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10/21/2012 2:41:13 AM

Archangel Michael via Ron Head: You Have… No Idea of the Powerful Beings You Are

2012 OCTOBER 20
Posted by Alice C

SnowballArchangel Michael via Ron Head: You Have… No Idea of the Powerful Beings You Are

Alice C – Ron Head will feature on The Light Agenda with Stephen Cook on Wednesday November 7.

As channeled by Ron Head – October 20, 2012

We welcome you this day into a new window of opportunity. Tomorrow humans will gather in meditation and visualization of the moving of humanity and your beautiful earth into the New Earth of freedom and prosperity. Spend this day, therefore, in preparation for this event.

Understand that the taking of the future into your own spiritual hands, as it were, is what we have been urging you to do. All of those things which we have spoken of for so long, and which you have dreamed of for just as long, will be manifested by you, dear ones.

Your hands will be needed. Your feet will be needed. Your minds will be needed. But first and most importantly, your hearts are needed to make the changes which will begin everything. The energy which you can create tomorrow is the very thing which we can use most effectively. That is what we can multiply. That is you co-creating with spirit the very things which you most desire.

There is an oriental concept called non-doing, or wu wei. This is non-doing, my friends. This non-doing is the most important part of doing. This is the very beginning of creation. This is the planting and nurturing of the seed. This is the designing of the future.

Each piece of the design which is created by each of you is equally important. Create this in your hearts. Create it with loving intent. See it. Feel it. Smell it. Taste it. Live it. Love it. This that you do tomorrow is the most important thing.

And do not think that you are adding one to the number of participants. Each of you will increase the energy incrementally. And then the millions upon millions of the light on this side will have that to add on to and work with.

Let us give you another picture to work with. When your meditation is over, a huge snowball of energy will have been created. But do not let it end there. Each day, from now until your 12-12-12, add a little more energy, a little more of your dream, a little push. How big will that snowball be if we all do that, my dear hearts? You have, as yet, no idea of the powerful beings you are. Let this next two months show you.

We celebrate with joy this next step you are making. We join you in this effort. The Creator has decreed the outcome. Rejoice in this opportunity of opportunities.

Be in joy and be of one heart. Our love be with you. Good day.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

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10/21/2012 11:11:24 AM
White House prepared to meet one-on-one with Iran

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/21/2012 6:17:29 PM

Israeli vice PM welcomes prospect of U.S.-Iran talks

ERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel's vice prime minister said on Sunday he would welcome direct talks between the United States and Iran if they were aimed at halting what Israel sees as plans by the Islamic Republic to build a nuclear weapon.

But Moshe Yaalon also said that he believed a denial by the White House of a New York Times report that Washington and Tehran had agreed in principle to hold bilateral negotiations.

Israel has said it could use military force to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear power, and it has had differences with Washington over when Tehran would actually cross the "red line" to atomic weapons capability.

"(Israel) doesn't oppose this," Yaalon said of the prospect of talks. "If Iran stops its military nuclear project as a result of direct contacts with the United States, we will be the first to welcome this."

But he said that as far as Israel was aware, Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, opposed direct talks with Washington. "I believe the White House denial," Yaalon said.

A spokesman for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declined to comment on Saturday's report, published two days before President Barack Obama is due to hold a debate with Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney focused on foreign policy.

Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, speaking on Army Radio, said he hoped the newspaper report was wrong.

"The Iranians have lied time after time, to the Security Council, the P5+1 and to international negotiators," Lieberman added, referring to the United States and the four other permanent members of the United Nations Security Council - Britain, China, France and Russia - and Germany.

Lieberman heads an ultranationalist party in the governing coalition and often takes a more hawkish line than Netanyahu. Yaalon is a member of Netanyahu's right-wing Likud party.

The United States and other Western powers have said that Iran's nuclear program is aimed at developing nuclear weapons. Tehran says it is enriching uranium only for peaceful purposes.

