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10/22/2012 2:12:31 AM

Jesus: Life for All on Earth is to Change Dramatically

2012 OCTOBER 21
Posted by Stephen Cook

Jesus: Life for All on Earth is to Change Dramatically

As channelled by John Smallman – October 21, 2012

Humanity is on the verge of an amazing development of enormous significance in your spiritual evolution. Your entire Earth history has been leading you forwards towards this moment, so it really is a very special time in which to be experiencing a human existence.

Although most of you who are reading channeled messages and are seeking your true spiritual identities or purposes chose to be here to assist in humanity’s mass awakening, none of the population of planet Earth at this point in your and her spiritual evolution is here by chance. Everyone on Earth at this time is here by their own choice and has an essential assignment that no one else could fulfill.

Each soul has a supreme and unique value established within them by God at the moment of their creation, and their spiritual purpose is simply to demonstrate this.

While much is occurring on Earth of a negative nature which causes suffering and pain for many, it does have a purpose.

The illusion, which you built so many eons ago, has gone through many evolutionary and crisis-torn stages that need healing, and that healing is an ongoing process that is nearing completion as the moment for your awakening approaches. Wherever activities are planned or are taking place that are in opposition to Love there is an opportunity for healing to take place, and the divine field of Love surrounding and enveloping humanity and the planet is intensifying and refining its focus on those places to ensure that it happens.

When you meditate or pray the power of your intent to send love and healing to wherever on the planet disharmony, confrontation, suffering, or violence is occurring is always magnified exponentially because of this divine field of Love in which all are enveloped. Never think that your prayers, intentions, or meditation moments are ineffectual, they are of immense value in the awakening process with which you are all here to assist. Your assistance is always needed, is always helpful, and is always most gratefully received.

Life for all on Earth is to change dramatically as the changes that awakening will bring about take effect. Awakened people cannot, and would not wish to, engage in modes of behavior or activity that are in the slightest way intentionally damaging to another. Peaceful, gracious, and harmonious interactions will express themselves throughout all relationships at every level of personal and group encounter.

There are so very many ways in which sentient beings can communicate and interact which are positive, joyful, and fulfilling, that here in the spiritual realms we often wonder why you choose to spend so much time in angry confrontation and disagreement. You cannot fail to see how ineffectual those modes of communication are, and yet you persist in using them.

They are indeed ego activities, and they cause you at least as much suffering as they cause to those against whom you direct them. However, we see that as you move towards awakening more and more of you are at last realizing the idiocy of many of your present methods of communication — e.g. an inflexible statement of intent followed by the threat to carry it out forcefully regardless of the wishes of others or of the consequences of those actions.

This realization is not localized, but is spreading throughout humanity. Nevertheless, there are still many individuals in positions of authority, or who are seeking election to positions of authority, who have not yet become aware that these old, insensitive, and unworkable methods have not only fallen out of favor but will no longer be accepted, possibly because they are so busy pushing their own egoic agendas.

As a result they will no doubt be rather surprised when they find themselves removed from their positions of authority or not elected to them because due to their views and attitudes it is no longer appropriate that they should hold them.

To awaken into Reality is a most magnificent achievement. And yes, it was always God’s Will that you should awaken. Absolutely nothing could prevent you from doing so, eventually, but there was a vast amount of necessary preparatory work that you each had to complete before you were ready to move into the divine environment of pure and infinite Love.

Without that preparation entry would have had to have been denied to you because the brilliance of God’s divine Presence, the Light of His Love, would have induced in you a state of such extreme shock that it would have taken further eons for you to recover from it before you regained sufficient strength to restart your ascent.

His Love for you is so far beyond your ability to conceive of that no attempt to describe It could do It justice. Just know that all that you have been going through in your illusory world, as you played with the idea of separation, became so dark that for your own protection your return to the divine realms could be undertaken in no other way.

Now the journey is almost over. Your Father’s Love shines on you in every moment at an intensity that warmly encourages and protects you while you complete the last stages in this long and arduous endeavor.

