Louis International Airport

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

(CORRECTION: The X-ray machines are not in use at Dallas-Fort Worth, Denver, Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta, Las Vegas and San Francisco airports. A previous version of this story incorrectly stated they did.)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/24/2012 9:45:14 PM

Archangel Michael via Ron Head: Please Learn to Have As Much Faith and Trust in Yourselves As We Do

2012 OCTOBER 24
Posted by Alice C

Mountain ViewArchangel Michael via Ron Head: Please Learn to Have As Much Faith and Trust in Yourselves As We Do

Alice C – Ron Head is featuring on the Light Agenda with Stephen Cook on November 7.

As channeled by Ron Head – October 24, 2012

Good morning, dearest friends. Our hearts feel great joy as each of you reach out and connect with us. May this day and every day be increasingly joyful and special for you, as well.

As we have told you several times now, you are experiencing a continually rising state of enhanced energies. The most appropriate words to describe this, from our viewpoint, would be unconditional love. From your third dimensional perspective, it can be seen as solar flares, photon light, and other terms, as well.

Whatever you call it, and whether you choose to acknowledge it or not, it is changing every cell, molecule, and atom in your bodies, as well as the bodies of each life form on your planet, in your solar system, and in your galaxy. Your scientists know, most of them, that all matter is interconnected. Some have not reached the full understanding that should follow from this knowledge as yet. But understand that as one change occurs in the universe, everything else changes, also. Further, as in the often quoted “As above, so below”, this is true also of your mental and spiritual being.

Great change is occurring all around you in your solar system and galaxy. Your scientists are well aware of this. It is therefore impossible that great change should not occur to you. And as great change occurs in you, great change will be evident in all you create from this time forward. This is not a threat, nor is it a prophesy. This is an inevitable fact. Creator has decreed change. You are the instruments of change. Simple, is it not?

We are overjoyed that you have made the choice to be the ones who experience this first and to anchor it into your lives and societies. Please do not apply judgments to yourselves nor to your effectiveness nor readiness. You are where you are. You are doing what you need to do. Should you see a better way, you will choose it. That is who you are. That is what you do and have always done. That is why you are the one there and not another. Please learn to have as much faith and trust in yourselves as we do.

Please also learn to forgive yourselves for your perceptions of past failings. They are simply experiences that have helped to mold you into what you are this day. It is time now for you to stand up out of all that and look upon the vistas both of what you are creating and where you have been. Remember that all that you have suffered through has made you the strong warriors that you are. Again and again you have returned into the fray to bring new experiences and understandings back with you.

Good job. Well done. Now let’s have a graduation party and get on with reality, shall we? All of this will soon be a distant, though useful memory.

We shall continue our discussion again soon, dear hearts. Good day.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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