Netanyahu told the U.N. last month that Tehran would arrive at that point only next spring or summer, in what appeared to be an Israeli signal that any military action could wait.

Last week, Netanyahu praised the European Union for ramping up sanctions against Iran, saying such measures were having a strong impact on the Iranian economy.

Lieberman said Iran's only aim in pursuing any direct talks would be to roll back sanctions. "But if we see that (sanctions) are working, why reduce them?," he asked.

The New York Times said Iran had insisted that talks with Washington not begin until after the November 6 election determines if Obama will serve a second term or if Romney will succeed him.

(Writing by Ori Lewis, editing by Diana Abdallah and Jeffrey Heller)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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10/21/2012 6:25:01 PM
Friends, this message from Kryon is inspiring beyond belief... so there is hope for the world after all! Don't miss a word of it.

Kryon Channeling 9-29-12… “The Bridge of Swords”…”The Bridge You Are Crossing Is The One Between Old Paradigms Of Existence And New Ones”

This Kryon channeling is from September 29, 2012, in Toronto, Canada (although the page says it was also given in Melbourne, Australia (bilocation, anyone?)). I do not post Kryon’s messages, usually, but this one (forwarded to me by Mark and Verna) felt extremely “right on” for this time. I was very “drawn in” by it, and felt it was right to post here today. I feel this message will ring true for many.

In particular it mentions several times here that the old paradigm of doom and destruction, and predicted by many of the “famous” prophets and prognosticators, is not valid any more. And speaks of the necessity to release that old paradigm.

Here’s what the Kryon website page said about this channeling.

“To help the reader, this channelling has been revisited [by Lee and Kryon] to provide even clearer understanding. Often what happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given in Toronto, Canada, 2012.”

“Do not look at past prophecy and apply it to anything that is going on here. Past prophecy had you dead at the millennium, did you remember that? Yet you’re here in 2012! You’ve moved on to the current prophecy of the ancients, of the indigenous of the planet who saw a melding together of north and south – the prophecy of the feathered serpent and the prophecy of the condor and the eagle. This is a movement of energy on the planet in a way no “modern day” prophet ever predicted. Instead, it came from the indigenous, for they saw the potentials of some time fractals that spoke of humanity passing the fifth decision point and moving into the next part of what we call the Great Shift of Human Consciousness.

“What’s going to happen next? The Bridge of Swords. So let us analyze it. Let us tell you what we had in mind when we gave you the phrase and we ask you not to build upon this anything that is not said here. Do not then project more than what is given. Do not try to figure out hidden meanings within what is given, for I’m going to give them all to you now.

“There’s a paradigm shift at hand and you’re going to see it over there [Middle East] first, and it may not be pretty, so I want you to hang tight. Don’t pull out what Nostradamus said at the last minute and say, “He was right.” Nothing he said has manifested since 1987. Don’t suddenly grasp the scriptures of Revelations and draw out all of those words that haven’t been true for 30 years. Nothing has happened as they said it would. The only thing that rings true there is that there are still problems in the Middle East.”


  • You’re here to complete this task that you started so many years ago, old soul! This is the decision point and, from my standpoint, it has already been passed.
  • In your timeline, there are 18 more years of it [the precession]. So at the end of this year, the 2012 marker at that solstice point, it is simply only that – a celebration point in 3D time. This is where you celebrate having made it.
  • We told you that in the end – that is to say, the end of the old paradigm of the planet [now] – you would have The Bridge of Swords.
  • Do not look at past prophecy and apply it to anything that is going on here.
  • You’ve moved on to the current prophecy of the ancients, of the indigenous of the planet who saw a melding together of north and south – the prophecy of the feathered serpent and the prophecy of the condor and the eagle.
  • The bridge you are crossing is the one between old paradigms of existence and new ones.
  • Dropping the old paradigms of what to expect is next. Accepting new paradigms of a future without war is next.