You are nearly Home, so rejoice in the knowledge that nothing can prevent your arrival, and that the ensuing welcome will raise you to levels of happiness far beyond your fondest imaginings.

Your loving brother, Jesus

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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10/22/2012 2:14:10 AM

Saul: To Assist the Sleepers You Needed to Walk in Their Shoes

2012 OCTOBER 21
Posted by Anthony Morrison

Saul: To Assist the Sleepers You Needed to Walk in Their Shoes

Anthony: This message from Saul may well assist and uplift you if you have been feeling at all despondent during these past few days – or weeks.

As Channelled by John Smallman – October 21, 2012

The Earth date December 21 2012 is on many people’s minds as they look forward to humanity’s awakening, and wonder what will actually happen, if anything, on or before that date.

Despite all the inspiring channeled messages addressing the importance and significance of this date many are but hoping for the best, while wondering if anything much will really change – they are preparing themselves to handle a big disappointment.

And the mainstream media continues to focus on the same old stuff – “new” bad news on the economy, on politics, on threats of terrorist plots or wars, on climate change, on earthquakes, and on and on – so where, you ask, is the Good News?

The illusion does hide from you your eternal spiritual connection to God. You believe in it, it makes complete sense to you, but you have no experience of it – no sense of the feel, taste, smell, sound, or sight of God’s Presence in your lives.

You have prayed, meditated, read inspiring spiritual books by a few mystics who have experienced the divine, and by people who have had personal near-death experiences. But the majority of you have had no personal experience through which you know God. Bodies can only experience through those five main senses, so you have to rely on your faith, on your hope, but as the due date draws ever closer your doubts tend to intensify. If you are not experiencing doubts then maybe you are not being honest with yourselves — perhaps you are in denial of them.

This is a very demanding time for you as you wait apprehensively for the moment of your promised awakening. The divine field of Love surrounding the planet and all of humanity is sensitive to your anxiety.

Take comfort in the knowledge that however unreal or inadequate your experience of your divine nature may be, the fact remains that you are, always have been, and always will be divine beings, the beloved children of God. That is the Truth. It is eternally true, even within the illusory reality in which you are presently experiencing life in such an exceedingly limited form.

Your unreal unknowing is a heavy burden that you willingly chose to bear when you reentered the illusion to be Light-bearers and way-showers to those who remain deeply asleep. To help those who are so deeply asleep you had to leave behind your memory of Reality so that you could experience what they are experiencing and fully understand their fearful and confusing predicament, which makes no sense at all unless you are enclosed within it.

From outside it, from Reality, there is nothing there; it does not exist. But from within, it seems totally real, and all the issues, problems, pain, and suffering with which it presents you are very threatening and convincing.

To assist the sleepers you needed to walk in their shoes. Although you left behind your memory of Reality, your knowledge of It is held deep within you, as it is with the sleepers, but you, unlike them, do have an awareness of it. This awareness is the tool you use to guide yourselves unerringly homeward, and by doing so, you show others the way. But the effect of the illusion is to raise doubts in your minds as to its efficacy, especially when you, too, become bogged down in the worries and anxieties of daily illusory living.

This is why we constantly remind you of the absolutely essential need to spend quiet time — down time, time alone praying or meditating — in order to renew your strength, and to renew your awareness that you are Light-bearers and way-showers with a very important mission: the awakening of humanity, for which we in the spiritual realms are providing you constant and unfailing assistance.

If you were to succumb to the belief that you were doing this enormous task unaided, you would be overwhelmed. You cannot possibly do it alone. Therefore you must make time and space, each day, to connect with us, so that you constantly maintain awareness that you are never alone. Doubts you will have, but you will also know that you most definitely are not alone.

What you agreed to do and are doing is truly amazing. You reentered the illusion freely and willingly to aid your brothers and sisters as they struggled to find their way Home. It is not the first time that you have voluntarily chosen to assist the sleepers seemingly trapped in the illusion, and your determination and persistence as you go about this task is divinely acknowledged and honored.