Kryon: The Bridge of Swords

Greetings dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. In the scheme of things, you are reaching the pinnacle of what we would call the decision point for humanity. In order for you to see this in the light that I see it, you’ll have to understand two things. First, going back a short time you will remember that in my first communications to you, I told you that Human consciousness was changing. I brought you information from the very beginning of my attributes on the planet, that humanity was in shift and that I had arrived for a special purpose and that was to shift the magnetics of the grid. I told you that the Kryon group itself would finish that in the year 2002 and would leave, and it did. All of this was in response to what you had accomplished as humanity, and some of you have done the mathematics and realized that all of this was well within the precession of the equinoxes – a 36-year window where your sun aligns to the middle of the galaxy – the beginning and the end of the 26,000-year wobble of the planet.

This astronomical attribute also esoterically [metaphysically] aligns with what the ancients said it would – a decision point for humanity that would be the most important one of all, one that carries with it tremendous energetic purpose. This is why I arrived, and if you look at my first communications, you will see why I arrived, for something was happening with humans, and it had to do with your future. Twenty-two years ago I told you this, and by 1993 you had the publication [Kryon Book One]. Now, here you are in 2012 all these years later, with exactly what we said you would have. We gave you potentials back there; some of them became the potentials of humanity and some of them did not. We deal only with potentials, but the strongest ones talked about your future today.

Secondly, I want you to remember that when you came into this planet, each one of you was unique. It doesn’t matter how old you are as you sit here, every one of you is an old soul. The old souls are the ones who tend to tune in and listen and read a message such as this, and we have said that before as well. So what we have is a unique group, and I want you to remember the spark of truth when you arrived, all of you. Fresh within the quantumness that locks itself to your memory, ringing in your ears when you arrived as the baby: “This is the lifetime that will make the difference.”

There are some of you who have even asked the question, “Why am I alive?” You know who you are. When there was darkness all around you, caused by circumstances and situations, some of them health, we were there. I’ll tell you why you are here. You’re here to complete this task that you started so many years ago, old soul! This is the decision point and, from my standpoint, it has already been passed.

There is no test in front of you, since you’ve already passed it. In your timeline, there are 18 more years of it [the precession]. So at the end of this year, the 2012 marker at that solstice point, it is simply only that – a celebration point in 3D time. This is where you celebrate having made it. And I suffice it to say right now that those who created this enlightened place called Earth know you did it. There are already celebrations in the skies and yet there are things happening on the planet that we told you would happen, and there are those who are worried.

The Bridge of Swords, Revealed

I want to give you what I’m going to call, “The Bridge of Swords revealed.” Here is a phrase we have given you many times in the past. We told you that in the end – that is to say, the end of the old paradigm of the planet [now] – you would have The Bridge of Swords.

Let me tell you some potentials about the future, immediate future. This is not what is going to happen in generations from now, but rather right now. The Bridge of Swords is here. Some of you have extrapolated this information into a form that you then compare to the ancient prophecies in the Holy Scriptures, trying your best to have a confluence of dates and events so that you can figure it out. Some of you have even said, “Ah, The Bridge of Swords: That must be the time where there’s going to be battles on the planet. It’s the Armageddon, and it’s here.” I’ll tell you, dear one, that the Armageddon is happening on some other earth, in some other time! You can write that prophecy off as something that is not going to happen to you.

I’ll say this again, dear Human Being: Do not look at past prophecy and apply it to anything that is going on here. Past prophecy had you dead at the millennium, did you remember that? Yet you’re here in 2012! You’ve moved on to the current prophecy of the ancients, of the indigenous of the planet who saw a melding together of north and south – the prophecy of the feathered serpent and the prophecy of the condor and the eagle. This is a movement of energy on the planet in a way no “modern day” prophet ever predicted. Instead, it came from the indigenous, for they saw the potentials of some time fractals that spoke of humanity passing the fifth decision point and moving into the next part of what we call the Great Shift of Human Consciousness.

What’s going to happen next? The Bridge of Swords. So let us analyze it. Let us tell you what we had in mind when we gave you the phrase and we ask you not to build upon this anything that is not said here. Do not then project more than what is given. Do not try to figure out hidden meanings within what is given, for I’m going to give them all to you now.

The Bridge

It’s very straightforward. It’s a bridge, so let’s look at that first. What is the bridge doing and why must there be one? Well, congratulations dear ones, because a decision point is not always a bridge. Sometimes it’s a chasm, a chasm that humanity would fall into so they would have to start all over. Or perhaps a decision point that has no bridge at all, which means everything stays the same. There would be no change, and you’d have more of what you had – a future that’s nowhere and had never been written. But that’s not what’s happening at all.

Oh, this has been written so many times, but it’s not in your old scripture, dear ones. You’re going to have new writings long after my partner is gone. Oh he’ll be back, but long after this particular lifetime there will be new scriptures written by ones you will see as the prophets of the day. They will talk about what is next on the planet and they will see the change in Human nature. They will see that which is leaning toward the quantumization of corporeal humanity – the beginning of what happened to the Pleiadians so long ago will happen here as you cross the bridge.

But that’s the far future. What about now? The bridge you are crossing is the one between old paradigms of existence and new ones. Eventually all humanity will cross it, but this is so new at the moment that the only ones truly crossing it are very old souls, for they are the only ones that see it and have the Akash ready for it. But you should know this: This bridge is for all, and as you cross this bridge, metaphorically, others will follow you. They’ll cross it and not even know it. They’re crossing into belief of a new kind of reality.

Dropping the old paradigms of what to expect is next. Accepting new paradigms of a future without war is next. Looking at civilization differently than you were ever told it could be, is next. Dropping old fears that so many have had for so long about what to expect is next. That’s the bridge. It’s a beautiful thing. The fact that there’s a bridge at all is a beautiful thing.

The bridge has been created over a long period of time. Synchronistically we did not know a bridge would occur until 30 years ago. That’s how new this energy is. Humanity has free choice and there was no strong potential then if the confluence of energy would have created the momentum to create a bridge or not. But a small potential was there.

By the 1987 Harmonic Convergence, we knew the bridge was being built. By 1989, the super structure was in place. By 1993, the bridge was there. Then you started to see the fall of the Soviet Union, the coming together of former European enemies into an economic alliance. The idea that you could put together things instead of tearing them apart was new. Dictators began to fall, and the bridge was in place, and most of humanity didn’t even notice since it happened so slowly. But you felt the shift coming, didn’t you? That’s what the bridge is all about.

What have we told you about the bridge? Actually, not much except that in crossing the bridge, the old energy ones were not going to like it. Old energy does not want you to escape! Old energy doesn’t want you to cross the bridge because it can’t cross. Did you know that? It can’t cross. The old paradigms of Human nature that you’ve known all of these millenniums have to stay on the old side of the bridge. It cannot cross, for the bridge rejects all that is not in love, compassion and light. Those things that are dark, including Human nature of the past, will not be able to go. But the ones I speak to right now are already on the bridge. That was your design, old soul, and those are the words that are ringing in your ears to this day and the ones given at the wind of birth, that this might happen in your lifetime. So what’s going to happen next?


Let us talk about the swords: When you hear the word sword, the first thing that occurs to you is battle. The Bridge of Swords is a battle and we told you that as well. Swords are metaphoric and they mean many things, so let us describe the things we mean them to say to you.

Number one: They are indeed a weapon in a battle. There is a battle coming. “Kryon, does that mean there’s going to be a war?” Potentially, yes. Right now we will tell you that the Middle East cooks itself. You’ve noticed, haven’t you? What do you know about the Middle East, dear one? Let’s start examining things for a moment. What energy did you grow up in? What was the energy of the Middle East? In the ’40s, what was the energy? With the establishment of the state of Israel, you built a wall of hate, both sides. The wall was so thick that the children of both sides were taught to hate one another as soon as they were able to understand the language. They were told who their enemies were. Now, where were you then?