It is a task in which success is inevitable because it is God’s Will that this be so. Remind yourselves again and again, especially when your doubts assail you, that you are divinely loved, protected, and guided in every moment of your existence, and that failure is not an available option because your success is divinely assured.

With so very much love, Saul

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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10/22/2012 4:14:57 PM

Two Months Remain

2012 OCTOBER 22
Posted by Steve Beckow

How can I not make note of the fact that sixty days remain between now and Dec. 21?

Archangel Michael has said he doesn’t want us to wait until mid-December to prepare. He’s also asked for volunteers to ascend early and then return and act as gatekeepers.

You may have noticed, as I have, that the news services have less and less to report. I went to the BBC the other day and was shocked to find practically nothing of importance to post to the site. The same occurred at Huffington Post. The same at the Guardian and then I gave up.

Just as animals when they migrate respond to a certain imperative, so I also feel an imperative making itself known to me. I’ve prepped some articles for reposting while we’re away and noticed that my attention was drawn again and again to Ascension. That plus the design of life. There wasn’t very much else I wanted to post about, not very much else I’m interested in any more.

It appears as if attention is being drawn to the topic at the center of things – our free flight from this setting of dualism and separation to the setting of non-dualism and unity.

No generation, I believe, has prepared for something it knew not what, has responded to an irresistible imperative like this generation has to what we now know as Ascension. No generation marched as this one did to stop a war. No generation altered and raised its consciousness as this one did decades ago. No generation experimented with every means of raising consciousness through so many techniques, sampling so many paths, trekking to so many places.

At the same time, no generation came under such assault from government, faced so much danger and a future promising so much peril as this one did. Government, the military, business, the press, the health industry, education, religion and other institutions colluded to turn workers into peons and wrest freedom from the people.

In the face of the assault, the momentum of this generation to find itself and know itself was temporarily halted but triumphed in the end.

Of course we had help and of course it was the time for freedom, peace and love to transcend. But we still lost many along the way and many suffered.

But now we awaken and arise and prepare ourselves for the transition and shift for which we came. The ones who’d have enslaved the planet if they could have are subdued themselves or gone. Their minions have lost their leaders and wander aimlessly with no orders to follow.

Some of them stay the course towards enslavement but sputter and falter. We’re in a period of pause at the moment in which the onslaught has all but ceased but the new world hasn’t emerged and taken back the instruments of policy and state. But that will come.

The editors of the 2012 Scenario and the hosts of Inlight Radio will be absent for somewhat more than a week. We’ve scheduled some articles and will post more from Sedona if we can.

We want to be sensitive to the fact that most readers and listeners will not be there. We don’t want to talk exclusively of Sedona but it is an enclave of lightworkers and will produce its own learnings from the mere gathering of so many dedicated to the Light.

When we return it will be more like six weeks till Ascension. The United States, from which the vast majority of readers hail, will be on the verge of electing a President. Long awaited events may have happened by then. But I expect that, even more than now, the imperative to focus in on Ascension will be felt in increasing strength.

Soon nothing else will concern us than knowing what will occur with the shift and preparing for it. Whatever happened or didn’t happen will fade away from memory and the only matter of consequence, I predict, will be extending the invitation to come along to all who have no idea of what’s occurring.

While we’re away, the links will provide you with other sites that serve the same cause and can keep you up to date. We don’t compete for readers here. We serve no agenda of exclusivism or self-promotion. We don’t care where you get your news as long as you do.

Maybe you’ll be moved to open up your own site. As lightworkers, the vast majority of us are here as communicators. We’re here to spread the word and facilitate events. We’re here to reassure and hold the balance against the storm.