Some of you weren’t here yet. By the time you arrived, in your youth, were you aware of the Middle East? Not particularly. “What’s the hatred about?” you might ask. What if I told you it’s about a family feud? Two sons of a Jewish master are involved. One founded the Arabs and one remained a Jew. They don’t want to hear this, but they are all Jews. (Don’t tell them this.)

If you look at the lineage, it’s pretty obvious and yet it’s a complete and total set-up for either solution or war. The set-up would have this world ending in a conflagration that would have been brought about by this hatred. That’s in the prophecy of Nostradamus and your scripture, but it is no longer the prophecy of the planet. Yet the hatred still exists. The hatred is as great today as it was then, but where was all the terrorism 40 years ago? It was isolated.

Those in Israel and Palestine and surrounding areas took the brunt of it, but now it’s seemingly everywhere – and you’re worried. Why would this be? The answer is that the old energy was happy to have this hatred contained, for it would keep it going and never involve outsiders. Outsiders tend to bring unwanted light to the party. Suddenly, the whole earth is involved and can see the entire scenario before them. The old guard wants war, just like all the eons before them. The ones on the bridge are holding the light and showing the earth how to cross. Even many younger ones in Israel and Palestine and Iran are holding light! It’s all around the old guard and they are furious, for they are losing the “battle of hatred.”

Will there be a war? What is going on? You can feel it cooking, can’t you? Some of you don’t want to look at the news, for you’re afraid of what tomorrow will bring. It’s not even the end of the year yet! Will there be a battle?

Let me tell you, dear ones, right now as we speak to you there is the potential of a small war in the Middle East. You have been told that if there is any war at all in the Middle East, the whole world will join in, and you will not make it. I will tell you that that is an old paradigm, for if and when it happens, watch carefully who decides not to come to the war party. For there’s a new consciousness brewing on this planet and I will tell you this: In all fairness, as we see the potentials before you in your future, it’s not going to matter one way or another to the bridge if there is a battle or not.

What’s eventually going to happen in Iran is going to be the same no matter what, and I will tell you why – because there is nobody to take the place of the old guard. They’re not growing any, young ones! It’s all the ancient ones with the hatred who are moving the chess pieces as though they are representing the whole of the nation, but they are not. There will come a time, perhaps one that is actually exacerbated by a war, that will create the revolution in that country. Overwhelmingly, they don’t want war.

Ask an Israeli if they want still another war. They will say no, but they are afraid that their enemies will bring one to them. Who are their enemies and what is changing, dear ones? You think you know what’s going on in Syria and Egypt and Libya? You think you do? Let me tell you there’s a recalibration going on there of what they believe and who their enemies are. It’s about what they want from their government. Let me tell you what all of them want eventually, and you may not see it for 20 years, but they want schools and hospitals. They want what you have in your stores, and they want the freedom to worship their prophet without a small group telling them the rules of how they should. They want to honor Muhammad in their own way and see the love of God in him as was designed by him. That’s what’s going on. That’s the battle. The problem is that the old energy will fight this, for it will lose control if they get what they want.

There’s a paradigm shift at hand and you’re going to see it over there first, and it may not be pretty, so I want you to hang tight. Don’t pull out what Nostradamus said at the last minute and say, “He was right.” Nothing he said has manifested since 1987. Don’t suddenly grasp the scriptures of Revelations and draw out all of those words that haven’t been true for 30 years. Nothing has happened as they said it would. The only thing that rings true there is that there are still problems in the Middle East.