We’re coming to a time of concentration, followed by momentum, and culminating in liftoff. All hands are needed. Our future is assured and our work awaits us. In two months time, the work will be over and it’ll be a time of endless vacation. Well, almost. The work that will await us won’t seem like work – ever again. Nothing will be the same ever, to our lasting benefit.

(Perhaps we could invite your comments on how much of Sedona you’d like to hear about and what you expect of the blog while we’re away.)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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10/23/2012 1:13:31 AM
I have never posted any messages from The Arcturian Group before, but this one really caught my eye. I hope you enjoy it.

The Arcturian Group Message – October 21, 2012

2012 OCTOBER 22
Posted by Stephen Cook

The Arcturian Group Message – October 21, 2012

Stephen: Don’t forget, Marilyn Raffaele was on my guest on The Light Agenda on October 3.You can listen here:

As channeled by Marilyn Raffaele – October 21, 2012

This is a time of much change for many. Do not fear dear ones, for the changes are for the Light to more fully manifest in the world. All is proceeding according to plan and you will soon be well aware of it.

Many are asking; “Where is this, where is that?” Be patient dear ones, for the building of low level third dimensional chaos within unenlightened energy took eons to create. This cannot be dismantled in a moment even though it is not real but simply the manifestation of false beliefs and concepts.

You can understand from this what powerful beings you really are, that mankind’s false beliefs could form the illusory world you have come to know and experience lifetime after lifetime. You have come to accept a world filled with the ups and downs taken for granted as being reality, as being the way life is.

Truth knows no ups and downs, but is ever pure Light and Love, always present, for it is all there is. Divinity is your inheritance as sons and daughters of the Divine. It is the substance and the form of all that is real and you are beginning to become aware of that.

Every step you have taken and still take in your search for truth brings you closer to understanding how it all works, and gently guides you out of believing the activities of sprit to be “woo woo stuff” as many term it, and into the realm of reality . The “woo woo” world is really the third dimensional one–illusory interpretations of reality formed from the ignorance of mankind over hundreds of lifetimes.

The lesson for today’s message is Light–a deeper understanding of what is meant by the word Light which is in its purest form, Divine Consciousness. The Arcturian Group comes to teach, not to predict or comment so much on world events.

Energy vibration becomes slow, heavy, and dark when cluttered with the unawareness and un-evolved beliefs of duality and separation. Most of you at one time or another have all experienced entering into a place where you felt a heaviness that was uncomfortable making you want to leave. Many bars carry this energy. This is the experience of being in lower resonating energy.

Many of today’s highly evolved children rebel at entering certain places causing their parents much confusion. It is because they are more sensitive to energy, and can feel the heaviness or chaos of certain environments. As an individual evolves, becoming more aware of truth and eliminating of the false, his energy field is able to manifest its already present light, Divine consciousness– enlightenment.

An individual’s energy field becomes brighter and lighter as he embraces within his consciousness truth, and releases what is old and finished. Actually Light is all there is, but this ever present reality became shadowed and unseen by most, when the belief in two powers was accepted.

When spiritual teachers say to hold the light, this is a directive to see (acknowledge) the light within your heart center from your highest sense of understood truth. Image bright white/gold sparkling particles of light and flow them out through your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies with the intention that It clear everything unlike Itself. You see, the Light is the manifested form of Reality. Human eyes could not tolerate the actual Light of the Divine so bright it is, thus spiritual students become aware of and experience Divine Light through gradual and unfolding awareness.

When, in your quiet time you are guided to send light to someone, you never need to nor should you, put directives on it because the Light knows what the person needs and is the substance of it. If you should see light in your meditation, you are accessing the higher frequencies.

Light is never to be used as some magic wand, for this idea was and still is, the downfall of many who learn the secrets of energy, but are not spiritually evolved enough to use the knowledge unselfishly. Your awakening is bringing to you the awareness of an already present Divine energy appearing as Light. This Light is to be acknowledged, respected, lovingly seen in others, flowed to the world without directive, and embraced as God–the all powerful I AM presence within, never to be misused.

You see Divine Light has never left, man simply descended to an unawareness of it. That is why when Higher dimensional Beings appear to individuals, they appear as light. Illumination is the substance of the halos pictured around saints and “holy” individuals. The Light seen around the great master Jesus simply reflects the purity of his state of consciousness. The more empty of false concepts and beliefs of duality and separation, the more already present light is able to manifest. Plants, animals and all living things hold the Light of the Divine, for it is all there is.

Those who see auras will tell you that they see many different colors based upon the state of consciousness of the individual. The pure white light of Source contains all colors reflecting facets of Itself. This pure light appears in auras as different and ever changing combinations of color depending upon an individual’s personal energetic status at the time. You will be seeing many colors you are not yet aware of as the energy frequencies of earth rise into the higher dimensional status.

Be the Light, send the Light, love the Light, acknowledge the Light–for you are the Light.

We are the Arcturian Group 10/21/2012

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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10/23/2012 1:36:12 AM

Hardly ever has the subject of portals been posted by me, but here the mention of them seems to make sense and, in addition, some of the topics addressed in this message, for example the influences from ancestors, are particularly interesting.

Archangel Michael via Ron Head: Be at Peace. Be Love. Be Your True Powerful, Centered Selves.

2012 OCTOBER 22
Posted by Alice C

LightbodyArchangel Michael via Ron Head: Be at Peace. Be Love. Be Your True Powerful, Centered Selves.

Alice C – Ron Head will feature on The Light Agenda with Stephen Cook on Wednesday November 7.

As channeled by Ron Head – October 22, 2012

We will speak today about what you may expect between now and the next portal opening. First, let us congratulate you on a very successful joining yesterday as you made world-wide intention for peace and freedom.

Each time you do these things now, the light you emanate is immensely stronger than before. You have well and truly shoved that huge snowball down the hill. That strange feeling you are attempting to identify is peace and happiness of a job well done. Mark it well. You will become familiar with it.

You now have something a little less than three weeks before once again a huge portal opportunity is reached. As individuals, you have varying degrees of clearance left to do. It is not something to worry about. It will be done. There is now so much light and unconditional love that is literally blasting through your environment that, because you have invited it, your clearance is assured.

How easily you experience this is the only question. By now you are used to hearing us urge you to open yourselves unreservedly and welcome this energy. Many of you have very little left to clear, but almost no one is completely free of old beliefs and fears. We tell you that it will be much more comfortable to welcome this clearing and give up whatever it brings to the fore than to continue to ignore the possibility that something a bit shadowy may be hiding from you. Rather we should say you may be hiding from it.

No blame is attached to these things, dear ones. The history from which these things may be derived is far, far longer than you may conceive. It is also more than likely that some of it is inherited from ancestors you are not even aware of. It is not necessary that you become aware of it. It is only necessary that you give it up lovingly to the light if and when it surfaces in your minds or emotions. Allow us to give an example, if you will.

Imagine this progression. “Oh my! What in the world caused this anger (fear, hatred, worry, etc.)? But I am not this anger. It is only an emotion. I release it to the light with gratitude for whatever service it provided me in the past. Thank you, Creator.” Poof!! It will go away.

Now, that is just an example. We know many of you can and will do it in slightly different ways, but the result will be the same. Remember, these will come up for clearing, not for getting mired down in. If you don’t have some of these things come up for you, be happy. Do not worry that you are missing any boats.

You have been clearing for long years now. You have wondered about the difficulties in your lives. You took them on for this very reason, my soldiers of the light. Each of them will be worn by you, as badges of honor, in color and sound, forever more.

As we have told you many times, you yet have no true idea of who you really are. You are about to understand. There may be some chaos for you to walk through in these last times. If it were important, we would discuss it. We are not discussing it. The important thing now is you.

Be at peace. Be love. Be your true powerful, centered selves. You are the strong ones that have earned the right to be here at this time. We surround you with our love. We will speak more in a short while. Good day.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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