All of those prophecy quatrains have fallen on the floor and didn’t come true. The timing is not right for them to happen now. Take a look. Oh, there are still those who say, “It’s happening, it’s happening, it’s happening!” For they are invested in fear and control. Some of them actually want it to happen, and they believe the culmination will be in the rapture of going home to God. I want to tell you, dear ones, you’re all going home! But home is across the bridge to an earth without war. That’s the bridge. Old energy dies hard.

What else does a sword mean?

The sword is a symbol, a metaphoric symbol for truth. A Bridge of Swords is a bridge of truth. Sometimes you cross swords above you in celebration, do you understand this? That’s how we see it. Will there be a rough road ahead for the bridge? Yes, but you knew that when you showed up on the planet, dear one, and it doesn’t have to mean a world war, and it won’t.

There are those who are settling the very issues of whether they should continue to hate or not in the Middle East right now. They don’t trust each other, but they also don’t want to continue the way it has been. There are dictators who are leaving or who have already gone, replaced by leaders who will eventually temper and soften their positions to their neighbors. It’s because they realize what they want is schools and hospitals and roads and safety for their children. Is that too hard for you to imagine?

The media rushes to the horror and tells you that they are all consumed with killing each other. I would like to ask you to interview them. Don’t interview the ones that you see on the news, but rather the mothers and the fathers who you don’t see on the news who have the same faith as the ones you do see in the news. They will tell you, “Give us peace; leave us alone; let us grow in our way in our own culture. We don’t want to make bombs. We want to have compassion.” This is the bridge. It may get worse before it gets better and we have told you that many times. But that’s why you’re here.

Slowly the few who make the hate will be seen as a few. The many will have their views known and will replace the few.

What you do next is so important. What will it be? Are you going to fear it, or have compassion for it, understand it, and stand up tall and move forward across the bridge? Are you going to cower in a corner and worry when you see what you expected? Old energy dies hard. The sword of truth is active and well, and the truth will prevail in the light.

What other truth could there be that you’re recognizing? What about the truth of the way things work in a compassionate earth, one where you can’t have the kind of non-integrity issues that you’re having now? Businesses will change, governments will change, and banking will change. Are you shocked at this? Some day you’re going to know that you actually have changed the way things used to be in the darkest corners of the planet. It’s not what anyone expected, and you’ll realize that you made a difference.

I’m in Canada and I know it, but I will tell those listening and reading in the American audience the following: Get ready! Because there are some institutions that are yet to fall, ones that don’t have integrity and that could never be helped with a bail out. Again, we tell you the biggest one is big pharma, and we told you that before. It’s inevitable. If not now, then in a decade. It’s inevitable and they will fight to stay alive and they will not be crossing the bridge. For on the other side of the bridge is a new way, not just for medicine but for care. Paradigms that have not yet been thought of, which don’t represent any system that currently exists, will be created and developed by young minds who have concepts that the seniors don’t know about. Things that don’t have integrity today will fall over tomorrow. Just get ready. It’s all part of what’s on the other side of the bridge. And the old energy won’t like it, and they will object.

There will be new ways to create electricity, new ways to clean the water, new ways to feed yourself. It’s all there across the bridge in the future. It lies there just waiting for you to cross. Don’t be afraid. Lightworker, this is what you waited for and this is the future that you wanted. It’s why you were born and alive now. It doesn’t matter how old you are, senior. Don’t count the years you think you have left; don’t go there, just don’t do it. I want you to see your life as we do – all the lifetimes you’ve ever lived with the energy of what you’ve created on the planet right now, in your hand, for this is the way Spirit sees you. Your footprint on the earth is enormous and what you are doing now as you cross the bridge is enormous. Only the old souls with the wisdom of accumulated lifetimes can move that bridge and cross it quickly.

The Final Attribute

The final thing about swords is celebration. What happens when Human Beings walk under crossed swords? What is the general idea of that? It’s marriage, is it not? So let us give you, finally, the symbol of the marriage on the bridge. It has so many meanings! It’s the marriage of what used to be with what can be, it’s the marriage of compassion and the Human spirit, it’s the marriage of your soul entity on the planet with your creative seeds (the Pleiadians), it’s the marriage of you and you! It’s the coming together of the north and south. It’s beautiful. It’s The Bridge of Swords.

Perhaps you’re here this day or listening or reading and this is all new to you and you’ll say, “I don’t know if I’m an old soul or not. Am I part of this crossing? Am I going across the bridge?” Let me say this to you: Don’t analyze this! I’ll give you a fact. If you’re listening right now (or reading), then you’re part of it! It’s the only thing that has brought you to the page, to the chair, to listen or read or know. If you’re interested, then you’re part of it. It may take some of you to suspend belief on how it works, but you’re part of it! I’ll say this again: Don’t over-analyze it. Many will awaken and follow. The bridge will be there as long as you live.

What are you suppose to do? Just be, old soul. Go to work and show the light there. Show that you have compassion for those around you. Go home to your family that perhaps doesn’t believe this, and don’t judge them. Instead, show your compassion to them because you have a piece of God inside you. Think of what the masters would do right now. They’re not standing here in judgment, they’re celebrating your life! No matter who is in front of you, celebrate their lives! Be the example of a compassionate God and of the divine seeds that are in you, and that will shape your future. Do not be afraid.

What the media gives you next, what happens next in the Middle East, what happens in these next years, will all be part of the old energy reaction. Darkness can’t cross the bridge and they are going to die because of it. And I don’t mean Humans. I mean the energy itself of hate will be dead and eventually gone. This is the promise and I speak to those now who have complete and free choice to change it, but I tell you, you won’t because the push is too great. The ball has already started to roll.

For 20 years, you’ve seen it coming. You have a right for peace on the earth. It is a time that you have planned on. There is precedent at hand, for the Pleiadians did it, those from Orion did it, the Octurians did it. The parents of the parents of the parents of the planetary systems that you’re in did it. Now you’re doing it. A long process is ahead of you until the last vestige of old energy is gone. I will say it again: There will come a time when you look back on today and you’ll say, “How barbaric humanity was!” And that’s what we see, old soul, this day.

That’s what we see… And so it is.


[The information is free and available for you to print out, copy and distribute as you wish. Its Copyright, however, prohibits its sale in any form except by the publisher.]

Lee Carroll

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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10/22/2012 2:06:00 AM

Poofness 10-21-12…”Something BIG is Happening!!!! No Hair on Fire…needed”

This Poof message is so short and sweet that I will not highlight anything, as it’s all a highlight.

I can say this, we are at a point of no return, it feels to me, and the “October Surprise” will only be “scary” for those who try to remain in the shadows, and keep everyone else there, too. That time is over.

Here is another message that may relate to this. There’s tonnes of them out there. You’ll find your own.

So enjoy this Poof.


Greetings and Salutations;

For years we have heard the words ‘October Surprise’ about one thing or another. Now, who picked out october for the month to surprise, I don’t know…but expect one. Keep your feet on the ground and take no wooden nickels. By now, most know, the political parties are the opposite sides of the same coin and it’s about money. Hold all things in common, is the wisdom as old as dirt.

Yes, it can be hard, with emotions and other points of view banging on your head all the time. That’s where your own state of peace needs to be guarded as the most precious to you…never mind, the loudest voice in the room or the ‘internets’. When what we’re all waiting for happens, I will tell you in advance, seek the silence. The world will be skidding sideways and you’ll need to find your bearings. There’s no repeat of the past happening here so unfamiliarity will be the norm for a while until you get used to the new ‘norm’. At this point even the dogs and cats know, something is different and are acting accordingly.

Find something funny, learn to laugh in the middle of this, you still have a humor button don’t you?

Be a centrist and tic everybody off..lolol I got no handles, man.

May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Hit me if you need a consultation.

Love and Kisses, Poofness

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
